Bulletin of Entomological Research

scientific journal

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scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID1006
P4327BHL bibliography ID10305
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P2093author name stringCommonwealth Institute of Entomology
Great Britain. Colonial Office. Entomological Research Committee
Imperial Institute of Entomology
P495country of originUnited KingdomQ145
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScience Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectentomologyQ39286
P123publisherInternational Institute of EntomologyQ111045802
Cambridge University PressQ912887
P1680subtitlecontaining original and review articles on economic entomology
P1476titleBulletin of Entomological Research

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published in (P1433)
Q92994600'Bottom-up' effects in a tritrophic plant-aphid-parasitoid system: Why being the perfect host can have its disadvantages
Q114748304Agrilus Foveicollis, Mars., as a Cause of the Decay of the Culture of Roses in Bulgaria
Q115164947Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) trap catches in a cassava field in Côte d'Ivoire in relation to environmental factors and the distribution of African cassava mosaic disease
Q113858081Blaesoxipha filipjevi Rohd. (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) parasitising Zonogerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) in Nigeria
Q121417564CYP4CJ6-mediated resistance to two neonicotinoid insecticides in Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi)
Q121622797Chaetorellia australis(Diptera: Tephritidae) for biological control of yellow starthistle,Centaurea solstitialis(Compositae), in the western USA: establishment and seed destruction
Q123258638Comparative biogeography and biology of the South American locust, Schistocerca cancellata(Serville), and the south african desert locust, s. gregaria flaviventris(Burmeister) (Orthoptera: Acrididae): a review
Q122237882Ephialtes brevicornis (Grav.) as an External Parasite of the Diamond-back Moth, Plutella maculipennis (Curt.)
Q121900524Plutella maculipennis, Curt., its natural and biological Control in England
Q123158418Schistocerca piceifrons (Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), the swarming locust of tropical America: a review
Q113858109Sciaphobus squalidus, Gyll. (Col., Curcul.), a Pest of Orchards in Ukraine
Q120373435Spodoptera frugiperda in Togo 5 years on: early impact of the invasion and future developments
Q111819695Uroplata lantanae Buzzi & Winder (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Hispinae), a Potential biological control agent of Lantana camara in Australia
Q99753282A Check-list and Host-list of Ixodoidea found in Nyasaland, with Descriptions and biological Notes on some of the Rhipicephalids
Q103867685A Comparison of a Group of Gall Midges of the Genus Thomasiniana Strand, E. 1916 and a Description of a new Species from wild Blackberry
Q103836452A Contribution to Knowledge of the Blood-sucking Diptera of Palestine, other than Tabanidae
Q103834954A Contribution to Knowledge of the Blood-sucking Diptera of the Dardanelles
Q56096795A Dipterous Parasite of Glossina morsitans
Q52581852A European pest to control a new zealand weed: investigating the safety of heather beetle, Lochmaea suturalis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) for biological control of heather, Calluna vulgaris.
Q56096918A Froghopper damaging Cacao in Panama
Q56096742A Key for Determining the African Species of Anopheles (Sensu Lato)
Q99653847A List of the Termites of Tanganyika Territory, with Descriptions of two new Species
Q127773799A Method of testing Oils and other Chemical Agents for Killing Mosquito Larvae
Q103823689A New Anopheline Mosquito from Sumatra
Q56096901A New Aphid Genus and Species found in England
Q99962653A New Chalcid Parasite of Euthyrrhinus meditabundus
Q103823079A New Cotton-seed Moth (Mometa zemiodes) from West Africa
Q56096925A New East African Tsetse-fly (Genus Glossina, Wied.), which apparently disseminates sleeping sickness
Q99653687A New European Species of Pachynematus Konow (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) feeding on Spruce (Picea)
Q103835175A New Genus and Species of Capsidae (Heteroptera) from the Flowers of Cola acuminata in Sierra Leone
Q99973095A New Genus and Species of Jassidae injurious to Maize in Kenya Colony, E. Africa
Q99639956A New Genus and two New Species of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from the Banana Scab Moth, Nacoleia octasema (Meyr.)
Q99975634A New Genus for Tortrix postvittana (Walker) and certain other Australian and New Zealand Species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Q103835568A New Geometrid Moth attacking Deodars in India
Q103836763A New Grasshopper injurious to Rice in Siam
Q103823655A New Species of Mutilla parasitic on Glossina morsitans
Q99953573A New Species of Triphleps (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae) preying on the eggs of Heliothis obsoleta, H. S., in Queensland
Q56096740A New West African Springtail
Q104026586A New species of Exaeretopus Newstead (Homoptera: Coccidae) attacking wheat in Iraq
Q54652706A Note on Australian Typhlocybine Leafhoppers, with a Description of a new Species
Q99975139A Note on Simulium bancrofti, Taylor, with the Description of a new Species of Simulium (Dipt.)
Q123221039A Note on the prepupal Stage and the external Sex Characters of the Pupae of Anobium punctatum (Deg.) (Coleoptera, Anobiidae)
Q42043598A PCR-based approach to distinguish important Diadegma species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) associated with diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).
Q38853782A PCR-based diagnostic assay for detecting DNA of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae, in the gut of soil-living arthropods.
Q99952889A Preliminary Revision of the Oriental Species of Leptocorisa, Latr. (Hemiptera, Coreidae)
Q29032109A Preliminary Survey of the Distribution and Host-specificity of Ticks (Ixodoidea) in the Bechuanaland Protectorate
Q54541049A Remarkable Mosquito, Opifex fuscus, Hutton
Q54666133A Report on some miscellaneous African Encyrtidae in the British Museum
Q37804070A Review of twenty-five Years of economic Entomology in the Island of Mauritius
Q54623013A Revision of the African Species of Sesamia Guenée and related Genera (Agrotidae-Lepidoptera)
Q99966465A Revision of the Gall-mites (Acarina, Eriophyidae) occurring on Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.), with a Key to the Eriophyidae recorded from Solanaceous Plants
Q99653952A Revision of the Genus Leptoconops, Skuse
Q99952684A Revision of the Genus Locusta, L. (= Pachytylus, Fieb.), with a New Theory as to the Periodicity and Migrations of Locusts
Q99963451A Revision of the Indo-Australian Species of the Genus Apanteles (Hym. Bracon.).—Part I
Q99966043A Revision of the Indo-Australian Species of the Genus Apanteles (Hym. Bracon.).—Part II
Q103835449A Revision of the Mosquitos of the Palaearctic Region
Q54555697A Synopsis of the Adult Mosquitos of the Australasian Region
Q56096738A Synopsis of the species of African Culicidae, other than Anopheles
Q99967889A Systematic Monograph of the Tachardiinae or Lac Insects (Coccidae)
Q122277425A Tachinid parasitic on Plutella maculipennis, Curt.
Q51639221A bioassay for studying behavioural responses of the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) to bed bug-derived volatiles.
Q42045503A bioassay to evaluate the activity of chemical stimuli from grape berries on the oviposition of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q52694394A biological test for assessing the acaricidal properties of DDT and gammexane preparations.
Q122198435A biologically-active compound from pupae of the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) and its possible role in defence
Q56096841A blood-sucking species of Pericoma in Queensland (Dipt.)
Q99974304A brief account of the hibiscus mealybug Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), a pest of agriculture and horticulture, with descriptions of two related species from southern Asia
Q103844334A brown Aphis, Aphis (Doralis) cognatella, sp. n., found on Spindle Tree
Q42004249A case of ecological specialization in ladybirds: Iberorhyzobius rondensis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), potential biocontrol agent of Matsucoccus feytaudi (Hemiptera: Matsucoccidae).
Q52703297A chalcidoid egg-parasite of an Australian buprestid.
Q43961203A check list of the Culicine mosquitos of Tanganyika, with notes on their distribution in the territory
Q38585475A chemical attractant for males of the grass grub beetle Costelytra zealandica (White) (Col., Scarabaeidae).
Q52716845A combination of molecular and morphological approaches resolves species in the taxonomically difficult genus Procladius Skuse (Diptera: Chironomidae) despite high intra-specific morphological variation.
Q52666073A common mode of attraction of larvae and adults of insect predators to the sex pheromone of their prey (Hemiptera: Matsucoccidae).
Q39359308A comparative assessment of the response of three fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) to a spinosad-based bait: effect of ammonium acetate, female age, and protein hunger
Q99962183A comparative study of the coconut flat moth (Agonoxena argaula Meyr.) and its allies, including a new species (Lepidoptera, Agonoxenidae)
Q39375650A comparison of alternative plant mixes for conservation bio-control by native beneficial arthropods in vegetable cropping systems in Queensland Australia.
Q90390246A comparison of sexual competitiveness and demographic traits of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) among fruit-associated populations
Q44156411A comparison of the range of attraction of animal baits and of carbon dioxide for some West African mosquitoes.
Q30661735A contribution towards simplifying area-wide tsetse surveys using medium resolution meteorological satellite data
Q104027506A critical review of procedures for sampling populations of adult mosquitoes
Q30870863A cryptic species of Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) complex revealed by genetic divergence and different host plant association
Q46173360A density-dependent model with reinvasion for estimating tsetse fly populations (Diptera: Glossinidae) through trapping
Q115563472A field study of the predators of the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), in winter wheat in Britain
Q103835562A further Note on African Ceratopogoninae–II
Q51140772A genetic analysis of diapause in crosses of a southern and a northern strain of the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi (Coleoptera: chrysomelidae).
Q113858083A hand-operated suction apparatus for the extraction of arthropods from grassland and similar habitats, with notes on other models
Q52507682A high proportion of early deaths among uninseminated females of Glossina austeni Newst
Q43516570A horizontally polarizing liquid trap enhances the tabanid-capturing efficiency of the classic canopy trap
Q52724097A karyological study of the genus Pnigalio Schrank (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae): assessing the taxonomic utility of chromosomes at the species level.
Q104053343A key for the identification of Afrotropical species of the shoot-fly subgenus Atherigona of Atherigona (Diptera: Muscidae), with a description of some new species from Africa
Q103938237A key to the larvae of some species of Phycitinae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) associated with stored products, and of some related species
Q52703173A laboratory comparison of the toxicity as a contact poison of DDT with nicotine, derris products and the pyrethrins.
Q122730769A laboratory investigation of Paulinia acuminata (DeGeer) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) as a biological control agent for Salvinia molesta
Q43690238A laboratory technique for establishing Simulium larvae in an experimental channel
Q104118017A leaf-mining scuttle fly (Diptera: Phoridae) as a pest of chickpeas (leguminosae) in Yugoslavia
Q42055928A leaf-section bioassay for evaluating rice stem borer resistance in transgenic rice containing a synthetic cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis berliner
Q51551211A meta-analysis of host specificity in Neotropical hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae).
Q52694392A method of assessing the acaricidal properties of DDT and gammexane preparations in field trials.
Q47405023A method of maintaining Glossina austeni Newst. singly, and a study of the feeding habits of the female in relation to larviposition and pupal weight
Q123012129A migration of grasshoppers, particularly Diabolocatantops axillaris (Thunberg) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), in the West African Sahel
Q122593597A model to predict the incubation and nymphal development periods of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q56988196A molecular approach to identify prey of the southern rock lobster
Q41383500A molecular framework for the identification of planthopper vectors (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) of central Argentina.
Q39437123A morphological study of the Anopheles punctulatus group (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Solomon Islands, with a description of Anopheles (Cellia) irenicus Schmidt, sp.n
Q64906553A morphological study of variation in Tyrophagus (Acarina), with particular reference to populations infesting cheese
Q46852882A multiplex PCR assay for the simultaneous identification of three mealybug species (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
Q103842332A new African Diapriid (Hym., Proctrupoidea)
Q104026614A new Agromyzid (Diptera) from Pakistan feeding as a stem-borer in Convolvulus arvensis
Q44161164A new Anopheles (Dipt., Culicidae) from Nigeria and a note on A. pretoriensis (Theobald)
Q103841635A new Anopheles and a new Goeldia from Colombia (Dipt. Culic.)
Q103835563A new Armigeres (Diptera, Culicidae) from Ceram (Moluccas)
Q103844078A new Atomaria from Mushroom-beds in South Africa (Col., Cryptophagidae)
Q99966369A new Australasian species of Elachertus Spinola (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae) and notes on two European species
Q99974463A new Australian Phlebotomus (Dipt., Psychodidae)
Q56096864A new Australian species of Rioxa, with a remarkable Life-habit (Dipt.; Trypaneidae)
Q54670242A new Biting Ceratopogonid from New Zealand
Q103835999A new Blood-sucking Midge from Singapore
Q103835158A new Chalcid attacking Bamboo in India (Hymenoptera)
Q99966170A new Encyrtid (Hym., Chalcid.) bred from Clastoptera (Hom., Cercop.)
Q103954177A new Ethiopian Trichogrammatid (Hym.) parasite of the eggs of Entypotrachelus (Col., Curculionidae)
Q103951821A new Eulophid egg-parasite associated with Tragocephala SPP. on cacao, with comparative notes on other species (Hym., Chalcidoidea)
Q103823564A new Froghopper from Tobago
Q99653748A new Gall Midge (Dipt., Cecidomyidae) predaceous on the Flour Mite, Tyroglyphus farinae (Deg.)
Q99656326A new Gall Midge Predator of Mealybugs, Coccomyza donaldi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Q103843732A new Genus and Species of Miridae (Bryocorinae) feeding on Khaya grandifoliola in the Gold Coast (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
Q103868766A new Genus and Species of Miridae from Areca catechu in South India (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
Q103868927A new Grasshopper (Orth. Acrididae) damaging Groundnuts
Q103943281A new Japanese species of Atherigona Rond. (Diptera: Muscidae), reared from sugar-cane
Q103835607A new Long-horned Grasshopper damaging Coconut Palms in New Britain
Q99654002A new Lygaeid Bug found among Stored Rice in Java
Q99974279A new Mealy Bug attacking Pineapple Plants in Mauritius
Q52710749A new Method of trapping Flies
Q103823609A new Mosquito from Uganda
Q99974978A new Parasite of Bug Eggs (Proctotrypidae)
Q103947109A new Phycitine species associated with Sorghum cultivars in East Africa (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae)
Q56096924A new Phytophagous Chalcid attacking Bamboo
Q103835508A new Processionary Moth (Notodontidae) injurious to Pine Trees in Cyprus
Q103823316A new Scolytid injurious to dried Sweet Potatoes in Jamaica
Q115165105A new Species of Erythroneura (Homoptera, Jassoidea) injurious to Cassava in East Africa
Q103870839A new Species of Afrius (Hem., Pentatomidae) predacious on Schematiza cordiae Barb., in Mauritius
Q103842534A new Species of Apanteles (Hym. Brac.) bred from Carposina adreptella attacking Raspberry in New Zealand
Q103842506A new Species of Apanteles (Hym. Brac.) bred from Myelois ceratoniae attacking Carobs in Cyprus
Q99653863A new Species of Coreidae (Heteroptera) injurious to Coconut in the Solomon Islands
Q103836140A new Species of Dasynus, Burm., injurious to Pepper in Java (Heteroptera Coreidae)
Q99974853A new Species of Dieuches, Dohrn (Hem. Lygaeidae) injurious to Strawberries in Tasmania
Q99966152A new Species of Encyrtidae parasitic in Coccus hesperidum, L
Q103841164A new Species of Habrolepis parasitic in Chrysomphalus aurantii, Mask
Q122053807A new Species of Lygus infesting Potatoes in Java (Rhynchota, Capsidae)
Q103867322A new Species of Megastigmus (Hym: Chalcidoidea) from British Somaliland
Q54636072A new Species of Nysius (Hem., Lygaeidae) from Australia
Q103841878A new Species of Warble-fly (Diptera—Family Tachinidae, Subfamily Hypoderminae, Genus Hypoderma), which attacks Goats in Cyprus
Q99653688A new Species of Xyloryctid Moth bred from Coffee in East Africa
Q114117640A new Staphylinid Beetle preying on Red Spider in Mauritius
Q99975588A new Thripid (Thysanoptera) from South Australia
Q56096799A new Thrips damaging Orchids in the West Indies
Q56096842A new Thrips damaging coffee in British East Africa
Q104118016A new Toxoptera species from Rutaceae in Hong Kong (Homoptera: Aphididae)
Q99974973A new Trissolcus Ashmead species (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) from Pakistan: species description and its role as a biological control agent
Q104026414A new Tropiduchid (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) infesting Chamaedorea (Palmaceae)
Q99640920A new Tsetse-fly of the Glossina palpalis Group occurring in Belgian Congo
Q103844189A new and economically important Species of Anagyrus from Africa
Q33675603A new aphid genusNeoaulacorthum(Hemiptera: Aphididae: Macrosiphini), determined by molecular and morphometric analyses
Q104052219A new encyrtid (Hymenoptera) parasitoid of the leucaena psyllid (Homoptera: Psyllidae) from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
Q61492295A new genus and species of Braconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitic on Diatraea sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) from Ecuador
Q104026236A new genus and species of Coelidiinae (Homoptera, Cicadelloidea) from Iraq
Q103952533A new genus and species of Delphacidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) infesting molasses grass in Kenya
Q104027041A new genus and species of Elachistid moth (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae) reared on sugar-cane in Papua New Guinea
Q99641034A new genus and species of Erythroneurini (Hemiptera: Cicadelloidea) causing severe damage to flamboyant trees (Delonix regia) in Mauritius and Reunion
Q54670241A new genus and species of Erythroneurini (Homoptera, Cicadelloidea) and a key to the African genera
Q100722324A new genus and species of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) parasitic on the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
Q103939107A new genus and species of Thysanoptera predatory on mites in Iraq
Q100721318A new genus and species of coccinellid (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) predator on Rastrococcus spp. (Homiptera: Pseudococcidae) from India
Q100722299A new genus and species of encyrtid (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) parasitic on the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Q67231991A new genus and species of rice weevil from the Sahel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Erirhininae)
Q33376795A new genus and species, Eurymyiocnema aphelinoides (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) and a history of the genera Euryischia Riley and Myiocnema Ashmead
Q99974302A new genus and two new species of mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from South Africa on bulbs and corms imported into Great Britain
Q104025483A new genus of Euscelinae from the Lower Himalayas, and a new species of Balclutha Kirkaldy (Homoptera, Cicadelloidea)
Q103867228A new injurious Indian Grasshopper (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q103844004A new injurious Mealy-bug from the Gold Coast
Q56267940A new look at thrips (Thysanoptera) mouthparts, their action and effects of feeding on plant tissue
Q99972892A new mind (Heteroptera) pest of cashew in northern Australia
Q44469218A new modelling approach to insect reproduction with same-shape reproduction distribution and rate summation: with particular reference to Russian wheat aphid
Q56096752A new parasite bred from Glossina morsitans in Nyasaland
Q104116758A new parasitoid (Diptera: Phoridae) of the mango shoot borer, Chlumetia transversa (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in India
Q103952570A new phoretic species of Simulium (Dipt., Simuliidae) from West Cameroon, with taxonomic notes on allied forms
Q103951526A new phytophagous termite from Saudi Arabia
Q103841933A new predacious Gall Midge (Dipt., Cecidomyidae)
Q41459532A new silverleaf-inducing biotype Ms of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) indigenous to the islands of the south-west Indian Ocean
Q103937896A new species belonging to the genus Anonaepestis Ragonot (Lepidoptera, Phycitinae) attacking black pepper (Piper nigrum) in West Africa
Q104027942A new species of Abgrallaspis Balachowsky (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Diaspididae) from a nursery in England causing leaf-spotting on orchids
Q103954657A new species of Actia R.-D. (Diptera, Tachinidae) parasitic on the coconut leaf moth, Agonoxena pyrogramma Meyrick, in New Britain
Q104050840A new species of Alcestis (Homoptera Folgoroidea: Tropiduchidae) attacking cacao in Brazil
Q104051811A new species of Anagyrus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from India attacking Rastrococcus invadens (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), a pest of mango and citrus in West Africa
Q99653340A new species of Anathamna Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) on Toona sureni in Papua New Guinea
Q104115754A new species of Brachymeria (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), parasitic on the cocoa husk borer, Cryptophlebia encarpa (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Malaysia
Q103943422A new species of Cataenococcus Ferris (Hom., Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae) on banana in Costa Rica
Q104051422A new species of Coccus (Hemiptera: Coccidae) from mango in Israel, and A redescription of C. gymnospori (Green)
Q103943552A new species of Corioxenos (Stylopoidea) parasitizing Antestiopsis cruciata (F.) (Homoptera, Pentatomidae) in India
Q104026878A new species of Dicraeus Loew (Diptera: Chloropidae) attacking millet in West Africa, and its related species
Q103947314A new species of Dioryctria Zeller (Lep., Pyralidae) on Pinus kesiya in Assam, N.E. India
Q103872470A new species of Dysmicoccus Ferris (Pseudococcidae, Homoptera) on banana.
Q99657037A new species of Ferrisia (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on cassava (Manihot esculenta) from Paraguay and on ragweed (Ambrosia tenuifolia) from Argentina
Q54553633A new species of Herpystis Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) on Cuscuta reflexa in West Pakistan
Q99954014A new species of Hispaniella Mercet (Hym., Aphelinidae) from Diaspid scales in Uganda
Q104026812A new species of Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera : Ephydridae) attacking rice in southern Nigeria
Q54589063A new species of Hypatima Hübner (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) injurious to mango trees in East Africa
Q103952538A new species of Lutzomyia from Surinam (Diptera, Psychodidae)
Q104119305A new species of Lydella (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Mexico with a discussion of the definition of the genus
Q104027408A new species of Melanagromyza Hendel (Dipt., Agromyzidae) from pods of the bonavist bean (Dolichos lablab) in Uganda
Q104026545A new species of Metacemyia (Dipt., Tachinidae) parasitic on Manowia (Orthopt., Eumastacidae) in Malawi
Q104026000A new species of Mompha Hübner (Lepidoptera, Momphidae) from Assam, N.E. India, a potential agent for biological control of Ludwigia adscendens
Q103953805A new species of Mycteromyiella (Diptera: Tachinidae) parasitic on Ophicrania leveri Günther (Phasmida: Phasmatidae) in the Solomon Islands
Q103953586A new species of Neospastis Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Xyloryctidae) on tea (Camellia sinensis) in Hong Kong
Q56096798A new species of Paraphelinus, Perk., from British Guiana, with a discussion of the genus and the allied Aphelinus, Dalm.
Q99974295A new species of Parlagena McKenzie attacking coconut trees in Trinidad (Hom., Coccoidea, Diaspididae)
Q104027564A new species of Phyllonorycter (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on Lonicera quinquelocularis in northern Pakistan
Q104027953A new species of Psychodopygus Mangabeira (Diptera, Phlebotomidae) from the Transamazônica highway, Pará State, Brazil
Q103953516A new species of Scirtothrips from Kenya attacking tea, with synonymic notes on two related pest species
Q104027493A new species of Singapora Mahmood (Homoptera, Cicadelloidea) attacking Pterocarpus macrocarpus in Thailand
Q104117852A new species of Sympiesis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) parasitic on the teak defoliator Hyblaea puera (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae) in India
Q104117945A new species of Tachinidae (Diptera) parasitic on the sugarcane borer Eldana saccharina (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in Natal, South Africa
Q104026784A new species of Tenuipalpus (Acarina, Tenuipalpidae) from West Pakistan, with notes on its biology
Q104052083A new species of Zeteticontus Silvestri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from Israel and Kenya, a Parasite of Carpophilus hemipterus (L.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
Q104114849A new species of gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) attacking mango foliage in Guam, with observations on its pest status and biology
Q103823093A new species of phlebotomus from South America
Q104116690A new species of scuttle fly (Diptera: Phoridae) that is a pest of oyster mushrooms (Agaricales: Pleurotaceae) in India
Q104048593A new subspecies of Dimorphopterus Cornutus Slater (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) from Papua New Guinea on rice and carpet grass
Q41987546A new substitute host and its effects on some biological properties of Ooencyrtus kuvanae
Q112054816A new taxonomic and geographical inventory of world blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). By R.W. Crosskey & T.M. Howard. (London: The Natural History Museum, 1997). 144 pp. Soft cover £20.00 (+£5.00 p&p). ISBN 0 565 09021 6.
Q104025571A new tribe of the family Coccinellidae (Coleoptera)
Q44139434A new variety of Anopheles aitkeni from Borneo.
Q56096887A new vine Thrips (Thysanoptera) from Cyprus
Q56096756A new weevil attacking pine-apples in Jamaica
Q46721074A note on nocturnal resting sites of Glossina morsitans Westw. in the Republic of Zambia
Q52495570A note on the parasitisation of the pupa of Glossina palpalis (R.-D.) by Anastatus Motsch. sp. (Hym., Eupelmidae)
Q52589073A novel mechanism for time-sorting insect catches, and its use to derive the diel flight periodicity of brassica pod midge Dasineura brassicae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae).
Q41998681A novel set of microsatellite markers for the European Grapevine Moth Lobesia botrana isolated using next-generation sequencing and their utility for genetic characterization of populations from Europe and the Middle East
Q42024705A pilot study on the molecular phylogeny of Drepanoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) inferred from the nuclear gene EF-1alpha and the mitochondrial gene COI.
Q44143854A polymerase chain reaction based method for the detection of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: culicidae).
Q113349883A population study of the coconut pest Segestidea uniformis (Willemse) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) on an equatorial island
Q52503047A possible genetic method for the control of insect pests, with special reference to tsetse flies (Glossinaspp.)
Q99962863A preliminary note on the black scales (Homoptera, Coccidae) of North and Central America
Q31009087A quantitative comparison of frugivorous tephritids (Diptera: Tephritidae) in tropical forests and rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Q52686175A radar study of emigratory flight and layer formation by insects at dawn over southern Britain.
Q44154573A rapid field Method for assessing the spreading Power of anti-malarial Oils
Q46880401A rapid method of species identification of wild chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) via electrophoresis of hemoglobin proteins in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE).
Q115563470A rapid radioimmunoassay for the detection of Mansonia antigen (Diptera: Culicidae): its potential use as a sensitive method for studying predator- prey relationships
Q51832056A real-time PCR assay to differentiate the B and Q biotypes of the Bemisia tabaci complex in Cyprus.
Q46522233A record of Syntomosphyrum glossinae from Nigeria.
Q34380845A remarkable new species of Cicadulina China (Horn., Cicadelloidea) from East Africa
Q37962680A review of control methods and resistance mechanisms in stored-product insects
Q38046293A review of current statistical methodologies for in-storage sampling and surveillance in the grains industry.
Q34099292A review of the biology and control of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).
