Positive affect modulates activity in the visual cortex to images of high calorie foods.

scientific article published in May 2007

Positive affect modulates activity in the visual cortex to images of high calorie foods. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID17464782
P5875ResearchGate publication ID6364655

P50authorWilliam D. KillgoreQ73139535
P2093author name stringDeborah A Yurgelun-Todd
P2860cites workBorders of multiple visual areas in humans revealed by functional magnetic resonance imagingQ22337051
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An automated method for neuroanatomic and cytoarchitectonic atlas-based interrogation of fMRI data setsQ29614928
Toward a consensual structure of moodQ34194300
Food craving, dietary restraint and moodQ44794018
Imaging monetary reward in pathological gamblersQ46697887
Cortical and limbic activation during viewing of high- versus low-calorie foodsQ48212558
Neural contributions to the motivational control of appetite in humansQ48526264
Affect modulates appetite-related brain activity to images of food.Q48604047
Neuroanatomical correlates of externally and internally generated human emotionQ48675786
Mood and carbohydrate cravingsQ51069173
Characteristics of eating in anger, fear, sadness and joy.Q51088524
Spatial registration and normalization of imagesQ57004421
Persistence of abnormal neural responses to a meal in postobese individualsQ57042103
Extrastriate body area in human occipital cortex responds to the performance of motor actionsQ57381904
P577publication date2007-05-01
P1433published inInternational Journal of NeuroscienceQ6051511
P1476titlePositive affect modulates activity in the visual cortex to images of high calorie foods

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