scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Nicola Lai | Q51134089 |
Gerald M Saidel | Q55762965 | ||
P2093 | author name string | R K Dash | |
M E Cabrera | |||
M M Nasca | |||
P2860 | cites work | Computational Framework for Generating Transport Models from Databases of Microvascular Anatomy | Q77412230 |
Muscle blood flow-O2 uptake interaction and their relation to on-exercise dynamics of O2 exchange | Q81679819 | ||
Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Exercise Sports Science | Q30040389 | ||
Human skeletal muscle energy metabolism: when a physiological model promotes the search for new technologies | Q31005074 | ||
Accounting for the heterogeneity of capillary transit times in modeling multiple indicator dilution data | Q31958388 | ||
Adaptation of blood flow during the rest to work transition in humans. | Q33693437 | ||
In Vivo Near-Infrared Spectroscopy | Q34101031 | ||
Simultaneous blood-tissue exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and hydrogen ion. | Q34512618 | ||
Doppler echocardiography for the estimation of cardiac output with exercise | Q35011842 | ||
Glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation as a function of cytosolic phosphorylation state and power output of the muscle cell | Q35045026 | ||
New acquisitions in the assessment of breath-by-breath alveolar gas transfer in humans. | Q35546745 | ||
Immediate exercise hyperemia: contributions of the muscle pump vs. rapid vasodilation | Q35833139 | ||
Principles, techniques, and limitations of near infrared spectroscopy | Q35870768 | ||
Muscle oxygenation trends during dynamic exercise measured by near infrared spectroscopy | Q35870839 | ||
Integrative control of the skeletal muscle microcirculation in the maintenance of arterial pressure during exercise | Q35873108 | ||
Dynamics of muscle microcirculatory oxygen exchange | Q36264088 | ||
Delayed metabolic activation of oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle at exercise onset | Q36264092 | ||
Pulmonary O2 uptake during exercise: conflating muscular and cardiovascular responses | Q36264097 | ||
Validation of near-infrared spectroscopy in humans | Q36720486 | ||
Theory of oxygen transport to tissue | Q38688402 | ||
Circulatory adjustments to dynamic exercise and effect of physical training in normal subjects and in patients with coronary artery disease | Q39100673 | ||
Energetics of muscular exercise | Q40306424 | ||
Haemodynamics in children during rest and exercise: methods and normal values | Q40855749 | ||
Comparative analysis of NMR and NIRS measurements of intracellular PO2 in human skeletal muscle. | Q41671111 | ||
Control of respiration and bioenergetics during muscle contraction | Q43840875 | ||
Relationship between body and leg VO2 during maximal cycle ergometry | Q43881597 | ||
Muscle deoxygenation as related to work rate | Q44172352 | ||
A new method for detecting anaerobic threshold by gas exchange | Q44275141 | ||
Relationship between pulmonary O2 uptake kinetics and muscle deoxygenation during moderate-intensity exercise | Q44392744 | ||
Pulmonary and leg VO2 during submaximal exercise: implications for muscular efficiency | Q44503122 | ||
Effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise on pulmonary O2 uptake and muscle deoxygenation kinetics in young and older adult humans | Q44888090 | ||
Cardiac output and oxygen release during very high-intensity exercise performed until exhaustion. | Q44996424 | ||
Muscle capillary blood flow kinetics estimated from pulmonary O2 uptake and near-infrared spectroscopy | Q45217011 | ||
Blood HbO2 and HbCO2 dissociation curves at varied O2, CO2, pH, 2,3-DPG and temperature levels | Q45245387 | ||
Myocardial oxygenation in isolated hearts predicted by an anatomically realistic microvascular transport model | Q46192651 | ||
Muscle O2 uptake kinetics in humans: implications for metabolic control | Q46551463 | ||
Kinetics of O2 uptake, leg blood flow, and muscle deoxygenation are slowed in the upper compared with lower region of the moderate-intensity exercise domain. | Q46613296 | ||
Alveolar oxygen uptake kinetics with step, impulse and ramp exercise in humans. | Q46694185 | ||
Simultaneous determination of the kinetics of cardiac output, systemic O(2) delivery, and lung O(2) uptake at exercise onset in men. | Q46766031 | ||
Aerobic parameters of exercise as a function of body size during growth in children | Q47241733 | ||
Stroke volume and cardiac output in normotensive children and adults. Assessment of relations with body size and impact of overweight | Q47311620 | ||
Kinetics of muscle oxygen use, oxygen content, and blood flow during exercise | Q47691103 | ||
