Gyula Glattfelder

bishop (1874-1943)

Wikimedia Commons category is Gyula Glattfelder

Born 1874-03-18 in Budapest (Q1781)
Died 1943-08-30 in Budapest (Q1781)

Gyula Glattfelder is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P1047Catholic Hierarchy person IDglat
P2163FAST ID395261
P227GND ID120645289
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/120vsvyt
P8189J9U ID987007412442805171
P244Library of Congress authority IDn97076627
P8998Magyar életrajzi lexikon IDABC04834/05265
P12597museum-digital person ID83945
P3973PIM authority IDPIM56053
P214VIAF cluster ID77151493
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJfWTtBYcBHfCrrxHQcQMP

P1598consecratorVasile Hossu de GherlaQ289758
János CsernochQ712613
Ottokár ProhászkaQ714888
P27country of citizenshipHungaryQ28
P108employerEötvös Loránd UniversityQ390287
P734family nameGlattfelderQ76421809
P735given nameGyulaQ9317185
P1451motto textIustum Amore
P106occupationCatholic priestQ250867
university teacherQ1622272
Catholic bishopQ611644
P119place of burialVotive Church of SzegedQ897812
P39position heldRoman Catholic Bishop of CsanádQ115764352
member of the Hungarian upper chamberQ62733773
archbishop of KalocsaQ115706887
P140religion or worldviewCatholic ChurchQ9592
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Wikimedia Commons Images

P94: coat of arms image

FileName: Ferenc Somorjai Glattfelder Gyula címere.jpg

Description: Glattfelder Gyula's coat of arms

Artist: Ferenc Somorjai

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Attribution is required.

Reverse relations

consecrator (P1598)
Q44424436Győző Horváth
Q51168029Istvan Hász
Q32397195István Breyer
Q1466444István Zadravecz
Q719040János Scheffler
Q1327440Tihamér Tóth
Q658853Vilmos Apor
Q29225878Vince Kovács

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Gyula Glattfelderwikimedia
      Julius Glattfelderwikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Gyula Glattfelderwikipedia
      Glattfelder Gyulawikipedia
      Julius Glattfelderwikipedia
      Глаттфельдер, Дьюлаwikipedia

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