Q54585226A review of the genus Cryptolaemus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) with particular reference to the species resembling C. montrouzieri Mulsant
Q33291469A review of the species of Mesopolobus (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae) associated with Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) host-species of European origin
Q104115680A review of the species resembling Chilocorus nigrita (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): potential agents for biological control
Q104051140A revised key to the Enicospilus antefurcalis (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) species-group of the Afrotropical region
Q99655928A revision of Apodiphus Spinola (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Q104025894A revision of Tachinaephagus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) with descriptions of four new species
Q99641497A revision of the Anomaloninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Melanesia. I. The genera Anomalon Panzer to Aphanistes Foerster
Q99654297A revision of the Anomaloninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of Melanesia. II. The genera Perisphincter Townes and Agrypon Foerster
Q61492140A revision of the Indo-Australian species of Stenobracon (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitoids of lepidopterous stem borers of graminaceous crops
Q56096726A revision of the Tsetse-flies (Glossina), based on a study of the male genital armature
Q99975600A revision of the genus Chaetanaphothrips Priesner (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Q99654596A revision of the genus Chaetorellia Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae) including a new species associated with spotted knapweed, Centaurea maculosa Lam. (Asteraceae)
Q99974296A revision of the genus Geococcus (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae)
Q99966626A revision of the genus Matutinus Distant (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae)
Q99653419A revision of the genus Monacon Waterston (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Perilampinae), parasites of ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Platypodidae)
Q104025340A revision of the north-western European species of the glomeratus-group of Apanteles Förster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
Q99656040A revision of the north-western European species of the laevigatus-group of Apanteles Förster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
Q99655951A revision of the north-western European species of the merula, lacteus, vipio, ultor, ater, butalidis, popularis, carbonarius and validus-groups of Apanteles Förster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
Q99639525A revision of the north-western European species of the vitripennis, pallipes, octonarius, triangulator, fraternus, formosus, parasitellae, metacarpalis and circumscriptus-groups of Apanteles Förster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
Q54635028A revision of the species of Sosylus (Coleoptera: Colydiidae) occurring in New Guinea
Q104052973A revision of the west Palaearctic pear psyllids (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)
Q91310557A risk-based detection survey for the predatory mirid Macrolophus pygmaeus in New Zealand
Q112034714A second Report on some miscellaneous African Encyrtidae in the British Museum
Q84804808A self-checking coding technique for mark-recapture studies
Q31988729A shoot-fly Atherigona tritici sp. n. (Diptera: Muscidae), attacking wheat Triticum aestivum in Egypt.
Q104053939A shoot-fly, Atherigona ramu sp. n. (Diptera: Muscidae), attacking sugarcane in Papua New Guinea
Q56096826A short survey of the more important Families of Acari
Q52686637A simple method for breeding the house-fly, Musca domestica, L., in the laboratory.
Q52651467A simple method for the estimation of contact insecticides.
Q91779488A simple molecular identification method of the Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) cryptic species complex
Q52503049A simple technique for applying small measured quantities fo insecticides to insects.
Q33588280A six-year study of insect emergence from temporary flooded wetlands in central Sweden, with and without Bti-based mosquito control
Q52702651A spraying apparatus and testing chamber for investigating the residual action of insecticidal deposits.
Q39854178A standardized sampling method to estimate mosquito richness and abundance for research and public health surveillance programmes
Q43961418A study of the age-composition of populations of Anopheles gambiae Giles and A. funestus Giles in North-Eastern Tanzania
Q56987682A study of the parasitoid complex of the European fir budworm, Choristoneura murinana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), and its relevance for biological control of related hosts
Q56829761A study of the use of gas chromatography of cuticular hydrocarbons for identifying members of the Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) complex
Q104027877A synopsis of the Anomaloninae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of sub-Saharan Africa with special reference to species of potential economic importance
Q56096825A synopsis of the Fleas found on Mus norwegicus decumanus, Mus rattus alexandrinus and Mus musculus
Q52694262A synopsis of the genus Tribolium Macleay, with some remarks on the evolution of its species-groups (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae).
Q39869379A tale of two trapping methods: Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in pheromone and light traps in Australian cotton production systems.
Q38587430A taxonomic review of white grubs and leaf chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) recorded from forestry and agricultural crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
Q31108221A taxonomic revision, biology and morphology of immature stages of the Entedon sparetus species group (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), egg-larval endoparasitoids of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q112816717A test of a pattern recognition system for identification of spiders
Q46943641A theoretical study of the invasion of cleared areas by tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae).
Q72868693A trap for Phlebotomine sandflies attracted to rats
Q99640800A tribal classification of the Tropiduchidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea), With the description of a new species on tea in Malaysia
Q38436624A unified degree day model describes survivorship of Copitarsia corruda Pogue & Simmons (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) at different constant temperatures
Q44156201A verandah-trap hut for studying the house-frequenting habits of mosquitoes and for assessing insecticides. 3. The effect of DDT on behavior and mortality
Q44160787A verandah-trap hut for studying the house-frequenting habits of mosquitoes and for assessing insecticides. IV. The effect of tetramethrin on the behaviour and mortality of Anopheles gambiae Giles
Q44162975A verandah-trap hut for studying the house-frequenting habits of mosquitos and for assessing insecticides. I. A description of the verandah-trap hut and of studies on the egress of Anopheles gambiae giles and Mansonia uniformis (Theo.) from an untre
Q43961414A verandah-trap hut for studying the house-frequenting habits of mosquitos and for assessing insecticides. II.—The effect of dichlorvos (DDVP) on egress and mortality of Anopheles gambiae Giles and Mansonia uniformis (Theo.) entering naturally
Q52752201A1-3 chromosomal translocations in Italian populations of the peach potato aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) not linked to esterase-based insecticide resistance.
Q38936507Abundance, dispersion and parasitism of the stem borer Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon
Q44139235Acrodendrophilic mosquitos of the Langata Forest, Kenya
Q122753857Action of amorphous silica dusts on the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linneaus) (Orthoptera: Blattidae)
Q41986253Action of natural phytosanitary products on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki S-1905.
Q125555802Activity and foraging behaviour of the hoverflyEristalinus aeneus(Scopoli, 1763) in protected cultivation of mango (Mangifera indicaL.)
Q42032535Acute, sublethal and combination effects of azadirachtin and Bacillus thuringiensis toxins on Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae
Q35828724Adaptive management of invasive pests in natural protected areas: the case of Matsucoccus feytaudi in Central Italy
Q99975408Additional Notes on the Nomenclature of Australian Tabanidae
Q54556967Additional Records of Palestine Tabanidae, with Descriptions of New Species
Q104115775Additions to the Encarsia parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) of the Bemisia tabaci-complex (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Q52681665Adult Bemisia tabaci biotype B can induce silverleafing in squash.
Q122942827Adult development in the Australian plague locust,Chortoicetes terminifera(Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q33509412Adult fecundity, host plant preferences, field activity and parasitism in the leaf weevil Phyllobius pyri (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q52671610Adult movements of newly introduced alien Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from non-host habitats.
Q45926831Advantageous attributes of larval whitefringed weevil, Naupactus leucoloma (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) for bioassaying soil fumigants, and responses to pure and plant-derived isothiocyanates.
Q51728382Adverse effects of ivermectin on the dung beetles, Caccobius jessoensis Harold, and rare species, Copris ochus Motschulsky and Copris acutidens Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in Japan.
Q123332899Aerial treatment of the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes)
Q41476376Aerial treatment of the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes).
Q38792474Afit: a bioinformatic tool for measuring aphid fitness and invasiveness.
Q56096835African Aphididae
Q56096872African Aphididae.—PART IV.
Q56096876African Aphididae.—Part II.
Q56096803African Aphididae—Part III
Q104027091African gall bugs of the genus Phytolyma (Hemiptera, Psylloidea)
Q125473914Age matters: variations in parasitoid diversity along a successional gradient in a dry semi-deciduous tropical forest
Q92583916Age stage, two-sex life table of Habrobracon hebetor (Braconidae) on Spodoptera exigua (Noctuidae) reared on different sugar beet genotypes
Q46804858Age structure of a population of Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) in relation to its seasonal questing.
Q52745834Age-dependent changes in the ratio of (R)- and (S)-2-butanol released by virgin females of Dasylepida ishigakiensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).
Q125554784Age-stage two-sex life table analysis ofEristalinus aeneus(Diptera, Syrphidae) reared with two different larval media
Q52596406Aggregation and habitat use by Lucilia blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in pasture.
Q52700322Aggregation in insect communities colonizing cattle-dung.
Q42183154Agronomically important thrips: development of species-specific primers in multiplex PCR and microarray assay using internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences for identification
Q113858113Air Temperature Records as a Guide to the Date of Hatching of the Nymphs of Austroicetes cruciata, Sauss. (Orthoptera)
Q39511856Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XIX. A comparison of two sampling techniques for assessing the effectiveness of pyrethrum applications on Glossina pallidipes Aust
Q43961293Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XV.--Very-low-volume treatment of a seed-bean crop with DDT in oil solution
Q43961290Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XVI.—Airspray experiment with endosulfan against Glossina morsitans Westw., G. swynnertoni Aust. and G. pallidipes Aust
Q52495459Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XVIII. Attempted control of Glossina pallidipes Aust. with pyrethrum in dense thicket
Q51657996Alighting of Tabanidae and muscids on natural and simulated hosts in the Sudan.
Q44932196Allozyme markers to help define the South American origins of Microctonus hyperodae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) established in New Zealand for biological control of Argentine stem weevil
Q60358990Allozyme variation and an estimate of the inbreeding coefficient in the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
Q46385786Almond seed wasp (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) sex pheromone: effect of trap type, trap position, blend ratio and time of the day on male attraction
Q90256245Alteration of the phagocytosis and antimicrobial defense of Octodonta nipae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) pupae to Escherichia coli following parasitism by Tetrastichus brontispae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
Q51673470Alternative food improves the combined effect of an omnivore and a predator on biological pest control. A case study in avocado orchards.
Q52695197Amplified fragment length polymorphism used for inter- and intraspecific differentiation of screwworms (Diptera: Calliphoridae).
Q113858100An Account of Schistocerca flavofasciata (De Geer 1773) in Trinidad (Orthoptera : Acrididae)
Q56096787An Account of some Anopheline Mosquitos found in British North Borneo, with description of a New Species
Q52687209An Arsenic-resistant Tick and its Control with “Gammexane” Dips.—Part II
Q99966470An Eriophyid Mite injurious to Tomato
Q120373455An Invasion of British Guiana by Locusts in 1917, with a complete Illustrated Account of the Life-history of the Species
Q52703171An account of a black aphid, Doralis fabae (Scop.) subsp. armata (Hausmann), found on Digitalis purpurea, L.
Q104050973An account of cassava mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) with a description of a new species
Q52648316An aerial netting study of insects migrating at high altitude over England.
Q52650214An analysis of using entomopathogenic nematodes against above-ground pests.
Q40604624An anionic defensin from Plutella xylostella with potential activity against Bacillus thuringiensis
Q52694390An annotated list of insects associated with ground nuts in East Africa.
Q52702665An arsenic-resistant tick and its control with gammexane dips.
Q52710982An artificially isolated generation of tsetse flies (Diptera).
Q48533309An assessment of the antibacterial activity in larval excretion/secretion of four species of insects recorded in association with corpses, using Lucilia sericata Meigen as the marker species
Q50730873An assessment of the economic importance of the tsetse species of southern Nigeria and the Southern Cameroons based on their trypanosome infection rates and ecology
Q113858120An ecological Study of the “Lucerne Flea” (Smynthurus viridis, Linn.)—II
Q113858123An ecological Study of the “Lucerne Flea” (Smynthurus viridis, Linn.)—I
Q99973687An ecological study of an Australian dung beetle, Onthophagus granulatus Boheman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), using physiological age-grading techniques
Q35585656An entomological review of invasive mosquitoes in Europe
Q52687083An experiment in control of tsetse with DDT-treated oxen.
Q52702663An experiment with DDT against pests of stored products.
Q59904498An experimental study of the peridomestic distribution of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae)
Q84804844An experimentally tested model of the cumulative mating frequency curve for Lucilia sericata (Mg.) (Dipt., Calliphoridae)
Q124820501An improved Technique for Permanent Mounts of small Insects and Nematodes
Q91379034An integrated diagnostic setup for the morphological and molecular identification of the Ceratitis FAR complex (C. anonae, C. fasciventris, C. rosa, C. quilicii, Diptera, Tephritidae)
Q52648320An interspersed refuge for Sitodiplosis mosellana (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and a biocontrol agent Macroglenes penetrans (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to manage crop resistance in wheat.
Q56385992An unconventional use of piperonyl butoxide for managing the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Q46701978An updated list of the ticks of Ghana and an assessment of the distribution of the ticks of Ghanaian wild mammals in different vegetation zones
Q114374220Analysis of colour variations in feral, peridomestic and domestic populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q33263057Analysis of host preference and geographical distribution of Anastrepha suspensa (Diptera: Tephritidae) using phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I DNA sequence data
Q30982517Analysis of spatial patterns at a geographical scale over north-western Europe from point-referenced aphid count data
Q40625422Analysis of the complete genome sequence of black queen cell virus JL1 from infected honeybees in China
Q90324791Analysis of the effects of nanosilver on bacterial community in the intestinal fluid of silkworms using high-throughput sequencing
Q33785475Analysis of the workers head transcriptome of the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi.
Q46153528Analyzing haplodiploid inheritance of insecticide resistance in whitefly biotypes.
Q104053719Anarsia achrasella sp.n. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on sapodilla (Achras zapota) in northern India and Pakistan
Q39372419Anastrepha egg deposition induces volatiles in fruits that attract the parasitoid Fopius arisanus.
Q49790629Anatomical, morphological, and physiological responses of two sugarcane genotypes of contrasting susceptibility to Mahanarva fimbriolata (Hemiptera: Cercopidae).
Q39223085Ancient origin and recent range expansion of the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais, and its genealogical relationship to the rice weevil S. oryzae.
Q30996927Anopheles (Cellia) epiroticus (Diptera: Culicidae), a new malaria vector species in the Southeast Asian Sundaicus Complex
Q113858084Anopheles breeding among Water Lettuce—A new Habitat
Q56096732Anoplura and Mallophaga from African Hosts
Q50492225Ant-coccid mutualism in citrus canopies and its effect on natural enemies of red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae).
Q52800288Antibiosis and tolerance but not antixenosis to the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), are essential mechanisms of resistance in a wheat cultivar.
Q52798654Antifeedant activity of xanthohumol and supercritical carbon dioxide extract of spent hops against stored product pests.
Q38889591Antimicrobial activity of the pygidial gland secretion of the troglophilic ground beetle Laemostenus (Pristonychus) punctatus (Dejean, 1828) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae).
Q46627797Antipredator behavior of the new mass-reared unisexual strain of the Mexican Fruit Fly.
Q115563469Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as egg predators of coconut pests, especially in relation to biological control of the coconut caterpillar, Opisina arenosella Walker (Lepidoptera: Xyloryctidae), in Sri Lanka
Q42005956Ants affect the infestation levels but not the parasitism of honeydew and non-honeydew producing pests in citrus
Q50720164Ants' learning of nest entrance characteristics (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
Q52703293Aphanus (Hem., Lygaeidae) in stored gound-nuts.
Q114117616Aphid alarm pheromone alters larval behaviour of the predatory gall midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza and decreases intraguild predation by anthocorid bug, Orius laevigatus
Q103835884Aphididae from Italian Somaliland and Eritrea
Q56096895Aphididae of Persia
Q54705888Aphidophagous Cecidomyiidae (Diptera): taxonomy, biology and assessments of field populations
Q53910042Aphids do not avoid resistance in Australian lupin (Lupinus angustifolius, L. luteus) varieties.
Q42004766Apomictic parthenogenesis in a parasitoid wasp Meteorus pulchricornis, uncommon in the haplodiploid order Hymenoptera
Q114655054Apparatus for studying nocturnal patterns of oviposition and larval eclosion, and diel patterns of moth emergence
Q46730133Application of DL-beta-aminobutyric acid (BABA) as a root drench to legumes inhibits the growth and reproduction of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q54535302Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis for analysing the gut microflora of Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister under different feeding conditions.
Q114171448Applications of gene drive systems for population suppression of insect pests
Q35166413Are the Antarctic dipteran, Eretmoptera murphyi, and Arctic collembolan, Megaphorura arctica, vulnerable to rising temperatures?
Q96354430Are the effects of hunger stage-specific? A case study in an aphidophagous ladybird beetle
Q30937163Areas of potential suitability and survival of Dendroctonus valens in China under extreme climate warming scenario
Q39796934Argentine stem weevil ( Listronotus bonariensis, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) population dynamics in Canterbury, New Zealand dryland pasture
Q35450270Armored scale insect endosymbiont diversity at the species level: genealogical patterns of Uzinura diasipipdicola in the Chionaspis pinifoliae-Chionaspis heterophyllae species complex (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae).
Q31063555Arthropod community structure in pastures of an island archipelago (Azores): looking for local-regional species richness patterns at fine-scales.
Q46444308Artificial larviposition sites for field collections of the puparia of tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes and G. m. morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae).
Q39115896Assessing abundance and distribution of an invasive thrips Frankliniella schultzei (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in south Florida.
Q52591605Assessing mating performance of male Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) using a walk-in field cage.
Q49342434Assessing resistance of sugarcane varieties to sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis Fab. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae).
Q89450492Assessment irradiation effects on different development stages of Callosobruchus maculatus and on chemical, physical and microbiological quality of cowpea seeds
Q42027559Assessment of Napier millet (Pennisetum purpureumx P. glaucum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) trap crops for the management of Chilo partellus on maize
Q36108561Assessment of beetle diversity, community composition and potential threats to forestry using kairomone-baited traps
Q91851401Assessment of color response and activity rhythms of the invasive black planthopper Ricania speculum (Walker, 1851) using sticky traps
Q46317241Assessment of cross-resistance potential to neonicotinoid insecticides in Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).
Q44150334Assessment of malaria control by mosquito prevalence
Q39085318Assessment of methoxy-DDT as a residual spray against mosquitoes in verandahtrap huts at Magugu, Tanzania
Q52731118Assessment of prey-mediated effects of the coleopteran-specific toxin Cry3Bb1 on the generalist predator Atheta coriaria (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).
Q111819389Assessment of the suitability of Plagiohammus spinipennis (Thoms.) (Col., Cerambycidae) as an agent for control of weeds of the genus Lantana (Verbenaceae). II. Host specificity
Q111819751Assessment of the suitablity of Plagihammus spinipennis (Thoms.) (Col., Cerambycidae) as an agent for control of weeds of the genus Lantana (Verbenaceae). I. Life-history and capacity to damage L. camara in Hawaii
Q92994493Associated cultivated plants in tomato cropping systems structure arthropod communities and increase the Helicoverpa armigera regulation
Q50624948Associative learning for host-induced fruit volatiles in Psyttalia concolor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a koinobiont parasitoid of tephritid flies.
Q35801790Associative nitrogen fixation, C4 photosynthesis, and the evolution of spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) as major pests of neotropical sugarcane and forage grasses
Q36201560Asymmetric hybridization between non-native winter moth, Operophtera brumata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), and native Bruce spanworm, Operophtera bruceata, in the Northeastern United States, assessed with novel microsatellites and SNPs
Q39502598Asymmetrical reproductive interference between two sibling species of tea looper: Ectropis grisescens and Ectropis obliqua
Q52582417Attack rates of Sirex noctilio and patterns of pine tree defenses and mortality in northern Patagonia.
Q99973688Attempts to measure the influence of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on the field mortality of the bush fly Musca vetustissima Walker (Diptera: Muscidae) in south-eastern Australia
Q46348474Attraction and consumption of methyl eugenol by male Bactrocera umbrosa Fabricius (Diptera: Tephritidae) promotes conspecific sexual communication and mating performance
Q114374153Attraction of Aedes aegypti (L.): responses to human arms, carbon dioxide, and air currents in a new type of olfactometer
Q41669939Attraction of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) to four varieties of Lathyrus sativus L. seed volatiles.
Q61762053Attraction of Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) towards volatiles from various Tetranychus urticae-infested plant species
Q52581843Attraction of apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: tephritidae) of different physiological states to odour-baited traps in the presence and absence of food.
Q104115833Aulacaspis (Homoptera: Diaspididae) on sugarcane and other Saccharum spp. (Gramineae)
Q54569785Australasian Simuliidae
Q46462765Autecology, feeding preferences and reproductive biology of Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) vagans (Eversmann, 1848) (Orthoptera: Gomphocerinae) in Mediterranean ecosystems
Q51992261Automated identification of field-recorded songs of four British grasshoppers using bioacoustic signal recognition.
Q57106237Automated moth flight analysis in the vicinity of artificial light
Q57946598Automating the identification of insects: a new solution to an old problem
Q40100173Autosomal inheritance of alphamethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, resistance in Anopheles stephensi-Liston, a malaria mosquito
Q125850881BER volume 18 issue 1 Front matter and Errata
Q125798389BER volume 18 issue 2 Front matter and Errata
Q125044621BER volume 26 issue 2 Front matter and Errata
Q125679578BER volume 6 issue 1 Front matter and Errata
Q125946262BER volume 6 issue 2 Front matter and Errata
Q36124620Bacterial communities associated with invasive populations of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in China.
Q50440175Bactrocera oleae-induced olive VOCs routing mate searching in Psyttalia concolor males: impact of associative learning.
Q36118652Ballooning dispersal using silk: world fauna, phylogenies, genetics and models.
Q91779472Basal differences in the transcriptional profiles of tomato leaves associated with the presence/absence of the resistance gene Mi-1 and changes in these differences after infestation by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci
Q50561604Basic bio-ecological parameters of the invasive red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Phoenix canariensis under Mediterranean climate.
Q44091941Basic biology and small-scale rearing of Celatoria compressa(Diptera: Tachinidae), a parasitoid of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q52512785Behaviour and regulation of puparium formation in the larva of the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans orientalis Vanderplank in relation to humidity, light and mechanical stimuli.
Q48544169Behaviour of the adult seven spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), in response to dimethoate residue on bean plants in the laboratory.
Q52513842Behaviour studies of Glossina morsitans Westw. in the field
Q57075535Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of the female malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) to Limburger cheese volatiles
Q38448605Behavioural response of wheat bulb fly (Delia coarctata, Diptera: Anthomyiidae) larvae to the primary plant metabolite carbon dioxide
Q89874215Behavioural responses of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) to different types of uninfested and infested feed
Q42039628Behavioural responses of diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) to extracts derived from Melia azedarach and Azadirachta indica.
Q72522578Behavioural studies of Glossina morsitans Westw. using tantalum-182
Q46453248Bemisia argentifolii is a race of B. tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): the molecular genetic differentiation of B. tabaci populations around the world
Q99615877Big particles, best nutrition? Absorption and excretion of protein by Anastrepha obliqua larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Q46841778Bioactive fractions containing methyl eugenol-derived sex pheromonal components in haemolymph of the male fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q91779458Bioactivity of some Apiaceae essential oils and their constituents against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Q33955051Bioassay and biochemical analyses of insecticide resistance in southern African Anopheles funestus (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q52509866Bioassay and histochemical studies of the poisoning and recovery of house-flies (Musca domestica L.) treated with diazinon and diazoxon
Q47432475Biochemical characterization a digestive trypsin in the midgut of large cabbage white butterfly, Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae).
Q52711060Biochemical differences between the solitary and gregarious phases of locusts and noctuids.
Q46277065Biochemical responses induced in galls of three Cynipidae species in oak trees.
Q38796423Biochemical studies of amylase, lipase and protease in Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations fed with Vigna unguiculata grain cultivated with diazotrophic bacteria strains.
Q33268104Biodiversity vs. biocontrol: positive and negative effects of alternative prey on control of slugs by carabid beetles
Q104511209Bioecology of Anagyrus saccharicola (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of the pink sugarcane mealybug Saccharicoccus sacchari (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Q104117768Biogeography of the Cinara cupressi complex (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Cupressaceae, with description of a pest species introduced into Africa
Q56505766Biological Control of Insect Pests in Bermuda
Q56987694Biological Control, a Century of Pest Management
Q39844151Biological activity of two new pyrrole derivatives against stored-product species: influence of temperature and relative humidity.
Q44932200Biological and chemical assays of pyrethroids in cattle dung
Q31157841Biological and ecological evidences suggest Stipa krylovii (Pooideae), contributes to optimal growth performance and population distribution of the grasshopper Oedaleus asiaticus.
Q99954358Biological and genetic characterization of morphologically similar Therioaphis trifolii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with different host utilization
Q52737275Biological and molecular characterization of Hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Israel.
Q38959624Biological characteristics of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) for three consecutive generations under different temperatures: understanding the possible impact of global warming on a soybean pest
Q52108968Biological characteristics of the mirids Macrolophus costalis and Macrolophus pygmaeus preying on the tobacco form of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q38708417Biological characterization and mating compatibility of Helicoverpa gelotopoeon (D.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations from different regions in Argentina
Q56987699Biological control of forest aphid pests in Africa
Q48541472Biological control of house flies Musca domestica and stable flies Stomoxys calcitrans(Diptera: Muscidae) by means of inundative releases of Spalangia cameroni(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae).
Q34321922Biological control of sciarid and phorid pests of mushroom with predatory mites from the genus Hypoaspis(Acari: Hypoaspidae) and the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae
Q33224367Biological control of the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by Phymastichus coffea (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Colombia
Q113858110Biological control of the floating fern Salvinia molesta in north-eastern Australia: plant-herbivore interactions
Q47702102Biological control of the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in Kenya using a predatory beetle Teretrius nigrescens(Coleoptera: Histeridae).
Q121929605Biological control of the stink bug Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) by two parasitoids and their interaction in non-crop habitats: a simulation model
Q48541707Biological differences reflect host preference in two parasitoids attacking the bark beetle Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Belgium.
Q41258168Biological parameters of interbreeding subspecies of Meccus phyllosomus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) in western Mexico
Q36392106Biological traits and the complex of parasitoids of the elm pest Orchestes steppensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Xinjiang, China
Q115051968Biological traits of the predatory mirid Macrolophus praeclarus, a candidate biocontrol agent for the Neotropical region
Q39406971Biology and field performance of gryon clavigrallae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), an egg parasitoid of Clavigralla spp. (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in India
Q99966430Biology and host specificity of the Chondrilla gall mite Aceria chondrillae (G. Can.) (Acarina, Eriophyidae)
Q57025164Biology and life history of Lema praeusta (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a biocontrol agent of two Commelinaceae weeds, Commelina benghalensis and Murdannia nudiflora
Q115563475Biology of Metioche vittaticollis (Stål) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), a predator of rice pests
Q99962310Biology of Bucculatrix parthenica Bradley sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae) and its establishment in Australia as a biological control agent for Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae)
Q125772511Biology of some ground beetles (Col., Carabidae) injurious to strawberries
Q125096725Biology of springtails. Insecta: Collembola. By Stephen P. Hopkin. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). 344 pp. Hard cover £50.00. ISBN 0 19 8540484 1.
Q44170234Biology of two larval morphological phenotypes of Aedes aegypti in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Q33957352Biology, immature and adult morphology, and molecular characterization of a new species of the genus Entedon (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) associated with the invasive pest Specularius impressithorax (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) on Erythrina p
Q45081829Bionomics and polymorphism in Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).
Q123007996Bionomics of Anopheline Mosquitos in Inland Areas of Java, with Special Reference to Anopheles aconitus Dön
Q103834997Bionomics of the Tabanidae (Diptera) of the Canadian Prairie
Q115436359Biotic diversity in agroecosystems. Edited by M.G. Paoletti & D. Pimentel (Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992). vi + 356 pp. Hard cover Dfl.210.00. ISBN 0-444-89390-3. Reprinted from Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, vol.
Q40837250Biotic mortality factors affecting emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) are highly dependent on life stage and host tree crown condition.
Q52676795Biotype status and genetic polymorphism of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Greece: mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites.
