Accounting for oxygen in the renal cortex: a computational study of factors that predispose the cortex to hypoxia.

scientific article published on 12 April 2017

Accounting for oxygen in the renal cortex: a computational study of factors that predispose the cortex to hypoxia. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID28404592

P50authorJennifer P. NgoQ50635469
Saptarshi KarQ50635479
Chang Joon LeeQ51822864
D W SmithQ85851280
Bruce S. GardinerQ38325143
Roger G. EvansQ39895774
P2093author name stringDavid W Smith
Saptarshi Kar
Bruce S Gardiner
Jennifer P Ngo
Chang-Joon Lee
P2860cites workRenal oxygenation and haemodynamics in acute kidney injury and chronic kidney diseaseQ26996101
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Morphological characteristics of renal artery and kidney in ratsQ51145987
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Fluorescence microangiography for quantitative assessment of peritubular capillary changes after AKI in miceQ34103499
Simultaneous blood-tissue exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and hydrogen ion.Q34512618
Impaired endothelial proliferation and mesenchymal transition contribute to vascular rarefaction following acute kidney injury.Q34719308
Renal oxygenation in acute renal ischemia-reperfusion injury.Q35112037
Inflammatory cells in ischemic acute renal failureQ35836384
Superficial and Juxtamedullary Nephron Function during Saline Loading in the DogQ35900997
Effects of pH and medullary blood flow on oxygen transport and sodium reabsorption in the rat outer medullaQ36208851
Simple accurate mathematical models of blood HbO2 and HbCO2 dissociation curves at varied physiological conditions: evaluation and comparison with other modelsQ36426418
Intrarenal oxygen and hypertensionQ36604426
Adverse renal consequences of obesityQ37072213
Renal hypoxia and dysoxia after reperfusion of the ischemic kidneyQ37167225
The risk of acute renal failure in patients with chronic kidney diseaseQ37170058
Intrarenal oxygenation: unique challenges and the biophysical basis of homeostasisQ37190279
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A mathematical model of O2 transport in the rat outer medulla. I. Model formulation and baseline resultsQ37298500
A mathematical model of O2 transport in the rat outer medulla. II. Impact of outer medullary architectureQ37298506
Kidney hypoxia, attributable to increased oxygen consumption, induces nephropathy independently of hyperglycemia and oxidative stress.Q37402065
Cell biology of ischemia/reperfusion injuryQ37524901
The suffocating kidney: tubulointerstitial hypoxia in end-stage renal diseaseQ37793828
Renal tubulointerstitial hypoxia: cause and consequence of kidney dysfunction.Q37872367
Haemodynamic influences on kidney oxygenation: Clinical implications of integrative physiologyQ38061169
Angiogenesis and hypoxia in the kidneyQ38086359
Biophysics of Glomerular FiltrationQ38110744
Basal renal O2 consumption and the efficiency of O2 utilization for Na+ reabsorption.Q38178914
A pseudo-three-dimensional model for quantification of oxygen diffusion from preglomerular arteries to renal tissue and renal venous bloodQ38851671
Short and long loop nephronsQ39762041
Arterial blood gases in conscious rats exposed to hypoxia, hypercapnia, or bothQ40326396
Renal tissue oxygenation in essential hypertension and chronic kidney diseaseQ41498684
Methods for estimating the volume of individual glomeruliQ41740283
Renal oxygenation and function of the rat kidney: effects of inspired oxygen and preglomerular oxygen shuntingQ41979156
P921main subjecthypoxiaQ105688
P577publication date2017-04-12
P1433published inAmerican Journal of Physiology - Renal PhysiologyQ2610177
P1476titleAccounting for oxygen in the renal cortex: a computational study of factors that predispose the cortex to hypoxia

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