Piotr Musialek

Polish cardiologist

Piotr Musialek is …
instance of (P31):

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P12541Ludzie Nauki ID (new)kLyXe8QJeTa
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810533085505606
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-9300-4833
P3124Polish scientist ID254758
P214VIAF cluster ID313523944

P512academic degreehabilitationQ308678
P27country of citizenshipPolandQ36
P108employerMedical College of Jagiellonian UniversityQ6122616
P734family nameMusiałekQ110268958
P735given namePiotrQ15897269
P1412languages spoken, written or signedPolishQ809
P1559name in native languagePiotr Musiałek
P103native languagePolishQ809
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q51801268A Prospective, Multicenter Study of a Novel Mesh-Covered Carotid Stent: The CGuard CARENET Trial (Carotid Embolic Protection Using MicroNet).
Q86197455Aspirin resistance in adult patients after Fontan surgery
Q51216979Assessment of flow changes in the circle of Willis after stenting for severe internal carotid artery stenosis.
Q37738591Cardiopoietic cell therapy for advanced ischaemic heart failure: results at 39 weeks of the prospective, randomized, double blind, sham-controlled CHART-1 clinical trial
Q51190883Carotid artery stenting according to the "tailored CAS" algorithm performed in the very elderly patients: the thirty day outcome.
Q34243299Carotid artery stenting according to the tailored-CAS algorithm is associated with a low complication rate at 30 days: data from the TARGET-CAS study
Q45006477Carotid artery stenting with patient- and lesion-tailored selection of the neuroprotection system and stent type: early and 5-year results from a prospective academic registry of 535 consecutive procedures (TARGET-CAS).
Q46352103Carotid intima-media thickness in pre- and postmenopausal women with suspected coronary artery disease.
Q51139784Commentary: Carotid Artery Revascularization for Stroke Prevention: A New Era.
Q91860522Commentary: Double-Layer Carotid Stents: From the Clinical Need, through a Stent-in-Stent Strategy, to Effective Plaque Isolation… the Journey Toward Safe Carotid Revascularization Using the Endovascular Route
Q53254910Commentary: vertebral artery ostial stenosis stenting technique: the concept reversed?
Q38610604Concise Review: Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Cardiovascular Regeneration: Emerging Research Directions and Clinical Applications.
Q35115144Coronary microcirculation and reperfusion failure. Do we know what diagnostic tools we have?
Q80431149Detection of microvascular injury by evaluating epicardial blood flow in early reperfusion following primary angioplasty
Q51244588Determinants of immediate and long-term results of subclavian and innominate artery angioplasty
Q88859863Determinants of long-term outcome in patients after percutaneous stent-assisted management of symptomatic subclavian or innominate artery stenosis or occlusion
Q80109845Diagnostic value of carotid intima-media thickness in indicating multi-level atherosclerosis
Q51015277Doppler ultrasonography in suspected subclavian artery obstruction and in patient monitoring after subclavian stenting.
Q49683839Drug action(s), drug marketing, and clinical medicine. Suppression of ventricular arrhythmogenicity with If blockade in human heart failure: emerging clinical evidence for ivabradine treatment benefit beyond heart rate control
Q81747722Early myocardial engraftment of autologous CD34+ cells administered transcoronary via a physiological cell-delivery system
Q81450255Evaluation of cerebral circulation in patients with significant carotid artery stenosis
Q83828198Fibrinogen and carotid intima media thickness determine fibrin density in different atherosclerosis extents
Q48385139Flow reversal for proximal neuroprotection during endovascular management of critical symptomatic carotid artery stenosis coexisting with ipsilateral external carotid artery occlusion.
Q81410531Gender differences in carotid intima-media thickness in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
Q50185155Giant pericardial cyst compressing the right ventricle
Q64111879Highly-calcific carotid lesions endovascular management in symptomatic and increased-stroke-risk asymptomatic patients using the CGuard™ dual-layer carotid stent system: Analysis from the PARADIGM study
Q49383488How asymptomatic is "asymptomatic" carotid stenosis? Resolving fundamental confusion(s) - and confusions yet to be resolved.
Q85070484How should I treat a very large thrombus burden in the infarct-related artery in a young patient with an unexplained lower GI tract bleeding?
