Evidence-based healthcare, clinical knowledge and the rise of personalised medicine

scientific article published in October 2008

Evidence-based healthcare, clinical knowledge and the rise of personalised medicine is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID19018885
P5875ResearchGate publication ID23482965

P2093author name stringAndrew Miles
Michael Loughlin
Andreas Polychronis
P2860cites workEvidence-based medicine journal clubQ24519931
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Models based on value and probability in health improve shared decision makingQ37329278
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Towards scientific medicine: an information-age outlookQ37329297
Protocol-based care: impact on roles and service delivery*.Q37329302
Can 'Cascades' make guidelines global?Q37329309
Systematic review: indicators to evaluate effectiveness of clinical pathways for gastrointestinal surgeryQ37329313
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Meta-analysis of repeated measures study designsQ37329330
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Seven alternatives to evidence based medicineQ38641221
Summing up evidence: one answer is not always enoughQ52900179
Evaluating disease management program effectiveness: an introduction to survival analysisQ52972459
Evidence-based medicine and its role in ethical decision-makingQ53004385
Narrative evidence based medicineQ53156826
Yes, to intellectual integrity, but without the Sartrean existentialist attitude: a commentary on Murray et al. (2007) 'No exit? Intellectual integrity under the regime of "evidence" and "best-practices"'.Q53181529
A commentary on Murray et al. (2007) 'No exit? Intellectual integrity under the regime of "evidence" and "best practices"'.Q53181530
Evidence and casuistry. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256.Q53243607
Five warrants for medical decision making: some considerations and a proposal to better integrate evidence-based medicine into everyday practice. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-bQ53243611
Evidence-based medicine, case-based medicine; scientific medicine, quasi-scientific medicine. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical PQ53243615
Evidence and decision making. Commentary on M.R. Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative approach to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256.Q53243619
Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approachesQ53243622
The evidence-based health care debate - 2006. Where are we now?Q53243625
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Looking for rules in a world of exceptions: reflections on evidence-based practiceQ53274545
Management of heart failure in primary care (the IMPROVEMENT of Heart Failure Programme): an international surveyQ53306482
Current thinking in the evidence-based health care debateQ53385409
Heart failureQ53998058
Complex acts of knowing: paradox and descriptive self‐awarenessQ55923111
Judging the use of clinical protocols by fellow professionalsQ56451444
Procedures and the professional: the case of the British NHSQ56451451
Illness narratives: fact or fiction?Q56475370
The new dynamics of strategy: Sense-making in a complex and complicated worldQ56519685
Missed opportunities in the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction: An assessment of the effects of statin underprescribing on mortalityQ57266856
On the constitution and status of ‘evidence’ in the health sciencesQ57715311
No exit? Intellectual integrity under the regime of ‘evidence’ and ‘best-practices’Q57715312
Evidence-based clinical guidelines: a new system to better determine true strength of recommendationQ57982030
Evidence-based medicine. A new approach to teaching the practice of medicineQ28190938
Does pay-for-performance improve the quality of health care?Q28257717
Reducing clinical variations with clinical pathways: do pathways work?Q29014516
Principles of educational outreach ('academic detailing') to improve clinical decision makingQ29394906
Implications of recent clinical trials for the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III guidelinesQ29619614
Whose evidence? Lessons from the philosophy of science and the epistemology of medicine.Q30330272
On evidence and evidence-based medicine: lessons from the philosophy of science.Q30352378
Towards an ethics of authentic practice.Q30373384
Teaching evidence-based medicine: should we be teaching information management instead?Q30437214
Do urea breath test (UBT) referrals for Helicobacter pylori testing match the clinical guidelines in primary care practice? A prospective observational studyQ30483990
Organizational interventions to implement improvements in patient care: a structured review of reviewsQ33244523
Guidelines for the management of venous leg ulcers: a gap analysisQ33320327
User-driven health care - answering multidimensional information needs in individual patients utilizing post-EBM approaches: a conceptual modelQ33382056
Knowledge and attitudes of trainee physicians regarding evidence-based medicine: a questionnaire survey in Tehran, IranQ33385501
How to run an effective journal club: a systematic reviewQ33385503
An introduction to critical pathsQ33553701
The importance of theories in health careQ33792149
