Josef Svoboda

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Born 1958-11-12

Josef Svoboda is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P9037BHCL UUID74b80799-d593-41c1-a649-a19e7f657c9b
P691NL CR AUT IDjo20191019942
P214VIAF cluster ID18154921341263592387

P734family nameSvobodaQ12425834
P101field of workpoliticsQ7163
regional literatureQ26929442
P735given nameJosefQ15730712
P1412languages spoken, written or signedCzechQ9056
P102member of political partyCivic Democratic PartyQ828099
P106occupationlocal politicianQ10547393
P39position heldmayor of a place in the Czech RepublicQ99356295
member of a Czech municipal councilQ108899569
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P937work locationPohořeliceQ1641736

Reverse relations

Q122031288Město PohořeliceauthorP50

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