defense response to Gram-positive bacterium

Reactions triggered in response to the presence of a Gram-positive bacterium that act to protect the cell or organism.

defense response to Gram-positive bacterium is …
instance of (P31):
biological processQ2996394

sublass of (P279):
defense response to bacteriumQ14820938

External links are
P2888exact match
P686Gene Ontology IDGO:0050830

Reverse relations

part of (P361)
Q22276550biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-positive bacteria
Q14906547neutrophil-mediated killing of gram-positive bacterium

biological process (P682)
Q298041511-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase epsilon-1;Phosphoinositide phospholipase C CELE_F31B12.1
Q2198910140S ribosomal protein S30
Q14907944A disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 17
Q4032890ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17
Q14907833Acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant
Q21426700Alpha-defensin 10
Q21426701Alpha-defensin 11
Q21426702Alpha-defensin 13
Q21426703Alpha-defensin 14
Q21426704Alpha-defensin 15
Q21426705Alpha-defensin 16
Q21426717Alpha-defensin 17
Q21421154Alpha-defensin 2
Q21421159Alpha-defensin 7
Q21421160Alpha-defensin 8
Q21421161Alpha-defensin 9
Q21426697Alpha-defensin-related sequence 1
Q21426706Alpha-defensin-related sequence 7
Q423510Amyloid beta precursor protein
Q29811544Attacin-A Dmel_CG10146
Q29817140Attacin-B Dmel_CG18372
Q29809560Attacin-C Dmel_CG4740
Q29813697Attacin-D Dmel_CG7629
Q29815995Bomanin Bicipital 1 Dmel_CG15066
Q422766C-reactive protein
Q29803288C-type LECtin CELE_F47C12.2
Q4035577CD36 molecule
Q14864583CD36 molecule
Q29532102CDNA sequence AY761185
Q39546406CG8577 gene product from transcript CG8577-RB Dmel_CG8577
Q21111856Calcitonin gene-related peptide 1 (prepro)
Q21104880Caspase recruitment domain family member 9
Q21497201Caspase recruitment domain family, member 9
Q28556184Caspase recruitment domain family, member 9
Q14907893Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide
Q55198407Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide
Q411181Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide
Q29526449Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide
Q55204459Cathepsin G
Q4217292Cathepsin G
Q14906555Cathepsin G
Q29524822Cathepsin G
Q50304354Cecropin A2 Dmel_CG1367
Q29819741Cecropin B Dmel_CG1878
Q29815814Cecropin C Dmel_CG1373
Q14909208Chromogranin A
Q3698322Chromogranin A
Q29526134Chromogranin A
Q21110643Chromosome 10 open reading frame 99
Q29808725Coenzyme Q biosynthesis protein 2 Dmel_CG9613
Q55198198Complement C5a receptor 1
Q5008266Complement C5a receptor 1
Q21496159Complement component 5a receptor 1
Q23501915CylL-L protein EF0525
Q23502228CylL-S protein EF0526
Q29809088Defensin Dmel_CG1385
Q28559739Defensin NP-4 precursor
Q28559194Defensin RatNP-3 precursor
Q29523575Defensin alpha 11
Q21101058Defensin alpha 1B
Q29524529Defensin alpha 24
Q21107111Defensin alpha 3
Q21107109Defensin alpha 4
Q21107113Defensin alpha 5
Q28557441Defensin alpha 5
Q21107124Defensin alpha 6
Q29519169Defensin alpha 6
Q29517543Defensin alpha 8
Q29521276Defensin alpha 9
Q29525858Defensin alpha-like 1
Q21171036Defensin beta 1
Q21984995Defensin beta 1
Q28560595Defensin beta 1
Q55199615Defensin beta 1
Q21105727Defensin beta 103A
Q55205314Defensin beta 114
Q21112113Defensin beta 128
Q55204729Defensin beta 128
Q21426732Defensin beta 19
Q29526907Defensin beta 24
Q21421162Defensin beta 4
Q28562792Defensin beta 4
Q21101093Defensin beta 4B
Q21421153Defensin, alpha 1
Q21426713Defensin, alpha, 20
Q21426727Defensin, alpha, 21
Q21426726Defensin, alpha, 22
Q21426715Defensin, alpha, 24
Q21426714Defensin, alpha, 25
Q21426712Defensin, alpha, 26
Q29532469Defensin, alpha, 28
Q21421155Defensin, alpha, 3
Q29530415Defensin, alpha, 30
Q21426716Defensin, alpha, 31
Q29529061Defensin, alpha, 34
Q29531784Defensin, alpha, 35
Q29530382Defensin, alpha, 37
Q29531264Defensin, alpha, 38
Q29531015Defensin, alpha, 39
Q21421156Defensin, alpha, 4
Q29531876Defensin, alpha, 40
Q29527642Defensin, alpha, 41
Q29531708Defensin, alpha, 42
Q21421157Defensin, alpha, 5
