Ontotext GraphDB

OntoText GraphDB is a highly efficient and robust graph database with RDF and SPARQL support

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ontotext_GraphDB

Abstract is: Ontotext GraphDB (previously known as BigOWLIM) is a graph database and knowledge discovery tool compliant with RDF and SPARQL and available as a high-availability cluster. Ontotext GraphDB is used in various European research projects. As of April 2021, Graph DB is ranked as the 4th most -popular RDF store and 6th most-popular Graph DBMS system. Some categorize it as a NoSQL database. In 2014 Ontotext acquired the trademark "GraphDB" from Sones. As for a typical graph DB, ontologies are an important input for the databases. The underlying idea is a semantic repository.

Ontotext GraphDB is …
instance of (P31):
graph databaseQ595971
semantic web softwareQ124653107

External links are
P11012EU Knowledge Graph item IDQ3287487
P856official websitehttp://graphdb.ontotext.com
P1324source code repository URLhttp://maven.ontotext.com/service/rest/repository/browse/owlim-releases/com/ontotext/graphdb/graphdb-se/
P1482Stack Exchange taghttps://stackoverflow.com/tags/graphdb

P5009complies withSPARQLQ54871
Resource Description FrameworkQ54872
P275copyright licenseproprietary licenseQ3238057
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P1343described by sourceOntoCommons Report D4.3Q124650952
awesome RDF github pageQ124650984
P437distribution formatApache MavenQ139941
P136genregraphical user interfaceQ782543
P366has useOntology-Based Data AccessQ55118556
knowledge graph queryingQ120970364
knowledge graph populationQ124614310
knowledge graph materializationQ124614533
knowledge graph cleaning, evaluation & validationQ124614656
schema based knowledge graph validationQ124614673
knowledge graph reasoningQ124616131
reasoning in a databaseQ124616165
federated knowledge graph queryingQ124650885
P277programmed inJavaQ251
P348software version identifier8.10.0

Reverse relations

describes a project that uses (P4510)
Q124670540A Sample-Centric and Knowledge-Driven Computational Framework for Natural Products Drug Discovery
Q118792808Evaluation of a Representative Selection of SPARQL Query Engines using Wikidata

Q7095072Ontotextproduct or material producedP1056
Q55118556Ontology-Based Data Accessused byP1535
Q65509402SciGraphsoftware engineP408

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