
Ancient Egyptian sculptor

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Abstract is: Bek or Bak (Egyptian for "Servant") was the first chief royal sculptor during the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten. His father Men held the same position under Akhenaten's father Amenhotep III; his mother Roi was a woman from Heliopolis. Bek grew up in Heliopolis, an important cult centre of the sun god Ra. The young prince Amenhotep (who became the pharaoh Akhenaten) had a palace here, and it is likely that his religious views were formed in part by the Heliopolitan teachings. Bek followed his lord to Akhet-Aten, the city founded by Akhenaten. He oversaw the construction of the great temple statues of the king and the opening of the Aswan and Gebel es-Silsila stone quarries, from where the stone was transported. A stela found in Aswan, made around the 9th regnal year of Akhenaten shows Men and his son Bek with the pharaohs they serve. On the right side Men stands before the statue of Amenhotep III. The statue is very likely to be one of the colossi of the pharaoh that was made by Men. This side of the stela reflects the traditional artistic style of the 18th Dynasty, and the only indication of the Amarna Period is that the name "Amenhotep" is left out, instead of it the pharaoh's throne name "Nebmaatre" is repeated, in order to avoid having to mention the god Amun whose cult was forbidden. On the left side of the stela Bek is shown before Akhenaten, who makes offerings to his god Aten; according to the inscription the depicted scene is set in the Great Temple of the Aten. A typical feature of Amarna era pictures, the rays of Aten end in hands. Aten's and Akhenaten's name was later chiseled out. On the stela Bek states that he is "the apprentice whom His Majesty taught". It is likely that he oversaw the making of the statues which show Akhenaten and his family in an overly naturalistic style, breaking with the idealised depiction that tradition demanded. A stela (now in Berlin) shows Bek with his wife Taheret. This is possibly the first self-portrait in history. The inscription of this stela also mentions him being taught by Akhenaten. A drawing of Akhenaten, which depicts the pharaoh and Aten and is likely to have been made in the early years of his reign, is possibly Bek's work. This picture shows Aten with a falcon-headed man, which was an attribute of Ra. Some other sculptors of the Amarna Period are also known by name, including Thutmose (creator of the famous Nefertiti bust) and Yuti, sculptor of Queen Tiye.

Born -1400-01-01Died

Bek is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P7704Europeana entityagent/base/27943
P646Freebase ID/m/05n_4qk
P8406Grove Art Online IDT007381

P7763copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expiredQ71887839
P27country of citizenshipEgyptQ79
P1412languages spoken, written or signedArabicQ13955
Egyptian ArabicQ29919
P103native languageEgyptian ArabicQ29919
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P2348time periodAncient EgyptQ11768

Reverse relations

Q4881563Beknamed afterP138
Q103892367Bekmain subjectP921

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Catalan (ca / Q7026)Bek (escultor)wikipedia
      Bek (sochař)wikipedia
      Bak (Bildhauer)wikipedia
      Bek (sculptor)wikipedia
      Bak (sculpteur)wikipedia
igBek (sculptor)wikipedia
      Бек (скульптор)wikipedia
      Бак (скульптор)wikipedia

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