Andreas Mai

researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3861-0512)

Andreas Mai is …
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P496ORCID iD0000-0002-3861-0512
P1153Scopus author ID35275276500

P108employerTechnical University of Applied Sciences WildauQ686171
Innovations for High Performance MicroelectronicsQ829654
P735given nameAndreasQ4926263
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q52990188High bandwidth, high responsivity waveguide-coupled germanium p-i-n photodiode
Q92373597Investigation of the Oxidation Behavior of Graphene/Ge(001) Versus Graphene/Ge(110) Systems
Q53543234Metal-Free CVD Graphene Synthesis on 200 mm Ge/Si(001) Substrates
Q64267766Optical Biosensors Based on Silicon-On-Insulator Ring Resonators: A Review
Q90688928Quadratic electro-optic effect in silicon-organic hybrid slot-waveguides

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