Q45885922Biotype-dependent secondary symbiont communities in sympatric populations of Bemisia tabaci
Q58086965Biparental mealybugs may be more promiscuous than we thought
Q46920268Biting behaviour of Tabanidae on cattle in mountainous summer pastures, Pyrenees, France, and effects of weather variables
Q40467983Blue light-induced immunosuppression in Bactrocera dorsalis adults, as a carryover effect of larval exposure.
Q62780601Body mass but not wing size or symmetry correlates with life span of honey bee drones
Q46512984Body size as an indicator of parasitoid quality in male and female Anagyrus kamali (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae).
Q103842488Braconidae : Notes and new Species
Q36313799Brassica aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations are conditioned by climatic variables and parasitism level: a study case of Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil
Q52703164Breeding the house-fly (Musca domestica, L.) in the laboratory; introduction and technique.
Q38889021Broad-scale suppression of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), associated with Bt cotton crops in Northern New South Wales, Australia
Q41220075Broader prevalence of Wolbachia in insects including potential human disease vectors.
Q104049197Bruchophagus muli sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), a wasp which galls the fruit of lime in Papua New Guinea
Q52711648Bt-toxin uptake by the non-target herbivore, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), feeding on transgenic oilseed rape in laboratory conditions.
Q112044162CIE guides to insects of importance to man. 2. Thysanoptera. By J. M. Palmer, L. A. Mound and G. J. duHeaume. Edited by C. R. Betts. (London: CAB International Institute of Entomology, British Museum) (Natural History, 1989). 73 pp. Soft cover £10.0
Q41546970COI barcode based species-specific primers for identification of five species of stored-product pests from genus Cryptolestes (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae).
Q125388658Cacao pollination: Microdiptera of cacao plantations and some of their breeding places
Q52497493Calculations of the productivity of Glossina austeni Newst. maintained on goats and on lop-eared rabbits
Q38901209Can behavioural differences in Platypus cylindrus (Coleoptera: Platypodinae) from Portugal and Tunisia be explained by genetic and morphological traits?
Q42051490Can larvae of the pod-borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), select between wild and cultivated pigeonpea Cajanus sp. (Fabaceae)?
Q35461034Can rove beetles (Staphylinidae) be excluded in studies focusing on saproxylic beetles in central European beech forests?
Q36001099Can the parasitoid Necremnus tutae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) improve existing biological control of the tomato leafminer Tuta aboluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)?
Q126007996Canopy arthropods. Edited by N.E. Stork, J. Adis and R.K. Didham (London: Chapman & Hall, 1997). xvi + 567 pp. Hord cover £85.00 ISBN 0 412 47900 9.
Q57044335Capture-recapture studies with mosquitoes of the group of Anopheles punctulatus Dönitz (Diptera: Culicidae) from Papua New Guinea
Q36603381Captures of MFO-resistant Cydia pomonella adults as affected by lure, crop management system and flight
Q32067424Carbamate and organophosphate resistance in cotton pests in India, 1995 to 1999.
Q104050136Cardiochiles (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of lepidopterous larvae, in the Sahel of Africa, with a review of the biology and host relationships of the genus
Q91310570Carriers and cutters: size-dependent caste polyethism in the tropical fire ant (Solenopsis geminata)
Q42015254Carry-over effect of host nutritional quality on performance of spruce budworm progeny
Q92182276Case of mistaken identity: resolving the taxonomy between Trioza eugeniae Froggatt and T. adventicia Tuthill (Psylloidea: Triozidae)
Q50057685Cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in East African farming landscapes: a review of the factors determining abundance.
Q103843633Ceratopogonidae collected in Trinidad from Cacao Flowers
Q103835960Ceratopogoninae from Dar-es-Salaam
Q103843472Ceylon Euplectrini (Hym.)
Q99655315Chalcid Flies attacking noxious Beetles in India and New Guinea
Q56096802Chalcidoidea bred from Glossina in the Northern Territories, Gold Coast
Q56096840Chalcidoidea bred from Glossina morsitans in Northern Rhodesia
Q56096853Chalcidoidea bred from Glossina morsitans in Nyasaland
Q51567297Changes in aphid probing behaviour as a function of insect age and plant resistance level.
Q99963115Changes in eucalypt architecture and the foraging behaviour and development ofAmorbus obscuricornis(Hemiptera: Coreidae)
Q52642538Changes in genotypic composition of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on tobacco during the past two decades in Japan.
Q114171451Changes in the potential distribution of the guava fruit fly Anastrepha striata (Diptera, Tephritidae) under current and possible future climate scenarios in Colombia
Q104511196Changes in the recovery of insects in pitfall traps associated with the age of cow dung bait fresh or frozen at the time of placement
Q46549885Changes occurred in the testes and DNA pattern of males wax moth (Galleria mellonella) first generation as a result of irradiation of their parents
Q52605139Changing management in Scottish birch woodlands: a potential threat to local invertebrate biodiversity
Q40335954Characterisation of DDT and pyrethroid resistance in Trinidad and Tobago populations of Aedes aegypti
Q40323277Characterization and functional analysis of serpin-1 like gene from oak silkworm Antheraea pernyi
Q34153106Characterization and polymorphism analysis of phosphoglucose isomerase gene in the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea).
Q35068846Characterization of microsatellite DNA libraries from three mealybug species and development of microsatellite markers for Pseudococcus viburni (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
Q35577542Characterization of novel microsatellite markers for Hyphantria cunea and implications for other Lepidoptera
Q50697343Characterization of resistance to multiple aphid species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Medicago truncatula.
Q46852873Characterization of the M918T sodium channel gene mutation associated with strong resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer).
Q45882667Characterization of the symbiont Rickettsia in the mirid bug Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Heteroptera: Miridae).
Q88617521Characterization of three heat shock protein 70 genes from Liriomyza trifolii and expression during thermal stress and insect development
Q52752233Characterization of two unrelated satellite DNA families in the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae).
Q35550858Characterization, distribution, biology and impact on Italian walnut orchards of the invasive North-American leafminer Coptodisca lucifluella (Lepidoptera: Heliozelidae).
Q99553124Characterization, expression profiling, and thermal tolerance analysis of heat shock protein 70 in pine sawyer beetle, Monochamus alternatus hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Q56096828Characters and general morphology of the Lebbek Scale
Q104053209Chelonus chailini sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Malaysia, parasitizing gracillariid moths (Lepidoptera)
Q38945160Chemical cues from the coffee berry borer influence the locomotory behaviour of its bethylid parasitoids.
Q44816163Chemical interaction between the larva of a dipteran parasitoid and its coleopteran host: a case of exploitation of the communication system during the searching behaviour?
Q39390178Chemical investigations of volatile kairomones produced by Hyphantria cunea (Drury), a host of the parasitoid Chouioia cunea Yang
Q51745170Chemosterilants as control agents of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) in field trials.
Q88593553Chinese chives and garlic in intercropping in strawberry high tunnels for Neopamera bilobata Say (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae) control
Q41991734Chlorpyrifos-induced hormesis in insecticide-resistant and -susceptible Plutella xylostella under normal and high temperatures
Q35186985Classical biological control of an invasive forest pest: a world perspective of the management of Sirex noctilio using the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae).
Q52694264Classification of the Old World species of the subfamily phlebotominae (Diptera, Psychodidae).
Q80363233Climate and the activity of the Kenya coastal Glossina
Q98732685Climate as a possible driver of gall morphology in the chestnut pest Dryocosmus kuriphilus across Spanish invaded areas
Q57048059Climatic variables drive temporal patterns of α and β diversities of dung beetles
Q52686169Clonal turnover of MACE-carrying peach-potato aphids (Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Homoptera: Aphididae) colonizing Scotland.
Q52705262Clone lineages of grape phylloxera differ in their performance on Vitis vinifera.
Q52581835Clones of pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: aphididae) distinguished using genetic markers, differ in their damaging effect on a resistant alfalfa cultivar.
Q42607805Cloning and characterization of mariner-like elements in the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura
Q42013665Cloning and characterization of three chemosensory proteins from Spodoptera exigua and effects of gene silencing on female survival and reproduction
Q52605135Co-existence of different host-adapted forms of the Myzus persicae group (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in southern Italy.
Q40048131Co-infection with a wheat rhabdovirus causes a reduction in Mal de Río Cuarto virus titer in its planthopper vector
Q99966148Coccid-inhabiting Parasites from Africa with Descriptions of new Encyrtidae and Aphelinidae
Q99963512Coccidae from the Seychelles
Q33376799Coccids attacking cacao (Theobroma cacao, L.) in West Africa, with descriptions of five new species
Q50525695Coevolutionary fine-tuning: evidence for genetic tracking between a specialist wasp parasitoid and its aphid host in a dual metapopulation interaction.
Q90324821Coexistence of three specialist predators of the hemlock woolly adelgid in the Pacific Northwest USA
Q52586404Coexistence of two effective parasitoids of the white peach scale Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Hemiptera: Diaspididae): the role of host stage and temperature.
Q36503888Coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): searching for sustainable control strategies
Q47207842Coffee berry borer in conilon coffee in the Brazilian Cerrado: an ancient pest in a new environment.
Q91128245Coinfection by Trypanosoma cruzi and a fungal pathogen increases survival of Chagasic bugs: advice against a fungal control strategy
Q47840931Cold acclimation increases cold tolerance independently of diapause programing in the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris
Q126087495Cold tolerance and overwintering survival of Aphelinus certus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a parasitoid of the soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in North America
Q103843483Coleoptera associated with Stored Nepal Barley in Peru
Q122982093Collective orientation by nocturnally migrating Australian plague locusts, Chortoicetes terminifera (Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae): a radar study
Q57229266Combined effect of natural enemies (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae & Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) with different niche breadths in reducing high populations of red scale, Aonidiella Aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)
Q30558422Combining field phenological observations with distribution data to model the potential distribution of the fruit fly Ceratitis rosa Karsch (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q36405695Community-wide stable isotope analysis reveals two distinct trophic groups in a service-providing carabid community
Q51190751Comparative analysis of microsatellite loci in four fruit fly species of the genus Ceratitis (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q50625508Comparative assessment of feeding damage by pod-sucking bugs (Heteroptera: Coreoidea) associated with cowpea, Vigna unguiculata ssp. unguiculata in Nigeria.
Q99975137Comparative bionomics of adult austrostmulium pestilens Mackerras & Mackerras and A. bancrofti (Taylor) (Diptera, Simuliidae)
Q98188958Comparative characterization of microbiota between the sibling species of tea geometrid moth Ectropis obliqua Prout and E. grisescens Warren
Q90324773Comparative demography of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on deciduous fruit
Q42053157Comparative development, longevity and population growth of exotic and native parasitoids of lepidopteran cereal stemborers in Kenya
Q40002021Comparative flight performance of three important pest Adelphocoris species of Bt cotton in China
Q38435444Comparative life tables of leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Acrolepiidae), in its native range
Q96133706Comparative performance and digestive physiology of Diaphania indica (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on Trichosanthes anguina (Cucurbitaceae) cultivars
Q121993442Comparative plague dynamics of tropicalLocusta(Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q126007332Comparative reproductive biology of pre-, imaginal, and neotenic castes of the Asian termite Coptotermes gestroi (Blattaria, Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae)
Q104430283Comparative studies on Tetrastichus hagenowii (Ratzeburg) and T. asthenogmus (Waterston), two primary parasites of cockroach oothecae, and on their hyperparasite Tetrastichus sp. (T. miser (Nees) group) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
Q52663204Comparative studies on populations of Pauesia juniperorum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a biological control agent for Cinara cupressivora (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q113184482Comparative studies on sibling species of the Anopheles gambiae Giles complex (Dipt., Culicidae). II. Ecology of species A and B in savanna around Kaduna, Nigeria, during transition from wet to dry season
Q89573168Comparative transcriptome analyses of adzuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis) response to hypoxia and hypoxia/hypercapnia
Q92881920Comparative transcriptome profiling reveals candidate genes related to insecticide resistance of Glyphodes pyloalis
Q48539800Comparing growth patterns among field populations of cereal aphids reveals factors limiting their maximum abundance
Q47428881Comparing mark-recapture and constant removal protocols for estimating forager population size of the subterranean termite Coptotermes lacteus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Q42015457Comparing the genetic structure of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) from Greece and France: long distance gene-flow in a sedentary pest species.
Q39067429Comparison between anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) caught using different methods in a malaria endemic area of Papua New Guinea
Q114171449Comparison between window traps and pan traps in monitoring flower-visiting insects in agricultural fields
Q57229293Comparison of ant community structure (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in citrus orchards under chemical and biological control of red scale, Aonidiella aurantii(Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)
Q42050641Comparison of attractiveness in Japan and China of three synthetic pheromone blends based on geographic variations in the rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
Q51697516Comparison of five allopatric fruit fly parasitoid populations (Psyttalia species) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from coffee fields using morphometric and molecular methods
Q57583975Comparison of microplate esterase assays and immunoassay for identifying insecticide resistant variants of Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae)
Q44150773Comparison of polymerase chain reaction assay and cytotaxonomy for identification of sibling species of Anopheles fluviatilis (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q50609647Comparison of synthetic membranes in the development of an in vitro feeding system for Dermanyssus gallinae.
Q39143874Comparison of two alpha-cyano pyrethroids when impregnated into bednets against a pyrethroid resistant and susceptible strain of Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) and their F1 progeny.
Q44805693Competition and intraguild predation between the braconid parasitoid Bracon hylobii and the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis downesi, natural enemies of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis
Q112327590Competition between Prostephanus truncatus and Sitophilus oryzae on maize: the species that gets there first matters
Q40130841Competition between honeydew producers in an ant-hemipteran interaction may enhance biological control of an invasive pest
Q34607634Competitive displacement between two invasive whiteflies: insecticide application and host plant effects
Q60029417Competitiveness of chemosterilised males and cytoplasmically incompatible translocated males of Culex pipiens fatigans wiedemann (Diptera, Culicidae) in the field
Q46311237Complete mitochondrial genome of bamboo grasshopper, Ceracris fasciata, and the phylogenetic analyses and divergence time estimation of Caelifera (Orthoptera).
Q47597516Composition of cuticular lipids in the pteromalid wasp Lariophagus distinguendus is host dependent.
Q52642541Confirmation by DNA analysis that Contarinia maculipennis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is a polyphagous pest of orchids and other unrelated cultivated plants.
Q52671675Conspecific interference by adults in an aphidophagous ladybird Propylea dissecta (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): effect on reproduction.
Q44037889Construction of a GeogDetector-based model system to indicate the potential occurrence of grasshoppers in Inner Mongolia steppe habitats
Q38585349Contact toxicities of 22 insecticides to the cocoa Mirid Distantiella theobroma (Dist.) (Hemiptera, Miridae)
Q56829757Contrast in the cuticular hydrocarbons of sympatric Phlebotomus ( Synphlebotomus) females (Diptera: Phlebotominae)
Q46888006Contrasting effects of geographical separation on the genetic population structure of sympatric species of mites in avocado orchards.
Q44912482Contrasting performances of generalist and specialist Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) reveal differential prevalence of maternal effects after host transfer.
Q46718816Contribution of natural food sources to reproductive behaviour, fecundity and longevity of Ceratitis cosyra, C. fasciventris and C. capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q115563440Contribution to the Study of some Phytophagous Acarina and their Predators in Mauritius
Q99952854Contribution towards our Knowledge of the Aleyrodidae of Ceylon
Q111377448Contributions to the epidemiology of human sleeping sickness in Liberia: bionomics of the vector Glossina palpalis (R.-D.) in a forest habitat
Q52584115Control of Glossina longipennis (Diptera: Glossinidae) by insecticide-treated targets at Galana ranch, Kenya, and confirmation of the role of G. longipennis as a vector of cattle trypanosomiasis.
Q121075395Control of hatching time of eggs of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Q52666075Controlling Lygus plant bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) with European Peristenus relictus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Canada--risky or not?
Q113098737Convergence of molecular and morphological data reveals phylogenetic information on Tetranychus species and allows the restoration of the genus Amphitetranychus (Acari: Tetranychidae)
Q93009860Cooperation of enzymes involved in carbohydrate digestion of Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Say)
Q99966164Copidosoma graminis sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a polyembryonic parasitoid of armyworms (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Australia
Q51734149Copulation behaviour of Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Muscidae) outside and inside the female, with a discussion of genitalic evolution.
Q49342032Cornicle secretions by Aphis fabae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) result in age-dependent costs and improved host suitability for Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q41990725Coronatin-2 from the entomopathogenic fungus Conidiobolus coronatus kills Galleria mellonella larvae and incapacitates hemocytes
Q115165166Correct name for the species of Chilozela (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) whose caterpillars damage cassava in South America
Q44152366Correlation between the reproductive potential and the pyrethroid resistance in an Indian strain of filarial vector, Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q52703166Cotton stainers (Dysdercus spp.) in the West Indies.
Q52744532Could sterile males be used to vector a microbiological control agent? The case of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus and Beauveria bassiana.
Q38782794Courtship and mating behaviour in the parasitoid wasp Cotesia urabae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): mate location and the influence of competition and body size on male mating success
Q45185863Cow-dung colonization and decomposition following insect exclusion
Q124829163Critical issues in biological control. Edited by M. Mackauer, L. E. Ehler and J. Roland. (Andover, UK: Intercept, 1990). 330 pp. Hardback £40. ISBN 0-946707-19-7.
Q33733676Crop and field boundary influences on the activity of a wide range of beneficial invertebrate groups on a split conventional/organic farm in northern England.
Q40087295Crop cover the principal influence on non-crop ground beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) activity and assemblages at the farm scale in a long-term assessment
Q113284628Crop pollination by bees. By K.S. Delaplane and D.F Mayer (Wallingford, CABI Publishing, 2000). 360 pp. Hard cover £60.00 (US$ 100.00). ISBN 0 85199 448 2.
Q56930840Cross resistance between insecticides in coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) from New Caledonia
Q52707011Cross-amplified microsatellites in the European cherry fly, Rhagoletis cerasi: medium polymorphic-highly informative markers.
Q30728728Cryptic diversity in host-associated populations of Tetra pinnatifidae (Acari: Eriophyoidea): what do morphometric, mitochondrial and nuclear data reveal and conceal?
Q33986328Cryptic species within Anopheles longipalpis from southern Africa and phylogenetic comparison with members of the An. funestus group
Q57001402Cryptic species within Anopheles longipalpis from southern Africa and phylogenetic comparison with members of the An. funestus group – CORRIGENDUM
Q93249921Ctenophthalmus baeticus boisseauorum (Beaucournu, 1968) and Ctenophthalmus apertus allani (Smit, 1955) (Siphonaptera: Ctenophthalmidae) as synonymous taxa: morphometric, phylogenetic, and molecular characterization
Q54706529Culture of an organophosphorus-resistant strain of Boophilus microplus (Can.) and an assessment of its resistance spectrum.
Q103842225Curculionidae (Col.) attacking cultivated Plants
Q112327588Current and future potential distributions of Helicoverpa punctigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): is this the next FAW?
Q38038699Current immunity markers in insect ecological immunology: assumed trade-offs and methodological issues
Q33331066Cursorial spiders retard initial aphid population growth at low densities in winter wheat
Q51365714Cuticular and internal n-alkane composition of Lucilia sericata larvae, pupae, male and female imagines: application of HPLC-LLSD and GC/MS-SIM.
Q52739423Cuticular hydrocarbons discriminate cryptic Macrolophus species (Hemiptera: Miridae).
Q129350330Cuticular lipid profiles of selected species of cyclocephaline beetles (Melolonthidae, Cyclocephalini)
Q43492083Cyclocephala (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) evolution in Lesser West Indies indicates a Northward colonization by C. tridentata
Q104115408Cytotaxonomic revision of the Simulium sanctipauli subcomplex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Guinea and the adjacent countries including descriptions of two new species
Q30725484Cytotaxonomy, morphology and molecular systematics of the Bioko form of Simulium yahense (Diptera: Simuliidae)
Q52789793DDT residual films; the persistence and toxicity of deposits from kerosene solutions on wall-board.
Q121648998DDT-resistance in Plutella maculipennis (Curt.) (Lep.) in Java
Q33805630DNA barcodes for two scale insect families, mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and armored scales (Hemiptera: Diaspididae).
Q48523328DNA barcoding and elucidation of cryptic aphid species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in India
Q54090135DNA barcoding and real-time PCR detection of Bactrocera xanthodes (Tephritidae: Diptera) complex.
Q35614728DNA barcoding implicates 23 species and four orders as potential pollinators of Chinese knotweed (Persicaria chinensis) in Peninsular Malaysia.
Q35635350DNA barcoding of common soft scales (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) in China
Q45883522DNA barcoding of five common stored-product pest species of genus Cryptolestes (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae).
Q90256225DNA barcoding of large oak-living cerambycids: diagnostic tool, phylogenetic insights and natural hybridization between Cerambyx cerdo and Cerambyx welensii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Q89619070DNA barcoding of pear psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Psyllidae), a tale of continued misidentifications
Q46841775DNA markers for identifying biotypes B and Q of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and studying population dynamics
Q35765694DNA metabarcoding of insects and allies: an evaluation of primers and pipelines.
Q46355468DNA-based discrimination and frequency of phytoplasma infection in the two hawthorn-feeding species, Cacopsylla melanoneura and Cacopsylla affinis, in northwestern Italy.
Q35635768DNA-based identifications reveal multiple introductions of the vegetable leafminer Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) into the Torres Strait Islands and Papua New Guinea
Q115165182Defoliation and consequent crop loss in cassava caused by the grasshopper Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) in southern Nigeria
Q96773875Deformed wing virus type a and b in managed honeybee colonies of Argentina
Q42027551Delayed mating in tortricid leafroller species: simultaneously aging both sexes prior to mating is more detrimental to female reproductive potential than aging either sex alone
Q42051072Delayed mating reduces reproductive output of female European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q35056045Delimitation and description of the immature stages of a pollinating fig wasp, Ceratosolen solmsi marchali Mayr (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae).
Q114374224Demonstration of differential domesticity of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera, Culicidae) in Africa by mark-release-recapture
Q31134703Density mediates grasshopper performance in response to temperature manipulation and spider predation in tallgrass prairie
Q93234944Density-dependent distribution of parasitism risk among underground hosts
Q52701711Density-dependent processes in leaf beetles feeding on purple loosestrife: aggregative behaviour affecting individual growth rates.
Q44809768Dependence of Sitona lepidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae on abundance of white clover Rhizobium nodules.
Q46935678Description and behavioural biology of two Ufens species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), egg parasitoids of Homalodisca species (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in southern California
Q99617515Description of a new eupelmid parasite (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of cockroaches in India
Q99653111Description of a new species and genus of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera) parasitic on Pachydiplosis oryzae (Wood-Mason) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae)
Q104115594Description of a new species of Orseolia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Paspalum in West Africa, with notes on its parasitoids, ecology and relevance to natural biological control of the African rice gall midge, O. oryzivora
Q103952071Description of an Ichneumonid (Hym.) that preys on egg-masses of weevils harmful to tea culture in Kenya
Q30640746Description of an invasive new species of Neotropical aleurodicine whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) - a case of complete or partial misidentification?
Q104049294Description of the African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora sp. n., with comparative notes on the ASian rice gall midge, O. oryzae (Wood-Mason) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Q115563484Description of the developmental stages of Sosylus spp. (Coleoptera: Colydiidae) from New Guinea, parasites and predators of ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Platypodidae)
Q112264593Description of the larva of Oryctes monoceros (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from the Seychelles
Q56963486Description of the larva of Chalcosoma atlas (L.) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) from Malaysia
Q30887406Description of the soybean pod gall midge, Asphondylia yushimai sp. n. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a major pest of soybean and findings of host alternation
Q103841731Descriptions and Records of parasitic Hymenoptera from British Guiana and the West Indies
Q121249233Descriptions and host ranges of the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillett) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), and of eleven new species of Contarinia reared from Gramineae and Cyperaceae in Australia
Q99962506Descriptions and host ranges of the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillett) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), and of eleven new species of Contarinia reared from Gramineae and Cyperaceae in Australia
Q123009300Descriptions and morphometrics of the nymphs of Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)
Q104048615Descriptions of Psectrosema spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) reared from galls on Tamarix spp. in Pakistan, including four new species
Q99641676Descriptions of Tachinobia gen. n. and three new species of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a tentative key to genera
Q56096794Descriptions of five New Species of Anoplura and Mallophaga
Q99639625Descriptions of new Eulophid parasites (Hym., Chalcidoidea) from Africa and the Canary Islands
Q123248451Descriptions of new Larvae and Pupae of Ethiopian Culicini
Q99973037Descriptions of new genera and species of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) from the Far East and the Ethiopian region
Q54756849Descriptions of some African Eulophidae (Hym. Chalc.)
Q56096807Descriptions of some Capsidæ from the Belgian Congo
Q99640823Descriptions of some New Genera and Species of Coccidae
Q99653896Descriptions of some new Formosan Coccidae (Rhynchota)
Q99963513Descriptions of some new Species and some new Records of Coccidae.—I. Diaspidinae
Q39437127Descriptions of the Anopheles (Cellia) farauti complex of sibling species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Australia
Q103835221Descriptions of two Species of Coccidae feeding on Roots of Coffee
Q103945188Descriptions of two new genera and species of Phycitinae associated with Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) on Meliaceae in Nigeria (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae)
Q104027153Descriptions of two new species of Aethognathus Silvestri (Hym., Encyrtidae)
Q104026442Descriptions of two new species of Neotropical Eulophidae (Hymenoptera) of economic interest, with taxonomic notes on related species and genera
Q54643075Descriptions, and notes on the biology, of four new species of Adelgidae from West Pakistan
Q42053212Desiccation resistance in pre-diapause, diapause and post-diapause larvae of Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q46196504Desiccation resistance of wild and mass-reared Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q123001163Destruction of eggs as an alternative to chemical control of the grasshopper pest Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) in Nigeria
Q46230081Detecting Cacopsylla pyricola (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in predator guts using COI mitochondrial markers
Q48527728Detecting aphid predation by earwigs in organic citrus orchards using molecular markers.
Q51925778Detection and characterization of new genotypes of Myzus antirrhinii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Japan, with evidence for their production of sexual morphs.
Q43030387Detection of Brugia malayi in laboratory and wild-caught Mansonioides mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) using Hha I PCR assay
Q42032534Detection of parasitism in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), using differential melanization and coagulation reactions
Q52655227Detection of scavenged material in the guts of predators using monoclonal antibodies: a significant source of error in measurement of predation?
Q45334876Detection of seed DNA in regurgitates of granivorous carabid beetles
Q51598288Determination of biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) and insights into the taxonomic relationships of their hosts, Cylindropuntia spp.
Q34380823Determination of parous rates in Phlebotomine sandflies with special reference to Amazonian species
Q44170241Determination of the efficiency of diets for larval development in mass rearing Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q52735383Determination of the influence of dispersion pattern of pesticide-resistant individuals on the reliability of resistance estimates using different sampling plans.
Q57229209Determination of the most effective method for field establishment of biocontrol agents of the genus chilocorus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Q38959739Deterrent activity of hops flavonoids and their derivatives against stored product pests.
Q34129266Developing and establishing bee species as crop pollinators: the example of Osmia spp. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) and fruit trees
Q38846667Development and characterization of polymorphic genomic-SSR markers in Asian long-horned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis).
Q42001491Development and reproduction of Spodoptera eridania (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its egg parasitoid Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) on the genetically modified soybean (Bt) MON 87701×MON 89788.
