scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P2093 | author name string | A S Popel | |
P2860 | cites work | Coronary physiology | Q28265074 |
Simple, accurate equations for human blood O2 dissociation computations | Q34050174 | ||
Relative importance of diffusion and chemical reaction rates in determining rate of exchange of gases in the human lung, with special reference to true diffusing capacity of pulmonary membrane and volume of blood in the lung capillaries | Q34242191 | ||
The flow of sickle-cell blood in the capillaries | Q34254783 | ||
On facilitated oxygen diffusion in muscle tissues | Q34254838 | ||
Local oxygen gradients near isolated mitochondria | Q34257241 | ||
A model study of intracellular oxygen gradients in a myoglobin-containing skeletal muscle fiber | Q34257649 | ||
Reduction of anoxia through myoglobin-facilitated diffusion of oxygen | Q34258652 | ||
Oxygen transport in resting and contracting hamster cremaster muscles: experimental and theoretical microvascular studies | Q34271318 | ||
A quantitative description in three dimensions of oxygen uptake by human red blood cells | Q34534767 | ||
Method for the determination of oxygen consumption rates and diffusion coefficients in multicellular spheroids | Q34534929 | ||
Oxygen delivery from red cells | Q34535631 | ||
Linkage between ligand binding and the dimer-tetramer equilibrium in the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model of hemoglobin | Q35608107 | ||
Oxygen transfer of red blood cells: experimental data and model analysis | Q36451050 | ||
Influence of temperature on hemoglobin-ligand interaction in whole blood | Q39168924 | ||
Capillary structures and O 2 supply to tissue. An analysis with a digital diffusion model as applied to the skeletal muscle | Q39207045 | ||
Digital computer subroutine for the conversion of oxygen tension into saturation | Q39338499 | ||
Numerical simulation of pulmonary O2 and CO2 exchange | Q52683048 | ||
The kinetics of O2 release by human red blood cells in the presence of external sodium dithionite | Q52686588 | ||
A mathematical model of the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve of human blood and of the oxygen partial pressure as a function of temperature. | Q52687766 | ||
Dual role of diffusion in tissue gas exchange: blood-tissue equilibration and diffusion shunt | Q52694132 | ||
Muscle O2 gradients from hemoglobin to cytochrome: new concepts, new complexities | Q52697014 | ||
A mathematical model of the pathological functional state of the oxygen transport system | Q52697215 | ||
Anisotropic diffusion of oxygen in slices of rat muscle | Q52697422 | ||
Hemorheological approach to oxygen transport between blood and tissue | Q52698423 | ||
Systems analysis of intestinal hemodynamics and oxygenation | Q52699830 | ||
Oxygen diffusion in blood: a translational model of shear-induced augmentation | Q52700496 | ||
A simple model for simulation of oxygen transport in the microcirculation | Q52710672 | ||
Hemorheological factors of oxygen transfer in capillary tissue unit | Q52710705 | ||
Arterial wall oxygen consumption rate varies spatially | Q52712986 | ||
Myoglobin-facilitated oxygen transport in heterogeneous red muscle tissue | Q52727490 | ||
The development of anoxia following occlusion | Q52727626 | ||
Numerical solution of partial differential equation describing oxygenation rate of the red blood cell. | Q52728648 | ||
A model for intracellular energy transport | Q52729738 | ||
Factors defining the rate of oxygen uptake by the red blood cell | Q52729924 | ||
Transient effects on the initial rate of oxygenation of red blood cells | Q52729931 | ||
Oxygen gradients between red blood cells in the microcirculation | Q52732684 | ||
Some factors of significance for respiratory gas exchange in muscle tissue. A mathematical analysis of a capillary model | Q52735282 | ||
Solution of an oxygen diffusion-absorption problem | Q52740471 | ||
Transient response of muscle and nonbrain tissue to adjustments in O2 and CO2 balance | Q52748643 | ||
A theoretical model for studying the rate of oxygenation of blood in pulmonary capillaries | Q52761157 | ||
A mathematical model of the functional state of the oxygen transport system | Q52767347 | ||
Transient oxygen transport in hemoglobin layers under conditions of the microcirculation | Q52768642 | ||
Probabilistic modeling of oxygen transport in brain tissue | Q52769555 | ||
Diffusion in tissue slices with metabolism obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics | Q52771018 | ||
Computational expressions for blood oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations | Q52779056 | ||
