Journal of Evolutionary Biology


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Abstract is: The Journal of Evolutionary Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published monthly covering the field of evolutionary biology. It is owned by the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. The founding editor-in-chief was Stephen C. Stearns. He was succeeded by Pierre-Henri Gouyon (1992–1995), Rolf Hoekstra (1996–1999), Peter van Tienderen (2000–2003), Juha Merilä (2004–2007), Allen Moore (2007–2010), Michael G. Ritchie (2011-2017), and Wolf U. Blanckenhorn (2017-2021). The current editor is Max Reuter (University College London).

Journal of Evolutionary Biology is …
instance of (P31):
academic journalQ737498
society journalQ73364223
delayed open access journalQ5253501
scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID31022
P8375Crossref journal ID1071
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO11805
P1058ERA Journal ID3273
P646Freebase ID/m/0415kjg
P1160ISO 4 abbreviationJ. Evol. Biol.
P1055NLM Unique ID8809954
P243OCLC control number474043725
P856official website
P10283OpenAlex IDS138169916
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID55347
P7662Scilit journal ID52489
P1156Scopus source ID18920
P4616UniProt journal ID1041

P495country of originSwitzerlandQ39
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level2
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectevolutionary biologyQ840400
P1476titleJournal of Evolutionary Biology

Reverse relations

published in (P1433)
Q81145526'Adaptive Dynamics' vs. 'adaptive dynamics'
Q28273446'Anti-bee' and 'pro-bird' changes during the evolution of hummingbird pollination in Penstemon flowers
Q46897505'Prudent habitat choice': a novel mechanism of size-assortative mating
Q30569927'Representative Genes', is it OK to use a small amount of data to obtain a phylogeny that is at least close to the true tree?
Q80457270'Social heterosis' as a process that maintains genetic variation--a comment
Q3624582220 questions on adaptive dynamics
Q97547867200 million years of anuran body size evolution in relation to geography, ecology, and life history
Q125292223A Successful FailureA review by Gerdien de JongGregor Mendel, the First Geneticist. By Vitezslav Orel, transl. Stephen Finn, Oxford University Press, 1996. ISBN 0‐19‐854774‐9. Price: £29.50.
Q126014387Body Size and Mammalian Paleobiology: Estimation and Biological Implications. Edited by John Damuth and Bruce J. MacFadden Cambridge University Press. 1990.
Q30830866A Drosophila laboratory evolution experiment points to low evolutionary potential under increased temperatures likely to be experienced in the future
Q46140315A G matrix analogue to capture the cumulative effects of nongenetic inheritance.
Q49997319A biomechanical analysis of prognathous and orthognathous insect head capsules: Evidence for a many to one mapping of ridge strain to head strain.
Q123014916A biomechanical perspective on the use of forelimb length as a measure of sexual selection in frogs
Q51719745A broad-scale analysis of population differentiation for Zn tolerance in an emerging model species for tolerance study: Arabidopsis halleri (Brassicaceae).
Q33980483A cancer-causing gene is positively correlated with male aggression in Xiphophorus cortezi
Q30442551A cautionary tale of two matrices: the duality of multivariate abstraction
Q33344076A change in climate causes rapid evolution of multiple life-history traits and their interactions in an annual plant
Q47205972A change in competitive context reverses sexual selection on male size.
Q54587435A change of expression in the conserved signaling gene MKK7 is associated with a selective sweep in the western house mouse Mus musculus domesticus.
Q50304394A chemical level in the coevolutionary arms race between an ant social parasite and its hosts.
Q45913137A clarification of Pouydebat et al., 2008, evolution of grasping among anthropoids.
Q52680784A cline in the Drosophila melanogaster period gene in Australia: neither down nor under.
Q48298522A comparative analysis of experimental selection on the stickleback pelvis.
Q52655378A comparative analysis of predator-induced plasticity in larval Triturus newts.
Q45211203A comparative analysis of senescence in adult damselflies and dragonflies (Odonata).
Q51540247A comparative analysis of the mechanisms underlying speciation on Lord Howe Island.
Q101334569A comparative analysis of the photoprotection hypothesis for the evolution of autumn colors
Q91325817A comparative morphometric study of sensory capacity in geometrid moths
Q41990326A comparative perspective on longevity: the effect of body size dominates over ecology in moths
Q113181530A comparison between allozyme data and phenotypic distances from defensive secretion in Oreina leaf-beetles (Chrysomelinae)
Q39435301A comparison between desert and Mediterranean antlion populations: differences in life history and morphology
Q43905141A comparison of methods to estimate cross-environment genetic correlations
Q121353916A comparison of methods to partition selection acting via components of fitness: Do larger male bullfrogs have greater hatching success?
Q44659026A comparison of nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic effects on sperm competitiveness and female remating in a seed beetle
Q57170991A competitive environment influences sperm production, but not testes tissue composition, in house mice
Q39448542A comprehensive assessment of geographic variation in heat tolerance and hardening capacity in populations of Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia
Q37960132A conceptual model for the origin of worker behaviour and adaptation of eusociality
Q57266150A cost of maternal care in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus?
Q91279196A costly chemical trait: phenotypic condition dependence of cuticular hydrocarbons in a dung beetle
Q50526350A cryptic heterogametic transition revealed by sex-linked DNA markers in Palearctic green toads.
Q28248394A database of vertebrate longevity records and their relation to other life-history traits
Q51828962A diffusion-based approach to stochastic individual growth and energy budget, with consequences to life-history optimization and population dynamics.
Q52641779A direct experimental test of founder-flush effects on the evolutionary potential for assortative mating.
Q57933270A dispatch from the multivariate frontier
Q56920110A distinction between the origin and maintenance of sex
Q46313330A dynamic framework for the study of optimal birth intervals reveals the importance of sibling competition and mortality risks
Q51925563A fable of four functions.
Q37106311A facultative endosymbiont in aphids can provide diverse ecological benefits.
Q47839969A field reciprocal transplant experiment reveals asymmetric costs of migration between lake and river ecotypes of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus).
Q51801156A field test for host fruit odour discrimination and avoidance behaviour for Rhagoletis pomonella flies in the western United States.
Q46849379A field test of a model for the stability of androdioecy in the freshwater shrimp, Eulimnadia texana
Q51565715A formal theory of the selfish gene.
Q84580924A framework for estimating the fixation time of an advantageous allele in stepping-stone models
Q53029237A framework for power and sensitivity analyses for quantitative genetic studies of natural populations, and case studies in Soay sheep (Ovis aries).
Q33342780A general model for the evolution of mutualisms.
Q33990324A general model of the public goods dilemma.
Q124847864A genetic analysis of some components of reproductive isolation between two closely related species, Spodoptera latifascia (Walker) and S. descoinsi (Lalanne‐Cassou and Silvain) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Q45381935A genetic background with low mutational robustness is associated with increased adaptability to a novel host in an RNA virus
Q57361037A genetic map of Cottus gobio (Pisces, Teleostei) based on microsatellites can be linked to the physical map of Tetraodon nigroviridis
Q61659088A genetic metapopulation model for reef fishes in oceanic islands: the case of the surgeonfish, Acanthurus triostegus
Q56986403A genic view of species integration
Q52712348A geographic mosaic of trophic interactions and selection: trees, aphids and birds
Q46406818A geographical mosaic of coevolution in a slave-making host-parasite system
Q33306125A geometric morphometric appraisal of beak shape in Darwin's finches.
Q51174954A history of phenotypic plasticity accelerates adaptation to a new environment.
Q34009480A hybrid zone dominated by fertile F1s of two alpine shrub species, Phyllodoce caerulea and Phyllodoce aleutica, along a snowmelt gradient.
Q51691800A hybrid zone with coincident clines for autosomal and sex-specific markers in the Sorex araneus group.
Q59599281A linear dominance hierarchy among clones in chimeras of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
Q90200341A male's seminal fluid increases later competitors' productivity
Q51712487A measure of sexual selection in hermaphroditic animals: parentage skew and the opportunity for selection.
Q52659284A measure of the within-chromosome synergistic epistasis for Drosophila viability.
Q57020605A melanin-based trait is more strongly related to body size in the tropics than in temperate regions in the globally distributed barn owl family
Q38246709A meta-analysis of the strength and nature of cytoplasmic genetic effects
Q126098129A meta‐analysis on the heritability of vertebrate telomere length
Q33521086A microsatellite linkage map for Drosophila montana shows large variation in recombination rates, and a courtship song trait maps to an area of low recombination.
Q46174055A molecular phylogeny of enteric bacteria and implications for a bacterial species concept
Q33283076A morphospace-based test for competitive exclusion among flying vertebrates: did birds, bats and pterosaurs get in each other's space?
Q46615460A multigenerational effect of parental age on offspring size but not fitness in common duckweed (Lemna minor).
Q52737631A multivariate test of evolutionary constraints for thermal tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q51509979A multivariate view of the evolution of sexual dimorphism.
Q60379694A narrow hybrid zone between two crayfish species from a Mexican cave
Q100527481A need to consider the evolutionary genetics of host-symbiont mutualisms
Q34346180A new African fossil caprin and a combined molecular and morphological Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of caprini (Mammalia: Bovidae).
Q47207722A new route to the evolution of cooperation
Q43641696A nonsemen copulatory fluid influences the outcome of sperm competition in Japanese quail
Q100495718A novel method for using RNA-seq data to identify imprinted genes in social Hymenoptera with multiply mated queens
Q60565325A novel method of behavioural thermoregulation in butterflies
Q46577608A novel method of comparing mating success and survival reveals similar sexual and viability selection for mobility traits in female tree crickets.
Q44098373A one-locus model of androdioecy with two homomorphic self-incompatibility groups: expected vs. observed male frequencies
Q40547462A phallus for free? Quantitative genetics of sexual trade-offs in the snail Bulinus truncatus
Q47260844A phantom extinction? New insights into extinction dynamics of the Don-hare Lepus tanaiticus
Q43749555A phylogenetic approach to assessing the targets of microbial warfare
Q45138349A phylogenomic approach to reconstructing the diversification of serine proteases in fungi
Q45877908A phylogeny of frugivorous hornbills linked to the evolution of Indian plants within Asian rainforests
Q40161189A possible link between parasite defence and residual reproduction.
Q44702336A potential mechanism for cryptic female choice in a flour beetle
Q33935325A quantitative genetic analysis of hibernation emergence date in a wild population of Columbian ground squirrels
Q52021335A quantitative trait locus for recognition of foreign eggs in the host of a brood parasite.
Q97566809A rapidly evolved shift in life history timing during ecological speciation is driven by the transition between developmental phases
Q46638672A role for ecology in the evolution of colour variation and sexual dimorphism in Hawaiian damselflies
Q50760362A role for habitat area in the geographic mosaic of coevolution between red crossbills and lodgepole pine.
Q30884706A role for the mismatch repair system during incipient speciation in Saccharomyces.
Q52679382A screen for immunity genes evolving under positive selection in Drosophila.
Q39332102A sex-linked SCAR marker in Bryonia dioica (Cucurbitaceae), a dioecious species with XY sex-determination and homomorphic sex chromosomes
Q57803669A shared coevolutionary history does not alter the outcome of coalescence in experimental populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens
Q37832284A simple derivation and classification of common probability distributions based on information symmetry and measurement scale
Q57912687A simulation study on the performance of differentiation-based methods to detect selected loci using linked neutral markers
Q50462913A single mitochondrial haplotype and nuclear genetic differentiation in sympatric colour morphs of a riverine cichlid fish.
Q36702186A tale of two matrices: multivariate approaches in evolutionary biology.
Q60412731A tale of two methods: putting biology before statistics in the study of phenotypic evolution
Q40210579A test for Y-linked additive and epistatic effects on surviving bacterial infections in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q50480532A test of Darwin's 'lop-eared' rabbit hypothesis.
Q51695702A test of fitness consequences of hybridization in sibling species of Lake Victoria cichlid fish.
Q51968690A test of quantitative genetic theory using Drosophila- effects of inbreeding and rate of inbreeding on heritabilities and variance components.
Q112796097A test of the photoprotection hypothesis for the evolution of autumn colours: Chlorophyll resorption, not anthocyanin production, is correlated with nitrogen translocation
Q51799636A time-sequence functional analysis of mating behaviour and genital coupling in Drosophila: role of cryptic female choice and male sex-drive in the evolution of male genitalia.
Q43466518A trade-off between sexual signalling and immune function in a natural population of the drumming wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata
Q63379952A wake-up call for studies of natural selection?
Q46610446ADH enzyme activity and Adh gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster lines differentially selected for increased alcohol tolerance
Q82548730Abiotic heterogeneity drives parasite local adaptation in coevolving bacteria and phages
Q42018867Absence of population-level phenotype matching in an obligate pollination mutualism.
Q52682425Abundant, diverse, and consequential P elements segregate in promoters of small heat-shock genes in Drosophila populations.
Q51900250Acclimation of thermal physiology in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster : a test of an optimality model.
Q39284096Accounting for female space sharing in St. Kilda Soay sheep (Ovis aries) results in little change in heritability estimates.
Q29039294Adaptation and Natural Selection revisited
Q45350844Adaptation and constraint in a stickleback radiation
Q111591392Adaptation and correlated fitness responses over two time scales in Drosophila suzukii populations evolving in different environments
Q80831781Adaptation in a spider mite population after long-term evolution on a single host plant
Q51147818Adaptation in temporally variable environments: Stickleback armor in periodically breaching bar-built estuaries.
Q42484816Adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to saline stress through laboratory evolution
Q42000252Adaptation of an outbreaking insect defoliator to chronic nutritional stress.
Q47445804Adaptation of experimental yeast populations to stressful conditions in relation to population size
Q39027446Adaptation or exaptation? An experimental test of hypotheses on the origin of salinity tolerance in Bufo calamita.
Q53507852Adaptation to an extraordinary environment by evolution of phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation.
Q91419325Adaptation to developmental diet influences the response to selection on age at reproduction in the fruit fly
Q36201718Adaptation to environmental stress: a rare or frequent driver of speciation?
Q52719983Adaptation to marginal habitats by evolution of increased phenotypic plasticity.
Q62767476Adaptation to the laboratory environment in Drosophila subobscura
Q81439929Adaptation to the most abundant host genotype in an agricultural plant-pathogen system--potato late blight
Q79753851Adaptive allocation of stress-induced deformities on bird feathers
Q47179025Adaptive brain size divergence in nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius)?
Q42474111Adaptive contraction of diet breadth affects sexual maturation and specific nutrient consumption in an extreme generalist omnivore.
Q87636465Adaptive cyanogenesis clines evolve recurrently through geographical sorting of existing gene deletions
Q31095958Adaptive divergence in embryonic thermal plasticity among Atlantic salmon populations
Q43541625Adaptive divergence within and between ecotypes of the terrestrial garter snake, Thamnophis elegans, assessed with F(ST)-Q(ST) comparisons
Q33222656Adaptive dynamics and the paradigm of diversity.
Q51191008Adaptive dynamics as a mathematical tool for studying the ecology of speciation processes.
Q30275762Adaptive dynamics of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila
Q61693826Adaptive dynamics, game theory and evolutionary population genetics
Q81145541Adaptive dynamics: the continuity argument
Q28291417Adaptive eukaryote-to-eukaryote lateral gene transfer: stress-related genes of algal origin in the closest unicellular relatives of animals
Q38327760Adaptive evolution in GroEL from distantly related endosymbiotic bacteria of insects.
Q40279216Adaptive evolution of the Bordetella autotransporter pertactin
Q38878788Adaptive landscape and functional diversity of Neotropical cichlids: implications for the ecology and evolution of Cichlinae (Cichlidae; Cichliformes).
Q43891107Adaptive latitudinal cline of photoperiodic diapause induction in the parasitoid Nasonia vitripennis in Europe
Q57430973Adaptive molecular evolution of a defence gene in sexual but not functionally asexual evening primroses
Q42519256Adaptive morphological shifts to novel habitats in marine sculpin fishes
Q128212095Adaptive phenotypic and genomic divergence in the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) following niche expansion within a small oceanic island
Q44167656Adaptive plasticity and genetic divergence in feeding efficiency during parallel adaptive radiation of whitefish (Coregonus spp.).
Q48695519Adaptive radiation in African weakly electric fish (Teleostei: Mormyridae: Campylomormyrus): a combined molecular and morphological approach
Q36325031Adaptive radiation in microbial microcosms
Q29542536Adaptive radiation versus intraspecific differentiation: morphological variation in Caribbean Anolis lizards
Q33877833Adaptive responses for seed and leaf phenology in natural populations of sessile oak along an altitudinal gradient
Q79321095Adaptive seasonal trend in brood sex ratio: test in two sister species with contrasting breeding systems
Q52641791Adaptive sex-specific life history plasticity to temperature and photoperiod in a damselfly.
Q29306438Adaptive significance of environmental sex determination in an amphipod
Q56836405Adaptive significance of environmental sex determination in an amphipod
Q34007534Adaptive speciation and sexual dimorphism contribute to diversity in form and function in the adaptive radiation of Lake Matano's sympatric roundfin sailfin silversides
Q51830605Adaptive speciation when assortative mating is based on female preference for male marker traits.
Q52682424Adaptive switch from infanticide to parental care: how do beetles time their behaviour?
Q53735341Adaptive topography of fluctuating selection in a Mendelian population.
Q46716987Additive genetic variance and developmental plasticity in growth trajectories in a wild cooperative mammal
Q50939035Additive genetic variance in polyandry enables its evolution, but polyandry is unlikely to evolve through sexy or good sperm processes.
Q100738018Adjustment of sex allocation to co-foundress number and kinship under local mate competition: an inclusive-fitness analysis
Q47297918Adjustment of sperm allocation under high risk of sperm competition across taxa: a meta-analysis.
Q43788574Admixture and patterns of linkage disequilibrium in a free-living vertebrate population
Q38848604Adult dietary protein has age- and context-dependent effects on male post-copulatory performance.
Q34420913Adult sex ratio variation: implications for breeding system evolution
Q39473847Advances in finding Alba: the locus affecting life history and color polymorphism in a Colias butterfly.
Q87859941Advancing meta-analysis beyond simple parameter estimation
Q44534632Age and sex affect quantitative genetic parameters for dominance rank and aggression in free-living greylag geese
Q56094892Age-advertisement and the evolution of the peacock's train
Q84712050Age-dependent mutational effects curtail the evolution of senescence by antagonistic pleiotropy
Q38943534Age-dependent trajectories differ between within-pair and extra-pair paternity success.
Q63975787Age-related decline in humoral immune function in Collared Flycatchers
Q35574777Ageing and reproduction: antioxidant supplementation alleviates telomere loss in wild birds.
Q105728249Alerstam, T. 1990. Bird Migration. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, 420 pp. US $105.00, f55.00. Translated by D. A. Christie from the Swedish Fågelflyttning (Alerstam 1982, Signum)
Q35061745All eggs are made equal: meta-analysis of egg sexual size dimorphism in birds
Q33724656Allen's rule revisited: quantitative genetics of extremity length in the common frog along a latitudinal gradient
Q48687177Allocation of maternal- and ejaculate-derived proteins to reproduction in female crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q47980281Allochronic differentiation among Daphnia species, hybrids and backcrosses: the importance of sexual reproduction for population dynamics and genetic architecture
Q57738863Allochronic differentiation among Daphnia species, hybrids and backcrosses: the importance of sexual reproduction for population dynamics and genetic architecture
Q46817830Allometry and performance: the evolution of skull form and function in felids
Q34171792Allometry and sexually dimorphic traits in male anurans
Q37001555Allometry of diving capacities: ectothermy vs. endothermy
Q93141840Allopatric and sympatric diversification within roach (Rutilus rutilus) of large pre-alpine lakes
Q85235880Alteration of pathogenicity‐linked life‐history traits by resistance of its host Solanum tuberosum impacts sexual reproduction of the plant pathogenic oomycete Phytophthora infestans
Q43787787Alternative developmental pathways and the propensity to migrate: a case study in the Atlantic salmon
Q89588159Alternative evolutionary outcomes following endosymbiont-mediated selection on male mating preference alleles
Q46914688Alternative intrapopulation life-history strategies and their trade-offs in an African annual fish.
Q52676927Alternative measures of response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q51901123Alternative parasite development in transmission strategies: how time flies!
Q46467040Alternative reproductive tactics and reproductive success in male Carollia perspicillata (Seba's short-tailed bat).
Q52699777Alternative reproductive tactics and the propensity of hybridization.
Q52712350Altitudinal and seasonal variation in microsatellite allele frequencies of Drosophila buzzatii.
Q46700769Altitudinal flower size variation correlates with local pollinator size in a bumblebee-pollinated herb, Prunella vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae).
Q52666602Altitudinal patterns for latitudinally varying traits and polymorphic markers in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia.
Q52659265Altitudinal variation for stress resistance traits and thermal adaptation in adult Drosophila buzzatii from the New World.
Q45995915Altitudinal variation in behavioural thermoregulation: local adaptation vs. plasticity in California grasshoppers.
Q50792092Altitudinal variation in egg retention and rates of embryonic development in oviparous Zootoca vivipara fits predictions from the cold-climate model on the evolution of viviparity.
Q43054858Altruistic self-removal of health-compromised honey bee workers from their hive
Q80118051Alveolata histone-like proteins have different evolutionary origins
Q126109889Among-population variation and correlations in sexually dimorphic traits of Silene latifolia
Q33227986Amount of introgression in flycatcher hybrid zones reflects regional differences in pre and post-zygotic barriers to gene exchange
Q52700768Ample genetic variation but no evidence for genotype specificity in an all-parthenogenetic host-parasitoid interaction.
Q126209345An Alloparental Potpourri: The Need for Open Minds and Pluralism A review by M. Bekoff
Q42942641An EST-based genome scan using 454 sequencing in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis
Q49561451An analysis of G matrix variation in two closely related cricket species, Gryllus firmus and G. pennsylvanicus
Q40509690An analysis of genetic differentiation among assortatively mating Drosophila melanogaster in Zimbabwe
Q50472796An analysis of pre- and post-hatching maternal effects mediated by carotenoids in the blue tit.
Q88492848An empirical test for a zone of canalization in thermal reaction norms
Q113855132An empirical test of the `predictability' hypothesis for the evolution of viviparity in reptiles
Q50576812An epidemiological model of host-parasite coevolution and sex.
Q90776483An evaluation of the methods to estimate effective population size from measures of linkage disequilibrium
Q51722507An evolutionary analysis of the relationship between spite and altruism.
Q33943675An evolutionary modelling approach to understanding the factors behind plant invasiveness and community susceptibility to invasion
Q80960942An experimental evaluation of self-interference in Narcissus assoanus: functional and evolutionary implications
Q91137399An experimental evaluation of traits that influence the sexual behaviour of pollinators in sexually deceptive orchids
Q45229158An experimental test for alternative reproductive strategies underlying a female-limited polymorphism.
Q92836372An experimental test for body size-dependent effects of male harassment and an elevated copulation rate on female lifetime fecundity and offspring performance
Q46744881An experimental test of density-dependent selection on temperament traits of activity, boldness and sociability.
Q57062650An experimental test of the causes of small-scale phenotypic differentiation in a population of great tits
Q51316455An experimental test of the role of predators in the maintenance of a genetically based polymorphism.
Q87199148An experimental test of whether cheating is context dependent
Q51662822An explicit test for the contribution of environmental maternal effects to rapid clinal differentiation in an invasive plant.
Q81487188An inclusive fitness analysis of altruism on a cyclical network
Q42037848An indirect approach to imply trade-off shapes: population level patterns in resistance suggest a decreasingly costly resistance mechanism in a model insect system
Q87118945An interspecific comparison between morphology and swimming performance in cyprinids
Q57164701An inversion supergene in Drosophila underpins latitudinal clines in survival traits
Q43076586An offer you cannot refuse: down-regulation of immunity in response to a pathogen's retaliation threat
Q44951222An unexpected influence of widely used significance thresholds on the distribution of reported P-values
Q52728243An unusual barrier to gene flow: perpetually immature larvae from inter-population crosses in the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum.
Q31161520Analysing small insect glands with UV-LDI MS: high-resolution spatial analysis reveals the chemical composition and use of the osmeterium secretion in Themira superba (Sepsidae: Diptera).
Q61968856Analysis of asymmetries in the African fruit bats Eidolon helvum and Rousettus egyptiacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. I. Variance and size components of bilateral variation
Q61968857Analysis of asymmetries in the African fruit bats Eidolon helvum and Rousettus egyptiacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. II. Integration and levels of multivariate fluctuating asymmetry across a geographical range
Q46260133Analysis of microsatellite variation in Pinus radiata reveals effects of genetic drift but no recent bottlenecks.
Q51692109Analysis of range expansion in two species undergoing character displacement: why might invaders generally 'win' during character displacement?
Q125390595Analysis of reticulate relationships within the Daphnia longispina species complex. Allozyme phenotype and morphology
Q48970683Analysis of the effects of early nutritional environment on inbreeding depression in Drosophila melanogaster
Q44796159Analysis of the importance of genotypic variation, metabolic rate, morphology, sex and development time on immune function in the cricket, Gryllus firmus
Q33574080Ancestral polymorphism in exon 2 of bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) MHC class II B genes.
Q39968077Ancestral state reconstruction analysis of hymenopteran sex determination mechanisms
Q51149668Animal behaviour and algal camouflage jointly structure predation and selection.
Q112796098Animal chromosome counts reveal a similar range of chromosome numbers but with less polyploidy in animals compared to flowering plants
Q47334315Ant aggression and evolutionary stability in plant-ant and plant-pollinator mutualistic interactions
Q54394001Antagonistic coevolution across productivity gradients: an experimental test of the effects of dispersal.
Q99568252Antagonistic interactions subdue inter-species green-beard cooperation in bacteria
Q46286020Antagonistic pleiotropy can maintain fitness variation in annual plants
Q47269467Antagonistic selection between adult thorax and wing size in field released Drosophila melanogaster independent of thermal conditions.
Q96158921Antagonistic species interaction drives selection for sex in a predator-prey system
Q28186311Anthropogenic disturbance promotes hybridization between Banksia species by altering their biology
Q52697944Aphid genotypes vary in their response to the presence of fungal endosymbionts in host plants.
Q40384572Aphid specialization on different summer hosts is associated with strong genetic differentiation and unequal symbiont communities despite a common mating habitat
Q80516102Apparent mutational hotspots and long distance linkage disequilibrium resulting from a bottleneck
Q52696319Applying the genetic theories of ageing to the cytoplasm: cytoplasmic genetic covariation for fitness and lifespan.
Q44634819Approximate Bayesian computation reveals the factors that influence genetic diversity and population structure of foxsnakes
Q30837044Arcyptera fusca and Arcyptera tornosi repetitive DNA families: whole-comparative genomic hybridization (W-CGH) as a novel approach to the study of satellite DNA libraries
Q39167976Are ant supercolonies crucibles of a new major transition in evolution?
Q38529248Are aposematic signals honest? A review
Q38976375Are hybrid species more fit than ancestral parent species in the current hybrid species habitats?
Q60462432Are hybridogenetic complexes structured by habitat in water frogs?
Q90823532Are offspring begging levels exaggerated beyond the parental optimum? Evidence from a bidirectional selection experiment
Q51648367Are parental care trade-offs in shorebirds driven by parental investment or sexual selection?
Q35011652Are plant pathogen populations adapted for encounter with their host? A case study of phenological synchrony between oak and an obligate fungal parasite along an altitudinal gradient
Q53091486Are reptile and amphibian species younger in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere?
Q110792385Are reward polymorphisms subject to frequency- and density-dependent selection? Evidence from a monoecious species pollinated by deceit
Q36197546Are species differences in maternal effects arising from maternal care adaptive?
Q40080690Are there interactive effects of mate availability and predation risk on life history and defence in a simultaneous hermaphrodite?
Q43510474Are you my mother? Kin recognition in the ant Formica fusca
Q91065378Artificial selection for increased dispersal results in lower fitness
Q44598956Artificial selection on allometry: change in elevation but not slope.
Q39176959Artificial selection on ant female caste ratio uncovers a link between female-biased sex ratios and infection by Wolbachia endosymbionts.
Q45771869Artificial selection on larval growth curves in Tribolium: correlated responses and constraints
Q34987650Assessing concurrent patterns of environmental niche and morphological evolution among species of horned lizards (Phrynosoma).
Q36135014Assessing reproductive isolation using a contact zone between parapatric lake-stream stickleback ecotypes
Q41161558Assessing the alignment of sexual and natural selection using radiomutagenized seed beetles
Q46122780Assessing the extent of genome-wide intralocus sexual conflict via experimentally enforced gender-limited selection
Q57203660Assessing the nucleotide diversity of three aphid species by RAPD
Q92150575Assessing the potential for post-ejaculatory female choice in a polyandrous beach-spawning fish
Q91845800Assessing the repeatability, robustness to disturbance, and parent-offspring colony resemblance of collective behavior
Q46102195Assessing the speed and predictability of local adaptation in invasive California poppies (Eschscholzia californica).
Q90557349Associated evolution of fruit size, fruit color and spines in Neotropical palms
Q45006663Association between host's genetic diversity and parasite burden in damselflies
Q48186236Association between inbreeding depression and floral traits in a generalist-pollinated plant
Q33980519Association of Mc1r variants with ecologically relevant phenotypes in the European ocellated lizard, Lacerta lepida.
Q54740456Association with host mitochondrial haplotypes suggests that feminizing microsporidia lack horizontal transmission.
Q46250158Associations of Stream Geomorphic Conditions and Prevalence of Alternative Reproductive Tactics Among Sockeye Salmon Populations
Q58042367Assortative mating across a hybrid zone in Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q58042320Assortative mating and the genic view of speciation
Q45228769Assortative mating based on cooperativeness and generosity
Q40188373Assortative mating but no evidence of genetic divergence in a species characterized by a trophic polymorphism
Q114080039Assortative mating for between‐patch dispersal status in a wild bird population: Exploring the role of direct and indirect underlying mechanisms
Q52734029Assortative mating for relatedness in a large naturally occurring population of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q34539144Assortative preferences and discrimination by females against hybrid male song in the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and Chorthippus jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Q51577671Asymmetric and differential gene introgression at a contact zone between two highly divergent lineages of field voles (Microtus agrestis).
Q85305687Asymmetric conspecific sperm precedence in relation to spawning times in the Montastraea annularis species complex (Cnidaria: Scleractinia)
Q43818439Asymmetric gene flow and constraints on adaptation caused by sex ratio distorters
Q45974738Asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in the house mouse.
Q45074475Asymmetry in thermal tolerance trade-offs between the B and Q sibling species of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).
Q36667594Asymmetry within social groups: division of labour and intergroup competition
Q38417250Asynchronous hatching in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus quadripunctatus, maxmizes parental fitness
Q40275778Asynchronous hatching provides females with a means for increasing male care but incurs a cost by reducing offspring fitness
Q90694719Attractive male sticklebacks carry more oxidative DNA damage in the soma and germline
Q34315058Atypical panmixia in a European dolphin species (Delphinus delphis): implications for the evolution of diversity across oceanic boundaries
Q114898692Auditory changes in noctuid moths endemic to a bat-free habitat
Q28267196Automixis in Artemia: solving a century-old controversy
Q92992557Autosomal suppression and fitness costs of an old driving X chromosome in Drosophila testacea
Q34087479Avian colour perception predicts behavioural responses to experimental brood parasitism in chaffinches.
Q50795758Avian growth and development rates and age-specific mortality: the roles of nest predation and adult mortality.
Q110615194Axes of multivariate sexual signal divergence among incipient species: Concordance with selection, genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity
Q35872241Axial allometry in a neutrally buoyant environment: effects of the terrestrial-aquatic transition on vertebral scaling
Q52676936Back to one: consequences of derived monogyny in an ant with polygynous ancestors.
Q46798436Background matching ability and the maintenance of a colour polymorphism in the red devil cichlid
Q42277233Bacterial motility confers fitness advantage in the presence of phages.
Q51245452Bacteriocins and the assembly of natural Pseudomonas fluorescens populations.
Q80117962Balancing synthesis with pluralism in sociobiology
Q37760563Bargaining in biology?
Q60311507Barn swallow chicks beg more loudly when broodmates are unrelated
Q46324328Barnacles, barrier loci and the systematic building of species
Q46324324Barrier loci and progress towards evolutionary generalities
Q33928057Basal cold but not heat tolerance constrains plasticity among Drosophila species (Diptera: Drosophilidae).
Q84747350Basal metabolic rate and risk-taking behaviour in birds
Q80831705Basal metabolic rate: heritability and genetic correlations with morphological traits in the zebra finch
Q51467634Bateman's principle and immunity in a sex-role reversed pipefish.
Q46757169Batesian mimics influence the evolution of conspicuousness in an aposematic salamander.
Q37121897Bayesian approaches in evolutionary quantitative genetics
Q99210936Becoming creatures of habit: among- and within-individual variation in nesting behavior shifts with age
Q41343385Bees explain floral variation in a recent radiation of Linaria.
Q83454805Begging at high level simultaneously impairs growth and immune response in southern shrike (Lanius meridionalis) nestlings
Q52707295Behavioural and biomaterial coevolution in spider orb webs.
Q46014220Behavioural differences between individuals and two populations of stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).
Q52649747Behavioural interactions, kin and disease susceptibility in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris.
Q46953728Behavioural isolation may facilitate homoploid hybrid speciation in cichlid fish.
Q63649344Behavioural mechanisms of sexual isolation involving multiple modalities and their inheritance
Q31044195Behavioural response to combined insecticide and temperature stress in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q108898650Behavioural response to songs between genetically diverged allopatric populations of Darwin's small tree finch in the Galápagos
Q51180844Behavioural, ecological and genetic evidence confirm the occurrence of host-associated differentiation in goldenrod gall-midges.
Q47426166Bergmann's Rule rules body size in an ectotherm: heat conservation in a lizard along a 2200-metre elevational gradient.
Q125723634Berthold, P. 1993. Bird Migration: A General Survey. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0‐19‐854692‐0 (H.b.) 0‐19‐854691‐2 (P.b.)
Q125935046Bet-hedging via dispersal aids the evolution of plastic responses to unreliable cues
Q52773621Between-sex genetic covariance constrains the evolution of sexual dimorphism in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q53895197Between-year variation of MHC allele frequencies in great reed warblers: selection or drift?
Q46566398Beyond animals and plants: dynamic maternal effects in the fungus Neurospora crassa.
Q51540132Beyond hybridization: diversity of interactions with heterospecifics, direct fitness consequences and the effects on mate preferences.
Q119627641Beyond morphs: Inter-individual colour variation despite strong genetic determinism of colour morphs in a wild bird
Q46609309Beyond the wing planform: morphological differentiation between migratory and nonmigratory dragonfly species
Q48195764Beyond topology: coevolution of structure and flux in metabolic networks
Q90586046Biased predation could promote convergence yet maintain diversity within Müllerian mimicry rings of Oreina leaf beetles
Q34803632Biased sex-ratio and sex-biased heterozygote disadvantage affect the maintenance of a genetic polymorphism and the properties of hybrid zones.
Q35663823Big cat, small cat: reconstructing body size evolution in living and extinct Felidae.
Q46257111Bigger testes increase paternity in a simultaneous hermaphrodite, independently of the sperm competition level.
Q46770736Bird predation selects for wing shape and coloration in a damselfly.
Q51615976Birth-death symmetry in the evolution of a social trait
Q45190470Blending of heritable recognition cues among ant nestmates creates distinct colony gestalt odours but prevents within-colony nepotism.
Q41932711Blood parasites mediate morph-specific maintenance costs in a colour polymorphic wild bird.
Q49821901Bloody-minded parasites and sex: the effects of fluctuating virulence.
Q60232248Body shape evolution among ploidy levels of theSqualius alburnoideshybrid complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)
Q33283075Body shape vs. colour associated initial divergence in the Telmatherina radiation in Lake Matano, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Q98472825Body size and climate as predictors of plumage colouration and sexual dichromatism in parrots
Q41393760Body size and sexual size dimorphism in primates: influence of climate and net primary productivity
Q90255049Body size and sperm quality in queen- And worker-produced ant males
Q47174822Body size as a primary determinant of ecomorphological diversification and the evolution of mimicry in the lampropeltinine snakes (Serpentes: Colubridae).
Q57006967Body size does not predict species richness among the metazoan phyla
Q34735859Body size evolution in Mesozoic birds
Q33358905Body size evolution in Mesozoic birds: little evidence for Cope's rule
Q47273390Body size evolution in South American Liolaemus lizards of the boulengeri clade: a contrasting reassessment.
Q46851135Body size evolution in Titanosauriformes (Sauropoda, Macronaria).
Q36103460Body size evolution of a shell-brooding cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika.
Q33439205Bone microstructures and mode of skeletogenesis in osteoderms of three pareiasaur taxa from the Permian of South Africa
Q39269583Bower-building behaviour is associated with increased sperm longevity in Tanganyikan cichlids.
Q51599667Brain plasticity over the metamorphic boundary: carry-over effect of larval environment on froglet brain development.
Q90694751Brain size affects responsiveness in mating behaviour to variation in predation pressure and sex ratio
Q47390380Brain size and the expression of pheomelanin-based colour in birds
Q39282858Brain size evolution in pipefishes and seahorses: the role of feeding ecology, life history and sexual selection.
Q93363083Brain size predicts behavioural plasticity in guppies (Poecilia reticulata): An experiment
Q47431292Brain size, head size and behaviour of a passerine bird
Q104257741Breeding behavior predicts patterns of natural hybridization in North American minnows (Cyprinidae)
Q38368025Breeding biology and the evolution of dynamic sexual dichromatism in frogs.
Q51158639Brood sex ratio variation in a cooperatively breeding bird.
Q51641702Budding dispersal and the sex ratio.
Q35309256Bursts of transposable elements as an evolutionary driving force
Q34309347By-product information can stabilize the reliability of communication
Q126023652Byrne, Richard. 1995. The Thinking Ape: Evolutionary Origins of Intelligence. Oxford University Press. Price: £30.00 (H.b.) or £13.50 (P.b.). 264 pp. ISBN: 0‐19‐852188‐X (H.b.) or 0‐19‐852265‐7 (P.b.).
Q56932954Calcium and salinity as selective factors in plate morph evolution of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus )
Q31143179Call divergence is correlated with geographic and genetic distance in greenish warblers (Phylloscopus trochiloides): a strong role for stochasticity in signal evolution?
Q34286838Camouflage through an active choice of a resting spot and body orientation in moths
Q84174622Can AFLP genome scans detect small islands of differentiation? The case of shell sculpture variation in the periwinkle Echinolittorina hawaiiensis
Q47559543Can Ebola Virus evolve to be less virulent in humans?
Q39174873Can alternative mating tactics facilitate introgression across a hybrid zone by circumventing female choice?
Q45044652Can cytoplasmic incompatibility inducing Wolbachia promote the evolution of mate preferences?
Q51358334Can evolution of sexual dimorphism be triggered by developmental temperatures?
Q45886374Can maternally transmitted endosymbionts facilitate the evolution of haplodiploidy?
Q34245414Can mechanism help explain insect host choice?
Q51706665Can natural phenotypic variances be estimated reliably under homogeneous laboratory conditions?
Q45836947Can natural selection favour altruism between species?
Q35549473Can paternal leakage maintain sexually antagonistic polymorphism in the cytoplasm?
Q83978168Can phosphorus limitation contribute to the maintenance of sex? A test of a key assumption
Q51766216Can sexual selection drive female life histories? A comparative study on Galliform birds.
Q39178193Can we continue to neglect genomic variation in introgression rates when inferring the history of speciation? A case study in a Mytilus hybrid zone.
Q36442491Cannabinoid receptors in invertebrates.
Q34630663Cannibalism as an interacting phenotype: precannibalistic aggression is influenced by social partners in the endangered Socorro Isopod (Thermosphaeroma thermophilum).
Q60463494Cannibalizing Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) larvae use endogenous cues to avoid eating relatives
Q22065681Capturing the superorganism: a formal theory of group adaptation
Q51715446Carotenoid and protein supplementation have differential effects on pheasant ornamentation and immunity.
Q46809569Carotenoid-based bill coloration functions as a social, not sexual, signal in songbirds (Aves: Passeriformes).
Q60228118Carotenoid-based bill colour as an indicator of immunocompetence and sperm performance in male mallards
Q31094014Carry-over effects of conditions at the wintering grounds on breeding plumage signals in a migratory bird: roles of phenotypic plasticity and selection
Q35815748Cascading costs of reproduction in female house wrens induced to lay larger clutches
Q52641728Caste fate conflict in swarm-founding social hymenoptera: an inclusive fitness analysis.
Q46144274Caste ratios affect the reproductive output of social trematode colonies
Q38460713Caste-biases in gene expression are specific to developmental stage in the ant Formica exsecta
Q47553024Casual movement speed but not maximal locomotor capacity predicts mate searching success
Q30422999Causes of male sexual trait divergence in introduced populations of guppies
Q33479276Cell-mediated immunity and multi-locus heterozygosity in bluethroat nestlings.
Q50483749Cell-mediated immunity predicts the probability of local recruitment in nestling blue tits.
Q88887675Change in male coloration associated with artificial selection on foraging colour preference
Q96828045Change in sexual signaling traits outruns morphological divergence across an ecological gradient in the postglacial radiation of the songbird genus Junco
Q50709389Changed environmental conditions weaken sexual selection in sticklebacks.
Q33928052Changes in behavioural trait integration following rapid ecotype divergence in an aquatic isopod.
Q52029057Changes in genetic architecture during relaxation in Drosophila melanogaster selected on divergent virgin life span.
Q52733337Changes in reciprocal herkogamy during the tristyly-distyly transition in Oxalis alpina increase efficiency in pollen transfer.
Q51629254Changes in the selection differential exerted on a marine snail during the ontogeny of a predatory shore crab.
Q47671005Changes in thermotolerance and Hsp70 expression with domestication in Drosophila melanogaster
Q46566372Changing the habitat: the evolution of intercorrelated traits to escape from predators
Q33274246Character displacement: in situ evolution of novel phenotypes or sorting of pre-existing variation?
Q46747776Characterization and evolutionary analysis of tributyltin-binding protein and pufferfish saxitoxin and tetrodotoxin-binding protein genes in toxic and nontoxic pufferfishes
Q51589855Characterization of a divergent chromosome region in the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus using avian genomic resources.
Q46292129Characterizing selection in black-throated blue warblers using a sexual network approach.
Q45917541Cheating is not always punished: killer female plants and pollination by deceit in the dwarf palm Chamaerops humilis.
Q40235302Chemical communication of queen supergene status in an ant.
Q22121953Chloroplast DNA indicates a single origin of the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica
Q60557670Chloroplast DNA variation within and among five Plantago species
Q45968209Chromosomal basis of viability differences in Tigriopus californicus interpopulation hybrids.
Q51694074Chromosomal rearrangements and genetic structure at different evolutionary levels of the Sorex araneus group.
Q43195660Chronic malaria infections increase family inequalities and reduce parental fitness: experimental evidence from a wild bird population
Q47341621Chronic malnutrition favours smaller critical size for metamorphosis initiation in Drosophila melanogaster
Q44568567Circannual variation in blood parasitism in a sub-Saharan migrant passerine bird, the garden warbler.
Q52740795Cis- and trans-acting genetic factors contribute to heterogeneity in the rate of crossing over between the Drosophila simulans clade species.
Q47412373Classic predictions about sex change do not hold under all types of size advantage
Q92725052Climate change, sex reversal and lability of sex-determining systems
Q89995204Climate-associated genetic variation in Fagus sylvatica and potential responses to climate change in the French Alps
Q36069257Climate-mediated adaptation after mainland colonization of an ancestrally subtropical island lizard, Anolis carolinensis
Q46335034Climate-related environmental variation in a visual signalling device: the male and female dewlap in Anolis sagrei lizards.
Q58616956Climatic niche evolution in turtles is characterized by phylogenetic conservatism for both aquatic and terrestrial species
Q60369901Climatic niche evolution in turtles is characterized by phylogenetic conservatism for both aquatic and terrestrial species
Q47394322Clinal variation and laboratory adaptation in the rainforest species Drosophila birchii for stress resistance, wing size, wing shape and development time
Q30655890Clinal variation in a brown lemur (Eulemur spp.) hybrid zone: combining morphological, genetic and climatic data to examine stability.
Q39380069Clinal variation in post-winter male fertility retention; an adaptive overwintering strategy in Drosophila melanogaster
Q45438359Clonal diversity driven by parasitism in a freshwater snail
Q56983889Clonal diversity in high arctic ostracodes
Q51634642Clonal erosion and genetic drift in cyclical parthenogens--the interplay between neutral and selective processes.
Q57027237Clonal integration in Ranunculus reptans: by-product or adaptation?
Q92522334Close-kin mating, but not inbred parents, reduces hatching rates and offspring quality in a threatened tortoise
Q43614622Closing of the Tethys Sea and the phylogeny of Eurasian killifishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Cyprinodontidae).
Q90047866Co-evolution of cerebral and cerebellar expansion in cetaceans
Q34387958Co-evolution of male and female reproductive characters across the Scathophagidae (Diptera).
Q51646408Co-evolution of plumage characteristics and winter sociality in New and Old World sparrows.
Q45950566Co-evolutionary dynamics between public good producers and cheats in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Q29038718Co-evolutionary patterns and diversification of ant-fungus associations in the asexual fungus-farming ant Mycocepurus smithii in Panama
Q93171320Co-foundress confinement elicits kinship effects in a naturally sub-social parasitoid
Q91274739Co-inheritance of sea age at maturity and iteroparity in the Atlantic salmon vgll3 genomic region
Q45273552Co-variation between the intensity of behavioural manipulation and parasite development time in an acanthocephalan-amphipod system.
Q50656595Coevolution and the adaptive value of autumn tree colours: colour preference and growth rates of a southern beech aphid.
Q51667285Coevolution between crossbills and black pine: the importance of competitors, forest area and resource stability.
Q39031793Coevolution between flight morphology, vertical stratification and sexual dimorphism: what can we learn from tropical butterflies?
Q79325919Coevolution between hosts and parasites with partially overlapping geographic ranges
Q51811602Coevolution of male and female reproductive traits in a simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail.
Q60367515Coevolution of virulence and immunosuppression in multiple infections
Q52654821Coevolutionary arms races: increased host immune defense promotes specialization by avian fleas.
Q42654468Coevolutionary relationship between helminth diversity and MHC class II polymorphism in rodents
Q34461636Coexistence and origin of trophic ecotypes of pygmy whitefish, Prosopium coulterii, in a south-western Alaskan lake
Q41651959Coinfection and the evolution of drug resistance
Q62085694Collective action in an RNA virus
Q92973606Collective aggressiveness limits colony persistence in high- but not low-elevation sites at Amazonian social spiders
Q36066327Colonization and demographic expansion of freshwater fauna across the Hawaiian archipelago.
Q51559939Colonizing the world in spite of reduced MHC variation.
Q60325800Colony size, social complexity and reproductive conflict in social insects
Q59118128Colony-level sex ratio selection in the eusocial Hymenoptera
Q83981172Coloration signals the ability to cope with elevated stress hormones: effects of corticosterone on growth of barn owls are associated with melanism
Q33247046Colour forms of Amazonian cichlid fish represent reproductively isolated species.
Q57892745Colour pattern component phenotypic divergence can be predicted by the light environment
Q41996916Colour pattern homology and evolution in Vanessa butterflies (Nymphalidae: Nymphalini): eyespot characters
Q114589440Colour pattern variation forms local background matching camouflage in a leaf‐mimicking toad
Q53852206Colour polymorphism in birds: causes and functions.
Q51715454Colour variation and alternative reproductive strategies in females of the common lizard Lacerta vivipara.
Q101632496Colour variation in female common lizards: why we should speak of morphs, a reply to Coteet al.
Q51609321Colour, design and reward: phenotypic integration of fleshy fruit displays.
Q43906971Colour-variable birds have broader ranges, wider niches and are less likely to be threatened
Q51790801Colourful male guppies produce faster and more viable sperm.
Q34136790Colourful stripes send mixed messages to safe and risky partners in a diffuse cleaning mutualism
Q100723768Combined effects of rearing and testing temperatures on sperm traits
Q28306134Combined influence of maternal and paternal quality on sex allocation in red-capped robins
Q33665249Combining capture-recapture data and pedigree information to assess heritability of demographic parameters in the wild
Q46911480Combining experimental evolution and field population assays to study the evolution of host range breadth
Q30665739Combining fossil and molecular data to date the diversification of New World Primates
Q57587021Combining mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphological data to infer species boundaries: phylogeography of lanceheaded pitvipers in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and the status of Bothrops pradoi (Squamata: Serpentes: Viperidae)
Q58034970Combining probability from independent tests: the weighted Z-method is superior to Fisher's approach
Q48275494Come on feel the noise - from metaphors to null models
Q24619323Coming to America: multiple origins of New World geckos
Q60305184Comments on "Epigenetic inheritance in evolution"
Q44957411Common garden experiment reveals pathogen isolate but no host genetic diversity effect on the dynamics of an emerging wildlife disease.