Q38456967Development and reproductive capacity of Thrips hawaiiensis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and its potential as a major pest
Q39710266Development and use of EST-SSR markers for assessing genetic diversity in the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål).
Q46462778Development and validation of a real-time PCR assay for the glassy-winged sharpshooter Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae).
Q42039004Development of mass trapping technique for control of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
Q93388383Development of microsatellite markers for an outbreaking species of oak gall wasp, Zapatella davisae (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), in the northeastern United States
Q52778835Development of microsatellite markers for, and a preliminary population genetic analysis of, the white-backed planthopper.
Q52684516Development of silverleaf assay, protein and nucleic acid-based diagnostic techniques for the quick and reliable detection and monitoring of biotype B of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius).
Q42019005Development of specific ITS markers for plant DNA identification within herbivorous insects
Q34111905Development, survival and reproduction of black citrus aphid, Toxoptera aurantii (Hemiptera: Aphididae), as a function of temperature
Q52043184Development, survivorship and reproduction of Eretmocerus sp. nr furuhashii (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitizing Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on glabrous and non-glabrous host plants.
Q30850291Development, survivorship and reproduction of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under fluctuating temperatures
Q46023345Developmental and reproductive biology of Scirtothrips perseae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae): a new avocado pest in California.
Q90926760Developmental duration and predation rate of the coccidophagous coccinellid Rhyzobius lophanthae (Blaisdell) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Aspidiotus nerii Bouche
Q34086199Developmental responses of the diamondback moth parasitoid Diadegma semiclausum (Hellén) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) to temperature and host plant species
Q56096769Diagnoses of New Bornean Culicidae
Q52712353Diapause and its regulation in the whitefly Trialeurodes lauri.
Q60358538Diapause and the Regulation of Development in Anthrenus verbasci (L.) (Col., Dermestidae)
Q46874681Diapause incidence and duration in the pest mango blossom gall midge, Procontarinia mangiferae (Felt), on Reunion Island.
Q42055625Diapause initiation and incidence in the millet stem borer, Coniesta ignefusalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): the role of the host plant
Q42055932Diapause termination in the millet stem borer, Coniesta ignefusalis (Lepidoptera: pyralidae) in Ghana as affected by photoperiod and moisture
Q38908635Dichroplus vittatus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) follows the converse to Bergmann's rule although male morphological variability increases with latitude
Q39981500Dictyophara europaea (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae): description of immatures, biology and host plant associations.
Q39493517Dieback and recovery in poplar and attack by the hornet clearwing moth, Sesia apiformis (Clerck) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)
Q96228326Diel activity patterns and arrestment behaviour in host associations of green mirids (Creontiades dilutus)
Q114374191Diel periodicities of landing of nulliparous and parous Aedes aegypti (L.) at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Diptera, Culicidae)
Q114374162Dieldrin-resistance in a strain of Aedes aegypti (L.) from Puerto Rico
Q52648789Diet breadth and its relationship with genetic diversity and differentiation: the case of southern beech aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q114117606Diet breadth of the aphid predator Chrysoperla rufilabris Burmeister (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
Q113284624Differences in life history traits between isofemale lines of the aphid parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)
Q104511203Differences in native and introduced chalcid parasitoid communities recruited by the invasive chestnut pest Dryocosmus kuriphilus in two Iberian territories
Q42030479Differences in oviposition behaviour of two sympatric sibling species of the genus Ostrinia.
Q38417935Differences in sperm storage and remating propensity between adult females of two morphotypes of the Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) cryptic species complex.
Q127773430Differences in the Resistance of the Instars of a Pentatomid Bug to Pyrethrum Powder
Q42008176Different emergence phenology of European grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana, Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on six varieties of grapes
Q44146634Differential behaviour of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) to human and cow odours in the laboratory.
Q51771775Differential effect of Agaricus host species on the population development of Megaselia halterata (Diptera: Phoridae).
Q46966529Differential electroantennogram response of females and males of two parasitoid species to host-related green leaf volatiles and inducible compounds
Q102993996Differential inhibition of egg hatching in Aedes aegypti populations from localities with different winter conditions
Q34481046Differential necrophoric behaviour of the ant Solenopsis invicta towards fungal-infected corpses of workers and pupae
Q42048916Differential parasitism of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) larvae by the parasitoid Cotesia plutellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on two host plant species
Q114374215Differential response to oviposition site by feral and domestic populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q47789398Differentiation of Solenopsis invicta social forms using high resolution melt PCR.
Q56829786Differentiation of anopheles culicifacies Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) sibling species by analysis of cuticular components
Q52513751Digestion in the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans Westw.: the effect of feeding field-caught flies on guineapigs in the laboratory
Q42028780Digestive alpha-amylases from Tecia solanivora larvae (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): response to pH, temperature and plant amylase inhibitors.
Q44111112Digestive proteinases in Lasioderma serricorne (Coleoptera: Anobiidae).
Q52666071Digestive proteinases of the larger black flour beetle, Cynaeus angustus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).
Q46378366Direct and indirect resistance of sugarcane to Diatraea saccharalis induced by jasmonic acid.
Q56228575Direct ingestion of plant sap from cut leaves by the leaf-cutting ants Atta cephalotes (L.) and acromyrmex octospinosus (reich) (Formicidae, Attini)
Q52692372Discrimination of Cricotopus species (Diptera: Chironomidae) by DNA barcoding.
Q43485241Discrimination of the closely related biocontrol agents Macrolophus melanotoma (Hemiptera: Miridae) and M. pygmaeus using mitochondrial DNA analysis.
Q92695599Disentangling the effects of foliar vs. floral herbivory of leaf-cutting ants on the plant reproductive success of Miconia nervosa (Smith) Triana (Family Melastomataceae)
Q114655057Dispersal of alates and establishment of new colonies in Cryptotermes havilandi (Sjöstedt) (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae)
Q114655058Dispersal of the sugar-cane scale Aulacaspis tegalensis (Zhnt.) (Hem., Diaspididae) by air currents
Q114655059Dispersal, seasonal flight activity and winter survival of the oak stem Phylloxerid Moritziella corticalis (Kalt.) (Homoptera, Phylloxeridae)
Q39956658Disruption of Spodoptera exigua larval development by silencing chitin synthase gene A with RNA interference
Q99966561Distinctive features and geographical distribution of two closely similar pests of cotton (Empoasca devastans Dist. and E. terraereginae Paoli) (Homoptera, Cicadellidae)
Q44382933Distinguishing suitable biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) for biological control of Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida (Caryophyllales: Cactaceae) in South Africa
Q115563460Distribution and abundance of Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and its predator Teretriosoma nigrescens (Coleoptera: Histeridae) in Mexico
Q33686472Distribution and dynamics of Bemisia tabaci invasive biotypes in central China
Q33285714Distribution of common genotypes of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Greece, in relation to life cycle and host plant
Q39025161Distribution of mosquitoes in relation to urban landscape characteristics
Q57275398Distribution of the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the frequency of larval outbreaks in Africa and Arabia
Q52095493Distribution, host range, and climatic constraints on Centistes gasseni (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a South American parasitoid of cucumber beetles, Diabrotica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q92695695Disturbance and competition drive diversity effects in cabbage-aphid-onion systems with intra-specific genetic variation
Q46331007Disturbance induced dynamics of a tritrophic novel ecosystem.
Q114655056Diurnal and nocturnal biting activity of flies (Diptera) in western Uganda
Q45883724Diversity and localization of bacterial symbionts in three whitefly species (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from the east coast of the Adriatic Sea.
Q33268102Diversity of lepidopteran stem borers on monocotyledonous plants in eastern Africa and the islands of Madagascar and Zanzibar revisited
Q39220014Diversity of tortricid moths in apple orchards: evidence for a cryptic species of Grapholita (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from China
Q52318802Diversity, distribution and parasitism rates of fleas (Insecta: Siphonaptera) on sigmodontine rodents (Cricetidae) from Argentinian Patagonia.
Q33390796Diversity, distribution and role of wild crucifers in major cabbage and kale growing areas of Kenya
Q44151053Diving beetles (Dytiscidae) as predators of mosquito larvae (Culicidae) in field experiments and in laboratory tests of prey preference
Q42616118Do Mediterranean crickets Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) come from the Mediterranean? Largescale phylogeography and regional gene flow
Q46126297Do asexual morphs of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae, utilise the aphid sex pheromone? Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of M. persicae virginoparae to (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone and its effect on aphid performance
Q52692374Do functional traits improve prediction of predation rates for a disparate group of aphid predators?
Q46249322Do mothers really know best? Complexities in testing the preference-performance hypothesis in polyphagous frugivorous fruit flies.
Q96220777Do non-crop areas and landscape structure influence dispersal and population densities of male olive moth?
Q46495682Do nymphs and adults of three Neotropical zoophytophagous mirids damage leaves and fruits of tomato?
Q53690581Do the plant host origins of Helicoverpa (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moth populations reflect the agricultural landscapes within which they are caught?
Q91779449Does feeding on pollen grains affect the performance of Amblyseius swirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) during subsequent generations?
Q50651509Does host plant influence parasitism and parasitoid species composition in Lygus rugulipennis? A molecular approach.
Q42030170Does larval aggregation pheromone of codling moth, Cydia pomonella, induce attraction or arrestment of receivers?
Q42037973Does natural larval parasitism of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) vary between years, generation, density of the host and vine cultivar?
Q38454515Does nutrition-related stress carry over to spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) progeny?
Q44449320Does phloem-based resistance to aphid feeding affect host-plant acceptance for reproduction? Parturition of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, on two near-isogenic lines of Medicago truncatula
Q38930480Domesticity of Lutzomyia whitmani (Diptera: psychodidae) populations: field experiments indicate behavioural differences
Q38404083Dominance of an invasive fruit fly species, Bactrocera invadens, along an altitudinal transect in Morogoro, Eastern Central Tanzania
Q80716657Dominance, activity density and prey preferences of rove beetles ( Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in conventionally treated Hungarian agro-ecosystems
Q91779469Dominant symbiotic bacteria associated with wild medfly populations reveal a bacteriocin-like killing phenotype: a 'cold-case' study
Q44147305Dramatic developmental changes in larval knockdown response enhance genetic sexing based on DDT resistance in Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q113858071Dung beetle community assemblages in a southern African landscape: niche overlap between domestic and wild herbivore dung
Q99974536Dysdercus sidae, Montr., in Queensland
Q52684523Early season natural control of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens: the contribution and interaction of two spider species and a predatory bug.
Q115563423Early-season predation on aphids by winter-active spiders in apple orchards revealed by diagnostic PCR – ERRATUM
Q44467260Early-season predation on aphids by winter-active spiders in apple orchards revealed by diagnostic PCR.
Q113858115Ecological Notes on theSirexWood Wasps and their Parasites
Q113858089Ecological Studies of the Greenhouse Thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis, in Palestine
Q113858116Ecological Studies on Aphides infesting the Potato Crop
Q113858117Ecological Studies on the Moroccan Locust in Western Anatolia
Q45933716Ecological and genetic aspects of grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) performance on rootstock hosts.
Q113858106Ecological and physiological Studies on Capnodis spp. (Col., Buprestidae) in Palestine
Q51228280Ecological distribution of East African Culicoides Latreille (Dipt., Ceratopogonidae) as shown by light-traps.
Q33422656Ecological niche and potential geographic distribution of the invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens (Diptera, Tephritidae).
Q101162257Ecological niche modeling (ENM) of Leptoglossus clypealis a new potential global invader: following in the footsteps of Leptoglossus occidentalis?
Q46326542Ecological specialization in Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) on aphid species from wild and cultivated plants
Q104563857Ecology of the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius in the Ajaccio region (Corsica) - I: spring
Q99974540Economic Insects and Biological Control in the British Solomon Islands
Q38998256Edge-induced narrowing of dietary diversity in leaf-cutting ants.
Q92695648Effect of Neuroterus quercusbaccarum (L.) galls on physiological and biochemical response of Quercus robur leaves
Q40268310Effect of Wolbachia on insecticide susceptibility in lines of Aedes aegypti
Q53114070Effect of acaricidal components isolated from lettuce (Lactuca sativa) on carmine spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisd.).
Q52707016Effect of adult chill treatments on recovery, longevity and flight ability of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q48539462Effect of altitude on seasonal flight activity of Rhagoletis cerasi flies (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q35933148Effect of antibiotic on survival and development of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its gut microbial diversity
Q48543547Effect of cabbage cultivars with varying levels of resistance to aphids on the performance of the parasitoid, Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q42027773Effect of coffee alkaloids and phenolics on egg-laying by the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella.
Q96960022Effect of crop residue management on damage by Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), its egg parasitoids and the ants associated with sugarcane
Q79486042Effect of defoliation on reproduction of Cordia macrostachya
Q114117592Effect of delayed mating on reproductive performance and life-history parameters of dengue vector Aedes aegypti
Q42008990Effect of diet delivered various concentrations of double-stranded RNA in silencing a midgut and a non-midgut gene of Helicoverpa armigera
Q115563448Effect of early season insecticide use on predators and outbreaks of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in cotton
Q45241632Effect of environment and fallow period on Cosmopolites sordidus population dynamics at the landscape scale
Q57229306Effect of farming on population movements and acoustic behaviour of two bush crickets (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q52760474Effect of field edges on dispersal and distribution of colonizing stink bugs across farmscapes of the southeast USA.
Q91922421Effect of fruit and host fly species on the associative learning by Fopius arisanus
Q46935660Effect of gamma-radiation on Glossina pallidipes Aust
Q33526694Effect of ground cover vegetation on the abundance and diversity of beneficial arthropods in citrus orchards
Q36276606Effect of heat waves on embryo mortality in the pine processionary moth
Q40051719Effect of heavy-equipment aided environmental nebulization on Aedes aegypti vectors of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya in São Paulo, Brazil
Q114374211Effect of host movement on multiple feeding by Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera, Culicidae) in a laboratory experiment
Q52659465Effect of host quality of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on performance of the egg parasitoid Uscana lariophaga (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).
Q42032531Effect of learning on the oviposition preference of field-collected and laboratory-reared Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) populations.
Q42008566Effect of photoperiod and temperature on the intensity of pupal diapause in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q46386226Effect of plant development (age and size) on the Mi-1-mediated resistance of tomato to whitefly Bemisia tabaci.
Q114117613Effect of planting dates and recommended insecticides application on Earias insulana (Boisd.) and its associated predators in cotton field in Egypt
Q45918953Effect of release rate and enantiomeric composition on response to pheromones of Megaplatypus mutatus (Chapuis) in poplar plantations of Argentina and Italy.
Q42007785Effect of silicon soil amendment on performance of sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on rice
Q38441713Effect of storage temperature and duration on viability of eggs of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q52586401Effect of temperature and cultivar on pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) life history.
Q46622237Effect of temperature and host plant leaf morphology on the efficacy of two entomopathogenic biocontrol agents of Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Q42016834Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the development and fecundity of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae).
Q39516455Effect of temperature on pupa development and sexual maturity of laboratory Anastrepha obliqua adults
Q40546220Effect of temperature on the development of the aquatic stages of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q30852358Effect of temperature on the phenology of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae); simulation and visualization of the potential future distribution of C. partellus in Africa under warmer temperatures through the development of life-table
Q46772541Effect of the chemosterilant tepa on Glossina morsitans Westw
Q52334723Effect of the developmental state of the host guinea-pig on the feeding activity of the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes Aust.
Q30596116Effect of warming with temperature oscillations on a low-latitude aphid, Aphis craccivora.
Q92695587Effect of weedy culture on population densities, spatial distributions and sampling procedures of Spodoptera exigua and Sesamia cretica (Lep., Noctuidae) in corn fields
Q38971974Effectiveness of introduced biocontrol insects on the weed Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) in Australia
Q42044482Effectiveness of the defence mechanism of the turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), against predation by lizards
Q46308163Effects of Artemisia annua L. (Asteracea) on the digestive enzymatic profiles and the cellular immune reactions of the Sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Heteroptera: Scutellaridae), against Beauveria bassiana.
Q42023868Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab and Cry3Aa endotoxins on predatory Coleoptera tested through artificial diet-incorporation bioassays
Q72868696Effects of DDT on oxygen consumption of Rhodnius prolixus Stål
Q42038538Effects of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) expressed in tomato leaves on larvae of the tomato moth Lacanobia oleracea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and the effect of GNA on the development of the endoparasitoid Meteorus gyrator (Hymenoptera: Braconida
Q42031086Effects of Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera) host stages on some developmental parameters of the uniparental endoparasitoid Meteorus pulchricornis (Braconidae, Hymenoptera).
Q42044685Effects of age and food source on secondary chemistry of larvae of Lymantria species (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae).
Q48538442Effects of avermectin residues in cattle dung on yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae) populations in grazed pastures.
Q52671611Effects of carbon dioxide on the searching behaviour of the root-feeding clover weevil Sitona lepidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q52675619Effects of cattle treatment with a cypermethrin/cymiazol spray on survival and reproduction of the dung beetle species Euoniticellus intermedius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).
Q39612021Effects of cold storage on the biological characteristics of Microplitis prodeniae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q34153126Effects of combination of leaf resources on competition in container mosquito larvae
Q42016012Effects of constant and changing temperature conditions on diapause induction in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q89169145Effects of constant and fluctuating temperature on the development of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Q52683905Effects of delayed mating on the reproductive biology of the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
Q125416807Effects of developmental state on low-temperature physiology of the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata
Q41995779Effects of dietary quercetin on performance and cytochrome P450 expression of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera
Q116769115Effects of distance from semi-natural habitat on fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda, J. E. Smith) and its potential natural enemies in Ghana
Q88761326Effects of eprinomectin on the survival, reproduction and feeding activity of the dung beetles, Onthophagus lenzii Harold, and rare species, Copris ochus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Q92870100Effects of eprinomectin on the survival, reproduction and feeding activity of the dung beetles, Onthophagus lenzii Harold, and rare species, Copris ochus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) - CORRIGENDUM
Q51689820Effects of forest-dune ecotone management on the endangered heath grasshopper, Chorthippus vagans (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Q88617526Effects of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity and differentiation of Dendrolimus punctatus (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) in Thousand Island Lake, China, based on mitochondrial COI gene sequences
Q42003587Effects of heat stress on the quality of Trichogrammatoidea bactrae Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).
Q123308833Effects of hempa on the gonads of Locusta Migratoria (L.) (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q42018533Effects of host species, stage and size on the sex ratio and clutch size of the parasitoid, Dibrachys boarmiae (Walker, 1863) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae).
Q57796125Effects of humic acid and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on induced resistance of canola to Brevicoryne brassicae L
Q47337893Effects of insecticides chlorpyrifos, emamectin benzoate and fipronil on Spodoptera litura might be mediated by OBPs and CSPs
Q124980827Effects of ivermectin and moxidectin on the insects of cattle dung
Q52684512Effects of kaolin particle film on Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) behaviour and performance.
Q43000693Effects of larval and pupal environmental factors on biological status of adults at emergence inAedes taeniorhynchus(Wied.)
Q99963448Effects of ovarian condition on nesting behaviour in a brood-caring dung beetle, Copris diversus Waterhouse (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Q115563452Effects of parasites and predators on the cereal aphids Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.) and Macrosiphum avenae (F.) (Hem., Aphididae)
Q52837666Effects of phenol on metabolic activities and transcription profiles of cytochrome P450 enzymes in Chironomus kiinensis larvae.
Q90242574Effects of photoperiod and relative humidity on diapause termination and post-winter development of Rhagoletis cerasi pupae
Q91835720Effects of photoperiod on development and demographic parameters of the predatory thrips Scolothrips longicornis fed on Tetranychus urticae
Q42004762Effects of plant availability on population size and dynamics of an insect community: diamondback moth and two of its parasitoids.
Q35093236Effects of reproductive interference on the competitive displacement between two invasive whiteflies
Q42003540Effects of seasonal acclimation on cold tolerance and biochemical status of the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller, last instar larvae
Q38955056Effects of seasonality on drosophilids (Insecta, Diptera) in the northern part of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Q115563417Effects of sex ratio on different biological parameters of Engytatus varians (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae) adults and their offspring: prey preference for Bactericera cockerelli (Sulcer) (Hemiptera: Triozidae)
Q41989243Effects of soybean resistance on variability in life history traits of the higher trophic level parasitoid Meteorus pulchricornis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q47802156Effects of superparasitism on immature and adult stages of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) reared on Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q42035516Effects of temperature on predation by the stinkbugs Picromerus bidens and Podisus maculiventris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) on noctuid caterpillars.
Q58261616Effects of temperature on the development and abundance of the sheep blowfly Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Q104207228Effects of the Ant, Lasius niger (L.), on the Behaviour and Reproduction of the Black Bean Aphid, Aphis fabae Scop
Q92132158Effects of the infection with Trypanosoma cruzi on the feeding and excretion/defecation patterns of Triatoma infestans
Q41989128Effects of thermo-photoperiod on induction and termination of hibernation in Chilo partellus (Swinhoe).
Q52737469Effects of tillage practices on pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus L., Coleoptera: Curculionidae) biology and crop damage: a farm-scale study in the US Pacific Northwest.
Q93092585Effects of toxic baits and food-based attractants for fruit flies on the parasitoid Fopius arisanus (Sonan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Q113858074Effects of water deficiency on preference and performance of an insect herbivore Ostrinia furnacalis
Q88761350Efficacy of Lysinibacillus sphaericus against mixed-cultures of field-collected and laboratory larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus
Q44158479Efficacy of mosquito nets treated with insecticide mixtures or mosaics against insecticide resistant Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Côte d'Ivoire
Q52676793Efficacy of the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae, against sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) under laboratory and glasshouse conditions.
Q45730811Efficiency of insect exclusion screens for preventing whitefly transmission of tomato yellow leaf curl virus of tomatoes in Israel
Q103834965Eight new Species of Braconidae
Q56096845Eight new mosquitos in the British Museum collection
Q92132195Emergence phenology and temperature effect on the post-diapause egg development in the bush cricket Barbitistes vicetinus (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)
Q48544327Emergence trap developed to capture adult large pine weevil Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its parasite Bracon hylobii (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q43038314Enantiomeric selectivity in behavioural and electrophysiological responses of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes
Q104053183Encarsia bennetti sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) from India, associated with the citrus black fly, Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)
Q30661740Encarsia species (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) of Australia and the Pacific Islands attacking Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)--a pictorial key and descriptions of four new species
Q47324787Enemies in low places - insects avoid winter mortality and egg parasitism by modulating oviposition height
Q40757086Energy allocation during the maturation of adults in a long-lived insect: implications for dispersal and reproduction.
Q45902888Enhanced activity of carbohydrate- and lipid-metabolizing enzymes in insecticide-resistant populations of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais.
Q38875235Enhanced blood feeding of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) through membranes with applied host odour
Q31132153Enrichment of a single clone from a high diversity library of phage-displayed antibodies by panning with Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) midgut homogenate.
Q56096741Entomological Research in British West Africa. III.—Southern Nigeria
Q122127483Entomopathogenicity of Vairimorpha sp. (Microsporidia) in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)
Q92894494Enzymatic detoxification strategies for neurotoxic insecticides in adults of three tortricid pests
Q122456276Erratum (Vol. 80(1), 11–17) Le Patourel, G.N.J. & Zhou, J.J. Action of amorphous silica dusts on the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linneaus) (Orthoptera: Blattidae)
Q115165021Erratum (Vol. 81(2), 201–208) Yaninek, J.S., Baumgaertner, J. & Gutierrez, A.P. Sampling Mononychellus tanajoa (Acari: Tetranychidae) on cassava in Africa
Q114374188Estimated mortalities of the immature stages of Aedes cantans (Mg.) (Diptera, Culicidae) in a natural habitat
Q39146819Estimates of gene flow from rare alleles in natural populations of medfly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q123178915Estimates of mortalities of larvae and pupae of theAedes simpsoni(Theobald)(Diptera: Culicidae) complex in Uganda
Q51167291Estimating SIT-driven population reduction in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, from sterile mating.
Q57034945Estimating development and temperature thresholds of Ephestia kuehniella: toward improving a mass production system
Q47198465Estimating population density of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus(Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) using the effective sampling area of in-ground monitoring stations
Q57078120Estimation of survival rates and population size from mark-recapture experiments of bait-caught haematophagous insects
Q103843802Euphorine Parasites of Capsid and Lygaeid Bugs in Uganda (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
Q44320350European monitoring of resistance to insecticides in Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with special reference to imidacloprid
Q42051077Evaluating an interpolation approach for modelling spatial variability in pest development
Q42043179Evaluating legume species as alternative trap crops to chickpea for management of Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in central Queensland cotton cropping systems
Q46459345Evaluation and host specificity of two seed flies Mesoclanis polana and M. magnipalpis (Diptera: Tephritidae): biological control agents for Chrysanthemoides monilifera (Asteraceae) in Australia
Q38459695Evaluation and improvement of sticky traps as monitoring tools for Glossina austeni and G. brevipalpis (Diptera: Glossinidae) in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Q51710829Evaluation of Bt-toxin uptake by the non-target herbivore, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), feeding on transgenic oilseed rape.
Q54670886Evaluation of biological control of the oak leaf-miner Phyllonorycter messaniella (Zell.) (Lep., Gracillariidae) in New Zealand
Q35610263Evaluation of competition between a native and an invasive hornet species: do seasonal phenologies overlap?
Q46161217Evaluation of diets for the development and reproduction of Franklinothrips orizabensis (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae).
Q39094879Evaluation of fipronil and imidacloprid as bait active ingredients against fungus-growing termites (Blattodea: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae).
Q41993722Evaluation of native plant flower characteristics for conservation biological control of Prays oleae.
Q38884387Evaluation of pseudostem trapping as a control measure against banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Uganda
Q123282331Evaluation of resistance, cross-resistance and synergism of abamectin and teflubenzuron in a multi-resistant field population of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
Q113349882Evaluation of sticky panels to monitor populations of Glossina austeni (Diptera: Glossinidae) on Unguja island of Zanzibar
Q48086788Evaluation of temperature gradient gel electrophoresis for the analysis of prey DNA within the guts of invertebrate predators
Q31148817Evaluation of the impacts of climate change on disease vectors through ecological niche modelling
Q51615172Evidence for a quiet revolution: seasonal variation in colonies of the specialist tansy aphid, Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kaltenbach) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) studied using microsatellite markers.
Q48245164Evidence for host-associated clones of grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) in Australia.
Q45366324Evidence for pre-zygotic reproductive barrier between the B and Q biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).
Q42033850Evidence for resistance to pyrethroids and organophosphates in Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) from Pakistan
Q36116397Evidence of plastic probing behavior in a 'superclone' of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae
Q42048331Evidence of the establishment of Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of cereal stemborers, and its host range expansion in Ethiopia
Q45958750Evolution of European cockchafers (Melolonthinae: Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera): a morphological, molecular and chromosomal study of intra- and inter-specific variations.
Q37829484Evolutionary diversification of bruchine beetles: climate-dependent traits and development associated with pest status
Q45992029Evolutionary significance of promiscuity in an aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).
Q52495566Examination of the isolated autosomes of the SKA strain of house-flies (Musca domesticaL.) for resistance to several insecticides with and without pretreatment with sesamex and TBTP
Q42027771Exon-primed intron-crossing (EPIC) PCR markers of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q44162044Experimental aerial spraying with DDT against mosquitos in Burma.