Distribution of the myocardial tissuePO2 in the rat and the inhomogeneity of the coronary bed | Q52795192 | ||
A mathematical model of transmural transport of oxygen to the retina | Q52800177 | ||
Oxygen and lactic acid transport in skeletal muscle: effect of reactive hyperemia | Q52808366 | ||
Analysis of oxygen transport from pulsatile, viscous blood flow to diseased coronary arteries of man | Q52821570 | ||
The effect of the red blood cell deoxygenation rate on oxygen delivery to tissue. | Q52821804 | ||
Oxygen tension in thein vivo cornea | Q52860263 | ||
Oxygen tension in a capillary-tissue system subject to periodic occlusion | Q52884246 | ||
Oxygen transport in heterogeneous tissue | Q52917337 | ||
A mathematical model of carbon dioxide transfer in the placenta and its interaction with oxygen | Q52952366 | ||
Respiration of tissue as a medium of heterogeneous permeability | Q53008790 | ||
The influence of hemoglobin diffusion on oxygen uptake and release by red cells | Q53019001 | ||
A model of microvascular oxygen transport in sickle cell disease | Q53790340 | ||
Kinetics of O2 uptake and release by red cells in stopped-flow apparatus: effects of unstirred layer. | Q54457732 | ||
The effect of the red cell membrane and a diffusion boundary layer on the rate of oxygen uptake by human erythrocytes. | Q54533323 | ||
Mass transport to walls of stenosed arteries: variation with Reynolds number and blood flow separation | Q66961653 | ||
Microcirculation and transport of oxygen to neurons of the brain | Q66994482 | ||
Significance of luminal plasma layer resistance in arterial wall oxygen supply | Q67402324 | ||
A numerical study of the nonsteady transport of gases in the pulmonary capillaries | Q69426003 | ||
Diffusion pathways in oxygen supply of cardiac muscle | Q69436305 | ||
Cross-sectional PO2 distributions in Krogh cylinder and solid cylinder models | Q69579901 | ||
Does myoglobin contribute significantly to diffusion of oxygen in red skeletal muscle? | Q69741437 | ||
About the importance of account of some microcirculation parameters dispersion in modelling oxygen transport | Q70394665 | ||
Simulation of continuous blood O2 equilibrium curve over physiological pH, DPG, and Pco2 range | Q70428357 | ||
Diffusion and convection in the capillaries in sickle-cell disease | Q70447660 | ||
Oxygen diffusive shunts under conditions of heterogeneous oxygen delivery | Q70488792 | ||
Oxygen supply to tissues: the Krogh model and its assumptions | Q70540849 | ||
Effect of pulsatility on oxygen transport to the human arterial wall | Q70564888 | ||
Morphological and physiological factors affecting oxygen uptake and release by red blood cells | Q70648485 | ||
Transients of gas exchange processes in the upper skin calculated by the capillary loop model | Q70777909 | ||
Augmentation and facilitation of oxygen transfer in flowing hemoglobin solutions | Q70777958 | ||
Microvascular geometry in relation to modeling oxygen transport in contracted skeletal muscle | Q71268604 | ||
An examination of the contribution of red cell spacing to the uniformity of oxygen flux at the capillary wall | Q71365975 | ||
Oxygen diffusion into heterogeneous tissue with combined oxygen consumption kinetics | Q71463829 | ||
The Reaction of Oxygen with Hemoglobin and the Kinetic Basis of the Effect of Salt on Binding of Oxygen | Q71543069 | ||
[Dynamics of oxygen transport from the capillaries to the cortical neurons] | Q71664187 | ||
Convection and diffusion in the microcirculation | Q71710688 | ||
Effect of diffusion boundary layers on the initial uptake of O2 by red cells. Theory versus experiment | Q71836455 | ||
Capillary spacing for minimum entropy production | Q72918513 | ||
The kinetics of human haemoglobin in solution and in the red cell at 37 degrees C | Q73796529 | ||
Influence of red cell membrane on diffusion of oxygen | Q79038705 | ||
Concentration profiles in and around capillaries | Q79164399 | ||
The number and distribution of capillaries in muscles with calculations of the oxygen pressure head necessary for supplying the tissue | Q80323954 | ||
The rate of distribution of dissolved gases between the red blood corpuscle and its fluid environment: Part I. Preliminary experiments on the rate of uptake of oxygen and carbon monoxide by sheep's corpuscles | Q80325920 | ||
Mathematical evidence for flow-induced changes in myocardial oxygen consumption | Q39615721 | ||
How large is the drop in PO2 between cytosol and mitochondrion? | Q39657347 | ||
Oxygen transfer in the corneal-contact lens system | Q39685093 | ||
