Corneliu Henegar


Born 1971-01-01

Corneliu Henegar is …
instance of (P31):

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P2456DBLP author ID35/844
P269IdRef ID122947495
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-8486-5591
P214VIAF cluster ID219535858

P184doctoral advisorJean-Daniel ZuckerQ56810014
P69educated atUniversité Sorbonne Paris NordQ1780212
Pierre and Marie Curie UniversityQ1144549
P108employerHudsonAlpha Institute for BiotechnologyQ30281434
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q38953153A PDGFRα-Mediated Switch toward CD9high Adipocyte Progenitors Controls Obesity-Induced Adipose Tissue Fibrosis.
Q38420217A knowledge based approach for automated signal generation in pharmacovigilance.
Q34774282A paradigm of diagnostic criteria for polyarteritis nodosa: analysis of a series of 949 patients with vasculitides.
Q33311480Adipose gene expression prior to weight loss can differentiate and weakly predict dietary responders.
Q36673494Adipose tissue transcriptomic signature highlights the pathological relevance of extracellular matrix in human obesity
Q81726271Analysis of immune reconstitution after autologous bone marrow transplantation in systemic sclerosis
Q59314478Association between CST3 rs2424577 Polymorphism and Corpulence Related Phenotypes during Lifetime in Populations of European Ancestry
Q44404157Bacterial prostatitis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa harbouring the blaVIM-2 metallo-{beta}-lactamase gene from Saudi Arabia.
Q38412276Building an ontology of adverse drug reactions for automated signal generation in pharmacovigilance
Q47625937Clinical Implications of Echocardiographic Phenotypes of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
Q56978051Clinical features and outcomes in 348 patients with polyarteritis nodosa: A systematic retrospective study of patients diagnosed between 1963 and 2005 and entered into the French vasculitis study group database
Q33258700Clustering biological annotations and gene expression data to identify putatively co-regulated biological processes
Q36180548Developmental mechanisms of stripe patterns in rodents
Q34024108Differential adaptation of human gut microbiota to bariatric surgery-induced weight loss: links with metabolic and low-grade inflammation markers
Q27304966Dominant Red Coat Color in Holstein Cattle Is Associated with a Missense Mutation in the Coatomer Protein Complex, Subunit Alpha (COPA) Gene
Q39650278Dynamic Relations Between Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Body Composition After Bariatric Surgery
Q51598663Exploring interaction measures to identify informative pairs of genes.
Q83514277Factors influencing influenza-vaccination in adults under immunosuppressive therapy for a systemic inflammatory disease
Q34692038Fate and complex pathogenic effects of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in obese subjects before and after drastic weight loss
Q48380255Feature construction from synergic pairs to improve microarray-based classification.
Q58066491FunNet: an integrative tool for exploring transcriptional interactions
Q28571935Genetic association and gene expression analysis identify FGFR1 as a new susceptibility gene for human obesity
Q33217114Implementation of automated signal generation in pharmacovigilance using a knowledge-based approach
Q45215680Interactional and functional centrality in transcriptional co-expression networks
Q81461461Low influenza-vaccination rate among adults receiving immunosuppressive therapy for systemic inflammatory disease
Q38315394Microarray profiling of human white adipose tissue after exogenous leptin injection.
Q51670985Needle and surgical biopsy techniques differentially affect adipose tissue gene expression profiles
Q57146377Portal myofibroblasts promote vascular remodeling underlying cirrhosis formation through the release of microparticles
Q35103302Recurrent evolution of melanism in South American felids.
Q38323163Reduction of macrophage infiltration and chemoattractant gene expression changes in white adipose tissue of morbidly obese subjects after surgery-induced weight loss
Q35874954Regulatory mutations in TBX3 disrupt asymmetric hair pigmentation that underlies Dun camouflage color in horses
Q82233556Secretory type II phospholipase A2 is produced and secreted by epicardial adipose tissue and overexpressed in patients with coronary artery disease
Q52986396Transcriptomic signatures of villous cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast in term human placenta
Q51745075Visceral Adipose Tissue Drives Cardiac Aging Through Modulation of Fibroblast Senescence by Osteopontin Production
Q79248768[Pituitary germinoma and lymphocytic hypophysitis: a pitfall. Report of two cases]
Q80351576[Tension parameters, cardiovascular risk, objective and beneficial therapeutics in arterial hypertension]
Q56978299Étude de la fonction cardiopulmonaire avant et après traitement par cyclophosphamide dans la sclérodermie systémique sévère : comparaison de deux modes d'administration

Q56810014Jean-Daniel Zuckerdoctoral studentP185

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