Shawn Zheng Kai Tan


Shawn Zheng Kai Tan is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2037GitHub usernameshawntanzk
P1960Google Scholar author IDuDQmlf8AAAAJ
P6634LinkedIn personal profile IDshawntanzk
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-7258-9596
P1153Scopus author ID56076575900
P2002X usernameshawnzktan

P512academic degreeDoctor of PhilosophyQ752297
Bachelor of ScienceQ787674
Master of ScienceQ950900
P69educated atUniversity of Hong KongQ15568
University of MelbourneQ319078
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental HealthQ5919633
P108employerTemasek Life Sciences LaboratoryQ7697997
Novo NordiskQ818846
European Bioinformatics InstituteQ1341845
P106occupationdata stewardQ1172231
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q99571246A practical approach to the ethical use of memory modulating technologies
Q91029063Eternal sunshine of the neuromodulated mind: Altering fear memories through neuromodulation
Q37440101Immunohistochemical insights into Saffold virus infection of the brain of juvenile AG129 mice
Q112942500Ontology Development Kit: a toolkit for building, maintaining, and standardising biomedical ontologies
Q50056712Osmoregulated periplasmic glucans are needed for competitive growth and biofilm formation by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in leafy-green vegetable wash waters and colonization in mice.
Q30244703Saffold virus, an emerging human cardiovirus
Q41750798Spatial Learning Requires mGlu5 Signalling in the Dorsal Hippocampus
Q37424806Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9A modulates anxiety-like behavior in female mice
Q89496699The Paradoxical Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Memory
Q36645476The Pathogenesis of Saffold Virus in AG129 Mice and the Effects of Its Truncated L Protein in the Central Nervous System
Q34412442The effect of the mGlu5 negative allosteric modulator MTEP and NMDA receptor partial agonist D-cycloserine on Pavlovian conditioned fear.

contributor to the creative work or subject (P767)
Q81661546Biological Spatial Ontology
Q55118285Cell Ontology
Q55118319Common Anatomy Reference Ontology
Q27468140Mondo Disease Ontology
Q81661717NCBI organismal classification
Q81661522Phenotype And Trait Ontology
Q113014435Provisional Cell Ontology
Q28729320Relations Ontology

Q114098296Workshop on standards and tooling for whole brain cell type taxonomiesorganizerP664
Q108544405COB: Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine 2021 WorkshopparticipantP710
Q114098296Workshop on standards and tooling for whole brain cell type taxonomiesspeakerP823

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