Q39143869Experimental and molecular genetic analysis of the impact of pyrethroid and non-pyrethroid insecticide impregnated bednets for mosquito control in an area of pyrethroid resistance.
Q47447357Experiments on the ectoparasitic deer ked that often attacks humans; preferences for body parts, colour and temperature
Q52694580Experiments on the physiological action of contact insecticides.
Q46255847Explaining variations in the diversity of parasitoid assemblages in a biosphere reserve of Mexico: evidence from vegetation, land management and seasonality.
Q115164924Exploration for natural enemies of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), in South America for the biological control of this introduced pest in Africa
Q31139146Exploration of the acarine fauna on coconut palm in Brazil with emphasis on Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae) and its natural enemies
Q46616952Exploratory and recruitment phases in soldier-mediated foraging activities in the termite, Coptotermes intermedius Silvestri (Rhinotermitidae: Coptotermitinae).
Q52684521Exploring plant responses to aphid feeding using a full Arabidopsis microarray reveals a small number of genes with significantly altered expression.
Q90831360Exposure to essential oils and ethanol vapors affect fecundity and survival of two frugivorous fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) pest species
Q40702988Expression and characterization of a lipase-related protein in the malpighian tubules of the Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi
Q44148298Extent of digestion affects the success of amplifying human DNA from blood meals of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q46227893Extinction probabilities and times to extinction for populations of tsetse flies Glossina spp. (Diptera: Glossinidae) subjected to various control measures
Q42031836F2 screen for resistance to a Bacillus thuringiensis-maize hybrid in the sugarcane borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae).
Q42633153Factors affecting abundance and oviposition rates of a field population of the Old World screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana (Diptera: Calliphoridae).
Q113036880Factors affecting invasion of Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae) into honeybee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae), brood cells
Q52591355Factors affecting parasitism by Microctonus aethiopoides (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and parasitoid development in natural and novel host species.
Q57710552Factors affecting seasonal dispersal of the tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes and G. longipennis (Diptera: Glossinidae) at Nguruman, south-west Kenya
Q56627564Factors affecting the abundance of the copra beetle, Necrobia rufipes (Deg.) (Col., Cleridae)
Q49795004Factors influencing microhabitat selection and food preference of tree-dwelling earwigs (Dermaptera) in a temperate floodplain forest
Q99975125Factors influencing silhouette-trap captures of the blackfly Austrosimulium bancrofti (Taylor) (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the Australian Capital Territory
Q52703167Factors influencing the interaction of insecticidal mists and flying insects; some experiments with adjuvants.
Q52711341Factors influencing the interaction of insecticidal mists and flying insects; the design of a spray testing chamber and some of its properties.
Q52710981Factors influencing the interaction of insecticidal mists on flying insects; biological factors.
Q33390798Factors limiting the species richness of bees in Saharan Africa.
Q46352615Family planning in a stemborer parasitoid: sex ratio, brood size and size-fitness relationships in Parallorhogas pyralophagus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and implications for biological control
Q42034397Feeding and foraging behaviour of a generalist caterpillar: are third instars just bigger versions of firsts?
Q44241173Feeding and oviposition rates in the pine weevil Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q45780435Feeding behavior and social interactions of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile change with sucrose concentration.
Q44165286Feeding behaviour and host preferences of British mosquitoes
Q48544314Feeding behaviour of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on nitrogen and water-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings.
Q46404542Feeding by Leucopis argenticollis and Leucopis piniperda (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) from the western USA on Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) in the eastern USA.
Q52678643Feeding mode and prey detectability half-lives in molecular gut-content analysis: an example with two predators of the Colorado potato beetle.
Q38909776Feeding performance and life table parameters of Khapra Beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) on various barley cultivars
Q45829470Feeding preferences and functional responses of Calathus granatensis and Pterostichus globosus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on pupae of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q30884877Feeding site selection by workers of the Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) - a re-analysis of field data from a mark-recapture study
Q52694099Feeding, oviposition and survival of Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on Bt and non-Bt cottons.
Q42048335Female sex pheromone of brinjal fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): trap optimization and application in IPM trials
Q51655902Female-induced increase of host-plant volatiles enhance specific attraction of aphid male Dysaphis plantaginea (Homoptera: Aphididae) to the sex pheromone.
Q98568321Fertility life table and biology of Tetrastichus giffardianus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in the larvae of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Q113858096Field Observations on the Cacao Mirids Sahlbergella singularis Hagl. and Distantiella theobroma (Dist.), in the Gold Coast. PART II. Geographical and Habitat Distribution
Q125130966Field Tests with Larvicides against Culicoides impunctatus Goetgh. in Scotland
Q105027569Field and laboratory evaluation of a sex pheromone trap for the autodissemination of the fungal entomopathogen Zoophthora radicans (Entomophthorales) by the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)
Q123198110Field and laboratory trials using a locally produced neem insecticide against the Sahelian grasshopper, Kraussaria angulifera (Orthoptera: Acrididae), on millet in Mali
Q71298855Field cage evaluation of the competitiveness of male Glossina morsitans orientalis Vanderplank sterilised with tepa or gamma irradiation
Q91607440Field distribution patterns of pests are asymmetrically affected by the presence of other herbivores
Q42055719Field evaluation of a slow release pheromone formulation to control the American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Pakistan
Q46091798Field evaluation of different insecticide use strategies as resistance management and control tactics for Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).
Q52694583Field experiments with DDT and benzene hexachloride against tsetse (Glossina palpalis).
Q51186880Field infestation, life history and demographic parameters of the fruit fly Bactrocera invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa.
Q79563341Field observations on the bean seed fly (seed corn maggot) Chortophila cilicrura, Rond., and Chortophila trichodactyla, Rond
Q42019223Field optimization of the sex pheromone of Stenoma catenifer (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae): evaluation of lure types, trap height, male flight distances, and number of traps needed per avocado orchard for detection.
Q42051070Field survey and greenhouse evaluation of non-rice host plants of the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), as refuges for resistance management of rice transformed with Bacillus thuringiensis toxin genes
Q114374204Field trials of double translocation heterozygote males for genetic control ofAedes aegypti(L.) (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q46305431Field-evolved resistance to λ-cyhalothrin in the lady beetle Eriopis connexa.
Q45935425Field-scale dispersal of Aphodius dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in response to avermectin treatments on pastured cattle.
Q43353532Filth flies associated with municipal solid waste and impact of delay in cover soil application on adult filth fly emergence in a sanitary landfill in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Q52702315Final survey of the wood-destroying insects in public buildings in Sweden.
Q42034403Fine-scale abundance and distribution of wild silk moth pupae
Q56654818First molecular phylogeny of Agrilus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), the largest genus on Earth, with DNA barcode database for forestry pest diagnostics
Q56951568First recording of the sound produced by the black citrus aphid, Toxoptera aurantii (Boy.)
Q46865746Fitness cost and realized heritability of resistance to spinosad in Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).
Q123110857Fitness cost of Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae) adults emerged from pupae with different dormancy regimes: the case of prolonged chilling
Q42005954Fitness costs associated with field-evolved resistance to chlorantraniliprole in Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).
Q89662542Fitness costs associated with thiamethoxam and imidacloprid resistance in three field populations of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) from Florida
Q51520676Fitness trade-off in peach-potato aphids (Myzus persicae) between insecticide resistance and vulnerability to parasitoid attack at several spatial scales.
Q36123575Flight behavior of foraging and overwintering brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).
Q39742701Flight behaviour and dispersal of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) adults using mark-release-recapture method
Q47409011Flight of the Chinese white pine beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in relation to sex, body weight and energy reserve
Q38748661Flight performance of Macdunnoughia crassisigna (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q42983283Flight periodicities and vertical distribution of Aedes cantons (Mg.), Ae. geniculatus (Ol.), Anopheles plumbeus Steph. and Culex pipiens L. (Dipt., Culicidae) in southern England
Q42026280Flight periodicity and the vertical distribution of high-altitude moth migration over southern Britain.
Q46080421Flight take-off and walking behavior of insecticide-susceptible and - resistant strains of Sitophilus zeamais exposed to deltamethrin
Q36293263Floral abundance, richness, and spatial distribution drive urban garden bee communities.
Q44144047Fluctuating wing asymmetry and larval density stress in Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q52715007Flying with a 'death sentence' on board: electrophoretic detection of braconid parasitoid larvae in migrating winged grain aphids, Sitobion avenae (F.).
Q104207226Food quality and foraging response by the subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus shiraki (isoptera: rhinotermitidae)
Q115165171Food web of insects associated with the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), and its introduced parasitoid, Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), in Africa
Q42045760Food-plant effects on larval performance do not translate into differences in fitness between populations of Panolis flammea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q113858111Foraging and grass selection by the grass-cutting ant Acromyrmex landolti fracticornis (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in habitats of introduced forage grasses in Paraguay
Q104478805Foraging behavior and bait station preference in scavenging termite, Odontotermes obesus (Blattodea: Termitidae)
Q92994587Foraging behavior of Aphidius matricariae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on tobacco aphid, Myzus persicae nicotianae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Q41985920Foraging behaviour of the exotic wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) on a native caterpillar defoliator
Q56654757Foraging choices balanced between resource abundance and handling concerns: how the honeybee, Apis mellifera, select the flowers of Robinia pseudoacacia
Q39200904Foraging in subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): how do Heterotermes tenuis and Coptotermes gestroi behave when they locate equivalent food resources?
Q113858105Formation of Green Pigment and Colour Changes in Orthoptera
Q56096926Four new African Mosquitos
Q103841800Four new Species of Ichneumonoidea
Q103867583Four new Species representing two new Genera of Bryocorinae associated with Cacao in New Britain (Hemiptera, Miridae)
Q98192389Frass produced by the primary pest Rhyzopertha dominica supports the population growth of the secondary stored product pests Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Tribolium castaneum, and T. confusum
Q39543791Fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) and their associations with native host plants in a remnant area of the highly endangered Atlantic Rain Forest in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Q60435696Fruit flies. Biology and management. Edited by Martin Aluja and Pablo Liedo. (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993). xxxiii+492 pp. Hard cover £50.50. ISBN 0-387-97905-0
Q127716702Fruit-piercing Lepidoptera in Sierra Leone
Q51247984Functional analysis of a NF-κB transcription factor in the immune defense of Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q49794941Functional characteristics of chemosensory proteins in the sawyer beetle Monochamus alternatus Hope
Q41991164Functional characterization of a pheromone-binding protein from rice leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis in detecting pheromones and host plant volatiles
Q40093493Functional diversity of staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in maize fields: testing the possible effect of genetically modified, insect resistant maize.
Q92195855Functional expression of the Spodoptera exigua chitinase to examine the virtually screened inhibitor candidates
Q52864155Functional sensorial complementation during host orientation in an Asilidae parasitoid larva.
Q35895876Functional significance of phytochemical lures to dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae): an ecological and evolutionary synthesis
Q52603523Functions of antennae and palpi in the mating behaviour of the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q103835088Further Notes on the Ethiopian Fruit-flies, with Keys to all the Known Genera and Species
Q56096896Further Notes on the Lonchaeidae (Dipt.), with Descriptions of New Species from Africa and Asia
Q56096763Further Notes on the Tabanidae of Palestine, with Descriptions of New Species
Q33823203Further insights into the strange role of bacterial endosymbionts in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci: comparison of secondary symbionts from biotypes B and Q in China
Q56096745Further notes on African Culicidae
Q113184477Further observations on the vertical distribution of flying mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in West African savanna
Q38897272Further studies on age and trypanosome infection rates in Glossina pallidipes Aust., G. palpalis fuscipes Newst. and G. brevipalpis Newst. in Uganda
Q80629193Further studies on the loss of insecticides by absorption into mud and vegetation
Q125933183Gall Midges (Cecidomyidae) as Enemies of Mites
Q99973461Gall Midges (Cecidomyidae) as Enemies of the Tingidae, Psyllidae, Aleyrodidae and Coccidae
Q103870669Gall-midge Larvae as Endoparasites, including the Description of a Species parasitising Aphids in Trinidad, B.W.I.
Q50537690Gene cloning and difference analysis of vitellogenin in Neoseiulus barkeri (Hughes).
Q38316956Gene cloning and expression patterns of two prophenoloxidases from Catantops pinguis (Orthoptera: Catantopidae).
Q52694098Gene expression profiling of tolerant barley in response to Diuraphis noxia (Hemiptera: Aphididae) feeding.
Q42040228Gene-flow between populations of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is highly variable between years.
Q41084732General observations on mosquitos in relation to yellow fever in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
Q34050785Generalist predators disrupt parasitoid aphid control by direct and coincidental intraguild predation.
Q94959494Genetic analysis and screening of detoxification-related genes in an amitraz-resistant strain of Panonychus citri
Q35835408Genetic and morphological studies of Trichosirocalus species introduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand for the biological control of thistles.
Q47702089Genetic delineation of sibling species of the pest fruit fly Bactocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) using microsatellites
Q52720132Genetic differentiation among populations of Brachytrupes portentosus (Lichtenstein 1796) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in Thailand and the Lao PDR: the Mekong River as a biogeographic barrier.
Q42037969Genetic differentiation among various populations of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae).
Q36603394Genetic differentiation and diversity of Callosobruchus chinensis collections from China
Q42039007Genetic differentiation in Scottish populations of the pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q44172397Genetic differentiation of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in China
Q39742444Genetic differentiation of Liparus glabrirostris (Curculionidae: Molytinae) populations from the fragmented habitats of the Alps and Carpathian Mountains.
Q40799824Genetic differentiation of geographically separated populations of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).
Q47577924Genetic differentiation of the pine wilt disease vector Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) over a mountain range - revealed from microsatellite DNA markers
Q52705565Genetic diversity and differentiation among laboratory and field populations of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines.
Q50462338Genetic diversity and insecticide resistance during the growing season in the green peach aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on primary and secondary hosts: a farm-scale study in Central Chile.
Q44769555Genetic diversity and insecticide resistance of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations from tobacco in Chile: evidence for the existence of a single predominant clone
Q33217269Genetic diversity of woolly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations in the Western Cape, South Africa.
Q44308724Genetic diversity, geographical range and origin of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Indian Ocean Ms.
Q115563459Genetic estimates of dispersal ability in the leucaena psyllid predatorCurinus coeruleus(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): implications for biological control
Q52700046Genetic poverty of an extremely specialized wetland species, Nehalennia speciosa: implications for conservation (Odonata: Coenagrionidae).
Q50653175Genetic relationships among biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) based on AFLP analysis.
Q51638659Genetic structure and dispersal patterns of the invasive psocid Liposcelis decolor (Pearman) in Australian grain storage systems.
Q115436360Genetic structure and local adaptation in natural insect populations – effects of ecology, life history, and behaviour. Edited by Susan Mopper and Sharon Y. Strauss (New York: Chapman & Hall, 1998). 449 pp £65.00. ISBN 0 412 08031 1.
Q42033203Genetic structure and molecular variability of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) collected in maize and cotton fields in Brazil.
Q91365177Genetic structure and range expansion of Zeugodacus Cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa
Q34615268Genetic structure of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) populations in Korea: implication for invasion processes in heterogeneous landscapes
Q42015098Genetic variability and demographic history of Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations from Brazil inferred by mtDNA sequences
Q46055187Genetic variability in esterases and the insecticide resistance in brazilian strains ofOryzaephilus mercatorandOryzaephilus surinamensis(Coleoptera: Silvanidae)
Q40440685Genetic variability in the natural populations of Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), detected by RAPD markers and by esterase isozymes
Q42022788Genetic variation among Helicoverpa armigera populations as assessed by microsatellites: a cautionary tale about accurate allele scoring
Q42033198Genetic variation among Mediterranean populations of Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) as revealed by RFLP mtDNA analysis.
Q39288619Genetic variation among populations of the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Morocco and Syria
Q52692371Genetic variation and covariation of aphid life-history traits across unrelated host plants.
Q52641863Genetic variation of Marchalina hellenica (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) sampled from different hosts and localities in Greece.
Q42229483Genetic variation of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), among populations from Serbia and neighbouring countries, as inferred from COI sequence variability
Q114374213Genetics of house-entering behaviour in East African populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) and its relevance to speciation
Q47191291Genome size of Pachypsylla venusta (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and the ploidy of its bacteriocyte, the symbiotic host cell that harbors intracellular mutualistic bacteria with the smallest cellular genome
Q46924331Genomic structure, organization and localization of the acetylcholinesterase locus of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae.
Q38939264Genotypic diversity of the cotton-melon aphid Aphis gossypii (Glover) in Tunisia is structured by host plants
Q52591357Genotypic interaction between resistance genes in wheat and virulence genes in the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae).
Q42034872Geographic biotype and host-associated local adaptation in a polyphagous species, Lambdina fiscellaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) feeding on balsam fir on Anticosti Island, Canada
Q90395675Geographic distribution and abundance of the Afrotropical subterranean scale insect Stictococcus vayssierei (Hemiptera: Stictococcidae), a pest of root and tuber crops in the Congo basin
Q58039278Geographic distribution and seasonal variation of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Q39265782Geographic distribution, large-scale spatial structure and diversity of parasitoids of the seed-feeding beetle Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus
Q125704291Geographical origin of an introduced pest species, Delia radicum (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), determined by RAPD analysis and egg micromorphology
Q48544637Geographical origin of an introduced pest species, Delia radicum (Diptera: anthomyiidae), determined by RAPD analysis and egg micromorphology
Q42032865Geographical variation in larval susceptibility of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) to Bacillus thuringiensis spore-crystal mixtures and purified crystal proteins and associated resistance development in India
Q91166014Geographical variation in life-history traits suggests an environmental-dependent trade-off between juvenile growth rate and adult lifespan in a moth
Q46076611Geographical variation, population structure and gene flow between populations of Chrysophtharta agricola (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a pest of Australian eucalypt plantations
Q30770068Geographical versus interspecific differentiation of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae): a landmark data analysis
Q45881650Geography has a greater effect than Wolbachia infection on population genetic structure in the spider mite, Tetranychus pueraricola
Q41037521Geostatistics as a tool to study mite dispersion in physic nut plantations.
Q38680619Global phylogenetic relationships, population structure and gene flow estimation of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Greenhouse whitefly).
Q52687079Glossina pallidipes and open country in the coastal area of Kenya.
Q35009526Glossina swynnertoni (Diptera: Glossinidae): effective population size and breeding structure estimated by mitochondrial diversity.
Q46406506Glossina tachinoides in Northeast Africa.
Q42037962Grape variety affects larval performance and also female reproductive performance of the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q30838271Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) inventories: a comparison of light and pitfall trapping
Q36027281Ground beetle assemblages across a habitat gradient in a stream watershed during 16 years of observation.
Q104050697Gyranusoidea tebygi sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of Rastrococcus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on mango in India
Q42607971Habitat difference in abundance of willow leaf beetle Phratora vulgatissima (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): plant quality or natural enemies?
Q36054795Habitat management of organic vineyard in Northern Italy: the role of cover plants management on arthropod functional biodiversity
Q52678636Habitat use and phenology of the large insular endemic grasshopper Acrostira euphorbiae (Orthoptera: Pamphagidae).
Q92695616Habitat visualization, acquisition features and necessity of the gammaproteobacterial symbiont of pistachio stink Bug, Acrosternum heegeri (Hem.: Pentatomidae)
Q48542254Habitat-related mtDNA polymorphism in the stored-bean pest Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).
Q48692776Haemocytes play a commensal rôle in the synthesis of the dihydroxybenzoate required as a precursor for sclerotization of the egg case (ootheca) in the cockroach Periplaneta americana (L).
Q50449199Hearing in tsetse flies? Morphology and mechanics of a putative auditory organ
Q42004084Heat shock suppresses mating and sperm transfer in the rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
Q90324716Heat stress-induced expression of Px-pdrg and Px-aspp2 in insecticide-resistant and -susceptible Plutella xylostella
Q54664716Hemipterous Predators of the Weevils Cosmopolites and Odoiporus
Q46920281Herbivory-induced plant volatiles from Oryza sativa and their influence on chemotaxis behaviour of Tibraca limbativentris Stal. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and egg parasitoids
Q46840524Heterochromatin characterization and ribosomal gene location in two monotypic genera of bloodsucker bugs (Cimicidae, Heteroptera) with holokinetic chromosomes and achiasmatic male meiosis
Q46425816Heteroplasmy due to coexistence of mtCOI haplotypes from different lineages of the Thrips tabaci cryptic species group
Q80363231Hibernation of Hyalomma savignyi (Ixodidae) in Palestine
Q39885423High regional genetic diversity and lack of host-specificity in Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) as revealed by mtDNA variation.
Q33516657High species richness of Chironomidae (Diptera) in temporary flooded wetlands associated with high species turn-over rates
Q40246682Higher sika deer density is associated with higher local abundance of Haemaphysalis longicornis nymphs and adults but not larvae in central Japan
Q50628203Histological studies of damage by pod-sucking bugs (Heteroptera: Coreoidea) associated with cowpea Vigna unguiculata ssp. unguiculata in Nigeria.
Q35373008Homology difference analysis of invasive mealybug species Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in Southern China with COI gene sequence variability
Q114117590Honey bees are not attracted to multiple new ant bait matrices containing sugar
Q38884027Honeybee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae), leaf damage on Alnus species in Uganda: a blessing or curse in agroforestry?
Q50077305Host availability affects the interaction between pupal parasitoid Coptera haywardi (Hymenoptera: Diiapridae) and larval-pupal parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q39224194Host choice and host leaving in Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: aphididae) emigrants and repellency of aphid colonies on the winter host
Q41990734Host choice, settling and folding leaf behaviors of the larval rice leaf folder under heat stress
Q99567072Host discrimination in the fruit fly parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata: evidence from virgin female behaviour and egg distribution patterns
Q46549397Host feeding patterns of Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) within the Picos de Europa National Park in northern Spain
Q46861943Host finding by Uscana lariophaga (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in stored cowpea: the effect of distance, time interval, host patch size and spatial orientation
Q35828705Host gut microorganisms' cues mediate orientation behaviour in the larva of the parasitoid Mallophora ruficauda
Q59305151Host location by Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae): a wind tunnel study of chemical cues
Q48543261Host location, survival and fecundity of the Oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in relation to black rat Rattus rattus (Rodentia: Muridae) host age and sex.
Q52093444Host plant age and population development of a cereal aphid, Metopolophium dirhodum (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q46300544Host plant influence on susceptibility of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) to insecticides
Q43684108Host plant recognition by the root feeding clover weevil, Sitona lepidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q97595507Host plant-mediated effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on growth and developmental parameters of Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Q39724920Host preference and host colonization of the Asian long-horned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera Cerambycidae), in Southern Europe
Q114374189Host preference in Aedes simpsoni (Theo.) (Diptera, Culicidae) with special reference to the anthropophilic and non-anthropophilic forms in Uganda
Q46082083Host preference, population growth and injuries assessment of Polyphagotarsonemus latus (banks) (ACARI: Tarsonemidae) on Capsicum annuum L. Genotypes
Q67231323Host preferences and feeding patterns of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) at Kowanyama, Cape York Peninsula, northern Queensland
Q45259562Host races in Chaetostomella cylindrica (Diptera: Tephritidae): genetic and behavioural evidence
Q50614507Host races of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum differ in male wing phenotypes.
Q39285926Host range and distribution of fruit-infesting pestiferous fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) in selected areas of Central Tanzania
Q96121285Host range and species diversity of Tephritidae of three plant formations in Western Burkina Faso
Q44179702Host selection behaviour by adults of legume and cereal breeding populations of Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q50978878Host selection by the generalist aphid Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its subspecies specialized on tobacco, after being reared on the same host.
Q42036328Host shift to peas in the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and response of its parasitoid Diadegma mollipla (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).
Q34616643Host specialization of parasitoids and their hyperparasitoids on a pair of syntopic aphid species.
Q39857538Host species critical for offspring fitness and sex ratio for an oligophagous parasitoid: implications for host coexistence
Q46930474Host specificity in the host-seeking larva of the dipteran parasitoid Mallophora ruficauda and the influence of age on parasitism decisions
Q35586940Host suitability analysis of the bark beetle Scolytus amygdali (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae).
Q42026282Host tree age as a selective pressure leading to local adaptation of a population of a polyphagous Lepidoptera in virgin boreal forest
Q43804461Host use and crop impacts of Oribius Marshall species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
Q56949872Host-based genotype variation in insects revisited
Q50665103Host-correlated morphological variation of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations in Greece.
Q49853199Host-location behavior of the tea green leafhopper Empoasca vitis Göthe (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae): olfactory and visual effects on their orientation
Q35357138Host-plant dependent population genetics of the invading weevil Hypera postica
Q46730127Host-plant finding by the asparagus fly, Plioreocepta poeciloptera (Diptera: Tephritidae), a monophagous, monovoltine tephritid
Q93388390Host-plant switching promotes the population growth of Apolygus lucorum: implications for laboratory rearing
Q31029287Host-specific Wolbachia strains in widespread populations of Phlebotomus perniciosus and P. papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae), and prospects for driving genes into these vectors of Leishmania
Q31132239How can alien species inventories and interception data help us prevent insect invasions?
Q51945174How could host discrimination abilities influence the structure of a parasitoid community?
Q37982197How do honeybees use their magnetic compass? Can they see the North?
Q45158046How does a carabid predator find aggregations of slugs in the field? Electroantennograms and behavioural assays suggest chemical cues
Q48525426How does a xylem-feeder maximize its fitness?
Q51639225How does heat shock affect the life history traits of adults and progeny of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius avenae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)?
Q45352280How host larval age, and nutrition and density of the parasitoid Dinarmus basalis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) influence control of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).
Q44148010How reliable are light traps in estimating biting rates of adult Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in the presence of treated bed nets?
Q40251554Humoral immunocompetence shifts in response to developmental stage change and mating access in Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q51591733Hybridization between Dactylopius tomentosus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) biotypes and its effects on host specificity.
Q42039640Hybridization between Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa assulta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): development and morphological characterization of F1 hybrids.
Q38659560Identification and characterization of ace1-type acetylcholinesterase in insecticide-resistant and -susceptible Propylaea japonica (Thunberg).
Q34304266Identification and characterization of anonymous nuclear markers for the double-striped cockroach, Blattella bisignata
Q38829408Identification and expression patterns of Halloween genes encoding cytochrome P450s involved in ecdysteroid biosynthesis in the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera
Q43265047Identification and metabolite profiling of Sitophilus oryzae L. by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy
Q52734595Identification and phenology of Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cixiidae) nymphal instars.
Q49353957Identification and tissue expression profiling of candidate UDP-glycosyltransferase genes expressed in Holotrichia parallela motschulsky antennae
Q101238668Identification of a new P450s gene (AccCYP4AV1) and its roles in abiotic stress resistance in the Apis cerana cerana Fabricius
Q42001685Identification of a novel cytochrome P450 gene, CYP321E1 from the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) and RNA interference to evaluate its role in chlorantraniliprole resistance
Q46683762Identification of a point mutation in the ace1 gene of Therioaphis trifolli maculata and detection of insecticide resistance by a diagnostic PCR-RFLP assay.
