Frank A. Scannapieco


Frank A. Scannapieco is …
instance of (P31):

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P2381Academic Tree ID272114
P8179Canadiana Name Authority IDncf11408029
P6178Dimensions author ID01173173672.08
P227GND ID140581618
P1960Google Scholar author IDO0gVViYAAAAJ
P269IdRef ID255695187
P244Library of Congress authority IDnb2010003665
P6634LinkedIn personal profile IDfrankscannapieco
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID28558796X
P691NL CR AUT IDnlk20050170105
P1015NORAF ID5063265
P1375NSK ID000503221
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-8804-6593
P3368Prabook ID441323
P3829Publons author ID1191465
P2038ResearchGate profile IDFrank-Scannapieco
P1153Scopus author ID7004617726
P8207The Conversation author ID695274
P214VIAF cluster ID107363476
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PCjDqHk8G3kjRmRpkqFdtPP

P27country of citizenshipUnited StatesQ30
P69educated atUniversity at BuffaloQ681025
P108employerState University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental MedicineQ7603618
P734family nameScannapiecoQ36895120
P735given nameFrankQ220546
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q37681907"Does periodontal therapy reduce the risk for systemic diseases?".
Q37153940A distinct sortase SrtB anchors and processes a streptococcal adhesin AbpA with a novel structural property
Q37360314A randomized trial of chlorhexidine gluconate on oral bacterial pathogens in mechanically ventilated patients
Q38756340Activation of the TREM-1 pathway in human monocytes by periodontal pathogens and oral commensal bacteria.
Q44569235Amylase-binding proteins A (AbpA) and B (AbpB) differentially affect colonization of rats' teeth by Streptococcus gordonii
Q50868449Associations between oral conditions and respiratory disease in a national sample survey population
Q34299509Associations between periodontal disease and risk for atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. A systematic review.
Q35670339Associations between periodontal disease and risk for nosocomial bacterial pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A systematic review.
Q30620223Attributable mortality of ventilator-associated pneumonia: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised prevention studies
Q83891547Bacterial interference of penicillin-sensitive and -resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae by Streptococcus oralis in an adenoid organ culture: implications for the treatment of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in children and adults
Q50065073Baking soda dentifrice and periodontal health: A review of the literature.
Q36970788Characterization of an amylase-binding component of Streptococcus gordonii G9B
Q35102370Characterization of salivary alpha-amylase binding to Streptococcus sanguis
Q35002212Chronic periodontitis and the incidence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Q53570251Chronic periodontitis and the risk of tongue cancer
Q43766229Colonization of dental plaque by respiratory pathogens in medical intensive care patients
Q67777646Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human salivary alpha-amylase
Q35876468Dynamics of the Streptococcus gordonii Transcriptome in Response to Medium, Salivary α-Amylase, and Starch.
Q36079154Effect of starch and amylase on the expression of amylase-binding protein A in Streptococcus gordonii
Q71650964Emergence in human dental plaque and host distribution of amylase-binding streptococci
Q71522671Experimental salivary pellicles formed on titanium surfaces mediate adhesion of streptococci
Q48730881Formal debate: an active learning strategy
Q24527887Formation of salivary-mucosal pellicle: the role of transglutaminase
Q35072860Genetic relationships between Candida albicans strains isolated from dental plaque, trachea, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients
Q33981347History of periodontal disease diagnosis and lung cancer incidence in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
Q41682784Hospital admissions for pneumonia more likely with concomitant dental infections.
Q36804756Host Defense Proteins Derived from Human Saliva Bind to Staphylococcus aureus
Q42678549Identification and analysis of a gene (abpA) encoding a major amylase-binding protein in Streptococcus gordonii
Q33821557Identification and characterization of amylase-binding protein C from Streptococcus mitis NS51.
Q34001117Identification and molecular analysis of rough-colony-specific outer membrane proteins of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans.
Q89122970Identification of an early stage biofilm inhibitor from Veillonella tobetsuensis
Q37681968Implications of salivary protein binding to commensal and pathogenic bacteria.
Q88047474Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be more likely to have more severe periodontal disease than individuals without COPD
