Leopoldo Sánchez Díaz

painter (1830–1901)

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Wikimedia Commons category is Leopoldo Sánchez Díaz

Born 1830-09-23 in Villafranca del Bierzo (Q848300)
Died 1901-01-27 in A Coruña (Q8757)

Leopoldo Sánchez Díaz is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P7545askArt person ID11236532
P1472Commons Creator pageLeopoldo Sánchez Díaz
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11ggvyz4ry
P4927Invaluable.com person IDpmq2rhhzz0
P5321Museo del Prado artist ID12c9048a-7104-47fe-98d4-019ed24dc377
P950National Library of Spain IDXX1461923
P8572Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century ID4646
P245Union List of Artist Names ID500040139
P214VIAF cluster ID95939465
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJrwRTgHrxvt6ffWRwWkXd

P3919contributed to creative workÁlbum artístico de Toledo (1848)Q30158610
P7763copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expiredQ71887839
P27country of citizenshipSpainQ29
P1343described by sourceGalería biográfica de artistas españoles del siglo XIX (1868-1869)Q17502094
P734family nameSánchezQ1158617
P735given nameLeopoldoQ18559561
P6379has works in the collectionMuseo del PradoQ160112
P1412languages spoken, written or signedSpanishQ1321
art educatorQ15977927
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference LibraryQ104694359
P1950second family name in Spanish nameDíazQ5255562
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P1066student ofFederico de Madrazo y KuntzQ1345186
José de Madrazo y AgudoQ2343934

Reverse relations

creator (P170)

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Leopoldo Sánchez Díazwikimedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)Leopoldo Sánchez Díazwikipedia
      Leopoldo Sánchez Díazwikipedia

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