Q40405088Identification of aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) species of economic importance in Kenya using DNA barcodes and PCR-RFLP-based approach
Q46915380Identification of differentially expressed genes in brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) responding to host plant resistance
Q39885711Identification of male-produced aggregation pheromone of the curculionid beetle Acrotomopus atropunctellus
Q38853402Identification of mealybug pest species (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Egypt and France, using a DNA barcoding approach
Q38829812Identification of odorant-binding protein genes in Galeruca daurica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and analysis of their expression profiles
Q56096922Identification of some Fig Insects (Hymenoptera) from the British Museum (Natural History)
Q42001332Identification of the 2-tridecanone responsive region in the promoter of cytochrome P450 CYP6B6 of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q31828658Identification of the Diadegma species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae) attacking the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).
Q41990831Identification of the chitinase genes from the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella
Q52598543Identification of thrips species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Japanese fruit trees by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism of the ribosomal ITS2 region.
Q99975596Identification, distribution and host-plants of the pest species of Scirtothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Q52642535Identifying chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) for biological monitoring with PCR-RFLP.
Q47324871Identifying environmental drivers of insect phenology across space and time: Culicoides in Scotland as a case study
Q34607740Identity of Schizaphis species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United Kingdom: are they a threat to crops?
Q104050955Identity of the African coffee root mealybug, with descriptions of two new species of Planococcus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae)
Q104049017Identity of the South-East Asian cocoa moth, Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), with descriptions of three allied new species
Q113349880Immature Nutfall of Coconuts in the Solomon Islands. II.—Changes in Ant Populations, and their Relation to Vegetation
Q46169052Immature development and adult eclosion of Ufens principalis Owen (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasitoid of Homalodisca spp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in southern California
Q112264588Immigration of Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) and Scapanes australis grossepunctatus Sternb. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) into plantings of young coconut palms in New Britain
Q57229298Immigration, population growth and mortality of insects and mites on cassava in Brazil
Q38530018Immune defence mechanisms of triatomines against bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
Q42005104Immune response of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae to different entomopathogenic fungi
Q115563471Immunological determination of predators of the bush fly, Musca vetustissima Walker (Diptera: Muscidae), in south-western Australia
Q115563478Immunological investigation of prey-predator relationships for Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Q115165122Impact assessment of the biological control of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), by the introduced parasitoid Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)
Q46776767Impact of abiotic factors on predator-prey interactions: DNA-based gut content analysis in a microcosm experiment.
Q42032541Impact of an exotic parasitoid on Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) population dynamics, damage and indigenous natural enemies in Kenya
Q90676846Impact of environmental conditions and seed physico-chemical characteristics on the resistance of cowpea genotypes to Callosobruchus maculatus F. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) infestation
Q52671616Impact of human activity on the distribution of native and non-native cockroach species (Dictyoptera) in La Réunion and Mayotte.
Q41996189Impact of natural control agents of the citrus leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella on lemon trees varies among seasons
Q45396407Impact of pest control strategies on the arthropodofauna living in bird nests built in nestboxes in pear and apple orchards
Q38959755Impact of routine Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) treatment on the availability of flying insects as prey for aerial feeding predators
Q48543520Impact of sawfly defoliation on growth of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris (Pinaceae) and associated economic losses
Q38982598Impact of the biological control agent Mesoclanis polana (Tephritidae) on bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata) in eastern Australia
Q115433402Impacts of canopy cover on soil termite assemblages in an agrisilvicultural system in southern Cameroon
Q91294963Impairment of pupation by RNA interference-aided knockdown of Broad-Complex gene in Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)
Q58189866Imperial Institute of Entomology
Q90916040Implications of using two natural enemies of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) toward tomato yield enhancement
Q91128272Importance of native vegetation for detection and management of rice stink bug (Tibraca limbativentris)
Q52133706Importance of nutrition and host availability on oogenesis and oviposition of Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae).
Q57269762Improved persistence of insecticide deposits on targets for controlling Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae)
Q46435508Improved survival and oviposition of Simulium damnosum (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the laboratory
Q44252623Improvement of survival of the house fly (Musca domestica L.) larvae under mass-rearing conditions
Q47780535Improving the artificial diet for adult of seven spotted ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) with orthogonal design
Q38441723Inbreeding depression in two seed-feeding beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus and Stator limbatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q60358982Inbreeding in the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) estimated from endosulfan resistance phenotype frequencies
Q53921200Incidence of insecticide resistance alleles in sexually-reproducing populations of the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from southern France.
Q34050780Including climate change in pest risk assessment: the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q45883589Inconsistent genetic structure among members of a multitrophic system: did bruchid parasitoids (Horismenus spp.) escape the effects of bean domestication?
Q33560921Increased production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and reduced adult life span in an insecticide-resistant strain of Anopheles gambiae
Q122146067Incubation and overwintering in the egg stage of the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria migratorioides (Orthoptera: Acrididae), on the highveld of South Africa
Q46305435Indirect evidence of pathogen-associated altered oocyte production in queens of the invasive yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, in Arnhem Land, Australia
Q90324830Induced eggplant resistance against Trialeurodes vaporariorum triggered by jasmonic acid, abscisic acid, and Nesidiocoris tenuis feeding
Q52754943Induced resistance against the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, by β-aminobutyric acid in citrus.
Q36889345Induced resistance in rice against insects
Q113858086Induced responses to herbivory. By R. Karban and I.T. Baldwin (Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1997). ix + 319 pp. Soft cover £14.25. ISBN 0 226 42496 0. Cloth cover £35.25 ISBN 0 226 42495 0.
Q91607423Induction of resistance against Brevicoryne brassicae by Pseudomonas putida and salicylic acid in canola
Q41988166Induction of resistance of corn plants to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by application of silicon and gibberellic acid
Q90926718Infection by the semi-persistently transmitted Tomato chlorosis virus alters the biology and behaviour of Bemisia tabaci on two potato clones
Q112264591Infection of Strategus aloeus (L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and other Dynastinae with Baculovirus oryctes
Q56701691Infection of Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae) hoppers by Metarhizium flavoviride (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) conidia in an oil formulation applied under desert conditions
Q42822842Infection, growth and maintenance of Wolbachia pipientis in clonal and non-clonal Aedes albopictus cell cultures
Q51251213Inferring the population structure of Myzus persicae in diverse agroecosystems using microsatellite markers.
Q126123641Infestation of the gall midgeDasineura oleaeprovides first evidence of induced plant volatiles in olive leaves
Q33588275Influence of crop management practices on bean foliage arthropods.
Q52581841Influence of egg load and oviposition time interval on the host discrimination and offspring survival of Anagyrus pseudococci (Hymenoptera: encyrtidae), a solitary endoparasitoid of citrus mealybug, ++Planococcus citri (Hemiptera: pseudococcidae).
Q43951255Influence of environment and climate on occurrence of the cixiid planthopper Hyalesthes obsoletus, the vector of the grapevine disease 'bois noir'.
Q50055016Influence of food availability on mate-guarding behaviour of ladybirds
Q92779046Influence of green light illumination at night on biological characteristics of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Q46401040Influence of habitat pattern on orientation during host fruit location in the tomato fruit fly, Neoceratitis cyanescens
Q47245681Influence of host size variation on the development of a koinobiont aphid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus ambiguus Haliday (Braconidae, Hymenoptera).
Q33860553Influence of landscape context on the abundance and diversity of bees in Mediterranean olive groves
Q112816725Influence of moonlight on light-trap catches of the malaria vector Anopheles culicifacies (Diptera: Culicidae) in central India
Q51102757Influence of original host on chemotaxic behaviour and parasitism in Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae).
Q41999631Influence of plant silicon in Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae - Poaceae interactions.
Q52843980Influence of selected plant amines on probing behaviour of bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.).
Q46748279Influence of temperature on pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) resistance to natural enemy attack.
Q39367704Influence of temperature on the development, reproduction and longevity of Ceratothripoides claratris (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomatoes
Q38441365Influence of temperature, photoperiod and humidity on oviposition and egg hatch of the root-feeding flea beetle Longitarsus bethae (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae), a natural enemy of the weed Lantana camara (Verbenaceae).
Q115164988Influence of the host plant of the cassava mealybugPhenacoccus manihoti(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on biological characteristics of its parasitoidApoanagyrus lopezi(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)
Q42015476Influence of various host plants on the consumption and utilization of food by Pieris brassicae (Linn.).
Q114655062Influence of weather and nocturnal illumination on the activity and abundance of populations of Noctuids (Lepidoptera) in south coastal Queensland
Q42028572Inheritance of Cry1F resistance in laboratory-selected European corn borer and its survival on transgenic corn expressing the Cry1F toxin
Q42007255Inheritance of Cry1F resistance, cross-resistance and frequency of resistant alleles in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q115051973Inheritance of key life-history traits in crosses between northern and southern populations of the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Q39607402Inheritance of photoperiodic control of larval diapause in the Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée).
Q46283266Inhibitory effects of an extract from non-host plants on physiological characteristics of two major cabbage pests.
Q44150787Initial experiments in the use of DDT against mosquitoes in British Guiana
Q99656781Injurious Hispinae from the Solomon Islands
Q99963102Injury to Cacao by Amblypelta Stål (Hemiptera, Coreidae) with a Summary of Food-plants of Species of this Genus
Q44141457Insect emergence in relation to floods in wet meadows and swamps in the River Dalälven floodplain.
Q39752423Insect food for astronauts: gas exchange in silkworms fed on mulberry and lettuce and the nutritional value of these insects for human consumption during deep space flights
Q43737113Insect pests of eucalypts in California: implications of managing invasive species.
Q52702318Insect pests of some economic crops in Fiji.
Q46288097Insecticidal activity of a Moroccan strain of Streptomyces phaeochromogenes LD-37 on larvae, pupae and adults of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q38885610Insecticidal effects of extracts of Humulus lupulus (hops) L. cones and its principal component, xanthohumol.
Q38420714Insecticide sprays, natural enemy assemblages and predation on Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae).
Q52715636Insecticide use and competition shape the genetic diversity of the aphid Aphis gossypii in a cotton-growing landscape.
Q42051084Insecticide use and organophosphate resistance in the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae).
Q43949434Insecticide-treated cattle against tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae): what governs success?
Q99962159Insects associated with Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) in Malaya
Q113858108Insects injurious to Sunflower in Ukraine
Q56096760Insects injurious to man and stock in Zanzibar
Q39442550Insulin-like peptides regulate vitellogenesis and oviposition in the green lacewing, Chrysopa septempunctata
Q90128914Integrated pest management of plant sucking bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae) in Australian cotton: back to the future
Q35013386Integrating DNA barcodes and morphology for species delimitation in the Corynoneura group (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae).
Q35248543Integrating biology into invasive species management is a key principle for eradication success: the case of yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes in northern Australia
Q40107173Integrating multiple criteria for the characterization of Psammotettix populations in European cereal fields
Q104489858Integration of resistant variety and biological agent to control tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), under greenhouse conditions
Q44367867Inter- and intraspecific genetic variation and differentiation in the sibling bean weevils Zabrotes subfasciatus and Z. sylvestris (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) from Mexico.
Q42006622Inter- and intraspecific interactions in two mealybug predators Spalgis epius and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri in the presence and absence of prey
Q51182563Inter-seasonal population dynamics and pest status of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B in an Australian cropping system.
Q39145093Interaction between pod age and position on damage to cowpea Vigna unguiculata by hemipteran pod-sucking bugs
Q40806124Interactions between pupae of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) and parasitoids in a Pinus forest.
Q42041213Interactions between the solitary endoparasitoid, Meteorus gyrator (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its host, Lacanobia oleracea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), infected with the entomopathogenic microsporidium, Vairimorpha necatrix (Microspora: Microsporidi
Q115164973Interference by ants in biological control of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Ghana
Q45346911Interference of beta-eudesmol in nestmate recognition in Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Q52733537Interplant movement and spatial distribution of alate and apterous morphs of Nasonovia ribisnigri (Homoptera: Aphididae) on lettuce.
Q57229289Interrelationship between an entomogenous fungus and two ant-homopteran (Hymenoptera: Formicidae-Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae & Aphididae) mutualisms on guava trees
Q50724269Interrelationship between the raspberry cane midge, Resseliella theobaldi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and its parasitoid, Aprostocetus epicharmus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).
Q34722396Interspecific competition between Diadegma semiclausum Hellen and Diadegma mollipla (Holmgren), parasitoids of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L), feeding on a new host plant
Q41997419Interspecific competition between Snellenius manilae and Meteorus pulchricornis, larval parasitoids of Spodoptera litura
Q41999919Interspecific competition between two generalist parasitoids that attack the leafroller Epiphyas postvittana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q52680934Interspecific host discrimination and within-host competition between Encarsia formosa and E. pergandiella (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), two endoparasitoids of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).
Q41989533Interspecific interactions between two Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) larval parasitoids with contrasting life histories
Q46369159Interspecific interactions in solitary Aculeata - is the presence of heterospecifics important for females establishing nests?
Q46244697Intra- and inter-specific variation in alarm pheromone produced by Solenopsis fire ants.
Q52088201Intra- and interspecific competition between biotypes B and Q of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from Spain.
Q52697311Intra-guild vs extra-guild prey: effect on predator fitness and preference of Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) (Acari: Phytoseiidae).
Q44435794Intraguild predation among ladybeetles and a green lacewing: do the larval spines of Curinus coeruleus(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) serve a defensive function?
Q41509885Intraspecific and interspecific attraction of three Tomicus beetle species during the shoot-feeding phase
Q35167882Introducing improvements in the mass rearing of the housefly: biological, morphometric and genetic characterization of laboratory strains
Q112264597Introduction and establishment of baculovirus for the control of rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in the Andaman Islands (India)
Q115165153Introduction and spread of the cassava green mite,Mononychellus tanajoa(Bondar) (Acari: Tetranychidae), an exotic pest in Africa and the search for appropriate control methods: a review
Q54555703Introduction of armoured scale predators and establishment of the predatory mite Hemisarcoptes coccophagus (Acari: Hemisarcoptidae) on latania scale, Hemiberlesia lataniae (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in kiwifruit shelter trees in New Zealand
Q115164881Introduction of parasitoids for the control of the cassava mealybugPhenacoccus herreni(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in north-eastern Brazil
Q42027478Introgression of a disrupted cadherin gene enables susceptible Helicoverpa armigera to obtain resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Cry1Ac
Q36054779Invasion by Bactrocera dorsalis and niche partitioning among tephritid species in Comoros
Q44190432Invasion rate of deer ked depends on spatiotemporal variation in host density
Q56096823Inventaire d'une Collection d'Oestrides africains
Q50527430Investigating preference-performance relationships in aboveground-belowground life cycles: a laboratory and field study with the vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus).
Q46464293Investigating the diet of the omnivorous mirid Dicyphus hesperus using stable isotopes
Q41991529Investigating the validity of the species status of the false codling moth in South African deciduous fruit orchards using mating studies and mtDNA.
Q41999026Investigation of insecticide-resistance status of Cydia pomonella in Chinese populations
Q39981383Investigation of larvae digestive β-glucosidase and proteases of the tomato pest Tuta absoluta for inhibiting the insect development
Q33820330Investigation of the genetic diversity of an invasive whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) in China using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers
Q112816734Investigations on the Cotton Bollworm, Heliothis armigera, Hübn
Q98192400Irradiation dose does not affect male reproductive organ size, sperm storage, and female remating propensity in Ceratitis capitata
Q39418387Irradiation influence on the phenoloxidase pathway and an anti-oxidant defense mechanism in Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its implication in radio-genetic 'F 1 sterility' and biorational pest suppression tactics
Q94959508Irradiation of early immature Anastrepha ludens stages for the rearing of Doryctobracon areolatus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a fruit fly parasitoid
Q41994120Is Bactra bactrana (Kennel, 1901) a novel pest of sweet peppers?
Q38853815Is Heliothis viriplaca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) a long-distance migrant?
Q33820320Is the alpine divide becoming more permeable to biological invasions? - Insights on the invasion and establishment of the Walnut Husk Fly, Rhagoletis completa (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Switzerland.
Q52700103Is wood safe for its inhabitants?
Q38869495Isolation and characterization of the first microsatellite markers for the southern harvester termite, Microhodotermes viator
Q80313885Jassid resistance and hairiness of the cotton plant
Q104116372Jumping plantlice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) attacking avocado pear trees, Persea americana, in the New World, with a review of Lauraceae-feeding among psylloids
Q44293891Jumping-ship can have its costs: implications of predation and host plant species for the maintenance of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) colour polymorphism
Q94545363Kairomones from Euschistus heros egg masses and their potential use for Telenomus podisi parasitism improvement
Q80190306Kampimodromus aberrans (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from the USA: morphological and molecular assessment of its density
Q47685413Karyotype variations in Italian populations of the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q34616761Key factors affecting the spring emergence of pea moth (Cydia nigricana).
Q40532099Key premises, a guide to Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) surveillance and control
Q43039588Key-factor analysis of immature stages of Aedes scapularis (Diptera: Culicidae) populations in southeastern Brazil
Q99655908Keys to the Muscidae of the Ethiopian Region: Scatophaginae, Anthomyiinae, Lispinae, Fanniinae
Q112042811Keys to the alate Aphis (Homoptera) of northern Europe. By Paul A. Brown Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology No. 5. (London, UK: British Museum (Natural History), 1989). 30 pp. Soft cover £3.50. 0-565-01110-3.
Q80996112Laboratory adaptation of Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae) decreases mating age and increases protein consumption and number of eggs produced per milligram of protein
Q44139325Laboratory breeding of Anopheles punctulatus punctulatus, Dönitz.
Q49669714Laboratory comparison of two Aphelinus mali clades for control of woolly apple aphid from Hebei Province, China
Q113858080Laboratory culture of a Tettigoniid, Homorocoryphus nitidulus vicinus (Wlk.) (Orthoptera)
Q38863575Laboratory evaluation of malathion for controlling the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.)
Q42043176Laboratory evaluations of a wild crucifer Barbarea vulgaris as a management tool for the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).
Q80363228Laboratory experiments on the effect of DDT and BHC on certain aphidophagous insects and their hosts
Q38410209Laboratory longevity and competitiveness of Dacus ciliatus Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) following sub-sterilizing gamma irradiation.
Q121918538Laboratory observations on the flight activity of the plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera (Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q45384600Laboratory rearing and life history of an emerging grape pest, Xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Q42019092Laboratory studies of Blattisocius keegani (Fox) (Acari: Ascidae) reared on eggs of navel orangeworm: potential for biological control
Q48540962Laboratory studies of the effects of reduced prey choice caused by Bt plants on a predatory insect
Q39394750Laboratory studies of the microsporidian Plistophora culicis (Weiser) infecting Culex pipiens fatigans Wied
Q52694667Laboratory studies on the bionomics of the rat fleas, Xenopsylla brasiliensis, Baker and X. cheopis, Roths; further factors affecting adult longevity.
Q52702654Laboratory studies on the bionomics of the rat fleas, Xenopsylla brasiliensis, Baker, and X. cheopis, Roths.; water relations during the cocoon period.
Q60020350Laboratory studies on the role of an egg predator, Blattisocius tarsalis (Berlese) (Acari: Ascidae), in relation to the natural control of Ephestia Cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Warehouses
Q42044682Lack of intraspecific biological variation between two geographical populations of Oomyzus sokolowskii (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a gregarious larval-pupal parasitioid of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).
Q45350672Ladybird egg cluster size: relationships between species, oviposition substrate and cannibalism.
Q46301203Landscape composition modulates population genetic structure of Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) on Malus domestica Borkh in central Chile.
Q99653431Large-scale rearing of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) in the absence of a living host
Q104026156Larothrips dentipes (Thysanoptera, Thripidae), a new genus and species of thrips from yam flowers in Nigeria
Q114374192Larva of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) pulchritarsis, Rond., var. stegomyina, Stack. & Montch., nov., from Turkestan
Q114374135Larvae ecology and adult activity of Aedes mariae (Diptera: Culicidae) in a touristic rock-pool area of the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean)
Q44155569Larvae of Culicine mosquitos in north Iraq (Diptera, culicidae).
Q45053146Larval and female footprints as feeding deterrent cues for immature stages of two congeneric ladybird predators (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).
Q42053153Larval diet affects number of femoral 'brush' scales in male Helicoverpa punctigera moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q113858112Larval habitats of common Culicoides Latreille (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in Kenya
Q42003684Larval intraspecific competition for food in the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana
Q52713547Larval morphology of Metaphycus flavus and its role in host attachment and larval cannibalism.
Q34396592Larval morphology, development and forensic importance of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Diptera: Muscidae) in Europe: a rare species or just overlooked?
Q41986230Larval species composition and genetic structures of Carposina sasakii, Grapholita dimorpha, and Grapholita molesta from Korea
Q46296899Last-male sperm precedence in Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier): observations in laboratory mating experiments with irradiated males
Q111489047Latitudinal and seasonal changes of nocturnal illumination with a hypothesis about their effect on catches of insects in light-traps
Q91788686Latrophilin mediates insecticides susceptibility and fecundity through two carboxylesterases, esterase4 and esterase6, in Tribolium castaneum
Q99657187Legume-feeding psyllids of the genus Heteropsylla (Homoptera: Psylloidea)
Q90911790Letter to the Editor
Q57456218Leucopis glyphinivora Tanasijtshuk (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), a new aphidophagous biocontrol agent; development, survival and comparison with Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Q38425515Life begins when the sea lion is ashore: microhabitat use by a louse living on a diving mammal host.
Q52598531Life cycle variation of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Greece.
Q52583149Life history of Aptesis nigrocincta (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) a cocoon parasitoid of the apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae).
Q42034879Life history of Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on various host plants
Q97542497Life history of aggression in Anastatus disparis (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) with extreme male-male combat
Q114117603Life history parameters and predation capacities of Nesidiocoris volucer: a new biological control agent for tomato crop
Q42977867Life history traits of Aedes caspius (Diptera: Culicidae): a laboratory study of larval stages
Q99615886Life history, dormancy regulation, reproductive physiology and basic behaviour of the subtropical fruit fly Rhagoletotrypeta pastranai (Diptera:Tephritidae)
Q52706469Life tables for sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) in northern Iran.
Q60019734Life-cycle of the tropical warehouse moth, Cadra cautella (Wlk.), at controlled temperatures and humidities
Q122165512Life-cycle studies on Paulinia acuminata (DeGeer) (Orthoptera: Pauliniidae) with particular reference to the effects of constant temperature
Q36132951Light conditions affect the performance of Yponomeuta evonymellus on its native host Prunus padus and the alien Prunus serotina.
Q40235838Limited impacts of truck-based ultra-low-volume applications of mosquito adulticides on mortality in honey bees (Apis mellifera).
Q46673783Limits to the host range of the highly polyphagous tephritid fruit fly Anastrepha ludens in its natural habitat.
Q123277632Lipid accumulation and migratory flight in the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera (Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q99966320List of Chalcid Flies (Hym.) reared in U.S.S.R
Q56096873List of the Anophelines of the Malay Archipelago with special reference to Adults and Larvae of new or incompletely described Species or Varieties
Q44151728Localized breeding of the Anopheles gambiae complex (Diptera: Culicidae) along the River Gambia, West Africa
Q114374158Locating the eggs of Aedes vexans (Mg.) (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q96133732Location of Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae on different plant parts of determinate and indeterminate soybean
Q113858075Locusta migratoria migratorioides, R. & F.: an Ecological Reconnaissance of the suspected Middle Niger Outbreak Area
Q40751951Long range forecasts of the numbers of Helicoverpa punctigera and H. armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Australia using the southern oscillation index and the sea surface temperature
Q38993239Long-chain alkanes and fatty acids from Ludwigia octovalvis weed leaf surface waxes as short-range attractant and ovipositional stimulant to Altica cyanea (Weber) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q41989124Long-term changes in the numbers of Helicoverpa punctigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in a cotton production landscape in northern New South Wales, Australia
Q50657930Long-term patterns and feeding sites of southern green stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Hawaii macadamia orchards, and sampling for management decisions.
Q40079086Long-term spatio-temporal dynamics of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in temperate Argentina
Q96354420Long-term studies on the evolution of resistance of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to insecticides in Greece
Q114374160Long-term survival of introduced genes in a natural population of Aedes Aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q44432782Longevity and pheromone output in stored-product Bostrichidae
Q48514298Longitudinal clines in the frequency distribution of 'super-clones' in an aphid crop pest
Q56670444Loss of cane and sugar yield resulting from Ceratovacuna lanigera Zehntner damage in cane-growing regions in China
Q42012801Low susceptibility of non-target Lepidopteran maize pests to the Bt protein Cry1Ab.
Q44692502Lower temperature thresholds for oviposition and egg hatching of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in a Mediterranean climate.
Q46934198Lysiphlebus orientalis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a new invasive aphid parasitoid in Europe - evidence from molecular markers.
Q35017859Macrogeographic population structure of the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae)
Q42050344Maize phenology influences field diapause induction of Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q122471164Malathion-specific resistance in a strain of the rust red grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Cucujidae)
Q42003582Male flight phenology of the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in different wine-growing regions in Spain
Q39677487Male white grub beetles prefer the pheromone composition of young females in the field
Q56948439Male wing fanning by the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) produces a courtship song
Q89180126Management and population dynamics of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella): planting regimes, crop hygiene, biological control and timing of interventions
Q100722077Mangoma spinidorsum gen. et sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) associated with mango leaf galls
Q104052323Marasmia Patnalis sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Rice in S.E. Asia
Q52138998Mark-recapture and Moran curve estimates of the survival probabilities of an island population of tsetse flies Glossina morsitans morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae).
Q36429851Mark-recapture without estimating population sizes: a tool to evaluate termite baits
Q113858082Mass rearing of the common field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus burmeister (Orthoptera, Gryllidae), for use as a test insect in toxicological studies
Q46551059Mate choice and host discrimination behavior of the parasitoid Trichogramma chilonis
Q45196379Maternal effects shape dynamic trajectories of reproductive allocation in the ladybird Coleomegilla maculata
Q46852877Mating activity of Bactrocera cacuminata (Hering) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on its larval host plant Solanum mauritianum Scopoli in southeast Queensland
Q52616683Mating disruption by a synthetic sex pheromone in the white grub beetle Dasylepida ishigakiensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in the laboratory and sugarcane fields.
Q45888050Mating interactions between two biotypes of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Australia
Q42011515Mating of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moths and their host plant origins as larvae within Australian cotton farming systems
Q46255867Mating system, age, and reproductive performance in Tenuisvalvae notata, a long-lived ladybird beetle
Q36337628Mating system, mate choice and parental care in a bark beetle
Q48542241Maturation feeding and reproductive development in adult pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q104052810Mealybugs of the genus Rhizoecus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on African violets (Saintpaulia spp.), with a description of a new species from Thailand
Q50728599Measurements by two methods of the susceptibility to DDT and dieldrin of Glossina palpalis (R.-D.) in Northern Nigeria.
Q113858101Measurements of Temperature and Light in artificial Pools with Reference to the larval Habitat of Anopheles (Myzomyia) gambiae, Giles, and A. (M.) funestus, Giles
Q38402752Measuring population fluctuation of jatropha stem-borer [Cophes notaticeps (Marshall)] in the Brazilian Cerrado using a new trap
Q52868063Mechanisms of resistance to three mite growth inhibitors of Tetranychus urticae in hops.