Blood oxygenation in extracorporeal devices: theoretical considerations | Q39930874 | ||
The analysis of convection and diffusion in capillary beds | Q39946758 | ||
Facilitated diffusion of oxygen and its possible significance; a review | Q39989331 | ||
Myoglobin-facilitated oxygen diffusion: role of myoglobin in oxygen entry into muscle | Q39995093 | ||
Facilitated Diffusion of Oxygen: Possible Significance in Blood and Muscle | Q40179147 | ||
Local control of microvascular function: role in tissue oxygen supply | Q40289411 | ||
Effect of Heterogeneous Oxygen Delivery on the Oxygen Distribution in Skeletal Muscle | Q41700765 | ||
Mathematical Modeling of Oxygen Transport Near a Tissue Surface: Effect of the Surface PO2. | Q41700771 | ||
Oxygen Diffusion from Capillary Layers with Concurrent Flow | Q41700776 | ||
Analysis of Capillary-Tissue Diffusion in Multicapillary Systems. | Q41700781 | ||
A new mathematical approach for solving carrier-facilitated steady-state diffusion problems | Q41742528 | ||
The resistance to oxygen transport in the capillaries relative to that in the surrounding tissue | Q41778472 | ||
Oxygen diffusion in biological and artificial membranes determined by the fluorochrome pyrene | Q42106281 | ||
Numerical solution of partial differential equations describing the simultaneous O2 and CO2 diffusions in the red blood cell | Q42151217 | ||
Mathematical model of fetal circulation and oxygen delivery | Q43495957 | ||
Diffusion with irreversible chemical reaction in heterogeneous media: application to oxygen transport in respiring tissue | Q43971460 | ||
Analysis of oxygen delivery to tissue by microvascular networks | Q43972226 | ||
Oxygen diffusion in a spherical cell with nonlinear oxygen uptake kinetics | Q44055464 | ||
The effect of myoglobin on the oxygen concentration in skeletal muscle subjected to ischemia | Q44172887 | ||
The rate of oxygen uptake by human red blood cells | Q44243504 | ||
A theoretical analysis of the effect of the particulate nature of blood on oxygen release in capillaries | Q44262104 | ||
Analysis of oxygen diffusion from arteriolar networks | Q44499364 | ||
The rate of oxygen release and its effect on capillary O2 tension: a mathematical analysis | Q44649129 | ||
Effect of hemodilution on oxygen transport in arteriolar networks of hamster striated muscle | Q45078059 | ||
Assessment and impact of heterogeneities of convective oxygen transport parameters in capillaries of striated muscle: experimental and theoretical | Q45078879 | ||
A Graphical Analysis of the Influence of Red Cell Transit Time, Carrier-Free Layer Thickness, and Intracellular PO2 on Blood-Tissue O2 Transport | Q45087471 | ||
Carbon monoxide-induced arterial wall hypoxia and atherosclerosis | Q45097861 | ||
The effect of cell size and capillary spacing on myocardial oxygen supply | Q47246167 | ||
Mathematical simulation of pulmonary O 2 and CO 2 exchange | Q48003348 | ||
Intrinsic microvascular control of tissue oxygen delivery | Q48015943 | ||
O2 transport in cerebral microregions (mathematical simulation). | Q48378651 | ||
The development and use of equations for predicting the limits of the rates of oxygen supply to the cells of living tissues and organs. A contribution to the biophysics of health and disease | Q48962592 | ||
A Mathematical Model of Countercurrent Exchange of Oxygen Between Paired Arterioles and Venules. | Q49643618 | ||
A model of oxygen exchange between an arteriole or venule and the surrounding tissue | Q52425725 | ||
A mathematical simulation of oxygen delivery in rat peripheral nerve | Q52427786 | ||
An evaluation of Easton's paradigm for the oxyhemoglobin equilibrium curve | Q52432751 | ||
A compartmental model for oxygen transport in brain microcirculation | Q52542421 | ||
Measurements of oxygen flux from arterioles imply high permeability of perfused tissue to oxygen. | Q52543179 | ||
Oxygen Transport to Tissue during Recurrent Blood Flow Supply by Grouped Capillaries in Skeletal Muscle with or without Facilitated Diffusion | Q52576663 | ||
The process of gas exchange in the pulmonary circulation incorporating the contribution of axial diffusion | Q52602232 | ||
Use of Adair four-step kinetics in mathematical simulation of oxygen transport in the microcirculation | Q52609476 | ||
A numerical model for blood oxygenation in the pulmonary capillaries--effect of pulmonary membrane resistance | Q52610022 | ||
Optimum capillary number for oxygen delivery to tissue in man. | Q52610289 | ||
Mathematical analysis of tissue PO2 distribution in the cat carotid body | Q52628266 | ||
The effects of transmural transport in the microcirculation: a two gas species model | Q52638455 | ||