Q74623114Interference of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis by Streptococcus oralis in adenoid organ culture: a possible strategy for the treatment of the otitis-prone child
Q87689755Introduction to the symposium proceedings
Q90952005Is there association between stress and periodontitis?
Q35770201Local inflammation and human papillomavirus status of head and neck cancers
Q38116532Medical considerations relating to the oral health of older adults
Q102329908Moderate and severe periodontitis are positively associated with metabolic syndrome
Q43852816Modest Reduction in Risk for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation Following Topical Oral Chlorhexidine
Q84442068Modest reduction in risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation following topical oral chlorhexidine
Q41754817Monitoring the efficacy of plaque control methods
Q36487596Nursing home-associated pneumonia, hospital-acquired pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia: the contribution of dental biofilms and periodontal inflammation
Q64451682Observation of fimbriae and flagella in dispersed subgingival dental plaque and fresh bacterial isolates from periodontal disease
Q48253540Oral Sciences PhD Program Enrollment, Graduates, and Placement: 1994 to 2016.
Q34557718Oral bacteria and respiratory infection: effects on respiratory pathogen adhesion and epithelial cell proinflammatory cytokine production.
Q43742897Oral bacteria modulate invasion and induction of apoptosis in HEp-2 cells by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Q38183419Oral biofilms, oral and periodontal infections, and systemic disease
Q36481768Oral biofilms, periodontitis, and pulmonary infections
Q38247228Oral health disparities in older adults: oral bacteria, inflammation, and aspiration pneumonia.
Q38921866Oral inflammation and infection, and chronic medical diseases: implications for the elderly.
Q34663573Performance of multiplex cytokine assays in serum and saliva among community-dwelling postmenopausal women
Q38102722Periodontal systemic associations: review of the evidence.
Q39427007Periodontal systemic associations: review of the evidence.
Q81930083Periodontitis and chronic kidney disease
Q39076686Porphyromonas gingivalis modulates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced apoptosis of respiratory epithelial cells through the STAT3 signaling pathway.
Q44063390Position paper of The American Academy of Periodontology: periodontal disease as a potential risk factor for systemic diseases
Q32038528Potential associations between chronic respiratory disease and periodontal disease: analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III.
Q33964321Prevalence of the amylase-binding protein A gene (abpA) in oral streptococci
Q41204545Relationships between periodontal disease and bacterial pneumonia.
Q73909243Respiratory pathogen colonization of the dental plaque of institutionalized elders
Q35816942Response of fatty acid synthesis genes to the binding of human salivary amylase by Streptococcus gordonii.
Q33553408Role of Streptococcus gordonii amylase-binding protein A in adhesion to hydroxyapatite, starch metabolism, and biofilm formation
Q33707159Role of oral bacteria in respiratory infection.
Q91350950Role of periodontal therapy in management of common complex systemic diseases and conditions: An update
Q40498414Saliva-bacterium interactions in oral microbial ecology
Q40847199Salivary alpha-amylase: role in dental plaque and caries formation
Q71745194Salivary amylase promotes adhesion of oral streptococci to hydroxyapatite
Q36478329Salivary biomarkers associated with alveolar bone loss
Q90704842Severe and moderate periodontitis are associated with acute myocardial infarction
Q46836602Special-needs patients.
Q36174689Systemic effects of periodontal diseases.
Q36558590Taking the starch out of oral biofilm formation: molecular basis and functional significance of salivary α-amylase binding to oral streptococci.
Q88954684The Dentist's Role in Southern Brazilian Teaching Hospitals: A Grounded Theory Study
Q43743520The Microbial Ecology and Immunology of the Adenoid: Implications for Otitis Media
Q44592160The Role of Pili and Capsule in the Pathogenesis of Neonatal Infection with Escherichia coli Kl
Q36924822The epidemiology, consequences and management of periodontal disease in older adults.
Q51651765The relationship between periodontal diseases and respiratory diseases
Q73340224The risk of nosocomial pneumonia is not increased during partial liquid ventilation
Q89589791The salivary microbiome of diabetic and non-diabetic adults with periodontal disease
Q83874807The use of different measurements and definitions of periodontal disease in the study of the association between periodontal disease and risk of myocardial infarction
Q86352574Unanswered Questions in Periodontology
Q67542761Use of a replica-plate assay for the rapid assessment of salivary protein-bacteria interactions

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