PierGianLuca Porta Mana

researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-6070-0784

PierGianLuca Porta Mana is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2456DBLP author ID21/6269
P2037GitHub usernamepglpm
P1960Google Scholar author IDabmhDRkAAAAJ
P6634LinkedIn personal profile IDportamana
P549Mathematics Genealogy Project ID300114
P4955MR Author ID675271
P7238Open Science Framework IDpxg7q
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-6070-0784
P4012Semantic Scholar author ID143783317

P184doctoral advisorGunnar BjörkQ120721309
P69educated atRoyal Institute of TechnologyQ854280
University of CagliariQ2067315
P108employerPerimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsQ2004561
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyQ314536
Research Centre JülichQ697111
Western Norway University of Applied SciencesQ25434874
P734family namePortaQ36898990
P735given nameGiovanniQ1158906
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q61778834"Eppur ruota": modelling the ocean as a fluid with spin
Q61778829Affine and convex spaces: blending the analytic and geometric viewpoints
Q42685087Bistability, non-ergodicity, and inhibition in pairwise maximum-entropy models
Q61778840Conjectures and questions in convex geometry: of interest for quantum theory and other physical statistical theories
Q115293011Dimensional analysis in relativity and in differential geometry
Q61778835Force, inertia, metric in Newtonian relativity and general relativity
Q61778839Geometry of maximum-entropy proofs: stationary points, convexity, Legendre transforms, exponential families
Q61763294Inferences from a network to a subnetwork and vice versa under an assumption of symmetry
Q61778836Inferring health conditions from fMRI-graph data
Q61778830Maximum-entropy and representative samples of neuronal activity: a dilemma
Q61778831Maximum-entropy and representative samples of neuronal activity: a dilemma
Q61778838Maximum-entropy from the probability calculus: exchangeability, sufficiency
Q47833211Perfect Detection of Spikes in the Linear Sub-threshold Dynamics of Point Neurons
Q61778833Quantum theory within the probability calculus: a there-you-go theorem and partially exchangeable models
Q61775990Scale-aware deterministic and stochastic parametrizations of eddy-mean flow interaction
Q61776000Toward a stochastic parameterization of ocean mesoscale eddies
Q61778837Unlearning and Seyab's theorem: a dialogue about updating probability

Q120721309Gunnar Björkdoctoral studentP185

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