Q59693187Common sex-linked deleterious alleles in a plant parasitic fungus alter infection success but show no pleiotropic advantage
Q102385385Community lifespan, niche expansion and the evolution of interspecific cooperation
Q80231874Compact genes are highly expressed in the moss Physcomitrella patens
Q30085649Comparative analysis of encephalization in mammals reveals relaxed constraints on anthropoid primate and cetacean brain scaling
Q46947042Comparative analysis reveals that polyploidy does not decelerate diversification in fish.
Q28254874Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic distribution of the mammalian cecal appendix
Q57212290Comparative evaluation of maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction using empirical morphological data
Q60198482Comparative evaluation of maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction using empirical morphological data
Q38275095Comparative genomic study of arachnid immune systems indicates loss of beta-1,3-glucanase-related proteins and the immune deficiency pathway.
Q46322777Comparative rates of lower jaw diversification in cichlid adaptive radiations.
Q37008984Comparative studies of quantitative trait and neutral marker divergence: a meta-analysis.
Q29040834Comparative study in stingless bees (Meliponini) demonstrates that nest entrance size predicts traffic and defensivity
Q126201219Comparative transcriptome analysis at the onset of speciation in a mimetic butterfly—The Ithomiini Melinaea marsaeus
Q29027336Comparing artificial and natural selection in rate of adaptation to genetic stress in Aspergillus nidulans
Q46845755Comparing measures of breeding inequality and opportunity for selection with sexual selection on a quantitative character in bighorn rams.
Q57614954Comparing molecular measures for detecting inbreeding depression
Q47410602Comparing phylogenetic signal in intraspecific and interspecific body size datasets
Q57912694Comparing three different methods to detect selective loci using dominant markers
Q57237103Comparison of genetic differentiation at marker loci and quantitative traits
Q52976390Competing dwarf males: sexual selection in an orb-weaving spider.
Q37611546Competition between relatives and the evolution of dispersal in a parasitoid wasp.
Q44818560Competition, breeding success and ageing rates in female meerkats
Q46569391Competitive environments induce shifts in host fidelity
Q51700448Competitive speciation and costs of choosiness.
Q52675730Complementary sex determination in the parasitoid wasp Cotesia vestalis (C. plutellae).
Q51652954Complete lack of mitochondrial divergence between two species of NE Atlantic marine intertidal gastropods.
Q45970745Complex evolution of orthologous and paralogous decarboxylase genes.
Q43933774Complex genetic architecture of population differences in adult lifespan of a beetle: nonadditive inheritance, gender differences, body size and a large maternal effect
Q51906455Complex genotype interactions influence social fitness during the developmental phase of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.
Q40344092Complex mitonuclear interactions and metabolic costs of mating in male seed beetles
Q52740227Complex patterns of local adaptation in heat tolerance in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia.
Q38878161Complex phenotype-environment associations revealed in an East African cyprinid
Q33370376Complex population history of two Anopheles dirus mosquito species in Southeast Asia suggests the influence of Pleistocene climate change rather than human-mediated effects
Q43519765Complex selection associated with Hox genes in a natural population of lizards
Q52085992Complexity and integration in sexual ornamentation: an example with carotenoid and melanin plumage pigmentation.
Q67195638Complexity for complexity's sake?
Q113791767Composition of a chemical signalling trait varies with phylogeny and precipitation across an Australian lizard radiation
Q101041576Compost spatial heterogeneity promotes evolutionary diversification of a Bacterium
Q50948543Concurrent coevolution of intra-organismal cheaters and resisters.
Q51104996Condition dependence and the maintenance of genetic variance in a sexually dimorphic black scavenger fly.
Q34946146Condition dependence of developmental stability in the sexually dimorphic fly Telostylinus angusticollis (Diptera: Neriidae).
Q51108690Condition dependence of female choosiness in a field cricket.
Q40832732Condition dependence of male and female genital structures in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).
Q51683524Condition dependence of sexually dimorphic colouration and longevity in the ambush bug Phymata americana.
Q52698164Condition dependence varies with mating success in male Drosophila bunnanda.
Q93234216Condition dependent mortality exacerbates male (but not female) reproductive senescence and the potential for sexual conflict
Q50690631Condition-dependent expression of red colour differs between stickleback species.
Q50457862Condition-dependent genetic benefits of extrapair fertilization in female blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus.
Q83331058Condition-dependent mutation rates and sexual selection
Q42044143Condition-dependent traits and the capture of genetic variance in male advertisement song
Q30314475Conditions for the invasion of male-haploidy in diploid populations
Q44687671Conditions when hybridization might predispose populations for adaptive radiation
Q56688720Confidence of paternity and paternal care: covariation revealed through the experimental manipulation of the mating system in the beetle Onthophagus taurus
Q52697532Conflicting selection on diaspore traits limits the evolutionary potential of seed dispersal by ants.
Q45239254Conflicting selection on the timing of germination in a natural population of Arabidopsis thaliana
Q47435858Conflicting selection pressures on seed size: evolutionary ecology of fruit size in a bird-dispersed tree, Olea europaea
Q51650797Connecting behaviour and performance: the evolution of biting behaviour and bite performance in bats.
Q38976937Connecting proximate mechanisms and evolutionary patterns: pituitary gland size and mammalian life history.
Q52782601Connecting thermal performance curve variation to the genotype: a multivariate QTL approach.
Q45269368Consequence of herbivory for the fitness cost of herbicide resistance: photosynthetic variation in the context of plant-herbivore interactions
Q60540284Consequences of
Q51897448Consequences of genetic erosion on fitness and phenotypic plasticity in European tree frog populations (Hyla arborea).
Q52092616Consequences of inter-population crosses on developmental stability and canalization of floral traits in Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae).
Q50587511Consequences of mating and predation risk for longevity in a freshwater snail: abstinence makes the heart beat longer.
Q104466169Consequences of population structure for sex allocation and sexual conflict
Q35557692Conservation of multivariate female preference functions and preference mechanisms in three species of trilling field crickets
Q97540096Conserved ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes in Caribbean croaking geckos (Aristelliger: Sphaerodactylidae)
Q47561445Conserved roles of Osiris genes in insect development, polymorphism and protection
Q57269605Consistent individual differences in cooperative behaviour in meerkats (Suricata suricatta)
Q92670698Consistent within-individual plasticity is sufficient to explain temperature responses in red deer reproductive traits
Q44730354Conspicuous visual signals do not coevolve with increased body size in marine sea slugs.
Q51692489Conspicuousness is correlated with toxicity in marine opisthobranchs.
Q47436170Constant relative age and size at sex change for sequentially hermaphroditic fish
Q39627392Constant, cycling, hot and cold thermal environments: strong effects on mean viability but not on genetic estimates.
Q30361568Constrained evolution of the sex comb in Drosophila simulans.
Q52649757Constrained sex allocation in a parasitoid due to variation in male quality.
Q27021370Constraints imposed by pollinator behaviour on the ecology and evolution of plant mating systems
Q51558922Constraints on adaptation: explaining deviation from optimal sex ratio using artificial neural networks.
Q36012183Constraints on geographic variation in fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae: Uca) from the western Atlantic
Q33294921Constraints on microbial metabolism drive evolutionary diversification in homogeneous environments.
Q43457557Constraints on the evolution of function-valued traits: a study of growth in Tribolium castaneum
Q57093833Constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in the clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris
Q60557314Constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in the clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris
Q114144505Contamination effects on sexual selection in wild dung beetles
Q89874683Contemporary climate change hinders hybrid performance of ecologically dominant marine invertebrates
Q35257268Contemporary ecotypic divergence during a recent range expansion was facilitated by adaptive introgression
Q35884634Contemporary evolution of host plant range expansion in an introduced herbivorous beetle Ophraella communa
Q30892983Contemporary evolution of plant reproductive strategies under global change is revealed by stored seeds
Q51975639Contemporary gene flow and the spatio-temporal genetic structure of subdivided newt populations (Triturus cristatus, T. marmoratus).
Q92670219Context is key: A comment on Herczeg et al. 2019
Q35873921Context-dependent alarm signalling in an insect
Q40201557Context-dependent development of sexual ornamentation: implications for a trade-off between current and future breeding efforts
Q50886092Context-dependent effects of Y chromosome and mitochondrial haplotype on male locomotive activity in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q47546813Context-dependent effects of yolk androgens on nestling growth and immune function in a multibrooded passerine
Q52097246Context-dependent sexual advertisement: plasticity in development of sexual ornamentation throughout the lifetime of a passerine bird.
Q57197901Contrasted patterns of mitochondrial and nuclear structure among nursery colonies of the bat Myotis myotis
Q56781988Contrasting effects of long distance seed dispersal on genetic diversity during range expansion
Q33231360Contrasting genetic structures across two hybrid zones of a tropical reef fish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus (Bleeker 1855).
Q38688627Contrasting patterns of X-chromosome divergence underlie multiple sex-ratio polymorphisms in stalk-eyed flies.
Q51719756Contrasting patterns of body shape and neutral genetic divergence in marine and lake populations of threespine sticklebacks.
Q52699838Contrasting patterns of phenotypic variation linked to chromosomal inversions in native and colonizing populations of Drosophila subobscura.
Q44221226Contrasting patterns of selection acting on MHC class I and class II DRB genes in the Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota).
Q47175565Contrasting patterns of selection on the size and coloration of a female plumage ornament in common yellowthroats.
Q46812195Contrasting reproductive strategies of triploid hybrid males in vertebrate mating systems
Q51692584Contrasting sexual selection on males and females in a role-reversed swarming dance fly, Rhamphomyia longicauda Loew (Diptera: Empididae).
Q46983890Contribution of the X chromosome to a marked reduction in lifespan in interspecies female hybrids of Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana
Q59599286Control of male production in the swarm-founding wasp, Polybioides tabidus
Q38951535Control of parental investment changes plastically over time with residual reproductive value
Q101059338Convergence in sympatry: evolution of blue-banded wing pattern in Morpho butterflies
Q51837844Convergence in trophic morphology and feeding performance among piscivorous natricine snakes.
Q58556815Convergent Evolution Of Locomotor Morphology But Not Performance In Gymnotiform Swimmers
Q40450666Convergent evolution across the Australian continent: ecotype diversification drives morphological convergence in two distantly related clades of Australian frogs.
Q44172756Convergent evolution of eye ultrastructure and divergent evolution of vision-mediated predatory behaviour in jumping spiders
Q42007574Convergent evolution of morphology and habitat use in the explosive Hawaiian fancy case caterpillar radiation
Q83176748Convergent lifespan reaction norms in the yeast cultures exposed to different environmental stresses
Q46320519Cool sperm: why some placental mammals have a scrotum
Q52931151Cooperating for direct fitness benefits.
Q48434926Cooperation and conflict during evolutionary transitions in individuality
Q45951154Cooperation as a volunteer's dilemma and the strategy of conflict in public goods games.
Q22065682Cooperation within and among species
Q51151504Cooperative personalities and social niche specialization in female meerkats.
Q47791244Cope's Rule in the Pterosauria, and differing perceptions of Cope's Rule at different taxonomic levels
Q47333390Cope's rule in cryptodiran turtles: do the body sizes of extant species reflect a trend of phyletic size increase?
Q51956108Cophylogenetic relationships between penguins and their chewing lice.
Q57191467Coping with predator stress: interclonal differences in induction of heat-shock proteins in the water flea Daphnia magna
Q33199143Copulation reduces male but not female longevity in Saltella sphondylli (Diptera: Sepsidae).
Q42727407Copulatory plugs inhibit the reproductive success of rival males
Q34045153Coral reefs as drivers of cladogenesis: expanding coral reefs, cryptic extinction events, and the development of biodiversity hotspots
Q33514094Correction of a bootstrap approach to testing for evolution along lines of least resistance
Q51695712Correlated evolution between male ejaculate allocation and female remating behaviour in seed beetles (Bruchidae).
Q47435846Correlated evolution of colour pattern and body size in polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers, Tetrix undulata.
Q123145259Correlated evolution of larval development, egg size and genome size across two genera of snapping shrimp
Q46487118Correlated evolution of life history and host range in the nonphotosynthetic parasitic flowering plants Orobanche and Phelipanche (Orobanchaceae).
Q51700335Correlated evolution of multivariate traits: detecting co-divergence across multiple dimensions.
Q51564811Correlated evolution of phenotypic plasticity in metamorphic timing.
Q51150022Correlated evolution of thermal niches and functional physiology in tropical freshwater fishes.
Q88795818Correlated paternity measures mate monopolization and scales with the magnitude of sexual selection
Q39721502Correlated response in plasticity to selection for early flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q33268527Correlated responses to artificial body size selection in growth, development, phenotypic plasticity and juvenile viability in yellow dung flies.
Q52043771Correlated responses to selection for stress resistance and longevity in a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q28743595Correlates of species richness in the largest Neotropical amphibian radiation
Q45096263Correlational selection does not explain the evolution of a behavioural syndrome.
Q40336043Correlations between heterozygosity and measures of genetic similarity: implications for understanding mate choice
Q51699355Correlations between sex rate estimates and fitness across predominantly parthenogenetic flatworm populations.
Q40547456Correlations between ultraviolet coloration, overwinter survival and offspring sex ratio in the blue tit.
Q88623073Corrigendum: A multigenerational effect of parental age on offspring size but not fitness in common duckweed (Lemna minor)
Q46725841Corticosterone manipulation reveals differences in hierarchical organization of multidimensional reproductive trade-offs in r-strategist and K-strategist females
Q46983882Corticosterone regulates multiple colour traits in Lacerta [Zootoca] vivipara males
Q51577161Cost of cooperation rules selection for cheats in bacterial metapopulations.
Q39795525Cost of resistance to parasites in digital organisms
Q80404330Costly carotenoids: a trade-off between predation and infection risk?
Q52715836Costs and benefits of defences induced by predators differing in dangerousness.
Q35938618Costs and benefits of genetic heterogeneity within organisms
Q92983509Costs and benefits of giant sperm and sperm storage organs in Drosophila melanogaster
Q84916717Costs and benefits of polyandry in a placental poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa are in accordance with the parent-offspring conflict theory of placentation
Q40235237Costs and benefits of sublethal Drosophila C virus infection.
Q110615418Costs and limits of phenotypic plasticity: Tests with predator-induced morphology and life history in a freshwater snail
Q110616049Costs and limits of phenotypic plasticity: Tests with predator-induced morphology and life history in a freshwater snail
Q45856957Costs of growing up as a subordinate sibling are passed to the next generation in blue-footed boobies
Q42045316Costs of resistance: genetic correlations and potential trade-offs in an insect immune system
Q90584946Costs of walking: differences in egg size and starvation resistance of females between strains of the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) artificially selected for walking ability
Q93031577Costs of weaponry: Unarmed males sire more offspring than armed males in a male-dimorphic mite
Q51691795Costs, benefits and the evolution of inducible defences: a case study with Daphnia pulex.
Q42021080Countergradient vs. cogradient variation in growth and diapause in a lichen-feeding moth, Eilema depressum (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae).
Q61659097Counterselection on sex chromosomes in the Mus musculus European hybrid zone
Q50496919Covariance among premating, post-copulatory and viability fitness components in Drosophila melanogaster and their influence on paternity measurement.
Q126028706Covariation among floral traits in Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae): geographic and temporal variation in phenotypic and among‐family correlations
Q34387976Covariation between brain size and immunity in birds: implications for brain size evolution.
Q79733614Cranial evolution in sakis (Pithecia, Platyrrhini). II: Evolutionary processes and morphological integration
Q47655040Cranial shape and correlated characters in crocodilian evolution
Q34195654Crest evolution in newts: implications for reconstruction methods, sexual selection, phenotypic plasticity and the origin of novelties
Q29027832Crickets detect the genetic similarity of mating partners via cuticular hydrocarbons
Q57453563Crickets increase sexual signalling and sperm protection but live shorter in the presence of rivals
Q90366238Crocodylomorph cranial shape evolution and its relationship with body size and ecology
Q92727540Cross-decades stability of an avian hybrid zone
Q42006961Cross-generational effects of temperature on flight performance, and associated life-history traits in an insect
Q47621843Crossing the taxonomic divide: conflict and its resolution in societies of reproductively totipotent individuals
Q87413598Crossing the threshold: gene flow, dominance and the critical level of standing genetic variation required for adaptation to novel environments
Q47916285Crowd control: sex ratio affects sexually selected cuticular hydrocarbons in male Drosophila serrata.
Q38404722Cryptic differences in colour among Müllerian mimics: how can the visual capacities of predators and prey shape the evolution of wing colours?
Q47729422Cryptic diversification in ancient asexuals: evidence from the bdelloid rotifer Philodina flaviceps
Q51564705Cryptic female choice via sperm dumping favours male copulatory courtship in a spider.
Q47250994Cryptic recombination in the ever-young sex chromosomes of Hylid frogs
Q59591273Cryptic speciation among intestinal parasites (Trematoda: Digenea) infecting sympatric host fishes (Sparidae)
Q64236734Crystal toxins and the volunteer's dilemma in bacteria
Q30626612Cultural and climatic changes shape the evolutionary history of the Uralic languages.
Q36161637Cultural isolation is greater than genetic isolation across an avian hybrid zone
Q47645692Cultural niche construction and human evolution
Q45256590Cultural transmission and the evolution of human behaviour: a general approach based on the Price equation
Q47363160Cumulative cultural dynamics and the coevolution of cultural innovation and transmission: an ESS model for panmictic and structured populations
Q60441300Cumulative effects of founding events during colonisation on genetic diversity and differentiation in an island and stepping-stone model
Q50769698Curves as traits: genetic and environmental variation in mate preference functions.
Q30427124Cuticular hydrocarbon divergence in the jewel wasp Nasonia: evolutionary shifts in chemical communication channels?
Q80921048Cuticular hydrocarbons are heritable in the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q51578960Cuticular hydrocarbons influence female attractiveness to males in the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus.
Q97536131Cycles of trans-Arctic dispersal and vicariance, and diversification of the amphi-boreal marine fauna
Q125257507Cyclical environmental changes as a factor maintaining genetic polymorphism. 1. Two‐locus haploid selection
Q46100537Cytonuclear conflict in interpopulation hybrids: the role of RNA polymerase in mtDNA transcription and replication.
Q91621470Cytonuclear incongruences hamper species delimitation in the socially polymorphic desert ants of the Cataglyphis albicans group in Israel
Q45884518Cytoplasmic feminizing elements in a two‐population model: infection dynamics, gene flow modification, and the spread of autosomal suppressors
Q63980012Cytoplasmic incompatibilities in the mosquito Culex pipiens: How to explain a cytotype polymorphism?*
Q51473380DDT resistance, epistasis and male fitness in flies.
Q48073607DNA sequence analysis and the phylogeographical history of the rodent Deltamys kempi (Sigmodontinae, Cricetidae) on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of south of Brazil
Q35153483Darwin's finches and their diet niches: the sympatric coexistence of imperfect generalists
Q83958066Darwinian transformation of a 'scarcely nutritious fluid' into milk
Q31039482Data depth, data completeness, and their influence on quantitative genetic estimation in two contrasting bird populations
Q125373565David M. Green and Stanley K. Sessions (eds.), 1991. Amphibian Cytogenetics and Evolution. Academic Press, pp. 456. $89.50. ISBN: 0‐12‐297880‐3
Q89110979Day-flying moths are smaller: evidence for ecological costs of being large
Q95285287Death feigning as an adaptive anti-predator behavior: further evidence for its evolution from artificial selection and natural populations
Q34725734Decay of unused characters by selection and drift
Q51857647Decompositions of Price's formula in an inhomogeneous population structure.
Q61697956Deconstructing a floral phenotype: do pollinators select for corolla integration in Lavandula latifolia?
Q34735787Decoupling of taxonomic diversity and morphological disparity during decline of the Cambrian trilobite family Pterocephaliidae
Q52641834Defence against multiple enemies.
Q113855135Defensive role of leaf trichomes in resistance to herbivorous insects in Datura stramonium
Q37060484Defining biological communication
Q82208811Degeneration patterns of the olfactory receptor genes in sea snakes
Q46294153Delayed dispersal and prolonged brood care in a family-living beetle.
Q38467801Delayed effects of larval predation risk and food quality on anuran juvenile performance
Q42044139Delaying evolution of insect resistance to transgenic crops by decreasing dominance and heritability
Q34815194Deleterious effects of recombination and possible nonrecombinatorial advantages of sex in a fungal model
Q92080034Delusions of grandeur: Seed count is not a good fitness proxy under individual variation in phenology
Q39842198Demographic drivers of age-dependent sexual selection.
Q52695791Demographic factors and genetic variation influence population persistence under environmental change.
Q89690972Demographic fluctuations lead to rapid and cyclic shifts in genetic structure among populations of an alpine butterfly, Parnassius smintheus
Q45960257Demographic history, geographical distribution and reproductive isolation of distinct lineages of blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus), a marine fish with a high dispersal potential.
Q33667975Demography and the tragedy of the commons.
Q51935146Demography, altruism, and the benefits of budding.
Q89111000Demography, life history and the evolution of age-dependent social behaviour
Q35586692Dendritic connectivity shapes spatial patterns of genetic diversity: a simulation-based study.
Q110792383Density limits and survival of local populations in 64 carabid species with different powers of dispersal
Q39337806Describing mate preference functions and other function-valued traits.
Q51595005Desiccation resistance and mating behaviour in laboratory populations of Drosophila simulans originating from the opposing slopes of Lower Nahal Oren (Israel).
Q34300007Detecting cryptic speciation in the widespread and morphologically conservative carpet chameleon (Furcifer lateralis) of Madagascar
Q62383059Detecting genetic variation in developmental instability by artificial selection on fluctuating asymmetry
Q50776509Detecting local adaptation in a natural plant-pathogen metapopulation: a laboratory vs. field transplant approach.
Q43698507Detecting positive selection in the budding yeast genome
Q34302699Detecting small-scale genotype-environment interactions in apomictic dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) populations
Q92992456Detecting the macroevolutionary signal of species interactions
Q51526832Determinants of age-dependent change in a secondary sexual character.
Q47984398Determinants of distribution and prevalence of avian malaria in blue tit populations across Europe: separating host and parasite effects
Q30835445Determinants of male fitness: disentangling intra- and inter-sexual selection.
Q48859633Determinants of mating and sperm-transfer success in a simultaneous hermaphrodite
Q40546984Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognate: male variation, female condition and copulation duration
Q51635256Developmental acclimation affects clinal variation in stress resistance traits in Drosophila buzzatii.
Q91865843Developmental diet irreversibly shapes male post-copulatory traits in the neriid fly Telostylinus angusticollis
Q46473408Developmental effects of visual environment on species-assortative mating preferences in Lake Victoria cichlid fish
Q51842459Developmental instability as phenodeviance in a secondary sexual trait increases sharply with thermal stress.
Q34070802Developmental plasticity, morphological variation and evolvability: a multilevel analysis of morphometric integration in the shape of compound leaves.
Q124850937Developmental stability in flowers of Clarkia tembloriensis (Onagraceae)
Q92995550Developmental stress and telomere dynamics in a genetically polymorphic species
Q44294377Developmental temperature affects the expression of ejaculatory traits and the outcome of sperm competition in Callosobruchus maculatus
Q40673844Developmental thermal plasticity among Drosophila melanogaster populations
Q53221984Devoted fathers or selfish lovers? Conflict between mating effort and parental care in a harem-defending arachnid.
Q30689201Diapause termination of Rhagoletis cerasi pupae is regulated by local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity: escape in time through bet-hedging strategies
Q57212084Diatoms do radiate: evidence for a freshwater species flock
Q60229291Diatoms do radiate: evidence for a freshwater species flock
Q42022816Did the introduction of maize into Europe provide enemy-free space to Ostrinia nubilalis? Parasitism differences between two sibling species of the genus Ostrinia
Q48727973Diet and social conditions during sexual maturation have unpredictable influences on female life history trade-offs
Q39457522Diet specialization in an extreme omnivore: nutritional regulation in glucose-averse German cockroaches.
Q36089206Diet, bite force and skull morphology in the generalist rodent morphotype.
Q51656354Diet-dependent female evolution influences male lifespan in a nuptial feeding insect.
Q51630090Dietary flavonoids enhance conspicuousness of a melanin-based trait in male blackcaps but not of the female homologous trait or of sexually monochromatic traits.
Q92799204Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids affect volume and metabolism of Drosophila melanogaster sperm
Q33801541Differences in bacterial diversity of host-associated populations of Phylloxera notabilis Pergande (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) in pecan and water hickory
Q34253701Differences in caste dimorphism among three hornet species (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): forewing size, shape and allometry
Q35835655Differences in developmental strategies between long-settled and invasion-front populations of the cane toad in Australia
Q83378791Differences in parasite susceptibility and costs of resistance between naturally exposed and unexposed host populations
Q91064650Differences in perceived predation risk associated with variation in relative size of extra-pair and within-pair offspring
Q96350420Differences in the contributions of sex-linkage and androgen regulation to sex-biased gene expression in juvenile and adult sticklebacks
Q34322350Differences in timing of migration and response to sexual signalling drive asymmetric hybridization across a migratory divide
Q42985285Different transmission strategies of a parasite in male and female hosts
Q48177468Differential correlates of diet and phylogeny on the shape of the premaxilla and anterior tooth in sparid fishes (Perciformes: Sparidae).
Q38444255Differential effects of egg albumen content on barn swallow nestlings in relation to hatch order
Q52574931Differential effects of offspring and maternal inbreeding on egg laying and offspring performance in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides.
Q57064064Differential gene exchange between parapatric morphs of Littorina saxatilis detected using AFLP markers
Q47236048Differential introgression from a sister species explains high F(ST) outlier loci within a mussel species
Q47284973Differential investment in pre- vs. post-copulatory sexual selection reinforces a cross-continental reversal of sexual size dimorphism in Sepsis punctum (Diptera: Sepsidae).
Q84999628Differential niche modification by males and females of a dioecious herb: extending the Jack Sprat effect
Q90585055Differential predation alters pigmentation in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Q45256834Differential rates of morphological divergence in birds
Q91202996Differential response to larval crowding of a long- and a short-lived medfly biotype
Q57142519Differential selection of growth rate-related traits in wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum, in contrasting greenhouse nutrient environments
Q60484812Differential selection of growth rate-related traits in wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum, in contrasting greenhouse nutrient environments
Q34278774Differential strength of sex-biased hybrid inferiority in impeding gene flow may be a cause of Haldane's rule
Q48237562Differential visual ornamentation between brood parasitic and parental cuckoos.
Q43618111Differentiation of morphology, genetics and electric signals in a region of sympatry between sister species of African electric fish (Mormyridae).
Q41442380Digging for gold nuggets: uncovering novel candidate genes for variation in gastrointestinal nematode burden in a wild bird species.
Q50054159Digging their own macroevolutionary grave: Fossoriality as an evolutionary dead-end in snakes
Q47251337Digging through model complexity: using hierarchical models to uncover evolutionary processes in the wild
Q52650410Diminishing returns in social evolution: the not-so-tragic commons.
Q35163063Dioecy is associated with higher diversification rates in flowering plants
Q63508144Direct and correlated responses to artificial selection on male mating frequency in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni
Q47393720Direct and correlated responses to artificial selection on sexual size dimorphism in the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum
Q64032579Direct and correlated responses to selection for desiccation resistance: a comparison of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans
Q60484815Direct and correlated responses to selection on iridoid glycosides in Plantago lanceolata L
Q45965181Direct and indirect assortative mating: a multivariate approach to plant flowering schedules.
Q93174868Direct and indirect effects of sexual signal loss on female reproduction in the Pacific field cricket (Teleogryllus oceanicus)
Q91262332Direct and indirect genetic effects on reproductive investment in a grasshopper
Q115033069Direct and indirect phenotypic effects on sociability indicate potential to evolve
Q125563411Direct and indirect selection on mate choice during pollen competition: Effects of male and female sexual traits on offspring performance following two‐donor crosses
Q51709771Direct benefits and costs for hybridizing Ficedula flycatchers.
Q51568002Direct fitness for dynamic kin selection.
Q51925559Direct fitness or inclusive fitness: how shall we model kin selection?
Q51766194Direct vs. inclusive fitness in the evolution of aphid cornicle length.
Q47436160Directional changes in sexual size dimorphism in shorebirds, gulls and alcids.
Q39969286Directional mitochondrial introgression and character displacement due to reproductive interference in two closely related Pterostichus ground beetle species
Q56005205Directional selection in the evolution of elongated upper canines in clouded leopards and sabre-toothed cats
Q80118029Disassociation between weak sexual isolation and genetic divergence in a hermaphroditic land snail and implications about chirality
Q52755966Discontinuous gas exchange exhibition is a heritable trait in speckled cockroaches Nauphoeta cinerea.
Q47361991Discord in the family Sparidae (Teleostei): divergent phylogeographical patterns across the Atlantic-Mediterranean divide.
Q91065383Discordant patterns of introgression across a narrow hybrid zone between two cryptic lineages of an Iberian endemic newt
Q31062044Discovering phenotypic causal structure from nonexperimental data
Q38970403Discrete and morphometric traits reveal contrasting patterns and processes in the macroevolutionary history of a clade of scorpions.
Q51535252Discrete colour polymorphism in the tawny dragon lizard (Ctenophorus decresii) and differences in signal conspicuousness among morphs.
Q42015117Disentangling determinants of egg size in the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) using an advanced phylogenetic comparative method.
Q30831228Disentangling plastic and genetic changes in body mass of Siberian jays
Q47570697Disentangling sex allocation in a viviparous reptile with temperature-dependent sex determination: a multifactorial approach.
Q42038715Disjunct distributions during glacial and interglacial periods in mountain butterflies: Erebia epiphron as an example
Q48335890Disparate patterns of thermal adaptation between life stages in temperate vs. tropical Drosophila melanogaster
Q33387002Dispersal and population genetic structure of Telmatherina antoniae, an endemic freshwater Sailfin silverside from Sulawesi, Indonesia
Q29999944Dispersal and population structure of a New World predator, the army antEciton burchellii
Q56951002Dispersal and rapid evolution in brown trout colonizing virgin Subantarctic ecosystems
Q114080045Dispersal reduces interspecific competitiveness by spreading locally harmful traits
Q113348649Dispersal, kinship and inbreeding in an island population of the Great Tit
Q46075386Displacement of flowering phenologies among plant species by competition for generalist pollinators
Q39547176Disruptive selection as a driver of evolutionary branching and caste evolution in social insects.
Q37105311Disruptive viability selection on a black plumage trait associated with dominance
Q45053898Disruptive viability selection on adult exploratory behaviour in eastern chipmunks
Q48275475Dissecting differentiation landscapes: a linked selection's perspective.
Q60514229Distinct colonization waves underlie the diversification of the freshwater sculpin (Cottus gobio ) in the Central European Alpine region
Q37052139Distinguishing four fundamental approaches to the evolution of helping
Q83287062Distortion of symmetrical introgression in a hybrid zone: evidence for locus-specific selection and uni-directional range expansion
Q48001427Distribution of genetic variability in populations of two chromosomal races of Dichroplus pratensis (Melanoplinae, Acrididae) and their hybrid zone.
Q33403034Divergence along a steep ecological gradient in lake whitefish (Coregonus sp.).
Q39095960Divergence in brain composition during the early stages of ecological specialization in Heliconius butterflies
Q46333793Divergence in host use ability of a marine herbivore from two habitat types
Q46644638Divergence in mating signals correlates with genetic distance and behavioural responses to playback.
Q34013876Divergence in parental care, habitat selection and larval life history between two species of Peruvian poison frogs: an experimental analysis
Q80960927Divergence in replicated phylogenies: the evolution of partial post-mating prezygotic isolation in bean weevils
Q51729472Divergence in the calling songs between sympatric and allopatric populations of the southern wood cricket Gryllus fultoni (Orthoptera: Gryllidae).
Q51281222Divergence of gastropod life history in contrasting thermal environments in a geothermal lake.
Q34135959Divergence of ovipositor length and egg shape in a brood parasitic bitterling fish through the use of different mussel hosts
Q97650418Divergence of seminal fluid gene expression and function among natural snail populations
Q47980257Divergent genetic and epigenetic post-zygotic isolation mechanisms in Mus and Peromyscus.
Q33890459Divergent host plant specialization as the critical driving force in speciation between populations of a phytophagous ladybird beetle
Q89259607Divergent parasite infections in sympatric cichlid species in Lake Victoria
Q34114459Divergent patterns of diversification in courtship and genitalic characters of Timema walking-sticks
Q51674311Divergent selection and phenotypic plasticity during incipient speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish.
Q43494744Divergent sexual selection via male competition: ecology is key.
Q57808471Divergent subgenome evolution after allopolyploidization in African clawed frogs (Xenopus)
Q42028198Divergent timing of egg-laying may maintain life history polymorphism in potentially multivoltine insects in seasonal environments.
Q129674599Divergent warning patterns influence male and female mating behaviours in a tropical butterfly
Q91075821Diverse genotypes of the amphibian-killing fungus produce distinct phenotypes through plastic responses to temperature
Q121604957Diverse strategies that animals use to deter intraspecific predation
Q60484610Diversification in temporally heterogeneous environments: effect of the grain in experimental bacterial populations
Q34256249Diversification of egg-deposition behaviours and the evolution of male parental care in darters (Teleostei: Percidae: Etheostomatinae).
Q28648503Diversity and disparity through time in the adaptive radiation of Antarctic notothenioid fishes
Q50451839Diversity and the maintenance of sex by parasites.
Q94561532Diversity in CRISPR-based immunity protects susceptible genotypes by restricting phage spread and evolution
Q41066165Diversity in warning coloration is easily recognized by avian predators
Q49561478Diversity of age-specific reproductive rates may result from ageing and optimal resource allocation
Q33408316Diversity patterns amongst herbivorous dinosaurs and plants during the Cretaceous: implications for hypotheses of dinosaur/angiosperm co-evolution
Q51664980Division of labour within flowers: heteranthery, a floral strategy to reconcile contrasting pollen fates.
Q51143232Divorce in the barn owl: securing a compatible or better mate entails the cost of re-pairing with a less ornamented female mate.
Q43951397Do aggressive signals evolve towards higher reliability or lower costs of assessment?
Q80231871Do cuckoos choose nests of great reed warblers on the basis of host egg appearance?
Q44384169Do different disparity proxies converge on a common signal? Insights from the cranial morphometrics and evolutionary history of Pterosauria (Diapsida: Archosauria).
Q39353951Do evolutionary constraints on thermal performance manifest at different organizational scales?
Q51749466Do female black field crickets Teleogryllus commodus benefit from polyandry?
Q51339410Do female parasitoid wasps recognize and adjust sex ratios to build cooperative relationships?
Q51688571Do flowers wave to attract pollinators? A case study with Silene maritima.
Q31153203Do group dynamics affect colour morph clines during a range shift?
Q46620723Do habitat shifts drive diversification in teleost fishes? An example from the pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae).
Q55871158Do hairworms (Nematomorpha) manipulate the water seeking behaviour of their terrestrial hosts?
Q51188981Do immunological, endocrine and metabolic traits fall on a single Pace-of-Life axis? Covariation and constraints among physiological systems.
Q51592217Do individuals in better condition survive for longer? Field survival estimates according to male alternative reproductive tactics and sex.
Q42875316Do insect pests perform better on highly defended plants? Costs and benefits of induced detoxification defences in the aphid Sitobion avenae.
Q87414357Do mites evolving in alternating host plants adapt to host switch?
Q42037845Do mothers producing large offspring have to sacrifice fecundity?
Q56940741Do operational sex ratios influence sex allocation in viviparous lizards with temperature-dependent sex determination?
Q51144925Do parasites and antioxidant availability affect begging behaviour, growth rate and resistance to oxidative stress?
Q31027992Do precocial mammals develop at a faster rate? A comparison of rates of skull development in Sigmodon fulviventer and Mus musculus domesticus.
Q100523329Do the ages of parents or helpers affect offspring fitness in a cooperatively breeding bird?
Q51721074Do vertically transmitted symbionts co-existing in a single host compete or cooperate? A modelling approach.
Q51699110Dobzhansky-Muller model of hybrid dysfunction supported by poor burst-speed performance in hybrid tiger salamanders.
Q39835048Does a trade‐off between current reproductive success and survival affect the honesty of male signalling in species with male parental care?
Q91480358Does adaptation to different diets result in assortative mating? Ambiguous results from experiments on Drosophila
Q53162512Does attractiveness in men provide clues to semen quality?
Q45333853Does character displacement initiate speciation? Evidence of reduced gene flow between populations experiencing divergent selection
Q51321556Does competition drive character differences between species on a macroevolutionary scale?
Q51944419Does competitive divergence occur if assortative mating is costly?
Q51842586Does egg competition occur in marine broadcast-spawners?
Q46497113Does foraging mode mould morphology in lacertid lizards?
Q52664032Does genetic diversity hinder parasite evolution in social insect colonies?
Q47955443Does high relatedness promote cheater-free multicellularity in synthetic lifecycles?
Q85904810Does hybridization influence speciation?
Q51790805Does inbreeding avoidance maintain gender dimorphism in Wurmbea dioica (Colchicaceae)?
Q36339317Does increased heat resistance result in higher susceptibility to predation? A test using Drosophila melanogaster selection and hardening
Q33925691Does maternal care evolve through egg recognition or directed territoriality?
Q35691368Does multiple paternity affect seed mass in angiosperms? An experimental test in Dalechampia scandens.
Q37105352Does multiple paternity influence offspring disease resistance?
Q34982066Does nasal echolocation influence the modularity of the mammal skull?
Q90251483Does operational sex ratio influence relative strength of purging selection in males versus females?
Q35789777Does plasticity enhance or dampen phenotypic parallelism? A test with three lake-stream stickleback pairs
Q44631212Does predation result in adult sex ratio skew in a sexually dimorphic insect genus?
Q58089040Does predation select for or against avian coloniality? A comparative analysis
Q46885054Does relaxed predation drive phenotypic divergence among insular populations?
Q83113196Does selection by resistant hosts trigger local adaptation in plant-pathogen systems?
Q34300070Does selection on increased cold tolerance in the adult stage confer resistance throughout development?
Q117215099Does sexual conflict contribute to the evolution of novel warning patterns?
Q91676645Does thermal plasticity align with local adaptation? An interspecific comparison of wing morphology in sepsid flies
Q57742192Does time until mating affect progeny sex ratio? A manipulative experiment with the parasitoid wasp
Q30010560Does vocal learning accelerate acoustic diversification? Evolution of contact calls in Neotropical parrots.
Q33759635Domestic chickens defy Rensch's rule: sexual size dimorphism in chicken breeds
Q92287224Dominance effects strengthen premating hybridization barriers between sympatric species of grasshoppers (Acrididae, Orthoptera)
Q51146560Dose-dependent effects of an immune challenge at both ultimate and proximate levels in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q40253459Dose-dependent schistosome-induced mortality and morbidity risk elevates host reproductive effort
Q46556515Drift effects on the multivariate floral phenotype of Calceolaria polyrhiza during a post-glacial expansion in Patagonia
Q51614036Drosophila melanogaster males respond differently at the behavioural and genome-wide levels to Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans females.
Q96025942Dunnock social status correlates with sperm speed, but fast sperm does not always equal high fitness
Q51663060Duplicate retention in signalling proteins and constraints from network dynamics.
Q34244156Dynamic Wolbachia prevalence in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants: potential for a nutritional symbiosis.
Q30451110Dynamic linkage relationships to the mating-type locus in automictic fungi of the genus Microbotryum
Q90142021Dynamic phenotypic correlates of social status and mating effort in male and female red junglefowl, Gallus gallus
Q47551909Dynamic sex chromosomes in Old World chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae).
Q45052357Dynamic social behaviour in a bacterium: pseudomonas aeruginosa partially compensates for siderophore loss to cheats
Q42037843Dynamics of host plant use and species diversity in Polygonia butterflies (Nymphalidae).
Q38935389Dynamics of the evolution of Batesian mimicry: molecular phylogenetic analysis of ant-mimicking Myrmarachne (Araneae: Salticidae) species and their ant models
Q46891715Dynamics of transcriptome evolution in the model eukaryote Neurospora
Q46649995Early constraints in sexual dimorphism: survival benefits of feminized phenotypes
Q35897084Early diversification of sperm size in the evolutionary history of the old world leaf warblers (Phylloscopidae).
Q46835527Early diversification trend and Asian origin for extent bat lineages
Q47262226Early evolutionary differentiation of morphological variation in the mandible of South American caviomorph rodents (Rodentia, Caviomorpha).
Q37669368Early exposure to nonlethal predation risk by size-selective predators increases somatic growth and decreases size at adulthood in three-spined sticklebacks.
Q92476976Early life of fathers affects offspring fitness in a wild rodent
Q60311578Early maternal effects and antibacterial immune factors in the eggs, nestlings and adults of the barn swallow
Q51806986Early maternal investment in mice: no evidence for compatible-genes sexual selection despite hybrid vigor.
Q57749049Early maternal, genetic and environmental components of antioxidant protection, morphology and immunity of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) chicks
Q28651887Early reproductive investment, senescence and lifetime reproductive success in female Asian elephants
Q100523336Early-life effects on body size in each sex interact to determine reproductive success in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q88428420Ecological and demographic correlates of cooperation from individual to budding dispersal
Q46835483Ecological and evolutionary drivers of range size in Coenagrion damselflies
Q42030922Ecological and genetic associations across a Heliconius hybrid zone
Q42007021Ecological and genetic factors influencing the transition between host-use strategies in sympatric Heliconius butterflies
Q59393795Ecological and morphological diversification within single species and character displacement in Mandarina, endemic land snails of the Bonin Islands
Q51194791Ecological and morphological patterns in communities of land snails of the genus Mandarina from the Bonin Islands.
Q38600582Ecological and phylogenetic variability in the spinalis muscle of snakes.
Q51192331Ecological components and evolution of selfing in the freshwater snail Galba truncatula.
Q51175473Ecological divergence and habitat isolation between two migratory forms of Japanese threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).
Q46923528Ecological divergence and sexual selection drive sexual size dimorphism in New World pitvipers (Serpentes: Viperidae).
Q34831661Ecological divergence and speciation between lemur (Eulemur) sister species in Madagascar
Q91747020Ecological divergence and speciation in common bottlenose dolphins in the western South Atlantic
Q36214835Ecological diversification associated with the benthic-to-pelagic transition by North American minnows
Q33205139Ecological diversification in a group of Indomalayan pitvipers (Trimeresurus): convergence in taxonomically important traits has implications for species identification.
Q38727742Ecological drivers of body size evolution and sexual size dimorphism in short-horned grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Q96954014Ecological fitting is the forerunner to diversification in a plant virus with broad host range
Q60394147Ecological genetics of a cyclical parthenogen in temporary habitats
Q30314317Ecological genetics of sediment browsing behaviour in a planktonic crustacean
Q51177419Ecological niche modelling as an exploratory tool for identifying species limits: an example based on Mexican muroid rodents.
Q33609183Ecological opportunity and the origin of adaptive radiations
Q31046115Ecological radiation with limited morphological diversification in salamanders
Q33299927Ecological selection against hybrids in natural populations of sympatric threespine sticklebacks
Q57071205Ecological sorting and character displacement contribute to the structure of communities of Clarkia species
Q50737915Ecological specialization correlates with genotypic differentiation in sympatric host-populations of the pea aphid.
Q38932545Ecological speciation along an elevational gradient in a tropical passerine bird?
Q39703099Ecological speciation in dynamic landscapes.
Q36017454Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 1. Gene expression, selection and pleiotropy.
Q36067124Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 2. Pre- and post-zygotic isolation
Q51194783Ecological, morphological and phylogenetic correlates of interspecific variation in plasma carotenoid concentration in birds.
Q50733955Ecology, life history and resource allocation in the ant, Leptothorax nylanderi.
Q40062525Ecomorphological convergence in planktivorous surgeonfishes
Q35394231Ecomorphological variation in male and female wall lizards and the macroevolution of sexual dimorphism in relation to habitat use.
Q56503274Ecomorphology of plesiosaur flipper geometry
Q44368855Ecomorphology of the African felid ensemble: the role of the skull and postcranium in determining species segregation and assembling history.
Q58827502Ecomorphometric variation and sexual dimorphism in the common shrew (Sorex araneus)
Q39134262Ectoparasite fitness in auxiliary hosts: phylogenetic distance from a principal host matters
Q59117997Effect of habitat saturation on the number and turnover of queens in the polygynous ant, Myrmica sulcinodis
Q52760123Effect of juvenile hormone on senescence in males with terminal investment.
Q51603650Effect of male age on sperm traits and sperm competition success in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).
Q49038574Effect of metal stress on life history divergence and quantitative genetic architecture in a wolf spider
Q89230463Effect of migration and environmental heterogeneity on the maintenance of quantitative genetic variation: a simulation study
Q51598212Effect of parasitic sex-ratio distorters on host gene frequencies in a mainland-island context.
Q55564831Effect of spatial connectivity on host resistance in a highly fragmented natural pathosystem.
Q33205995Effect of vagility potential on dispersal and speciation in rainforest insects
Q38440732Effective heritability of targets of sex-ratio selection under environmental sex determination
Q47264585Effective population size associated with self-fertilization: lessons from temporal changes in allele frequencies in the selfing annual Medicago truncatula
Q47222033Effective population size, reproductive success and sperm precedence in the butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, in captivity.
Q46354199Effective size of density-dependent two-sex populations: the effect of mating systems
Q79733597Effectiveness of sexual selection in preventing fitness deterioration in bulb mite populations under relaxed natural selection
Q51771287Effects of B chromosomes and supernumerary segments on morphometric traits and adult fitness components in the grasshopper, Dichroplus elongatus (Acrididae).
Q113097521Effects of CMS types and restorer alleles on plant performance in Plantago lanceolata L.: an indication for cost of restoration
Q34179635Effects of among-offspring relatedness on the origins and evolution of parental care and filial cannibalism
Q82720191Effects of antagonistic coevolution on parasite-mediated host coexistence
Q34599299Effects of cytoplasmic genes on sperm viability and sperm morphology in a seed beetle: implications for sperm competition theory?
Q57057381Effects of diet on cranial morphology and biting ability in musteloid mammals
Q48396026Effects of early resource limitation and compensatory growth on lifetime fitness in the ladybird beetle (Harmonia axyridis).
Q38478881Effects of egg yolk testosterone on growth and immunity in a precocial bird
Q64032262Effects of exposure to short-term heat stress on fitness components in Drosophila melanogaster
Q47361950Effects of food abundance on genetic and maternal variation in the growth rate of juvenile red squirrels
Q47433878Effects of food restriction across stages of juvenile and early adult development on body weight, survival and adult life history
Q79321086Effects of four generations of density-dependent selection on life history traits and their plasticity in a clonally propagated plant
Q46520898Effects of gene flow on phenotype matching between two varieties of Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia; Agavaceae) and their pollinators.
Q42660916Effects of genetic similarity on the life-history strategy of co-infecting trematodes: are parasites capable of intrahost kin recognition?
Q113270348Effects of genetic vs. environmental quality on condition‐dependent morphological and life history traits in a neriid fly
Q48556546Effects of host condition on susceptibility to infection, parasite developmental rate, and parasite transmission in a snail-trematode interaction
Q38994516Effects of immune challenge on the oviposition strategy of a noctuid moth
Q52659258Effects of inbreeding and rate of inbreeding in Drosophila melanogaster- Hsp70 expression and fitness.
Q34535735Effects of inbreeding and temperature stress on life history and immune function in a butterfly
Q49049150Effects of inbreeding on aversive learning in Drosophila.
Q94540633Effects of inbreeding on behavioural plasticity of parent-offspring interactions in a burying beetle
Q47867375Effects of malaria double infection in birds: one plus one is not two.
Q122234082Effects of male genetic contribution and paternal investment to egg and hatchling size in the cricket,
Q122906484Effects of male genetic contribution and paternal investment to egg and hatchling size in the cricket, Gryllus firmus
Q51183785Effects of metabolic rate and sperm competition on the fatty-acid composition of mammalian sperm.
Q46888539Effects of nutrient availability on primary sexual traits and their response to selection in Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae).
Q43917922Effects of ornamentation and phylogeny on the evolution of wing shape in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae).
Q46388345Effects of ovarian fluid and genetic differences on sperm performance and fertilization success of alternative reproductive tactics in Chinook salmon.
Q45884037Effects of parasitic sex-ratio distorters on host genetic structure in the Armadillidium vulgare-Wolbachia association
Q37659652Effects of parental radiation exposure on developmental instability in grasshoppers
Q36157192Effects of pathogen exposure on life-history variation in the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar)
Q43435648Effects of pollen availability and the mutation bias on the fixation of mutations disabling the male specificity of self-incompatibility.
