Jakob Weder


Born 1906-01-13 in Diepoldsau (Q65615)
Died 1990-11-23 in Langenthal (Q69726)

Jakob Weder is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P5489artist-info artist ID252273
P3782Artnet artist IDjakob-weder
P1670Canadiana Authorities ID (former scheme)0059D2028
P13049DDB person (GND) ID119221373
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID119221373
P2163FAST ID1800296
P227GND ID119221373
P902HDS ID022694
P269IdRef ID259422266
P9964Kalliope-Verbund (GND) ID119221373
P244Library of Congress authority IDn84091606
P6578MutualArt artist ID835387A7A092B0A3
P9352Portrait Archive ID268102
P781SIKART person ID4001853
P214VIAF cluster ID133274127
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJkmY8Mt6GGjfCbb68Rh73

P7763copyright status as a creatorworks protected by copyrightsQ73555012
P27country of citizenshipSwitzerlandQ39
P734family nameWederQ36902345
P735given nameJakobQ16747395
drawing teacherQ10429561
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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