Cat carotid body oxygen metabolism and chemoreception described by a two-cytochrome model | Q52647594 | ||
Theoretical analysis of oxygen supply to contracted skeletal muscle | Q52650960 | ||
P433 | issue | 3 | |
P304 | page(s) | 257-321 | |
P577 | publication date | 1989-01-01 | |
P13046 | publication type of scholarly work | review article | Q7318358 |
P1433 | published in | Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering | Q5186662 |
P1476 | title | Theory of oxygen transport to tissue | |
P478 | volume | 17 |
Q27340441 | 3D multi-cell simulation of tumor growth and angiogenesis |
Q41987170 | A Computational Model of Oxygen Transport in the Cerebrocapillary Levels for Normal and Pathologic Brain Function |
Q50797560 | A Green's function method for simulation of time-dependent solute transport and reaction in realistic microvascular geometries |
Q52372234 | A compartmental model for oxygen-carbon dioxide coupled transport in the microcirculation |
Q42188243 | A computational model for nitric oxide, nitrite and nitrate biotransport in the microcirculation: Effect of reduced nitric oxide consumption by red blood cells and blood velocity |
Q36608601 | A computational model of adipose tissue metabolism: evidence for intracellular compartmentation and differential activation of lipases |
Q37340967 | A computational model of oxygen delivery by hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers in three-dimensional microvascular networks. |
Q40502529 | A computational model of oxygen transport from red blood cells to mitochondria |
Q37298500 | A mathematical model of O2 transport in the rat outer medulla. I. Model formulation and baseline results |
Q48756335 | A mathematical model of cerebral circulation and oxygen supply |
Q41645775 | A structure-function analysis of the left ventricle |
Q42556196 | An Improved Algorithm and Its Parallel Implementation for Solving a General Blood-Tissue Transport and Metabolism Model |
Q33907077 | Analysis of phosphorescence in heterogeneous systems using distributions of quencher concentration |
Q27324838 | Angiogenesis: an adaptive dynamic biological patterning problem |
Q55280508 | Angiogenic Factors produced by Hypoxic Cells are a leading driver of Anastomoses in Sprouting Angiogenesis-a computational study. |
Q52331397 | Calculation of oxygen pressures in tissue with anisotropic capillary orientation. I. Two-dimensional analytical solution for arbitrary capillary characteristics |
Q52331392 | Calculation of oxygen pressures in tissue with anisotropic capillary orientation. II. Coupling of two-dimensional planes |
Q42136950 | Capillary supply regions |
Q42736688 | Cerebral oxygen delivery and consumption during evoked neural activity |
Q33975457 | Changes in cerebral arterial, tissue and venous oxygenation with evoked neural stimulation: implications for hemoglobin-based functional neuroimaging |
Q89517466 | Combining microenvironment normalization strategies to improve cancer immunotherapy |
Q37303160 | Computational design of drainage systems for vascularized scaffolds |
Q38758841 | Computational modelling of wounded tissue subject to negative pressure wound therapy following trans-femoral amputation. |
Q55024472 | Developing transmission line equations of oxygen transport for predicting oxygen distribution in the arterial system. |
Q30821877 | Development of a mathematical model to estimate intra-tumor oxygen concentrations through multi-parametric imaging |
Q36671586 | Diffusion of myoglobin in skeletal muscle cells--dependence on fibre type, contraction and temperature |
Q34427064 | Effects of Fiber Type and Size on the Heterogeneity of Oxygen Distribution in Exercising Skeletal Muscle |
Q33732455 | Endothelial NO and O2− production rates differentially regulate oxidative, nitroxidative, and nitrosative stress in the microcirculation |
Q33822536 | Erratum to: Blood HbO2 and HbCO2 dissociation curves at varied O2, CO2, pH, 2,3-DPG and temperature levels |
Q35436269 | Hypoxia in vascular networks: a complex system approach to unravel the diabetic paradox |
Q30361105 | Image-based modelling of skeletal muscle oxygenation |
Q72646235 | In situ hybridization of myoglobin mRNA: results on the skeletal muscles of normal subjects and patients with neuromuscular diseases |
Q48554594 | Incorporating O/sub 2/-Hb reaction kinetics and the Fahraeus effect into a microcirculatory O/sub 2/-CO/sub 2/ transport model |
Q43855248 | Influence of pregnancy and lactation on diurnal and seasonal changes in lactic acid and pyruvic acid levels and in values of pH, pCO2 and pO2 in the mare blood |
