Helena F. Deus


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Helena F. Deus is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2456DBLP author ID68/7109
P6178Dimensions author ID01014526267.38
P496ORCID iD0000-0003-2995-568X
P1153Scopus author ID14521005200

P69educated atUniversity of LisbonQ1122926
ITQB NOVAQ10302945
P108employerUniversity of GalwayQ644478
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer CenterQ1525831
ITQB NOVAQ10302945
Foundation MedicineQ19604401
P734family nameDeusQ37495967
P735given nameHelenaQ1035239
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072

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author (P50)
Q21144263A Semantic Web management model for integrative biomedical informatics
Q28703616A self-updating road map of The Cancer Genome Atlas
Q28296723AGUIA: autonomous graphical user interface assembly for clinical trials semantic data services
Q30887489DASMiner: discovering and integrating data from DAS sources
Q125462048DAW: Duplicate-AWare Federated Query Processing over the Web of Data
Q28262895Data integration gets 'Sloppy'
Q70999989Data-driven classification of the certainty of scholarly assertions
Q71000007Data-driven classification of the certainty of scholarly assertions
Q93272645Data-driven classification of the certainty of scholarly assertions
Q57915604Development of Integrative Bioinformatics Applications using Cloud Computing resources and Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS)
Q33396458Exploratory analysis of the copy number alterations in glioblastoma multiforme
Q56160764Exposing WikiPathways as Linked Open Data
Q28741373Exposing the cancer genome atlas as a SPARQL endpoint
Q125461678Linked Biomedical Dataspace: Lessons Learned Integrating Data for Drug Discovery
Q28683167Phylotastic! Making tree-of-life knowledge accessible, reusable and convenient
Q33395131RPPAML/RIMS: a metadata format and an information management system for reverse phase protein arrays
Q38442786ReVeaLD: a user-driven domain-specific interactive search platform for biomedical research
Q24617822S3QL: a distributed domain specific language for controlled semantic integration of life sciences data
Q28648128TopFed: TCGA tailored federated query processing and linking to LOD
Q38424910Translating standards into practice - one Semantic Web API for Gene Expression

Q77250365The 19th International Semantic web ConferencespeakerP823

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