Q104053822Megaselia Sandhui sp.n. (Diptera: Phoridae), a Pest of Cultivated Mushrooms in India
Q43993575Megaselia scalaris (Lw.) (Dipt., Phoridae) for the bioassay of organophosphorus insecticides
Q99968201Melittomma insulare, Fairm. (Col. Lymexylonidae), a serious Pest of Coconut in the Seychelles
Q52710748Mercury as a Preventive against Stored Grain Pests
Q54568753Mesobraconoides psolopterus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a larval parasitoid of the white rice borer, Maliarpha separatella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in West Africa
Q104053496Metaphycus baruensis sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitic in green scales, Coccus spp. (Hemiptera: Coccidae), on coffee in kenya
Q44614625Methods for rearing Syngaster lepidus and Jarra phoracantha (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), larval parasitoids of the phloem-colonizing longhorned beetles Phoracantha semipunctata and P. recurva (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Q35875209MicroRNAs of the mesothorax in Qinlingacris elaeodes, an alpine grasshopper showing a wing polymorphism with unilateral wing form
Q49997037Microbial composition affects the performance of an artificial Tephritid larval diet.
Q35610271Microbiota associated with pollen, bee bread, larvae and adults of solitary bee Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae).
Q52586885Microsatellite analysis of the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae) indicates spatial structuring: implications for population control.
Q52675615Microsatellite marker analysis of peach-potato aphids (Myzus persicae, Homoptera: Aphididae) from Scottish suction traps.
Q35846275Microsatellite markers for Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae) and other Cryptolestes species
Q45750192Microsatellites and 16S sequences corroborate phenotypic evidence of trans-Andean variation in the parasitoid Microctonus hyperodae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q42025681Microsatellites reveal genetic differentiation among populations in an insect species with high genetic variability in dispersal, the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q42038534Midgut proteases of the cardamom shoot and capsule borer Conogethes punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and their interaction with aprotinin
Q99968194Migration and dispersal of the Rutherglen bug, Nysius vinitor Bergroth (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), in eastern Australia
Q98773446Mind the gap: the delayed recovery of a population of the biological control agent Megamelus scutellaris Berg. (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) on water hyacinth after winter
Q99962016Mite association with the leaf domatia of coffee (Coffea arabica) in north Queensland, Australia
Q126097693Mites: ecology, evolution and behaviour. By D.E. Walter & H.C. Proctor (Wallingford: CABI Publishing, 1999). 352 pp. Hard cover £42.50 (US$ 70.00). ISBN 0 85199 375 3.
Q35610318Mitochondrial DNA revealed the extent of genetic diversity and invasion origin of populations from two separate invaded areas of a newly invasive pest, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in China
Q52596392Mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence among Schizaphis graminum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) clones from cultivated and non-cultivated hosts: haplotype and host associations.
Q49975449Mitochondrial DNA suggests cryptic speciation in Prodiplosis longifila Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) associated with geographic distance and host specialization.
Q33791450Mitochondrial and nuclear markers highlight the biodiversity of Kalotermes flavicollis (Fabricius, 1793) (Insecta, Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) in the Mediterranean area.
Q39225595Mitochondrial cox sequences of Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera, Delphacidae): low specificity among Asian planthopper populations
Q113284625Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I in tetranychid mites: a comparison between molecular phylogeny and changes of morphological and life history traits
Q52734591Mode of inheritance of increased host acceptance in a seed beetle.
Q52645893Mode of inheritance of the polymorphic esterases in Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Japan.
Q41986360Modeling adult emergence and fecundity of factitious hosts under different food sources supports massive egg production management
Q38956188Modeling temperature-dependent survival with small datasets: insights from tropical mountain agricultural pests
Q43797802Modelled impact of insecticide-contaminated dung on the abundance and distribution of dung fauna
Q52072976Modelling development time of Lipaphis erysimi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at constant and variable temperatures.
Q52596398Modelling population dynamics of Orius laevigatus and O. albidipennis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) to optimize their use as biological control agents of Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Q34194448Modelling reproduction of Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae): climate change may modify pest incidence levels
Q92695621Models for the rates of pupal development, fat consumption and mortality in tsetse (Glossina spp)
Q35540556Molecular analysis of faecal samples from birds to identify potential crop pests and useful biocontrol agents in natural areas
Q33827100Molecular analysis of predation by carabid beetles (Carabidae) on the invasive Iberian slug Arion lusitanicus
Q43448014Molecular analysis of predation on parasitized hosts
Q48127979Molecular and biochemical characterization of a sand fly population from Sri Lanka: evidence for insecticide resistance due to altered esterases and insensitive acetylcholinesterase
Q46786394Molecular and morphological characterisation of Pseudococcidae surveyed on crops and ornamental plants in Spain.
Q48051930Molecular and morphological characterization of mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from Chilean vineyards.
Q39195472Molecular and morphological variability within the Aphidius colemani group with redescription of Aphidius platensis Brethes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae).
Q90324840Molecular and morphometric identification of pistachio psyllids with niche modeling of Agonoscena pistaciae (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae)
Q44518784Molecular approaches to study trophic interactions: current progress and future directions
Q50757185Molecular characterization and expression analysis of soluble trehalase gene in Aphis glycines, a migratory pest of soybean.
Q30911347Molecular characterization and phylogeny of Kalotermes populations from the Levant, and description of Kalotermes phoeniciae sp. nov.
Q42639548Molecular characterization of Gonatocerus tuberculifemur (Ogloblin) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), a prospective Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) biological control candidate agent from South America: divergent clades
Q52661310Molecular characterization of closely related species in the parasitic genus Encarsia (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene.
Q89180128Molecular characterization of prophenoloxidase-1 (PPO1) and the inhibitory effect of kojic acid on phenoloxidase (PO) activity and on the development of Zeugodacus tau (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Q46893052Molecular characterization of whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) populations infesting cassava
Q46464437Molecular characterization, expression analysis and RNAi knock-down of elongation factor 1α and 1γ from Nilaparvata lugens and its yeast-like symbiont
Q36027186Molecular cloning and expression of the vitellogenin gene and its correlation with ovarian development in an invasive pest Octodonta nipae on two host plants
Q47590484Molecular cloning of heat shock protein 10 (Hsp10) and 60 (Hsp60) cDNAs from Galeruca daurica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and their expression analysis
Q40230603Molecular cloning, expression, and characterization of E2F transcription factor 4 from Antheraea pernyi
Q48083588Molecular diagnostics of economically important Ceratitis fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa using PCR and RFLP analyses.
Q46966533Molecular differences in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene and development of a species-specific marker for onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, and melon thrips, T. palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), vectors of tospoviruses (
Q43463558Molecular differentiation of four Reptalus species (Hemiptera: Cixiidae).
Q35897338Molecular evidence for multiple phylogenetic groups within two species of invasive spiny whiteflies and their parasitoid wasp
Q43511091Molecular identification of Epitrix potato flea beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Europe and North America
Q93009107Molecular identification of Epitrix potato flea beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Europe and North America - CORRIGENDUM
Q34947410Molecular markers indicate that the wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella Keifer, may represent a species complex in Australia
Q44362507Molecular markers reveal narrow genetic base and culturing-associated genetic drift in Teretrius nigrescens Lewis populations released for the biological control of the larger grain borer in Africa.
Q46619530Molecular markers reveal strong geographic, but not host associated, genetic differentiation in Aphidius transcaspicus, a parasitoid of the aphid genus Hyalopterus
Q42028570Molecular markers to discriminate among four pest species of Helicoverpa (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q36379662Molecular methods for assessing insect parasitism
Q43537997Molecular phylogenetic evidence for paraphyly of Ceratovacuna and Pseudoregma (Hemiptera, Hormaphidinae) reveals late Tertiary radiation
Q51909969Molecular phylogeny of Fordini (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Pemphiginae) inferred from nuclear gene EF-1 alpha and mitochondrial gene COI.
Q45992937Molecular phylogeny of Pemphiginae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) inferred from nuclear gene EF-1alpha sequences.
Q44833864Molecular phylogeny supports the paraphyletic nature of the genus Trogoderma (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) collected in the Australasian ecozone
Q42005273Molecular screening and predation evaluation of the key predators of Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley (Lepidoptera: Gracilariidae) in litchi orchards
Q39442779Molecular species delimitation in the genus Eumerus (Diptera: Syrphidae).
Q46683297Molecular study of Stenoponia tripectinata tripectinata (Siphonaptera: Ctenophthalmidae: Stenoponiinae) from the Canary Islands: taxonomy and phylogeny
Q46274691Molecular systematics, biogeography, and colony fusion in the European dry-wood termites Kalotermes spp. (Blattodea, Termitoidae, Kalotermitidae).
Q46300549Monitoring Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in pilot-scale warehouses treated with beta-cyfluthrin: are residual insecticides and trapping compatible?
Q46368208Monitoring and mass-trapping methodologies using pheromones: the lesser date moth Batrachedra amydraula
Q56930900Monitoring of endosulfan and lindane resistance in the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in New Caledonia
Q52657217Monoclonal antibodies reveal the potential of the tetragnathid spider Pachygnatha degeeri (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) as an aphid predator.
Q44154670Moonlight and house-haunting habits of female anophelines in West Africa.
Q113284619Morphological and chemical plant traits associated with feeding non-preference to adult of Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in soybean genotypes
Q56112444Morphological and cytological separation of Amphorophora Buckton (Homoptera: Aphididae) feeding on European raspberry and blackberry ( Rubus spp.)
Q54634544Morphological and electrophoretic taxonomy of the Australian eucalypt leaf-blister sawfly genus Phylacteophaga (Hymenoptera: Pergidae): a potential major pest group of eucalypts worldwide
Q40290273Morphological and fecundity traits of Culex mosquitoes caught in gravid traps in urban and rural Berkshire, UK.
Q39309650Morphological and molecular identification of cryptic species in the Sergentomyia bailyi (Sinton, 1931) complex in Sri Lanka
Q52666067Morphological discrimination of Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations feeding on Compositae.
Q99954043Morphological discrimination of a tobacco-feeding form from Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and a key to New World Myzus (Nectarosiphon) species
Q40837420Morphological identification and COI barcodes of adult flies help determine species identities of chironomid larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae).
Q51751523Morphological, biometrical and molecular characterization of Archaeopsylla erinacei (Bouché, 1835).
Q47685281Morphology and phylogeny of Reticulitermes sp. (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae) from Cyprus
Q52668955Morphology and preliminary enzyme characterization of the salivary glands from the predatory bug Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae).
Q39885473Morphology and ultrastructure of the antennal sensilla of Sitophilus granarius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q52653332Morphometric analysis of Mexican and South American populations of the Anastrepha fraterculus complex (Diptera: Tephritidae) and recognition of a distinct Mexican morphotype.
Q30693667Morphometric and molecular analysis of the Encarsia inaron species-group (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), parasitoids of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).
Q115563487Mortalities of the larvae of the Anopheles gambiae Giles complex and detection of predators by the precipitin test
Q36818815Mortality estimates from ovarian age distributions of the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes Austen sampled in Zimbabwe suggest the need for new analytical approaches
Q52697070Mortality of Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) workers in contact with colony waste from different plant sources.
Q54649398Mosquito Notes
Q54555694Mosquito Notes.—II
Q56096914Mosquito Notes.—III
Q99654108Mosquito Notes.—IV
Q54555833Mosquito Notes.—IX
Q54649484Mosquito Notes.—V
Q99963294Mosquito Notes.—VI
Q99640779Mosquito Notes.—VII
Q99963295Mosquito Notes.—VIII
Q103842447Mosquito Notes.—XI
Q42994890Mosquito density forecast from flooding: population dynamics model for Aedes caspius (Pallas).
Q44162905Mosquito larvae can detect water vibration patterns from a nearby predator
Q44143517Mosquitoes and malaria in the Kabaw and Kale valleys, Burma.
Q44143508Mosquitoes of Socotra
Q30975983Mosquitoes of the Anopheles maculipennis group (Diptera: Culicidae) in Romania, with the discovery and formal recognition of a new species based on molecular and morphological evidence
Q41744617Mother-derived trans-generational immune priming in the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera, Dryophthoridae).
Q54642319Mouth-brush dimorphism in larvae of Opifex fuscus Hutton (Diptera, Culicidae)
Q52700320Movement analyses of wood cricket ( Nemobius sylvestris) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae).
Q122642312Movement analyses of wood cricket (Nemobius sylvestris) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) – CORRIGENDUM
Q56814460Movements of the vectors of virus diseases of cacao in Ghana. II.—Wind movements and aerial dispersal
Q40237200Multi-character approach reveals a discordant pattern of phenotypic variation during ontogeny in Culex pipiens biotypes (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q39439836Multi-trophic level interactions in a cassava-maize mixed cropping system in the humid tropics of West Africa
Q94545422Multilocus phylogeography of the world populations of Elaeidobius kamerunicus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), pollinator of the palm Elaeis guineensis
Q39205878Multiple incursions and putative species revealed using a mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenetic approach to the Trogoderma variabile (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) trapping program in Australia
Q52700100Multiple mating by females of two Bactrocera species (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae).
Q125902504Multiple mating in female mosquitoes—evidence from a field population of Anopheles freeborni (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q46026371Multiple mechanisms responsible for differential susceptibilities of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) to pirimicarb.
Q43426548Multiple origins of outbreak populations of a native insect pest in an agro-ecosystem
Q44038520Multiplex PCR assay to discriminate four neighbouring species of the Calliptamus genus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from France
Q33318719Multitrophic effects of nutrient addition in upland grassland.
Q95835681Multivariate ratio analysis and DNA markers reveal a new Australian species and three synonymies in eucalypt-gall-associated Megastigmus (Hymenoptera: Megastigmidae)
Q52509201Mutations in the sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina (Wied.). II. Studies on genes for black pupa and dieldrin-resistance.
Q33967500Mutual interactions between an invasive bark beetle and its associated fungi
Q115563442Mycophagy as a factor limiting predation of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) by staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in cereals
Q61492257Myosoma nyanzaensis sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitic on the stem-borer pest Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Kenya
Q44140770Nanoemulsion of eucalyptus oil and its larvicidal activity against Culex quinquefasciatus
Q57172994Nanoemulsion of eucalyptus oil and its larvicidal activity against Culex quinquefasciatus – CORRIGENDUM
Q34413289Nationwide inventory of mosquito biodiversity (Diptera: Culicidae) in Belgium, Europe
Q42030254Native parasitoids and their potential to control the invasive leafminer, Cameraria ohridella DESCH. & DIM. (Lep.: Gracillariidae).
Q42023727Native range assessment of classical biological control agents: impact of inundative releases as pre-introduction evaluation
Q54638092Natural Enemies of the Pear Leaf-curling Midge, Perrisia pyri, Bouché (Dipt., Cecidom.)
Q50062107Natural biological control of Chrysodeixis includens
Q38703074Natural enemies of lepidopterous borers on maize and elephant grass in the forest zone of Cameroon
Q42050640Natural enemies of the maize cob borer, Mussidia nigrivenella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Benin, West Africa
Q44450927Natural enemies of three mealybug species (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) found on citrus and effects of some insecticides on the mealybug parasitoid Coccidoxenoides peregrinus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in South Africa
Q56927754Natural factors regulating mustard aphid dynamics in cabbage
Q50493363Navigation of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) under dusk or starlight conditions.
Q44160431Nectar-related vs. human-related volatiles: behavioural response and choice by female and male Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) between emergence and first feeding
Q43757414Negative interaction between twospotted spider mites and aphids mediated by feeding damage and honeydew
Q33379003Negative per capita effects of two invasive plants, Lythrum salicaria and Phalaris arundinacea, on the moth diversity of wetland communities
Q43059989Neonicotinoid insecticides disrupt predation on the eggs of turf-infesting scarab beetles
Q98385719Nest-departure behaviour of gynes and drones in the invasive yellowjacket Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Q125484178Nesting biology and nest structure of the exotic bee Megachile sculpturalis
Q99974953Neue Indo-Australische Tachinidae
Q56096733New African Hippoboscidæ
Q103823041New African Tabanidae.—Part IV.
Q99967637New Braconid Parasites of Antestia lineaticollis, Stål, and of Sylepta derogata, F.
Q99963396New Braconid Parasites of Australian wood-boring Beetles with Notes on the Subfamily Hecabolinae (Hym., Braconidae)
Q103835252New Braconidae and other Notes
Q103836387New Ceratopogoninae from Nyasaland (Dipt.)
Q99653892New Chalcidoid Egg-parasites from South Asia
Q103835347New Curculionidae (Col.) from Cacao and Camphor
Q103835026New Curculionidae (Col.) from Cultivated Plants
Q103835952New Curculionidae attacking Cultivated Plants (Col.).
Q103835311New Curculionidae attacking Trees in India
Q56096821New Ethiopian Fruit-flies of the Genera Tridacus and Dacus (Dipt.)
Q56096800New Ethiopian Fruit-flies of the genus Dacus
Q103835764New Fleas from South African Rodents
Q104026246New Genera and species of Cicadelloidea (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from economic Plants in India
Q54664496New Injurious Curculionidae (Col.)
Q103835018New Injurious Curculionidae (Col.)
Q56096915New Injurious Phytophaga from India and Brazil
Q99967718New Parasitic Hymenoptera
Q54634676New Species and Host Records of Braconidae
Q99656607New Species and Host Records of Ichneumonidae and Braconidae
Q103871184New Species and Records of Diatraea Guild. from Northern Venezuela (Lepid., Pyral.)
Q103835645New Species of African Simuliidae and Further Studies of the Early Stages
Q54622950New Species of African Stem-boring Agrotidae (Lepidoptera)
Q56096770New Species of Chalcidoidea from Ceylon
Q99656403New Species of Coccoidea (Homoptera) from Mauritius
Q112043443New Species of Culicidae in the British Museum, with notes on the Genitalia of some African Culex
Q99616514New Species of Euplectrini (Hym. Chalcidoidea) from Europe, Africa and Asia
Q103843867New Species of Podagrica (Halticinae, Coleoptera) from Africa
Q99952763New Thysanoptera from South Australia
Q99975488New Trypetidae (Dipt.) from South Africa, II
Q103835439New Trypetidae from South Africa (Dipt.)
Q40047130New activity of yamamarin, an insect pentapeptide, on immune system of mealworm, Tenebrio molitor
Q99617566New and little known West African Miridae (Capsidae) (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
Q46212320New and little known species of Azotus Howard, Ablerus Howard and Physcus Howard (Hym., Aphelinidae) from Africa and Mauritius
Q56096920New and little-Known Mesopotamian Blood-sucking Diptera (Families Simuliidae and Tabanidae)
Q56096768New and little-known East African Culicidae
Q45761004New contributions towards the understanding of the phylogenetic relationships among economically important fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q54646988New injurious Curculionidae (Col.)
Q99962056New injurious Curculionidae (Col.)
Q103841367New injurious Curculionidae (Col.)
Q103843484New injurious Curculionidae (Col.)
Q99963421New injurious Curculionidae (Col.) from Malaya
Q103842062New injurious Curculionidae (Col.) from South America
Q103841667New injurious Curculionidae (Col.) from Tanganyika
Q103843473New injurious Curculionidae (Col.) from Tropical Africa
Q103844147New injurious Curculionidae (Col.) from the Sudan
Q103843568New injurious Curculionidae from Africa (Col.)
Q103841218New injurious Curculionidae from Southern Africa
Q99963426New injurious Hispinae
Q103835027New injurious Hispinae
Q90324742New insight into the behaviour modifying activity of two natural sesquiterpenoids farnesol and nerolidol towards Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae)
Q49662294New microsatellites revealed strong gene flow among populations of a new outbreak pest, Athetis lepigone (Möschler).
Q99966628New species and new records of Perkinsiella (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) from Papua New Guinea
Q56096838New species of Coccidae from Australia
Q104025563New species of Exitianus Ball (Homoptera, Cicadelloidea, Euscelidae) from Africa
Q104025406New species of Heteroptera from New Guinea and New Britain
Q104049171New species of Platygastridae (Hymenoptera) from India which parasitise pests of mango, particularly Procontarinia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Q56096832New synonymy in Oriental Culicidae
Q39576735Newly imported larval parasitoids pose minimal competitive risk to extant egg-larval parasitoid of tephritid fruit flies in Hawaii
Q42014247No evidence for change in oviposition behaviour of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) after widespread adoption of transgenic insecticidal cotton
Q46309507No nutritional benefits of egg cannibalism for Coleomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on a high-quality diet.
Q42036332Non-host plant extracts reduce oviposition of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and enhance parasitism by its parasitoid Cotesia plutellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q46637245Non-pest prey do not disrupt aphid predation by a web-building spider
Q103843682Note on the Name of the Sugar-cane Borer of Mauritius (Lep., Pyral.).
Q103842536Note on two Egg-parasites of Antestia lineaticollis, Stål
Q99656598Notes on African Chalcidoidea
Q56096780Notes on African Chalcidoidea.—I
Q56096772Notes on African Chalcidoidea—II
Q56096863Notes on African Chalcidoidea—IV
Q104027907Notes on Anthocoridae (Heteroptera) with descriptions of two new species of economic importance from Africa
Q99974008Notes on Asiatic Chalcidoidea
Q99963311Notes on Australian Culicidae (Dipt.)
Q99975411Notes on Australian Tabanidae (Diptera)
Q99656893Notes on Coccid-infesting Chalcidoidea.—III
Q54666190Notes on Coccid-infesting Chalcidoidea—I
Q54666233Notes on Coccid-infesting Chalcidoidea—II
Q56096755Notes on Coccidae occurring in the Seychelles Islands, with descriptions of new species
Q56096757Notes on Culicidae, with descriptions of new species
Q99963289Notes on Dutch East Indian Mosquitos
Q103841260Notes on Dutch East Indian Mosquitos
Q46799662Notes on East African bush locusts with special reference to Phymateus aegrotus, Gerstaecker 1869 (Orth., Acrid., Pyrgomorphinae).
Q103836608Notes on Encyrtidae (Hym.-Chalcidoidea) bred from Psyllids, with Description of a New Species
Q103870227Notes on Gall Midges (Cecidomyiidae) on Nigerian Crops with a Description of a New Species of Thomasiella Rübsaamen
Q114655060Notes on Locusts of Economic Importance, with some new Data on the Periodicity of Locust Invasion
Q115165059Notes on Parasites of the Gall-Midge (Jatrophobia brasiliensis, Rübs.) of Cassava in Trinidad
Q54560343Notes on Parasitic Hymenoptera
Q31140771Notes on Pseudococcus comstocki, Kuw., and some allied species (Homoptera: Coccoidea) with description of three new species.
Q56096862Notes on Samoan Coccidae with descriptions of three new species
Q56096747Notes on Scale-Insects (Coccidae).—Part I
Q56096834Notes on Scale-Insects (Coccidae).—Part II
Q56096778Notes on Some Injurious African Rhynchota
Q103871079Notes on Some Rice Stem Borers (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), with the Description of a new Species of Chilo Zincken.
Q99967702Notes on an economically important species of Temelucha Foerster (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and a preliminary key to Australian species
Q99641066Notes on some African Ceratopogoninae
Q56096754Notes on some animal parasites in British Guiana
Q123130504Notes on some distinctive points in the Pupae of West African mosquitos
Q113858093Notes on the Bionomics of Hieroglyphus nigrorepletus, Bolivar (Orthoptera, Acrididae) at Benares, United Provinces, India
Q112264596Notes on the Coconut Beetle (Oryctes monoceros, Ol.) in Kenya Colony
Q99975478Notes on the Ethiopian Fruit-flies of the Family Trypaneidae, other than Dacus (s.l.) (Dipt.).—II
Q54666746Notes on the Ethiopian Fruit-flies of the Family Trypaneidae, other than Dacus (s.l.), with descriptions of new genera and species (Dipt.).—I
Q56096867Notes on the Ethiopian Fruit-flies of the Family Trypaneidae, other than Dacus.—III.
Q103835002Notes on the Genus Chrysops (Diptera, Tabanidae)
Q99974557Notes on the Genus Pagria (Eumolpinae, Coleopt.)
Q56096891Notes on the Mosquitos of Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion
Q56096893Notes on the Nomenclature of certain African Tabanidae (Sub-family Pangoniinae), with Descriptions of a new Genus and new Species
Q113858107Notes on the Scarabaeid Beetles attacking Vines in Ukraine
Q44154673Notes on the SubgenusCoquillettidiaDyar (Diptera, Culicidae)
Q99967635Notes on the Taxonomy and Synonymy of Zele, Curtis, and Macrocentrus, Curtis (Hym., Braconidae)
Q103952759Notes on the biology of ambrosia beetles of the genus Trachyostus Schedl (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) in West Africa
Q44139270Notes on the bionomics of Anopheles gambiae and A. funestus in East Africa
Q44154511Notes on the bionomics of Anopheles sacharovi in Persia and Iraq
Q104027486Notes on the classification of the tribe Scolytini (Coleoptera, Scolytidae)
Q103954241Notes on the genus Heterococcus Ferris (Coccoidea, Homoptera) with a description of a new species injurious to guineacorn (Sorghum Vulgare) in Nigeria.
Q103842084Notes on the natural Enemies of the Sugar-cane Froghopper (Tomaspis saccharina, Dist.) in Trinidad, with Descriptions of new Species
Q99967698Notes on the species of Heteropelma Wesmael (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) occurring in Australia
Q104027710Notes on the species of Trichomma Wesmael (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) occurring in the indian subcontinent
Q103842323Notes on two new Oriental Parasites of the Coffee Mealy-bug (Pseudococcus lilacinus)
Q91365176Novel host immune evasion strategy of the endoparasitoid Drino inconspicuoides
Q31087947Novel microsatellite DNA markers indicate strict parthenogenesis and few genotypes in the invasive willow sawfly Nematus oligospilus.
Q41989154Novel microsatellite markers for the oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and effects of null alleles on population genetics analyses
Q38933137Novel use of stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) as a tool for isolation of oviposition site attractants for gravid Culex quinquefasciatus
Q46622235Nuclear DNA content of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) estimated by flow cytometry
Q41987200Number of attacks by Trichogramma dendrolimi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) affects the successful parasitism of Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) eggs
Q104050537Numicia gauhati sp.n. (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Tropiduchidae) from rice in India, with taxonomic notes on other Indian Numicia species
Q39629378Nymphal antennae and antennal sensilla in Aleurodicus dispersus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).
Q56096730Observations on African Scale Insects (Coccidæ)
Q99640933Observations on Scale-Insects (Coccidae).—VI
Q99962885Observations on Scale-insects (Coccidae)—IV
Q99962886Observations on Scale-insects (Coccidae)—V
Q84804791Observations on feeding and egg development of the wheat bulb fly Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.).
Q52702312Observations on mortality among insects exposed to dry insecticidal films.
Q115563435Observations on natural mortality, parasites and predators of Wheat bulb fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.)
Q115433403Observations on sampling pre-imaginal populations of blackflies (Dipt., Simu liidae) in West Cameroon
Q99962854Observations on scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of the Middle East*
Q99962884Observations on scale-insects (Coccidae)—III
Q52495756Observations on some possible attractants of tsetse flies (Glossina morsitansWestw. andG. pallidipesAust.)
Q56096748Observations on some recently described Coccidae
Q115563439Observations on the Biology of Trox procerus Har. (Coleoptera, Trogidae), a Predator of Eggs of the Desert Locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.)
Q114655061Observations on the Biting-habits of some Tabanidae in Uganda, with special Reference to arboreal and nocturnal Activity
Q103835277Observations on the Coccidae of Southern Rhodesia.—II
Q99962872Observations on the Coccidae of the Madeira Islands
Q113284627Observations on the Entry of Dusts into the Respiratory System of the Adult Worker Honey Bee, Apis mellifera L.