Q21421158Defensin, alpha, 6
Q21426691Defensin, alpha, related sequence 10
Q21426690Defensin, alpha, related sequence 12
Q21426699Defensin, alpha, related sequence 2
Q29531049Defensin, alpha,, related sequence 4
Q21102654Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1
Q21983223Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1
Q28562092Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1
Q29792371Dietary restriction down regulated CELE_F49F1.1
Q29811483Diptericin B Dmel_CG10794
Q29809441Dorsal-related immunity factor Dmel_CG6794
Q261483Drosha ribonuclease III
Q29516557Drosha ribonuclease III
Q21990985Drosha, ribonuclease type III
Q29812917Drosocin Dmel_CG10816
Q21114359EPH receptor A2
Q29816677Eater Dmel_CG6124
Q29813532Elevated during infection Dmel_CG32185
Q21979768Eph receptor A2
Q29521957Eph receptor A2
Q21097222FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
Q21498087FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
Q28557549FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
Q21201082Ficolin 2
Q21497047Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed (fox derived)
Q55205866G protein-coupled receptor 15 ligand
Q29814015G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 Dmel_CG17998
Q21119012Gasdermin D
Q21984072Gasdermin D
Q29517859Gasdermin D
Q29820451Gram-negative bacteria binding protein 1 Dmel_CG6895
Q50846405Gram-positive Specific Serine protease Dmel_CG5896
Q29531980Guanylate binding protein 11
Q21114577Guanylate binding protein 2
Q22677553Guanylate binding protein 2
Q28562088Guanylate binding protein 2
Q21981600Guanylate binding protein 3
Q21114595Guanylate binding protein 4
Q29521149Guanylate binding protein 4
Q21114590Guanylate binding protein 7
Q21114586Guanylate binding protein family member 6
Q29530610Guanylate-binding protein 10
Q29532515Guanylate-binding protein 8
Q29531155Guanylate-binding protein 9
Q29824061H2A.X variant histone family member 1
Q21425772H2B clustered histone 11
Q21982196H2B clustered histone 12
Q29525799H2B clustered histone 12
Q21494513H2B clustered histone 21
Q21425773H2B clustered histone 6
Q21985344Hemopoietic cell kinase
Q21418776Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
Q28559923Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
Q21133134High mobility group box 2
Q21982339High mobility group box 2
Q55202420High mobility group box 2
Q28556588High mobility group box 2-like 1
Q14907771Histocompatibility 2, T region locus 23
Q55199054Histone H2B type 1
Q55199938Histone H2B type 1-J
Q55205094Histone H2B type 2-E
Q56251913Histone cluster 1 H2A family member 11
Q29832593Histone cluster 1 H2A family member1
Q29525221Histone cluster 2 H2B family member E
Q29800823Hypothetical protein CELE_C50F4.8
Q23496000Hypothetical protein spr1765
Q23494419Hypothetical protein spr1766
Q29793137Infection Response Gene CELE_F35E12.5
Q21120636Interleukin 12A
Q21984527Interleukin 12a
Q21103387Interleukin 27 receptor subunit alpha
Q55204161Interleukin 27 receptor subunit alpha
Q21498580Interleukin 27 receptor, alpha
Q412889Interleukin 6
Q29793975Invertebrate LYSozyme CELE_C45G7.1
Q29800633Invertebrate LYSozyme CELE_C55F2.2
Q29792624Invertebrate-type lysozyme 2 CELE_C45G7.2
Q29793612Invertebrate-type lysozyme 3 CELE_C45G7.3
Q29805998Invertebrate-type lysozyme 6 CELE_W03D2.7
Q22675731KLRC4-KLRK1 readthrough
Q28556331Killer cell lectin like receptor K1
Q21118740Killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K, member 1
Q1754323Lactalbumin alpha
Q28558740Lactalbumin, alpha
Q14901007Lactalbumin, alpha
Q21116104Late cornified envelope 3A
Q21116105Late cornified envelope 3B
Q21106600Late cornified envelope 3C
Q55205778Lipopolysaccharide binding protein
Q4262879Lipopolysaccharide binding protein
Q14907580Lipopolysaccharide binding protein
Q29519363Lipopolysaccharide binding protein
Q29808772Listericin Dmel_CG9080
Q21992448Lymphotoxin A
Q21124634Lymphotoxin alpha
Q28559024Lymphotoxin alpha
Q55201565Lymphotoxin alpha
Q21438620Lysozyme 1
Q21438619Lysozyme 2
Q29814027Lysozyme B Dmel_CG1179
Q28557238Lysozyme C type 2
Q29815048Lysozyme D Dmel_CG9118
Q29809913Lysozyme E Dmel_CG1180