Q54432722Effects of polyandry on male phenotypic diversity
Q47567998Effects of prior exposure to antibiotics on bacterial adaptation to phages
Q110616053Effects of spatial autocorrelation, natal philopatry and phenotypic plasticity on the heritability of laying date
Q46724064Effects of the [PSI+] prion on rates of adaptation in yeast
Q89739469Effects of two seminal fluid transcripts on post-mating behaviour in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano
Q57471490Effects of variation in resource acquisition during different stages of the life cycle on life-history traits and trade-offs in a burying beetle
Q45866467Effects of within-colony competition on body size asymmetries and reproductive skew in a social spider
Q43786345Egg and time limitation mediate an egg protection strategy
Q51664606Egg jelly influences sperm motility in the externally fertilizing frog, Crinia georgiana.
Q91354802Egg load is a cue for offspring sex ratio adjustment in a fig-pollinating wasp with male-eggs-first sex allocation
Q83931693Egg phenotype differentiation in sympatric cuckoo Cuculus canorus gentes
Q46308345Egg shape mimicry in parasitic cuckoos.
Q47205985Egg size, embryonic development time and ovoviviparity in Drosophila species
Q89995248Egg-induced changes to sperm phenotypes shape patterns of multivariate selection on ejaculates
Q50421729Egg-laying environment modulates offspring responses to predation risk in an amphibian.
Q92795753Egg-size plasticity in Apis mellifera: Honey bee queens alter egg size in response to both genetic and environmental factors
Q51965184Eight personal rules for doing science.
Q46670761Elevational speciation in action? Restricted gene flow associated with adaptive divergence across an altitudinal gradient
Q51900246Enantiomorphs differ in shape in opposite directions between populations.
Q44540680Endocrine phenotype, reproductive success and survival in the great tit, Parus major
Q99206708Endosymbionts facilitate rapid evolution in a polyphagous herbivore
Q52704993Energetic cost of calling: general constraints and species-specific differences.
Q125912581Enforced specialization fosters mutual cheating and not division of labour in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q33321023Engines of speciation: a comparative study in birds of prey
Q100960735Enhanced leaky sex expression in response to pollen limitation in the dioecious plant Mercurialis annua
Q39188945Enhanced male coloration after immune challenge increases reproductive potential
Q42034828Environment and pollinator-mediated selection on parapatric floral races of Mimulus aurantiacus
Q60441133Environment-dependent inbreeding depression in a hermaphroditic freshwater snail
Q43478926Environment-dependent reversal of a life history trade-off in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus
Q50051796Environmental and genetic control of cold tolerance in the Glanville fritillary butterfly.
Q100527445Environmental and morphological constraints interact to drive the evolution of communication signals in frogs
Q50445383Environmental and not maternal effects determine variation in offspring phenotypes in a passerine bird.
Q30456377Environmental conditions during early life determine the consequences of inbreeding in Agrostemma githago (Caryophyllaceae).
Q34823425Environmental determinants of population divergence in life-history traits for an invasive species: climate, seasonality and natural enemies
Q85006628Environmental effects on the detection of adaptation
Q47251896Environmental factors associated with genetic and phenotypic divergence among sympatric populations of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus).
Q51608245Environmental gradients structure Daphnia pulex × pulicaria clonal distribution.
Q50524165Environmental heterogeneity influences the reliability of secondary sexual traits as condition indicators.
Q52770698Environmental heterogeneity, multivariate sexual selection and genetic constraints on cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila simulans.
Q46786900Environmental osmolality influences sperm motility activation in an anuran amphibian
Q61927279Environmental stress and the costs of whole-organism phenotypic plasticity in tadpoles
Q89441494Environmental stress does not increase the mean strength of selection
Q64032223Environmental stress, adaptation and evolution: an overview
Q53627596Environmental variation influences the magnitude of inbreeding depression in Cucurbita pepo ssp. texana (Cucurbitaceae).
Q39526706Environmental variation, hybridization, and phenotypic diversification in Cuatro Ciénegas pupfishes.
Q122861467Environmentally independent selection for hybrids between divergent freshwater stickleback lineages in semi‐natural ponds
Q51705057Environmentally induced changes in carotenoid-based coloration of female lizards: a comment on Vercken et al.
Q39417127Environmentally induced dispersal-related life-history syndrome in the tropical butterfly, Bicyclus anynana
Q30420938Epidemiology in evolutionary time: the case of Wolbachia horizontal transmission between arthropod host species
Q56083611Epigenetic inheritance and prions
Q57883313Epigenetic inheritance and prions
Q60305183Epigenetic inheritance in evolution
Q36396596Epigenetics in natural animal populations
Q60305709Epigenetics: Regulation not replication
Q47419474Epistasis affecting litter size in mice.
Q50716194Epistasis and maternal effects in experimental adaptation to chronic nutritional stress in Drosophila.
Q84065505Epistasis and the evolutionary dynamics of measured genotypic values during simulated serial bottlenecks
Q112246543Epistatic interactions of spontaneous mutations in haploid strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q60533740Errors in meta-analyses of selection
Q61656453Escape behaviour and ultimate causes of specific induced defences in an anuran tadpole
Q51715481Escape from flatland.
Q46308350Escape from predators and genetic variance in birds.
Q52946960Escherichia coli populations adapt to complex, unpredictable fluctuations by minimizing trade-offs across environments.
Q35599902Escherichia coli populations in unpredictably fluctuating environments evolve to face novel stresses through enhanced efflux activity
Q39563769Establishing a perimeter position: speciation around the Indian Ocean Basin
Q51351771Estimating fluctuating selection in age-structured populations.
Q40830673Estimating sampling error of evolutionary statistics based on genetic covariance matrices using maximum likelihood.
Q91533496Estimating selection on the act of inbreeding in a population with strong inbreeding depression
Q46749967Estimating the heritability of female lifetime fecundity in a locally adapted Drosophila melanogaster population
Q33546621Estimating the ratio of effective to actual size of an age-structured population from individual demographic data
Q45367383Estimation of effective population size and detection of a recent population decline coinciding with habitat fragmentation in a ground beetle
Q101045338Estimation of environmental, genetic and parental age at conception effects on telomere length in a wild mammal
Q30909847Estimation of relative fitnesses from relative risk data and the predicted future of haemoglobin alleles S and C.
Q51593468Eumelanin- and pheomelanin-based colour advertise resistance to oxidative stress in opposite ways.
Q60379730European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2nd Congress Roma, Italy - September 3-7, 1989
Q60379735European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2nd Congress Roma, Italy - September 3-7, 1989
Q52697943Eusociality and the success of the termites: insights from a supertree of dictyopteran families.
Q39175751Evaluating the contributions of change in investment and change in efficiency to age-related declines in male and female reproduction.
Q104067086Evaluating the correlation between genome-wide diversity and the release of plastic phenotypic variation in experimental translocations to novel natural environments
Q91853115Evaluating the existence and benefit of major histocompatibility complex-based mate choice in an isolated owl population
Q35429819Evaluating the post-copulatory sexual selection hypothesis for genital evolution reveals evidence for pleiotropic harm exerted by the male genital spines of Drosophila ananassae
Q47201119Evaluation of offspring size-number invariants in 12 species of lizard
Q45701904Evaluation of pre- and post-zygotic mating barriers, hybrid fitness and phylogenetic relationship between Cyprinodon variegatus variegatus and Cyprinodon variegatus hubbsi (Cyprinodontiformes, Teleostei).
Q52659262Evidence for a robust sex-specific trade-off between cold resistance and starvation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q34341266Evidence for a single median fin-fold and tail in the Lower Cambrian vertebrate, Haikouichthys ercaicunensis
Q35163544Evidence for adaptive divergence of thermal responses among Bemisia tabaci populations from tropical Colombia following a recent invasion.
Q43415154Evidence for adaptive phenotypic differentiation in Baltic Sea sticklebacks
Q125811710Evidence for an even sex allocation in haplodiploid cyclical parthenogens
Q33504844Evidence for autotetraploidy associated with reproductive isolation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: towards a new domesticated species
Q79325890Evidence for bimodal hybrid zones between two species of char (Pisces: Salvelinus) in northwestern North America
Q45832746Evidence for complex selection on four-fold degenerate sites in Drosophila melanogaster
Q34511361Evidence for cryptic glacial refugia from North American mountain sheep mitochondrial DNA.
Q57236956Evidence for genetic differentiation in timing of maturation among nine-spined stickleback populations
Q89018514Evidence for lower plasticity in CTMAX at warmer developmental temperatures
Q38880099Evidence for male-biased effective sex ratio and recent step-by-step colonization in the bivalve Pinctada mazatlanica
Q92803061Evidence for rapid downward fecundity selection in an ectoparasite (Philornis downsi) with earlier host mortality in Darwin's finches
Q34495420Evidence for rapid evolution of phenology in an invasive grass
Q38859170Evidence for rapid evolutionary change in an invasive plant in response to biological control
Q46884182Evidence for sex-specific selection in brain: a case study of the nine-spined stickleback
Q47588331Evidence for small scale variation in the vertebrate brain: mating strategy and sex affect brain size and structure in wild brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Q123140931Evidence for the Predator Attraction Hypothesis in an amphibian predator–prey system
Q112796099Evidence of a rapid and adaptive response of hemipteran mouthparts to a physical barrier
Q46278733Evidence of evolutionary optimization of fatty acid length and unsaturation
Q46633767Evidence of gene orthology and trans-species polymorphism, but not of parallel evolution, despite high levels of concerted evolution in the major histocompatibility complex of flamingo species
Q30822697Evidence of genetic change in the flowering phenology of sea beets along a latitudinal cline within two decades.
Q44641502Evidence of multiple paternity and mate selection for inbreeding avoidance in wild eastern chipmunks
Q47673350Evidence of opposing fitness effects of parental heterozygosity and relatedness in a critically endangered marine turtle?
Q51125371Evidence of restoration cost in the annual gynodioecious Phacelia dubia.
Q33887596Evidence of trade-offs shaping virulence evolution in an emerging wildlife pathogen
Q41737196Evidence that microgynes of Myrmica rubra ants are social parasites that attack old host colonies
Q101631256Evolution and biogeography of the genus Tarentola (Sauria: Gekkonidae) in the Canary Islands, inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences
Q92447606Evolution and diversity of the courtship repertoire in the Drosophila montium species group (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Q35665049Evolution and functional significance of derived sternal ossification patterns in ornithothoracine birds
Q33877822Evolution and stability of the G-matrix during the colonization of a novel environment.
Q50733996Evolution in stressful environments II: adaptive value and costs of plasticity in response to low light in Sinapis arvensis.
Q30811056Evolution in the sabre-tooth cat, Smilodon fatalis, in response to Pleistocene climate change
Q92522384Evolution of Escherichia coli in different carbon environments for 2,000 generations
Q45708206Evolution of RNA virus in spatially structured heterogeneous environments
Q52001784Evolution of a complex coevolved trait: active pollination in a genus of fig wasps.
Q89679585Evolution of a conspicuous melanin-based ornament in gulls Laridae
Q44925838Evolution of acoustic and visual signals in Asian barbets
Q46880235Evolution of aging: individual life history trade-offs and population heterogeneity account for mortality patterns across species.
Q35180392Evolution of alternative male morphotypes in oxyurid nematodes: a case of convergence?
Q111263701Evolution of antagonistic and mutualistic traits in the yucca‐yucca moth obligate pollination mutualism
Q40277680Evolution of antigenic diversity in the tick-transmitted bacterium Borrelia afzelii: a role for host specialization?
Q46689181Evolution of anuran brains: disentangling ecological and phylogenetic sources of variation
Q39033188Evolution of avian clutch size along latitudinal gradients: do seasonality, nest predation or breeding season length matter?
Q40798971Evolution of behavioural and cellular defences against parasitoid wasps in the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup.
Q58038293Evolution of bite force in Darwin's finches: a key role for head width
Q56456676Evolution of bite performance in turtles
Q49138141Evolution of body condition-dependent dispersal in metapopulations
Q42647785Evolution of body shape in differently coloured sympatric congeners and allopatric populations of Lake Malawi's rock-dwelling cichlids
Q33321925Evolution of bone microanatomy of the tetrapod tibia and its use in palaeobiological inference
Q99420490Evolution of chemotactic hitchhiking
Q56484059Evolution of colour patterns in East African cichlid fish
Q38334187Evolution of complex life cycles in trophically transmitted helminths. I. Host incorporation and trophic ascent
Q38341978Evolution of complex life cycles in trophically transmitted helminths. II. How do life-history stages adapt to their hosts?
Q47367497Evolution of cultural communication systems: the coevolution of cultural signals and genes encoding learning preferences
Q51887315Evolution of cuticular hydrocarbon diversity in ants.
Q46486995Evolution of dark colour in toucans (Ramphastidae): a case of molecular adaptation?
Q48244910Evolution of density-dependent movement during experimental range expansions.
Q87391433Evolution of dispersal in metacommunities of interacting species
Q52007557Evolution of dispersal in metapopulations with local density dependence and demographic stochasticity.
Q46893293Evolution of egg dummies in Tanganyikan cichlid fishes: the roles of parental care and sexual selection
Q52649752Evolution of eusociality and the soldier caste in termites: a validation of the intrinsic benefit hypothesis.
Q46489649Evolution of extrafloral nectaries: adaptive process and selective regime changes from forest to savanna.
Q59622875Evolution of grasping among anthropoids
Q51811595Evolution of habitat-dependent sex allocation in plants: superficially similar to, but intrinsically different from animals.
Q51956111Evolution of handling time can destroy the coexistence of cycling predators.
Q35001276Evolution of host resistance and trade-offs between virulence and transmission potential in an obligately killing parasite.
Q52838787Evolution of increased adult longevity in Drosophila melanogaster populations selected for adaptation to larval crowding.
Q128364540Evolution of intermediate latency strategies in seasonal parasites
Q125475593Evolution of intraspecific floral variation in a generalist–specialist pollination system
Q48151670Evolution of larval competitiveness and associated life-history traits in response to host shifts in a seed beetle
Q42036395Evolution of larval host plant associations and adaptive radiation in pierid butterflies
Q44377612Evolution of late-life fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster
Q115033096Evolution of life cycles and reproductive traits: Insights from the brown algae
Q50939055Evolution of male age-specific reproduction under differential risks and causes of death: males pay the cost of high female fitness.
Q84368972Evolution of maternal care in diploid and haplodiploid populations
Q93074480Evolution of mating types in finite populations: The precarious advantage of being rare
Q47415077Evolution of monogamous marriage by maximization of inclusive fitness
Q48317035Evolution of morphology and locomotor performance in anurans: relationships with microhabitat diversification
Q125924303Evolution of multiple prey defences: From predator cognition to community ecology
Q90126659Evolution of multivariate wing allometry in schizophoran flies (Diptera: Schizophora)
Q51091463Evolution of paternal care in diploid and haplodiploid populations.
Q110616052Evolution of phenotypic plasticity a comparative approach in the phylogenetic neighbourhood of Arabidopsis thaliana
Q50671017Evolution of phenotypic plasticity and environmental tolerance of a labile quantitative character in a fluctuating environment.
Q90831375Evolution of phenotypic plasticity: Genetic differentiation and additive genetic variation for induced plant defence in wild arugula Eruca sativa
Q115033072Evolution of physical linkage between loci controlling ecological traits and mating preferences
Q46839587Evolution of pleiotropic costs in experimental populations
Q47617628Evolution of precopulatory and post-copulatory strategies of inbreeding avoidance and associated polyandry
Q48275505Evolution of recombination rates and the genomic landscape of speciation
Q46665827Evolution of reduced post-copulatory molecular interactions in Drosophila populations lacking sperm competition
Q51635852Evolution of reproductive effort in viscous populations: the importance of population dynamics.
Q37664065Evolution of resistance to single and combined floral phytochemicals by a bumble bee parasite.
Q109967545Evolution of resource allocation between growth and reproduction in animals with indeterminate growth
Q112796095Evolution of seed mass associated with mating systems in multiple plant families
Q39818475Evolution of sex chromosomes prior to speciation in the dioecious Phoenix species.
Q46800729Evolution of sex-biased maternal effects in birds. IV. Intra-ovarian growth dynamics can link sex determination and sex-specific acquisition of resources
Q40470657Evolution of sex-biased maternal effects in birds: I. Sex-specific resource allocation among simultaneously growing oocytes.
Q40328216Evolution of sex-biased maternal effects in birds: II. Contrasting sex-specific oocyte clustering in native and recently established populations
Q50647973Evolution of sex-biased maternal effects in birds: III. Adjustment of ovulation order can enable sex-specific allocation of hormones, carotenoids, and vitamins.
Q49187088Evolution of sexual dichromatism in relation to nesting habits in European passerines: a test of Wallace's hypothesis
Q112810466Evolution of sexual size dimorphism in birds: test of hypotheses using blue tits in contrasted Mediterranean habitats
Q33493574Evolution of sexual size dimorphism in grouse and allies (Aves: Phasianidae) in relation to mating competition, fecundity demands and resource division
Q34017777Evolution of sexual size monomorphism: the influence of passive mate guarding.
Q38273506Evolution of spatially structured host-parasite interactions.
Q51634637Evolution of specialization in a spatially continuous environment.
Q92987916Evolution of specialized microbial cooperation in dynamic fluids
Q51553358Evolution of sperm quality but not quantity in the internally fertilized fish Xiphophorus nigrensis.
Q36298339Evolution of starvation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster: measurement of direct and correlated responses to artificial selection.
Q45721086Evolution of stickleback feeding behaviour: genetics of population divergence at different ontogenetic stages
Q58869812Evolution of the alternation of haploid and diploid phases in life cycles. II. Maintenance of the haplo-diplontic cycle
Q79839433Evolution of the isochore structure in the scale of chromosome: insight from the mutation bias and fixation bias
Q129355536Evolution of thermal performance curves: A meta‐analysis of selection experiments
Q42000684Evolution of tolerance in an invasive weed after reassociation with its specialist herbivore
Q31134058Evolution of total net fitness in thermal lines: Drosophila subobscura likes it 'warm'.
Q62085695Evolution of trophic transmission in parasites: the need to reach a mating place?
Q40265607Evolution of virulence under intensive farming: salmon lice increase skin lesions and reduce host growth in salmon farms
Q63628678Evolution of viviparity in horned lizards (Phrynosoma): testing the cold-climate hypothesis
Q33283073Evolution of viviparity in warm-climate lizards: an experimental test of the maternal manipulation hypothesis
Q24671758Evolution of whole-body enantiomorphy in the tree snail genus Amphidromus
Q35366469Evolution of wing shape in hornets: why is the wing venation efficient for species identification?
Q56919296Evolution on Two Scales A review by M. J. Benton. Evolution and Ecology. The Pace of Life. By K. D. Bennett. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997. xviii + 241 pages. ISBN: 0-521-39028-1 (hardback), 0-52139921-1 (paperback). Price $69.95/f50.00
Q84456702Evolution towards self-compatibility when mates are limited
Q29040228Evolution, development and complexity in Pere Alberch (1954-1998)
Q46651464Evolution, plasticity and evolving plasticity of phenology in the tree species Alnus glutinosa
Q33715739Evolutionarily accelerated invasions: the rate of dispersal evolves upwards during the range advance of cane toads
Q28596166Evolutionarily advanced ant farmers rear polyploid fungal crops
Q34666428Evolutionary acceleration in the most endangered mammal of Canada: speciation and divergence in the Vancouver Island marmot (Rodentia, Sciuridae).
Q38681327Evolutionary allometry reveals a shift in selection pressure on male horn size.
Q51725482Evolutionary aspects of population structure for molecular and quantitative traits in the freshwater snail Radix balthica.
Q125853850Evolutionary aspects of the metapopulation dynamics of Biomphalaria pfeifferi, the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni
Q38967197Evolutionary associations between host traits and parasite load: insights from Lake Tanganyika cichlids
Q112796096Evolutionary biology and development model of medicines: A necessary ‘pas de deux’ for future successful bacteriophage therapy
Q36917105Evolutionary biology of starvation resistance: what we have learned from Drosophila.
Q38738829Evolutionary bottlenecks in brackish water habitats drive the colonization of fresh water by stingrays.
Q51236264Evolutionary changes in plant tolerance against herbivory through a resurrection experiment.
Q47304325Evolutionary divergence and possible incipient speciation in post-glacial populations of a cosmopolitan aquatic plant
Q60379700Evolutionary divergence in Dolichopoda cave crickets: A comparison of single copy DNA hybridization data with allozymes and morphometric distances
Q115033076Evolutionary divergence in phenotypic plasticity shapes brain size variation between coexisting sunfish ecotypes
Q51152371Evolutionary divergence of reaction norms in ecological context: a commentary.
Q33294919Evolutionary diversification of clades of squamate reptiles
Q46403864Evolutionary diversification of the auditory organ sensilla in Neoconocephalus katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) correlates with acoustic signal diversification over phylogenetic relatedness and life history.
Q52676933Evolutionary domestication in Drosophila subobscura.
Q50482157Evolutionary dynamics and population biology of a polymorphic insect.
Q52648274Evolutionary dynamics of a B chromosome invasion in island populations of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans.
Q51392298Evolutionary dynamics of interlinked public goods traits: an experimental study of siderophore production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Q85028568Evolutionary dynamics of mating system shifts in Arabidopsis lyrata
Q114621941Evolutionary dynamics of sex‐biased genes expressed in cricket brains and gonads
Q46294954Evolutionary dynamics of the leaf phenological cycle in an oak metapopulation along an elevation gradient.
Q50734003Evolutionary ecology of Datura stramonium: equal plant fitness benefits of growth and resistance against herbivory.
Q48244874Evolutionary emergence and maintenance of horizontally transmitted mutualism that do not rely on the supply of standing variation in symbiont quality
Q38597929Evolutionary genetic consequences of facultative sex and outcrossing
Q56814337Evolutionary genetics and ecology of sperm-dependent parthenogenesis
Q56865557Evolutionary genetics and ecology of sperm-dependent parthenogenesis
Q42044144Evolutionary genetics of dorsal wing colour in Colias butterflies
Q62638489Evolutionary genetics of sex-limited traits under fluctuating selection
Q115390689Evolutionary history and ecology shape the diversity and abundance of phytochemical arsenals across monkeyflowers
Q47361940Evolutionary history of asexual hybrid loaches (Cobitis: Teleostei) inferred from phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation
Q38901437Evolutionary history of the butterflyfishes (f: Chaetodontidae) and the rise of coral feeding fishes.
Q35896911Evolutionary history of the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata before global invasion: inferring dispersal patterns, niche requirements and past and present distribution within its native range
Q51657230Evolutionary history shapes the association between developmental instability and population-level genetic variation in three-spined sticklebacks.
Q44991229Evolutionary impacts of hybridization and interspecific gene flow on an obligately estuarine fish
Q47348627Evolutionary implications of mitochondrial genetic variation: mitochondrial genetic effects on OXPHOS respiration and mitochondrial quantity change with age and sex in fruit flies
Q59442917Evolutionary implications of the mode of D quadrant specification in coelomates with spiral cleavage
Q44792038Evolutionary mode, tempo, and phylogenetic association of continuous morphological traits in the aquatic moss genus Amblystegium
Q84201894Evolutionary modularity of the mouse mandible: dissecting the effect of chromosomal reorganizations and isolation by distance in a Robertsonian system of Mus musculus domesticus
Q43705760Evolutionary neutrality of mtDNA introgression: evidence from complete mitogenome analysis in roe deer.
Q61762087Evolutionary patterns and mechanisms in consumer-resource interactions
Q91743494Evolutionary potential of a widespread clonal grass under changing climate
Q39078943Evolutionary potential of morphological traits across different life-history stages
Q91634577Evolutionary potential of thermal preference and heat tolerance in Drosophila subobscura
Q37164670Evolutionary problems in centrosome and centriole biology
Q39150663Evolutionary reduction of developmental plasticity in desert spadefoot toads
Q38369213Evolutionary relationships among pollinators and repeated pollinator sharing in sexually deceptive orchids.
Q52744022Evolutionary relationships of flavobacterial and enterobacterial endosymbionts with their scale insect hosts (Hemiptera: Coccoidea).
Q109351725Evolutionary rescue at different rates of environmental change is affected by trade‐offs between short‐term performance and long‐term survival
Q110616054Evolutionary responses ofDrosophila melanogasterto selection at different larval densities: changes in genetic variation, specialization and phenotypic plasticity
Q39909272Evolutionary routes to stable ownership.
Q47776805Evolutionary specialization in mammalian cortical structure
Q35592689Evolutionary stasis despite selection on a heritable trait in an invasive zooplankton
Q34214085Evolutionary stasis in Euphorbiaceae pollen: selection and constraints
Q33340891Evolutionary traction: the cost of adaptation and the evolution of sex.
Q49561442Evolutionary trade-offs in locomotor capacities in lacertid lizards: are splendid sprinters clumsy climbers?
Q90028729Evolutionary transition between bee pollination and hummingbird pollination in Salvia: Comparing means, variances and covariances of corolla traits
Q84456695Evolutionary transitions among dioecy, androdioecy and hermaphroditism in limnadiid clam shrimp (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata)
Q79315697Evolvability and genetic constraint in Dalechampia blossoms: components of variance and measures of evolvability
Q50440842Evolvability of an avian life history trait declines with father's age
Q42003764Evolved variation in cold tolerance among populations of Eldana saccharina (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in South Africa.
Q41060859Exaggerated male genitalia intensify interspecific reproductive interference by damaging heterospecific female genitalia.
Q52641793Examining costs of induced and constitutive immune investment in Tenebrio molitor.
Q30449370Examining the social landscapes of alternative reproductive strategies.
Q59693129Existence of a pattern of reproductive character displacement in Homobasidiomycota but not in Ascomycota
Q51087739Experimental adaptation to high and low quality environments under different scales of temporal variation.
Q115555192Experimental analysis of an early life-history stage: avian predation selects for larger body size of hatchling turtles
Q57205430Experimental analysis of the evolutionary potential of hybridization in leopard frogs (Anura: Ranidae)
Q38962084Experimental and genetic analyses reveal that inbreeding depression declines with increased self-fertilization among populations of a coastal dune plant
Q51598323Experimental coevolution leads to a decrease in parasite-induced host mortality.
Q92116107Experimental evidence for accelerated adaptation to desiccation through sexual selection on males
Q33826760Experimental evidence for the phenotypic impact of admixture between wild and biocontrol Asian ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) involved in the European invasion
Q92670206Experimental evidence for the role of sexual selection in the evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons in the dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus
Q44822273Experimental evidence for trait utility of gill raker number in adaptive radiation of a north temperate fish
Q84002375Experimental evidence of early costs of reproduction in conspecific viviparous and oviparous lizards
Q34914472Experimental evidence that competition and habitat use shape the individual fitness surface
Q51646301Experimental evidence that high levels of inbreeding depress sperm competitiveness.
Q90739997Experimental evolution demonstrates evolvability of preferential nutrient allocation to competing traits in response to chronic malnutrition
Q44655394Experimental evolution for generalists and specialists reveals multivariate genetic constraints on thermal reaction norms
Q35565310Experimental evolution in fluctuating environments: tolerance measurements at constant temperatures incorrectly predict the ability to tolerate fluctuating temperatures
Q35170027Experimental evolution of external immune defences in the red flour beetle.
Q34776715Experimental evolution of field populations of Daphnia magna in response to parasite treatment.
Q48339086Experimental evolution of infectious behaviour in a facultative ectoparasite
Q51632482Experimental evolution of local parasite maladaptation.
Q51616716Experimental evolution of protozoan traits in response to interspecific competition
Q38694430Experimental evolution reveals differences between phenotypic and evolutionary responses to population density.
Q91544095Experimental evolution reveals divergence in female genital teeth morphology in response to sexual conflict intensity in a moth
Q50063803Experimental infection magnifies inbreeding depression in house mice
Q57027079Experimental life-history evolution: selection on growth form and its plasticity in a clonal plant
Q47269061Experimental manipulation of population-level MHC diversity controls pathogen virulence evolution in Mus musculus.
Q46256297Experimental manipulation reveals a trade-off between weapons and testes.
Q51636693Experimental modifications imply a stimulatory function for male tsetse fly genitalia, supporting cryptic female choice theory.
Q34335409Experimental reduction of codon bias in the Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase gene results in decreased ethanol tolerance of adult flies
Q115033084Experimental sexual selection affects the evolution of physiological and life‐history traits
Q46447179Experimental sexual selection in Chlamydomonas
Q60370394Experimental study of temperature effects on the sex ratio of broods in Terrestrial Crustacea Armadillidium vulgare Latr. Possible implications in natural populations
Q39978399Experimental support for the role of nest predation in the evolution of brood parasitism
Q85028579Experimental test of a trade‐off between moult and immune response in house sparrows Passer domesticus
Q40366807Experimental tests of host-virus coevolution in natural killer yeast strains.
Q48042486Experimentally evolved and phenotypically plastic responses to enforced monogamy in a hermaphroditic flatworm
Q50222090Experimentally increased reproductive effort alters telomere length in the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus).
Q40083292Experimentally induced host-shift changes life-history strategy in a seed beetle.
Q99566750Experimentally induced intrasexual mating competition and sex-specific evolution in female and male nematodes
Q30872292Explaining the sawtooth: latitudinal periodicity in a circadian gene correlates with shifts in generation number.
Q44228881Exploring patterns of variation in clutch size-density reaction norms in a wild passerine bird.
Q84146225Exploring the effect of the Cardinium endosymbiont on spiders
Q28268428Exploring the evolution of environmental sex determination, especially in reptiles
Q51225029Exposure to a novel male during late pregnancy influences subsequent growth of offspring during lactation.
Q46747761Expression of sexual ornaments in a polymorphic species: phenotypic variation in response to environmental risk
Q34833479Extensive hybridization and associated geographic trends between two rockfishes Sebastes vulpes and S. zonatus (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes: Sebastidae).
Q91529462Extensive hybridization and past introgression between divergent lineages in a quasi-clonal hermaphroditic fish: ramifications for species concepts and taxonomy
Q89006357Extensive phenotypic diversification coexists with little genetic divergence and a lack of population structure in the White Wagtail subspecies complex (Motacilla alba)
Q89174308Extent of adaptation is not limited by unpredictability of the environment in laboratory populations of Escherichia coli
Q102145518Extinction and the temporal distribution of macroevolutionary bursts
Q34335414Extinction of the acoustic startle response in moths endemic to a bat-free habitat
Q46469466Extra-nuclear effects on growth and development in the sand cricket Gryllus firmus
Q46122002Extra-pair fertilizations contribute to selection on secondary male ornamentation in a socially monogamous passerine
Q89759661Extra-pair paternity as a strategy to reduce the costs of heterospecific reproduction? Insights from the crow hybrid zone
Q40006717Extreme genetic diversity in asexual grass thrips populations
Q47300872Extreme mtDNA divergences in a terrestrial slug (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Arionidae): accelerated evolution, allopatric divergence and secondary contact
Q91439986Extreme variation in testes size in an insect is linked to recent mating activity
Q91450113Extrinsic and intrinsic constraints interact to drive extra-pair paternities in the Alpine marmot
Q88887478Eyes Wide Shut: the impact of dim-light vision on neural investment in marine teleosts
Q57649062Facing the facts
Q33943687Factors influencing progress toward sympatric speciation.
Q125376928Factors influencing the composition of mixed populations of a hemiclonal hybrid and its sexual host
Q49561369Facultative sex allocation in snow skink lizards (Niveoscincus microlepidotus).
Q51814367Facultative use of thelytokous parthenogenesis for queen production in the polyandrous ant Cataglyphis cursor.
Q51294442Faithful females receive more help: the extent of male parental care during incubation in relation to extra-pair paternity in songbirds.
Q46947018Faster clonal turnover in high-infection habitats provides evidence for parasite-mediated selection.
Q39024050Faster evolution of highly conserved DNA in tropical plants
Q47260490Feather mites and birds: an interaction mediated by uropygial gland size?
Q37233254Fecundity compensation and tolerance to a sterilizing pathogen in Daphnia
Q50277613Fecundity selection on ornamental plumage colour differs between ages and sexes and varies over small spatial scales.
Q39780894Feeding with speed: prey capture evolution in cichilds
Q51548296Female Cape sugarbirds (Promerops cafer) modify egg investment both for extra-pair mates and for male tail length.
Q28249242Female ambrosia beetles adjust their offspring sex ratio according to outbreeding opportunities for their sons
Q50266045Female behaviour and the interaction of male and female genital traits mediate sperm transfer during mating.
Q46680238Female choice for male cuticular hydrocarbon profile in decorated crickets is not based on similarity to their own profile
Q35592167Female choice of sexually antagonistic male adaptations: a critical review of some current research
Q50462745Female coloration indicates female reproductive capacity in blue tits.
Q51830625Female common lizards (Lacerta vivipara) do not adjust their sex-biased investment in relation to the adult sex ratio.
Q28292212Female crickets assess relatedness during mate guarding and bias storage of sperm towards unrelated males
Q46339087Female crickets trade offspring viability for fecundity
Q40215863Female discrimination thresholds frequently exceed local male display variation: implications for mate choice dynamics and sexual selection
Q46893402Female effects, but no intrinsic male effects on paternity outcome in crickets.
Q47641281Female fecundity and offspring survival are not increased through sexual cannibalism in the spider Larinioides sclopetarius.
Q35175421Female house mice avoid fertilization by t haplotype incompatible males in a mate choice experiment.
Q51735107Female mate choice across mating stages and between sequential mates in flour beetles.
Q46828783Female mate choice predicts paternity success in the absence of additive genetic variance for other female paternity bias mechanisms in Drosophila serrata
Q51560118Female mate preferences in Drosophila simulans: evolution and costs.
Q89018487Female mate preferences on high-dimensional shape variation for male species recognition traits
Q101134384Female mating experience and genetic background independently influence male mating success in fruit flies
Q51605293Female nutritional status determines the magnitude and sign of responses to a male ejaculate signal in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q49561462Female polyandry affects their sons' reproductive success in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum
Q46467034Female preference functions drive interpopulation divergence in male signalling: call diversity in the bushcricket Ephippiger diurnus.
Q115033098Female reproductive mode shapes allometric scaling of male traits in live‐bearing fishes (family Poeciliidae)
Q43976826Female resistance behaviour and progeny sex ratio in two Bradysia species (Diptera: Sciaridae) with paternal genome elimination
Q92002455Female resistance to sexual coercion can evolve to preserve the indirect benefits of mate choice
Q96964759Female sperm storage mediates postcopulatory costs and benefits of ejaculate anticipatory plasticity in the guppy
Q91822337Female-driven intersexual coevolution in beetle genitalia
Q52641775Females avoid manipulative males and live longer.
Q43906713Females benefit from multiple mating but not multiple mates in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q38611883Females drive asymmetrical introgression from rare to common species in Darwin's tree finches
Q43410490Females suffer a reduction in the viability of stored sperm following an immune challenge
Q58039334Fertility interactions in Drosophila: Theoretical model and experimental tests
Q34946985Fewer invited talks by women in evolutionary biology symposia.
Q92391063Field estimates of fitness costs of the pace-of-life in an endangered damselfly
Q37696526Fight or flight? - Flight increases immune gene expression but does not help to fight an infection
Q57172674Finding the one: optimal choosiness under sequential mate choice
Q40315241Fine scale spatial structuring of sex and mitochondria in Silene vulgaris
Q51332334Fine-scale genetic analysis of species-specific female preference in Drosophila simulans.
Q59293271Fine-scale genetic structure and gene dispersal in Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae) I. Pattern of pollen dispersal
Q51767930Fisher's fundamental theorem of inclusive fitness and the change in fitness due to natural selection when conspecifics interact.
Q39440381Fisher's sons' effect in sexual selection: absent, intermittent or just low experimental power?
Q91972951Fitness advantages of the biased use of paired laterally symmetrical penises in an insect
Q46906690Fitness and morphological outcomes of many generations of hybridization in the copepod Tigriopus californicus.
Q28305989Fitness and the level of homozygosity in a social insect
Q44635734Fitness conflicts and the costs of sociality in communal egg layers: a theoretical model and empirical tests
Q30454665Fitness consequences of social network position in a wild population of forked fungus beetles (Bolitotherus cornutus).
Q90665786Fitness consequences of the selfish supergene Segregation Distorter
Q28290944Fitness consequences of variable maternal provisioning in quacking frogs (Crinia georgiana)
Q83153121Fitness correlates with the extent of cheating in a bacterium
Q30972910Fitness declines towards range limits and local adaptation to climate affect dispersal evolution during climate-induced range shifts.
Q42027209Fitness differences associated with Pgi SNP genotypes in the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia).
Q46618032Fitness differences between parapatric lake and stream stickleback revealed by a field transplant
Q33724661Fitness disadvantages to disrupted embryogenesis impose selection against suboptimal nest-site choice by female grass snakes, Natrix natrix (Colubridae)
Q51780602Fitness effects of X chromosome drive in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni.
Q39669929Fitness effects of female mate choice: preferred males are detrimental for Drosophila melanogaster females.
Q48305528Fitness effects of mutation: testing genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Q42110743Fitness effects of new mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii across two stress gradients.
Q51095192Fitness landscapes emerging from pharmacodynamic functions in the evolution of multidrug resistance.
Q56838455Fitness measures in selection analyses: sensitivity to the overall number of offspring produced in a lifetime
Q92372275Fitness of reciprocal F1 hybrids between Rhinanthus minor and Rhinanthus major under controlled conditions and in the field
Q43854297Fitness trade-offs and the maintenance of alternative male morphs in the bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus robini).
Q42239239Fitness valleys constrain HIV-1's adaptation to its secondary chemokine coreceptor.
Q50123447Fitness variation among host species and the paradox of ineffective rhizobia
Q79321153Fitness-associated recombination on rugged adaptive landscapes
Q49561432Fitness-consequences of geitonogamous selfing in a clonal marine angiosperm (Zostera marina).
Q46328071Fitness-dependent mutation rates in finite populations
Q33398072Five questions on ecological speciation addressed with individual-based simulations
Q47235839Fixed effect variance and the estimation of repeatabilities and heritabilities: Issues and solutions.
Q48313495Flexible mate choice may contribute to ecotype assortative mating in pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus).
Q79325884Flexible mating: cross-pollination affects sex-expression in a marine clonal plant
Q87845378Flexible parents: joint effects of handicapping and brood size manipulation on female parental care in Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q48210095Flies who cannot take the heat: genome-wide gene expression analysis of temperature-sensitive lethality in an inbred line of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q47200625Flight of Sharovipteryx mirabilis: the world's first delta-winged glider
Q52646279Floral evolution and pollinator mate choice in a sexually deceptive orchid.
Q61697949Floral integration, phenotypic covariance structure and pollinator variation in bumblebee-pollinated Helleborus foetidus
Q46816372Floral isolation is the major reproductive barrier between a pair of rewarding orchid sister species
Q46887377Floral odour and reproductive isolation in two species of Silene.
Q96161745Floral trait differentiation in Anacamptis coriophora: phenotypic selection on scents, but not on colour
Q52002132Flowering time plasticity in Arabidopsis thaliana: a reanalysis of Westerman & Lawrence (1970).
Q36623195Fluctuating asymmetry and developmental instability in evolutionary biology: past, present and future
Q50733999Fluctuating asymmetry in a secondary sexual trait: no associations with individual fitness, environmental stress or inbreeding, and no heritability.
Q57228288Fluctuating asymmetry in red junglefowl
Q104206900Fluctuating asymmetry of sexual and nonsexual traits in stalk-eyed flies: a poor indicator of developmental stress and genetic quality
Q64032474Fluctuating asymmetry, fecundity and development time in Drosophila: is there an association under optimal and stress conditions?
Q49586357Fluctuating selection and its (elusive) evolutionary consequences in a wild rodent population.
Q47168395Fluctuating viability selection on morphology of cliff swallows is driven by climate
Q79753828Flycatcher song in allopatry and sympatry--convergence, divergence and reinforcement
Q42092601Fold or hold: experimental evolution in vitro.
Q38441100Food availability affects the maternal transfer of androgens and antibodies into eggs of a colonial seabird
Q43433768Food fight: sexual conflict over free amino acids in the nuptial gifts of male decorated crickets.
Q35604819Foraging mode affects the evolution of egg size in generalist predators embedded in complex food webs
Q79787821Foraging performance of diet-induced morphotypes in pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) favours resource polymorphism
Q91558978Fork tails evolved differently in swallows and swifts
Q56919343Form and Function and Phylogeny A review by M. J. Benton. Life's Splendid Drama. By P. J. Bowler. Chicago University Press. 1996. 533 pages. f30.25 (US $37.95). ISBN: 0-226-06921-4 (cloth), 0-226-06922-2 (paper)
Q29541152Form follows function: morphological diversification and alternative trapping strategies in carnivorous Nepenthes pitcher plants
Q52641782Forty years of solitude: life-history divergence and behavioural isolation between laboratory lines of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q42036997Fossil-calibrated molecular phylogenies reveal that leaf-mining moths radiated millions of years after their host plants.
Q45892960Fossils and phylogeny uncover the evolutionary history of a unique antipredator behaviour.
Q52641830Foundress re-emergence and fig permeability in fig tree-wasp mutualisms.
Q51866631Frequency and inheritance of non-male producing clones in Daphnia magna: evolution towards sex specialization in a cyclical parthenogen?
Q79321116Frequency dependence in matings with water-borne sperm
Q33352788Frequency of independent origins of viviparity among caecilians (Gymnophiona): evidence from the first 'live-bearing' Asian amphibian
Q79238746Frequency-dependent predation and maintenance of prey polymorphism
Q47779696Frequency-dependent selection acting on the widely fluctuating sex ratio of the aphid Prociphilus oriens
Q113036738Frequency-dependent selection by pollinators: mechanisms and consequences with regard to behaviour of bumblebees Bombus terrestris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Q44319643From kissing to belly stridulation: comparative analysis reveals surprising diversity, rapid evolution, and much homoplasy in the mating behaviour of 27 species of sepsid flies (Diptera: Sepsidae).
Q45981293From nature to the laboratory: the impact of founder effects on adaptation.
Q46942284Frugivores and cheap fruits make fruiting fruitful.
Q33584086Functional adaptation of spiriferide brachiopod morphology
Q92743609Functional consequences of phenotypic variation between locally adapted populations: Swimming performance and ventilation in extremophile fish
Q35468696Functional constraints on the evolution of long butterfly proboscides: lessons from Neotropical skippers (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae).
Q46624535Functional decoupling between flowers and leaves in the Ameroglossum pernambucense complex can facilitate local adaptation across a pollinator and climatic heterogeneous landscape
Q97079877Functional implications of the specialized staminal appendages in alpine ginger (Roscoea spp.: Zingiberaceae)
Q47844569Functional rare males in diploid parthenogenetic Artemia.
Q45924993Functional replacement of a primary metabolic pathway via multiple independent eukaryote-to-eukaryote gene transfers and selective retention.
Q47366635Functional significance of seminal receptacle length in Drosophila melanogaster
Q79321118Functional trade-offs in the limb muscles of dogs selected for running vs. fighting
Q50890586Game theory and the evolution of fearfulness in wild birds.
Q81543364Games among cannibals: competition to cannibalize and parent-offspring conflict lead to increased sibling cannibalism
Q34432922Gateway to genetic exchange? DNA double-strand breaks in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga submitted to desiccation
Q51706650Gene expression profile analysis of Drosophila melanogaster selected for resistance to environmental stressors.
Q48548656Gene flow across a hybrid zone maintained by a weak heterogametic incompatibility and positive selection of incompatible alleles
Q113348647Gene flow and immigration rate in an island population of great tits
Q60289789Gene flow and species cohesion following the spread of Schiedea globosa (Caryophyllaceae) across the Hawaiian Islands
Q45884337Gene flow between sexual and asexual strains of parasitic wasps: a possible case of sympatric speciation caused by a parthenogenesis-inducing bacterium
Q58776144Gene flow does not prevent personality and morphological differentiation between two blue tit populations
Q58039315Gene flow rates in Yugoslavian populations of the smooth newt Triturus vulgaris
Q34092536General quantitative genetic methods for comparative biology: phylogenies, taxonomies and multi-trait models for continuous and categorical characters
Q41069138Generation of a neutral FST baseline for testing local adaptation on gill raker number within and between European whitefish ecotypes in the Baltic Sea basin
Q46170942Generative models versus underlying symmetries to explain biological pattern
Q110616051Genes affecting phenotypic plasticity in Arabidopsis : pleiotropic effects and reproductive fitness of photomorphogenic mutants
Q54691706Genes under weaker stabilizing selection increase network evolvability and rapid regulatory adaptation to an environmental shift.
Q38726538Genetic accommodation in the wild: evolution of gene expression plasticity during character displacement
Q34470516Genetic admixture supports an ancient hybrid origin of the endangered Hawaiian duck
Q33366833Genetic analysis of sympatric char populations in western Alaska: Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) are not two sides of the same coin
Q44576013Genetic and environmental effects on a condition-dependent trait: feather growth in Siberian jays
Q81317955Genetic and environmental effects on secondary sex traits in guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Q33890465Genetic and environmental sources of covariance among internal reproductive traits in the yellow dung fly.
Q63975776Genetic and environmental variation in immune response of collared flycatcher nestlings
Q50485124Genetic and environmental variation in the visual properties of bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei.
Q30975411Genetic and morphological data supporting the hypothesis of adaptive radiation in the endemic fish of Lake Matano
Q48001418Genetic and morphological differentiation in Tephritis bardanae (Diptera: Tephritidae): evidence for host-race formation
Q99552745Genetic and morphological divergence between Littorina fabalis ecotypes in Northern Europe
Q51574397Genetic and nutritional effects on male traits and reproductive performance in Tribolium flour beetles.
Q57520009Genetic and phenotypic influences on clone-level success and host specialization in a generalist parasite
Q42014106Genetic and phenotypic variation in juvenile development in relation to temperature and developmental pathway in a geometrid moth.
Q52641787Genetic architecture for normal and novel host-plant use in two local populations of the herbivorous ladybird beetle, Epilachna pustulosa.
Q43933771Genetic architecture of population differences in oviposition behaviour of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus
Q42006363Genetic architecture of sensory exploitation: QTL mapping of female and male receiver traits in an acoustic moth.
Q52641827Genetic architecture of susceptibility to herbivores in hybrid willows.
Q51725478Genetic architecture of traits associated with serpentine adaptation of Silene vulgaris.
Q28277160Genetic assimilation can occur in the absence of selection for the assimilating phenotype, suggesting a role for the canalization heuristic
Q30654206Genetic background, and not ontogenetic effects, affects avian seasonal timing of reproduction.
Q45642546Genetic basis and fitness correlates of dynamic carotenoid-based ornamental coloration in male and female common kestrels Falco tinnunculus.
Q46380435Genetic basis for soma is present in undifferentiated volvocine green algae
Q42031257Genetic basis of adaptive evolution of a polyphenism by genetic accommodation
Q46447449Genetic basis of between-individual and within-individual variance of docility
Q34376835Genetic basis of differential opsin gene expression in cichlid fishes
Q51729476Genetic caste determination in Pogonomyrmex harvester ants imposes costs during colony founding.
Q38199217Genetic causes of transitions from sexual reproduction to asexuality in plants and animals
Q114080035Genetic colour variation visible for predators and conspecifics is concealed from humans in a polymorphic moth
Q52653092Genetic conflicts and intercellular heterogeneity.
Q63379948Genetic correlation between resting metabolic rate and exploratory behaviour in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Q83140972Genetic correlation in relation to differences in dosage of a stressor
Q34811159Genetic covariance between components of male reproductive success: within-pair vs. extra-pair paternity in song sparrows
Q38962067Genetic determination of female castes in a hybridogenetic desert ant.
Q35055675Genetic differences among populations in sexual dimorphism: evidence for selection on males in a dioecious plant
Q46115528Genetic differences and phenotypic plasticity in body size between high- and low-altitude populations of the ground beetle Carabus tosanus
Q36203328Genetic differentiation and adaptive evolution at reproductive loci in incipient Drosophila species
Q125367052Genetic differentiation and habitat partition of Robertsonian house mouse populations (Mus musculus domesticus) of Tunisia
Q33288435Genetic differentiation and natural hybridization between the Sardinian endemic Maniola nurag and the European Maniola jurtina
Q57763906Genetic differentiation and phylogeny of beech on the Balkan peninsula
Q39330043Genetic differentiation associated with host plants and geography among six widespread species of South American Blepharoneura fruit flies (Tephritidae).
Q34056463Genetic differentiation in life-history traits of introduced and native common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) populations
Q40382574Genetic distinction between contiguous urban and rural multimammate mice in Tanzania despite gene flow.
Q51288059Genetic divergence and isolation by thermal environment in geothermal populations of an aquatic invertebrate.
Q33751640Genetic divergence in morphology-performance mapping between Misty Lake and inlet stickleback.
Q28251114Genetic divergence is more tightly related to call variation than landscape features in the Amazonian frogs Physalaemus petersi and P. freibergi
Q46975257Genetic divergence predicts reproductive isolation in damselflies
Q38901313Genetic divergence with ongoing gene flow is maintained by the use of different hosts in phytophagous ladybird beetles genus Henosepilachna.
Q56287853Genetic divergence without spatial isolation in polecatMustela putoriuspopulations
Q46743168Genetic diversity does not explain variation in extra-pair paternity in multiple populations of a songbird.
