Johann Adam Nieberlein

Roman Catholic bishop

Born 1662-02-17 in Eichstätt (Q252772)
Died 1748-12-28

Johann Adam Nieberlein is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P1047Catholic Hierarchy person IDnieb
P1871CERL Thesaurus IDcnp00347240
P1280CONOR.SI ID235890787
P13049DDB person (GND) ID10404750X
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID10404750X
P8168FactGrid item IDQ655594
P227GND ID10404750X
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11h0093gnl
P269IdRef ID243988680
P10553IxTheo authority ID245569634
P691NL CR AUT IDmzk2010574213
P1207NUKAT IDn2011223017
P8440Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID079-00974-001
P214VIAF cluster ID10274717
P9441Wissens-Aggregator Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit IDWIAG-Pers-EPISCGatz-10516-001
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJjXjqk8qcK9QHTB6x9xDq

P1598consecratorJohann Anton I. Knebel von KatzenelnbogenQ1692393
P734family nameNieberleinQ37558980
P735given nameAdamQ347181
P106occupationCatholic priestQ250867
Catholic bishopQ611644
P39position heldauxiliary bishopQ75178
titular bishopQ948657
vicar generalQ1044528
P140religion or worldviewCatholic ChurchQ9592
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

consecrator (P1598)
Q314947Count Leopold Anton von Firmian
Q69904Franz Georg von Schönborn
Q55679006Franz Karl Joseph Fugger
Q1448103Franz Ludwig Schenk von Castell
Q55851053Franz Theodor von Guttenberg
Q1539318Gottfried Langwerth von Simmern
Q1692396Johann Anton II. von Freyberg
Q1707017Joseph Franz Valerian Arco
Q1707293Joseph Ignaz Philipp von Hessen-Darmstadt

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