Q21987649Lysozyme G-like 2
Q29810837Lysozyme P Dmel_CG9116
Q29814173Lysozyme S Dmel_CG1165
Q29814108Lysozyme X Dmel_CG9120
Q21122346Lysozyme like 1
Q21122348Lysozyme like 2
Q21122353Lysozyme like 4
Q21122344Lysozyme like 6
Q21496580Lysozyme-like 1
Q29525405Lysozyme-like 1
Q21496581Lysozyme-like 4
Q29521175Lysozyme-like 4
Q21494727Lysozyme-like 6
Q29524232Lysozyme-like 6
Q29796005Lysozyme-like protein 7 CELE_C02A12.4
Q1500000MYD88 innate immune signal transduction adaptor
Q28560463MYD88, innate immune signal transduction adaptor
Q21985133Macrophage expressed gene 1
Q28558125Mannose binding lectin 1
Q55199134Mannose binding lectin 2
Q415443Mannose binding lectin 2
Q21433554Mannose-binding lectin (protein A) 1
Q14907668Mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2
Q55201119Mannose-binding protein A-like
Q29809354Metchnikowin Dmel_CG8175
Q29819412Modular serine protease Dmel_CG31217
Q29818730Myd88 Dmel_CG2078
Q14905922Myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88
Q55199385NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein
Q4044963NLR family pyrin domain containing 3
Q30020988NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3
Q14905621NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3
Q21988713Neutrophil cytosolic factor 1
Q21124880Nucleotide binding oligomerization domain containing 1
Q55199265Nucleotide binding oligomerization domain containing 1
Q21990357Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1
Q21990361Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2
Q21134679Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1
Q21980084Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1
Q28556800Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1
Q55203139Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1
Q21980088Peptidoglycan recognition protein 2
Q22677191Peptidoglycan recognition protein 2
Q21134682Peptidoglycan recognition protein 3
Q21980082Peptidoglycan recognition protein 3
Q55204978Peptidoglycan recognition protein 3
Q29523093Peptidoglycan recognition protein 3
Q21134681Peptidoglycan recognition protein 4
Q21980086Peptidoglycan recognition protein 4
Q55201755Peptidoglycan recognition protein 4
Q29518030Peptidoglycan recognition protein 4
Q29814792Peptidoglycan recognition protein LA Dmel_CG32042
Q29820584Peptidoglycan recognition protein LB Dmel_CG14704
Q29810120Peptidoglycan recognition protein LC Dmel_CG4432
Q29814803Peptidoglycan recognition protein LD Dmel_CG33717
Q29815994Peptidoglycan recognition protein LE Dmel_CG8995
Q29809987Peptidoglycan recognition protein LF Dmel_CG4437
Q29810295Peptidoglycan recognition protein SA Dmel_CG11709
Q29817645Peptidoglycan recognition protein SB1 Dmel_CG9681
Q29815688Peptidoglycan recognition protein SB2 Dmel_CG9697
Q52076974Peptidoglycan recognition protein SC1b Dmel_CG8577
Q29818804Peptidoglycan recognition protein SC2 Dmel_CG14745
Q29815947Peptidoglycan recognition protein SD Dmel_CG7496
Q29816357Persephone Dmel_CG6367
Q29819037Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 Dmel_CG18594
Q28560319Phospholipase A2 group IB
Q21121064Phospholipase A2 group IIA
Q21987361Phospholipase A2, group IB, pancreas
Q21986291Phospholipase D1
Q29810809Prophenoloxidase 1 Dmel_CG42639
Q29812201Prophenoloxidase 2 Dmel_CG8193
Q21124314Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 11
Q28557536Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 11
Q29829009Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 11
Q21989932Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 11
Q21126786Purinergic receptor P2X 7
Q21990432Purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 7
Q29532157RIKEN cDNA 2610528A11 gene
Q21988013Reactive oxygen species modulator 1
Q55202392Reactive oxygen species modulator 1
Q29518447Reactive oxygen species modulator 1
Q21986412Receptor (TNFRSF)-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2
Q29518899Receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2
Q28557444Regenerating family member 3 beta
Q21126998Regenerating family member 3 gamma
Q28556170Regenerating family member 3 gamma
Q21496795Regenerating islet-derived 3 beta