Q47267882Genetic diversity, population structure and sex-biased dispersal in three co-evolving species.
Q41656671Genetic diversity, virulence and fitness evolution in an obligate fungal parasite of bees
Q42598755Genetic drift or natural selection? Hybridization and asymmetric mitochondrial introgression in two Caribbean lizards (Anolis pulchellus and Anolis krugi).
Q46767260Genetic factors affecting food-plant specialization of an oligophagous seed predator
Q80960865Genetic heterogeneity within organisms and the evolution of individuality
Q42028342Genetic independence of female signal form and male receiver design in the almond moth, Cadra cautella
Q57026962Genetic isolation of fragmented populations is exacerbated by drift and selection
Q79787780Genetic life history effects on juvenile survival in bluegill
Q49049118Genetic load, inbreeding depression and heterosis in an age‐structured metapopulation
Q80118033Genetic mating patterns studied in pools with manipulated nest site availability in two populations of Pomatoschistus minutus
Q35673379Genetic panmixia within a narrow contact zone between chromosomally and ecologically distinct black fly sibling species (Diptera: Simuliidae).
Q79321077Genetic polymorphism and trade-offs in the early life-history strategy of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1795): a quantitative genetic study
Q55869557Genetic polymorphism inCaulerpa taxifolia(Ulvophyceae) chloroplast DNA revealed by a PCR-based assay of the invasive Mediterranean strain
Q38961522Genetic population structure in an equatorial sparrow: roles for culture and geography.
Q52680776Genetic population structure, queen supersedure and social polymorphism in a social Hymenoptera.
Q128160168Genetic response of a perennial grass to warm and wet environments interacts and is associated with trait means as well as plasticity
Q83113119Genetic robustness and selection at the protein level for synonymous codons
Q57170989Genetic signatures of lipid metabolism evolution in Cetacea since the divergence from terrestrial ancestor
Q79897364Genetic similarity, breeding distribution range and sexual selection
Q125944286Genetic structure of Polytrichum formosum in relation to the breeding system as revealed by microsatellites
Q60379598Genetic structure of natural populations of Castanea sativa in Turkey: evidence of a hybrid zone
Q41080721Genetic structure of phenotypic robustness in the collaborative cross mouse diallel panel.
Q55845463Genetic variability and phylogeographical patterns of a nonindigenous species invasion: a comparison of exotic vs. native zebra and quagga mussel populations
Q90741087Genetic variability and transgenerational regulation of investment in sex in the monogonont rotifer Brachionus plicatilis
Q89545903Genetic variance for behavioural 'predictability' of stress response
Q49561469Genetic variation and asexual reproduction in the facultatively parthenogenetic cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea: implications for the evolution of sex.
Q34683934Genetic variation and co-variation for fitness between intra-population and inter-population backgrounds in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum
Q52848546Genetic variation but weak genetic covariation between pre- and post-copulatory episodes of sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q84781949Genetic variation for maternal effects on parasite susceptibility
Q125391101Genetic variation for sexual dimorphism in flower size within and between populations of gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris
Q39162664Genetic variation in carbon isotope discrimination in six European populations of Castanea sativa Mill. originating from contrasting localities.
Q42022641Genetic variation in flowering phenology and avoidance of seed predation in native populations of Ulex europaeus
Q42019954Genetic variation in herbivore resistance and tolerance: the role of plant life‐history stage and type of damage
Q52646276Genetic variation in infestation with a directly transmitted ectoparasite.
Q79321100Genetic variation in organisms with sexual and asexual reproduction
Q51962944Genetic variation in pathogen-induced early hatching of toad embryos.
Q47726089Genetic variation in the shape of cold survival curves in a single fly population suggests potential for selection from climate variability.
Q60569509Genetic variation in tolerance of competition and neighbour suppression in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q79321136Genetic variation of polygenic characters and the evolution of genetic degeneracy
Q30663609Genetic variation underlies temperature tolerance of embryos in the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma armigera.
Q83490270Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism
Q79753853Genetic variation, disequilibrium and natural selection on reproductive traits in Allium vineale
Q31066777Genetic, physiologic and ecogeographic factors contributing to variation in Homo sapiens: Homo floresiensis reconsidered
Q51725460Genetically idiosyncratic responses of Drosophila melanogaster populations to selection for improved learning ability.
Q51615794Genetics of body shape and armour variation in threespine sticklebacks.
Q42035832Genetics of host plant use and life history in the comma butterfly across Europe: varying modes of inheritance as a potential reproductive barrier
Q43942134Genetics of male nuptial colour divergence between sympatric sister species of a Lake Victoria cichlid fish
Q42037837Genetics of sex pheromone blend differences between Heliothis virescens and Heliothis subflexa: a chromosome mapping approach.
Q56984182Genetics of sexual Ostracoda from a low Arctic site
Q51298901Genital divergence in sympatric sister snails.
Q48275420Genome evolution, structural rearrangements and speciation
Q47300690Genome size and recombination in angiosperms: a second look
Q90769495Genome size variation and species diversity in salamanders
Q46568960Genome-specific introgression between wheat and its wild relative Aegilops triuncialis
Q30451329Genomic admixture increases fitness during a biological invasion
Q101238209Genomic inference of complex domestication histories in three Solanaceae species
Q101054565Genomic landscape of reproductive isolation in Lucania killifish: The role of sex loci and salinity
Q35192827Genomic regions repeatedly involved in divergence among plant-specialized pea aphid biotypes
Q46259145Genotype and diet affect resistance, survival, and fecundity but not fecundity tolerance.
Q51728054Genotype by environment interactions in viability and developmental time in populations of cactophilic Drosophila.
Q42037840Genotype x environment interaction for male attractiveness in an acoustic moth: evidence for plasticity and canalization.
Q42014435Genotype × environment interaction, environmental heterogeneity and the lek paradox
Q45003436Genotype-by-environment interactions due to antibiotic resistance and adaptation in Escherichia coli
Q51295489Genotype-by-environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in Drosophila simulans.
Q91184171Genotype-by-environment interactions for seminal fluid expression and sperm competitive ability
Q50795750Genotype-by-environment interactions leads to variable selection on life-history strategy in Common Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis).
Q46752243Genotype-by-environment interactions underlie the expression of pre- and post-copulatory sexually selected traits in guppies
Q40542035Genotype-by-genotype interactions between an insect and its pathogen.
Q43703653Genotype-by-genotype specificity remains robust to average temperature variation in an aphid/endosymbiont/parasitoid system
Q91529733Genotype-environment interactions rule the response of a widespread butterfly to temperature variation
Q91726022Genotypes and their interaction effects on reproduction and mating-induced immune activation in Drosophila melanogaster
Q51538054Genotype‐by‐environment interactions for female preference
Q110616050Genotype–environment interaction and the ontogeny of diet‐induced phenotypic plasticity in size and shape of Melanoplus femurrubrum (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q56984188Genotypic diversity of asexual Ostracoda from a low arctic site
Q63383866Genotypic selection in Daphnia populations consisting of inbred sibships
Q64032265Genotypic variation for reproductive characters, and the influence of pollen-ovule ratio on selfing rate in rape seed (Brassica napus)
Q50789091Genotypic vs. condition effects on parasite-driven rare advantage.
Q46728572Geographic body size variation in the periodical cicadas Magicicada: implications for life cycle divergence and local adaptation.
Q107968143Geographic patterns in colonial reproductive strategy in Myrmecina nipponica : Links between biogeography and a key polymorphism in ants
Q31028235Geographic range size, life history and rates of diversification in Australian mammals
Q51709741Geographic structure in a widespread plant-mycorrhizal interaction: pines and false truffles.
Q111264612Geographic structure of lineage associations in a plant-bacterial mutualism
Q111267229Geographic structure of lineage associations in a plant-bacterial mutualism
Q51562879Geographic variation in corticosterone response to chronic predator stress in tadpoles.
Q36351592Geographic variation in mimetic precision among different species of coral snake mimics.
Q38871990Geographic variation in phenotypic plasticity in response to dissolved oxygen in an African cichlid fish
Q51566612Geographic variation in sperm traits reflects predation risk and natural rates of multiple paternity in the guppy.
Q46781516Geographic variation of life-history traits in the sand lizard, Lacerta agilis: testing Darwin's fecundity-advantage hypothesis.
Q82232405Geographical patterns of adaptation within a species' range: interactions between drift and gene flow
Q51583893Geographical variation in allometry in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).
Q59594798Geographical variation in calling song of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus: the importance of spatial scale
Q51193020Geographical variation in reproductive ageing patterns and life-history strategy of a short-lived passerine bird.
Q45395434Geographically variable selection in Ambystoma tigrinum virus (Iridoviridae) throughout the western USA.
Q34714320Getting a grip on the evolution of grasping in musteloid carnivorans: a three-dimensional analysis of forelimb shape.
Q83867990Getting in shape: adaptation and phylogenetic inertia in morphology of Australian anuran larvae
Q47296482Gis-based niche models reveal unifying climatic mechanisms that maintain the location of avian hybrid zones in a North American suture zone
Q51635847Give 'til it hurts: trade-offs between immunity and male reproductive effort in the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus.
Q51591773Giving offspring a head start in life: field and experimental evidence for selection on maternal basking behaviour in lizards.
Q47296470Glacial refugia and the phylogeography of Steller's sea lion (Eumatopias jubatus) in the North Pacific
Q48275466Glittering gold and the quest for Isla de Muerta
Q36233945Global analysis reveals that cryptic diversity is linked with habitat but not mode of life
Q99566747Glucocorticoid levels are linked to lifetime reproductive success and survival of adult barn owls
Q33313501Go east: phylogeographies of Mauremys caspica and M. rivulata- discordance of morphology, mitochondrial and nuclear genomic markers and rare hybridization
Q58042269Godfrey M. Hewitt (1940-2013), President of ESEB 1999-2001
Q51713128Good genes, genetic compatibility and the evolution of polyandry: use of the diallel cross to address competing hypotheses.
Q90659424Good parenting may not increase reproductive success under environmental extremes
Q90917774Grab my tail: evolution of dazzle stripes and colourful tails in lizards
Q47436177Gradual and quantum genome size shifts in the hystricognath rodents
Q51556338Grain of environment explains variation in the strength of genotype × environment interaction.
Q30855720Grandparental effects in marine sticklebacks: transgenerational plasticity across multiple generations.
Q51278931Graphic illustration of a potential problem: a commentary on Morrissey (2016).
Q90376361Greater opportunities for sexual selection in male than in female obligate brood parasitic birds
Q125558332Greater reproductive assurance of asexual plant compared with sexual relative in a low‐density sympatric population: Experimental evidence for pollen limitation
Q51385075Group adaptation, formal darwinism and contextual analysis.
Q51408271Group structure, kinship, inbreeding risk and habitual female dispersal in plural-breeding mammals.
Q45945227Grow with the flow: a latitudinal cline in physiology is associated with more variable precipitation in Erythranthe cardinalis.
Q50765993Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants.
Q110615414Growth temperature and phenotypic plasticity in two
Q110615219Growth temperature and phenotypic plasticity in two Drosophila sibling species: probable adaptive changes in flight capacities
Q115158979Guthrie, R. D. 1990. Frozen Fauna of the Mammoth Steppe: The story of Blue Babe. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 323 pp. $19.50
Q42026794HSP70 expression in the Copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus across altitudes and temperatures
Q52043767Habitat dependent associations between parasitism and fluctuating asymmetry among endemic stickleback populations.
Q129663159Habitat heterogeneity limits prey colour polymorphism maintained via negative frequency-dependent selection
Q51281057Habitat preference and flowering-time variation contribute to reproductive isolation between diploid and autotetraploid Anacamptis pyramidalis.
Q33466501Habitat saturation and the spatial evolutionary ecology of altruism
Q81670514Habitat specialization and adaptive phenotypic divergence of anuran populations
Q33885500Habitat use affects morphological diversification in dragon lizards
Q44234021Habitat variation and wing coloration affect wing shape evolution in dragonflies
Q80831693Habitat-dependent geographical variation in ontogenetic allometry of the shiner perch Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons (Teleostei: Embiotocidae)
Q51689155Habitat-dependent song divergence at subspecies level in the grey-breasted wood-wren.
Q46391284Habitat-related variation in the plasticity of a UV-sensitive photoreceptor over a small spatial scale in the palmate newt
Q51637797Habitat-specific population structure in native western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Insecta, Thysanoptera).
Q60462371Haematological parameters do senesce in the wild: evidence from different populations of a long-lived mammal
Q35167330Haldane's rule revisited: do hybrid females have a shorter lifespan? Survival of hybrids in a recent contact zone between two large gull species.
Q81670530Hamilton's rule, imprinting and parent-offspring conflict over seed mass in partially selfing plants
Q50251472Hamilton's rule, inclusive fitness maximization, and the goal of individual behaviour in symmetric two-player games
Q33772117Haploids adapt faster than diploids across a range of environments
Q58616954Harsh conditions during early development influence telomere length in an altricial passerine: links with oxidative stress and corticosteroids
Q81145558Has adaptive dynamics contributed to the understanding of adaptive and sympatric speciation?
Q33247047Has the evolution of complexity in the amphibian papilla influenced anuran speciation rates?
Q121607319Hatching fraction and timing of resting stage production in seasonal environments: effects of density dependence and uncertain season length
Q115158977Haynes, G. 1991. Mammoths, mastodants and elephants: biology, behavior and the fossil record. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 413 p. ISBN:0-521-38435-4
Q51587357Head shape evolution in Gymnophthalmidae: does habitat use constrain the evolution of cranial design in fossorial lizards?
Q58038156Head shape evolution in Tropidurinae lizards: does locomotion constrain diet?
Q46951667Head shape evolution in monitor lizards (Varanus): interactions between extreme size disparity, phylogeny and ecology.
Q47374438Heat stress and age induced maternal effects on wing size and shape in parthenogenetic Drosophila mercatorum
Q48515112Heightened condition dependence is not a general feature of male eyespan in stalk-eyed flies (Diptera: Diopsidae).
Q33909067Helpers at the nest compensate for reduced maternal investment in egg size in carrion crows.
Q47221517Hemiclonal analysis reveals significant genetic, environmental and genotype x environment effects on sperm size in Drosophila melanogaster
Q51766210Hemiclonal reproduction slows down the speed of Muller's ratchet in the hybridogenetic frog Rana esculenta.
Q58588475Herbivores and plant defenses affect selection on plant reproductive traits more strongly than pollinators
Q57065547Herbivores and the evolution of the semelparous perennial life-history of plants
Q113855137Herbivores and the evolution of the semelparous perennial life-history of plants
Q92454949Heritabilities, social environment effects and genetic correlations of social behaviours in a cooperatively breeding vertebrate
Q51722518Heritability and fitness-related consequences of squid personality traits.
Q46527354Heritability and genetic correlations of personality traits in a wild population of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris).
Q46281604Heritability and social brood effects on personality in juvenile and adult life-history stages in a wild passerine
Q42024213Heritability of and strong single gene (Pgi) effects on life-history traits in the Glanville fritillary butterfly
Q46302097Heritability of anti-predatory traits: vigilance and locomotor performance in marmots
Q60430763Heritability of corticosterone response and changes in life history traits during selection in the zebra finch
Q42003107Heritability of flight and resting metabolic rates in the Glanville fritillary butterfly
Q35015536Heritability of gonad size varies across season in a wild songbird.
Q47264612Heritability of life-history tactics and genetic correlation with body size in a natural population of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis).
Q51544101Heritability of male attractiveness persists despite evidence for unreliable sexual signals in Drosophila simulans.
Q39362044Heritability of resistance against ectoparasitism in the Drosophila-Macrocheles system
Q82866707Heritability of resistance to oxidative stress in early life
Q50450982Heritability of resting metabolic rate in a wild population of blue tits.
Q84043447Heritability of short-scale natal dispersal in a large-scale foraging bird, the wandering albatross
Q112177715Heritability of sperm competition success in the bulb mite,
Q44877431Heritability, covariation and natural selection on 24 traits of common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) from a field experiment.
Q51300558Heritability, evolvability, phenotypic plasticity and temporal variation in sperm-competition success of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q47260140Heritability, plasticity and canalization of Ural owl egg size in a cyclic environment
Q46921297Heritable body size mediates apparent life-history trade-offs in a simultaneous hermaphrodite
Q57131656Heritable variation and genetic correlation of quantitative traits within and between ecotypes of Avena barbata
Q45362185Heritable variation in an extended phenotype: the case of a parasitoid manipulated by a virus
Q48195717Heritable variation in circulating glucocorticoids and endocrine flexibility in a free-living songbird
Q51686185Heritable variation in the timing of spermatophore removal, a mechanism of post-copulatory female choice in crickets.
Q111896151Heritable variation of sex ratio in a polychaete worm
Q31144157Heterochrony and post-natal growth in mammals--an examination of growth plates in limbs.
Q36232277Heterogeneity and concordance in locus-specific differentiation and introgression between species of towhees
Q48826234Heterosis and inbreeding depression in bottlenecked populations: a test in the hermaphroditic freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis
Q46448570Heterosis in hybrids within and between yeast species
Q92445917Heterosis is common and inbreeding depression absent in natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana
Q42009278Heterospecific courtship, minority effects and niche separation between cryptic butterfly species.
Q46936685Heterospecific female mimicry in Ficedula flycatchers
Q98228171Heterospecific mating interactions as an interface between ecology and evolution
Q46960700Heterozygosity and orange coloration are associated in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).
Q48180992Heterozygosity at a single locus explains a large proportion of variation in two fitness-related traits in great tits: a general or a local effect?
Q57614301Heterozygosity is unrelated to adult fitness measures in a large, noninbred population of great tits (Parus major)
Q90379217Hibernation constrains brain size evolution in mammals
Q45884820Hidden cytoplasmic incompatibility alters the dynamics of male-killer/host interactions.
Q96224105Hidden genetic variance contributes to increase the short-term adaptive potential of selfing populations
Q36984063Hidden genetic variation in the germline genome of Tetrahymena thermophila
Q33458844Hidden support from unpromising data sets strongly unites snakes with anguimorph 'lizards'.
Q40748686Hidden suppression of sex ratio distortion suggests Red queen dynamics between Wolbachia and its dwarf spider host
Q29391560Hierarchical behaviour, habitat use and species size differences shape evolutionary outcomes of hybridization in a coral reef fish
Q56834313High dose refuge strategies and genetically modified crops - reply to Tabashnik et al
Q47819109High genetic divergences indicate ancient separation of parthenogenetic lineages of the oribatid mite Platynothrus peltifer (Acari, Oribatida).
Q42012666High host-plant nitrogen content: a prerequisite for the evolution of ant-caterpillar mutualism?
Q52671461High recombination frequency creates genotypic diversity in colonies of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior.
Q50979717High-density linkage maps fail to detect any genetic component to sex determination in a Rana temporaria family.
Q39709874Higher in vitro resistance to oxidative stress in extra-pair offspring.
Q51620675Higher parasite resistance in Daphnia populations with recent epidemics.
Q46945459Higher rates of sex evolve under K-selection
Q40918298Higher relatedness mitigates mortality in a nematode with lethal male fighting.
Q46295177Higher temperatures during development reduce body size in the zebra finch in the laboratory and in the wild.
Q48124043Hill-Robertson interference maintained by Red Queen dynamics favours the evolution of sex.
Q91759877Hindered and constrained: limited potential for thermal adaptation in post-metamorphic and adult Rana temporaria along elevational gradients
Q34666440Historic and contemporary levels of genetic variation in two New Zealand passerines with different histories of decline
Q39850261Historical and contingent factors affect re-evolution of a complex feature lost during mass extinction in communities of digital organisms
Q101477927Historical climatic instability predicts the inverse latitudinal pattern in net diversification of modern mammalian biota
Q44175705Historical contingency and behavioural divergence in territorial Anolis lizards
Q53065508Historical mutation rates predict susceptibility to radiation in Chernobyl birds.
Q46541181Histories of host shifts and cospeciation among free-living parasitoids of Rhagoletis flies
Q44875130History rather than hybridization determines population structure and adaptation in Populus balsamifera.
Q59267564Hoffman, A. 1989. Arguments on evolution. A paleontologist's perspective. 274 pp. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. ISBN 0-19-504443-6. f22.50
Q57826086Homology, behaviour and spider webs: web construction behaviour of Linyphia hortensis and L. triangularis (Araneae: Linyphiidae) and its evolutionary significance
Q47387831Honest olfactory ornamentation in a female-dominant primate
Q52764111Honey bee hygienic behaviour does not incur a cost via removal of healthy brood.
Q45825297Horizontally acquired DAP pathway as a unit of self-regulation
Q44933971Hormones and honest signals: males with larger ornaments elevate testosterone more when challenged
Q53017844Horn growth rate and longevity: implications for natural and artificial selection in thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli).
Q46818846Host alkaloids differentially affect developmental stability and wing vein canalization in cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii.
Q88066919Host association influences variation at salivary protein genes in the bat ectoparasite Cimex adjunctus
Q44847492Host behaviour manipulation as an evolutionary route towards attenuation of parasitoid virulence
Q42046053Host choice promotes reproductive isolation between host races of the larch budmoth Zeiraphera diniana
Q42014439Host conservatism, host shifts and diversification across three trophic levels in two Neotropical forests
Q46691223Host control over infection and proliferation of a cheater symbiont
Q33372572Host ecology and life-history traits associated with blood parasite species richness in birds
Q42043895Host ecology determines the relative fitness of virus genotypes in mixed-genotype nucleopolyhedrovirus infections.
Q50619420Host genetic architecture in single and multiple infections.
Q52675722Host inbreeding increases susceptibility to ectoparasitism.
Q40407028Host lifespan and the evolution of resistance to multiple parasites
Q40504207Host nuclear genotype influences phenotype of a conditional mutualist symbiont
Q51700351Host plant and latitude-related diapause variation in Rhagoletis pomonella: a test for multifaceted life history adaptation on different stages of diapause development.
Q82232325Host ploidy, parasitism and immune defence in a coevolutionary snail-trematode system
Q59827546Host resistance and parasite virulence in greenfinch coccidiosis
Q51731459Host shift by the burying beetle, Nicrophorus pustulatus, a parasitoid of snake eggs.
Q102061942Host shifting and host sharing in a genus of specialist flies diversifying alongside their sunflower hosts
Q41995915Host specialization involving attraction, avoidance and performance, in two phytophagous moth species
Q59652788Host specificity of a generalist parasite: genetic evidence of sympatric host races in the seabird tick Ixodes uriae
Q41026638Host switching in cowbird brood parasites: how often does it occur?
Q57138126Host use of a hemiparasitic plant: no trade-offs in performance on different hosts
Q34811139Host-parasite coevolution and patterns of adaptation across time and space
Q34833346Host-parasite coevolution favours parasite genetic diversity and horizontal gene transfer
Q50504879Host-parasite coevolution induces selection for condition-dependent sex.
Q45376119Host-parasite coevolution: genetic variation in a virus population and the interaction with a host gene
Q48034270Host-parasite interactions for virulence and resistance in a malaria model system
Q42034832Host-plant effects the expression of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki in Trichoplusia ni (Hubner): an important factor in resistance evolution
Q52696321Host-race formation: promoted by phenology, constrained by heritability.
Q60484807Host-related genetic differentiation in the anther smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum in sympatric, parapatric and allopatric populations of two host species Silene latifolia and S. dioica
Q33390673Hot and not-so-hot females: reproductive state and thermal preferences of female Arizona Bark Scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus).
Q46469144Hot spots become cold spots: coevolution in variable temperature environments
Q80404355How a complex life cycle can improve a parasite's sex life
Q80117957How altruism evolves: assortment and synergy
Q92476446How clonal are clones? A quest for loss of heterozygosity during asexual reproduction in Daphnia magna
Q51672664How did the Great Auk raise its young?
Q80960909How do natural and sexual selection contribute to sympatric speciation?
Q100523351How do species barriers decay? Concordance and local introgression in mosaic hybrid zones of mussels
Q44664667How ecology shapes caste evolution: linking resource use, morphology, performance and fitness in a superorganism
Q51810492How effective is recognition of siblings on the basis of genotype?
Q39964848How is sexual conflict over parental care resolved? A meta-analysis
Q36068966How mechanisms of habitat preference evolve and promote divergence with gene flow.
Q30872273How much can history constrain adaptive evolution? A real-time evolutionary approach of inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila subobscura.
Q39068967How phylogeny and foraging ecology drive the level of chemosensory exploration in lizards and snakes.
Q47235246How should parents adjust the size of their young in response to local environmental cues?
Q92992405How stabilizing selection and nongenetic inheritance combine to shape the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Q59411549How stress selects for reversible phenotypic plasticity
Q53124075How the European Society for Evolutionary Biology and the Journal of Evolutionary Biology were founded.
Q46259116How the environment shapes animal signals: a test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis in frogs.
Q46257787How the length of genital parts affects copulation performance in a carabid beetle: implications for correlated genital evolution between the sexes
Q39334513How to distinguish altruism from spite (and why we should bother).
Q34196838How to infer reliable diploid genotypes from NGS or traditional sequence data: from basic probability to experimental optimization.
Q42629681How to separate genetic and environmental causes of similarity between relatives
Q38234467How traits shape trees: new approaches for detecting character state-dependent lineage diversification
Q52733724Hsp70 protein levels and thermotolerance in Drosophila subobscura: a reassessment of the thermal co-adaptation hypothesis.
Q44707467Human birthweight evolution across contrasting environments.
Q38452369Human-induced changes in the reproductive traits of Lake Constance common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus).
Q52736138Humidity affects genetic architecture of heat resistance in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q53910292Humoral immune response in relation to senescence, sex and sexual ornamentation in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica).
Q46828240Hybrid breakdown and mitochondrial dysfunction in hybrids of Nasonia parasitoid wasps
Q38789976Hybrid crosses and the genetic basis of interspecific divergence in lifespan in Pristionchus nematodes
Q39641210Hybrid dynamics in a species group of swallowtail butterflies
Q30738229Hybrid female mate choice as a species isolating mechanism: environment matters
Q34395101Hybrid incompatibility is consistent with a hybrid origin of Heliconius heurippa Hewitson from its close relatives, Heliconius cydno Doubleday and Heliconius melpomene Linnaeus.
Q51667281Hybrid sterility and inviability in the parasitic fungal species complex Microbotryum.
Q34549649Hybrid zones, barrier loci and the 'rare allele phenomenon'.
Q51700339Hybridization and introgression in a mixed population of the intertidal seaweeds Fucus evanescens and F. serratus.
Q56783543Hybridization and invasiveness in the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata: hybrid vigour is more important than increase in genetic variance
Q44903779Hybridization and regional sex ratios in Nemophila menziesii
Q51715468Hybridization and reproductive isolation among syntopic populations of the topminnows Fundulus notatus and F. olivaceus.
Q38074482Hybridization and speciation
Q85904807Hybridization and the build-up of genomic divergence during speciation
Q44738331Hybridization and the origin of species
Q91626117Hybridization and transgressive exploration of colour pattern and wing morphology in Heliconius butterflies
Q63975814Hybridization between Pied and Collared Flycatchers-sexual selection and speciation theory
Q52342283Hybridization could be a common phenomenon within the highly diverse lizard genus Liolaemus.
Q81145570Hybridization dynamics between sympatric species of trout: loss of reproductive isolation
Q51540135Hybridization is important in evolution, but is speciation?
Q85904826Hybridization may rarely promote speciation
Q42657407Hybridization occurs between Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia in the Seychelles archipelago
Q57002515Hybridization without guilt: gene flow and the biological species concept
Q34549657Hybridization, speciation and novelty
Q39077700Hybridization: its varied forms and consequences
Q121929359Identification of a cis‐sex chromosome transition in banded geckos (Coleonyx, Eublepharidae, Gekkota)
Q93366107Identification of a novel sperm class and its role in fertilization in Drosophila
Q83140977Identifying energy constraints to parasite resistance
Q88715511Identifying the loci of speciation: the challenge beyond genome scans
Q50598956Idiosyncratic evolution of maternal effects in response to juvenile malnutrition in Drosophila.
Q96226529Illustrating the importance of meta-analysing variances alongside means in ecology and evolution
Q34539130Imbalanced genomic imprinting in brain development: an evolutionary basis for the aetiology of autism
Q51458673Immature performance linked with exaggeration of a sexually selected trait in an armed beetle.
Q48195707Immediate and delayed life history effects caused by food deprivation early in life in a short-lived lizard.
Q128162692Immigration delays but does not prevent adaptation following environmental change: experimental evidence
Q89174280Immune deployment increases larval vulnerability to predators and inhibits adult life-history traits in a dragonfly
Q101240429Immune priming depends on age, sex and Wolbachia in the interaction between Armadillidium vulgare and Salmonella
Q52839954Immune-challenged house wren broods differ in the relative strengths of their responses among different axes of the immune system.
Q46116793Immunogenic males: a genome-wide analysis of reproduction and the cost of mating in Drosophila melanogaster females
Q47671018Immunoglobulin plasma concentration in relation to egg laying and mate ornamentation of female barn swallows (Hirundo rustica).
Q22121954Impact of a population bottleneck on symmetry and genetic diversity in the northern elephant seal
Q51575058Impact of plant flowering phenology on the cost/benefit balance in a nursery pollination mutualism, with honest males and cheating females.
Q84384930Impact of selection on genes involved in regulatory network: a modelling study
Q45009422Impacts of environmental variability on desiccation rate, plastic responses and population dynamics of Glossina pallidipes
Q50904862Impaired sperm quality, delayed mating but no costs for offspring fitness in crickets winning a fight.
Q112796092Implications of nitrogen translocation efficiency for hypotheses on the evolution of autumn colours—
Q36442487Implications of the difference between true and predicted breeding values for the study of natural selection and micro-evolution
Q52666606In search of clinal variation in the period and clock timing genes in Australian Drosophila melanogaster populations.
Q38914495In situ marker-based assessment of leaf trait evolutionary potential in a marginal European beech population.
Q53880731In vitro embryo survival and early viability of larvae in relation to male sexual ornaments and parasite resistance in roach, Rutilus rutilus L.
Q54374796In vitro tests of natural allelic variation of innate immune genes (avian β-defensins) reveal functional differences in microbial inhibition.
Q43527472Inbred women in a small and isolated Swiss village have fewer children
Q93092175Inbreeding alters context-dependent reproductive effort and immunity in male crickets
Q51615477Inbreeding and courtship calling in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus.
Q51709729Inbreeding avoidance in spiders: evidence for rescue effect in fecundity of female spiders with outbreeding opportunity.
Q48278949Inbreeding depresses short and long distance dispersal in three congeneric spiders
Q57614375Inbreeding depression along a life-history continuum in the great tit
Q54432829Inbreeding depression and genetic load of sexually selected traits: how the guppy lost its spots
Q26810454Inbreeding depression and heterosis in populations of Schiedea viscosa, a highly selfing species
Q64032266Inbreeding depression and mating-distance dependent offspring fitness in large and small populations of Lychnis flos-cuculi (Caryophyllaceae)
Q57131664Inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression in Digitalis purpurea: optimal outcrossing distance in a tetraploid
Q64032257Inbreeding depression in Lychnis flos-cuculi (Caryophyllaceae): effects of different levels of inbreeding
Q39939158Inbreeding depression in an asexual population of Mimulus guttatus
Q43439640Inbreeding depression in an insect with maternal care: influences of family interactions, life stage and offspring sex.
Q26865124Inbreeding depression in male gametic performance
Q48959531Inbreeding depression in the competitive fertilization success of male crickets
Q114144510Inbreeding reduces fitness of seed beetles under thermal stress
Q33420042Inbreeding variability and population structure in the invasive haplodiploid palm-seed borer (Coccotrypes dactyliperda).
Q52696836Inbreeding, energy use and condition.
Q42019309Incipient allochronic speciation in the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa, Lepidoptera, Notodontidae).
Q34487766Incipient habitat race formation in an amphibian
Q43893004Incipient post-zygotic barrier in a model system of ecological speciation with gene flow.
Q33195290Incongruent nuclear and mitochondrial phylogeographic patterns in the Timarcha goettingensis species complex (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae).
Q38645636Inconvenient truths in population and speciation genetics point towards a future beyond allele frequencies.
Q47290493Increase in song frequency decreases spermatophore size: correlative evidence of a macroevolutionary trade-off in katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).
Q52722209Increased copulation duration before ejaculate transfer is associated with larger spermatophores, and male genital titillators, across bushcricket taxa.
Q28246628Increased ecological amplitude through heterosis following wide outcrossing in Banksia ilicifolia R.Br. (Proteaceae)
Q45886125Increased male mating rate in Drosophila is associated with Wolbachia infection
Q51595712Increased opportunity for sexual conflict promotes harmful males with elevated courtship frequencies.
Q51693581Increasing productivity accelerates host-parasite coevolution.
Q43500117Independence among physiological traits suggests flexibility in the face of ecological demands on phenotypes
Q89348686Independent and interactive effects of immune activation and larval diet on adult immune function, growth and development in the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella)
Q46493840Independent reversals to terrestriality in squirrels (Rodentia: Sciuridae) support ecologically mediated modes of adaptation
Q57148263Independent sources of condition dependency and multiple pathways determine a composite trait: lessons from carotenoid-based plumage colouration
Q115033088Indications for rapid evolution of trait means and thermal plasticity in range‐expanding populations of a butterfly
Q50748487Indirect consequences of artificial selection on plasticity to light quality in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Q84190376Indirect effects of FRIGIDA: floral trait (co)variances are altered by seasonally variable abiotic factors associated with flowering time
Q60289830Indirect evidence from DNA sequence diversity for genetic degeneration of the Y-chromosome in dioecious species of the plant Silene: the SlY4/SlX4 and DD44-X/DD44-Y gene pairs
Q34106874Indirect genetic effects in a sex-limited trait: the case of breeding time in red-billed gulls
Q50546768Indirect genetics effects and evolutionary constraint: an analysis of social dominance in red deer, Cervus elaphus.
Q46972640Indirect mate choice, direct mate choice and species recognition in a bower-building cichlid fish lek.
Q51703553Individual MHC class I and MHC class IIB diversities are associated with male and female reproductive traits in the three-spined stickleback.
Q90282146Individual and synergistic effects of male external genital traits in sexual selection
Q92670189Individual asymmetry as a predictor of fitness in the bat Carollia perspicillata
Q60164274Individual differences in developmental precision and fluctuating asymmetry: a model and its implications
Q41723757Individual genetic diversity and probability of infection by avian malaria parasites in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus).
Q46627104Individual inversions or their combinations: which is the main selective target in a natural population of Drosophila subobscura?
Q85904795Individual mating decisions and hybridization
Q46257867Individual vocal signatures in barn owl nestlings: does individual recognition have an adaptive role in sibling vocal competition?
Q36263534Induced defences alter the strength and direction of natural selection on reproductive traits in common milkweed
Q51564647Infection intensity and infectivity of the tick-borne pathogen Borrelia afzelii.
Q40665179Infection risk dictates immunological divergence among populations in a Mediterranean lizard.
Q44163643Infection with Wolbachia protects mosquitoes against Plasmodium-induced mortality in a natural system.
Q53021683Inference of parasite local adaptation using two different fitness components.
Q60330321Inferring local adaptation from QST?FSTcomparisons: neutral genetic and quantitative trait variation in European populations of great snipe
Q46960628Inferring the mode of colonization of the rapid range expansion of a solitary bee from multilocus DNA sequence variation.
Q91276185Inferring the potentially complex genetic architectures of adaptation, sexual dimorphism and genotype by environment interactions by partitioning of mean phenotypes
Q51771281Influence of developmental environment on male- and female-mediated sperm precedence in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q92530743Influence of gene position on the expression divergence of oxidative response genes in intraspecific yeast
Q43756752Influence of genetic architecture on contemporary local evolution in the soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma: artificial selection on beak length
Q51740906Influence of genetic dissimilarity in the reproductive success and mate choice of brown trout - females fishing for optimal MHC dissimilarity.
Q51830617Influence of genotype-temperature interaction on pollen performance.
Q51604332Influence of host profitability and microenvironmental conditions on parasite specialization on a main and an alternative hosts.
Q37426117Influence of learning on range expansion and adaptation to novel habitats
Q40852793Influence of niche similarity on hybridization between Myriophyllum sibiricum and M. spicatum
Q47300792Influence of number of pollinations and pollen load size on maternal fitness costs in Collinsia heterophylla: implications for existence of a sexual conflict over timing of stigma receptivity
Q40747165Influence of oxidative homeostasis on bacterial density and cost of infection in Drosophila-Wolbachia symbioses
Q44138310Influence of seasonal timing on thermal ecology and thermal reaction norm evolution in Wyeomyia smithii
Q45907021Inheritance in tetraploid yeast revisited: segregation patterns and statistical power under different inheritance models.
Q51771295Inheritance of progeny sex ratio in Urtica dioica.
Q63975809Inheritance of size and shape in a natural population of collared flycatchers, Ficedula albicollis
Q34412740Inheritance of song and stridulatory peg number divergence between Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi, two naturally hybridizing grasshopper species (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Q119734456Insectivory leads to functional convergence in a group of Neotropical rodents
Q46178963Insight into post-mating interactions between the sexes: relatedness suppresses productivity of singly mated female Drosophila melanogaster
Q34125940Insights into the adaptive significance of vertical pupil shape in snakes
Q55842533Insularity and adaptation in coupled victim-enemy associations
Q47440323Insularity and the evolution of melanism, sexual dichromatism and body size in the worldwide-distributed barn owl.
Q34191562Integrating candidate gene and quantitative genetic approaches to understand variation in timing of breeding in wild tit populations
Q47262195Integration and dissociation of limb elements in flying vertebrates: a comparison of pterosaurs, birds and bats
Q44692792Integration of the mammalian shoulder girdle within populations and over evolutionary time
Q91959822Intensity of infection with intracellular Eimeria spp. and pinworms is reduced in hybrid mice compared to parental subspecies
Q44581073Inter- and intrasexual genetic correlations of exaggerated traits and locomotor activity
Q88868969Interacting effects of predation risk and resource level on escape speed of amphibian larvae along a latitudinal gradient
Q50445388Interaction between female mating preferences and predation may explain the maintenance of rare males in the pentamorphic fish Poecilia parae.
Q30425835Interaction between temperature and male pheromone in sexual isolation in Drosophila melanogaster
Q40202827Interaction effects of cell diffusion, cell density and public goods properties on the evolution of cooperation in digital microbes.
Q110030339Interaction of a host plant and its holoparasite: effects of previous selection by the parasite
Q89694198Interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes confer sex-specific effects on lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster
Q47559140Interactions between host sex and age of exposure modify the virulence-transmission trade-off.
Q50471617Interactive effects of competition and social environment on the expression of sexual dimorphism.
Q91948704Interactive effects of social environment, age and sex on immune responses in Drosophila melanogaster
Q39461331Intergenerational effects of inbreeding in Nicrophorus vespilloides: offspring suffer fitness costs when either they or their parents are inbred
Q38433875Intergenomic epistasis causes asynchronous hatch times in whitefish hybrids, but only when parental ecotypes differ
Q35243420Intermediate number of major histocompatibility complex class IIB length variants relates to enlarged perivisceral fat deposits in the blunt-head cichlid Tropheus moorii
Q58556822Interplay between age-based competitive asymmetries within the brood and direct competition between inbred and outbred offspring in a burying beetle
Q35589233Interplay of robustness and plasticity of life-history traits drives ecotypic differentiation in thermally distinct habitats.
Q51706658Interpopulation variation in predator foraging behaviour promotes the evolutionary divergence of prey.
Q38635379Interpreting the genomic landscape of speciation: a road map for finding barriers to gene flow.
Q98281934Intersexual differences in density-dependent dispersal and their evolutionary drivers
Q56656968Intersexual ontogenetic conflict
Q46959126Interspecies and intraspecies interactions in social amoebae.
Q52649744Interspecific aggression and character displacement in the damselfly Calopteryx splendens.
Q46359259Interspecific competition counteracts negative effects of dispersal on adaptation of an arthropod herbivore to a new host.
Q51730348Interspecific competition promotes habitat and morphological divergence in a secondary contact zone between two hybridizing songbirds.
Q51339413Interspecific genetics of speciation phenotypes: song and preference coevolution in Hawaiian crickets.
Q46874712Interspecific patterns of phenotypic selection do not predict intraspecific patterns
Q38995877Interspecific sexual attraction because of convergence in warning colouration: is there a conflict between natural and sexual selection in mimetic species?
Q51987642Interspecific variation in egg testosterone levels: implications for the evolution of bird song.
Q51695709Interspecific variation in ejaculate allocation and associated effects on female fitness in seed beetles.
Q57159470Interspecific variation in plumage colour among birds: species recognition or light environment?
Q50748482Interspecific variation in the use of carotenoid-based coloration in birds: diet, life history and phylogeny.
Q41177204Intra- and trans-generational effects of larval diet on susceptibility to an entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, in the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella.
Q48064737Intra-isolate genome variation in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi persists in the transcriptome
Q34271073Intra-specific variation in the morphology and the benefit of large genital sclerites of males in the adzuki bean beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis).
Q53181021Intralocus sexual conflict, adaptive sex allocation, and the heritability of fitness.
Q41305716Intralocus tactical conflict: genetic correlations between fighters and sneakers of the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus.
Q80960862Intraorganismal genetic heterogeneity: is it a useful concept?
Q48259894Intrasexual selection favours an immune-correlated colour ornament in a dragonfly.
Q60370311Intraspecific conflict over host manipulation between different larval stages of an acanthocephalan parasite
Q39270964Intraspecific divergence and evolution of a life-history trade-off along a successional gradient in Hawaii's Metrosideros polymorpha
Q51599953Intraspecific divergence in the lateral line system in the nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius).
Q59060602Intraspecific ecomorphological variation: linear and geometric morphometrics reveal habitat-related patterns within Podarcis bocagei wall lizards
Q91181755Intraspecific mating system evolution and its effect on complex male secondary sexual traits: Does male-male competition increase selection on size or shape?
Q48114183Intraspecific variation in behaviour: effects of evolutionary history, ontogenetic experience and sex.
Q92803018Intrinsic post-ejaculation sperm ageing does not affect offspring fitness in Atlantic salmon
Q38965187Intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms in the maintenance of a hybrid zone between ecologically divergent subspecies.
Q51799609Intrinsic reproductive isolation between Trinidadian populations of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata.
Q40563449Intrinsic survival advantage of social insect queens depends on reproductive activation
Q92474555Introducing the new JEB Forum section
Q125358929Introgression between highly divergent fungal sister species
Q62572746Introgressive hybridization between two Iberian endemic cyprinid fish: a comparison between two independent hybrid zones
Q51709763Invasion and fixation of sex-reversal genes.
Q110630218Invasion of rare mutants does not imply their evolutionary success: a counterexample from metapopulation theory
Q110630260Invasion of rare mutants does not imply their evolutionary success: a counterexample from metapopulation theory
Q34553963Invasive house mice facing a changing environment on the Sub-Antarctic Guillou Island (Kerguelen Archipelago).
Q92225577Inverted meiosis and the evolution of sex by loss of complementation
Q51994174Investigating Müllerian mimicry: predator learning and variation in prey defences.
Q52693851Investigating latitudinal clines for life history and stress resistance traits in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia.
Q45238736Investigating the production of sexual resting structures in a plant pathogen reveals unexpected self-fertility and genotype-by-environment effects
Q50228092Investment in attending to cues and the evolution of amplifiers.
Q56673449Investment in survival and reproduction along a semelparity-iteroparity gradient in theBetaspecies complex
Q45951206Investment in the public good through conditional phenotypes of large effect.
Q38693388Is bigger better? The relationship between size and reproduction in female Asian elephants.
Q91275711Is embryo abortion a post-zygotic barrier to gene flow between Littorina ecotypes?
Q46714364Is geographic variation within species related to macroevolutionary patterns between species?
Q47317542Is size-assortative mating important for rapid pigment differentiation in a freshwater isopod?
Q51300169Is specialization an evolutionary dead end? Testing for differences in speciation, extinction and trait transition rates across diverse phylogenies of specialists and generalists.
Q35954923Is the hook of muroid rodent's sperm related to sperm train formation?
Q34981810Is the peacock's train an honest signal of genetic quality at the major histocompatibility complex?
Q45160698Is the weighted z-test the best method for combining probabilities from independent tests?
Q28307663Island hopping introduces Polynesian field crickets to novel environments, genetic bottlenecks and rapid evolution
Q62556848Isolation by distance in a continuous population under stochastic demographic fluctuations
Q51610477Isolation by time and habitat and coexistence of distinct host races of the common cuckoo.
Q120686182Isotopic niches do not follow the expectations of niche conservatism in the bird genus Cinclodes
Q35159343Isotopic variation across the Audubon's-myrtle warbler hybrid zone.
Q81145566Issues of terminology, gradient dynamics and the ease of sympatric speciation in Adaptive Dynamics
Q87423031JEB Editorial 2016
Q34056447Jack of all trades masters novel host plants: positive genetic correlations in specialist and generalist insect herbivores expanding their diets to novel hosts
Q46871082Joint evolution of differential seed dispersal and self-fertilization
Q88409691Juvenile divergence in adaptive traits among seven sympatric fish ecomorphs arises before moving to different lacustrine habitats
Q52659273Juvenile immune status affects the expression of a sexually selected trait in field crickets.
Q39448230Keeping the band together: evidence for false boundary disruptive coloration in a butterfly
Q35047592Key innovations and island colonization as engines of evolutionary diversification: a comparative test with the Australasian diplodactyloid geckos
Q52002179Kin discrimination and sex ratios in a parasitoid wasp.
Q62925437Kin recognition and cannibalism in a subsocial spider
Q92902066Kin recognition and co-operative foraging in Drosophila melanogaster larvae
Q34302753Kin recognition: evidence that humans can perceive both positive and negative relatedness.
Q48173485Kin selection and the evolution of sexual conflict
Q57765882Kin structure and queen execution in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile
Q80117943Kinds of kindness: classifying the causes of altruism and cooperation
Q46680509Kinship reinforces cooperative predator inspection in a cichlid fish
Q56235187Kleptoparasitism as an explanation for paradoxical oviposition decisions of the parasitoidAsobara tabida
Q125352233Klump, G. M., Dooling, R. J., Fay, R. R., Stebbins, W. C. (editors). 1995. Methods in Comparative Psychoacoustics, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 345 pp., (Hardcover). ISBN: 3‐7643‐5079‐2.
Q29028531Laboratory environments are not conducive for allopatric speciation
Q49990007Laboratory maintenance does not alter ecological and physiological patterns among species: a Drosophila case study.
Q35808108Lack of adaptation from standing genetic variation despite the presence of putatively adaptive alleles in introduced sweet vernal grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum).
Q113171472Lack of assortative mating might explain reduced phenotypic differentiation where two grasshopper species meet
Q47226031Lack of parallel genetic patterns underlying the repeated ecological divergence of beach and stream-spawning kokanee salmon
Q58039307Lack of seasonal changes in mitochondrial DNA variability of a Drosophila subobscura population
Q33410371Lacustrine radiations in African Synodontis catfish.
Q48275455Land ahoy? Navigating the genomic landscape of speciation while avoiding shipwreck
Q33810596Land planarians (Platyhelminthes) as a model organism for fine-scale phylogeographic studies: understanding patterns of biodiversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest hotspot.
Q46182782Large body size in an island-dwelling bird: a microevolutionary analysis
Q48218942Large discrepancies in differentiation of allozymes, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA loci in recently founded Pacific populations of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera
Q47237878Large geographic range size reflects a patchwork of divergent lineages in the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum).
Q47435882Large size in an island-dwelling bird: intraspecific competition and the Dominance Hypothesis
Q36053603Large-brained birds suffer less oxidative damage
Q48258255Large-brained mammals live longer
Q35165010Larval and nurse worker control of developmental plasticity and the evolution of honey bee queen-worker dimorphism
Q126306231Larval development and poor trophic resource availability: Local adaptations and plasticity in a widespread amphibian species
Q41398387Late Quaternary climatic vegetational shifts in an ecological transition zone of northern Madagascar: insights from genetic analyses of two endemic rodent species
Q38417628Late-life and intergenerational effects of larval exposure to microbial competitors in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q42010741Latitudinal clines in alternative life histories in a geometrid moth
Q44487512Latitudinal clines in the grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus: coevolution of the A genome and B chromosomes?
Q52097341Latitudinal countergradient variation in the common frog (Rana temporaria) development rates--evidence for local adaptation.
Q97536176Latitudinal variation in norms of reaction of phenology in the greater duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza
Q41536060Latitudinal variation in resistance and tolerance to herbivory in the perennial herb Lythrum salicaria is related to intensity of herbivory and plant phenology
Q55888271Lawton, J. H. and May, R. M. (Eds.). Extinction Rates. 1995. Oxford University Press, Oxford. xii + 233 pp. ISBN: 0-19-854829. X. Price: f17.95
Q47620466Leader preference in Neoconocephalus ensiger katydids: a female preference for a nonheritable male trait.
