Steven M Lazarus


Steven M Lazarus is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P6178Dimensions author ID011162015677.37
P6634LinkedIn personal profile IDstevenmlazarus
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-5918-1059
P2038ResearchGate profile IDSteven_Lazarus
P1153Scopus author ID7004563100

P69educated atFlorida State UniversityQ861548
P108employerFlorida Institute of TechnologyQ3152650
P734family nameLazarusQ26775128
P735given nameStevenQ17501985
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Invasion BiologyQ56241615
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q605151252012 Unidata Users Workshop Navigating Earth System Science Data
Q60515095A Fetch-Based Statistical Method to Bias Correct and Downscale Wind Speed over Unresolved Water Bodies
Q60515155A MODIS Sea Surface Temperature Composite for Regional Applications
Q60515113A Thermodynamic, kinematic and microphysical analysis of a jet and gigantic jet-producing Florida thunderstorm
Q60515118A study of thunderstorm microphysical properties and lightning flash counts associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
Q60515137A terrestrial gamma ray flash observed from an aircraft
Q60515109An analysis of five negative sprite-parent discharges and their associated thunderstorm charge structures
Q60515144Evaluation of Data Reduction Algorithms for Real-Time Analysis
Q60515128Evaluation of a Wind-Wave System for Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Wave Forecasting. Part I: Winds
Q60515132Evaluation of a Wind-Wave System for Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Wave Forecasting. Part II: Waves
Q60515172Evaluation of a wind power parameterization using tower observations
Q60515148Evaluation of the National Hurricane Center’s Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Probability Forecast Product
Q60515152Florida’s Climate: Past, Present, and Future
Q60515179IN BOX
Q60515153Intelligent Data Thinning Algorithms for Satellite Imagery
Q60515175Local Adjustment of the Background Error Correlation for Surface Analyses over Complex Terrain
Q28608437No barrier to emergence of bathyal king crabs on the Antarctic shelf
Q60515124Probability Distributions and Threshold Selection for Monte Carlo–Type Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Forecasts
Q60515161Real-Time, High-Resolution, Space–Time Analysis of Sea Surface Temperatures from Multiple Platforms
Q44544689Relativistic electron avalanches as a thunderstorm discharge competing with lightning.
Q60515166Reply to comment by Cristina Archer and Mark Jacobson on “Evaluation of a wind power parameterization using tower observations”
Q60515154The Impact of High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperatures on the Simulated Nocturnal Florida Marine Boundary Layer
Q60515139The rarity of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
Q60515150Thunderstorm characteristics associated with RHESSI identified terrestrial gamma ray flashes
Q60515090Wind driven setup in east central Florida's Indian River Lagoon: Forcings and parameterizations

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