William A. Stein

American professor of mathematics

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/William_A._Stein

Abstract is: William Arthur Stein (born February 21, 1974 in Santa Barbara, California) is a software developer and previously a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington. He is the lead developer of SageMath and founder of CoCalc. Stein does computational and theoretical research into the problem of computing with modular forms and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. He is considered "a leading expert in the field of computational arithmetic".

Wikimedia Commons category is William A. Stein

Born 1974-02-21 in Santa Barbara (Q159288)

William A. Stein is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID15539168d
P2013Facebook usernamewilliam.stein.37
P646Freebase ID/m/026k48r
P227GND ID137841973
P269IdRef ID118160745
P8189J9U ID987007573587205171
P244Library of Congress authority IDn2006076910
P549Mathematics Genealogy Project ID36697
P4955MR Author ID679996
P5034National Library of Korea IDKAC201722057
P1368National Library of Latvia ID000236017
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID303908823
P691NL CR AUT IDmub2017940226
P1207NUKAT IDn2008103726
P856official websitehttp://www.wstein.org
P3368Prabook ID1747217
P3987SHARE Catalogue author ID505769
P214VIAF cluster ID86017564
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJjxmPhpBRGJ9jgmMFXw4q
P1556zbMATH author IDstein.william-a

P27country of citizenshipUnited StatesQ30
P184doctoral advisorHendrik LenstraQ173783
Bjorn PoonenQ879454
P185doctoral studentRobert L. MillerQ102372476
Robert BradshawQ102374652
Hao ChenQ102566048
Gerardo E. Zelaya EufemiaQ103324296
Kevin LuiQ103324303
Simon SpicerQ103324308
Alyson DeinesQ103324332
P69educated atNorthern Arizona UniversityQ139901
University of California, BerkeleyQ168756
P108employerUniversity of WashingtonQ219563
P734family nameSteinQ2339506
P101field of workmathematicsQ395
number theoryQ12479
mathematical softwareQ1639024
P735given nameWilliamQ12344159
P1412languages spoken, written or signedEnglishQ1860
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject MathematicsQ8487137
university teacherQ1622272
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

doctoral advisor (P184)
Q103324332Alyson Deines
Q103324296Gerardo E. Zelaya Eufemia
Q102566048Hao Chen
Q103324303Kevin Lui
Q102374652Robert Bradshaw
Q102372476Robert L. Miller
Q103324308Simon Spicer

doctoral student (P185)
Q879454Bjorn Poonen
Q173783Hendrik Lenstra

Q17079032CoCalcdiscoverer or inventorP61

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Arabic (ar / Q13955)ويليام أ. شتاينwikipedia
      William A. Steinwikipedia
      William A. Steinwikipedia
      William A. Steinwikipedia
      William A. Steinwikipedia
      William Steinwikipedia

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