Paolo Trinchero


Paolo Trinchero is …
instance of (P31):

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P496ORCID iD0000-0003-1351-2788
P1153Scopus author ID23101492800

P69educated atPolytechnic University of TurinQ392897
Polytechnic University of CataloniaQ1640731
P108employerCentro Tecnológico del AguaQ30284620
Amphos 21Q30284663
P734family nameTrincheroQ99981973
P735given namePaoloQ15731774
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q47986509A new method for the interpretation of pumping tests in leaky aquifers
Q61737208Assessing preferential flow through an unsaturated waste rock pile using spectral analysis
Q61737212Conditional stochastic mapping of transport connectivity
Q47178907Continuum-based DFN-consistent numerical framework for the simulation of oxygen infiltration into fractured crystalline rocks
Q61737209Inferring spatial distribution of the radially integrated transmissivity from pumping tests in heterogeneous confined aquifers
Q61737223Influence of heterogeneity on the interpretation of pumping test data in leaky aquifers
Q47406782Microtomography-based Inter-Granular Network for the simulation of radionuclide diffusion and sorption in a granitic rock
Q61737224Point-to-point connectivity, an abstract concept or a key issue for risk assessment studies?
Q61737222Probabilistic risk analysis of groundwater remediation strategies
Q113878746Simulating electrochemical migration and anion exclusion in porous and fractured media using PFLOTRAN
Q90566672Transport of oxygen into granitic rocks: Role of physical and mineralogical heterogeneity

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