Q55021794Hybrid one-day coronary artery bypass grafting and carotid artery stenting - cardiac surgeons' perspective on the procedure's safety.
Q38125953If current inhibition and mortality reduction in heart failure: more than just a 'pure' effect of lowering heart rate
Q80078775Incidence of ischemic mitral regurgitation in 1155 consecutive acute myocardial infarction patients treated with primary or facilitated angioplasty
Q47264225Infarct size determines myocardial uptake of CD34+ cells in the peri-infarct zone: results from a study of (99m)Tc-extametazime-labeled cell visualization integrated with cardiac magnetic resonance infarct imaging
Q61942700Intracoronary infusion of bone marrow-derived selected CD34+CXCR4+ cells and non-selected mononuclear cells in patients with acute STEMI and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: results of randomized, multicentre Myocardial Regeneration by Int
Q55374949Ischemic Versus Non-Ischemic (Neurogenic) Myocardial Contractility Impairment in Acute Coronary Syndromes: Prevalence and Impact on Left Ventricular Systolic Function Recovery.
Q90923957Letter by Mazurek et al Regarding Article, "Short-Term Double Layer Mesh Stent Patency for Emergent or Elective Carotid Artery Stenting: A Single Center Experience".
Q50174509Letter by Musialek et al Regarding Article, "Acute Occlusions of Dual-Layer Carotid Stents After Endovascular Emergency Treatment of Tandem Lesions".
Q46014540Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical outcome in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis after carotid artery revascularization.
Q98728533Mechanical thrombectomy for ischemic stroke: Poland-time to move on! Authors' reply
Q35876556Mobilization of CD34+CXCR4+ stem/progenitor cells and the parameters of left ventricular function and remodeling in 1-year follow-up of patients with acute myocardial infarction
Q37043341Multimarker approach in discriminating patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic atherosclerotic carotid artery stenosis
Q35829154Myocardial regeneration strategy using Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells as an off-the-shelf 'unlimited' therapeutic agent: results from the Acute Myocardial Infarction First-in-Man Study.
Q59577685Nitric oxide and cardiac pacemaking
Q35084075Nitric oxide stimulation of cardiac pacemaking in the sino-atrial node through the activation of a novel signalling pathway: overview of in vitro and in vivo evidence for a new basic mechanism in the control of heart rate.
Q39765369Novel PARADIGM in carotid revascularisation: Prospective evaluation of All-comer peRcutaneous cArotiD revascularisation in symptomatic and Increased-risk asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis using CGuard™ MicroNet-covered embolic prevention stent sy
Q38629473One swallow does not a summer make but many swallows do: accumulating clinical evidence for nearly-eliminated peri-procedural and 30-day complications with mesh-covered stents transforms the carotid revascularisation field
Q90203871One-day, sequential carotid artery stenting followed by cardiac surgery in patients with severe carotid and cardiac disease
Q92556911Percutaneous management of long and diffused coronary lesions using newer generation drug-eluting stents in routine clinical practice: long-term outcomes and complication predictors
Q43270410Polyvascular extracoronary atherosclerotic disease in patients with coronary artery disease
Q84647370Predictors of cerebral reperfusion injury after carotid stenting: the role of transcranial color-coded Doppler ultrasonography
Q46956869Prevalence and prediction of renal artery stenosis in patients with coronary and supraaortic artery atherosclerotic disease
Q83382350Progressive bradycardia with increasing doses of dobutamine leading to stress echo interruption
Q48490165Prospective, multicenter European study of the GORE flow reversal system for providing neuroprotection during carotid artery stenting
Q92861432Randomized Clinical Trial of Surgical vs. Percutaneous vs. Hybrid Revascularization in Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease: Residual Myocardial Ischemia and Clinical Outcomes at One Year-Hybrid coronary REvascularization Versus Stenting or Surgery (
Q34544884Randomized transcoronary delivery of CD34(+) cells with perfusion versus stop-flow method in patients with recent myocardial infarction: Early cardiac retention of ⁹⁹(m)Tc-labeled cells activity
