José L Tella

researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3038-7424)

José L Tella is …
instance of (P31):

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P496ORCID iD0000-0002-3038-7424

P735given nameJoséQ2190619
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Invasion BiologyQ56241615
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q42033058A 4 year follow-up analysis of genotoxic damage in birds of the Doñana area (south west Spain) in the wake of the 1998 mining waste spill
Q60234426A complex plumage pattern as an honest social signal
Q56937191A prioritised list of invasive alien species to assist the effective implementation of EU legislation
Q94922887A protective nesting association with native species counteracts biotic resistance for the spread of an invasive parakeet from urban into rural habitats
Q60393663A receiver bias for red predates the convergent evolution of red color in widowbirds and bishops
Q54899302An island paradigm on the mainland: host population fragmentation impairs the community of avian pathogens
Q54390805An island paradigm on the mainland: host population fragmentation impairs the community of avian pathogens.
Q48094375An overlooked plant-parakeet mutualism counteracts human overharvesting on an endangered tree
Q112494438Annual Censuses and Citizen Science Data Show Rapid Population Increases and Range Expansion of Invasive Rose-Ringed and Monk Parakeets in Seville, Spain
Q125875615Anthropogenic nesting sites and density of Burrowing Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus) in northern Argentinian Patagonia
Q60323906Apparent Absence of Blood Parasites in the Patagonian Seabird Community: Is It Related to the Marine Environment?
Q111845283Apparent Lack of Circovirus Transmission from Invasive Parakeets to Native Birds
Q111160278Assessing the introduction of exotic raptors into the wild from falconry
Q93012913Author Correction: Personality-dependent breeding dispersal in rural but not urban burrowing owls
Q128236109Bio-logging shows a central trans-Saharan migration and unknown wintering grounds in Africa of a juvenile griffon vulture from Spain
Q34716114Can synchronizing feather-based measures of corticosterone and stable isotopes help us better understand habitat-physiology relationships?
Q111147755Cities favour the recent establishment and current spread of the Eurasian collared dove Streptopelia decaocto (Frivaldszky, 1838) in Dominican Republic
Q55260367Cities may save some threatened species but not their ecological functions.
Q113799028Climate matching and anthropogenic factors contribute to the colonization and extinction of local populations during avian invasions
Q46324553Climate matching drives spread rate but not establishment success in recent unintentional bird introductions.
Q47374468Colony size selection determines adult survival and dispersal preferences: allee effects in a colonial bird
Q110626021Combined impacts of multiple non-native mammals on two life stages of a critically endangered Neotropical tree
Q56402072Combining trade data and niche modelling improves predictions of the origin and distribution of non-native European populations of a globally invasive species
Q110791015Components of breeding performance in two competing species: habitat heterogeneity, individual quality and density-dependence
Q60298536Conflicts between Lesser Kestrel Conservation and European Agricultural Policies as Identif ied by Habitat Use Analyses
Q46470238Correction: Truncated Power Laws Reveal a Link between Low-Level Behavioral Processes and Grouping Patterns in a Colonial Bird.
Q90965199Corticosterone implants produce stress-hyporesponsive birds
Q33779729Crowding in the city: losing and winning competitors of an invasive bird
Q57579425Current status of the threatened Dupont's lark Chersophilus duponti in Spain: overestimation, decline, and extinction of local populations
Q56552073Dealing with non-native species: what makes the difference in South America?
Q57579374Describing dispersal under habitat constraints: A randomization approach in lesser kestrels
Q60323875Determining Sex of Magellanic Penguins Using Molecular Procedures and Discriminant Functions
Q31056696Developmental exposure to a toxic spill compromises long-term reproductive performance in a wild, long-lived bird: the white stork (Ciconia ciconia).
Q60298238Differences in acute stress responses between wild-caught and captive-bred birds: a physiological mechanism contributing to current avian invasions?
Q97525729Differences in adrenocortical responses between urban and rural burrowing owls: poorly-known underlying mechanisms and their implications for conservation
Q57579449Dispersal within a spatially structured population of lesser kestrels: the role of spatial isolation and conspecific attraction
Q42016911Disrupted bone metabolism in contaminant-exposed white storks (Ciconia ciconia) in southwestern Spain.