Q90798282Learning-induced host preference in male parasitoid wasps as a potential driver of ecological speciation
Q101631253Lerista bougainvillii, a case study for the evolution of viviparity in reptiles
Q34554461Lessons learned from microsatellite development for nonmodel organisms using 454 pyrosequencing
Q48965848Levels of inbreeding depression over seven generations of selfing in the androdioecious clam shrimp, Eulimnadia texana
Q43839651Levels of selection in positive-strand virus dynamics
Q51987634Life cycle abbreviation in the trematode Coitocaecum parvum: can parasites adjust to variable conditions?
Q51931855Life cycle abbreviation in trematode parasites and the developmental time hypothesis: is the clock ticking?
Q126111944Life history adaptation along a latitudinal cline in the water strider Aquarius remigis (Heteroptera: Gerridae)
Q63383852Life history and virulence are linked in the ectoparasitic salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis
Q60233919Life history evolution in
Q38445200Life history evolution in cichlids 1: revisiting the evolution of life histories in relation to parental care
Q47354029Life history evolution in cichlids 2: directional evolution of the trade-off between egg number and egg size
Q112836576Life history plasticity in the satyrine butterfly
Q46410485Life history, immunity, Peto's paradox and tumours in birds
Q44257973Life history, predation and flight initiation distance in a migratory bird
Q46311651Life in the unthinking depths: energetic constraints on encephalization in marine fishes
Q39598896Life span variation in 13 Drosophila species: a comparative study on life span, environmental variables and stress resistance
Q31021252Life-history invariants with bounded variables cannot be distinguish from data generated by random processes using standard analyses
Q60557493Life-history trade-offs promote the evolution of dioecy
Q46888497Lifetime fitness and age-related female ornament signalling: evidence for survival and fecundity selection in the pied flycatcher
Q51130028Lifetime reproductive success and longevity of queens in an annual social insect.
Q59313000Light quantity and quality induce shade-avoiding plasticity in a marine macroalga
Q35696836Liking the good guys: amplifying local adaptation via the evolution of condition-dependent mate choice.
Q34539153Limb disparity and wing shape in pterosaurs
Q47361391Limb-bone histology of temnospondyls: implications for understanding the diversification of palaeoecologies and patterns of locomotion of Permo-Triassic tetrapods.
Q92116393Limited female dispersal predicts the incidence of Wolbachia across ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Q39366043Limited gene dispersal and spatial genetic structure as stabilizing factors in an ant-plant mutualism
Q90058687Limited gene exchange between two sister species of leaf beetles within a hybrid zone in the Alps
Q44419391Limited gene flow may enhance adaptation to local optima in isolated populations of the Roesel's bush cricket (Metrioptera roeselii).
Q99559446Limited genetic parallels underlie convergent evolution of quantitative pattern variation in mimetic butterflies
Q44552980Limited genomic consequences of mixed mating in the recently derived sister species pair, Collinsia concolor and Collinsia parryi
Q92960762Limited mass-independent individual variation in resting metabolic rate in a wild population of snow voles (Chionomys nivalis)
Q30439184Limited plasticity in the phenotypic variance-covariance matrix for male advertisement calls in the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus
Q51935157Limits of Hamilton's rule.
Q36201707Limits to adaptation in asexual populations
Q92331661Limits to environmental masking of genetic quality in sexual signals
Q51632487Linking divergent selection on vegetative traits to environmental variation and phenotypic diversification in the Iberian columbines (Aquilegia).
Q48367758Linking genotype to phenotype in a changing ocean: inferring the genomic architecture of a blue mussel stress response with genome-wide association
Q53147284Linking signal fidelity and the efficiency costs of communication.
Q47375625Little evidence for Cope's rule from Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of extant mammals.
Q35747342Little evidence for morphological change in a resilient endemic species following the introduction of a novel predator.
Q102130467Little parallelism in genomic signatures of local adaptation in two sympatric, cryptic sister species
Q92514998Little to no inbreeding depression in a tapeworm with mixed mating
Q56609958Little, C. 1990. The Terrestrial Invasion: an Ecophysiological Approach to the Origins of Land Animals. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ix + 304 pp. f 40.00, $ 69.50 (pbk. f 13.95, $ 29.95)
Q46403861Local adaptation along an environmental cline in a species with an inversion polymorphism.
Q35350921Local adaptation and divergence in colour signal conspicuousness between monomorphic and polymorphic lineages in a lizard
Q56864118Local adaptation and effect of host genotype on the rate of pathogen evolution: an experimental test in a plant pathosystem
Q51391086Local adaptation and matching habitat choice in female barn owls with respect to melanic coloration.
Q34470832Local adaptation and population structure at a micro-geographical scale of a fungal parasite on its host plant
Q35706125Local adaptation at range edges: comparing elevation and latitudinal gradients.
Q82290628Local adaptation at the range peripheries of Sitka spruce
Q52705309Local adaptation does not always predict high mating success.
Q39327469Local adaptation of Ruellia nudiflora (Acanthaceae) to biotic counterparts: complex scenarios revealed when two herbivore guilds are considered
Q44303250Local adaptation of a Drosophila parasitoid: habitat-specific differences in thermal reaction norms.
Q109967860Local adaptation of a holoparasitic plant, Cuscuta europaea: variation among populations
Q31143245Local adaptation of reproductive performance during thermal stress.
Q51662810Local adaptation of stress related traits in Drosophila buzzatii and Drosophila simulans in spite of high gene flow.
Q50502032Local adaptation to developmental density does not lead to higher mating success in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q51489376Local adaptation to salinity in the three-spined stickleback?
Q115431565Local adaptation, evolutionary potential and host-parasite coevolution: interactions between migration, mutation, population size and generation time
Q115390684Local adaptation, geographical distance and phylogenetic relatedness: Assessing the drivers of siderophore‐mediated social interactions in natural bacterial communities
Q34928230Local climate determines intra- and interspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism in mountain grasshopper communities.
Q50304509Local co-adaptation leading to a geographical mosaic of coevolution in a social parasite system.
Q83978179Local host competition in the evolution of virulence
Q46617075Local human pressures influence gene flow in a hybridizing Daphnia species complex
Q52641722Local mate competition with lethal male combat: effects of competitive asymmetry and information availability on a sex ratio game.
Q46477243Local population density and group composition influence the signal-preference relationship in Enchenopa treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae).
Q89360321Local prey community composition and genetic distance predict venom divergence among populations of the northern Pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus)
Q92902048Local thermal adaptation detected during multiple life stages across populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q60380011Locally asymmetric introgressions between subspecies suggest circular range expansion at the Antirrhinum majus global scale
Q81670538Locally differentiated cryptic pigmentation in the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus
Q83606702Locomotor activity of mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate: a test of hypotheses on the evolution of endothermy
Q34314446Locomotory abilities and habitat of the Cretaceous bird Gansus yumenensis inferred from limb length proportions.
Q39549849Long day plants and the response to global warming: rapid evolutionary change in day length sensitivity is possible in wild beet.
Q82487350Long distance dispersal and the fate of a gene from the colonization front
Q56920154Long-term experimental evolution in
Q115729603Long-term experimental evolution in Escherichia coli. V. Effects of recombination with immigrant genotypes on the rate of bacterial evolution
Q39077266Long-term panmixia in a cosmopolitan Indo-Pacific coral reef fish and a nebulous genetic boundary with its broadly sympatric sister species.
Q92568979Longer life span is associated with elevated immune activity in a seasonally polyphenic butterfly
Q64032233Longevity and resistance to cold stress in cold-stress selected lines and their controls in Drosophila melanogaster
Q46324159Looks matter: changes in flower form affect pollination effectiveness in a sexually deceptive orchid.
Q91239132Losing the trait without losing the signal: Evolutionary shifts in communicative colour signalling
Q40707107Loss of adaptation following reversion suggests trade-offs in host use by a seed beetle
Q80454456Loss of complementation and the logic of two-step meiosis
Q56032148Loss of genetic diversity and fitness in Common Toad (Bufo bufo) populations isolated by inimical habitat
Q24611833Loss of genetic variability in social spiders: genetic and phylogenetic consequences of population subdivision and inbreeding
Q41564638Lotus hosts delimit the mutualism-parasitism continuum of Bradyrhizobium
Q47587593Loudness of birdsong is related to the body size, syntax and phonology of passerine species
Q51664127Lovesick: immunological costs of mating to male sagebrush crickets.
Q54457668Low abundance of Escherichia coli microsatellites is associated with an extremely low mutation rate.
Q44700538Low genetic diversity and strong but shallow population differentiation suggests genetic homogenization by metapopulation dynamics in a social spider
Q44041400Low heritabilities, but genetic and maternal correlations between red squirrel behaviours.
Q47551881Low levels of hybridization in two species of African driver ants.
Q52693069Low migration decreases interference competition among parasites and increases virulence.
Q42011050Low parasitism rates in parthenogenetic bagworm moths do not support the parasitoid hypothesis for sex.
Q44252491Low rates of X-Y recombination, not turnovers, account for homomorphic sex chromosomes in several diploid species of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup).
Q35766834Low reproductive isolation and highly variable levels of gene flow reveal limited progress towards speciation between European river and brook lampreys.
Q39125800Lower fecundity in parthenogenetic geckos than sexual relatives in the Australian arid zone.
Q30440757Lowering sample size in comparative analyses can indicate a correlation where there is none: example from Rensch's rule in primates
Q51595009MC1R-dependent, melanin-based colour polymorphism is associated with cell-mediated response in the Eleonora's falcon.
Q33260363MHC class I variation associates with parasite resistance and longevity in tropical pythons.
Q51339398MHC genotype predicts mate choice in the ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus.
Q35592157MHC studies in nonmodel vertebrates: what have we learned about natural selection in 15 years?
Q40863893MHC, parasites and antler development in red deer: no support for the Hamilton & Zuk hypothesis.
Q58557397MHC-linked susceptibility to a bacterial infection, but no MHC-linked cryptic female choice in whitefish
Q43860638Machine learning identifies specific habitats associated with genetic connectivity in Hyla squirella
Q43509118Macro- and microgeographic genetic structure in an ant species with alternative reproductive tactics in sexuals.
Q46056919Macroecological patterns of sexual size dimorphism in turtles of the world.
Q57007001Macroevolution of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): the effect of using higher-level taxa in studies of biodiversity, and correlates of species richness
Q100527458Macroevolutionary dynamics of parasite diversification: a reality check
Q47431280Macroevolutionary pattern of sexual size dimorphism in geckos corresponds to intraspecific temperature-induced variation
Q45746788Macroevolutionary patterns in the origin of mutualisms involving ants.
Q34412734Macroevolutionary trends in the Dinosauria: Cope's rule
Q44860805Macronutrient intake regulates sexual conflict in decorated crickets
Q51687274Maintenance of clinal variation for shell colour phenotype in the flat periwinkle Littorina obtusata.
Q61659000Maintenance of genetic differentiation across a transition zone in the sea: discordance between nuclear and cytoplasmic markers
Q33364747Maintenance of polygenic sex determination in a fluctuating environment: an individual-based model.
Q47809114Maize Sh2 gene is constrained by natural selection but escaped domestication.
Q51657443Major disruption of gene expression in hybrids between young sympatric anadromous and resident populations of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill).
Q60542854Major gene effects on phenotype and fitness: the relative roles of Pgm-3 and Gp-9 in introduced populations of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta
Q46527713Major histocompatibility complex diversity is positively associated with stream water temperatures in proximate populations of sockeye salmon
Q89380990Major histocompatibility complex variation and blood parasites in resident and migratory populations of the common yellowthroat
Q51780593Male Drosophila melanogaster have higher mating success when adapted to their thermal environment.
Q90143159Male age and its association with reproductive traits in captive and wild house sparrows
Q51542878Male and female secondary sexual traits show different patterns of quantitative genetic and environmental variation in the horned beetle Onthophagus sagittarius.
Q44691517Male attractiveness, fertility and susceptibility to oxidative stress are influenced by inbreeding in Drosophila simulans.
Q48245833Male behaviour drives assortative reproduction during the initial stage of secondary contact
Q46813496Male body size and condition affects sperm number and production rates in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki
Q39076810Male burying beetles extend, not reduce, parental care duration when reproductive competition is high
Q50146939Male choice generates stabilizing sexual selection on a female fecundity correlate
Q30456200Male courtship preferences demonstrate discrimination against allopatric colour morphs in a cichlid fish
Q47621182Male facial attractiveness and masculinity may provide sex- and culture-independent cues to semen quality
Q52641789Male fitness of honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera L.).
Q51402673Male inbreeding status affects female fitness in a seed-feeding beetle.
Q42003621Male interference with pollination efficiency in a hermaphroditic orchid
Q46906810Male mate choice relies on major histocompatibility complex class I in a sex-role-reversed pipefish.
Q43946181Male mating preferences pre-date the origin of a female trait polymorphism in an incipient species complex of Lake Victoria cichlids.
Q51163831Male mealworm beetles increase resting metabolic rate under terminal investment.
Q52641771Male parentage does not vary with colony kin structure in a multiple-queen ant.
Q51657240Male personality, life-history strategies and reproductive success in a promiscuous mammal.
Q92028073Male phenotypes in a female framework: Evidence for degeneration in sperm produced by male snails from asexual lineages
Q47756527Male quality, signal reliability and female choice: assessing the expectations of inter-sexual selection
Q51687768Male sand crickets trade-off flight capability for reproductive potential.
Q36201713Male sterility at extreme temperatures: a significant but neglected phenomenon for understanding Drosophila climatic adaptations
Q51682177Male sterility, fitness gain curves and the evolution of gender specialization from distyly in Erythroxylum havanense.
Q39402353Male territoriality and 'sex confusion' in recently adapted lizards at White Sands
Q56171466Male-biased gene flow across an avian hybrid zone: evidence from mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA
Q49977931Male-male aggression is unlikely to stabilize a poison frog polymorphism
Q50471673Male-male competition and speciation: aggression bias towards differently coloured rivals varies between stages of speciation in a Lake Victoria cichlid species complex.
Q37361615Male-male competition, female mate choice and their interaction: determining total sexual selection
Q46612896Males adjust their signalling behaviour according to experience of male signals and male-female signal duets
Q91966559Males from populations with higher competitive mating success produce sons with lower fitness
Q51546536Male‐induced costs of mating for females compensated by offspring viability benefits in an insect
Q58827513Mandible asymmetry and genetic diversity in island populations of the common shrew, Sorex araneus
Q52698829Manifold aspects of specificity in a nematode-bacterium mutualism.
Q47376668Manipulating developmental stress reveals sex-specific effects of egg size on offspring phenotype
Q51766203Manipulation of oviposition choice of the parasitoid wasp, Encarsia pergandiella, by the endosymbiotic bacterium Cardinium.
Q51145270Manipulation of parental nutritional condition reveals competition among family members.
Q36235681Mapping of within-species segregation distortion in Drosophila persimilis and hybrid sterility between D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura
Q38963608Marine-freshwater transitions are associated with the evolution of dietary diversification in terapontid grunters (Teleostei: Terapontidae).
Q51476766Marker-based estimates of relatedness and inbreeding coefficients: an assessment of current methods.
Q125965574Martin Lockley: Tracking Dinosaurs. A New Look at an Ancient World. 238 pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1991. Paperback $14.95. ISBN: 0‐521‐42598‐0.
Q57940316Mass-dependent reproductive strategies in wild bighorn ewes: a quantitative genetic approach
Q112207623Matching field and laboratory environments: effects of neglecting daily temperature variation on insect reaction norms
Q52697696Mate availability contributes to maintain the mixed-mating system in a scolytid beetle.
Q49186289Mate choice among yeast gametes can purge deleterious mutations
Q50664651Mate choice and the operational sex ratio: an experimental test with robotic crabs.
Q50614799Mate choice based on a key ecological performance trait.
Q51672618Mate choice for nonadditive genetic benefits and the maintenance of genetic diversity in song sparrows.
Q39057668Mate choice opportunity leads to shorter offspring development time in a desert insect
Q39268485Mate competition and resource competition are inter-related in sexual selection
Q50489787Mate recognition in a freshwater fish: geographical distance, genetic differentiation, and variation in female preference for local over foreign males.
Q45919045Mate-sampling costs and sexy sons.
Q60311511Maternal allocation strategies and differential effects of yolk carotenoids on the phenotype and viability of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) chicks in relation to sex and laying order
Q34705672Maternal and paternal condition effects on offspring phenotype in Telostylinus angusticollis (Diptera: Neriidae).
Q46347951Maternal antibodies but not carotenoids in barn swallow eggs covary with embryo sex.
Q44888120Maternal care, mother-offspring aggregation and age-dependent coadaptation in the European earwig
Q46630591Maternal control of offspring sex and male morphology in the Otitesella fig wasps
Q44610912Maternal effects and heritability of annual productivity
Q51140480Maternal effects are long-lasting and influence female offspring's reproductive strategy in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus multilineatus.
Q125833336Maternal effects shape offspring physiological condition but do not senesce in a wild mammal
Q38446342Maternal genetic effects on adaptive divergence between anadromous and resident brook charr during early life history
Q60490513Maternal genetic effects set the potential for evolution in a free-living vertebrate population
Q38419496Maternal investment increases with altitude in a frog on the Tibetan Plateau
Q44921013Maternal sex and mate relatedness affect offspring quality in the gynodioecious Silene acaulis
Q46318366Maternal sexual interactions affect offspring survival and ageing
Q36236229Maternal source of variability in the embryo development of an annual killifish.
Q51749455Maternal transmission of cytoplasmic DNA in interspecific hybrids of peat mosses, Sphagnum (Bryophyta).
Q46772564Maternal-foetal genomic conflict and speciation: no evidence for hybrid placental dysplasia in crosses between two house mouse subspecies
Q79787809Mating preferences, sexual selection and patterns of cladogenesis in ray-finned fishes
Q45046189Mating stimulates female feeding: testing the implications for the evolution of nuptial gifts
Q48474619Mating strategies in dominant meerkats: evidence for extra-pair paternity in relation to genetic relatedness between pair mates.
Q30786784Mating systems and selection efficacy: a test using chloroplastic sequence data in Angiosperms
Q50759658Mating triggers dynamic immune regulations in wood ant queens.
Q30446786Maximized virulence in a sterilizing pathogen: the anther-smut fungus and its co-evolved hosts
Q91669781May the (selective) force be with you: Spatial sorting and natural selection exert opposing forces on limb length in an invasive amphibian
Q34803050Measurement scale in maximum entropy models of species abundance.
Q60412810Measurements of selection on floral traits in black mustard, Brassica nigra
Q51682641Measuring and comparing evolvability and constraint in multivariate characters.
Q64080756Measuring morphological complexity of segmented animals: centipedes as model systems
Q52664024Measuring natural and sexual selection on breeding values of male display traits in Drosophila serrata.
Q51561803Measuring sexual selection on females in sex-role-reversed Mormon crickets (Anabrus simplex, Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).
Q115033074Measuring, comparing and interpreting phenotypic selection on floral scent
Q91862559Mechanical and structural adaptations to migration in the flight feathers of a Palaearctic passerine
Q50687026Mechanism of a plastic phenotypic response: predator-induced shell thickening in the intertidal gastropod Littorina obtusata.
Q51568922Mechanisms and fitness effects of antibacterial defences in a carrion beetle.
Q60412754Mechanisms of constraints: the contributions of selection and genetic variance to the maintenance of cotyledon number in wild radish
Q37052144Mechanisms of pathogenesis and the evolution of parasite virulence
Q33358021Mechanistic constraints and the unlikely evolution of reciprocal cooperation
Q28283984Medicago-Sinorhizobium symbiotic specificity evolution and the geographic expansion of Medicago
Q39013051Medullary bone in fossils: function, evolution and significance in growth curve reconstructions of extinct vertebrates
Q52780431Meiotic drive influences the outcome of sexually antagonistic selection at a linked locus.
Q43598412Melanic through nature or nurture: genetic polymorphism and phenotypic plasticity in Harmonia axyridis
Q33693821Melanin coloration has temperature-dependent effects on breeding performance that may maintain phenotypic variation in a passerine bird.
Q38977536Meta-analysis of magnitudes, differences and variation in evolutionary parameters
Q51623708Metabolic rates, genetic constraints, and the evolution of endothermy.
Q33397123Metapopulation persistence in fragmented landscapes: significant interactions between genetic and demographic processes.
Q56986076Methodological challenges to realizing the potential of hybridization research
Q42452327Mice divergently selected for high and low basal metabolic rates evolved different cell size and organ mass
Q129964591Michener’s group-size paradox in cooperatively breeding birds
Q35158598Microbiome investigation in the ecological speciation context of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) using next-generation sequencing
Q41932804Microcephaly genes and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in primate brain size
Q101631245Microgeographic variation in Anolis oculatus, on the island of Dominica, West Indies
Q34335396Microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphisms indicate recurrent transitions to asexuality in a microsporidian parasite.
Q38971608Microsatellite evidence for obligate autogamy, but abundant genetic variation in the herbaceous monocarp Lobelia inflata (Campanulaceae).
Q101631258Microsatellite mutations in litters of the Australian lizard Egernia stokesii
Q39409826Microsatellite variation among diverging populations of Drosophila mojavensis
Q35163637Migrate small, sound big: functional constraints on body size promote tracheal elongation in cranes
Q51699351Migration load in plants: role of pollen and seed dispersal in heterogeneous landscapes.
Q79325904Migratory costs and contemporary evolution of reproductive allocation in male chinook salmon
Q47252767Migratory divides and their consequences for dispersal, population size and parasite-host interactions.
Q39106994Mimicry and the evolution of premating isolation in Heliconius melpomene Linnaeus
Q98720376Mimicry genes reduce pre-adult survival rate in Papilio polytes: A possible new mechanism for maintaining female-limited polymorphism in Batesian mimicry
Q35548843Mismatch in the distribution of floral ecotypes and pollinators: insights into the evolution of sexually deceptive orchids
Q46884168Misregulation of spermatogenesis genes in Drosophila hybrids is lineage-specific and driven by the combined effects of sterility and fast male regulatory divergence
Q45369038Mitochondrial DNA as a tool for reconstructing past life-history traits in mammals
Q88868925Mitochondrial complementation: a possible neglected factor behind early eukaryotic sex
Q60503623Mitochondrial differentiation in a polymorphic land snail: evidence for Pleistocene survival within the boundaries of permafrost
Q57614880Mitochondrial haplotype does not affect sperm velocity in the zebra finchTaeniopygia guttata
Q47177449Mixed evidence for early bursts of morphological evolution in extant clades.
Q46379310Mixed evidence for the erosion of intertactical genetic correlations through intralocus tactical conflict.
Q46812590Mixed infections may promote diversification of mutualistic symbionts: why are there ineffective rhizobia?
Q128160048Mixed support for an alignment between phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation in damselfly wing shape
Q51619085Mobile DNA can drive lineage extinction in prokaryotic populations.
Q91639990Model-based demographic inference of introgression history in European whitefish species pairs'
Q51935156Modelling social evolution: the relative merits and limitations of a Hamilton's rule-based approach.
Q60367795Modelling the establishment and spread of autotetraploid plants in a spatially heterogeneous environment
Q46489826Modelling the evolution of common cuckoo host-races: speciation or genetic swamping?
Q60567776Modelling the genetics and demography of step cline formation: gastropod populations preyed on by experimentally introduced crabs
Q52374391Modelling the influence of parental effects on gene-network evolution.
Q51569065Modelling the maintenance of egg polymorphism in avian brood parasites and their hosts.
Q52641769Modelling the spatial configuration of refuges for a sustainable control of pests: a case study of Bt cotton.
Q51722521Models of cooperation.
Q93197015Moderate heritability and low evolvability of sperm morphology in a species with high risk of sperm competition, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis
Q98383691Modification of reproductive schedule in response to pathogen exposure in a wild insect: support for the terminal investment hypothesis
Q37235688Modifying effects of phenotypic plasticity on interactions among natural selection, adaptation and gene flow
Q51627925Modular genetic architecture of floral morphology in Nicotiana: quantitative genetic and comparative phenotypic approaches to floral integration.
Q51811607Modulation of sexual signalling by immune challenged male mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor, L.): evidence for terminal investment and dishonesty.
Q48497694Molecular and pedigree measures of relatedness provide similar estimates of inbreeding depression in a bottlenecked population
Q30848043Molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation across Europe in yellow dung flies.
Q60379665Molecular biogeography: using the Corsica-Sardinia microplate disjunction to calibrate mitochondrial rDNA evolutionary rates in mountain newts (Euproctus)
Q60379670Molecular biogeography: using the Corsica-Sardinia microplate disjunction to calibrate mitochondrial rDNA evolutionary rates in mountain newts (Euproctus)
Q112810467Molecular data suggest a hybrid origin for the invasive Caulerpa racemosa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) in the Mediterranean Sea
Q38883629Molecular divergence in tropical tree populations occupying environmental mosaics
Q63379783Molecular evidence for the paraphyly of Scolecophidia and its evolutionary implications
Q51703563Molecular evidence of Pleistocene bidirectional faunal exchange between Europe and the Near East: the case of the bicoloured shrew (Crocidura leucodon, Soricidae).
Q110530546Molecular evolution and convergence of the rhodopsin gene in Gymnogobius , a goby group having diverged into coastal to freshwater habitats
Q34470823Molecular evolution of animal antimicrobial peptides: widespread moderate positive selection
Q51068324Molecular evolution of candidate genes involved in post-mating-prezygotic reproductive isolation.
Q48001451Molecular evolution of plant haemoglobin: two haemoglobin genes in Nymphaeaceae Euryale ferox
Q83287130Molecular evolution of the avian growth hormone gene and comparison with its mammalian counterpart
Q92996529Molecular evolution of the sex peptide network in Drosophila
Q52705476Molecular evolutionary analysis of seminal receptacle sperm storage organ genes of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q61772259Molecular information on bowerbird phylogeny and the evolution of exaggerated male characteristics
Q90161079Molecular insights into post-mating immune response in a fish with internal fertilization
Q30474952Molecular patterns of differentiation in canyon treefrogs (Hyla arenicolor): evidence for introgressive hybridization with the Arizona treefrog (H. wrightorum) and correlations with advertisement call differences
Q38912130Molecular phylogenetics reveals a pattern of biome conservatism in New World anchovies (family Engraulidae).
Q45353136Molecular phylogeny and divergence dates for Australasian elapids and sea snakes (hydrophiinae): evidence from seven genes for rapid evolutionary radiations.
Q54520241Molecular phylogeny and plumage evolution in gulls (Larini)
Q57273723Molecular phylogeny of araneomorph spiders
Q56384989Molecular phylogeny of cuckoos supports a polyphyletic origin of brood parasitism
Q101631249Molecular phylogeny of the Canary Island lacertids (Gallotia): mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment divergence in relation to sequence divergence and geological time
Q55953747Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Bovini (Mammalia: Artiodactyla): alternative placement of the Anoa
Q35769181Molecular species delimitation methods recover most song-delimited cicada species in the European Cicadetta montana complex
Q30910817Molecular, morphological and behavioural data reveal the presence of a cryptic species in the widely studied Drosophila serrata species complex.
Q56114887Monogamous pair bonds and mate switching in the Western Australian seahorse Hippocampus subelongatus
Q50868468More on the genetical theory of multilevel selection.
Q97079416Morph-dependent fitness and directional change of morph frequencies over time in a Dutch population of Common buzzards Buteo buteo
Q47225301Morph-ratio variation, population size and female reproductive success in distylous Pulmonaria officinalis (Boraginaceae).
Q57208014Morph-specific selection on floral traits in a polymorphic plant
Q44342025Morphological and genetic divergence of intralacustrine stickleback morphs in Iceland: a case for selective differentiation?
Q79321166Morphological and microsatellite differentiation in Melospiza melodia (Aves) at a microgeographic scale
Q123128696Morphological asymmetry and interspecific hybridization: A case study using hylid frogs
Q34999945Morphological change and phenotypic plasticity in native and non-native pumpkinseed sunfish in response to sustained water velocities
Q36339368Morphological constraints on changing avian migration phenology.
Q44226869Morphological convergence as a consequence of extreme functional demands: examples from the feeding system of natricine snakes.
Q46305179Morphological determinants of signal carrier frequency in katydids (Orthoptera): a comparative analysis using biophysical evidence of wing vibration.
Q51170324Morphological differentiation correlates with ecological but not with genetic divergence in a Gehyra gecko.
Q81670533Morphological divergence and origin of sympatric populations of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) in Lake Femund, Norway
Q45934309Morphological evidence of correlational selection and ecological segregation between dextral and sinistral forms in a polymorphic flatfish, Platichthys stellatus.
Q51177916Morphological evolution in Tropidurinae squamates: an integrated view along a continuum of ecological settings.
Q33254008Morphological integration and adaptation in the snake feeding system: a comparative phylogenetic study
Q53705443Mosaicism and chimerism as components of intraorganismal genetic heterogeneity.
Q90935849Mother's curse and indirect genetic effects: Do males matter to mitochondrial genome evolution?
Q50453629Moult speed affects structural feather ornaments in the blue tit.
Q57699108Moult speed constrains the expression of a carotenoid-based sexual ornament
Q33410379Mountain birch under multiple stressors--heavy metal-resistant populations co-resistant to biotic stress but maladapted to abiotic stress.
Q92875411Movement of a Heliconius hybrid zone over 30 years: A Bayesian approach
Q56698371Moving in two worlds: aquatic and terrestrial locomotion in sea snakes (Laticauda colubrina, Laticaudidae)
Q45786524Moving to mate: the evolution of separate and combined sexes in multicellular organisms.
Q80960871Much ado about nothing... so far?
Q34175007Much ado about nothing: Nowak et al.'s charge against inclusive fitness theory
Q113855133Much mathematics of many loci
Q48793188Much more than a ratio: multivariate selection on female bodies.
Q50237330Multicellular group formation in response to predators in the alga Chlorella vulgaris
Q47690996Multicoloured greenbeards, bacteriocin diversity and the rock-paper-scissors game
Q46864700Multigenerational response to artificial selection for biased clutch sex ratios in Tigriopus californicus populations
Q50868455Multilevel selection theory and evidence: a critique of Gardner, 2015.
Q52734023Multilocus analysis of nucleotide variation in Drosophila madeirensis, an endemic species of the Laurisilva forest in Madeira.
Q41379340Multilocus phylogenetic and geospatial analyses illuminate diversification patterns and the biogeographic history of Malagasy endemic plated lizards (Gerrhosauridae: Zonosaurinae).
Q46378385Multimodal signalling in estrildid finches: song, dance and colour are associated with different ecological and life-history traits
Q37832760Multimodel inference in ecology and evolution: challenges and solutions.
Q39709943Multiple cryptic species of sympatric generalists within the avian blood parasite Haemoproteus majoris
Q57052362Multiple infection dynamics has pronounced effects on the fitness of RNA viruses
Q44590458Multiple infections, kin selection and the evolutionary epidemiology of parasite traits
Q59187070Multiple mating, sperm competition and meiotic drive
Q56552601Multiple mating, sperm transfer and oviposition pattern in the giant sperm species, Drosophila bifurca
Q125975520Multiple origins of self‐fertilization in tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae): Inferences from style morph and isozyme variation
Q53910565Multiple parasites are driving major histocompatibility complex polymorphism in the wild.
Q43413098Multiple parasites mediate balancing selection at two MHC class II genes in the fossorial water vole: insights from multivariate analyses and population genetics
Q79325917Multiple paternity and population genetic structure in natural populations of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa
Q40428017Multiple paternity in a wild population of Armadillidium vulgare: influence of infection with Wolbachia?
Q117378014Multiple paternity in superfetatious live‐bearing fishes
Q44805981Multiple paternity or multiple queens: two routes to greater intracolonial genetic diversity in the eusocial Hymenoptera.
Q51799606Multiple pathways of maternal effects in black-headed gull eggs: constraint and adaptive compensatory adjustment.
Q52721734Multiple quantitative trait loci influence intra-specific variation in genital morphology between phylogenetically distinct lines of Drosophila montana.
Q42021075Multiple sources of reproductive isolation in a bimodal butterfly hybrid zone
Q44145119Multiplicative interaction between the two major mechanisms of permethrin resistance, kdr and cytochrome P450-monooxygenase detoxification, in mosquitoes
Q82950284Multiplicity of infection does not accelerate infectivity evolution of viral parasites in laboratory microcosms
Q60198480Multispecies coalescent analysis confirms standing phylogenetic instability in Hexapoda
Q114080033Multispecies colour polymorphisms associated with contrasting microhabitats in two Mediterranean wrasse radiations
Q52753589Multivariate analysis of adaptive capacity for upper thermal limits in Drosophila simulans.
Q30252737Multivariate genetic architecture of the Anolis dewlap reveals both shared and sex-specific features of a sexually dimorphic ornament.
Q34111080Multivariate phenotypes and the potential for alternative phenotypic optima in wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) ventral colour morphs.
Q50883877Multivariate selection and intersexual genetic constraints in a wild bird population.
Q58015758Multivariate selection for the rest of us
Q46450407Multivariate sexual selection on male tegmina in wild populations of sagebrush crickets, Cyphoderris strepitans (Orthoptera: Haglidae).
Q52577654Mutation accumulation in populations of varying size: large effect mutations cause most mutational decline in the rotifer B. calyciflorus under UV-C radiation.
Q115033071Mutation and selection processes regulating short tandem repeats give rise to genetic and phenotypic diversity across species
Q81317950Mutation and the experimental evolution of outcrossing in Caenorhabditis elegans
Q85194170Mutation surfing and the evolution of dispersal during range expansions
Q52648271Mutation-selection balance accounting for genetic variation for viability in Drosophila melanogaster as deduced from an inbreeding and artificial selection experiment.
Q112207618Mutational collapse of fitness in marginal habitats and the evolution of ecological specialisation
Q84999624Mutualism variation in the nodulation response to nitrate
Q39196532Mutualism, hybrid inviability and speciation in a tropical ant-plant
Q80801846Mutualism, market effects and partner control
Q91274777N-glycoproteins exhibit a positive expression level-evolutionary rate correlation
Q92294666Na+ /K+ -ATPase gene duplications in clitellate annelids are associated with freshwater colonization
Q41925500Narrow hybrid zones in spite of very low population differentiation in neutral markers in an island bird species complex.
Q96645846Narrow phenotypic and parasitic clines shape secondary contact zones of closely-related Erebia butterflies
Q51691317Natal dispersal patterns are not associated with inbreeding avoidance in the Seychelles warbler.
Q47268510Natural and sexual selection against immigrants maintains differentiation among micro-allopatric populations
Q51612348Natural hybridization between extremely divergent chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Soricidae, Soricomorpha): hybrid zone in European Russia.
Q53252886Natural hybridization between extremely divergent chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Soricidae, Soricomorpha): hybrid zone in Siberia.
Q52656845Natural selection and genetic variation for female resistance to harm from males.
Q42633330Natural selection and glucocorticoid physiology
Q33358908Natural selection drives patterns of lake-stream divergence in stickleback foraging morphology.
Q89370167Natural selection for body shape in resource polymorphic Icelandic Arctic charr
Q51625321Natural selection hampers divergence of reproductive traits in a seed beetle.
Q34253566Natural selection in the water: freshwater invasion and adaptation by water colour in the Amazonian pufferfish.
Q34888419Natural selection maximizes Fisher information.
Q44223949Natural selection on a measure of parasite resistance varies across ages and environmental conditions in a wild mammal
Q30870040Natural selection on quantitative immune defence traits: a comparison between theory and data.
Q57237107Natural selection on the genetical component of variance in body condition in a wild bird population
Q50747652Natural selection, evolvability and bias due to environmental covariance in the field in an annual plant.
Q37937060Natural selection. I. Variable environments and uncertain returns on investment
Q37937057Natural selection. II. Developmental variability and evolutionary rate.
Q28732824Natural selection. III. Selection versus transmission and the levels of selection
Q27003368Natural selection. IV. The Price equation
Q38060807Natural selection. V. How to read the fundamental equations of evolutionary change in terms of information theory
Q38075188Natural selection. VI. Partitioning the information in fitness and characters by path analysis.
Q26995429Natural selection. VII. History and interpretation of kin selection theory
Q113855144Nature's experiment with in situ hybridization? A hypothesis for the mechanism of Rb fusion
Q44582703Nectar sugar composition of European Caryophylloideae (Caryophyllaceae) in relation to flower length, pollination biology and phylogeny
Q39006669Negative association between parental care and sibling cooperation in earwigs: a new perspective on the early evolution of family life?
Q57266138Negatively condition dependent predation cost of a positively condition dependent sexual signalling
Q34811121Neighbouring-group composition and within-group relatedness drive extra-group paternity rate in the European badger (Meles meles).
Q46904913Neo-sex chromosome inheritance across species in Silene hybrids
Q93340880Neotropical frogs and mating songs: The evolution of advertisement calls in glassfrogs
Q46661297Nestling coloration is adjusted to parent visual performance in altricial birds irrespective of assumptions on vision system for Laniidae and owls, a reply to Renoult et al.
Q83302862Nestling colouration is adjusted to parent visual performance in altricial birds
Q63257203Nestling growth in the Great Tit I. Heritability estimates under different environmental conditions
Q47566233Nestlings' carotenoid feather ornament affects parental allocation strategy and reduces maternal survival
Q30538685Neural steroid sensitivity and aggression: comparing individuals of two songbird subspecies
Q38756958Neutral processes forming large clones during colonization of new areas.
Q22065683Neutral theory: a historical perspective
Q82041924Nice natives and mean migrants: the evolution of dispersal-dependent social behaviour in viscous populations
Q88887233Niche conservatism and phylogenetic clustering in a tribe of arid-adapted marsupial mice, the Sminthopsini
Q58588481Niche differentiation among clones in asexual grass thrips
Q45414342Niche differentiation and colonization of a novel environment by an asexual parasitic wasp
Q51579088Niche divergence and lineage diversification among closely related Sistrurus rattlesnakes.
Q44969418Niche evolution and thermal adaptation in the temperate species Drosophila americana.
Q47342483Night and day: the comparative study of strepsirrhine primates reveals socioecological and phylogenetic patterns in olfactory signals
Q91833393No Evidence for Divergence in Male Harmfulness or Female Resistance in Response to Changes in the Opportunity for Dispersal
Q44367138No association between sperm competition and sperm length variation across dung flies (Scathophagidae).
Q87315487No correlation between multi-locus heterozygosity and fitness in the common buzzard despite heterozygote advantage for plumage colour
Q51907433No direct selection to increase offspring number of bet-hedging strategies in large populations: Simons' model revisited.
Q43606376No effect of host-parasite co-evolution on host range expansion.
Q41464656No evidence for MHC class I-based disassortative mating in a wild population of great tits.
Q40581985No evidence for a trade-off between sperm length and male premating weaponry.
Q91676656No evidence for an intragenomic arms race under paternal genome elimination in Planococcus mealybugs
Q52755974No evidence for behavioural adaptations to nematode parasitism by the fly Drosophila putrida.
Q43967555No evidence for condition-dependent expression of male genitalia in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus.
Q50283005No evidence for general condition-dependence of structural plumage colour in blue tits: an experiment.
Q125261155No evidence for incipient speciation by selfing in North American Arabidopsis lyrata
Q60455243No evidence for parallel sympatric speciation in cichlid species of the genus Pseudotropheus from north-western Lake Malawi
Q51729463No evidence for survival selection on carotenoid-based nestling coloration in great tits (Parus major).
Q34483350No evidence for the 'Meselson effect' in parthenogenetic oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari).
Q48565584No evidence for the 'expensive-tissue hypothesis' from an intraspecific study in a highly variable species.
Q90079215No evidence of inbreeding depression in fast declining herds of migratory caribou
Q51683174No evidence of mitochondrial genetic variation for sperm competition within a population of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q57467426No evidence of quantitative signal honesty across species of aposematic burnet moths (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)
Q47374008No evidence of trade-offs in the evolution of sperm numbers and sperm size in mammals
Q91408583No evidence that Y-chromosome differentiation affects male fitness in a Swiss population of common frogs
Q48443420No evidence that experimental manipulation of sexual conflict drives premating reproductive isolation in Drosophila melanogaster
Q43552505No fecundity cost of female secondary sexual trait expression in the horned beetle Onthophagus sagittarius.
Q92722693No gains for bigger brains: Functional and neuroanatomical consequences of relative brain size in a parasitic wasp
Q51755235No genetic evidence of sex-biased dispersal in a lekking bird, the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus).
Q46317382No geographic variation in thermoregulatory colour plasticity and limited variation in heat-avoidance behaviour in Battus philenor caterpillars.
Q51917919No heightened condition dependence of zebra finch ornaments--a quantitative genetic approach.
Q90261790No mate preference associated with the supergene controlling social organization in Alpine silver ants
Q64997769No measurable fitness cost to experimentally evolved host defence in the Caenorhabditis elegans-Serratia marcescens host-parasite system.
Q104130171No obvious transcriptome-wide signature of indirect selection in termites
Q35282470No patterns in thermal plasticity along a latitudinal gradient in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia
Q80960915No place like home: competition, dispersal and complex adaptation
Q45885489No resistance to male-killing Wolbachia after thousands of years of infection
Q51606600No reversion to single mating in a socially parasitic ant.
Q109746378No room for males in caves: Female‐biased sex ratio in subterranean amphipods of the genus Niphargus
Q93002747No selection for change in polyandry under experimental evolution
Q31039479No sympatric speciation here: multiple data sources show that the ant Myrmica microrubra is not a separate species but an alternate reproductive morph of Myrmica rubra.
Q51725446No trade-off between learning ability and parasitoid resistance in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q56984125Non-equilibrium gene frequency divergence: persistent founder effects in natural populations
Q80511452Nonadditive effects of group membership can lead to additive group phenotypes for anti-predator behaviour of guppies, Poecilia reticulata
Q30776607Nonantagonistic interactions between the sexes revealed by the ecological consequences of reproductive traits
Q47371136Noncoding plastid trnT-trnF sequences reveal a well resolved phylogeny of basal angiosperms
Q51295499Nongenetic inheritance and the evolution of costly female preference.
Q50694877Nonlinear effects of temperature on body form and developmental canalization in the threespine stickleback.
Q46532000Nonlinear relationships and phylogenetically independent contrasts
Q82359830Nonlinear selection and the evolution of variances and covariances for continuous characters in an anole
Q112796091Non‐reproducible signals of adaptation to elevation between open and understorey microhabitats in snapdragon plants
Q115431570Novel chloroplast DNA polymorphism in a sympatric region of two pines1
Q51194037Novel evolutionary pathways of sex-determining mechanisms.
Q39028563Nowhere to run: the role of habitat openness and refuge use in defining patterns of morphological and performance evolution in tropical lizards
Q50557364Nuptial coloration varies with ambient light environment in a freshwater fish.
Q34712499Obligate asex in a rotifer and the role of sexual signals
Q42727401Occasional recombination of a selfish X-chromosome may permit its persistence at high frequencies in the wild
Q34308951Occurrence, costs and heritability of delayed selfing in a free-living flatworm
Q51075294Oceanic barriers promote language diversification in the Japanese Islands.
Q101329566Oceanic dispersal barriers in a holoplanktonic gastropod
Q35419311Of mice and the 'Age of Discovery': the complex history of colonization of the Azorean archipelago by the house mouse (Mus musculus) as revealed by mitochondrial DNA variation.
Q92957572Offspring phenotype is shaped by the nonsperm fraction of semen
Q99209783Offspring sex ratios are stable across the life-course in Drosophila simulans
Q60456548Offspring-driven local dispersal in female sand lizards (Lacerta agilis)
Q46833070Oh sister, where art thou? Spatial population structure and the evolution of an altruistic defence trait.
Q58038309Omnivory in lacertid lizards: adaptive evolution or constraint?
Q87860284On bias and precision in meta-analysis: the error in the error
Q40336048On hidden heterogeneity in directional asymmetry--can systematic bias be avoided?
Q51026723On the effect of phenotypic dimensionality on adaptation and optimality.
Q51519381On the evolution of heightened condition dependence of male sexual displays.
Q46208500On the genetic parameter determining the efficiency of purging: an estimate for Drosophila egg-to-pupae viability.
Q113348648On the genetical basis of the laying-date in an island population of blue tits
Q50443682On the heritability of blue-green eggshell coloration.
Q46569201On the limits of interpreting some plastic responses through a cooperator/cheater prism. A comment on Harrison
Q47182098On the logical relationship between natural selection and self-organization
Q41710554On the origin of Robertsonian fusions in nature: evidence of telomere shortening in wild house mice.
Q47352342On the origin of termite workers: weighing up the phylogenetic evidence
Q41328928On the potential strength and consequences for nonrandom gene flow caused by local adaptation in flowering time
Q46789020On the track of the Red Queen: bark beetles, their nematodes, local climate and geographic parthenogenesis.
Q60562589On the utility of meta-analyses in the study of natural selection
Q44166626On the worldwide spread of an insecticide resistance gene: a role for local selection.
Q80203462One big, and many small reasons that direct selection on offspring number is still open for discussion
Q30665730One phase of the dormancy developmental pathway is critical for the evolution of insect seasonality
Q39993660One size fits all? Determinants of sperm transfer in a highly dimorphic orb-web spider
Q46748812One tool, many uses: precopulatory sexual selection on genital morphology in Aquarius remigis
Q92443834Ongoing hybridization obscures phylogenetic relationships in the Drosophila subquinaria species complex
Q52720443Only helpful when required: a longevity cost of harbouring defensive symbionts.
Q47445792Ontogenetic and spatial variation in size-selective mortality of a marine fish
Q50517507Ontogenetic thermal tolerance and performance of ectotherms at variable temperatures.
Q40111863Ontogenetic trajectories in the ornithischian endocranium
Q47338833Ontogenic sources of variation in sexual size dimorphism in a viviparous lizard
Q114621935Ontogeny, phylogeny and mechanisms of adaptive changes in evaporative water loss in geckos
Q60481861Opposing fitness consequences of colour pattern in male and female snakes
Q101463637Opposing population trends of fork-tailed swallows and reddish-coloured swallows in our changing world
Q91934279Opposite responses to selection and where to find them
Q47429966Opposites attract: MHC-associated mate choice in a polygynous primate.
Q52641730Opposites attract? Mate choice for parasite evasion and the evolutionary stability of sex.
Q47194365Optimal climbing speed explains the evolution of extreme sexual size dimorphism in spiders.
Q79321125Optimal growth strategies of larval helminths in their intermediate hosts
Q39451033Optimal life-history schedule in a metapopulation with juvenile dispersal
Q46787679Optimal numbers of matings: the conditional balance between benefits and costs of mating for females of a nuptial gift-giving spider
Q34415262Optimality models in the age of experimental evolution and genomics
Q35103333Optimally weighted Z-test is a powerful method for combining probabilities in meta-analysis.
Q57057681Optimum body size: effects of food quality and temperature, when reproductive growth rate is restricted, with examples from aphids
Q51540888Order-preserving principles underlying genotype-phenotype maps ensure high additive proportions of genetic variance.
Q38973687Ordinary least squares regression is indicated for studies of allometry
Q28754541Organism size promotes the evolution of specialized cells in multicellular digital organisms
Q60555506Orientation behaviour and heterozygosity of sandhopper populations in relation to stability of beach environments
Q34246590Origin and population history of a recent colonizer, the yellow warbler in Galápagos and Cocos Islands
Q61659089Origin and radiation of the house mouse: clues from nuclear genes
Q56340050Origin and radiation of the house mouse: mitochondrial DNA phylogeny
Q60429862Origin of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a Mediterranean island: Zooarchaeology and ancient DNA examination
Q113855140Origin of the crustacean schizoramous limb: A re-analysis of the duplosegmentation hypothesis
Q44577044Origins of cheating and loss of symbiosis in wild Bradyrhizobium
Q54643205Origins of clonal diversity in the hypervariable asexual ostracode Cypridopsis vidua
Q33342539Ornament evolution in dragon lizards: multiple gains and widespread losses reveal a complex history of evolutionary change
Q38380150Ornament size and colour as alternative strategies for effective communication in gliding lizards.
Q50737907Ornaments or offspring? Female sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) trade off carotenoids between spines and eggs.
Q125798559Osawa, S. and Honjo, T. (eds.) 1991. Evolution of Life. Fossils, Molecules, and Culture. Springer‐Verlag, Tokyo. 460 pp., with 125 illustrations. DM 248. ISBN: 0‐387‐70064‐1.
Q39641121Otolith shape lends support to the sensory drive hypothesis in rockfishes
Q42031935Out-of-Africa origin and dispersal-mediated diversification of the butterfly genus Junonia (Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae).
Q44540201Outcrossing hermaphroditic polychaete worms adjust their sex allocation to social conditions.
Q100505692Ovarian fluid proteome variation associates with sperm swimming speed in an externally fertilising fish
Q58034939Overdominance interacts with linkage to determine the rate of adaptation to a new optimum
Q83141864Overdominant maintenance of diversity in the sea star Pisaster ochraceus
Q39070851Overwintering in Drosophila melanogaster: outdoor field cage experiments on clinal and laboratory selected populations help to elucidate traits under selection
Q51555479Oxidative phosphorylation gene transcription in whitefish species pairs reveals patterns of parallel and nonparallel physiological divergence.