Q21496791Regenerating islet-derived 3 gamma
Q21989442Retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 2
Q55202827Retinoic acid receptor responder 2
Q29527293Retinoic acid receptor responder 2
Q21123851Ribonuclease A family member 7
Q55201090Ribonuclease A family member k6
Q21989473Ribonuclease, RNase A family, 6
Q21989003Ribosomal protein L39
Q21127177SEH1 like nucleoporin
Q21991624SEH1-like (S. cerevisiae
Q29795223SaPosin-like Protein family CELE_T08A9.7
Q29796741Saposin B-type domain-containing protein CELE_T07C4.4
Q29795154Saposin B-type domain-containing protein CELE_T08A9.9
Q21115562Scavenger receptor cysteine rich family member with 5 domains
Q29526972Scavenger receptor cysteine rich family member with 5 domains
Q21990642Scavenger receptor cysteine rich family, 5 domains
Q29812693Serine Protease Immune Response Integrator Dmel_CG2056
Q29811770Serine protease homolog 93 Dmel_CG6639
Q29796030Serine/threonine-protein kinase dkf-1 CELE_W09C5.5
Q29805229Serine/threonine-protein kinase dkf-2 CELE_T25E12.4
Q29800705Serpentine receptor class beta-6 CELE_R05H5.6
Q29520338Similar to High mobility group protein 2 (HMG-2)
Q29521531Similar to RIKEN cDNA 9530003J23
Q29811410Spatzle Dmel_CG6134
Q29816962Spatzle-Processing Enzyme Dmel_CG16705
Q21122741Sperm acrosome associated 1
Q21988075Sperm acrosome associated 1
Q21122736Sperm acrosome associated 3
Q21988074Sperm acrosome associated 3
Q29519398Sperm acrosome associated 3
Q21122737Sperm acrosome associated 4
Q21988060Sperm acrosome associated 4
Q29516266Sperm acrosome associated 4
Q22676669Sperm acrosome associated 5
Q29517645Sperm acrosome associated 5
Q21122354Sperm acrosome associated 5B
Q21122083Sperm acrosome associated 7
Q21989193Sperm acrosome associated 7
Q29818882Spheroide Dmel_CG9675
Q29816587Sphinx1 Dmel_CG32383
Q29818416Sphinx2 Dmel_CG32382
Q21126473Stabilin 2
Q21989587Stabilin 2
Q28557578Stearoyl-CoA desaturase
Q14878277Stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 1
Q23516337Sublancin 168 lantibiotic antimicrobial precursor peptide; SPBeta prophage BSU_21480
Q21111280TANK binding kinase 1
Q55204882TANK binding kinase 1
Q21988598TANK-binding kinase 1
Q29523176TANK-binding kinase 1
Q29801727THaumatiN family CELE_F28D1.5
Q21116674TIR domain containing adaptor protein
Q21135813TNF receptor superfamily member 14
Q29523012TNF receptor superfamily member 14
Q21124645TNF superfamily member 8
Q29519744TNF superfamily member 8
Q21123080Tachykinin precursor 1
Q29820965Thioester-containing protein 3 Dmel_CG7068
Q29817352Toll Dmel_CG5490
Q55205015Toll like receptor 2
Q410015Toll like receptor 2
Q21984741Toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain-containing adaptor protein
Q14907444Toll-like receptor 2
Q21992447Tumor necrosis factor
Q21137072Tumor necrosis factor (Ligand) superfamily, member 8
Q21992449Tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 8
Q61791822Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 14 (herpesvirus entry mediator)
Q21991254Tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8
Q29810146Turandot M Dmel_CG14027
Q39530509UDP-glucose 4-epimerase CELE_C47B2.6
Q29807252Uncharacterized protein CELE_F53A9.8
Q29811869Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG11159
Q29817336Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG13551
Q29811855Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG16756
Q29821066Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG16799
Q29811909Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG30062
Q29814474Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG30098
Q29813301Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG7798
Q29810962Uncharacterized protein Dmel_CG8492
Q21986566Unconventional myosin-If
Q29819821Wnt inhibitor of Dorsal Dmel_CG8458
Q7686858acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant
Q21148360hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
Q21116057interleukin 6 receptor
Q22679439phospholipase A2 group IB
Q21111679receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 2
Q5381899ribonuclease A family member 2
Q21173843tumor necrosis factor