Q57579440Distress calls may honestly signal bird quality to predators
Q57579412Distress calls reflect poxvirus infection in lesser short-toed lark Calandrella rufescens
Q106606436Distribution of alien tetrapods in the Iberian Peninsula
Q57579427Does land irrigation actually reduce foraging habitat for breeding lesser kestrels? The role of crop types
Q57579324Don’t neglect pre-establishment individual selection in deliberate introductions
Q111321542Drivers of alien species composition in bird markets across the world
Q111159988Drivers of compositional dissimilarity for native and alien birds: the relative roles of human activity and environmental suitability
Q128236132Drivers of the Ectoparasite Community and Co-Infection Patterns in Rural and Urban Burrowing Owls
Q60298256Effects of habitat degradation on the abundance, richness and diversity of raptors across Neotropical biomes
Q57579442Effects of land use, nesting-site availability, and the presence of larger raptors on the abundance of Vulnerable lesser kestrels Falco naumanni in Kazakhstan
Q37193119Endangered plant-parrot mutualisms: seed tolerance to predation makes parrots pervasive dispersers of the Parana pine
Q111149439Epizoochory in Parrots as an Overlooked Yet Widespread Plant–Animal Mutualism
Q94497085Evaluation of genotoxic effects of heavy metals and arsenic in wild nestling white storks (Ciconia ciconia) and black kites (Milvus migrans) from southwestern Spain after a mining accident
Q54942029Evolution of genomic variation in the burrowing owl in response to recent colonization of urban areas.
Q96617364Experimental removal of invasive Africanized honey bees increased breeding population size of the endangered Lear's macaw
Q55711844Expression of concern. An island paradigm on the mainland: host population fragmentation impairs the community of avian pathogens.
Q47868076Extensive polymorphism and geographical variation at a positively selected MHC class II B gene of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni).
Q57579464Factors affecting breeding dispersal in the facultatively colonial lesser kestrel: individual experience vs. conspecific cues
Q56963697Feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) and body condition of their avian hosts: a large correlative study
Q60323914Feather mites on birds: costs of parasitism or conditional outcomes?
Q112068378Fine-scale genetic structure in the critically endangered red-fronted macaw in the absence of geographic and ecological barriers
Q51704576Fractal bird nest distribution produces scale-free colony sizes.
Q92075527Genes acting in synapses and neuron projections are early targets of selection during urban colonization
Q46522648Goats, birds, and emergent diseases: apparent and hidden effects of exotic species in an island environment
Q60298259Habitat, human pressure, and social behavior: Partialling out factors affecting large-scale territory extinction in an endangered vulture
Q36097102Heritability of fear of humans in urban and rural populations of a bird species
Q111154150High Prevalence of Novel Beak and Feather Disease Virus in Sympatric Invasive Parakeets Introduced to Spain From Asia and South America
Q30716840High individual consistency in fear of humans throughout the adult lifespan of rural and urban burrowing owls
Q35116319High urban breeding densities do not disrupt genetic monogamy in a bird species
Q92651736How much does it cost to save a species from extinction? Costs and rewards of conserving the Lear's macaw
Q34199376Illegal and legal parrot trade shows a long-term, cross-cultural preference for the most attractive species increasing their risk of extinction
Q33831530Individual consistency in flight initiation distances in burrowing owls: a new hypothesis on disturbance-induced habitat selection.
Q33883697Inter-individual variability in fear of humans and relative brain size of the species are related to contemporary urban invasion in birds.
Q35939273Internal seed dispersal by parrots: an overview of a neglected mutualism
Q60298244Is assisted colonization feasible? Lessons from past introductions
Q74170249Is cell-mediated immunity related to the evolution of life-history strategies in birds?
Q99603014Isolation and characterization of 15 new microsatellite markers for the globally endangered Lear's macaw Anodorhynchus leari
Q30438606Joint effects of population size and isolation on genetic erosion in fragmented populations: finding fragmentation thresholds for management
Q30817556Landscape bioacoustics allow detection of the effects of habitat patchiness on population structure.
Q60475579Large-scale impacts of multiple co-occurring invaders on monkey puzzle forest regeneration, native seed predators and their ecological interactions
Q39742267Lifetime fitness correlates of natal dispersal distance in a colonial bird
Q36035202Links between fear of humans, stress and survival support a non-random distribution of birds among urban and rural habitats
