Abstract is: GeoSPARQL is a standard for representation and querying of geospatial linked data for the Semantic Web from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The definition of a small ontology based on well-understood OGC standards is intended to provide a standardized exchange basis for geospatial RDF data which can support both qualitative and quantitative spatial reasoning and querying with the SPARQL database query language. The Ordnance Survey Linked Data Platform uses OWL mappings for GeoSPARQL equivalent properties in its vocabulary. The LinkedGeoData data set is a work of the Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) research group at the University of Leipzig, a group mostly known for DBpedia, that uses the GeoSPARQL vocabulary to represent OpenStreetMap data. In particular, GeoSPARQL provides for: * a small topological ontology in RDFS/OWL for representation using * Geography Markup Language (GML) and well-known text representation of geometry (WKT) literals, and * Simple Features, RCC8, and DE-9IM (a.k.a. Clementini, Egenhofer) topological relationship vocabularies and ontologies for qualitative reasoning, and * a SPARQL query interface using * a set of topological SPARQL extension functions for quantitative reasoning, and * a set of Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Core inference rules for query transformation and interpretation.
technical standard | Q317623 |
ontology | Q324254 |
P646 | Freebase ID | /m/0n_8chs |
P1401 | issue tracker URL | https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogc-geosparql/issues |
P13001 | Linked Open Vocabularies ID | gsp |
P6366 | Microsoft Academic ID | 2776073906 |
P856 | official website | http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql |
P1324 | source code repository URL | https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogc-geosparql |
P1482 | Stack Exchange tag | https://stackoverflow.com/tags/geosparql |
P144 | based on | SPARQL | Q54871 |
P1343 | described by source | OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data | Q50233318 |
P366 | has use | geographic information system | Q483130 |
P1462 | standards body | Open Geospatial Consortium | Q776903 |
Q107576674 | A GeoSPARQL Compliance Benchmark |
Q48732535 | Enabling the geospatial Semantic Web with Parliament and GeoSPARQL |
Q111830189 | GeoSPARQL 1.1: Motivations, Details and Applications of the Decadal Update to the Most Important Geospatial LOD Standard |
Q101086636 | GeoSPARQL+: Syntax, Semantics and System for Integrated Querying of Graph, Raster and Vector Data |
Q114414655 | GeoSPARQL: Enabling a Geospatial Semantic Web |
Q50233318 | OGC GeoSPARQL - A Geographic Query Language for RDF Data |
Q107576675 | Software for the GeoSPARQL compliance benchmark |
Q67624599 | Timo Homburg | field of work | P101 |
P13001 | Linked Open Vocabularies ID | Wikidata property example | P1855 |
Q16928009 | Apache Marmotta | implementation of | P4428 |
Q58425577 | Ontotext GraphDB | complies with | P5009 |
GeoSPARQL | wikipedia | |
GeoSPARQL | wikipedia | |
GeoSPARQL | wikipedia |
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