Gilberto Zorio


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Abstract is: Gilberto Zorio (born 1944 in Andorno Micca) is an Italian artist associated with the Italian Arte Povera movement. Zorio's artwork shows his fascination with natural processes, alchemical transformation, and the release of energy. His sculptures, paintings, and performances are often read as metaphors for revolutionary human action, transformation, and creativity. He is known for his use of materials including: incandescent electric light tubes, steel, pitch, motifs, and processes through the use of evaporation and oxidation. He also creates precarious installations using fragile materials such as Stella di Bronzo and Acidi within his work.

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Born 1944-09-21 in Andorno Micca (Q18017)

Gilberto Zorio is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P6844abART person ID20707
P3901ADAGP artist IDgilberto-zorio-552893
P5597Artcyclopedia artist IDzorio_gilberto
P5489artist-info artist ID38736
P4432Artists of the World ID00603447
P2042Artsy artist IDgilberto-zorio
P2843Benezit IDB00202391
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID119546742
P4200Christie's creator ID52455
P10706DACS ID (2022)003226
P4663DACS ID (former)e403b5e3-7d61-4018-b977-efc837c1c521
P13049DDB person (GND) ID119295504
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID119295504
P11239DFK Paris person ID0002236733
P7847DigitaltMuseum ID021039691348
P7704Europeana entityagent/base/134207
P2163FAST ID105595
P646Freebase ID/m/0jt11kg
P7848Frick Art Research Library Artist File ID991005649169707141
P10925Galleria Recta artist IDzorio-gilberto
P227GND ID119295504
P12385Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana IDgilberto-zorio
P1296Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme)0248324
P8406Grove Art Online IDT093625
P1741GTAA ID173024
P269IdRef ID027524922
P3453IPI base codeI-002874079-4
P8189J9U ID987007456906205171
P9964Kalliope-Verbund (GND) ID119295504
P1988Le Delarge artist ID25790_artiste_ZORIO_Gilberto
P244Library of Congress authority IDn82230186
P2174Museum of Modern Art artist ID6583
P2252National Gallery of Art artist ID31202
P950National Library of Spain IDXX1134942
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID068507909
P12822Norwegian National Museum producer ID56036
P1207NUKAT IDn2003035039
P8317Philadelphia Museum of Art entity ID63663
P3361PictoRight ID codeSI-01245
P650RKDartists ID207359
P396SBN author IDCFIV013890
P3430SNAC ARK IDw64b6j29
P6645Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ID8885-gilberto-zorio
P10069Tabakalera ID85837
P2741Tate artist IDgilberto-zorio-12542
P245Union List of Artist Names ID500088858
P8750Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche ID322175
P214VIAF cluster ID54954912
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJfGWBBhgbVX33RP9RyDbd

P9493artist files atFrick Art Research LibraryQ5503390
Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery LibraryQ98665879
National Gallery of Art LibraryQ64579481
P6275copyright representativereproduction right represented by CISAC-memberQ71528227
P7763copyright status as a creatorworks protected by copyrightsQ73555012
P27country of citizenshipItalyQ38
P734family nameZorioQ37514074
P101field of workvisual artsQ36649
P735given nameGilbertoQ18177262
P6379has works in the collectionMuseum of Modern ArtQ188740
National Gallery of ArtQ214867
Stedelijk Museum AmsterdamQ924335
Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele KunstQ1540707
Institut Valencià d'Art ModernQ1600831
Van AbbemuseumQ1782422
Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan ZeeQ1928672
P1412languages spoken, written or signedItalianQ652
P463member ofAccademia di San LucaQ338523
P135movementArte PoveraQ576913
visual artistQ3391743
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference LibraryQ104694359
P1344participant inDocumenta 5Q1233994
Documenta IXQ1234006
P1875represented byAlbert Baronian GalleryQ55239506
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P937work locationTurinQ495
P2032work period (end)2012-01-01
P2031work period (start)1963-01-01

Reverse relations

creator (P170)
Q64154286Fluidità radicale (Radical Fluidity)
Q22260215Scultura per purificare le parole
Q97371193Luce Fontana Ruota
Q22260208Spiaggia che cambia colore
Q123850609Spiaggia che camia colore
Q110646222Zonder titel
Q110646228Zonder titel
Q110646245Zonder titel
Q110646254Zonder titel

exhibited creator (P10661)
Q110893511Adding It Up: Print Acquisitions 1970–1995
Q110893114An International Survey of Recent Painting and Sculpture
Q110893231Contemporary Works from the Collection
Q110893301Drawings of the Eighties from the Collection, Part I
Q110893165Large Drawings
Q110894023Painting and Sculpture Changes 2013
Q110893196Painting and Sculpture: Recent Acquisitions
Q110893084Recent Acquisitions from the Department of Drawings, Part II
Q110893769Take Two: Worlds and Views from the Contemporary Collection
Q131421176Tentoonstelling Gilberto Zorio

participant (P710)
Q1233994Documenta 5
Q1234006Documenta IX

Q114180683Identifications. Fernsehausstellung IIfilm crew memberP3092
Q131421176Tentoonstelling Gilberto Zoriomain subjectP921

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      Gilberto Zoriowikiquote

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