Q42965969Oxidative stress and the effect of parasites on a carotenoid-based ornament. Corrigendum
Q33751716Paleogenomic data suggest mammal-like genome size in the ancestral amniote and derived large genome size in amphibians.
Q126083356Papi, F. (ed.), 1992. Animal homing. Chapman & Hall, London, 390pp. Price: £37.50. ISBN: 0‐412‐36390‐9
Q83931680Parallel amino acid replacements in the rhodopsins of the rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) associated with shifts in habitat depth
Q35992018Parallel and nonparallel behavioural evolution in response to parasitism and predation in Trinidadian guppies
Q43969268Parallel and nonparallel ecological, morphological and genetic divergence in lake-stream stickleback from a single catchment.
Q35565405Parallel chemical switches underlying pollinator isolation in Asian Mitella
Q51538059Parallel divergence in mate guarding behaviour following colonization of a novel habitat.
Q36902145Parallel effects of the inversion In(3R)Payne on body size across the North American and Australian clines in Drosophila melanogaster
Q34329877Parallel episodes of phyletic dwarfism in callitrichid and cheirogaleid primates
Q33283072Parallel evolution of lake whitefish dwarf ecotypes in association with limnological features of their adaptive landscape
Q52671458Parallel evolution of larval morphology and habitat in the snail-killing fly genus Tetanocera.
Q33242266Parallel evolution of the sexes? Effects of predation and habitat features on the size and shape of wild guppies.
Q52320739Parallel evolutionary forces influence the evolution of male and female songs in a tropical songbird.
Q42006187Parallel invasions produce heterogenous patterns of life history adaptation: rapid divergence in an invasive insect
Q93024441Parallel plumage colour evolution and introgressive hybridization in wheatears
Q34264734Parallel reduction in expression of the eye development gene hedgehog in separately derived cave populations of the amphipod Gammarus minus.
Q42609185Parallel speciation or long-distance dispersal? Lessons from seaweeds (Fucus) in the Baltic Sea.
Q43410315Parallelism and historical contingency during rapid ecotype divergence in an isopod
Q48275446Parallelism in genomic landscapes of differentiation, conserved genomic features and the role of linked selection.
Q41329206Parallels between two geographically and ecologically disparate cave invasions by the same species, Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda, Crustacea).
Q36363912Parasite escape through trophic specialization in a species flock
Q41673926Parasite evolution in response to sex-based host heterogeneity in resistance and tolerance
Q128905507Parasite evolution of host manipulation strategies with fluctuating ecological dynamics
Q41103266Parasite host range and the evolution of host resistance
Q33199141Parasite-induced surfacing in the cockle Austrovenus stuchburyi: adaptation or not?
Q33751645Parasite-mediated evolution of the functional part of the MHC in primates
Q38443794Parasite-mediated selection and the role of sex and diapause in Daphnia
Q51634645Parasites and deleterious mutations: interactions influencing the evolutionary maintenance of sex.
Q113855143Parasites and sexual selection: Current status of the Hamilton and Zuk hypothesis
Q51574387Parasites as mediators of heterozygosity-fitness correlations in the Great Tit (Parus major).
Q47175077Parasites favour intermediate nestling mass and brood size in cliff swallows.
Q44822814Parasites make male pipefish careless
Q38238098Parasitic success without sex – the nematode experience
Q129355570Parasitism and host dispersal plasticity in an aquatic model system
Q90297338Parasitism offers large rewards but carries high risks: Predicting parasitic strategies under different life history conditions in lampreys
Q47588285Parasitism, host immune defence and dispersal.
Q47172929Parent-offspring conflict and selection on egg size in turtles
Q59652803Parent-offspring regression suggests heritable susceptibility to ectoparasites in a natural population of kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Q35896736Parental and hybrid Daphnia from the D. longispina complex: long-term dynamics in genetic structure and significance of overwintering modes.
Q50700339Parental effects and the evolution of phenotypic memory.
Q60484824Parental effects in Lychnis flos-cuculi. I: Seed size, germination and seedling performance in a controlled environment
Q60484825Parental effects in Lychnis flos-cuculi. II: Selection on time of emergence and seedling performance in the field
Q46971534Parental effects on the larval performance of a tapeworm in its copepod first host.
Q60566051Parental effort and response to nestling begging in the house sparrow: repeatability, heritability and parent-offspring co-evolution
Q51702450Parental investment with a superior alien in the brood.
Q37156779Parental investment, sexual selection and sex ratios.
Q59652804Parent–offspring regression suggests heritable susceptibility to ectoparasites in a natural population of kittiwake
Q49561401Parthenogenetic flatworms have more symbionts than their coexisting, sexual conspecifics, but does this support the Red Queen?
Q51740902Partial host fidelity in nest selection by the shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis), a highly generalist avian brood parasite.
Q29026720Partial local mate competition and the sex ratio: A study on non-pollinating fig wasps
Q35769305Parting ways: parasite release in nature leads to sex-specific evolution of defence.
Q47865213Partitioning of resources: the evolutionary genetics of sexual conflict over resource acquisition and allocation
Q46862161Partner switching can favour cooperation in a biological market
Q46458916Paternal effects on seed germination: a barrier to the genetic assimilation of an endemic plant taxon?
Q81145586Paternal inheritance of the primary sex ratio in a copepod
Q48070662Paternal-specific S-allele transmission in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.): the potential for sexual selection.
Q35766930Paternity analyses in wild-caught and laboratory-reared Caribbean cricket females reveal the influence of mating environment on post-copulatory sexual selection
Q57125464Path analysis of natural selection via survival and fecundity across contrasting environments in Avena barbata
Q46849507Path analysis of the genetic integration of traits in the sand cricket: a novel use of BLUPs
Q50777022Pathogen fitness components and genotypes differ in their sensitivity to nutrient and temperature variation in a wild plant-pathogen association.
Q48668287Pattern, process and geographic modes of speciation
Q28655701Patterns and implications of extensive heterochrony in carnivoran cranial suture closure
Q38904124Patterns and mechanisms in instances of endosymbiont-induced parthenogenesis
Q113791781Patterns of bird song evolution on islands support the character release hypothesis in tropical but not in temperate latitudes
Q51541260Patterns of cranial ontogeny in lacertid lizards: morphological and allometric disparity.
Q43733351Patterns of cranial shape diversification during the phylogenetic branching process of New World monkeys (Primates: Platyrrhini).
Q46347574Patterns of diversification of Afrotropical Otiteselline fig wasps: phylogenetic study reveals a double radiation across host figs and conservatism of host association
Q35593849Patterns of epistasis in RNA viruses: a review of the evidence from vaccine design
Q51373692Patterns of floral colour neighbourhood and their effects on female reproductive success in an Antirrhinum hybrid zone.
Q96585295Patterns of genomic divergence and introgression between Japanese stickleback species with overlapping breeding habitats
Q46269861Patterns of male fitness conform to predictions of evolutionary models of late life
Q51527927Patterns of mammalian diversification in recent evolutionary times: global tendencies and methodological issues.
Q81487178Patterns of mating call preferences in túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus
Q34315117Patterns of molecular evolution in dioecious and non-dioecious Silene
Q38939509Patterns of parental care in Neotropical glassfrogs: fieldwork alters hypotheses of sex-role evolution.
Q51145557Patterns of reproductive isolation in a haplodiploid - strong postmating, prezygotic barriers among three forms of a social spider mite.
Q43587283Patterns of speciation in endemic Mexican Goodeid fish: sexual conflict or early radiation?
Q51725454Patterns of variation in wing morphology in the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii and its sibling D. koepferae.
Q92960911Pedigree-free quantitative genetic approach provides evidence for heritability of movement tactics in wild roe deer
Q51737750Pelvis morphology suggests that early Mesozoic birds were too heavy to contact incubate their eggs.
Q41077972Persistence and resistance as complementary bacterial adaptations to antibiotics.
Q33351757Persistence of an extreme male-biased adult sex ratio in a natural population of polyandrous bird
Q83242070Persistence of costly novel genes in the absence of positive selection
Q84134111Persistence of vigilance and flight response behaviour in wild reindeer with varying domestic ancestry
Q50120268Pervasive, yet idiosyncratic, epistatic pleiotropy during adaptation in a behaviourally complex microbe
Q51148799Phenological shifts in North American red squirrels: disentangling the roles of phenotypic plasticity and microevolution.
Q33303603Phenoloxidase activity and pathogen resistance in yellow dung flies Scathophaga stercoraria
Q40547201Phenotype-associated inbreeding biases estimates of inbreeding depression in a wild bird population
Q51273069Phenotypes optimized for early-life reproduction exhibit faster somatic deterioration with age, revealing a latent cost of high condition.
Q115527395Phenotypic and functional variation in venom and venom resistance of two sympatric rattlesnakes and their prey
Q34149054Phenotypic and genetic divergence among harbour porpoise populations associated with habitat regions in the North Sea and adjacent seas
Q51830623Phenotypic and genetic variation in emergence and development time of a trimorphic damselfly.
Q80374151Phenotypic correlations among fitness and its components in a population of the housefly
Q46500254Phenotypic differentiation is associated with divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations
Q45831214Phenotypic divergence but not genetic distance predicts assortative mating among species of a cichlid fish radiation
Q44969361Phenotypic integration and conserved covariance structure in calopterygid damselflies
Q52369394Phenotypic integration in an extended phenotype: among-individual variation in nest-building traits of the alfalfa leafcutting bee (Megachile rotundata).
Q44300773Phenotypic integration in flowers of neotropical lianas: diversification of form with stasis of underlying patterns
Q87514812Phenotypic integration plasticity in Daphnia magna: an integral facet of G × E interactions
Q39091399Phenotypic landscapes: phenological patterns in wild and cultivated barley
Q110615412Phenotypic plasticity and selection in
Q110616047Phenotypic plasticity and selection in Drosophila life history evolution. 2. Diet, mates and the cost of reproduction
Q56774627Phenotypic plasticity and selection in Drosophila life-history evolution. I. Nutrition and the cost of reproduction
Q46758216Phenotypic plasticity and the evolution of trade-offs: the quantitative genetics of resource allocation in the wing dimorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus
Q110615193Phenotypic plasticity drives phenological changes in a Mediterranean blue tit population
Q110616038Phenotypic plasticity for life history traits in Drosophila melanogaster. I. Effect on phenotypic and environmental correlations
Q110616040Phenotypic plasticity for life history traits in Drosophila melanogaster. II. Epigenetic mechanisms and the scaling of variances
Q110616035Phenotypic plasticity in Phlox. III. Variation among natural populations of P. drummondii
Q110616044Phenotypic plasticity in age and size at maturity and its effects on the integrated phenotypic expressions of life history traits of Cardamine flexuosa (Cruciferae)
Q110616046Phenotypic plasticity in morphological traits in two populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q48309445Phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental heterogeneity contributes to fluctuating asymmetry in plants: first empirical evidence.
Q42018871Phenotypic plasticity in sexual communication signal of a noctuid moth.
Q34573807Phenotypic plasticity in two marine snails: constraints superseding life history
Q46680552Phenotypic plasticity is not affected by experimental evolution in constant, predictable or unpredictable fluctuating thermal environments
Q83242088Phenotypic plasticity of a cooperative behaviour in bacteria
Q51658430Phenotypic plasticity of desiccation resistance in Glossina puparia: are there ecotype constraints on acclimation responses?
Q34435469Phenotypic plasticity of host-parasite interactions in response to the route of infection.
Q46935485Phenotypic plasticity of immune defence linked with foraging activity in the ant Cataglyphis velox
Q34186399Phenotypic plasticity, heterochrony and ontogenetic repatterning during juvenile development of divergent Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus).
Q51875929Phenotypic robustness can increase phenotypic variability after nongenetic perturbations in gene regulatory circuits.
Q52088100Phenotypic selection and regulation of reproduction in different environments in wild barley.
Q113791776Phenotypic selection on an ornamental trait is not modulated by breeding density in a pied flycatcher population
Q57164703Phenotypic selection on growth rhythm in whitebark pine under climatic conditions warmer than seed origins
Q93074437Phenotypic variability can promote the evolution of adaptive plasticity by reducing the stringency of natural selection
Q35680759Phenotypic variation and covariation indicate high evolvability of acoustic communication in crickets
Q60582711Phenotypic variation in growth trajectories in the Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus
Q34674150Phenotypically plastic traits regulate caste formation and soldier function in polyembryonic wasps
Q46745156Pheromonal dominance and the selection of a socially parasitic honeybee worker lineage (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.).
Q47653515Pheromones do regulate sexual development in Dictyostelium discoideum
Q113282445Phylogenetic analysis and the evolution of queen number in eusocial Hymenoptera
Q52581397Phylogenetic analysis of floral integration in Schizanthus (Solanaceae): does pollination truly integrate corolla traits?
Q80831748Phylogenetic analysis of interspecific variation in nectar of hummingbird-visited plants
Q39546911Phylogenetic analysis of the ecological correlates of dioecy in angiosperms
Q33493576Phylogenetic and biological species diversity within the Neurospora tetrasperma complex
Q39734178Phylogenetic and size constrains on cranial ontogenetic allometry of spiny rats (Echimyidae, Rodentia).
Q88615353Phylogenetic comparative analysis supports aposematic colouration-body size association in millipede assassins (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae)
Q37801983Phylogenetic comparative approaches for studying niche conservatism.
Q52655372Phylogenetic congruence of mealybugs and their primary endosymbionts.
Q38698990Phylogenetic convergence and multiple shell shape optima for gliding scallops (Bivalvia: Pectinidae).
Q43729777Phylogenetic determinants of potential host shifts in fungal pathogens
Q46286032Phylogenetic distribution of a male pheromone that may exploit a nonsexual preference in lampreys.
Q50908264Phylogenetic eigenvectors and nonstationarity in the evolution of theropod dinosaur skulls.
Q48323029Phylogenetic estimates of diversification rate are affected by molecular rate variation.
Q29306033Phylogenetic evidence for the evolution of ecological specialization in Timema walking-sticks
Q51534791Phylogenetic patterns of skeletal morphometrics and pelvic traits in relation to locomotor mode in frogs.
Q38907476Phylogenetic relationships and divergence dates of softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae) inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes
Q56672309Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of cleaning behaviour in the family Labridae: importance of body colour pattern
Q56644863Phylogenetic relationships in Monanthes (Crassulaceae) based on morphological, chloroplast and nuclear DNA variation
Q41431465Phylogenetic relationships of the Cretaceous frog Beelzebufo from Madagascar and the placement of fossil constraints based on temporal and phylogenetic evidence.
Q47781078Phylogenetic signal, feeding behaviour and brain volume in Neotropical bats
Q47414714Phylogenetically structured variance in felid bite force: the role of phylogeny in the evolution of biting performance
Q46281655Phylogenomics of pike cichlids (Cichlidae: Crenicichla): the rapid ecological speciation of an incipient species flock
Q30048019Phylogeny and adaptive radiation in the Onychopoda (Crustacea, Cladocera): evidence from multiple gene sequences
Q51618143Phylogeny and evolution of sexually selected tail ornamentation in widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.).
Q55871802Phylogeny of Medusozoa and the evolution of cnidarian life cycles
Q92227920Phylogeographic and phenotypic outcomes of brown anole colonization across the Caribbean provide insight into the beginning stages of an adaptive radiation
Q101631246Phylogeographic histories of representative herpetofauna of the southwestern U.S.: mitochondrial DNA variation in the desert iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) and the chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus)
Q43520887Phylogeographic patterns and cryptic speciation across oceanographic barriers in South African intertidal fishes
Q35229459Phylogeographic structure, demographic history and morph composition in a colour polymorphic lizard
Q60230472Phylogeographical patterns in chloroplast DNA variation within the Acacia acuminata (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) complex in Western Australia
Q34567241Phylogeography and alpha taxonomy of the common dolphin (Delphinus sp.).
Q125608784Phylogeography of Artemisia frigida (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) based on genotyping‐by‐sequencing and plastid DNA data: Migration through Beringia
Q48020282Phylogeography of Caribbean lizard malaria: tracing the history of vector-borne parasites.
Q34191566Phylogeography of the Cape velvet worm (Onychophora: Peripatopsis capensis) reveals the impact of Pliocene/Pleistocene climatic oscillations on Afromontane forest in the Western Cape, South Africa
Q50142857Physical contact is essential for macrocyst formation in wild Dictyostelium discoideum: a response to O'Day
Q51555578Physiological adaptation along environmental gradients and replicated hybrid zone structure in swordtails (Teleostei: Xiphophorus).
Q51576434Physiological implications of genomic state in parthenogenetic lizards of reciprocal hybrid origin.
Q43194566Physiological stress links parasites to carotenoid-based colour signals.
Q102055210Pitfalls and virtues of population genetic summary statistics: detecting selective sweeps in recent divergences
Q40451399Pitfalls in experiments testing predictions from sperm competition theory.
Q38981685Pitfalls in understanding the functional significance of genital allometry
Q48915092Placental invasiveness and brain-body allometry in eutherian mammals
Q50674966Plant-like mating in an animal: sexual compatibility and allocation trade-offs in a simultaneous hermaphrodite with remote transfer of sperm.
Q47393711Plastic and evolutionary responses of cell size and number to larval malnutrition in Drosophila melanogaster
Q48255607Plastic and evolutionary responses to heat stress in a temperate dung fly: negative correlation between basal and induced heat tolerance?
Q83412948Plastic responses to parents and predators lead to divergent shoaling behaviour in sticklebacks
Q46272751Plasticity and cross-tolerance to heterogeneous environments: divergent stress responses co-evolved in an African fruit fly.
Q51308451Plasticity and evolution in correlated suites of traits.
Q125420426Plasticity and genetic effects contribute to different axes of neural divergence in a community of mimetic Heliconius butterflies
Q43749084Plasticity and heritability of morphological variation within and between parapatric stickleback demes.
Q39367127Plasticity in reproduction and growth among 52 range-wide populations of a Mediterranean conifer: adaptive responses to environmental stress
Q52001783Plasticity in resource allocation based life history traits in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. I. Spatial variation in food abundance.
Q46864738Plasticity in sex allocation in the plant Mercurialis annua is greater for hermaphrodites sampled from dimorphic than from monomorphic populations.
Q50669972Playing smart vs. playing safe: the joint expression of phenotypic plasticity and potential bet hedging across and within thermal environments.
Q80511446Pleiotropy and GAL pathway degeneration in yeast
Q51644612Pleistocene glaciations and contemporary genetic diversity in a Beringian fish, the broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus (Pallas): inferences from microsatellite DNA variation.
Q49561414Ploidy evolution in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a test of the nutrient limitation hypothesis
Q44271757Plumage polymorphism and fitness in Swainson's hawks
Q81145563Pluralism in evolutionary theory
Q36019855Pollen and sperm heteromorphism: convergence across kingdoms?
Q89506787Pollen colour morphs take different paths to fitness
Q51652797Pollen competition as an asymmetric reproductive barrier between two closely related Silene species.
Q50798696Pollen competition reduces inbreeding depression in Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae).
Q34344020Pollen feeding, resource allocation and the evolution of chemical defence in passion vine butterflies
Q46678918Pollen limitation and its influence on natural selection through seed set.
Q51534888Pollen limitation of female reproductive success at fine spatial scale in a gynodioecious and wind-pollinated species, Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima.
Q59185501Pollen transfer dynamics and the evolution of gametophytic self-incompatibility
Q33222657Pollinating fig wasps: genetic consequences of island recolonization
Q40830814Pollination by sexual deception promotes outcrossing and mate diversity in self-compatible clonal orchids.
Q47592567Pollination context alters female advantage in gynodioecious Silene vulgaris.
Q46545184Pollination, mating and reproductive fitness in a plant population with bimodal floral-tube length.
Q36164804Pollinator adaptation and the evolution of floral nectar sugar composition
Q60451096Pollinator behaviour and the evolution of Louisiana iris hybrid zones
Q42021281Pollinator shifts and the loss of style polymorphism in Narcissus papyraceus (Amaryllidaceae).
Q34974948Pollinator shifts between Ophrys sphegodes populations: might adaptation to different pollinators drive population divergence?
Q46361794Pollinator-mediated assemblage processes in California wildflowers
Q44472002Pollinator-mediated selection in a specialized hummingbird-Heliconia system in the Eastern Caribbean
Q52708100Pollinator-mediated selection in a specialized pollination system: matches and mismatches across populations.
Q52749629Pollinator-mediated selection on floral morphology: evidence for transgressive evolution in a derived hybrid lineage.
Q63980009Pollinators entering female dioecious figs: why commit suicide?
Q46087809Polyandrous females acquire indirect benefits in a nuptial feeding species
Q44794072Polyandrous females found fitter populations
Q51161713Polyandrous females produce sons that are successful at post-copulatory competition.
Q29398992Polyandry and colony genetic structure in the primitive ant Nothomyrmecia macrops
Q51709746Polyandry in coal tits Parus ater: fitness consequences of putting eggs into multiple genetic baskets.
Q42010740Polyandry-fecundity relationship in insects: methodological and conceptual problems
Q42041382Polymorphic mimicry, microhabitat use, and sex-specific behaviour
Q40806590Polymorphisms in a desaturase 2 ortholog associate with cuticular hydrocarbon and male mating success variation in a natural population of Drosophila serrata.
Q91842293Population biology of a selfish sex ratio distorting element in a booklouse (Psocodea: Liposcelis)
Q42648766Population differences in behaviour are explained by shared within-population trait correlations
Q60513397Population differences in early life-history traits in grayling
Q85305634Population differences in response to hypoxic stress in Atlantic salmon
Q30435744Population differentiation and hybrid success in Campanula americana: geography and genome size
Q44232773Population differentiation and restricted gene flow in Spanish crossbills: not isolation-by-distance but isolation-by-ecology
Q31063059Population differentiation in the context of Holocene climate change for a migratory marine species, the southern elephant seal.
Q51548291Population differentiation in the swordtail characin (Corynopoma riisei ): a role for sensory drive?
Q108065824Population divergence and morphometric integration in the greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) – evolution against the trajectory of least resistance?
Q50787465Population divergence in chemical signals and the potential for premating isolation between islet- and mainland populations of the Skyros wall lizard (Podarcis gaigeae).
Q123241530Population divergence of developmental thermal optima in Swedish common frogs, Rana temporaria
Q57002651Population genetic analysis of microsatellite variation of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in Trinidad and Tobago: evidence for a dynamic source-sink metapopulation structure, founder events and population bottlenecks
Q40676254Population genomics of eusocial insects: the costs of a vertebrate-like effective population size.
Q101222146Population genomics reveals repeated signals of adaptive divergence in northeastern European Atlantic salmon
Q47338815Population size, female fecundity, and sex ratio variation in gynodioecious Plantago maritima
Q30910786Population structure and speciation in the genus Tursiops based on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses
Q42016582Population structure in relation to host-plant ecology and Wolbachia infestation in the comma butterfly
Q57568197Population systematics of the snake genus Naja (Reptilia: Serpentes: Elapidae) in Indochina: Multivariate morphometrics and comparative mitochondrial DNA sequencing (cytochrome oxidase I)
Q35165019Populations with elevated mutation load do not benefit from the operation of sexual selection
Q46862176Positive effect of the yellow morph on female reproductive success in the flower colour polymorphic Iris lutescens (Iridaceae), a deceptive species
Q37105538Positive genetic correlation between brain size and sexual traits in male guppies artificially selected for brain size.
Q52654825Possible coevolution of male and female genital form and function in a calopterygid damselfly.
Q47606051Possible glimpses into early speciation: the effect of ovarian fluid on sperm velocity accords with post-copulatory isolation between two guppy populations.
Q91290925Post-glacial colonization routes coincide with a life-history breakpoint along a latitudinal gradient
Q46460175Post-hatching parental care masks the effects of egg size on offspring fitness: a removal experiment on burying beetles.
Q51387451Post-mating prezygotic barriers to gene exchange between hybridizing field crickets.
Q82205199Post-mating reproductive barriers in two unidirectionally hybridizing sunfish (Centrarchidae: Lepomis)
Q47256929Post-pleistocene demographic history of the North Atlantic endemic Irish moss Chondrus crispus: glacial survival, spatial expansion and gene flow
Q50448688Post-weaning parental care increases fitness but is not heritable in North American red squirrels.
Q28647892Post-zygotic isolation in cactophilic Drosophila: larval viability and adult life-history traits of D. mojavensis/D. arizonae hybrids
Q34447402Postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance in guppies.
Q96645645Postglacial establishment of locally adapted fish populations over a steep salinity gradient
Q47287015Postglacial intra-lacustrine divergence of Icelandic threespine stickleback morphs in three neovolcanic lakes.
Q39732645Postmating isolation and genetically variable host use in ecologically divergent host forms of Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles
Q51780607Postzygotic incompatibilities between the pupfishes, Cyprinodon elegans and Cyprinodon variegatus: hybrid male sterility and sex ratio bias.
Q81317977Potential fitness benefits from mate selection in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Q58557835Potential genetic benefits of mate selection in whitefish
Q46728567Potential rapid evolution of foot morphology in Italian plethodontid salamanders (Hydromantes strinatii) following the colonization of an artificial cave
Q40421266Pre-adapting parasitic phages to a pathogen leads to increased pathogen clearance and lowered resistance evolution with Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis bacterial isolates
Q103732868Pre-introduction introgression contributes to parallel differentiation and contrasting hybridisation outcomes between invasive and native marine mussels
Q56774630Precise control of sex allocation in pseudo-arrhenotokous phytoseiid mites
Q51740916Precision in sex allocation is influenced by mate choice in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q80101013Predation and the persistence of melanic male mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki)
Q34640364Predation by killer whales (Orcinus orca) and the evolution of whistle loss and narrow-band high frequency clicks in odontocetes
Q47561679Predation drives morphological convergence in the Gambusia panuco species group among lotic and lentic habitats.
Q44513150Predation drives stable coexistence ratios between red and green pea aphid morphs
Q51667990Predation mediated population divergence in complex behaviour of nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius).
Q114080040Predation risk and the evolution of a vertebrate stress response: Parallel evolution of stress reactivity and sexual dimorphism
Q58279139Predation risk determines pigmentation phenotype in nuthatches by melanin-related gene expression effects
Q51616722Predation- and competition-mediated brain plasticity in Rana temporaria tadpoles.
Q44869503Predation-associated divergence of male genital morphology in a livebearing fish
Q122053349Predator response to the coloured eyespots and defensive posture of Colombian four‐eyed frogs
Q48451786Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in tadpoles: extension or innovation?
Q36151750Predator-prey interactions amongst Permo-Triassic terrestrial vertebrates as a deterministic factor influencing faunal collapse and turnover
Q40922756Predator-prey interactions, flight initiation distance and brain size
Q51416533Predictability rather than amplitude of temperature fluctuations determines stress resistance in a natural population of Drosophila simulans.
Q51740922Predictable males and unpredictable females: sex difference in repeatability of parental care in a wild bird population.
Q82490570Predicting epistasis: an experimental test of metabolic control theory with bacterial transcription and translation
Q50782357Predicting evolution of floral traits associated with mating system in a natural plant population.
Q46155821Predicting the pathway to wind pollination: heritabilities and genetic correlations of inflorescence traits associated with wind pollination in Schiedea salicaria (Caryophyllaceae).
Q51709766Predominance of outcrossing in Lymnaea stagnalis despite low apparent fitness costs of self-fertilization.
Q35147286Preferential host switching and codivergence shaped radiation of bark beetle symbionts, nematodes of Micoletzkya (Nematoda: Diplogastridae).
Q50473177Preferential phenotypic association linked with cooperation in paper wasps.
Q50704866Prehatching maternal investment and offspring immunity in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca).
Q33198793Premating barriers to gene exchange and their implications for the structure of a mosaic hybrid zone between Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Q44572673Premating isolation is determined by larval rearing substrates in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis. IX. Host plant and population specific epicuticular hydrocarbon expression influences mate choice and sexual selection
Q46199262Premating isolation is determined by larval rearing substrates in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis. VIII. Mating success mediated by epicuticular hydrocarbons within and between isolated populations
Q42034824Presence of soldier larvae determines the outcome of competition in a polyembryonic wasp.
Q51710891Processed pseudogenes are located preferentially in regions of low recombination rates in the human genome.
Q111808066Propagule interactions and the evolution of virulence
Q44158686Protection against a fungal pathogen conferred by the aphid facultative endosymbionts Rickettsia and Spiroplasma is expressed in multiple host genotypes and species and is not influenced by co-infection with another symbiont
Q47863384Protein deprivation decreases male survival and the intensity of sexual antagonism in southern field crickets Gryllus bimaculatus.
Q35772345Protein pheromone expression levels predict and respond to the formation of social dominance networks
Q50079665Protein sequences of linked genes are highly conserved in two bacterial species
Q39545310Proteomic evidence of a paedomorphic evolutionary process within a marine snail species: a strategy for adapting to extreme ecological conditions?
Q47852765Protistan predation interferes with bacterial long-term adaptation to substrate restriction by selecting for defence morphotypes
Q80404255Proximate causes of adaptive growth rates: growth efficiency variation among latitudinal populations of Rana temporaria
Q87848166Proximate mechanisms of the differences in reproductive success of males bearing different alleles of Pgdh - a gene involved in a sexual conflict in bulb mite
Q79321132Proximate mechanisms of variation in the carotenoid-based plumage coloration of nestling great tits (Parus major L.).
Q84400528Pseudogene rescue: an adaptive mechanism of codon reassignment
Q43629260Pulling together or pulling apart: hybridization in theory and practice
Q84916720Pulsed-resource dynamics increase the asymmetry of antagonistic coevolution between a predatory protist and a prey bacterium
Q34705660Punctuated genome size evolution in Liliaceae.
Q124987000Punctuational ecological changes rather than global factors drive species diversification and the evolution of wing phenotypes inMorphobutterflies
Q44168070Pupal period and adult size in Drosophila melanogaster: a cautionary tale of contrasting correlations between two sexually dimorphic traits
Q101239469Putative chromosomal rearrangements are associated primarily with ecotype divergence rather than geographic separation in an intertidal, poorly-dispersing snail
Q37690851Putting information back into biological communication.
Q45950474Pyoverdin cheats fail to invade bacterial populations in stationary phase.
Q51683530QTL mapping of inbreeding-related cold sensitivity and conditional lethality in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q58886325Quality-quantity trade-off of human offspring under adverse environmental conditions
Q91351751Quantifying individual variation in reaction norms: Mind the residual
Q38103632Quantifying the effects of migration and mutation on adaptation and demography in spatially heterogeneous environments.
Q82651406Quantitative genetic and translocation experiments reveal genotype-by-environment effects on juvenile life-history traits in two populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Q33925681Quantitative genetic inheritance of morphological divergence in a lake-stream stickleback ecotype pair: implications for reproductive isolation.
Q51629248Quantitative genetic parameters for wild stream-living brown trout: heritability and parental effects.
Q39161970Quantitative genetic variation for thermal performance curves within and among natural populations of Drosophila serrata.
Q39665521Quantitative genetics of behavioural reaction norms: genetic correlations between personality and behavioural plasticity vary across stickleback populations.
Q36284444Quantitative genetics of costly neonatal sexual size dimorphism in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis).
Q33943681Quantitative genetics of migration syndromes: a study of two barn swallow populations
Q50782361Quantitative genetics of sexually dimorphic traits and capture of genetic variance by a sexually-selected condition-dependent ornament in red junglefowl (Gallus gallus).
Q60211891Quantitative host resistance drives the evolution of increased virulence in an emerging pathogen
Q37945355Questioning the cultural evolution of altruism
Q35197263Quick divergence but slow convergence during ecotype formation in lake and stream stickleback pairs of variable age.
Q60727597R0 or r: A matter of taste?
Q51145276RAD-seq linkage mapping and patterns of segregation distortion in sedges: Meiosis as a driver of karyotypic evolution in organisms with holocentric chromosomes.
Q36623200RNA world - the dark matter of evolutionary genomics
Q31148229Radiation and divergence in the Rhagoletis pomonella species complex: inferences from DNA sequence data.
Q40676260Radiation of the Drosophila nannoptera species group in Mexico
Q40315247Rampant host switching and multiple female body colour transitions in Philotrypesis (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae).
Q44358738Rampant host- and defensive phenotype-associated diversification in a goldenrod gall midge.
Q125470485Range expansions of sexual versus asexual organisms: Effects of reproductive assurance and migration load
Q92847546Range-wide genetic structure of a cooperative mouse in a semi-arid zone: Evidence for panmixia
Q30857671Rapid and convergent evolution of parental care in hydrobiid gastropods from New Zealand
Q46984956Rapid and unpredictable changes of the G-matrix in a natural bird population over 25 years
Q35795370Rapid changes in genetic architecture of behavioural syndromes following colonization of a novel environment.
Q46642386Rapid changes in plasticity across generations within an expanding cedar forest.
Q36226363Rapid differentiation and asynchronous coevolution of male and female genitalia in stink bugs.
Q42677058Rapid diversification of Tragopogon and ecological associates in Eurasia
Q44329586Rapid diversification of male genitalia and mating strategies in Ohomopterus ground beetles
Q46795170Rapid diversification of sexual signals in Hawaiian Nesosydne planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae): the relative role of neutral and selective forces
Q52845737Rapid evolution and gene expression: a rapidly evolving Mendelian trait that silences field crickets has widespread effects on mRNA and protein expression.
Q99209831Rapid evolution and plasticity of genitalia
Q50866314Rapid evolution of antioxidant defence in a natural population of Daphnia magna.
Q56567116Rapid evolution of body fluid regulation following independent invasions into freshwater habitats
Q58042344Rapid evolution of courtship song pattern in Drosophila willistoni sibling species
Q46680494Rapid evolution of elaborate male coloration is driven by visual system in Australian fairy-wrens (Maluridae).
Q44223888Rapid evolution of larval life history, adult immune function and flight muscles in a poleward-moving damselfly
Q56948529Rapid evolution of parasitoids when faced with the symbiont-mediated resistance of their hosts
Q85003758Rapid evolution of sex frequency and dormancy as hydroperiod adaptations
Q51185972Rapid evolution of sexual signals in sympatric Calopteryx damselflies: reinforcement or 'noisy-neighbour' ecological character displacement?
Q47446982Rapid evolution of social learning
Q91119853Rapid evolution of testis size relative to sperm morphology suggests that post-copulatory selection targets sperm number in Anolis lizards
Q51695950Rapid evolution towards heavy metal resistance by mountain birch around two subarctic copper-nickel smelters.
Q39287205Rapid evolutionary change in a secondary sexual character linked to climatic change
Q34573817Rapid increase in cuckoo egg matching in a recently parasitized reed warbler population
Q46944099Rapid increase in dispersal during range expansion in the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis.
Q45196155Rapid loss of MHC class II variation in a bottlenecked population is explained by drift and loss of copy number variation
Q47291664Rapid miocene-pliocene dispersal and evolution of Mediterranean rajid fauna as inferred by mitochondrial gene variation.
Q42033531Rapid population divergence in thermal reaction norms for an invading species: breaking the temperature-size rule
Q46953711Rapid prey evolution can alter the structure of predator-prey communities
Q50688789Rapid shifts in multiple life history traits in a population of threespine stickleback.
Q42023226Rapid spread of male-killing Wolbachia in the butterfly Hypolimnas bolina.
Q82232421Rapid temporal change in the expression and age-related information content of a sexually selected trait
Q39238677Rate heterogeneity across Squamata, misleading ancestral state reconstruction and the importance of proper null model specification
Q57052385Rate of deleterious mutation and the distribution of its effects on fitness in vesicular stomatitis virus
Q28649359Rate of evolutionary change in cranial morphology of the marsupial genus Monodelphis is constrained by the availability of additive genetic variation
Q79321147Rates of deleterious mutation and the evolution of sex in Caenorhabditis
Q43940072Rates of phenotypic evolution of ecological characters and sexual traits during the Tanganyikan cichlid adaptive radiation
Q51698898Re-establishment of clinal variation in flowering time among introduced populations of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria, Lythraceae).
Q36537393Re-mating across years and intralineage polygyny are associated with greater than expected levels of inbreeding in wild red deer
Q110616043Reaction norms and the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity in the wing pattern of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana
Q109746377Realistic genetic architecture enables organismal adaptation as predicted under the folk definition of inclusive fitness
Q30459742Recent admixture generates heterozygosity-fitness correlations during the range expansion of an invading species.
Q31090595Recent invasion of the mountain birch Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa above the treeline due to climate change: genetic and ecological study in northern Sweden
Q56976346Recent northward range expansion promotes song evolution in a passerine bird, the Light-vented Bulbul
Q43969480Receptive females mitigate costs of sexual conflict
Q50280296Reciprocal preening and food sharing in colour-polymorphic nestling barn owls
Q46208750Reciprocity: you have to think different
Q50670985Recognizing odd smells and ejection of brood parasitic eggs. An experimental test in magpies of a novel defensive trait against brood parasitism.
Q80454452Recombination and loss of complementation: a more than two-fold cost for parthenogenesis
Q52710456Recombination and selection in the maintenance of the adaptive value of inversions.
Q33303604Recombination diversifies chloroplast trnF pseudogenes in Arabidopsis lyrata.
Q51709738Recombination is suppressed and variability reduced in a nascent Y chromosome.
Q35083738Recombination, chromosome number and eusociality in the Hymenoptera.
Q49561489Reconciling gene trees with organism history: the mtDNA phylogeography of three Nesotes species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on the western Canary Islands.
Q46396284Reconstructing asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in a periodical cicada contact zone
Q122983805Reconstruction of evolutionary changes in fat and toxin consumption reveals associations with gene losses in mammals: A case study for the lipase inhibitor PNLIPRP1 and the xenobiotic receptor NR1I3
Q38105623Recovering speciation and extinction dynamics based on phylogenies
Q38699023Recovery and immune priming modulate the evolutionary trajectory of infection-induced reproductive strategies.
Q53085187Recovery from hybrid breakdown in a marine invertebrate is faster, stronger and more repeatable under environmental stress.
Q42045321Red & black or black & white? Phylogeny of the Araschnia butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) and evolution of seasonal polyphenism
Q113282443Red Queen bees. Parasites in Social Insects. By Paul Schmid-Hempel. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1998. xii + 410 pages. ISBN 0-691-05923.
Q112796093Red and yellow pigments in autumn leaves are associated with higher nitrogen resorption
Q50726720Reduced inbreeding depression due to historical inbreeding in Drosophila melanogaster: evidence for purging.
Q39626892Reduced inbreeding depression in peripheral relative to central populations of a monocarpic herb
Q79741012Reducing the cost of resistance; experimental evolution in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans
Q34423746Refining the conditions for sympatric ecological speciation.
Q47247416Regional divergence and mosaic spatial distribution of two closely related damselfly species (Enallagma hageni and Enallagma ebrium).
Q46662482Regional variation in sex ratios and sex allocation in androdioecious Mercurialis annua.
Q45018787Regional variation in the spatial scale of selection at MPI* and GPI* in the acorn barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (Crustacea).
Q43117371Regulation of stress response is heritable and functionally linked to melanin-based coloration
Q46635052Reinforced postmating reproductive isolation barriers in Neurospora, an Ascomycete microfungus
Q38380224Reinforcement and a cline in mating behaviour evolve in response to secondary contact and hybridization in shield-back katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae).
Q42034821Reinforcement of mate preference among hybridizing Heliconius butterflies
Q88527691Rejoinder: Further considerations for meta-analysis of transformed quantities such as absolute values
Q80374145Relatedness affects competitive performance of a parasitic plant (Cuscuta europaea) in multiple infections
Q49150276Relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and fitness within and between stressed and unstressed populations of the wolf spider Pirata piraticus
Q39917848Relationship between osteology and aquatic locomotion in birds: determining modes of locomotion in extinct Ornithurae
Q51609316Relationships among morphology, clinging performance and habitat use in Liolaemini lizards.
Q122600850Relationships of reproductive traits and body size with attainment of sexual maturity and age in Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingi)
Q46590792Relative fitness of a generalist parasite on two alternative hosts: a cross-infestation experiment to test host specialization of the hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank).
Q51620458Relative fitness of females and hermaphrodites in a natural gynodioecious population of wild radish, Raphanus sativus L. (Brassicaceae): comparison based on molecular genotyping.
Q49561392Relative fitness of two hermaphroditic mating types in the androdioecious clam shrimp, Eulimnadia texana
Q51119418Relative longevity and field metabolic rate in birds.
Q44168568Relative migration rates and local adaptation in a mosquito-protozoan interaction
Q79238719Relative number of generations of hosts and parasites does not influence parasite local adaptation in coevolving populations of bacteria and phages
Q38932148Relatively weak inbreeding depression in selfing but also in outcrossing populations of North American Arabidopsis lyrata.
Q35640957Relaxed predation results in reduced phenotypic integration in a suite of dragonflies
Q46960619Relaxed trait covariance in interspecific cichlid hybrids predicts morphological diversity in adaptive radiations.
Q93263796Releasing small ejaculates slowly increases per-gamete fertilization success in an external fertilizer: Galeolaria caespitosa (Polychaeta: Serpulidae)
Q52646380Remating and sperm displacement in a natural population of Drosophila buzzatii inferred from mother-offspring analysis of microsatellite loci.
Q44600993Remating in Drosophila melanogaster: an examination of the trading-up and intrinsic male-quality hypotheses
Q45155899Renewed diversification is associated with new ecological opportunity in the Neotropical turtle ants
Q38922776Repeatability and heritability of reproductive traits in free-ranging snakes.
Q99552779Repeatable social network node-based metrics across populations and contexts in a passerine
Q35027191Repeated and predictable patterns of ecotypic differentiation during a biological invasion: lake-stream divergence in parapatric Swiss stickleback
Q36354378Repeated evolution of digital adhesion in geckos: a reply to Harrington and Reeder
Q40666174Repeated evolution of exaggerated dewlaps and other throat morphology in lizards
Q90199293Repeated evolution of terrestrial lineages in a continental lizard radiation
Q91645899Repeated switches from cooperative to selfish worker oviposition during stingless bee evolution
Q51112800Replicated evolutionary divergence in the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of male crickets associated with the loss of song in the Hawaiian archipelago.
Q50724828Replicated population divergence caused by localized coevolution? A test of three hypotheses in the red crossbill-lodgepole pine system.
Q52705308Repression of competition favours cooperation: experimental evidence from bacteria.
Q51570748Reproduction-longevity trade-offs reflect diet, not adaptation.
Q47370055Reproductive ageing and sexual selection on male body size in a wild population of antler flies (Protopiophila litigata).
Q46260724Reproductive and post-reproductive life history of wild-caught Drosophila melanogaster under laboratory conditions.
Q43674670Reproductive barriers between two sympatric beetle species specialized on different host plants.
Q79733626Reproductive character displacement is not the only possible outcome of reinforcement
Q34787479Reproductive compensation
Q51534621Reproductive division of labour and thelytoky result in sympatric barriers to gene flow in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.).
Q123240916Reproductive energetics of the role reversing bushcricket, Kawanaphila nartee (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Zaprochilinae)
Q92712490Reproductive fitness consequences of progenesis: Sex-specific pay-offs in safe and risky environments
Q46573361Reproductive isolation and hybrid pollen disadvantage in Ipomopsis.
Q30412694Reproductive isolation and patterns of genetic differentiation in a cryptic butterfly species complex
Q51695697Reproductive isolation between chromosomal races of the house mouse Mus musculus domesticus in a parapatric contact area revealed by an analysis of multiple unlinked loci.
Q51935150Reproductive isolation in a threespine stickleback hybrid zone.
Q126080278Reproductive isolation via divergent genital morphology due to cascade reinforcement inOhomopterusground beetles
Q35388573Reproductive mode evolution in lizards revisited: updated analyses examining geographic, climatic and phylogenetic effects support the cold-climate hypothesis
Q96647647Reproductive senescence and parental effects in an indeterminate grower
Q51657291Reproductive strategies under multiparasitism in natural populations of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia (Hymenoptera).
Q40305141Reproductive suppression follows threats to child survival
Q38992124Reproductive trade-offs in a long-lived bird species: condition-dependent reproductive allocation maintains female survival and offspring quality.
Q51780613Reproductive tradeoffs and yolk steroids in female leopard geckos, Eublepharis macularius.
Q113345216Reproductive trade‐offs and phenotypic selection change with body condition, but not with predation regime, across island lizard populations
Q44163706Reproductive value in a complex life cycle: heat tolerance of the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii
Q51719732Resistance in introduced populations of a freshwater snail to native range parasites.
Q48190768Resistance to environmental stress in Drosophila ananassae: latitudinal variation and adaptation among populations
Q99619230Resistance to natural and synthetic gene drive systems
Q51426752Resistance to oxidative stress shows low heritability and high common environmental variance in a wild bird.
Q34014122Resolving current disagreements and ambiguities in the terminology of animal communication.
Q37877775Resolving the iterated prisoner's dilemma: theory and reality.
Q33268529Resolving the tragedy of the commons: the feedback between intraspecific conflict and population density
Q40432014Resource abundance and the critical transition to cooperation
Q98472832Resource allocation is determined by both parents and offspring in a burying beetle
Q125799373Resource allocation to growth, reproduction and survival in Gladiolus : The cost of male function
Q111264616Resource allocation: a conflict in the fig/fig wasp mutualism?
Q88418646Resource availability, mating opportunity and sexual selection intensity influence the expression of male alternative reproductive tactics
Q37371020Resource limitation and responses to rivals in males of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
Q42026326Resource specialization in a phytophagous insect: no evidence for genetically based performance trade-offs across hosts in the field or laboratory
Q60393651Resource stability and geographic isolation are associated with genome divergence in western Palearctic crossbills
Q51755223Resource-dependent sex-allocation in a simultaneous hermaphrodite.
Q90737304Resources mediate selection on module longevity in the field
Q52018856Response of fluctuating and directional asymmetry to selection on wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q48255524Response of parasitoid egg load to host dynamics and implications for egg load evolution
Q114080041Response to: A comment on The adaptive value of gluttony: Predators mediate the life history trade‐offs of satiation threshold by Pruitt and Krauel (2010) by Postma et al. (2021)
Q80404347Responses to selection on male-phase duration in Chamerion angustifolium
Q52659270Restricted gene flow between two social forms in the ant Formica truncorum.
Q47176346Resurrecting the differential mortality model of sexual size dimorphism
Q62767447Reverse evolution of fitness inDrosophila melanogaster
Q46744857Revisiting Fisher: range size drives the correlation between variability and abundance of British bird eggs
Q33283070Revisiting Jablonski (1993): cladogenesis and range expansion explain latitudinal variation in taxonomic richness
Q39616788Revisiting the cost of carnivory in mammals.
Q115431569Ricklefs, R. E. and Schluter, D. (eds.). 1993. Species Diversity in Ecological Communities: Historical and Geographical Perspectives. University of Chicago Press, paper $27.95. 414 pp. ISBN: 0-226-71823-9.
Q126130815Ridley, Mark. Evolution. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1993. £19.50. viii + 670 pp., illus. ISBN: 0‐632‐03 481‐5.
Q40082112Rise and fall of vector infectivity during sequential strain displacements by mosquito-borne dengue virus.
Q44485229Risk-induced hatching timing shows low heritability and evolves independently of spontaneous hatching in red-eyed treefrogs.
Q45353732Risk-taking and the evolution of mechanisms for rapid escape from predators
Q46157468Ritual fights and male reproductive success in a human population.
Q39207697Rivers, refuges and population divergence of fire-eye antbirds (Pyriglena) in the Amazon Basin.
Q99627555Riverscape properties contribute to the origin and structure of a hybrid zone in a Neotropical freshwater fish
Q52680787Robust clines and robust sampling: a reply to Kyriacou et al.
Q49603552Robustness of the approximate likelihood of the protracted speciation model
Q52736141Robustness of the outcome of adult bumblebee infection with a trypanosome parasite after varied parasite exposures during larval development.
Q57057635Role of ageing and temperature in shaping reaction norms and fecundity functions in insects
Q33735140Role of epibenthic resource opportunities in the parallel evolution of lake whitefish species pairs (Coregonus sp.)
Q34750341Role of propagule pressure in colonization success: disentangling the relative importance of demographic, genetic and habitat effects
Q33247044Role of sexual and natural selection in evolution of body size and shape: a phylogenetic study of morphological radiation in grouse.
Q53061166Routes to indirect fitness in cooperatively breeding vertebrates: kin discrimination and limited dispersal.
Q83395789SNP deserts of Asian cultivated rice: genomic regions under domestication
Q46936690Salt tolerance evolves more frequently in C4 grass lineages
Q56623283Sanctions and mutualism stability: when should less beneficial mutualists be tolerated?
Q101410299Satyrization in Drosophila fruiflies
Q39263806Scale effects and constraints for sound production in katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae): correlated evolution between morphology and signal parameters
Q61770905Scary clowns: adaptive function of anemonefish coloration
Q124881542Schierwater, B., Streit, B., Wagner, G. P. and DeSalle R. (Eds.). 1994. Molecular Ecology and Evolution: Approaches and Applications. Birkhäuser Verlag, 622 pp. ISBN: 3‐7643‐2942‐4.
