Carol J Bult

researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9433-210X)

Carol J Bult is …
instance of (P31):

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P2456DBLP author ID15/4564
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-9433-210X

P108employerJackson LaboratoryQ1677355
P735given nameCarolQ18201469
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072

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author (P50)
Q36367000A Patient-Derived Xenograft Model of Parameningeal Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma for Preclinical Studies
Q37164677A genome end-game: understanding gene function in the nervous system
Q33372098A genomewide functional network for the laboratory mouse
Q36082198A mouse model of conditional lipodystrophy
Q37310345A new standard genetic map for the laboratory mouse
Q37401668Aging in inbred strains of mice: study design and interim report on median lifespans and circulating IGF1 levels
Q36864745Analysis of gene expression in a developmental context emphasizes distinct biological leitmotifs in human cancers
Q44876274Antibodies that label paraffin-embedded mouse tissues: a collaborative endeavor.
Q35688051Autism candidate genes via mouse phenomics
Q61919671Automated Annotation-Based Bio-Ontology Alignment with Structural Validation
Q33906483Bedside Back to Bench: Building Bridges between Basic and Clinical Genomic Research
Q31035110Beyond the data deluge: data integration and bio-ontologies
Q38063633Bioinformatics Resources for Behavior Studies in the Laboratory Mouse
Q36100853Bridging tumor genomics to patient outcomes through an integrated patient-derived xenograft platform
Q91101570Cisplatin-resistant triple-negative breast cancer subtypes: multiple mechanisms of resistance
Q38647834Clinical Trials in Precision Oncology
Q33242811Clusters of internally primed transcripts reveal novel long noncoding RNAs
Q34153404Congenital diaphragmatic hernia candidate genes derived from embryonic transcriptomes.
Q33679065Connecting sequence and biology in the laboratory mouse
Q46846282Consensus coding sequence (CCDS) database: a standardized set of human and mouse protein-coding regions supported by expert curation
Q104795307Conservation of copy number profiles during engraftment and passaging of patient-derived cancer xenografts
Q33872384Current state of pediatric sarcoma biology and opportunities for future discovery: A report from the sarcoma translational research workshop.
Q54697809De novo frameshift mutation in COUP-TFII (NR2F2) in human congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Q21131727Development and Characterization of Bladder Cancer Patient-Derived Xenografts for Molecularly Guided Targeted Therapy
Q33679116Development and evaluation of an automated annotation pipeline and cDNA annotation system
Q35538750Development and validation of the JAX Cancer Treatment Profile™ for detection of clinically actionable mutations in solid tumors.
Q42603941Discrimination of non-protein-coding transcripts from protein-coding mRNA.
Q54729493Editorial overview: Characterizing the cancer genome: mechanistic insights and translational opportunities.
Q40079597EphB4/EphrinB2 therapeutics in Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Q33636146Expression of the transcription factor, TFII-I, during post-implantation mouse embryonic development.
Q64108509Factors that influence response classifications in chemotherapy treated patient-derived xenografts (PDX)
Q36372990Finding mouse models of human lymphomas and leukemia's using the Jackson laboratory mouse tumor biology database.
Q36118184Folding and organization of a contiguous chromosome region according to the gene distribution pattern in primary genomic sequence
Q58054708Functional and Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Piebald Deletion Region of Mouse Chromosome 14
Q92120133Genetic mapping in Diversity Outbred mice identifies a Trpa1 variant influencing late-phase formalin response
Q35125887Genome function and nuclear architecture: from gene expression to nanoscience
Q47926307Genome-wide enrichment of damaging de novo variants in patients with isolated and complex congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Q33258060Genomes as geography: using GIS technology to build interactive genome feature maps
Q89575647Genomic Medicine Year in Review: 2019
Q104070030Genomic Medicine Year in Review: 2020
Q91522968Genomic data analysis workflows for tumors from patient-derived xenografts (PDXs): challenges and guidelines
Q60301437High-resolution deconstruction of evolution induced by chemotherapy treatments in breast cancer xenografts
Q34280457Identifying mouse models for skin cancer using the Mouse Tumor Biology Database
Q22122521Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome
Q96647213Innovations, challenges, and minimal information for standardization of humanized mice
Q24804757Integrating computationally assembled mouse transcript sequences with the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) database
Q33530163JAX Colony Management System (JCMS): an extensible colony and phenotype data management system
Q35974740Large-scale mutagenesis of the mouse to understand the genetic bases of nervous system structure and function
Q21145823Lineage-specific biology revealed by a finished genome assembly of the mouse
Q39790334MGD: the Mouse Genome Database
Q37120323Metabolite profile of a mouse model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2D neuropathy: implications for disease mechanisms and interventions
Q24792668Mice and more
Q56814708Model organism data evolving in support of translational medicine
Q30841576Molecular pathogenesis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia revealed by exome sequencing, developmental data, and bioinformatics
Q30971921Mouse Colony Data Management
Q58586984Mouse Genome Database (MGD) 2019
Q28584453Mouse Genome Database (MGD)-2017: community knowledge resource for the laboratory mouse
Q47202657Mouse Genome Database (MGD)-2018: knowledgebase for the laboratory mouse