Q35745566Relationship between mitral leaflets angles, left ventricular geometry and mitral deformation indices in patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation: imaging by echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance
Q89692202Residual plaque prolapse with novel dual-layer carotid stents: is it mesh-covered or not?
Q33167638Resolution of ischemic symptoms after percutaneous angioplasty for a symptomatic subclavian artery stenosis.
Q84124640Restenosis after carotid artery stenting versus endarterectomy: the jury is still out!
Q45277661Right ventricular infarction: novel modalities of treatment
Q96123531Routine MicroNET-covered embolic prevention stent system use for consecutive symptomatic and increased stroke-risk asymptomatic carotid stenosis revascularization : Twelve-month outcomes from the PARADIGM study
Q30455282Safety of embolic protection device-assisted and unprotected intravascular ultrasound in evaluating carotid artery atherosclerotic lesions
Q92616648Severe, recurrent in-stent carotid restenosis: endovascular approach, risk factors. Results from a prospective academic registry of 2637 consecutive carotid artery stenting procedures (TARGET-CAS)
Q100544468Simple clinical scores to predict blood pressure and renal function response to renal artery stenting for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis
Q59391814Stress in adults with congenital heart disease – preliminary results on anxiety, life events, coping and socioeconomic factors (RCD code: IV)
Q43270409Supra-aortic extracranial artery atherosclerotic lesions in patients diagnosed for coronary artery disease: prevalence and predictors
Q45037457TASTE-less endpoint of 30-day mortality (and some other issues with TASTE) in evaluating the effectiveness of thrombus aspiration in STEMI: not the "evidence" to change the current practice of routine consideration of manual thrombus extraction
Q57301701Temporal changes in the pattern of invasive angiography use and its outcome in suspected coronary artery disease: implications for patient management and healthcare resources utilization
Q92115819The Cardiovascular Research community calls for action to address the growing burden of cardiovascular disease
Q54770977The Virtual histology In CaroTids Observational RegistrY (VICTORY) study: a European prospective registry to assess the feasibility and safety of intravascular ultrasound and virtual histology during carotid interventions.
Q90941126The cardio-vascular future of panvascular medicine: the basics
Q84569526The role of carotid intima-media thickness assessment in cardiovascular risk evaluation in patients with polyvascular atherosclerosis
Q82974305The use of a novel type of distal protection system (FiberNet®) in the percutaneous management of saphenous vein graft disease
Q83921613Transcoronary stem cell delivery using physiological endothelium-targeting perfusion technique: the rationale and a pilot study involving a comparison with conventional over-the-wire balloon coronary occlusions in patients after recent myocardial in
Q36516672Treatment strategies in severe symptomatic carotid and coronary artery disease
Q88880897Ultrasound‑assisted, catheter‑directed, low‑dose thrombolysis for the treatment of acute intermediate‑high risk pulmonary embolism
Q97680492Use of Dual-Layered Stents for Carotid Artery Angioplasty: 1-Year Results of a Patient-Based Meta-Analysis
Q90313815Use of Dual-Layered Stents in Endovascular Treatment of Extracranial Stenosis of the Internal Carotid Artery: Results of a Patient-Based Meta-Analysis of 4 Clinical Studies
Q80424678Use of the Parodi Anti-Emboli System and transient subclavian steal for cerebral protection during emergent vertebral artery recanalization
Q45923776Virtual histology intravascular ultrasound evaluation of atherosclerotic carotid artery stenosis: time for fully quantitative image analysis
Q93234820Where and how to treat a man presenting up to 4 hours after cerebral large-vessel occlusion to a thrombectomy-capable major regional hospital
Q84567164Zotarolimus-eluting stent for the treatment of recurrent, severe carotid artery in-stent stenosis in the TARGET-CAS population
Q84361059[Carotid artery stenting with proximal or distal brain protection: early outcome]
Q80174736[Percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation: early results and long-term follow-up]
Q82591293[Subintimal recanalisation of chronic superficial femoral artery occlusion with the use of a re-entry system]
Q80676593[Visualisation of early engraftment of transcoronary applied CD34+ cells in the infarct border zone]

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