Scientific Reporting: Raising the Standards.

scientific article published in October 2016

Scientific Reporting: Raising the Standards. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID27624441

P50authorKenneth R McLeroyQ57067558
Sean GrantQ56940052
P2093author name stringEvan Mayo-Wilson
Whitney Garney
P2860cites workSelective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent EfficacyQ23791313
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How to make more published research trueQ24288766
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Relation of completeness of reporting of health research to journals' endorsement of reporting guidelines: systematic reviewQ33804561
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A catalogue of reporting guidelines for health researchQ34091472
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Does use of the CONSORT Statement impact the completeness of reporting of randomised controlled trials published in medical journals? A Cochrane reviewQ34495688
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Active implementation strategy of CONSORT adherence by a dental specialty journal improved randomized clinical trial reportingQ51734536
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P577publication date2016-10-01
P1433published inHealth Education & BehaviorQ5690517
P1476titleScientific Reporting: Raising the Standards

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