Non-linear cardiac output dynamics during ramp-incremental cycle ergometry | Q47885612 | ||
Sex differences in respiratory exercise physiology. | Q47946594 | ||
Muscle oxygenation and pulmonary gas exchange kinetics during cycling exercise on-transitions in humans | Q51684224 | ||
Noninvasive method for measuring local hemoglobin oxygen saturation in tissue using wide gap second derivative near-infrared spectroscopy | Q51962105 | ||
New perspectives in breath-by-breath determination of alveolar gas exchange in humans | Q52067733 | ||
Muscle O(2) consumption by NIRS: a theoretical model | Q52207170 | ||
Comparison of cardiac output determined by bioimpedance, thermodilution, and the Fick method | Q52971129 | ||
Effect of ventilation on oxygen transfer during early exercise | Q53030070 | ||
Maximal perfusion of skeletal muscle in man. | Q54444608 | ||
Relationship between O2 consumption, high energy phosphates and the kinetics of the O2 debt in exercise | Q55062019 | ||
Inferences from pulmonary O2 uptake with respect to intramuscular [phosphocreatine] kinetics during moderate exercise in humans | Q56553016 | ||
Measurements of Cardiac Output During Constant Exercises: Comparison of Two Non-Invasive Techniques | Q57871262 | ||
Oxygen uptake transients at the onset and offset of arm and leg work | Q67590853 | ||
Modulation of muscle and pulmonary O2 uptakes by circulatory dynamics during exercise | Q68788604 | ||
Dynamics of cardiac, respiratory, and metabolic function in men in response to step work load | Q70402580 | ||
An analysis of O2 debt contracted in submaximal exercise | Q71580734 | ||
Oxygen deficit and stores at onset of muscular exercise in humans | Q71828879 | ||
Oxygen debt and high-energy phosphates in gastrocnemius muscle of the dog | Q72090936 | ||
Cardiac responses to maximal upright cycle exercise in healthy boys and men | Q73729691 | ||
P433 | issue | 4 | |
P921 | main subject | in silico | Q192572 |
P304 | page(s) | 380-394 | |
P577 | publication date | 2006-04-25 | |
P1433 | published in | European Journal of Applied Physiology | Q2687577 |
P1476 | title | Relating pulmonary oxygen uptake to muscle oxygen consumption at exercise onset: in vivo and in silico studies | |
P478 | volume | 97 |
Q52841412 | A validated model of oxygen uptake and circulatory dynamic interactions at exercise onset in humans |
Q36014867 | An efficient deconvolution algorithm for estimating oxygen consumption during muscle activities |
Q51524740 | Analysis of cardio-pulmonary and respiratory kinetics in different body positions: impact of venous return on pulmonary measurements |
Q39776363 | Bayesian flux balance analysis applied to a skeletal muscle metabolic model. |
Q34902359 | Bioenergetics of the calf muscle in Friedreich ataxia patients measured by 31P-MRS before and after treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin |
Q37147075 | Distinguishing the effects of convective and diffusive O2 delivery on V̇o2 on-kinetics in skeletal muscle contracting at moderate intensity |
Q46176419 | Influence of exercise intensity on pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics at the onset of exercise and recovery in male adolescents |
Q51436909 | Limitations of skeletal muscle oxygen delivery and utilization during moderate-intensity exercise in moderately impaired patients with chronic heart failure |
Q34014871 | Linking pulmonary oxygen uptake, muscle oxygen utilization and cellular metabolism during exercise |
Q28473577 | Metabolic dynamics in skeletal muscle during acute reduction in blood flow and oxygen supply to mitochondria: in-silico studies using a multi-scale, top-down integrated model |
Q50967216 | Model of oxygen transport and metabolism predicts effect of hyperoxia on canine muscle oxygen uptake dynamics |
Q37217926 | Modeling oxygenation in venous blood and skeletal muscle in response to exercise using near-infrared spectroscopy. |
Q38178259 | Models of muscle contraction and energetics |
Q37598196 | Multiscale modeling of respiration |
Q37448329 | Muscle oxygen uptake differs from consumption dynamics during transients in exercise. |
Q46825213 | Muscle phosphocreatine and pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics in children at the onset and offset of moderate intensity exercise |
Q37448305 | Non-invasive estimation of metabolic flux and blood flow in working muscle: effect of blood-tissue distribution. |
Q46901520 | Phosphocreatine kinetics in the calf muscle of patients with bilateral symptomatic peripheral arterial disease during exhaustive incremental exercise. |
Q37086464 | Role of NADH/NAD+ transport activity and glycogen store on skeletal muscle energy metabolism during exercise: in silico studies |
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