Q27025653 | Integrative models of vascular remodeling during tumor growth |
Q43094921 | Krogh-cylinder and infinite-domain models for washout of an inert diffusible solute from tissue |
Q34662721 | Large arteriolar component of oxygen delivery implies a safe margin of oxygen supply to cerebral tissue |
Q31068389 | Local oxidative and nitrosative stress increases in the microcirculation during leukocytes-endothelial cell interactions |
Q35604102 | Macroscopic Modeling of the singlet oxygen production during PDT. |
Q37280378 | Mathematical model of NO and O2 transport in an arteriole facilitated by hemoglobin based O2 carriers |
Q36727054 | Microvascular perfusion is impaired in a rat model of normotensive sepsis |
Q34087558 | Model of platelet transport in flowing blood with drift and diffusion terms |
Q35099289 | Modeling [15O]oxygen tracer data for estimating oxygen consumption |
Q37558717 | Modeling advection and diffusion of oxygen in complex vascular networks |
Q28079394 | Modeling of Cerebral Oxygen Transport Based on In vivo Microscopic Imaging of Microvascular Network Structure, Blood Flow, and Oxygenation |
Q35252245 | Modeling of biopterin-dependent pathways of eNOS for nitric oxide and superoxide production. |
Q46368801 | Modeling oxygen requirements in ischemic cardiomyocytes. |
Q34176018 | Modeling pO(2) distributions in the bone marrow hematopoietic compartment. I. Krogh's model |
Q38036971 | Modeling to link regional myocardial work, metabolism and blood flows |
Q38080844 | Modelling tumour oxygenation, reoxygenation and implications on treatment outcome. |
Q34818232 | Module-based multiscale simulation of angiogenesis in skeletal muscle |
Q83231294 | More homogeneous capillary flow and oxygenation in deeper cortical layers correlate with increased oxygen extraction |
Q33365929 | Multimodal measurements of blood plasma and red blood cell volumes during functional brain activation. |
Q37448329 | Muscle oxygen uptake differs from consumption dynamics during transients in exercise. |
Q36660256 | Nonlinear model for capillary-tissue oxygen transport and metabolism |
Q38650078 | Numerical investigation of oxygen transport by hemoglobin-based carriers through microvessels |
Q90108883 | Overview of mathematical modeling of myocardial blood flow regulation |
Q35046543 | Oxygen gradients in the microcirculation |
Q52018079 | Oxygen partial pressure in outer layers of skin of human finger nail folds |
Q64290557 | Oxygen tension–mediated erythrocyte membrane interactions regulate cerebral capillary hyperemia |
Q36614886 | Oxygen transport in the microcirculation and its regulation |
Q35827458 | Oxygen-Driven Tumour Growth Model: A Pathology-Relevant Mathematical Approach |
Q52235256 | Prediction of Microcirculatory Oxygen Transport by Erythrocyte/Hemoglobin Solution Mixtures |
Q47279718 | Producing organs in the laboratory |
Q34014861 | Relating pulmonary oxygen uptake to muscle oxygen consumption at exercise onset: in vivo and in silico studies. |
Q35294262 | Renal hemodynamics, function, and oxygenation during cardiac surgery performed on cardiopulmonary bypass: a modeling study |
Q49393090 | Role of Microvessels in Oxygen Supply to Tissue |
Q35783934 | Simulation of NO and O2 transport facilitated by polymerized hemoglobin solutions in an arteriole that takes into account wall shear stress-induced NO production |
Q41008530 | Simulation of intraluminal gas transport processes in the microcirculation |
Q34512618 | Simultaneous blood-tissue exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and hydrogen ion. |
Q90176437 | Technical Feasibility and Physiological Relevance of Hypoxic Cell Culture Models |
Q55038989 | The Relation Between Capillary Transit Times and Hemoglobin Saturation Heterogeneity. Part 1: Theoretical Models. |
Q57300070 | The Relation Between Capillary Transit Times and Hemoglobin Saturation Heterogeneity. Part 2: Capillary Networks |
Q31149649 | The micro-architecture of the cerebral cortex: functional neuroimaging models and metabolism |
Q37306603 | The role of theoretical modeling in microcirculation research. |
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Q34674628 | Theoretical models of microvascular oxygen transport to tissue |
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Q42321513 | Toward a multiscale description of microvascular flow regulation: o(2)-dependent release of ATP from human erythrocytes and the distribution of ATP in capillary networks |
Q42272499 | Two-photon NADH imaging exposes boundaries of oxygen diffusion in cortical vascular supply regions |
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