Simultaneous blood-tissue exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and hydrogen ion.

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Simultaneous blood-tissue exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and hydrogen ion. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1024929244
P932PMC publication ID4232240
P698PubMed publication ID16775761
P5875ResearchGate publication ID7007448

P2093author name stringJames B Bassingthwaighte
Ranjan K Dash
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Diffusion of sucrose, sodium, and water in ventricular myocardiumQ34510022
Calcium diffusion in transient and steady states in muscleQ34655978
A concurrent flow model for extraction during transcapillary passageQ34801713
Modeling [15O]oxygen tracer data for estimating oxygen consumptionQ35099289
Fractal nature of regional myocardial blood flow heterogeneityQ35993621
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Microvasculature of the dog left ventricular myocardiumQ38511730
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Theory of oxygen transport to tissueQ38688402
Modeling blood flow heterogeneityQ39022320
Digital computer subroutine for the conversion of oxygen tension into saturationQ39338499
Saturation dependency of the Bohr effect: interactions among H-+, CO2, and DPG.Q40326447
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Terminology for mass transport and exchangeQ41434254
Advection and diffusion of substances in biological tissues with complex vascular networksQ41666836
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A model of oxidative phosphorylation in mammalian skeletal muscleQ43723108
A theoretical analysis of the effect of the particulate nature of blood on oxygen release in capillariesQ44262104
Red cell carriage of label: its limiting effect on the exchange of materials in the liverQ44287434
Computationally efficient algorithms for convection-permeation-diffusion models for blood-tissue exchangeQ44342686
Myocardial density and composition: a basis for calculating intracellular metabolite concentrationsQ44704937
Mathematical simulation of pulmonary O 2 and CO 2 exchangeQ48003348
Quantitative assessment of the balance between oxygen delivery and consumption in the rat brain after transient ischemia with T2 -BOLD magnetic resonance imagingQ48663833
Myoglobin oxygen dissociation by multiwavelength spectroscopyQ52285948
P577publication date2006-05-30
P1433published inAnnals of Biomedical EngineeringQ15760783
P1476titleSimultaneous blood-tissue exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and hydrogen ion.

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