Q92868424Science policies: How should science funding be allocated? An evolutionary biologists' perspective
Q39982287Seasonal dispersal of pests: one surge or two?
Q46720725Seasonal polyphenism in wing coloration affects species recognition in rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp.).
Q42010734Seasonal selection and resource dynamics in a seasonally polyphenic butterfly.
Q46272744Seasonal shifts along the oviparity-viviparity continuum in a cold-climate lizard population
Q37385463Seasonal variation in life history traits in two Drosophila species
Q39365950Seasonal variation in male alternative reproductive tactics.
Q36350051Secondary compounds from exotic tree plantations change female mating preferences in the palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus).
Q33410374Secondary contact during adaptive radiation: a community matrix for Lake Malawi cichlids.
Q46260624Segregation of male-sterility alleles across a species boundary.
Q40018352Selection and constraints on offspring size-number trade-offs in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis).
Q35595937Selection and evolutionary potential of spring arrival phenology in males and females of a migratory songbird.
Q47198433Selection efficiency and effective population size in Drosophila species
Q110616055Selection experiments and the study of phenotypic plasticity1
Q42028311Selection for cuticular melanism reveals immune function and life-history trade-offs in Spodoptera littoralis.
Q57272349Selection for distinct gene expression properties favours the evolution of mutational robustness in gene regulatory networks
Q38441697Selection for increased allocation to offspring number under environmental unpredictability
Q51612343Selection for increased body length in Subantarctic fur seals on Amsterdam Island.
Q44673444Selection for individual recognition and the evolution of polymorphic identity signals in Polistes paper wasps
Q51458137Selection for sex in finite populations.
Q35522632Selection for territory acquisition is modulated by social network structure in a wild songbird.
Q45373152Selection for thermostability can lead to the emergence of mutational robustness in an RNA virus.
Q46906791Selection from parasites favours immunogenetic diversity but not divergence among locally adapted host populations
Q49186735Selection in a fluctuating environment and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus
Q45418203Selection in a fluctuating environment leads to decreased genetic variation and facilitates the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
Q56961826Selection of evolutionary models for phylogenetic hypothesis testing using parametric methods
Q51652961Selection of low investment in sex in a cyclically parthenogenetic rotifer.
Q44026059Selection of trait combinations through bee and fly visitation to flowers of Polemonium foliosissimum.
Q39411390Selection on a eumelanic ornament is stronger in the tropics than in temperate zones in the worldwide-distributed barn owl.
Q47333397Selection on body size and sexual size dimorphism differs between host species in a seed-feeding beetle
Q52818430Selection on bristle length has the ability to drive the evolution of male abdominal appendages in the sepsid fly Themira biloba.
Q50458941Selection on female behaviour fluctuates with offspring environment.
Q51682172Selection on floral and carbon uptake traits of Lobelia siphilitica is similar in females and hermaphrodites.
Q42045317Selection on floral characters in natural Spanish populations of Silene latifolia
Q51713127Selection on flowering time and floral display in an alpine and a lowland population of Arabidopsis lyrata.
Q96163639Selection on fruit traits is mediated by the interplay between frugivorous birds, fruit flies, parasitoid wasps, and seed-dispersing ants
Q40664984Selection on incremental variation of eye size in a wild population of Daphnia
Q60394115Selection on life-history traits and genetic population divergence in rotifers
Q45166620Selection on male longevity in a monogamous human population: late-life survival brings no additional grandchildren
Q46808278Selection on outlier loci and their association with adaptive phenotypes in Littorina saxatilis contact zones.
Q42007467Selection on phenotypic plasticity of morphological traits in response to flooding and competition in the clonal shore plant Ranunculus reptans.
Q44153460Selection on quantitative colour variation in Centaurea cyanus: the role of the pollinator's visual system
Q51894508Selection on signal–reward correlation: limits and opportunities to the evolution of deceit in Turnera ulmifolia L.
Q44168594Selection pressures have caused genome-wide population differentiation of Anthoxanthum odoratum despite the potential for high gene flow
Q56654681Selective Differentiation during the Colonization and Establishment of a Newly Invasive Species
Q84822729Selective abortion and the evolution of genomic imprinting
Q47371124Selective and genetic constraints on the evolution of body size in a stream-dwelling salmonid fish.
Q35094686Selective maintenance of recombination between the sex chromosomes
Q51660883Selective nectar robbing in a gynodioecious plant (Glechoma longituba) enhances female advantage.
Q47980242Selective pressures on MHC class II genes in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as inferred by hierarchical analysis of population structure
Q86849340Self-fertilization and inbreeding limit the scope for sexually antagonistic polymorphism
Q52009782Self-serving punishment and the evolution of cooperation.
Q46162941Selfing ability and dispersal are positively related, but not affected by range position: a multispecies study on southern African Asteraceae
Q45196425Selfing and resource allocation in Schiedea salicaria (Caryophyllaceae), a gynodioecious species
Q46923022Selfing, adaptation and background selection in finite populations
Q114080036Selfish migrants: How a meiotic driver is selected to increase dispersal
Q50955980Senescence in immune priming and attractiveness in a beetle.
Q50798699Senescence in relation to latitude and migration in birds.
Q39781486Senescent males carry premutagenic lesions in sperm
Q46229578Senescent sperm performance in old male birds
Q46960666Sensory evolution of hearing in tettigoniids with differing communication systems
Q89374621Sensory trait variation contributes to biased dispersal of threespine stickleback in flowing water
Q91865824Sequence, structure and evolutionary analysis of cold shock domain proteins, a member of OB fold family
Q50773251Sequential mate choice and sexual isolation in threespine stickleback species.
Q31028247Sequential radiation of unrelated organisms: the gall fly Eurosta solidaginis and the tumbling flower beetle Mordellistena convicta
Q89252280Serotonin, behavior, and natural selection in New World monkeys
Q51965185Seven answers from adaptive dynamics.
Q39775323Severe extinction and rapid recovery of mammals across the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary, and the effects of rarity on patterns of extinction and recovery.
Q46642270Severe outbreeding and inbreeding depression maintain mating system differentiation in Epipactis (Orchidaceae).
Q46737299Sex allocation according to multiple sexually dimorphic traits of both parents in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica).
Q58869821Sex allocation in an hermaphroditic plant: the case of gynodioecy in Thymus vulgaris L
Q39067490Sex allocation, juvenile mortality and the costs imposed by offspring on parents and siblings.
Q51669855Sex and asymmetry in humans: what is the role of developmental instability?
Q51740894Sex and differentiation: population genetic divergence and sexual dimorphism in Mexican goodeid fish.
Q31147915Sex and immunity in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria
Q115033094Sex and morph differences in age‐dependent trait changes in a polymorphic songbird
Q45736862Sex at the margins: parthenogenesis vs. facultative and obligate sex in a Neotropical ant.
Q38208014Sex change in plants and animals: a unified perspective
Q79325896Sex choice in plants: facultative adjustment of the sex ratio in the perennial herb Begonia gracilis
Q83364548Sex chromosome evolution in the clam shrimp, Eulimnadia texana
Q60299920Sex chromosome turnovers and genetic drift: a simulation study
Q92443850Sex differences in nutrient intake can reduce the potential for sexual conflict over fitness maximization by female and male crickets
Q39024177Sex differences in the effects of juvenile and adult diet on age-dependent reproductive effort.
Q51723842Sex drives intracellular conflict in yeast.
Q42214931Sex in an uncertain world: environmental stochasticity helps restore competitive balance between sexually and asexually reproducing populations
Q92727755Sex increases the probability of evolutionary rescue in the presence of a competitor
Q40665112Sex investment ratios in eusocial Hymenoptera support inclusive fitness theory
Q39886184Sex ratio and gamete size across eastern North America in Dictyostelium discoideum, a social amoeba with three sexes
Q51728058Sex ratio selection and multi-factorial sex determination in the housefly: a dynamic model.
Q30442554Sex ratio variance and the maintenance of environmental sex determination
Q47282722Sex ratio variation in gynodioecious Lobelia siphilitica: effects of population size and geographic location
Q47282711Sex ratio, sex-specific chick mortality and sexual size dimorphism in birds.
Q51432660Sex uncovered: the evolutionary biology of reproductive systems.
Q40581893Sex without sex chromosomes: genetic architecture of multiple loci independently segregating to determine sex ratios in the copepod Tigriopus californicus
Q52659278Sex, mutation and fitness: asymmetric costs and routes to recovery through compensatory evolution.
Q38003708Sex, outcrossing and mating types: unsolved questions in fungi and beyond
Q48335859Sex-antagonistic genes, XY recombination and feminized Y chromosomes.
Q47630901Sex-biased dispersal, kin selection and the evolution of sexual conflict
Q53095511Sex-biased genetic component distribution among populations: additive genetic and maternal contributions to phenotypic differences among populations of Chinook salmon.
Q40201563Sex-biased preferential care in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler
Q51534629Sex-differential effects of inbreeding on overwinter survival, birth date and mass of bighorn lambs.
Q112207627Sex-linked altruism: A stepping-stone in the evolution of social behavior?
Q41472626Sex-linked inheritance, genetic correlations and sexual dimorphism in three melanin-based colour traits in the barn owl.
Q52649742Sex-ratio distorter of Drosophila simulans reduces male productivity and sperm competition ability.
Q33934836Sex-ratio meiotic drive and interspecific competition
Q51546541Sex-related variation in migration phenology in relation to sexual dimorphism: a test of competing hypotheses for the evolution of protandry.
Q46371887Sex-specific associative learning cues and inclusive fitness benefits in the Seychelles warbler
Q47677813Sex-specific compensatory growth in the larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella
Q51755221Sex-specific ecomorphological variation and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion spp.).
Q102330220Sex-specific effects of experimental ectoparasite infestation on telomere length in great tit nestlings
Q46558425Sex-specific effects of inbreeding in wild-caught Drosophila melanogaster under benign and stressful conditions
Q51408289Sex-specific fitness variation in gynodioecious Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima: do empirical observations fit theoretical predictions?
Q51317464Sex-specific genotype-by-environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in decorated crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus: implications for the evolution of signal reliability.
Q50445385Sex-specific heritability of cell-mediated immune response in the blue tit nestlings (Cyanistes caeruleus).
Q50699664Sex-specific life history responses to nymphal diet quality and immune status in a field cricket.
Q37404664Sex-specific plasticity and genotype × sex interactions for age and size of maturity in the sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanni.
Q47273405Sex-specific plasticity of growth and maturation size in a spider: implications for sexual size dimorphism
Q42981414Sex-specific reaction norms to intraspecific larval competition in the mosquito Aedes aegypti
Q51200405Sex-specific recombination rates and allele frequencies affect the invasion of sexually antagonistic variation on autosomes.
Q51623846Sex-specific selection on energy metabolism--selection coefficients for winter survival.
Q39282789Sex-specific selection under environmental stress in seed beetles
Q60299945Sex-specific selective pressures on body mass in the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula
Q28828953Sexual Selection on male cuticular hydrocarbons via male-male competition and female choice
Q97558823Sexual and ecological selection on a sexual conflict gene
Q47375379Sexual and lifetime selection on body size in a marine fish: the importance of life-history trade-offs
Q43349023Sexual and natural selection in the evolution of extended phenotypes: the use of green nesting material in starlings.
Q87509893Sexual antagonism and meiotic drive cause stable linkage disequilibrium and favour reduced recombination on the X chromosome
Q35642222Sexual antagonism in the pistil varies among populations of a hermaphroditic mixed-mating plant.
Q56774633Sexual cannibalism in Nephila plumipes as a consequence of female life history strategies
Q51566605Sexual coevolution in the traumatically inseminating plant bug genus Coridromius.
Q38401472Sexual coloration and sperm performance in the Australian painted dragon lizard, Ctenophorus pictus
Q52646385Sexual conflict and cooperation under naturally occurring male enforced monogamy.
Q34470838Sexual conflict and female immune suppression in the cricket, Allonemobious socius
Q60492186Sexual conflict and indirect benefits
Q48387578Sexual conflict does not drive reproductive isolation in experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura
Q51467621Sexual conflict in Gerris gillettei (Insecta: Hemiptera): intraspecific intersexual correlated morphology and experimental assessment of behaviour and fitness.
Q31028219Sexual conflict in Sepsis cynipsea: female reluctance, fertility and mate choice.
Q47420109Sexual conflict in wing size and shape in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q46463756Sexual conflict is not counterbalanced by good genes in the laboratory Drosophila melanogaster model system
Q34666420Sexual conflict over care: antagonistic effects of clutch desertion on reproductive success of male and female penduline tits
Q46549753Sexual dichromatism in wing pigmentation of New World dragonflies follows Rensch's rule.
Q46132637Sexual dimorphism and the genetic potential for evolution of sex allocation in the gynodioecious plant, Schiedea salicaria.
Q38611625Sexual dimorphism in epicuticular compounds despite similar sexual selection in sex role reversed seed beetles
Q28749591Sexual dimorphism in primate aerobic capacity: a phylogenetic test
Q93337608Sexual dimorphism modifies habitat-associated divergence: Evidence from beach and creek breeding sockeye salmon
Q45886563Sexual functionality of Leptopilina clavipes (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) after reversing Wolbachia-induced parthenogenesis
Q40570824Sexual healing: mating induces a protective immune response in bumblebees
Q51693956Sexual imprinting on continuous variation: do female zebra finches prefer or avoid unfamiliar sons of their foster parents?
Q29354003Sexual isolation and extreme morphological divergence in the Cumana guppy: a possible case of incipient speciation
Q51248656Sexual isolation promotes divergence between parapatric lake and stream stickleback.
Q90831760Sexual isolation with and without ecological isolation in marine isopods Jaera albifrons and J. praehirsuta
Q51722494Sexual reproduction advances autumn leaf colours in mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii).
Q52940850Sexual rest and post-meiotic sperm ageing in house mice.
Q50920423Sexual selection and assortative mating: an experimental test.
Q84814824Sexual selection and condition-dependence
Q39526631Sexual selection and ecological generalism are correlated in antbirds.
Q51310199Sexual selection and experimental evolution of chemical signals in Drosophila pseudoobscura.
Q55881105Sexual selection and peripatric speciation: the Kaneshiro model revisited
Q91853188Sexual selection and population divergence III. interspecific and intraspecific variation in mating signals
Q51464031Sexual selection and temporal phenotypic variation in a damselfly population.
Q52753145Sexual selection and the evolution of secondary sexual traits: sex comb evolution in Drosophila.
Q93095513Sexual selection and the evolution of sperm morphology in sharks
Q30457059Sexual selection in a hermaphroditic plant through female reproductive success
Q60370353Sexual selection in an isopod with Wolbachia-induced sex reversal: males prefer real females
Q38060808Sexual selection in fungi.
Q56168837Sexual selection in the monogamous barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). II. Mechanisms of sexual selection
Q104466197Sexual selection increased offspring production via evolution of male and female traits
Q51173508Sexual selection is positively associated with ecological generalism among agamid lizards.
Q24670505Sexual selection maintains whole-body chiral dimorphism in snails
Q51140190Sexual selection on Drosophila serrata male pheromones does not vary with female age or mating status.
Q47248507Sexual selection on brain size in shorebirds (Charadriiformes).
Q46828462Sexual selection on female ornaments in the sex-role-reversed Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli).
Q50193795Sexual selection on male development time in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis
Q33203005Sexual selection on morphological and physiological traits and fluctuating asymmetry in the black scavenger fly Sepsis cynipsea.
Q33195292Sexual selection on morphological and physiological traits and fluctuating asymmetry in the yellow dung fly.
Q104139523Sexual selection on performance traits in an Australian lizard with alternative reproductive tactics
Q46474532Sexual selection predicts brain structure in dragon lizards.
Q79315679Sexual selection promotes hybridization between Pecos pupfish, Cyprinodon pecosensis and sheepshead minnow, C. variegatus
Q47313862Sexual selection uncouples the evolution of brain and body size in pinnipeds.
Q79315692Sexual selection, antennae length and the mating advantage of large males in Asellus aquaticus
Q79321092Sexual selection, antennae length and the mating advantage of large males in Asellus aquaticus
Q47224990Sexual selection, sexual size dimorphism and Rensch's rule in Odonata
Q34278781Sexual size dimorphism and timing of spring migration in birds
Q33306979Sexual size dimorphism predicts the frequency of multiple mating in the sex-role reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle
Q60337426Sexual variation in heritability and genetic correlations of morphological traits in house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Q44417228Sexually antagonistic co-evolution: a model and an empirical test
Q34521818Sexually antagonistic coevolution in insects is associated with only limited morphological diversity
Q60362971Sexually antagonistic selection on primate size
Q90320071Sexually dimorphic gene expression and transcriptome evolution provide mixed evidence for a fast-Z effect in Heliconius
Q35889182Sexually selected dichromatism in the hihi Notiomystis cincta: multiple colours for multiple receivers
Q53852134Sexually selected nest-building--Pomatoschistus minutus males build smaller nest-openings in the presence of sneaker males.
Q91880850Sexually selected sexual selection: Can evolutionary retribution explain female ornamental colour?
Q46078231Sexy sons from re-mating do not recoup the direct costs of harmful male interactions in the Drosophila melanogaster laboratory model system
Q115033101Sex‐specific associations between life‐history traits and a novel reproductive polymorphism in the Pacific field cricket
Q60152764Shape at the cross-roads: homoplasy and history in the evolution of the carnivoran skull towards herbivory
Q51812211Shape, variance and integration during craniogenesis: contrasting marsupial and placental mammals.
Q82487361Shared and unique features of morphological differentiation between predator regimes in Gambusia caymanensis
Q30010539Sharp acoustic boundaries across an altitudinal avian hybrid zone despite asymmetric introgression.
Q64032490Shifting clinal patterns and microsatellite variation in Drosophila serrata populations: a comparison of populations near the southern border of the species range
Q80231867Short- and long-term benefits and detriments to recombination under antagonistic coevolution
Q51941114Short- and long-term consequences of early developmental conditions: a case study on wild and domesticated zebra finches.
Q51703570Short-term rates of parasite evolution predict the evolution of host diversity.
Q51685730Should food-deceptive species flower before or after rewarding species? An experimental test of pollinator visitation behaviour under contrasting phenologies.
Q51646260Sib-mating in the ant Plagiolepis pygmaea: adaptative inbreeding?
Q40165762Sibling competition does not exacerbate inbreeding depression in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q39673174Sibship effects on dispersal behaviour in a pre-industrial human population
Q34236347Sick ants become unsociable
Q84266724Signal convergence in fruits: a result of selection by frugivores?
Q58454501Signalling conflict between prey and predator attraction
Q47978867Signalling of information that is neither cryptic nor private
Q38852988Signals of selection in conditionally expressed genes in the diversification of three horned beetle species.
Q47297172Signature of selection on the rhodopsin gene in the marine radiation of American seven-spined gobies (Gobiidae, Gobiosomatini).
Q51589859Signatures of selection acting on the innate immunity gene Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) during the evolutionary history of rodents.
Q59351706Significant differences in maternal carotenoid provisioning and effects on offspring fitness in Chinook salmon colour morphs
Q30822530Silene tatarica microsatellites are frequently located in repetitive DNA.
Q34893150Similar evolutionary potentials in an obligate ant parasite and its two host species
Q46733855Similar patterns of frequency-dependent selection on animal personalities emerge in three species of social spiders
Q51774694Similar preferences for ornamentation in opposite- and same-sex choice experiments.
Q46691704Similar slow down in running speed progression in species under human pressure
Q122915901Similarity, parsimony and conjectures of homology: The chelonian shoulder girdle revisited
Q51013929Simultaneous hermaphrodites reproducing in pairs self-fertilize some of their eggs: an experimental test of predictions of mixed-mating and Hermaphrodite's Dilemma theory.
Q51923435Single and multigenerational responses of body mass to atmospheric oxygen concentrations in Drosophila melanogaster : evidence for roles of plasticity and evolution.
Q38917453Single and multiple mating reduces longevity of female dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica).
Q34253246Single origin of human commensalism in the house sparrow.
Q50491912Sire coloration influences offspring survival under predation risk in the moorfrog.
Q44163727Size and asymmetry: are there costs to winning the royalty race?
Q47354017Size asymmetry in intraspecific competition and the density-dependence of inbreeding depression in a natural plant population: a case study in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae).
Q46927214Size differentiation in Finnish house sparrows follows Bergmann's rule with evidence of local adaptation.
Q34248385Size scaling and stiffness of avian primary feathers: implications for the flight of Mesozoic birds
Q92411336Size-dependent costs of migration: Migrant bird species are subordinate to residents, but only at small body sizes
Q47222043Size-dependent sex allocation in a simultaneous hermaphrodite parasite
Q48092179Sleep and vigilance linked to melanism in wild barn owls
Q34738251Slow molecular evolution in 18S rDNA, rbcL and nad5 genes of mosses compared with higher plants
Q29392199Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (Anura: Mantellidae)
Q81802131Small effective population sizes in two planktonic freshwater copepod species (Eudiaptomus) with apparently large census sizes
Q47986354Social amoebae mating types do not invest unequally in sexual offspring
Q50272631Social cohesion among kin, gene flow without dispersal and the evolution of population genetic structure in the killer whale (Orcinus orca).
Q44667658Social competition, corticosterone and survival in female lizard morphs
Q46030036Social context predicts recognition systems in ant queens.
Q92290406Social effects of territorial neighbours on the timing of spring breeding in North American red squirrels
Q51657923Social environment affects the life history tactic of a phoretic mite.
Q47419486Social group size, potential sperm competition and reproductive investment in a hermaphroditic leech, Helobdella papillornata (Euhirudinea: Glossiphoniidae).
Q46971485Social heterosis and the maintenance of genetic diversity
Q43413714Social influence on age and reproduction: reduced lifespan and fecundity in multi-queen ant colonies
Q43932131Social monogamy vs. polyandry: ecological factors associated with sex roles in two closely related birds within the same habitat
Q113791787Social organization in ungulates: Revisiting Jarman’s hypotheses
Q34575748Social semantics: altruism, cooperation, mutualism, strong reciprocity and group selection.
Q56269052Social semantics: how useful has group selection been?
Q38393026Social semantics: toward a genuine pluralism in the study of social behaviour
Q58557943Social situation, sperm competition and sex allocation in a simultaneous hermaphrodite parasite, the cestodeSchistocephalus solidus
Q47566981Social traits, social networks and evolutionary biology.
Q87349959Social versus nonsocial cues and responses: a reply to Alizon
Q47207727Sociality, age at first reproduction and senescence: comparative analyses of birds
Q46960585Socially flexible female choice and premating isolation in field crickets (Teleogryllus spp.).
Q91438768Soil microbes alter plant fitness under competition and drought
Q43895342Song perception among incipient species as a mechanism for reproductive isolation.
Q50773330Song similarity predicts hybridization in flycatchers.
Q51987637Sounds different: inbreeding depression in sexually selected traits in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus.
Q80374152Sources of stochasticity in models of sex allocation in spatially structured populations
Q57212848Southwood's Kaleidoscope
Q35001281Space, sympatry and speciation
Q39283411Spatial and demographic population genetic structure in Catasetum viridiflavum across a human-disturbed habitat
Q42025305Spatial and genetic structure of host-associated differentiation in the parasitoid Copidosoma gelechiae
Q28304119Spatial and temporal patterns of parthenogenesis and parasitism in the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata
Q59293312Spatial autocorrelation of allozyme and quantitative markers within a natural population of Centaurea jacea (Asteraceae)
Q45985830Spatial distribution of nests constrains the strength of sexual selection in a warbler.
Q31028240Spatial ecological and genetic structure of a mixed population of sexual diploid and apomictic triploid dandelions.
Q53600065Spatial heterogeneity and the stability of host-parasite coexistence.
Q41621103Spatial heterogeneity lowers rather than increases host-parasite specialization.
Q59185503Spatial patterns of polygenic variation in Impatiens capensis, a species with an environmentally controlled mixed mating system
Q33517802Spatial regression techniques for inter-population data: studying the relationships between morphological and environmental variation.
Q50770845Spatial scale of local adaptation in a plant-pathogen metapopulation.
Q33652877Spatial seed and pollen games: dispersal, sex allocation, and the evolution of dioecy
Q44280468Spatial sorting may explain evolutionary dynamics of wing polymorphism in pygmy grasshoppers.
Q58869797Spatial structure of nuclear factors involved in sex determination in the gynodioecious
Q83646613Spatial variation in the fitness of divergent aposematic phenotypes of the poison frog, Dendrobates tinctorius
Q33877827Spatial variation in the temporal change of male and female melanic ornamentation in the barn owl.
Q51546636Spatially explicit models of divergence and genome hitchhiking.
Q47630246Spatially heterogeneous stochasticity and the adaptive diversification of dormancy
Q48218936Spatially structured genetic variation in a broadcast spawning bivalve: quantitative vs. molecular traits
Q35514434Spatially varying selection shapes life history clines among populations of Drosophila melanogaster from sub-Saharan Africa
Q46562441Spatiotemporal fluctuations in natural selection acting on the gall-parasitic aphid Tetraneura sorini
Q41704701Specialized avian Haemosporida trade reduced host breadth for increased prevalence
Q99356715Speciation and gene flow across an elevational gradient in New Guinea kingfishers
Q36199138Speciation in a keystone plant genus is driven by elevation: a case study in New Guinean Ficus
Q51703557Speciation in killifish and the role of salt tolerance.
Q51530721Speciation in ninespine stickleback: reproductive isolation and phenotypic divergence among cryptic species of Japanese ninespine stickleback.
Q46587642Speciation in peripheral populations: effects of drift load and mating systems
Q46692131Speciation is not necessarily easier in species with sexually monomorphic mating signals
Q46941938Speciation within genomic networks: a case study based on Steatocranus cichlids of the lower Congo rapids
Q46324319Speciation, species persistence and the goals of studying genomic barriers to gene flow.
Q101211893Speciation-by-depth on coral reefs: sympatric divergence with gene flow or cryptic transient isolation?
Q47599530Species cohesion despite extreme inbreeding in a social spider.
Q31028225Species concepts and species reality: salvaging a Linnaean rank
Q30665746Species distribution models contribute to determine the effect of climate and interspecific interactions in moving hybrid zones
Q82983509Species range expansion by beneficial mutations
Q47436466Species richness in agamid lizards: chance, body size, sexual selection or ecology?
Q56171426Species with a chemical defence, but not chemical offence, live longer
Q33288437Species-level selection reduces selfishness through competitive exclusion
Q115555186Specific induced responses to different predator species in anuran larvae
Q91480416Specificity and seasonal prevalence of anther smut disease Microbotryum on sympatric Himalayan Silene species
Q47450357Sperm competition and brain size evolution in mammals.
Q80454442Sperm competition and diversity in rodent copulatory behaviour
Q52057533Sperm competition and male ejaculate investment in Nauphoeta cinerea: effects of social environment during development.
Q46494662Sperm competition and maternal effects differentially influence testis and sperm size in Callosobruchus maculatus
Q61782051Sperm competition and small size advantage for males of the golden orb-web spider Nephila edulis
Q34650464Sperm competition and the evolution of testes size in birds
Q84822733Sperm competition and the evolution of the sperm hook in house mice
Q34163524Sperm competition does not influence sperm hook morphology in selection lines of house mice
Q51766197Sperm competition games: the risk model can generate higher sperm allocation to virgin females.
Q51077076Sperm competition generates evolution of increased paternal investment in a sex role-reversed seed beetle.
Q34573811Sperm competition in a fish with external fertilization: the contribution of sperm number, speed and length
Q113345217Sperm competition risk affects ejaculate strategy in terms of sperm number but not sperm size in squid
Q83930566Sperm competition roles and ejaculate investment in a promiscuous mammal
Q57602454Sperm competition selects for increased testes mass in Australian frogs
Q52692833Sperm competition within a dominance hierarchy: investment in social status vs. investment in ejaculates.
Q47603231Sperm competition, but not major histocompatibility divergence, drives differential fertilization success between alternative reproductive tactics in Chinook salmon
Q93174902Sperm competitive advantage of a rare mitochondrial haplogroup linked to differential expression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation genes
Q92841410Sperm head abnormalities are more frequent in songbirds with more helical sperm: A possible trade-off in sperm evolution
Q56932853Sperm is a sexual ornament in rose bitterling
Q93068923Sperm morphology and evidence for sperm competition among parrots
Q51790797Spermicide, cryptic female choice and the evolution of sperm form and function.
Q35938628Spite and the scale of competition
Q42014666Spiteful interactions between sympatric natural isolates of Xenorhabdus bovienii benefit kin and reduce virulence.
Q112667127Split sex ratios and virginity in a gall-inducing thrips
Q22337214Sponge paraphyly and the origin of Metazoa
Q41627474Squamate hatchling size and the evolutionary causes of negative offspring size allometry
Q51180351Stability of floral specialization in Trollius europaeus in contrasting ecological environments.
Q80454475Stabilizing natural selection on the early expression of a secondary sexual trait in a passerine bird
Q51342367Stabilizing sexual selection for female ornaments in a dance fly.
Q37118784Stabilizing survival selection on presenescent expression of a sexual ornament followed by a terminal decline.
Q36387144Stable eusociality via maternal manipulation when resistance is costless.
Q60563381Stable genetic polymorphism in heterogeneous environments: balance between asymmetrical dispersal and selection in the acorn barnacle
Q81678072Stable public goods cooperation and dynamic social interactions in yeast
Q92693099Stage- and thermal-specific genetic architecture for preadult viability in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q47191757Stalk size and altruism investment within and among populations of the social amoeba
Q92414291Starvation tolerance associated with prolonged sleep bouts upon starvation in a single natural population of Drosophila melanogaster
Q40656893State-dependent cooperation in burying beetles: parents adjust their contribution towards care based on both their own and their partner's size.
Q40362208Static allometry of unicellular green algae: scaling of cellular surface area and volume in the genus Micrasterias (Desmidiales).
Q112177700Status‐dependence and morphological trade‐offs in the expression of a sexually selected character in the mite, Sancassania berlesei
Q56553456Stearns, Stephen C., 1992. The Evolution of Life Histories. Oxford University Press, London xii + 249 pp., f16.95
Q51614224Strain filtering and transmission of a mixed infection in a social insect.
Q48693742Strategic exploitation of fluctuating asymmetry in male Endler's guppy courtship displays is modulated by social environment
Q60441198Strength, diversity and plasticity of postmating reproductive barriers between two hybridizing oak species (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl.)
Q36201702Stress and adaptation in conservation genetics
Q46824320Stress avoidance in a common annual: reproductive timing is important for local adaptation and geographic distribution
Q58556830Strikingly high levels of heterozygosity despite 20 years of inbreeding in a clonal honey bee
Q46776796Strong and parallel salinity-induced phenotypic plasticity in one generation of threespine stickleback
Q51703560Strong artificial selection in the wild results in predicted small evolutionary change.
Q46636391Strong differences in chemical recognition cues between two closely related species of ants from the genus Lasius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Q39698207Strong dominance of functional alleles over gene deletions in both intensely growing and deeply starved yeast cells.
Q83606699Strong effects of heterosis on the evolution of dispersal rates
Q50478800Strong environmental determination of a carotenoid-based plumage trait is not mediated by carotenoid availability.
Q111289025Strong genotype‐by‐genotype interactions between aphid‐defensive symbionts and parasitoids persist across different biotic environments
Q34984216Strong inbreeding depression in male mating behaviour in a poeciliid fish
Q51790310Strong morphological support for the molecular evolutionary tree of placental mammals.
Q125054483Strong phenotypic trait correlations between mating partners do not result from assortative mating in wild great tits (Parus major)
Q48001407Strong premating divergence in a unimodal hybrid zone between two subspecies of the house mouse
Q46733833Strong selection on male plumage in a hybrid zone between a hybrid bird species and one of its parents
Q39909037Strong sexual selection in males against a mutation load that reduces offspring production in seed beetles
Q52744073Strong specificity in the interaction between parasitoids and symbiont-protected hosts.
Q46254809Stronger selective constraint on downstream genes in the oxidative phosphorylation pathway of cetaceans
Q42453266Structure and evolution of the horizontal septum in vertebrates
Q51150885Structure versus time in the evolutionary diversification of avian carotenoid metabolic networks.
Q52717966Studies of the species barrier between Drosophila subobscura and D. madeirensis V: the importance of sex-linked inversion in preserving species identity.
Q90866689Sublethal larval exposure to imidacloprid impacts adult behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster
Q79321107Suboptimal timing of reproduction in Lobelia inflata may be a conservative bet-hedging strategy
Q51719751Substantial changes in the genetic basis of tadpole morphology of Rana lessonae in the presence of predators.
Q36371762Subtle but ubiquitous selection on body size in a natural population of collared flycatchers over 33 years
Q60370379Success and failure of horizontal transfers of feminizing Wolbachia endosymbionts in woodlice
Q88914149Successful despite poor flight performance: range expansion is associated with enhanced exploratory behaviour and fast development
Q41008474Superinfection and the coevolution of parasite virulence and host recovery
Q50735575Supertree analyses of the roles of viviparity and habitat in the evolution of atherinomorph fishes.
Q40641919Survival after pathogen exposure in group-living insects: don't forget the stress of social isolation!
Q46302424Survival benefits select for group living in a social spider despite reproductive costs.
Q51439773Survival costs of reproduction predict age-dependent variation in maternal investment.
Q83395791Survival of the steepest: hypersensitivity to mutations as an adaptation to soft selection
Q51663135Survival selection on escape performance and its underlying phenotypic traits: a case of many-to-one mapping.
Q111344992Survivorship and fecundity of the radiate and non-radiate morphs of Groundsel, Senecio vulgaris L., raised in pure stand and mixture
Q47412895Swift laboratory thermal evolution of wing shape (but not size) in Drosophila subobscura and its relationship with chromosomal inversion polymorphism.
Q99610711Symbiont-mediated fly survival is independent of defensive symbiont genotype in the Drosophila melanogaster-Spiroplasma-wasp interaction
Q52709452Symbiont-mediated phenotypic variation without co-evolution in an insect-fungus association.
Q35430099Symbiotic bacteria enable olive flies (Bactrocera oleae) to exploit intractable sources of nitrogen.
Q113855138Sympatric and allopatric combinations of hen fleas and great tits: a test of the local adaptation hypothesis
Q35561640Sympatric divergence and clinal variation in multiple coloration traits of Ficedula flycatchers
Q51698901Sympatric genetic differentiation of a generalist pathogenic fungus, Botrytis cinerea, on two different host plants, grapevine and bramble.
Q42032266Sympatric host races of the European corn borer: adaptation to host plants and hybrid performance
Q44958194Sympatric shift in a male sexual ornament in the damselfly Calopteryx splendens
Q51648523Synergistic and antagonistic interaction between different branches of the immune system is related to melanin-based coloration in nestling tawny owls.
Q60575286Synergistic epistasis and alternative hypotheses
Q60542804Synergy, partner choice and frequency dependence: their integration into inclusive fitness theory and their interpretation in terms of direct and indirect fitness effects
Q125484266Systematic approaches to assessing high-temperature limits to fertility in animals
Q46400908Tadpole begging reveals high quality.
Q92287177Tail colour signals performance in blue tit nestlings
Q34312595Task specialization in two social spiders, Stegodyphus sarasinorum (Eresidae) and Anelosimus eximius (Theridiidae).
Q50581789Teamwork, pleasure and bargaining in animal social behaviour.
Q39317760Telomere attrition and growth: a life-history framework and case study in common terns.
Q46710010Telomere dynamics in parasitic great spotted cuckoos and their magpie hosts
Q29304042Temnospondyli bite club: ecomorphological patterns of the most diverse group of early tetrapods
Q49561350Temperature and clinal variation in larval growth efficiency in Drosophila melanogaster
Q91669908Temperature coupling of mate attraction signals and female mate preferences in four populations of Enchenopa treehopper (Hemiptera: Membracidae)
Q126176081Temperature dependence of development rate and adult size in Drosophila species: biophysical parameters
Q34463805Temperature dependence of evolutionary diversification: differences between two contrasting model taxa support the metabolic theory of ecology
Q38912629Temperature dependent larval resource allocation shaping adult body size in Drosophila melanogaster
Q47240696Temperature fluctuations during development reduce male fitness and may limit adaptive potential in tropical rainforest Drosophila
Q33920143Temperature niche shift observed in a Lepidoptera population under allochronic divergence
Q51578738Temperature stress increases hybrid incompatibilities in the parasitic wasp genus Nasonia.
Q41996227Temperature- and sex-related effects of serine protease alleles on larval development in the Glanville fritillary butterfly
Q63976315Temperature-dependent costs of parasitism and maintenance of polymorphism under genotype-by-environment interactions
Q92647586Temperature-induced developmental plasticity in Plodia interpunctella: Reproductive behaviour and sperm length
Q104482637Temperature-mediated plasticity in incubation schedules is unlikely to evolve to buffer embryos from climatic challenges in a seasonal songbird
Q104206903Tempo and mode in evolution: phylogenetic inertia, adaptation and comparative methods
Q47342863Tempo, mode and phylogenetic associations of relative embryo size evolution in angiosperms.
Q48922376Temporal change in inbreeding depression in life-history traits in captive populations of guppy (Poecilia reticulata): evidence for purging?
Q56621829Temporal change in mite abundance and its effect on barn swallow reproduction and sexual selection
Q51728067Temporal differentiation and spatial coexistence of sexual and facultative asexual lineages of an aphid species at mating sites.
Q50775523Temporal dynamics of genotypic diversity reveal strong clonal selection in the aphid Myzus persicae.
Q33845333Temporal patterns of diversification in Andean Eois, a species-rich clade of moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae).
Q42907682Temporal variation in glucocorticoid levels during the resting phase is associated in opposite way with maternal and paternal melanic coloration
Q45967467Temporal variation in the pollen:ovule ratios of Clarkia (Onagraceae) taxa with contrasting mating systems: field populations.
Q51606158Temporal variation of heterozygosity-based assortative mating and related benefits in a lesser kestrel population.
Q90264541Temporally consistent species differences in parasite infection but no evidence for rapid parasite-mediated speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish
Q38982053Terminal investment in the gustatory appeal of nuptial food gifts in crickets
Q91204741Terminal investment strategies following infection are dependent on diet
Q92495247Terrestriality constrains salamander limb diversification: Implications for the evolution of pentadactyly
Q39784789Testicular melanization has evolved in birds with high mtDNA mutation rates.
Q47246374Testing Allsop and West's size at sex change invariant within a fish species: a spurious ratio or a useful group descriptor?
Q51144930Testing Wallace's intuition: water type, reproductive isolation, and divergence in an Amazonian fish.
Q45990377Testing alternative mechanisms of evolutionary divergence in an African rain forest passerine bird.
Q51194753Testing alternative models for sexual isolation in natural populations of Littorina saxatilis: indirect support for by-product ecological speciation?
Q125778425Testing drivers of acoustic divergence in cicadas (Cicadidae: Tettigettalna)
Q46176658Testing evolutionary stasis and trends in first lower molar shape of extinct Italian populations of Terricola savii (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) by means of geometric morphometrics.
Q52844269Testing for a genetic response to sexual selection in a wild Drosophila population.
Q51184608Testing for evolutionary trade-offs in a phylogenetic context: ecological diversification and evolution of locomotor performance in emydid turtles.
Q51617585Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream and hybrid stickleback.
Q47412905Testing for microevolution in body size in three blue tit populations
Q35789149Testing for parallel allochronic isolation in lake-stream stickleback.
Q34080074Testing gradual and speciational models of evolution in extant taxa: the example of ratites.
Q42021543Testing host-associated differentiation in a quasi-endophage and a parthenogen on native trees.
Q33675367Testing hybridization hypotheses and evaluating the evolutionary potential of hybrids in mangrove plant species
Q48340501Testing hypotheses for maternal effects in Daphnia magna.
Q40012929Testing multiple hypotheses for the maintenance of male homosexual copulatory behaviour in flour beetles
Q30884709Testing paleolimnological predictions with molecular data: the origins of Holarctic Eubosmina
Q91839456Testing sensory drive speciation in cichlid fish: Linking light conditions to opsin expression, opsin genotype and female mate preference
Q89348573Testing the Dutilleul syndrome: host use drives the convergent evolution of multiple traits in parasitic wasps
Q113855142Testing the Red Queen Hypothesis
Q46858819Testing the correlated response hypothesis for the evolution and maintenance of male mating preferences in Drosophila serrata.
Q41081216Testing the cranial evolutionary allometric 'rule' in Galliformes
Q45398526Testing the directionality of evolution: the case of chydorid crustaceans
Q113855139Testing the generation time hypothesis using DNA/DNA hybridization between artiodactyls
Q43034406Testing the interactive effects of testosterone and parasites on carotenoid-based ornamentation in a wild bird
Q31028229Testing the link between the latitudinal gradient in species richness and rates of molecular evolution
Q82525506Testing the molecular and evolutionary causes of a ‘leapfrog’ pattern of geographical variation in coloration
Q48144140Testing the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis in the presence and absence of inbreeding
Q42612421Testing the phenotypic gambit: phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations of colour
Q80118023Testing the pluralist approach to sex: the influence of environment on synergistic interactions between mutation load and parasitism in Daphnia magna
Q51583916Testing the role of phenotypic plasticity for local adaptation: growth and development in time-constrained Rana temporaria populations.
Q80960948Testing the status-dependent ESS model: population variation in fighter expression in the mite Sancassania berlesei
Q39232696Testosterone production ability predicts breeding success and tracks breeding stage in male finches.
Q44585446Testosterone, growth and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism
Q111375235Tests of sib diversification theories of outcrossing in Impatiens capensis: Effects of inbreeding and neighbour relatedness on production and infestation
Q129669777The Clade Replacement Theory: a framework to study age-dependent extinction
Q47929384The Drosophila simulans Y chromosome interacts with the autosomes to influence male fitness.
Q104466214The Evolution of Age-specific Choosiness when Mating
Q42662894The Isthmus of Panama: a major physical barrier to gene flow in a highly mobile pantropical seabird
Q51835531The Price equation framework to study disease within-host evolution.
Q50551668The Red Queen theory of recombination hotspots.
Q51673562The accumulation of deleterious mutations within the frozen niche variation hypothesis.
Q46617085The accumulation of reproductive isolation in early stages of divergence supports a role for sexual selection
Q40197546The achaete-scute complex in Diptera: patterns of noncoding sequence evolution
Q39661102The adaptive significance of mandibular symphyseal fusion in mammals
Q90141898The adaptive value of epigenetic mutation: Limited in large but high in small peripheral populations
Q51542391The adaptive value of gluttony: predators mediate the life history trade-offs of satiation threshold.
Q47182748The allometric pattern of sexually size dimorphic feather ornaments and factors affecting allometry.
Q34447328The anther smut disease on Gypsophila repens: a case of parasite sub-optimal performance following a recent host shift?
Q116847819The association between personalities, alternative breeding strategies and reproductive success in dunnocks
Q46664006The association between the emergence of cooperative breeding and clutch size
Q40473689The association of feeding behaviour with the resistance and tolerance to parasites in recently diverged sticklebacks.
Q29026847The basic body plan of arthropods: insights from evolutionary morphology and developmental biology
Q48617591The benefits of interpopulation hybridization diminish with increasing divergence of small populations.
Q51672621The benefits of male ejaculate sex peptide transfer in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q81670541The benefits of polyandry in the free-spawning polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa
Q36201724The biological limitations of transcriptomics in elucidating stress and stress responses
Q51715485The biology of multivariate evolution.
Q35682479The burgeoning field of statistical phylogeography
Q47300704The causes and consequences of variation in offspring size: a case study using Daphnia
Q80960894The close relationship between estimated divergent selection and observed differentiation supports the selective origin of a marine snail hybrid zone
Q45384851The coevolution of long-term pair bonds and cooperation
Q46475409The colour of paternity: extra-pair paternity in the wild Gouldian finch does not appear to be driven by genetic incompatibility between morphs
Q90323197The combined effect of host and food availability on optimized parasitoid life-history traits based on a three-dimensional trade-off surface
Q40429938The combined effects of pre- and post-copulatory processes are masking sexual conflict over mating rate in Gerris buenoi
Q48172448The combined effects of temporal autocorrelation and the costs of plasticity on the evolution of plasticity.
Q58890600The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus is not locally adapted to its reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus host
Q33668053The common patterns of nature.
Q44630325The comparative biology of diving in two genera of European Dytiscidae (Coleoptera).
Q101631257The comparative evolution of lizard claw and toe morphology and clinging performance
Q47906072The complex interplay between macronutrient intake, cuticular hydrocarbon expression and mating success in male decorated crickets
Q46472951The consequences of facultative sex in a prey adapting to predation
Q34375366The consequences of lifetime and evolutionary exposure to toxic prey: changes in avoidance behaviour through ontogeny
Q51583888The consequences of mating over a range of parental genetic similarity in a selfing allopolyploid plant species.
Q33751650The consequences of phenotypic plasticity for ecological speciation.
Q36536774The constant philopater hypothesis: a new life history invariant for dispersal evolution
Q31105586The context dependence of assortative mating: a demonstration with conspecific salmonid populations
Q112810465The continuity of microevolution and macroevolution
Q42014940The contribution of a pollinating seed predator to selection on Silene latifolia females.
Q51687279The contribution of parasitism to selection on floral traits in Heuchera grossulariifolia.
Q50440744The contribution of structural-, psittacofulvin- and melanin-based colouration to sexual dichromatism in Australasian parrots
Q110616045The contributions of programmed developmental change and phenotypic plasticity to within-individual variation in leaf traits in Dicerandra linearifolia
Q46545196The copulatory plug delays ejaculation by rival males and affects sperm competition outcome in house mice
Q47424941The correlation between coloration and exploration behaviour varies across hierarchical levels in a wild passerine bird.
Q90694735The cost and benefit of quorum sensing-controlled bacteriocin production in Lactobacillus plantarum
Q48247100The cost of conflict in aphid societies.
Q39550085The cost of copy number in a selfish genetic element: the 2-μm plasmid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Q40529349The cost of immunity in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti depends on immune activation
Q45950194The cost of mating rises nonlinearly with copulation frequency in a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q51760149The cost of multiple drug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Q104466112The cost of travel: how dispersal ability limits local adaptation in host-parasite interactions
Q60407053The costs and benefits in an unusual symbiosis: experimental evidence that bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus) are parasites of unionid mussels in Europe
Q114621930The costs and benefits of larger brains in fishes
Q58034964The costs and benefits of resource sharing: reciprocity requires resource heterogeneity
Q44369624The costs of being dark: the genetic basis of melanism and its association with fitness-related traits in the sand cricket
Q39580176The costs of parental care: a meta-analysis of the trade-off between parental effort and survival in birds
Q51620497The danger of applying the breeder's equation in observational studies of natural populations.
Q79515717The dangers of diagonalization
Q48067596The decline in fitness with inbreeding: evidence for negative dominance-by-dominance epistasis in Drosophila melanogaster
Q35137906The decoupling between genetic structure and metabolic phenotypes in Escherichia coli leads to continuous phenotypic diversity
Q51706675The degree of adaptive phenotypic plasticity is correlated with the spatial environmental heterogeneity experienced by island populations of Rana temporaria.
Q40279212The design of complex sexual traits in male barn swallows: associations between signal attributes
Q47175247The determinants of queen size in a socially polymorphic ant.
Q39190511The determinants of the molecular substitution process in turtles
Q42021073The diapause decision as a cascade switch for adaptive developmental plasticity in body mass in a butterfly
Q92530791The dicey dinner dilemma: Asymmetry in predator-prey risk-taking, a broadly applicable alternative to the life-dinner principle
Q43766628The differential contributions of herkogamy and dichogamy as mechanisms of avoiding self-interference in four self-incompatible Epimedium species
Q52758163The direct effects of male killer infection on fitness of ladybird hosts (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).
Q30558145The disparity of priapulid, archaeopriapulid and palaeoscolecid worms in the light of new data.
Q29399389The dissimilar costs of love and war: age-specific mortality as a function of the operational sex ratio
Q57671657The distribution of copia-type retrotransposons and the evolutionary history of tomato and related wild species
Q47610001The divergence history of the perennial plant Linaria cavanillesii confirms a recent loss of self-incompatibility.
Q35664966The diversification of Heliconius butterflies: what have we learned in 150 years?
Q43870826The diversification of mate preferences by natural and sexual selection
Q33665255The diversity and radiation of the largest monophyletic animal group on New Caledonia (Trichoptera: Ecnomidae: Agmina).
Q51534979The dual function of barred plumage in birds: camouflage and communication.
Q45885833The dynamics of sexual conflict over mating rate with endosymbiont infection that affects reproductive phenotypes
Q50518477The ecological advantage of sexual reproduction in multicellular long-lived organisms.
Q42687517The ecological benefits of larger colony size may promote polygyny in ants.