Q102372282Mouse Genome Database (MGD): Knowledgebase for mouse-human comparative biology
Q26829673Mouse Genome Database: From sequence to phenotypes and disease models
Q31147695Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI): Resources for Mining Mouse Genetic, Genomic, and Biological Data in Support of Primary and Translational Research.
Q112835698Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI): latest news from MGD and GXD
Q26799692Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI): reflecting on 25 years
Q28763780Mouse Phenome Database (MPD)
Q35630905Mouse Phenome Database (MPD)
Q35254961Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB): a database of mouse models for human cancer
Q38450607Mouse Tumor Biology Database (MTB): status update and future directions
Q34502040Mouse genome database 2016.
Q47598724Mouse genome informatics (MGI) resources for pathology and toxicology
Q30489510Mouse phenome database
Q55687943Mouse phenome database.
Q37350831MouseCyc: a curated biochemical pathways database for the laboratory mouse
Q112705490Multiple genome viewer (MGV): a new tool for visualization and comparison of multiple annotated genomes
Q35840678Mutation discovery in mice by whole exome sequencing
Q95465092Nuclear Ribosomal RNA Sequences for Inferring Tribal Relationships Within Onagraceae
Q92506513Opportunities, resources, and techniques for implementing genomics in clinical care
Q26801736Orthology for comparative genomics in the mouse genome database
Q57248988PDX Finder: A Portal for Patient-Derived tumor Xenograft Model Discovery
Q45961634PDX-MI: Minimal Information for Patient-Derived Tumor Xenograft Models.
Q89140058Patient-Derived Tumor Xenografts: Why Now?
Q39057246Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models in basic and translational breast cancer research.
Q33655761Precise genetic mapping and integrative bioinformatics in Diversity Outbred mice reveals Hydin as a novel pain gene
Q92819977Probabilistic modeling of personalized drug combinations from integrated chemical screen and molecular data in sarcoma
Q34387467Protein Ontology: a controlled structured network of protein entities
Q35925249R2d2 Drives Selfish Sweeps in the House Mouse
Q58611644RNAcentral: a hub of information for non-coding RNA sequences
Q60448553RNAcentral: a hub of information for non-coding RNA sequences
Q49822573Research directions in the clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics - An Overview of US programs and projects
Q111149881Supervised learning with word embeddings derived from PubMed captures latent knowledge about protein kinases and cancer
Q36124996Temporal dynamics of the developing lung transcriptome in three common inbred strains of laboratory mice reveals multiple stages of postnatal alveolar development
Q24609225The IKMC web portal: a central point of entry to data and resources from the International Knockout Mouse Consortium
Q91498170The JAX Synteny Browser for mouse-human comparative genomics
Q35630854The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): comprehensive resource for genetics and genomics of the laboratory mouse
Q34445051The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): facilitating mouse as a model for human biology and disease
Q24796985The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): from genes to mice--a community resource for mouse biology
Q34937561The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): integrating biology with the genome.
Q38393159The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): mouse biology and model systems
Q24616724The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): premier model organism resource for mammalian genomics and genetics
Q39524398The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): the model organism database for the laboratory mouse
Q25255580The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): updates and enhancements
Q43122475The Mouse Genome Database genotypes::phenotypes
Q33600888The Mouse Genome Database: enhancements and updates
Q37661743The Mouse Genome Database: integration of and access to knowledge about the laboratory mouse
Q47564965The Mouse Tumor Biology Database: A Comprehensive Resource for Mouse Models of Human Cancer.
Q34559023The Mouse Tumor Biology Database: a public resource for cancer genetics and pathology of the mouse
Q30986953The Mouse Tumor Biology Database: integrated access to mouse cancer biology data.
Q36953138The Mouse Tumor Biology database
Q34456689The Protein Ontology: a structured representation of protein forms and complexes
Q24631451The mammalian gene function resource: the International Knockout Mouse Consortium
Q36685876The mouse as a model for human biology: a resource guide for complex trait analysis
Q38401508The mouse genome database (MGD): new features facilitating a model system
Q36491296The mouse genome database: genotypes, phenotypes, and models of human disease
Q34022247The representation of protein complexes in the Protein Ontology (PRO).
Q34426375Tissue-specific functional networks for prioritizing phenotype and disease genes
Q28302329Towards BioDBcore: a community-defined information specification for biological databases
Q28743747Towards BioDBcore: a community-defined information specification for biological databases
Q33242821Transcript annotation in FANTOM3: mouse gene catalog based on physical cDNAs
Q79900144Transcriptional profile of mouse pre-granulosa and Sertoli cells isolated from early-differentiated fetal gonads
Q59329776Using bio-ontologies as data annotation, integration & analytical tools at the Mouse Genome Informatics resource
Q38462184Visual annotation display (VLAD): a tool for finding functional themes in lists of genes
Q90172846miR-147b-mediated TCA cycle dysfunction and pseudohypoxia initiate drug tolerance to EGFR inhibitors in lung adenocarcinoma

Q10648599114th Annual Biocuration Conference (2021)participantP710

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