main subject (P921)
Q24310791Antimicrobial activity of high-mobility-group box 2: a new function to a well-known protein
Q33752433Characterization and expression of HLysG2, a basic goose-type lysozyme from the human eye and testis
Q24300909Comparison of human RNase 3 and RNase 7 bactericidal action at the Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial cell wall
Q30179403Engineering disulfide bonds of the novel human beta-defensins hBD-27 and hBD-28: differences in disulfide formation and biological activity among human beta-defensins
Q37188416Human TRAV1-2-negative MR1-restricted T cells detect S. pyogenes and alternatives to MAIT riboflavin-based antigens
Q30032658Identification of RNase 8 as a novel human antimicrobial protein
Q24304072L-ficolin specifically binds to lipoteichoic acid, a cell wall constituent of Gram-positive bacteria, and activates the lectin pathway of complement
Q24293487Mannose-binding lectin-deficient mice are susceptible to infection with Staphylococcus aureus
Q24295832New antimicrobial activity for the catecholamine release-inhibitory peptide from chromogranin A
Q24291457Peptidoglycan recognition proteins: a novel family of four human innate immunity pattern recognition molecules
Q24338274Production of natural killer cell stimulatory factor (interleukin 12) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q54093485Protection by group II phospholipase A2 against Staphylococcus aureus.
Q38716610Psoriasis-Associated Late Cornified Envelope (LCE) Proteins Have Antibacterial Activity.
Q21143747RNase 7 contributes to the cutaneous defense against Enterococcus faecium
Q24317469Recognition of pneumococcal peptidoglycan: an expanded, pivotal role for LPS binding protein
Q24291609Role of MD-2 in TLR2- and TLR4-mediated recognition of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and activation of chemokine genes
Q90880769Single cell analyses reveal specific distribution of anti-bacterial molecule Perforin-2 in human skin and its modulation by wounding and Staphylococcus aureus infection
Q24533666Stabilin-1 and -2 constitute a novel family of fasciclin-like hyaluronan receptor homologues
Q40656638Staphylococcal enterotoxin H induces V alpha-specific expansion of T cells
Q24317652The secretory phospholipase A2 group IIA: a missing link between inflammation, activated renin-angiotensin system, and atherogenesis?
Q30032654Towards the rational design of antimicrobial proteins: single point mutations can switch on bactericidal and agglutinating activities on the RNase A superfamily lineage

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