Randomised controlled trial of patient centred care of diabetes in general practice: impact on current wellbeing and future disease risk. The Diabetes Care From Diagnosis Research TeamQ33851584
Evidence-based decision making in public healthQ33879920
Why clinicians are natural bayesiansQ33939171
MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterol-lowering with simvastatin in 5963 people with diabetes: a randomised placebo-controlled trialQ33966645
Patient-centredness: a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literatureQ34045406
Reducing prescribing of highly anticholinergic antidepressants for elderly people: randomised trial of group versus individual academic detailingQ34184102
A categorization and analysis of the criticisms of Evidence-Based Medicine.Q34307695
Rationality in medical decision making: a review of the literature on doctors' decision-making biasesQ34328225
Shared decision-making in the medical encounter: what does it mean? (or it takes at least two to tango).Q34416426
Randomized controlled trial of an informatics-based intervention to increase statin prescription for secondary prevention of coronary disease.Q34704025
Kappa coefficients in medical researchQ34733055
Patient-centred consultations and outcomes in primary care: a review of the literatureQ34831149
Knowing--in medicine.Q34883628
Hierarchy of evidence: a framework for ranking evidence evaluating healthcare interventionsQ35041656
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Evidence based medicine guidelines: a solution to rationing or politics disguised as science?Q35425978
Rules and guidelines in clinical practice: a qualitative study in operating theatres of doctors' and nurses' views.Q35527860
Bayesian clinical reasoning: does intuitive estimation of likelihood ratios on an ordinal scale outperform estimation of sensitivities and specificities?Q39267649
Bridging the gap between clinical practice and diagnostic clinical epidemiology: pilot experiences with a didactic model based on a logarithmic scaleQ39548603
Urinary incontinence in the elderly: attitudes and experiences of general practitioners. A focus group studyQ39745011
Do we practice what we preach? A qualitative assessment of resident-preceptor interactions for adherence to evidence-based practiceQ40026697
The hard art of soft science: Evidence-Based Medicine, Reasoned Medicine or both?Q40298132
The future for medical epistemology? Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256.Q40322341
Evaluating disease management program effectiveness: an introduction to time-series analysisQ40536454
A survey of primary care physician practice patterns and adherence to acute low back problem guidelinesQ40734880
Improving prescribing patterns for the elderly through an online drug utilization review intervention: a system linking the physician, pharmacist, and computerQ40838413
Changing physicians' practicesQ41064234
Evaluation in clinical practice: problems, precedents and principlesQ41545860
The protagonists of ‘evidence‐based medicine’: arrogant, seductive and controversialQ41545960
On evidence, embellishment and efficacyQ41580759
Competing conceptions of diagnostic reasoning--is there a way out?Q41752461
Dignity and the essence of medicine: the A, B, C, and D of dignity conserving careQ41892505
Evidence based medicine has come a long way.Q42414881
The essence of EBM.Q42414884
Integrated audit as a means to implement unit protocols: a randomized and controlled studyQ42603648
Practitioners of evidence based care. Not all clinicians need to appraise evidence from scratch but all need some skillsQ42766951
Physicians' and patients' choices in evidence based practiceQ42778209
Benefits and harms of drug treatmentsQ43023388
Evidence, hierarchies, and typologies: horses for coursesQ43079017
Assessment of hypercholesterolemia control in a managed care organizationQ43667538
Physician - nurse practitioner teams in chronic disease management: the impact on costs, clinical effectiveness, and patients' perception of careQ44506579
Harnessing experience: exploring the gap between evidence-based medicine and clinical practiceQ44782868
Improved guideline adherence to pharmacotherapy of chronic systolic heart failure in general practice--results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial of implementation of a clinical practice guidelineQ46238670
Estimating cholesterol treatment rates among individuals with multiple risk factors and without coronary heart diseaseQ46394753
Adherence to guidelines is a predictor of outcome in chronic heart failure: the MAHLER surveyQ46435130
Posting guidelines: a practical and effective way to promote appropriate hypertension treatmentQ46506758
13C-urea breath test for success of Helicobacter pylori eradication: study of 5885 Israeli patientsQ46659156
Relationships between statistical measures of agreement: sensitivity, specificity and kappaQ46923317
Academic detailing to improve laboratory testing among outpatient medication usersQ46985170
The challenge of using the low back pain guidelines: a qualitative researchQ47573312
Evaluation of the Evidence-Based practice Attitude and utilization SurvEy for complementary and alternative medicine practitionersQ47639674
Hypertension prevalence and blood pressure levels in 6 European countries, Canada, and the United StatesQ47913960
