Antigone of Macedon

daughter of Cassander, mother of Berenice I of Egypt

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: Antigone (Greek: Ἀντιγόνη) was a Macedonian noblewoman who lived in the 4th century BC. She was born to Cassander by unnamed mother. Antigone was the niece of the Regent Antipater. Her father and paternal uncle were the sons of Iolaus and through her father Antigone was a distant collateral relative to the Argead dynasty. Antigone was originally from either Paliura or Eordaea. Little is known of her life. Antigone married a Macedonian nobleman of obscure origin called Magas who was from Eordaea. Antigone and Magas lived in Eordaea and had a daughter called Berenice I of Egypt. The colony of Antigonia was named after her and her granddaughter of the same name.

Born -0400-01-01 in Eordaia Municipality (Q735845)
Died -0360-01-01

Antigone of Macedon is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/080_5t person IDI00700799
P1185Rodovid ID351149

P40childBerenice I of EgyptQ39962
P27country of citizenshipMacedoniaQ83958
P1343described by sourcePauly–WissowaQ1138524
P53familyAntipatrid dynastyQ581531
P735given nameAntigoniQ98467404
P1559name in native languageἈντιγόνη
P97noble titleprincessQ863048
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072
P26spouseMagas of MacedonQ6729719
P2348time periodHellenistic periodQ428995

Reverse relations

Q39962Berenice I of EgyptmotherP25
Q6729719Magas of MacedonspouseP26
Q19988817Antigone 5 (Pauly-Wissowa)main subjectP921

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Антигона Македонскаwikipedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)Antígona (mare de Berenice I)wikipedia
      Antigone von Makedonienwikipedia
      Αντιγόνη της Μακεδονίαςwikipedia
      Antigone of Macedonwikipedia
      Antigone (nièce d'Antipater)wikipedia
      Antigone dari Makedonwikipedia
      Antigone di Macedoniawikipedia
      Antígona (mãe de Berenice I)wikipedia
      Антигона Македонскаяwikipedia

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