Q57579294Morphological variation in the specialist Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti: geographical clines vs. local ecological determinants
Q113152503Multiple External Seed Dispersers Challenge the Megafaunal Syndrome Anachronism and the Surrogate Ecological Function of Livestock
Q55176539Nest-site competition and killing by invasive parakeets cause the decline of a threatened bat population.
Q89126705Network structure embracing mutualism-antagonism continuums increases community robustness
Q60234447Non-adaptive adoptions of nestlings in the colonial lesser kestrel: proximate causes and fitness consequences
Q56417570Non-random patterns and temporal trends (1912-2012) in the transport, introduction and establishment of exotic birds in Spain and Portugal
Q112768233Overlooked Parrot Seed Dispersal in Australia and South America: Insights on the Evolution of Dispersal Syndromes and Seed Size in Araucaria Trees
Q36418963Parasite prevalence and sample size: misconceptions and solutions.
Q36106913Parrots as key multilinkers in ecosystem structure and functioning
Q64098285Personality-dependent breeding dispersal in rural but not urban burrowing owls
Q38981696Predation of experimental nests is linked to local population dynamics in a fragmented bird population
Q57579434Proximate causes and fitness consequences of hatching failure in lesser kestrelsFalco naumanni
Q43580886RETRACTED: MHC diversity and differential exposure to pathogens in kestrels (Aves: Falconidae).
Q35868664Rapid loss of antipredatory behaviour in captive-bred birds is linked to current avian invasions
Q128236136Recent Advances in Parrot Research and Conservation
Q58427984Regional Bans on Wild-Bird Trade Modify Invasion Risks at a Global Scale
Q83183728Relationships between T-cell-mediated immune response and Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and as concentrations in blood of nestling white storks (Ciconia ciconia) and black kites (Milvus migrans) from Doñana (southwestern Spain) after the Aznalcóllar toxic spill
Q104281812Renewables in Spain threaten biodiversity
Q34172535Repeatability of feather mite prevalence and intensity in passerine birds
Q90003035Rethinking megafauna
Q41287691Seed dispersal by macaws shapes the landscape of an Amazonian ecosystem.
Q89679250Sex, personality and conspecific density influence natal dispersal with lifetime fitness consequences in urban and rural burrowing owls
Q36246033Sex- and age-dependent patterns of survival and breeding success in a long-lived endangered avian scavenger
Q35601219Shared genetic diversity across the global invasive range of the monk parakeet suggests a common restricted geographic origin and the possibility of convergent selection
Q28755374Song diversity predicts the viability of fragmented bird populations
Q57579359Strong philopatry derived from capture-recapture records does not lead to fine-scale genetic differentiation in lesser kestrels
Q111173211Successful hybridization between non‐congeneric parrots in a small introduced population
Q56144599Survival in a long-lived territorial migrant: effects of life-history traits and ecological conditions in wintering and breeding areas
Q60452514Survival in a long-lived territorial migrant: effects of life-history traits and ecological conditions in wintering and breeding areas
Q57579415Testing acoustic versus physical marking: two complementary methods for individual-based monitoring of elusive species
Q110626270The European trade ban on wild birds reduced invasion risks
Q33372336The PHA test reflects acquired T-cell mediated immunocompetence in birds
Q110626045The Role of Monk Parakeets as Nest-Site Facilitators in Their Native and Invaded Areas
Q60393492The authors reply
Q56425555The empty temporal niche: breeding phenology differs between coexisting native and invasive birds
Q90929692The extent, frequency and ecological functions of food wasting by parrots
Q33546065The paradox of the long-term positive effects of a North American crayfish on a European community of predators.
Q57579348The relative importance of patch habitat quality and landscape attributes on a declining steppe-bird metapopulation
Q33343587The role of despotism and heritability in determining settlement patterns in the colonial lesser kestrel
Q48166875The southernmost parakeet might be enhancing pollination of a dioecious conifer.
Q111160569Trends in legal and illegal trade of wild birds: a global assessment based on expert knowledge
Q33330282Truncated power laws reveal a link between low-level behavioral processes and grouping patterns in a colonial bird
Q60608687Uncoupled Evolution of Male and Female Cone Sizes in an Ancient Conifer Lineage
Q33799138Urban conservation hotspots: predation release allows the grassland-specialist burrowing owl to perform better in the city
Q57579404Who are we sampling? Apparent survival differs between methods in a secretive species

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