Perspectives on evidence-based practice from consumers in the US public mental health systemQ48314239
Adherence to professional guidelines for patients with urinary incontinence by general practitioners: a cross-sectional studyQ48344931
Clinical pathways in 17 European Union countries: a purposive surveyQ48500276
The impact of psoriasis guidelines on appropriateness of referral from primary to secondary care: a randomized controlled trialQ48559078
Decision analysis in evidence-based decision makingQ50133467
Evaluating disease management programme effectiveness: an introduction to instrumental variablesQ50779490
Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure: executive summary (update 2005): The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure of the European Society of CardiologyQ51462051
Undertreatment of urinary incontinence in general practiceQ51568769
Urinary incontinence management in women: audit in general practiceQ51673448
What's in a name? A commentary on Tonelli (2007) 'Advancing a casuistic model of clinical decision making: a response to commentators'.Q51900765
Evidence-based psychiatry: understanding the limitations of a methodQ51916975
Evidence-based practice as mental health policy: three controversies and a caveatQ51934102
The role of biomedical knowledge in clinical reasoning: a lexical decision studyQ51963710
The role of basic science knowledge and clinical knowledge in diagnostic reasoning: a structural equation modeling approach.Q51968328
Recognizing tacit knowledge in medical epistemologyQ52012639
Clinical reasoning: the relative contribution of identification, interpretation and hypothesis errors to misdiagnosisQ52087534
Understanding our mistakes: a primer on errors in clinical reasoningQ52105566
Mixing it up: integrating evidence-based medicine and patient careQ52117401
Evidence-based medicine and Kurt GodelQ52326483
Broadening the view of evidence-based medicineQ35528131
Leg ulcers: a review of their impact on daily life.Q35685921
Evidence for the effectiveness of CME. A review of 50 randomized controlled trialsQ35687835
Research in clinical reasoning: past history and current trendsQ36090726
The role of the nurse in community continence care: a systematic reviewQ36105009
Relative citation impact of various study designs in the health sciencesQ36130841
The dependence of Cohen's kappa on the prevalence does not matterQ36153604
Under-utilization of evidence-based drug treatment in patients with heart failure is only partially explained by dissimilarity to patients enrolled in landmark trials: a report from the Euro Heart Survey on Heart FailureQ36267709
Managing stress urinary incontinence -- a primary care issueQ36383893
Case-based reasoning in the health sciences: What's next?Q36387252
Evaluating disease management programme effectiveness: an introduction to the regression discontinuity designQ36437184
Measuring diagnostic and predictive accuracy in disease management: an introduction to receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysisQ36437188
Strengthening the case for disease management effectiveness: un-hiding the hidden biasQ36437192
The impact of prescribing safety alerts for elderly persons in an electronic medical record: an interrupted time series evaluationQ36485507
Building bridges: knowledge production, publication and use. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256.Q36488338
Evidence, virulence, and the disappearance of nursing knowledge: A critique of the evidence-based dogmaQ36590707
Overactive bladder: The importance of new guidance.Q36596773
Clinical guidelines: development, implementation, and effectivenessQ36679591
Beneficence in general practice: an empirical investigationQ36689240
Performance measures have a major effect on cardiovascular outcomes: a reviewQ36805154
Medicine and evidence: knowledge and action in clinical practiceQ36903855
EBM: evidence to practice and practice to evidenceQ37040061
Interaction effects and subgroup analyses in clinical trials: more than meets the eye?Q37121843
Evidence-based medicine, heterogeneity of treatment effects, and the trouble with averagesQ37211743
Combined bias suppression in single-arm therapy studiesQ37226174
The evidence-based paradox and the question of the Tree of KnowledgeQ37329246
Framing the EBM debate: a commentary on Saad (2008).Q37329249
Metatheory, change and evidence-based medicine. A commentary on Isaac & Franceschi (2008).Q37329255
Evidence to practice and practice to evidence: misunderstanding the epistemic incommensurability. A commentary on Isaac & Franceschi (2008).Q37329258
Reason, reality and objectivity--shared dogmas and distortions in the way both 'scientistic' and 'postmodern' commentators frame the EBM debateQ37329262
Evidence-based medicine and limits to the literature searchQ37329266
Evidence for practice and the authority of experts: there can be no former without the latter: a commentary an Nunn (2008).Q37329270
Towards an evidence-based 'Medicine of the Person': the contribution of psychiatry to health care provisionQ37329274
P577publication date2008-10-01
P1433published inJournal of Evaluation in Clinical PracticeQ15767649
P1476titleEvidence-based healthcare, clinical knowledge and the rise of personalised medicine

Reverse relations

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