Q40615384The ecological success of a social parasite increases with manipulation of collective host behaviour.
Q33831372The ecology of sexual reproduction
Q51935154The economics of altruism and cooperation in class-structured populations: what's in a cost? What's in a benefit?
Q45883104The effect of Wolbachia on the lifetime reproductive success of its insect host in the field
Q43887257The effect of a population bottleneck on the evolution of genetic variance/covariance structure
Q56888629The effect of cheats on siderophore diversity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q51820794The effect of coil phenotypes and genotypes on the fecundity and viability of Partula suturalis and Lymnaea stagnalis: implications for the evolution of sinistral snails.
Q51830630The effect of female polyandry and sperm precedence on the evolution of sexual difference in dispersal timing.
Q40494766The effect of frequency-dependent selection on resistance and tolerance to herbivory.
Q45803136The effect of habitat on modern shark diversification
Q51356352The effect of historical legacy on adaptation: do closely related species respond to the environment in the same way?
Q46833089The effect of hybrid transgression on environmental tolerance in experimental yeast crosses.
Q48946652The effect of inbreeding on defence against multiple enemies in Datura stramonium.
Q43483672The effect of inbreeding on natural selection in a seed-feeding beetle
Q60307322The effect of life cycle stage and genotype on desiccation tolerance in the colonizing parthenogenetic cockroach Pycnoscelus surinamensis and its sexual ancestor P. indicus
Q46903418The effect of maternal and paternal immune challenge on offspring immunity and reproduction in a cricket.
Q51614198The effect of mating system on growth of Arabidopsis lyrata in response to inoculation with the biotrophic parasite Albugo candida
Q45231971The effect of parity on morphological evolution among phrynosomatid lizards
Q51652142The effect of pathogens on selection against deleterious mutations in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q34557604The effect of phenotypic plasticity on evolution in multipeaked fitness landscapes
Q33763823The effect of population bottlenecks on mutation rate evolution in asexual populations
Q48108856The effect of selection history on extinction risk during severe environmental change.
Q37822889The effect of sex on the mean and variance of fitness in facultatively sexual rotifers
Q36671416The effect of size and sex ratio experiences on reproductive competition in Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles in the wild
Q36542289The effect of spontaneous mutations on competitive ability
Q52653094The effect of temperature and wing morphology on quantitative genetic variation in the cricket Gryllus firmus, with an appendix examining the statistical properties of the Jackknife-MANOVA method of matrix comparison.
Q51549275The effects of competition on the strength and softness of selection.
Q47424056The effects of familiarity and group size on mating preferences in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata.
Q92513976The effects of heterospecific mating frequency on the strength of cryptic reproductive barriers
Q92002445The effects of male social environment on sperm phenotype and genome integrity
Q51370436The effects of migration and drift on local adaptation to a heterogeneous environment.
Q52007554The effects of parasitism and inbreeding on the competitive ability in Daphnia magna: evidence for synergistic epistasis.
Q40241703The effects of reproduction on courtship, fertility and longevity within and between alternative male mating tactics of the horned beetle, Onthophagus binodis
Q46947029The effects of sexual selection on life-history traits: an experimental study on guppies.
Q36356830The effects of stochastic and episodic movement of the optimum on the evolution of the G-matrix and the response of the trait mean to selection.
Q38649465The effects of stress and sex on selection, genetic covariance, and the evolutionary response.
Q52698678The efficiency of purifying selection in Mammals vs. Drosophila for metabolic genes.
Q47367833The emergence of cetaceans: phylogenetic analysis of male social behaviour supports the Cetartiodactyla clade
Q41045621The epidemiological feedbacks critical to the evolution of host immunity
Q130127526The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences
Q37675071The evolution from females to hermaphrodites results in a sexual conflict over mating in androdioecious nematode worms and clam shrimp
Q34087474The evolution of South American endemic canids: a history of rapid diversification and morphological parallelism.
Q36366605The evolution of a complex trait: cuticular hydrocarbons in ants evolve independent from phylogenetic constraints.
Q42013116The evolution of alternative developmental pathways: footprints of selection on life-history traits in a butterfly
Q34500593The evolution of aquatic feeding in seals: insights from Enaliarctos (Carnivora: Pinnipedimorpha), the oldest known seal
Q35902191The evolution of colour pattern complexity: selection for conspicuousness favours contrasting within-body colour combinations in lizards.
Q88628151The evolution of colour polymorphism in British winter-active Lepidoptera in response to search image use by avian predators
Q51755230The evolution of conspecific gamete precedence and its effect on reinforcement.
Q123137063The evolution of conspicuousness in frogs: When to signal toxicity?
Q36566579The evolution of cooperation and altruism--a general framework and a classification of models
Q52671456The evolution of cooperation and altruism: the basic conditions are simple and well known.
Q50107399The evolution of cooperation by negotiation in a noisy world.
Q34082075The evolution of cranial form and function in theropod dinosaurs: insights from geometric morphometrics
Q113855136The evolution of demographic tactics in lizards: a test of some hypotheses concerning life history evolution
Q45886035The evolution of endosymbiont density in doubly infected host species
Q51324055The evolution of experience-mediated plasticity in mate preferences.
Q46698382The evolution of fecundity is associated with female body size but not female-biased sexual size dimorphism among frogs
Q91569796The evolution of female genitalia
Q40369506The evolution of fledging age in songbirds
Q113270349The evolution of flower longevity in unpredictable pollination environments
Q113036739The evolution of food-producing glands in eusocial bees (Apoidea, Hymenoptera)1
Q52655373The evolution of generalization? Parasitoid flies and the perils of inferring host range evolution from phylogenies.
Q51645287The evolution of haplodiploidy by male-killing endosymbionts: importance of population structure and endosymbiont mutualisms.
Q51902473The evolution of helping and harming on graphs: the return of the inclusive fitness effect.
Q52667604The evolution of host preference in allopatric vs. parapatric populations of Timema cristinae walking-sticks.
Q42040306The evolution of host use and unusual reproductive strategies in Achrysocharoides parasitoid wasps.
Q84437869The evolution of host-specific variation in cuckoo eggshell strength
Q123345879The evolution of infertility: does hatching rate in birds coevolve with female polyandry?
Q46694677The evolution of inquilinism, host-plant use and mitochondrial substitution rates in Tamalia gall aphids
Q39177117The evolution of intrinsic reproductive isolation in the genus Cakile (Brassicaceae).
Q33861819The evolution of jumping performance in anurans: morphological correlates and ecological implications
Q45844240The evolution of male genitalia: patterns of genetic variation and covariation in the genital sclerites of the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus
Q30626626The evolution of mammal body sizes: responses to Cenozoic climate change in North American mammals.
Q37799858The evolution of mutualism
Q89839746The evolution of parasite host range in heterogeneous host populations
Q51609156The evolution of parental care in stochastic environments.
Q53851380The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in spatially structured environments: implications of intraspecific competition, plasticity costs and environmental characteristics.
Q44803926The evolution of plumage polymorphism in birds of prey and owls: the apostatic selection hypothesis revisited
Q113855134The evolution of polyandry: an examination of the genetic incompatibility and good-sperm hypotheses
Q52659276The evolution of polyandry: intrinsic sire effects contribute to embryo viability.
Q52641724The evolution of polyandry: patterns of genotypic variation in female mating frequency, male fertilization success and a test of the sexy-sperm hypothesis.
Q37772564The evolution of polyembryony in parasitoid wasps.
Q45851082The evolution of queen pheromones in the ant genus Lasius
Q113105971The evolution of red blood cell shape in fishes
Q40451409The evolution of repeated mating under sexual conflict.
Q34459152The evolution of reproductive isolation in the Drosophila yakuba complex of species
Q42249723The evolution of resistance against good and bad infections.
Q38425024The evolution of respect for property
Q44057266The evolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression under pollen discounting and pollen limitation
Q38203949The evolution of selfing from outcrossing ancestors in Brassicaceae: what have we learned from variation at the S-locus?
Q83775791The evolution of senescence through decelerating selection for system reliability
Q40012922The evolution of sex-determining mechanisms: lessons from temperature-sensitive mutations in sex determination genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Q98157062The evolution of sexually dimorphic cuticular hydrocarbons in blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Q47297239The evolution of size of the uropygial gland: mutualistic feather mites and uropygial secretion reduce bacterial loads of eggshells and hatching failures of European birds.
Q51755226The evolution of sperm morphometry in pheasants.
Q38735320The evolution of strategic male mating effort in an information transfer framework.
Q113791770The evolution of the additive variance of a trait under stabilizing selection after autopolyploidization
Q46947200The evolution of the phenotypic covariance matrix: evidence for selection and drift in Melanoplus
Q61603638The evolution of the reptilian hindfoot and the homology of the hooked fifth metatarsal
Q45934304The evolution of trade-offs: geographic variation in call duration and flight ability in the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus.
Q36738147The evolution of trade-offs: where are we?
Q40253454The evolution of trans-generational altruism: kin selection meets niche construction
Q56774623The evolution of unusual chromosomal systems in coccoids: extraordinary sex ratios revisited
Q33514913The evolutionary consequence of the individualistic response to climate change
Q56619215The evolutionary dynamics of evolvability in a gene network model
Q39051776The evolutionary dynamics of timing of maternal immunity: evaluating the role of age-specific mortality.
Q34623676The evolutionary ecology of individual phenotypic plasticity in wild populations
Q79787813The evolutionary fate of recently duplicated retrogenes in mice
Q57912706The evolutionary forces maintaining a wild polymorphism of Littorina saxatilis: model selection by computer simulations
Q39488553The evolutionary genetics of egg size plasticity in a butterfly.
Q57006783The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii. XVI. Fitness component analysis in an original natural population from Argentina
Q60576954The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii. XX. Positive phenotypic covariance between field adult fitness components and body size
Q57006762The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatti. XXVI. Macrogeographic patterns of inversion polymorphism in New World populations
Q58387378The evolutionary history of colour polymorphism in Ischnura damselflies
Q57317207The evolutionary history of the common chloroplast genome of Arabidopsis thaliana and A. suecica
Q91699645The evolutionary response of mating system to heterosis
Q87845555The evolutionary stability of attenuators that mask information about animals that social partners can exploit
Q51552931The experimental evolution of herbicide resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii results in a positive correlation between fitness in the presence and absence of herbicides.
Q34163530The expression and impact of antifungal grooming in ants.
Q34177316The expression of virulence during double infections by different parasites with conflicting host exploitation and transmission strategies
Q52680781The extent of variation in male song, wing and genital characters among allopatric Drosophila montana populations.
Q53056987The fate of balanced, phenotypic polymorphisms in fragmented metapopulations.
Q51940367The fitness costs of developmental canalization and plasticity.
Q35831322The fitness of drug-resistant malaria parasites in a rodent model: multiplicity of infection
Q58299458The fitness of twin mothers: evidence from rural Gambia
Q51354272The form of sexual selection arising from male-male competition depends on the presence of females in the social environment.
Q36855872The formal Darwinism project: a mid-term report.
Q35163117The founding of Mauritian endemic coffee trees by a synchronous long-distance dispersal event.
Q47214742The frequency of multiple paternity predicts variation in testes size among island populations of house mice
Q39544608The function and evolution of male and female genitalia in Phyllophaga Harris scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).
Q46880219The function of multiple ejaculations in bitterling.
Q40392576The future of a mutation-limited tool-box
Q84258956The genetic and environmental basis of adaptive differences in shoaling behaviour among populations of Trinidadian guppies, Poecilia reticulata
Q51709756The genetic architecture of a niche: variation and covariation in host use traits in the Colorado potato beetle.
Q46728642The genetic architecture of male colour differences between a sympatric Lake Malawi cichlid species pair.
Q51530193The genetic architecture of sexual conflict: male harm and female resistance in Callosobruchus maculatus.
Q39901529The genetic basis of early-life morphological traits and their relation to alternative male reproductive tactics in Atlantic salmon
Q47293455The genetic basis of intrinsic and extrinsic post-zygotic reproductive isolation jointly promoting speciation in the lake whitefish species complex (Coregonus clupeaformis).
Q33410636The genetic consequences of fluctuating inbreeding depression and the evolution of plant selfing rates
Q51174188The genetic structure of Borrelia afzelii varies with geographic but not ecological sampling scale.
Q51145559The genetic variance but not the genetic co-variance of life history traits changes towards the north in a time-constrained insect.
Q53435549The genetical theory of kin selection.
Q35556980The genetical theory of multilevel selection.
Q48140273The genetics of adaptation to discrete heterogeneous environments: frequent mutation or large-effect alleles can allow range expansion.
Q110616033The genetics of phenotypic plasticity I. Heritability
Q110616034The genetics of phenotypic plasticity I. Heritability
Q110616036The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. II. Response to selection
Q110616037The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. III. Genetic correlations and fluctuating asymmetries
Q110616039The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. IV. Chromosomal localization
Q59411548The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. V. Evolution of reaction norm shape
Q110616042The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. VI. Theoretical predictions for directional selection
Q110615417The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. VII. Evolution in a spatially-structured environment
Q110616048The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. VII. Evolution in a spatially-structured environment
Q44830578The genetics of primary and secondary sexual character trade-offs in a horned beetle.
Q44999779The genetics of speciation: are complex incompatibilities easier to evolve?
Q52716574The genetics of speciation: genes of small effect underlie sexual isolation in the Hawaiian cricket Laupala.
Q56636796The genic view of the process of speciation
Q46662790The genomic bases of morphological divergence and reproductive isolation driven by ecological speciation in Senecio (Asteraceae).
Q97558710The genomic view of diversification
Q51956113The geographic mosaic in predispersal interactions and selection on Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae).
Q50774589The geographic selection mosaic for squirrels, crossbills and Aleppo pine.
Q45880958The global impact of Wolbachia on mitochondrial diversity and evolution.
Q37650867The group selection controversy
Q80404275The heritability of inducible defenses in tadpoles
Q85480937The heritable basis and cost of colour plasticity in coastrange sculpins
Q34191585The high-throughput yeast deletion fitness data and the theories of dominance
Q45883095The impact of Wolbachia, male age and mating history on cytoplasmic incompatibility and sperm transfer in Drosophila simulans.
Q46502319The impact of digging on craniodental morphology and integration.
Q41012991The impact of high-order epistasis in the within-host fitness of a positive-sense plant RNA virus
Q48275451The impact of high-throughput sequencing technology on speciation research: maintaining perspective
Q51581740The impact of intraspecific variation in a fish predator on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity and investment in sex in Daphnia ambigua.
Q58493827The impact of parasite dispersal on antagonistic host-parasite coevolution
Q36139563The impact of rate heterogeneity on inference of phylogenetic models of trait evolution.
Q51514997The impact of reproductive investment and early-life environmental conditions on senescence: support for the disposable soma hypothesis.
Q52687718The impact of shared ancestral variation on hybrid male lethality--a 16 codon indel in the Drosophila simulans Lhr gene.
Q43939397The impact of uniform and mixed species blood meals on the fitness of the mosquito vector Anopheles gambiae s.s: does a specialist pay for diversifying its host species diet?
Q35835362The impacts of Wolbachia and the microbiome on mate choice in Drosophila melanogaster
Q41208615The importance (or lack thereof) of niche divergence to the maintenance of a northern species complex: the case of the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum Baird).
Q40279221The importance of growth and mortality costs in the evolution of the optimal life history
Q39765039The importance of listening: juvenile allocation shifts in response to acoustic cues of the social environment.
Q60557414The importance of phylogenetic scale in tests of Bergmann's and Rapoport's rules: lessons from a clade of South American lizards
Q63379977The importance of social dimension and maturation stage for the probabilistic maturation reaction norm inPoecilia reticulata
Q41362960The inbreeding strategy of a solitary primate, Microcebus murinus
Q52586951The influence of developmental environment on courtship song in cactophilic Drosophila.
Q46894747The influence of developmental environment on the evolution of olfactory foraging behaviour in procellariiform seabirds
Q33449296The influence of environmental factors, the pollen : ovule ratio and seed bank persistence on molecular evolutionary rates in plants
Q46814767The influence of feeding on the evolution of sensory signals: a comparative test of an evolutionary trade-off between masticatory and sensory functions of skulls in southern African horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae).
Q46394802The influence of geographic heterogeneity in predation pressure on sexual signal divergence in an Amazonian frog species complex
Q38989162The influence of growth patterns on sexual size monomorphism in lemurs
Q96163027The influence of immune activation on thermal tolerance along a latitudinal cline
Q46650211The influence of landscape configuration and environment on population genetic structure in a sedentary passerine: insights from loci located in different genomic regions.
Q40429196The influence of mating system on the intensity of parent-offspring conflict in primates
Q46942339The influence of social structure on brood survival and development in a socially polymorphic ant: insights from a cross-fostering experiment
Q40000176The influence of space and time on the evolution of altruistic defence: the case of ant slave rebellion.
Q45729925The influence of territoriality and mating system on the evolution of male care: a phylogenetic study on fish
Q112810468The influence of variation and of developmental constraints on the rate of multivariate phenotypic evolution
Q50746746The interaction between reproductive lifespan and protandry in seasonal breeders.
Q51647564The interaction of multiple environmental stressors affects adaptation to a novel habitat in the natterjack toad Bufo calamita.
Q60394130The interplay between colonization history and gene flow in passively dispersing zooplankton: microsatellite analysis of rotifer resting egg banks
Q60232176The invading parthenogenetic cockroach: a natural history comment on Parker and Niklasson's study
Q34786010The joint effects of kin, multilevel selection and indirect genetic effects on response to genetic selection
Q90179295The joint evolution of lifespan and self-fertilization
Q45118908The joint evolution of mating system, floral traits and life history in Clarkia (Onagraceae): genetic constraints vs. independent evolution
Q50789436The learning advantage: bird species that learn their song show a tighter adjustment of song to noisy environments than those that do not learn.
Q47426408The life history legacy of evolutionary body size change in carnivores
Q51543204The lifetime costs of increased male reproductive effort: courtship, copulation and the Coolidge effect.
Q81145549The limitations of adaptive dynamics as a model of evolution
Q38383902The locus of sexual selection: moving sexual selection studies into the post-genomics era.
Q51564703The long and the short of sperm selection in vitro and in vivo: swim-up techniques select for the longer and faster swimming mammalian sperm.
Q96585390The loss of self-incompatibility in a range expansion
Q50598049The maintenance of sex: host-parasite coevolution with density-dependent virulence.
Q46467018The masculinity paradox: facial masculinity and beardedness interact to determine women's ratings of men's facial attractiveness
Q90354388The microevolutionary response to male-limited X-chromosome evolution in Drosophila melanogaster reflects macroevolutionary patterns
Q37678587The mismeasurement of sexual selection
Q39502522The mode of evolution of aggregation pheromones in Drosophila species.
Q61662320The molecular basis of dominance relationships: the case of some recent adaptive genes
Q34683982The molecular basis of white pericarps in African domesticated rice: novel mutations at the Rc gene
Q56986178The need for archiving data in evolutionary biology
Q44634950The normal distribution as appropriate model of developmental instability in Opuntia cacti flowers
Q54352667The onion model, a simple neutral model for the evolution of diversity in bacterial biofilms.
Q60728703The ontogenetic complexity of developmental constraints
Q60490420The ontogeny of cross-sex genetic correlations: an analysis of patterns
Q39205054The opportunity for sexual selection: not mismeasured, just misunderstood.
Q47572103The opportunity to be misled in studies of sexual selection.
Q80511439The origin and colonization history of the barley scald pathogen Rhynchosporium secalis
Q33247048The origin and early radiation of the therapsid mammal-like reptiles: a palaeobiological hypothesis
Q33199144The origin of a 'true' worker caste in termites: mapping the real world on the phylogenetic tree
Q60232149The origin of a ‘true’ worker caste in termites: phylogenetic evidence is not decisive
Q56506392The origin of interlocus sexual conflict: is sex-linkage important?
Q52676930The origin of the Chorthippus parallelus hybrid zone: chromosomal evidence of multiple refugia for Iberian populations.
Q51713120The origins of ecotypic variation of rainbow trout: a test of environmental vs. genetically based differences in morphology.
Q83364546The outcome of sperm competition is affected by behavioural and anatomical reproductive traits in a simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail
Q46422213The oxidation handicap hypothesis and the carotenoid allocation trade-off.
Q39124333The oxidative costs of territory quality and offspring provisioning.
Q92693044The paradox of obligate sex: The roles of sexual conflict and mate scarcity in transitions to facultative and obligate asexuality
Q37060487The past and future influence of geographic information systems on hybrid zone, phylogeographic and speciation research
Q51283380The pay-offs of maternal care increase as offspring develop, favouring extended provisioning in an egg-feeding frog.
Q113791762The phenomenon of red and yellow autumn leaves: Hypotheses, agreements and disagreements
Q34678637The plastic fly: the effect of sustained fluctuations in adult food supply on life-history traits.
Q30401959The potential influence of morphology on the evolutionary divergence of an acoustic signal.
Q46528972The precision of the hominid timescale estimated by relaxed clock methods
Q34171784The primary feather lengths of early birds with respect to avian wing shape evolution
Q39227439The probability of parallel genetic evolution from standing genetic variation
Q52708101The purge of genetic load through restricted panmixia in a Drosophila experiment.
Q51559934The quantitative genetic basis of adaptive divergence in the moor frog (Rana arvalis) and its implications for gene flow.
Q34511426The quantitative genetic basis of sex ratio variation in Nasonia vitripennis: a QTL study
Q30855674The quantitative genetics of sexually selected traits, preferred traits and preference: a review and analysis of the data
Q40062779The rate of environmental change drives adaptation to an antibiotic sink
Q34154985The red queen coupled with directional selection favours the evolution of sex.
Q121660158The redlegged earth mite draft genome provides new insights into pesticide resistance evolution and demography in its invasive Australian range
Q53847225The relationship between morphology, escape behaviour and microhabitat occupation in the lizard clade Liolaemus (Iguanidae: Tropidurinae: Liolaemini).
Q44040402The relationship between multiple mating by queens, within-colony genetic variability and fitness in the ant Lasius niger
Q33995045The relative contribution of band number to phylogenetic accuracy in AFLP data sets.
Q44986078The relative contribution of drift and selection to transcriptional divergence among Babine Lake tributary populations of juvenile rainbow trout
Q51545470The relative importance of genetic and nongenetic inheritance in relation to trait plasticity in Callosobruchus maculatus.
Q50467813The relative role of male vs. female mate choice in maintaining assortative pairing among discrete colour morphs.
Q36555274The repeatability of mating failure in a polyandrous bug
Q51416626The robustness of the weak selection approximation for the evolution of altruism against strong selection.
Q46419218The role of Bh4 in parallel evolution of hull colour in domesticated and weedy rice
Q103008078The role of balancing selection in maintaining human RhD blood group polymorphism: A preregistered cross-sectional study
Q91203808The role of common ancestry and gene flow in the evolution of human-directed play behaviour in dogs
Q39703562The role of environment and core-margin effects on range-wide phenotypic variation in a montane grasshopper.
Q51144922The role of epistatic interactions underpinning resistance to parasitic Varroa mites in haploid honeybee drones.
Q30676347The role of founder effects on the evolution of reproductive isolation
Q93095606The role of functional constraints in nonrandom mating patterns for a dance fly with female ornaments
Q52739130The role of gene flow asymmetry along an environmental gradient in constraining local adaptation and range expansion.
Q85331570The role of genetic structure in the adaptive divergence of populations experiencing saltwater intrusion due to relative sea-level rise
Q37781099The role of genotype‐by‐environment interactions in sexual selection
Q39372526The role of historical factors and natural selection in the evolution of breeding systems of Oxalis alpina in the Sonoran desert 'Sky Islands'.
Q44495710The role of immigration and local adaptation on fine-scale genotypic and phenotypic population divergence in a less mobile passerine
Q44543598The role of learning by a predator, Rivulus hartii, in the rare-morph survival advantage in guppies
Q39421193The role of local ecology during hybridization at the initial stages of ecological speciation in a marine snail.
Q50682179The role of marker traits in the assortative mating within red crossbills, Loxia curvirostra complex.
Q34013272The role of mobility for the emergence of diversity in victim-exploiter systems.
Q33531904The role of phenotypic plasticity in responses of hunted thinhorn sheep ram horn growth to changing climate conditions
Q35065043The role of phylogeny and ecology in shaping morphology in 21 genera and 127 species of Australo-Papuan myobatrachid frogs
Q50270642The role of physiology in the divergence of two incipient cichlid species.
Q51583906The role of post-natal ontogeny in the evolution of phenotypic diversity in Podarcis lizards.
Q38726566The role of recombination in evolutionary adaptation of Escherichia coli to a novel nutrient
Q35896748The role of selection and historical factors in driving population differentiation along an elevational gradient in an island bird
Q30841449The role of sex chromosomes in sexual dimorphism: discordance between molecular and phenotypic data
Q42011959The roles of ecological fitting, phylogeny and physiological equivalence in understanding realized and fundamental host ranges in endoparasitoid wasps.
Q34666366The roles of geography and founder effects in promoting host-associated differentiation in the generalist bogus yucca moth Prodoxus decipiens
Q51425164The scent of senescence: sexual signalling and female preference in house mice.
Q35155700The scope and strength of sex-specific selection in genome evolution.
Q46931750The search for Pleiades in trait constellations: functional integration and phenotypic selection in the complex flowers of Morrenia brachystephana (Apocynaceae).
Q30085659The seven deadly sins of comparative analysis
Q89174323The sex chromosome system can influence the evolution of sex-biased dispersal
Q33408310The shape of pterosaur evolution: evidence from the fossil record
Q50577164The shape of things to come: linking developmental plasticity to post-metamorphic morphology in anurans.
Q60060069The significance of wing pattern diversity in the Lycaenidae: mate discrimination by two recently diverged species
Q90771183The skull evolution of oviraptorosaurian dinosaurs: the role of niche partitioning in diversification
Q54775966The social evolution of dispersal with public goods cooperation.
Q52660527The social parasite wasp Polistes atrimandibularis does not form host races.
Q55872527The speciation revolution
Q80831758The spread of apomixis and its effect on resident genetic variation
Q57266134The stability of genetic variance?covariance matrix in the presence of selection
Q34116848The standard of neutrality: still flapping in the breeze?
Q51569974The stationary distribution of a continuously varying strategy in a class-structured population under mutation-selection-drift balance.
Q44791192The stimulation of immune defence accelerates development in the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum).
Q30847435The strength of assortative mating for flowering date and its basis in individual variation in flowering schedule
Q47262025The tale of the shrinking weapon: seasonal changes in nutrition affect weapon size and sexual dimorphism, but not contemporary evolution.
Q94540616The target of selection matters: An established resistance - development-time negative genetic trade-off is not found when selecting on development time
Q85904828The targets of selection during reinforcement
Q51662805The timing of food-deceptive flowers: a commentary on Internicola et al. (2008).
Q51575063The timing of mating influences reproductive success in Drosophila melanogaster: implications for sexual conflict.
Q38831723The total opportunity for sexual selection and the integration of pre- and post-mating episodes of sexual selection in a complex world.
Q46817335The trade-off between rate and yield in the design of microbial metabolism
Q55043254The universal ancestor and the ancestors of Archaea and Bacteria were anaerobes whereas the ancestor of the Eukarya domain was an aerobe.
Q45081473The unpredictable impact of hybridization
Q51617375The unstable dynamics of multiple alternative reproductive tactics.
Q52675726The unusual inheritance pattern of the courtship songs in closely related grasshopper species of the Chorthippus albomarginatus-group (Orthoptera: Gomphocerinae).
Q60490561The use of marker-based relationship information to estimate the heritability of body weight in a natural population: a cautionary tale
Q52002136The utility of AFLPs for supporting mitochondrial DNA phylogeographical analyses in the Taiwanese bamboo viper, Trimeresurus stejnegeri.
Q46893566The utility of cranial ontogeny for phylogenetic inference: a case study in crocodylians using geometric morphometrics
Q45884220The value of an egg: resource reallocation in ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) infected with male-killing bacteria
Q52857389The way the world might be.
Q51722512Theoretical influence of female mating status and remating propensity on male sperm allocation patterns.
Q46539677There is more than one way to skin a G matrix.
Q51957803There is no heterotic effect upon developmental stability in the ventral side of the skull within the house mouse hybrid zone.
Q39097078There is no such a thing as a free cigarette; lining nests with discarded butts brings short-term benefits, but causes toxic damage.
Q48308902Thermal acclimation in Arabidopsis lyrata: genotypic costs and transcriptional changes.
Q47317532Thermal evolution of pre-adult life history traits, geometric size and shape, and developmental stability in Drosophila subobscura.
Q36108025Thermal plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster populations from eastern Australia: quantitative traits to transcripts
Q33288436This is not déjà vu all over again: male guppy colour in a new experimental introduction
Q47627170Though with constraints imposed by endosymbiosis, preferential attachment is still a plausible mechanism responsible for the evolution of the chloroplast metabolic network
Q41884240Three epigenetic information channels and their different roles in evolution
Q90124044Three-dimensional characterization of osteocyte volumes at multiple scales, and its relationship with bone biology and genome evolution in ray-finned fishes
Q42025214Time-shifted reproductive behaviours among fall armyworm (Noctuidae: Spodoptera frugiperda) host strains: evidence for differing modes of inheritance
Q46888795Timing and tempo of primate speciation
Q52815160To be or not to be? Mating success and survival trade-offs when switching between alternative reproductive tactics.
Q40297592To eject or to abandon? Life history traits of hosts and parasites interact to influence the fitness payoffs of alternative anti-parasite strategies
Q51332740Tolerance to deer herbivory and resistance to insect herbivores in the common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis).
Q46391241Toll-like receptor variation in the bottlenecked population of the Seychelles warbler: computer simulations see the 'ghost of selection past' and quantify the 'drift debt'.
Q47182409Tooth and cranial disparity in the fossil relatives of Sphenodon (Rhynchocephalia) dispute the persistent 'living fossil' label.
Q51873075Toward evolutionary graphs with two sexes: a kin selection analysis of a sex allocation problem.
Q125299081Towards a global perspective for Salvia L.: Phylogeny, diversification and floral evolution
Q51254036Towards robust evolutionary inference with integral projection models.
Q47257046Toxic hydrogen sulphide and dark caves: pronounced male life-history divergence among locally adapted Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae).
Q46104298Tracking changes in chromosomal arrangements and their genetic content during adaptation
Q43419398Tracking the origin of an invasive species: Drosophila subobscura in Argentina.
Q45955176Trade-off acquisition and allocation in Gryllus firmus: a test of the Y model
Q48497839Trade-off between male and female allocation in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum sp.
Q33861811Trade-off between steady and unsteady swimming underlies predator-driven divergence in Gambusia affinis
Q39116756Trade-off of ovarian lipids and total body lipids for fecundity and starvation resistance in tropical populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q57142100Trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction in an aquatic plant: experimental manipulations vs. phenotypic correlations
Q46757148Trade-offs in female signal apparency to males offer alternative anti-harassment strategies for colour polymorphic females
Q114080047Trade‐offs between weapons and testes do not manifest at high social densities
Q47591507Traditional Amerindian cultivators combine directional and ideotypic selection for sustainable management of cassava genetic diversity.
Q51148802Trait differentiation and adaptation of plants along elevation gradients.
Q34120887Trait-dependent diversification and the impact of palaeontological data on evolutionary hypothesis testing in New World ratsnakes (tribe Lampropeltini).
Q100516609Trait-specific trade-offs prevent niche expansion in two parasites
Q57614336Trans-generational effects on ageing in a wild bird population
Q39564811Transcontinental migratory connectivity predicts parasite prevalence in breeding populations of the European barn swallow
Q41197151Transcriptional changes during Daphnia pulex development indicate that the maturation decision resembles a rate more than a threshold
Q99206449Transcriptome-wide genotype-phenotype associations in Daphnia in a predator risk environment
Q48437604Transcriptomic analysis of inbreeding depression in cold-sensitive Drosophila melanogaster shows upregulation of the immune response.
Q113855141Transfer of a parasitic sex factor to the nuclear genome of the host: A hypothesis on the evolution of sex-determining mechanisms in the terrestrial Isopod Armadillidium vulgare Latr.
Q46140401Transgenerational effects alter plant defence and resistance in nature
Q50525232Transgenerational effects of nutrition are different for sons and daughters.
Q39901523Transgenerational memory effect of ageing in Drosophila
Q47751046Translocons on the inner and outer envelopes of chloroplasts share similar evolutionary origin in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q57050581Transmission mode affects the population genetic structure of Daphnia parasites
Q45881586Transmission modes and the evolution of feminizing symbionts.
Q91604158Transmission, relatedness, and the evolution of cooperative symbionts
Q51279367Transparency and reproducibility in evolutionary research.
Q90902513Transparency improves concealment in cryptically coloured moths
Q112796094Trees growing in Eastern North America experience higher autumn solar irradiation than their European relatives, but is nitrogen limitation another factor explaining anthocyanin‐red autumn leaves?
Q112797841Trick or treat: the battle of the sexes
Q34386457Turtle origins: insights from phylogenetic retrofitting and molecular scaffolds
Q48339290Two different strategies of host manipulation allow parasites to persist in intermediate-definitive host systems.
Q48655251Two reproductively isolated cytotypes and a swarm of highly inbred, disconnected populations: a glimpse into Salicornia's evolutionary history and challenging taxonomy
Q52957194Two species of feminizing microsporidian parasite coexist in populations of Gammarus duebeni.
Q50784098Two-module organization of the mandible in the yellow-necked mouse: a comparison between two different morphometric approaches.
Q30558142Unconstrained evolution in short introns? - an analysis of genome-wide polymorphism and divergence data from Drosophila
Q83331067Uncorrelated evolution between vocal and plumage coloration traits in the trogons: a comparative study
Q33746797Uncoupling ecological innovation and speciation in sea snakes (Elapidae, Hydrophiinae, Hydrophiini)
Q91366585Understanding policing as a mechanism of cheater control in cooperating bacteria
Q61686307Unequal allelic frequencies at the self-incompatibility locus within local populations of Prunus avium L.: an effect of population structure?
Q57760425Uneven segregation of sporophytic self-incompatibility alleles in Arabidopsis lyrata
Q51186613Unicoloniality, recognition and genetic differentiation in a native Formica ant.
Q51811591Unique genomic configuration revealed by microsatellite DNA in polyploid dogroses, Rosa sect. Caninae.
Q53524442Unprecedented chromosomal diversity and behaviour modify linkage patterns and speciation potential: structural heterozygosity in an Australian spider.
Q29013496Unravelling the effects of contemporary and historical range expansion on the distribution of genetic diversity in the damselfly Coenagrion scitulum
Q84437864Up, up, and away: relative importance of horizontal and vertical escape from predators for survival and senescence
Q51169247Use it or lose it: reproductive implications of ecological specialization in a haematophagous ectoparasite.
Q81145520Useful ways of being wrong
Q28242293Using creation science to demonstrate evolution 2: morphological continuity within Dinosauria
Q34121573Using creation science to demonstrate evolution: application of a creationist method for visualizing gaps in the fossil record to a phylogenetic study of coelurosaurian dinosaurs
Q34170585Using creation science to demonstrate evolution? Senter's strategy revisited
Q114080048Using gradient Forest to predict climate response and adaptation in Cork oak
Q34814734Using visual modelling to study the evolution of lizard coloration: sexual selection drives the evolution of sexual dichromatism in lacertids.
Q83454800Variability and constraint in the mammalian vertebral column
Q52659281Variable assortative mating in replicate mating trials using Drosophila melanogaster populations derived from contrasting opposing slopes of 'Evolution Canyon', Israel.
Q51598468Variable discrimination and asymmetric preferences in laboratory tests of reproductive isolation between cichlid colour morphs.
Q45378676Variable post-zygotic isolation in Drosophila melanogaster/D. simulans hybrids
Q112582360Variable routes to genomic and host adaptation among coronaviruses
Q39198525Variable selection in Platanthera bifolia (Orchidaceae): phenotypic selection differed between sex functions in a drought year
Q51592212Variable selection patterns on the labellum shape of Geoblasta pennicillata, a sexually deceptive orchid.
Q57955142Variable visual habitats may influence the spread of colourful plumage across an avian hybrid zone
Q44361385Variance and variability, uncovering an underappreciated component of reproductive isolation
Q50755406Variation among populations of Diodia teres (Rubiaceae) in environmental maternal effects.
Q51162665Variation and evolution of sex ratios at the northern range limit of a sexually polymorphic plant.
Q51330223Variation in adult sex ratio alters the association between courtship, mating frequency and paternity in the lek-forming fruitfly Ceratitis capitata.
Q42244602Variation in costs of parasite resistance among natural host populations.
Q92446090Variation in ecophysiological traits might contribute to ecogeographic isolation and divergence between parapatric ecotypes of Mimulus aurantiacus
Q58042361Variation in female mate preference across a grasshopper hybrid zone
Q46608088Variation in genetic architecture of olfactory behaviour among wild-derived populations of Drosophila melanogaster.
Q36230122Variation in infectivity and aggressiveness in space and time in wild host-pathogen systems: causes and consequences
Q118129988Variation in life history and genetic traits of Hawaiian mosquitofish populations
Q46953682Variation in male effects on female fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster
Q53890550Variation in natural selection for growth and phlorotannins in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus.
Q58274471Variation in pollen production and pollen viability in natural populations of gynodioecious Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima : evidence for a cost of restoration of male function?
Q46626339Variation in scorpion metabolic rate and rate-temperature relationships: implications for the fundamental equation of the metabolic theory of ecology
Q33345547Variation in sex ratio, morph-specific reproductive ecology and an experimental test of frequency-dependence in the gynodioecious Kallstroemia grandiflora (Zygophyllaceae).
Q52664021Variation in synonymous codon use and DNA polymorphism within the Drosophila genome.
Q57237076Variation in the degree and costs of adaptive phenotypic plasticity among Rana temporaria populations
Q60575277Variation in the intensity of inbreeding depression among successive life-cycle stages and generations in gynodioecious Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae)
Q36341205Variation in the post-mating fitness landscape in fruit flies
Q62767457Variation in the rate of convergent evolution: adaptation to a laboratory environment in Drosophila subobscura
Q60481818Variation in thermal sensitivity of performance among colour morphs of a pygmy grasshopper
Q42001045Variation in two phases of post-winter development of a butterfly
Q112293580Variation of plastic responses to oxygen availability within the hybridogenetic Rana esculenta complex
Q45904702Variation of telencephalon morphology of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in relation to inferred ecology.
Q80117964Various remarks on Lehmann and Keller's article
Q47228888Ventilatory mechanics from maniraptoran theropods to extant birds.
Q38901558Vertebrate host protective immunity drives genetic diversity and antigenic polymorphism in Schistosoma mansoni.
Q33358348Vertically transmitted symbiont reduces host fitness along temperature gradient
Q38645478Viability and expression of sexual ornaments in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica: a meta-analysis.
Q80231862Viability effects and not meoitic drive cause dramatic departures from Mendelian inheritance for malic enzyme in hybrids of Tigriopus californicus populations
Q83606695Viability selection on prey morphology by a generalist predator
Q112578795Viral susceptibility across host species is largely independent of dietary protein to carbohydrate ratios
Q58885289Virulence and age at reproduction: new insights into host-parasite coevolution
Q40004898Virulence evolution and the trade-off hypothesis: history, current state of affairs and the future
Q34160528Virulence evolution in response to anti-infection resistance: toxic food plants can select for virulent parasites of monarch butterflies
Q45355044Virus adaptation to quantitative plant resistance: erosion or breakdown?
Q57783873Viruses as indicators of contemporary host dispersal and phylogeography: an example of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIVP le ) in free-ranging African lion (Panthera leo )
Q101148579Visual and non-visual opsin genes of sharks and other non-osteichthyan vertebrates: genomic exploration of underwater photoreception
Q50961581Visual modelling suggests a weak relationship between the evolution of ultraviolet vision and plumage coloration in birds.
Q35642363Visual system evolution and the nature of the ancestral snake.
Q48166898Visualizing unbiased and biased unweighted meta-analyses
Q45729825Vitamins, stress and growth: the availability of antioxidants in early life influences the expression of cryptic genetic variation
Q84822868WWDD? (What would Darwin do?)
Q95337483Warmer temperatures enhance beneficial mutation effects
Q39044948Water availability and population origin affect the expression of the tradeoff between reproduction and growth in Plantago coronopus
Q57471491Weak and inconsistent associations between melanic darkness and fitness related traits in an insect
Q57269579Weak evidence for anticipatory parental effects in plants and animals
Q43732851Weak impact of fine-scale landscape heterogeneity on evolutionary potential in Arabidopsis lyrata.
Q51195574Weak phylogenetic effects on ecological niches of Sylvia warblers.
Q45969891Weak phylogenetic signal in physiological traits of methane-oxidizing bacteria.
Q91366590Weak premating isolation between Clitarchus stick insect species despite divergent male and female genital morphology
Q46297890Weakened purifying selection leads to elevated mutation load under environmental sex determination
Q29037148Weapon allometry varies with latitude in the New Zealand giraffe weevil
Q52586949Web building and silk properties functionally covary among species of wolf spider.
Q58869831What controls haploid-diploid ratio in the red alga, Gracilaria verrucosa?
Q58038145What determines dewlap diversity in Anolis lizards? An among-island comparison
Q37361612What do human economies, large islands and forest fragments reveal about the factors limiting ecosystem evolution?
Q51875932What drives variation in the corticosterone stress response between subspecies? A common garden experiment of swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana).
Q57006748What factors shape rates of phenotypic evolution? A comparative study of cranial morphology of four mammalian clades
Q88783292What happens to offspring when parents are inbred, old or had a poor start in life? Evidence for sex-specific parental effects
Q45887088What maintains noncytoplasmic incompatibility inducing Wolbachia in their hosts: a case study from a natural Drosophila yakuba population.
Q34839852What, if anything, is sympatric speciation?
Q46926735When a clonal genome finds its way back to a sexual species: evidence from ongoing but rare introgression in the hybridogenetic water frog complex
Q43979808When assumptions on visual system evolution matter: nestling colouration and parental visual performance in birds
Q33268530When bigger is not better: selection against large size, high condition and fast growth in juvenile lemon sharks.
Q53785199When can host shifts produce congruent host and parasite phylogenies? A simulation approach.
Q46246145When do trade-offs occur? The roles of energy constraints and trait flexibility in a bushcricket.
Q100729379When does parasitism maintain sex in the absence of Red Queen Dynamics?
Q45923882When less means more: evolutionary and developmental hypotheses in rodent molars.
Q52655368When morphometry meets genetics: inferring the phylogeography of Carabus solieri using Fourier analyses of pronotum and male genitalia.
Q90249237When mother knows best: A population genetic model of transgenerational versus intragenerational plasticity
Q52650404When mutualists are pathogens: an experimental study of the symbioses between Steinernema (entomopathogenic nematodes) and Xenorhabdus (bacteria).
Q38864738When relative allocation depends on total resource acquisition: implication for the analysis of trade-offs.
Q34332221When should we expect early bursts of trait evolution in comparative data? Predictions from an evolutionary food web model
Q51248642When three traits make a line: evolution of phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation through linear reaction norms in stochastic environments.
Q47366601When to be born? Prolonged pregnancy or incubation enhances locomotor performance in neonatal lizards (Scincidae).
Q38435639Where have all the blue flowers gone: pollinator responses and selection on flower colour in New Zealand Wahlenbergia albomarginata.
Q37860352Whither Pst? The approximation of Qst by Pst in evolutionary and conservation biology.
Q57149317Why Are Red Flowers So Rare? Testing the Macroevolutionary Causes of Tippiness
Q44684173Why acquiesce? Worker reproductive parasitism in the Eastern honeybee (Apis cerana).
Q47809123Why are some species more commonly afflicted by arthritis than others? A comparative study of spondyloarthropathy in primates and carnivores
Q50588619Why birds eat colourful grit: colour preferences revealed by the colour of gizzard stones.
Q34714398Why care? Inferring the evolution of complex social behaviour
Q39600675Why colour in subterranean vertebrates? Exploring the evolution of colour patterns in caecilian amphibians
Q91824770Why cooperation is not running away
Q45260919Why do Californian striders fly?
Q39498532Why do stigmas move in a flexistylous plant?
Q52664038Why does a grasshopper have fewer, larger offspring at its range limits?
Q46056465Why get big in the cold? Size-fecundity relationships explain the temperature-size rule in a pulmonate snail (Physa).
Q37081630Why h2 does not always equal V A/V P?
Q47956429Why join a neighbour: fitness consequences of colony fusions in termites
Q51596835Why migrate during the day: a comparative analysis of North American birds.
Q57065596Why pollinators visit only a fraction of the open flowers on a plant: The plant's point of view
Q128153879Why so many polyploids? Accounting for environmental stochasticity in unreduced gamete formation lowers the perceived barriers to polyploid establishment
Q46620070Why wait? Three mechanisms selecting for environment-dependent developmental delays.
Q26998671Widespread phenotypic and genetic divergence along altitudinal gradients in animals
Q33326133Widespread unidirectional transfer of mitochondrial DNA: a case in western Palaearctic water frogs
Q80960858Will two walk together, except they have agreed? Amos 3:3
Q51969721Wing morphology and fluctuating asymmetry depend on the host plant in cactophilic Drosophila.
Q51710894Wing pointedness associated with migratory distance in common-garden and comparative studies of stonechats (Saxicola torquata).
Q51338455Wing trait-inversion associations in Drosophila subobscura can be generalized within continents, but may change through time.
Q28308022Wings or winds: inferring bat migration in a stepping-stone archipelago
Q36667574Winter is coming: hibernation reverses the outcome of sperm competition in a fly
Q47970519With a little help from my kin: barn swallow nestlings modulate solicitation of parental care according to nestmates' need
Q90694788Withdrawn: Mating system drives the mate selection in aphidophagous ladybird, Menochilus sexmaculatus
Q51701397Within and between generation phenotypic plasticity in trichome density of Mimulus guttatus.
Q52976395Within clutch co-variation of egg mass and sex in the black-headed gull.
Q60566643Within population genetic differentiation in traits affecting clonal growth:
Q113181529Within population genetic differentiation in traits affecting clonal growth: Festuca rubra in a mountain grassland
Q38929584Within-clutch variation in offspring sex determined by differences in sire body size: cryptic mate choice in the wild
Q36669721Within-female plasticity in sex allocation is associated with a behavioural polyphenism in house wrens
Q92240170Within-host interactions shape virulence-related traits of trematode genotypes
Q51616719Within-host viral evolution in a heterogeneous environment: insights into the HIV co-receptor switch.
Q46818807Within-plant variation in reproductive investment: consequences for selection on flowering time
Q46692110Within-population Y-linked genetic variation for lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster
Q46806019Within-population genetic effects of mtDNA on metabolic rate in Drosophila subobscura.
Q44347251Within-population polymorphism of sex-determination systems in the common frog (Rana temporaria).
Q98882787Within-population variation in female mating preference affects the opportunity for sexual selection and the evolution of male traits, but things are not as simple as expected
Q39093369Within-season increase in parental investment in a long-lived bird species: investment shifts to maximize successful reproduction?
Q35832963Within-species reproductive costs affect the asymmetry of satyrization in Drosophila
Q46672817Within-species variation in long-term trajectories of growth, fecundity and mortality in the Collembola Folsomia candida.
Q51749472Within/between population crosses reveal genetic basis for siring success in Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae).
Q31062718Wolbachia affects oviposition and mating behaviour of its spider mite host
Q44009229Wolbachia effects in natural populations of Chorthippus parallelus from the Pyrenean hybrid zone.
Q59117971Wolbachia in leafcutter ants: a widespread symbiont that may induce male killing or incompatible matings
Q60398279Wolbachia infection in crustaceans: novel hosts and potential routes for horizontal transmission
Q45886030Wolbachia-induced unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility and the stability of infection polymorphism in parapatric host populations.
Q47572468Women's attractiveness is linked to expected age at menopause.
Q29027323Worker interests and male production in Polistes gallicus, a Mediterranean social wasp
Q28277150Worker reproduction and policing in insect societies: an ESS analysis
Q44603407Worker reproduction in the ant Formica fusca.
Q61659106Wormy mice in a hybrid zone: A genetic control of susceptibility to parasite infection
Q63980011Wrensch, D. L. and Ebbert, M. A. 1992. Evolution and diversity of sex ratio in insects and mites. Chapman and Hall. f45. ISBN: 0-412-02221-4 (pb)
Q81145529Wright meets AD: not all landscapes are adaptive
Q38840902X chromosome drive in a widespread Palearctic woodland fly, Drosophila testacea.
Q34195662Year-round resource defence and the evolution of male and female song in suboscine birds: social armaments are mutual ornaments
Q90656578Yes, correct context is indeed the key: An answer to Haave-Audet et al. 2019
Q51824589Yolk androgens in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica): a test of some adaptive hypotheses.
Q47262669You are where you live: parasitic nematode mitochondrial genome size is associated with the thermal environment generated by hosts
Q101124013microRNA expression variation in a natural system as a potential molecular mechanism contributing to adaptation to hydrogen sulfide

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