Paul Agius


Paul Agius is …
instance of (P31):

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P6178Dimensions author ID01302110050.17
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-6075-8548

P69educated atSwinburne University of TechnologyQ787234
La Trobe UniversityQ1478723
P108employerUniversity of MelbourneQ319078
Swinburne University of TechnologyQ787234
La Trobe UniversityQ1478723
Burnet InstituteQ3151717
P101field of workmalariaQ12156
quantitative researchQ730675
P735given namePaulQ4925623
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q95941592A Mobile Phone-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention for Female Sex Workers in Kenya: Development and Qualitative Study
Q27305670Acceptability and feasibility of point-of-care CD4 testing on HIV continuum of care in low and middle income countries: a systematic review.
Q57466220Aiming for 90-90-90 - the importance of understanding the risk factors for HIV exposure and advanced HIV infection in migrant populations and other groups who do not report male-to-male sex
Q33781009An Ecological Momentary Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults Delivered During Drinking Events: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Q37834140Anorectal swabs as a marker of male-to-male sexual exposure in STI surveillance systems.
Q55562325Anti-HIV-1 Activity of Lactic Acid in Human Cervicovaginal Fluid.
Q40758658Cessation of injecting drug use: The effects of health service utilisation, drug use and demographic factors
Q56890425Community-based provision of direct-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C: study protocol and challenges of a randomized controlled trial
Q41642524Comparative performance of the Kalon and HerpeSelect enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays to determine the prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 in Papua New Guinea.
Q35642564Correlates of male involvement in maternal and newborn health: a cross-sectional study of men in a peri-urban region of Myanmar.
Q90589653Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty: An Adjunct to an Enhanced Recovery Pathway: Outcomes and Learning Curve Effects in Surgeons Transitioning From Other Surgical Approaches
Q43446938Does intimate partner violence impact on women's initiation and duration of breastfeeding?
Q30366204Early age at first sex: associations with sexual health and sociodemographic factors among a sample of young music festival attendees in Melbourne.
Q47792461Effect of intubation for gamma-hydroxybutyric acid overdose on emergency department length of stay and hospital admission.
Q90765273Effectiveness of an Ecological Momentary Intervention for Reducing Risky Alcohol Consumption Among Young Adults: Protocol for a Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial
Q31096489Enhanced maternal and child health nurse care for women experiencing intimate partner/family violence: protocol for MOVE, a cluster randomised trial of screening and referral in primary health care.
Q98576526Evaluation of the effectiveness of topical repellent distributed by village health volunteer networks against Plasmodium spp. infection in Myanmar: A stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial
Q55094243Factors associated with social participation amongst elders in rural Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional mixed methods analysis.
Q39796494Factors predictive of patient outcome following total wrist arthrodesis
Q61806239Field Performance and Diagnostic Accuracy of a Low-Cost Instrument-Free Point-of-Care CD4 Test (Visitect CD4) Performed by Different Health Worker Cadres among Pregnant Women
Q44649801Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer: Gardasil vaccination status and knowledge amongst a nationally representative sample of Australian secondary school students.
Q34234390Immunological markers of Plasmodium vivax exposure and immunity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q62486713Induction and decay of functional complement-fixing antibodies by the RTS,S malaria vaccine in children, and a negative impact of malaria exposure
Q90657158Injecting drug use is an independent risk factor for reincarceration after release from prison: A prospective cohort study
Q40067264Intimate partner violence and the experience of early motherhood: A cross-sectional analysis of factors associated with a poor experience of motherhood.
Q35674725Maternal and child health nurse screening and care for mothers experiencing domestic violence (MOVE): a cluster randomised trial
Q44281791Men in Australia Telephone Survey (MATeS): a national survey of the reproductive health and concerns of middle-aged and older Australian men.
Q57032410Menstrual hygiene management and school absenteeism among adolescent students in Indonesia: evidence from a cross-sectional school-based survey
Q90373996Mobile Phone-Based Ecological Momentary Intervention to Reduce Young Adults' Alcohol Use in the Event: A Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial
Q95802493Monocytes from men living with HIV exhibit heightened atherogenic potential despite long term viral suppression with ART
Q36361330Mortality in the Melbourne injecting drug user cohort study (MIX).
Q92981412Outcomes of Treatment for Hepatitis C in Primary Care, Compared to Hospital-based Care: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in People Who Inject Drugs
Q40313040Patterns of, and Factors Associated With, Illicit Pharmaceutical Opioid Analgesic Use in a Prospective Cohort of People Who Inject Drugs in Melbourne, Australia.
Q50194052Performance of diagnosis-based risk adjustment measures in a population of sick Australians.
Q36171165Performance of point-of-care CD4 testing technologies in resource-constrained settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q33854427Persistence of Activated and Adaptive-Like NK Cells in HIV+ Individuals despite 2 Years of Suppressive Combination Antiretroviral Therapy.
Q51087914Pregnancy and contraceptive use in a national representative sample of Australian secondary school students.
Q57166940Relationship between self-efficacy and HIV testing uptake among young men who have sex with men in Myanmar: a cross-sectional analysis
Q55491435Repeat participation in annual cross-sectional surveys of drug users and its implications for analysis.
Q51745704Resumption of injecting drug use following release from prison in Australia.
Q90980766Risk of Subsequent HIV Infection Following Sexually Transmissible Infections Among Men Who Have Sex With Men
Q49961936Risk of unplanned caesarean birth in Vietnamese-born women in Victoria, Australia: A cross-sectional study.
Q41608628Setting the scene: locations for meeting sex partners among behaviorally bisexual men in Vientiane, Laos, and opportunities for health promotion
Q45258682Sexual behaviour and related knowledge among a representative sample of secondary school students between 1997 and 2008.
Q92270892Staying hepatitis C negative: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cure and reinfection in people who inject drugs
Q38609708Syndromic management of sexually transmissible infections in resource-poor settings: a systematic review with meta-analysis of the abnormal vaginal discharge flowchart for Neisseria gonorrhoea and Chlamydia trachomatis.
Q40784524The Positive Outlook Study: A Randomised Controlled Trial Evaluating Online Self-Management for HIV Positive Gay Men.
Q39123236The effects of needle-sharing and opioid substitution therapy on incidence of hepatitis C virus infection and reinfection in people who inject drugs
Q92457780The impact of community-delivered models of malaria control and elimination: a systematic review
Q92393650Understanding the interactions between iron supplementation, infectious disease and adverse birth outcomes is essential to guide public health recommendations
Q92029059Use of long-acting reversible contraception in a cluster-random sample of female sex workers in Kenya
Q37151132Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Facilities and Hygiene Practices Associated with Diarrhea and Vomiting in Monastic Schools, Myanmar.
Q47680405Young Australians' use of pornography and associations with sexual risk behaviours

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