Q99974541Observations on the Influence of Temperature and Humidity on the Bionomics of Dysdercus cingulatus, Fabr.
Q110970540Observations on the Larval Diapause of the Pink Bollworm, Platyedra gossypiella, Saund.
Q82038214Observations on the Yellow Tea-mite Hemitarsonemus latus (Banks) Ewing
Q44162295Observations on the biology and taxonomy of the eggs of Anopheles mosquitos
Q60019824Observations on the biology of Culicoides impunctatus Goetgh. (Dipt., Ceratopogonidae) in southern England
Q112076473Observations on the biting habits of mosquitos in the forest canopy at Zika, Uganda, with special reference to the crepuscular periods
Q80629195Observations on the control of Kenya Coast Glossina
Q71520434Observations on the dispersal of larvae of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus (Can.)
Q51228275Observations on the ecology of Saccharosydne saccharivora (Westw.) (Hom., Delphacidae) in Jamaican sugar-cane fields.
Q112264599Observations on the ecology of Oryctes (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) in Madagascar
Q39088659Observations on the effects of gamma-radiation on eggs of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk).
Q121092143Observations on the function of the choriothete and on egg hatching in Glossina spp. (Dipt., Glossinidae)
Q112076474Observations on the habits of mosquitos of Plateau Province, Northern Nigeria, with particular reference to Aëdes (Stegomyia) vittatus (Bigot)
Q123290207Observations on the laboratory take-off behaviour of the desert locust,Schistocerca gregaria(Forskål) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q122278330Observations on the larvae and pupae ofPieris brassicae(L.) in a laboratory culture
Q56987667Observations on the parasitoid complexes of budmoths (Lepidoptera: Tortricoidea) on larch in Europe
Q50726160Observations on the peri-domestic breeding behaviour and resting sites of Glossina tachinoides Westw. near Nsukka, East Central State, Nigeria
Q39462449Occupancy-abundance models for predicting densities of three leaf beetles damaging the multipurpose tree Sesbania sesban in eastern and southern Africa
Q52724094Occurrence of certain cuticular structures confirms functionality of dorsal abdominal scent glands in Acanthosomatidae (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea).
Q92788342Occurrence of pyrethroid resistance mutation in Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) throughout Argentina
Q39071465Occurrence of sexuals of African weaver ant (Oecophylla longinoda Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) under a bimodal rainfall pattern in eastern Tanzania
Q123219667Occurrence of the grasshopper pest Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) in south-western Nigeria in relation to the wet and dry seasons
Q57269763Odour-baited targets to control New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae): a preliminary study
Q52726719Offspring production and self-superparasitism in the solitary ectoparasitoid Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in relation to host abundance.
Q91464036Old residents and new arrivals of Rhagoletis species in Europe
Q51693302Olfactory conditioning in mate searching by the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q49795019Olive cultivar and maturation process on the oviposition preference of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q56096808On Braconidae parasitic on Diatraea saccharalis in Demerara
Q56603854On Fish and Mosquitos in Palestine
Q56096750On Mutillidae parasitic on Glossina morsitans
Q56096900On New Species of Curculionidae attacking Forest Trees in India
Q103835634On Sandflies from Persia and Palestine
Q56096764On Some Malayan and Other Species of Culicoides, with a Note on the Genus Lasiohelea
Q99975398On Three New Species of Indian Braconidae
Q103823107On a Braconid parasite of Glossina
Q56096861On a Coccid injurious to pine trees in the Himalayas
Q99975587On a Collection of Thysanoptera from South Australia
Q56096869On a New Mutillid Parasite of Glossina morsitans
Q56096743On a New Species of Mite ( Tarsonemus) Injurious to Sugar-Canes in Barbados
Q103835521On a New Trichogrammatid (Hym., Chalcidoidea) Parasite of the Cotton Stemborer (Sphenoptera sp.)
Q56096820On a Parasitic Drosophila from Trinidad
Q56096847On a new Coccid pest of cacao from Trinidad
Q103841636On a new Species of Echthromorpha (Hym. Ichn.) from Fiji
Q103844072On a new Species of Ephialtes (Hym., Ichneumonidae) parasitising the Codling Moth
Q103871107On a new Species of Saissetia (Hem.: Coccoidea) from Zanzibar
Q56096737On a new genus and species of Clinocoridae (Cimicidae) from Uganda
Q56096736On a new genus and species of Siphonaptera from Nyasaland
Q99966752On a new predatory Mite of economic Importance
Q103823234On a new species of Lecanium from Northern Nigeria
Q103823611On a new species of Mymaridae from Trinidad
Q56096933On a small Collection of Coccidae from Mesopotamia, with Description of a new Species
Q56096839On a widely distributed Gamasid mite ( Leiognathus morsitans, sp. n.), parasitic on the domestic fowl
Q56096931On an Internal Parasite (Hym.—Chalcidoidea) of a Thrips from Trinidad
Q56096866On some African Delphacidae (Homoptera)
Q99975793On some Australian Termites of the Genera Drepanotermes, Hamitermes and Leucotermes
Q56096899On some Bornean Fig-insects (Agaonidae–Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea).
Q103835572On some Chalcidoid Scale Parasites from Java
Q99973030On some Egg-parasites from Africa
Q103836266On some Egyptian Certopogoninae
Q103835421On some Eulophid Parasites (Hym., Chalcidoidea) of the Oil Palm HĨspid Beetle
Q99962144On some New Genera and Species of Coccidae
Q99616512On some Parasites and Hyperparasites of Artona catoxantha, Hamps
Q56096759On some Rhynchota of economic importance from Colombia
Q103836175On some Tropical Copeognatha, especially from the Fiji Islands
Q99653925On some Tropical Thysanoptera
Q56096879On some new Acarine parasites of rats
Q99961980On some new Species of Coccidae from various Sources
Q103835395On some new and interesting Thysanoptera of economic Importance
Q56096744On some nondescript Anoplura and Mallophaga
Q110444314On the African Species of Phyllotreta (Col., Halticinae)
Q54634669On the Australian Fern Weevils
Q56096897On the British Species of Simulium. —II. The Early Stages ; with Corrections and Additions to Part I
Q56096837On the British species of Simulium.—I. the Adults
Q54666135On the Chalcidoid Parasites of Psyllids (Hemiptera, Homoptera)
Q103842356On the Distribution of Leucoptera Daricella (Meyr.) with the Description of a New Leaf-Miner from Coffee
Q56096874On the Ethiopian fruit-flies of the genus Dacus
Q56096898On the Genus Phlebotomus.—Part IV
Q103841204On the Identity of Lygus simonyi, Reut., and Lygus vosseleri, Popp., in Kenya and Uganda
Q52686809On the Indian species of Rodolia Mulsant (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae).
Q99966530On the Name of the “Blue Oat Mite” of Australia
Q43639433On the Old World species of the genus Stethorus Weise (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae).
Q56096833On the Oriental Culicid genus Leicesteria, Theobald
Q115563461On the Parasites and Predators of the Cockroach. I.—Tetrastichus hagenowii (Ratz.)
Q115563436On the Parasites and Predators of the Cockroach. II.—Evania appendigaster (L.)
Q56096774On the Parasitic Acari found on the Species of Rodents frequenting Human Habitations in Egypt
Q115563466On the Relative Value of Parasites and Predators in the Biological Control of Insect Pests
Q56096806On the Rubber Thrips (Physothrips funtumiae, Bagn.) and its Allies
Q103835527On the Species of Gall Mites (Eriophyidae) found on the Genus Ribes
Q103947683On the biology and taxonomy of some European species of the genus Elachertus Spinola (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae)
Q115563447On the biology of Lioadalia flavomaculara (Deg.) (Col., Coccineffidae), a predator of the wheat aphid (Schizaphis graminum (Rond.)) in South Africa
Q115164898On the coexistence of the cassava mealybug parasitoids Apoanagyrus diversicornis and A. lopezi (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in their native South America
Q46423749On the distribution and correct name of Oscinis pallipes, the swarming gnat of the Sudan.
Q44150327On the effect of DDT-treated surfaces on adults of Anopheles gambiae and A. funestus.
Q56096751On the fruit-flies of the genus Dacus (s. 1.) occurring in India, Burma, and Ceylon
Q104026525On the identity of Caryedon pallidus (Olivier) (Col., Bruchidae), and the description of two new Caryedon spp.
Q38899761On the identity of the cotton capsid of Uganda.
Q52651476On the introduction of Scolia ruficornis, F., into Western Samoa for the control of Oryctes rhinoceros, L.
Q99963477On the life-history and fecundity of the cochineal insect, Dactylopius austrinus De Lotto (Homoptera: Dactylopiidae), a biological control agent for the cactus Opuntia awantiaca
Q30961634On the relevance of abundance and spatial pattern for interpretations of host-parasite association data
Q82915908On the specific identity of specimens of Phytoseiulus longipes Evans (Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae) showing different feeding behaviours: morphological and molecular analyses
Q103947781On the taxonomy of Antestiopsis spp. (Hem., Pentatomidae) of Madagascar, with notes on their biology
Q46267753On the taxonomy of some African Eulophidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea) associated with oil palm, coffee and mango
Q104027204On the taxonomy of two Diaspididae (Homoptera, Coccoidea) from Hong Kong
Q52497491On the vertical distribution of Phlebotomine sandflies (Dipt., Psychodidae) in British Honduras (Belize)
Q103836246On theminutusGroup of the GenusPhlebotomusin Palestine
Q103835060On three Braconid Parasites of the Gelechiid Moth, Platyedra erebodoxa, Meyr.
Q99967716On three New Species of Ichneumonidae
Q103836183On three new Chalcidoid Parasites of Platyedra
Q56096829On three new species of Gamasid mites found on rats
Q103841210On two Braconids (hym.) bred from Economic Hosts
Q99656632On two New Parasites from West Africa bred from the Cacao Barksapper (Sahlbergella)
Q47400948Ontogenetic shifts in intraguild predation on thrips by phytoseiid mites: the relevance of body size and diet specialization
Q56096843Ooencyrtus pacificus, a new egg parasite from Fiji (Hym.)
Q91365164Ophelimus mediterraneus sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae): a new Eucalyptus gall wasp in the Mediterranean region
Q38932333Opiine parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of tropical fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Australian and South Pacific region
Q44156189Optimization of breeding output for larval stage of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae): prospects for the creation and maintenance of laboratory colony from wild isolates
Q44320347Optimized simulation of the control of tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes and G. m. morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae) using odour-baited targets in Zimbabwe
Q40175391Optimizing Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) as a biological control agent: mathematical models for predicting its development as a function of temperature
Q125420295Organic farming of maize crop enhances species evenness and diversity of hexapod predators
Q46255843Organic vs. organic - soil arthropods as bioindicators of ecological sustainability in greenhouse system experiment under Mediterranean conditions.
Q47943266Origin and evolution of the Italian subterranean termite Reticulitermes lucifugus (Blattodea, Termitoidae, Rhinotermitidae).
Q30382188Origin, evolution and function of the hemipteran perimicrovillar membrane with emphasis on Reduviidae that transmit Chagas disease.
Q92972209Outbreaks of Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean species in vegetable crops in São Paulo and Paraná States, Brazil
Q42051485Outbreaks of forest defoliating insects in Japan, 1950-2000.
Q123001193Overlapping and copulation between the wet- and dry-season generations of Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) at Nsukka, Nigeria
Q34310990Overview of worldwide diversity of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 haplotypes: two Old World lineages and a New World invasion
Q41992443Overwintering biology and limits of cold tolerance in larvae of pistachio twig borer, Kermania pistaciella
Q57261126Overwintering, soil distribution and phenology of Childers canegrub, Antitrogus parvulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Queensland sugarcane
Q113284621Ovigeny strategy of the parasitic wasp Cosmocomoidea annulicornis (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae): effect of female age, feeding and host availability on reproductive traits
Q121650930Oviposition and the hatching of the eggs of Pieris brassicae (L.) in a laboratory culture
Q47201389Oviposition behaviour and host colony size discrimination in Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae).
Q121735301Oviposition behaviour, egg-masses and hatching response of the eggs of five Nearctic species of Simulium (Diptera: Simuliidae)
Q52603517Oviposition by introduced Ophelimus eucalypti (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and morphogenesis of female-induced galls on Eucalyptus saligna(Myrtaceae) in New Zealand.
Q54634942Oviposition by the banded fruit weevil, Phlyctinus callosus (Schoenherr) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in deciduous fruit orchards in South Africa
Q52664486Oviposition deterrents for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) from fly faeces extracts.
Q114374172Oviposition in DDT-resistant and susceptible strains of Aedes aegypti (L.): egg-laying on open-water surfaces
Q114374174Oviposition in DDT-resistant and susceptible strains of Aedes aegypti (L.): time from blood-meal to oviposition
Q94918449Oviposition in the onion fly Delia antiqua (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) is socially facilitated by visual cues
Q42020621Oviposition of diamondback moth in the presence and absence of a novel host plant.
Q43047841Oviposition preferences of dengue vectors; Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Sri Lanka under laboratory settings
Q92857681Oviposition preferences of the mosquito Aedes aegypti Linnaeus, 1762 (Culicidae): an urban environment bioassay
Q48540302Oviposition responses to patch quality in the larch ladybird Aphidecta obliterata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): effects of aphid density, and con- and heterospecific tracks.
Q41991195Oviposition site selection and survival of susceptible and resistant larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Bt and non-Bt cotton
Q44164230Oviposition strategies of temporary pool mosquitoes in relation to weather, tidal regime and land use in a temperate wetland
Q89390118Oviposition strategy for superparasitism in the gregarious parasitoid Oomyzus sokolowskii (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
Q45994220Ovipositional preferences, damage thresholds, and detection of the tomato-potato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli (Homoptera: Psyllidae) on selected tomato accessions.
Q52598536PCR-RFLP identification of endemic Chilean species of Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) attacking Solanaceae.
Q48321141PCR-RFLP of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (subunit I) gene provides diagnostic markers for selected Diabrotica species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q44629017PCR-based species identification of Agriotes larvae.
Q99655118Padaukia - a new genus of jumping plantlice (Homoptera: Psylloidea) attacking economically important species of Pterocarpus (Leguminosae)
Q122158807Parasitism of overwintering pupae of cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), in England and Wales
Q37160985Parasitism of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines by Binodoxys communis: the role of aphid defensive behaviour and parasitoid reproductive performance.
Q42033854Parasitism, development and adult longevity of the egg parasitoid Telenomus nawai (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) on the eggs of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q39588769Parasitoids of medfly, Ceratitis capitata, and related tephritids in Kenyan coffee: a predominantly koinobiont assemblage
Q44554576Parental crowding influences life-history traits in Locusta migratoria females
Q49353986Parental effect of diapause in relation to photoperiod and temperature in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q111264780Partners in biological control of cocoa pests: Mutualism between Dolichoderus thoracicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Cataenococcus hispidus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Q46742133Paternal effects correlate with female reproductive stimulation in the polyandrous ladybird Cheilomenes sexmaculata
Q42020394Pathogen resistance in the moth Orgyia antiqua: direct influence of host plant dominates over the effects of individual condition
Q104027623Patna rhizolineata sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) in Pakistan
Q92994524Patterns and drivers of genetic diversity and structure in the biological control parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor in Niger
Q39357574Patterns of acoustic variation in Cicada barbara Stål (Hemiptera, Cicadoidea) from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco
Q48542627Patterns of resistance to three cereal aphids among wheats in the genus Triticum (Poaceae).
Q46817402Pea aphid biotype performance on diverse Medicago host genotypes indicates highly specific virulence and resistance functions
Q40030925Pea weevil damage and chemical characteristics of pea cultivars determining their resistance to Bruchus pisorum L.
Q42005464Penetration and encapsulation of the larval endoparasitoid Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) in the factitious host Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
Q56083362Penetration through the Egg-shell of Pieris brassicae (L.)
Q104048972Pentatomid bugs (Hemiptera) that transmit a flagellate disease of cultivated palms in South America
Q52752916Performance and feeding behaviour of two biotypes of the black currant-lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri, on resistant and susceptible Lactuca sativa near-isogenic lines.
Q49795048Performance of Arma chinensis reared on an artificial diet formulated using transcriptomic methods
Q47893695Performance of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) clones on different host-plants and their host preference.
Q43030731Performance of the Nzi and other traps for biting flies in North America
Q123162830Persistence and migration of Chortoicetes terminifera (Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Australia
Q52698192Pest fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in northwestern Australia: one species or two?
Q92994451Pest kill rate as aggregate evaluation criterion to rank biological control agents: a case study with Neotropical predators of Tuta absoluta on tomato
Q96959873Pest status, bio-ecology and management of the false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and its implication for international trade
Q99974539Pests of Economic Plants in Samoa and other Island Groups
Q39202529Phase-related morphological changes induced by [His7]-corazonin in two species of locusts, Schistocerca gregaria and Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Q39202513Phase-specific developmental and reproductive strategies in the desert locust
Q99974306Phenacoccus avenae Borchsenius (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from the Netherlands and Turkey, intercepted at quarantine on bulbs, corms and rhizomes of ornamental plants
Q99641536Phenacoccus gossypii Townsend & Cockerell, P. madeirensis Green and some related mealybug species (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Q42016660Phenological diversity in the interactions between winter moth (Operophtera brumata) larvae and parasitoid wasps in sub-arctic mountain birch forest.
Q35360261Phenological synchrony between Scaphoideus titanus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) hatchings and grapevine bud break: could this explain the insect's expansion?
Q45995020Phenology and demography of Homalodisca coagulata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in southern California citrus and implications for management.
Q99973683Phenology and field biology of the dung beetle onitis caffer Boheman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in southern Africa
Q93377964Phenology of the sugar beet weevil, Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Croatia
Q56654819Phenotypic plasticity in clutch size regulation among populations of a potential invasive fruit fly from environments that vary in host heterogeneity and isolation
Q42034394Phenotypic plasticity of pigmentation and morphometric traits in Pnigalio soemius (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).
Q46968431Phenotypic trait changes in laboratory--reared colonies of the maize herbivore, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera.
Q44253742Phenotypic variation of the housefly, Musca domestica: amounts and patterns of wing shape asymmetry in wild populations and laboratory colonies.
Q42024679Pheromone communication channels in tortricid moths: lower specificity of alcohol vs. acetate geometric isomer blends
Q92556032Pheromone emission patterns and courtship sequences across distinct populations within Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera-Tephitidae) cryptic species complex - CORRIGENDUM
Q93388363Pheromone emission patterns and courtship sequences across distinct populations within Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera-Tephritidae) cryptic species complex
Q48666237Phlebotomus caucasicus and Phlebotomus mongolensis (Diptera: Psychodidae): indistinguishable by the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in Iran
Q54642637Phoridae (Diptera) as pests of cultivated oyster mushrooms (Agaricales: Pleurotaceae) in India
Q114374151Phosphoglucomutase polymorphism in Aedes phoeniciae Coluzzi & Sabatini of the Ae. mariae complex (Dipt., Culicidae)
Q122206977Photoperiodic termination of diapause in field-collected adults of the Bombay locust, Nomadacris succincta (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in southern Japan
Q57229258Phototactic response of Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) to yellow-coloured surfaces, and an attempt at commercial suppression using yellow barriers and trap trees
Q104053068Phycita melongenae sp.n. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) associated with eggplant in West Africa
Q46168977Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Culicoides dewulfi should not be considered part of the Culicoides obsoletus complex
Q91652121Phylogenetic relationships between genera Dorcadion, Lamia, Morimus, Herophila and some other Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) based on chromosome and CO1 gene sequence comparison
Q43963562Phylogeny of Australian Coptotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) species inferred from mitochondrial COII sequences.
Q51601875Phylogeographic structure of Teretrius nigrescens (Coleoptera: Histeridae) predator of the invasive post harvest pest Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae).
Q45883738Phylogeographic structure, outbreeding depression, and reluctant virgin oviposition in the bean thrips, Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in California
Q99973682Physiological age-grading in females of the dung beetle Euoniticellus intermedius (Reiche) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Q113858099Physiological and Ecological Studies of the Species of Capnodis in Palestine (Col., Buprestidae). II.—Studies on the Larvae
Q113858104Physiological and ecological Studies on the Species of Capnodis in Palestine (Col., Buprestidae)
Q45718180Physiological and ecological studies on the species of Capnodis in Palestine (Col., Buprestidae); toxicological studies
Q37897687Physiological trade-offs of forming maggot masses by necrophagous flies on vertebrate carrion
Q99974258Planococcine mealybugs of economic importance from the Mediterranean Basin and their distinction from a new African genus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Q96354413Plant resistance in different cell layers affects aphid probing and feeding behaviour during non-host and poor-host interactions
Q50506541Plant species modifies the functional response of Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) to Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae): implications for biological control.
Q38189182Plant-mediated whitefly-begomovirus interactions: research progress and future prospects
Q46308829Plasticity in host utilization by two host-associated populations of Aphis gossypii Glover.
Q122957832Plasticity of nutrient accumulation patterns in diapausing fall webworm pupae
Q46738221Pollinator communities in strawberry crops - variation at multiple spatial scales.
Q93060340Polyandry and trade-off between fecundity and longevity in female Dichelops furcatus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
Q39442687Polyandry increases reproductive performance but does not decrease survival in female Brontispa longissima
Q40239805Polymorphism in male genitalia of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis Rondani, 1848.
Q48657088Polyphasic approach applying artificial neural networks, molecular analysis and postabdomen morphology to West PalaearcticTachinaspp. (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Q50204331Population biology of the European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, in Galicia, Spain
Q42055632Population biology of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), in two potato cropping systems in Israel
Q49347576Population differentiation between Australian and Chinese Helicoverpa armigera occurs in distinct blocks on the Z-chromosome.
Q38676201Population dynamics and management of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) in China: the relative contributions of climate, natural enemies and cropping patterns
Q113184476Population dynamics of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newstead and G. tachinoides Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) in sub-Sudan savanna in northern Nigeria. I. Sampling methodology for adults and seasonal changes in numbers caught in d
Q38940612Population dynamics of Armigeres subalbatus (Diptera: Culicidae) across a temperate altitudinal gradient
Q38635249Population dynamics of Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): application of a biophysical model to understand phenological variation in an agricultural pest
Q125884706Population dynamics of forest insects. Edited by Allan D. Watt, Simon. R. Leather, Mark D. Hunter and Neil A. C. Kidd. (Andover, Hampshire: Intercept, 1990). xii + 408 pp. Hard cover. £40. ISBN 0-946707-28-6.
Q38786980Population dynamics of rice planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera, Delphacidae) in Central Vietnam and its effects on their spring migration to China.
Q46916224Population dynamics of the white wax scale, Ceroplastes destructor (Hemiptera: Coccidae), on citrus in South Africa, with implications for biological control.
Q43543084Population ecology of Heteronyx piceus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in a peanut/maize cropping system
Q39139182Population fluctuations of light-attracted chrysomelid beetles in relation to supra-annual environmental changes in a Bornean rainforest.
Q35766285Population genetic differentiation of the black locust gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): a North American pest invading Asia
Q35512633Population genetic structure and Wolbachia infection in an endangered butterfly, Zizina emelina (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), in Japan
Q52839362Population genetic structure and migration patterns of Liriomyza sativae in China: moderate subdivision and no Bridgehead effect revealed by microsatellites.
Q57282992Population genetic structure and putative migration pathway of Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) (Hemiptera, Delphacidae) in Asia
Q45883967Population genetic structure and secondary endosymbionts of Q Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from Greece
Q42023062Population genetic structure of economically important Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) in South Africa: a comparative analysis
Q28767844Population genetics of Glossina morsitans submorsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae)
Q99966492Population genetics of redlegged earth mites Halotydeus destructor and H. anthropus (Acarina: Penthaleidae) from Australia and or South Africa
Q101236681Population genetics of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys in the early phase of invasion in South Tyrol (Northern Italy)
Q34227689Population genetics of the wheat curl mite (Aceria tosichella Keifer) in Australia: implications for the management of wheat pathogens
Q113858069Population genetics reveal multiple independent invasions of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in China
Q54636012Population phenology of whitefringed weevil, Graphognathus leucoloma (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in pasture in a Mediterranean-climate region of Australia
Q43839140Population regulation of a classical biological control agent: larval density dependence in Neochetina eichhorniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a biological control agent of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes
Q115563480Population sampling for planthoppers, leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae & Cicadellidae) and their predators in flooded rice
Q124828698Population status of the bush fly, Musca vetustissima (Diptera: Muscidae), and native dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in south-eastern Australia in relation to establishment of exotic dung beetles
Q51574705Population structure and genetic diversity analysis in Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimerman, 1909) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) by RAPD markers.
Q39357567Population structure of Cicada barbara Stål (Hemiptera, Cicadoidea) from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco based on mitochondrial DNA analysis.
Q38877229Population structure of the banana weevil, an introduced pest in the Canary Islands, studied by RAPD analysis
Q42030475Positive association between resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis and overwintering survival of cabbage loopers, Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q52694896Post-release evaluation of Eretmocerus hayati Zolnerowich and Rose in Australia.
Q40367522Potential application of digital image-processing method and fitted logistic model to the control of oriental fruit moths (Grapholita molesta Busck).
Q111165662Potential displacement of the native Tenuisvalvae notata by the invasive Cryptolaemus montrouzieri in South America suggested by differences in climate suitability
Q31056034Potential for classical biological control of the potato bug Closterotomus norwegicus (Hemiptera: Miridae): description, parasitism and host specificity of Peristenus closterotomae sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q46658559Potential hosts of Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) among native and agroforestry trees in Kenya
Q46667037Potential impact of global warming on deciduous oak dieback caused by ambrosia fungus Raffaelea sp. carried by ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) in Japan
Q40193342Potential of Hymenopteran larval and egg parasitoids to control stored-product beetle and moth infestation in jute bags
Q52694119Potential of an alternative prey to disrupt predation of the generalist predator, Orius insidiosus, on the pest aphid, Aphis glycines, via short-term indirect interactions.
Q46870261Potential of the mite-pathogenic fungus Neozygites floridana (Entomophthorales: Neozygitaceae) for control of the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa (Acari: Tetranychidae).
Q56927558Potential role of the heat shock protein 90 (hsp90) in buffering mutations to favour cyclical parthenogenesis in the peach potato aphid Myzus persicae (Aphididae, Hemiptera)
Q122930111Practical assessment of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) crop loss caused by grasshopper pests (Orthoptera: Acrididae)—a major outbreak in north-west Mali
Q52742700Precocious sexual signalling and mating in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) sterile males achieved through juvenile hormone treatment and protein supplements.
Q43529402Predation and prey size choice by the carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera: Carabidae): the dangers of extrapolating from laboratory to field
Q93176827Predation by Engytatus varians (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae) on Bactericera cockerelli (Sulcer) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) and two Spodoptera species
Q43734513Predation by beetles (Carabidae, Staphylinidae) on eggs and juveniles of the Iberian slug Arion lusitanicus in the laboratory
Q34475934Predation by carabid beetles on the invasive slug Arion vulgaris in an agricultural semi-field experiment
Q114117591Predation efficiency of the green lacewings Chrysoperla agilis and C. mutata against aphids and mealybugs in sweet pepper
Q114117610Predation of Florida red scale Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) by the metallic blue ladybeetle Curinus coeruleus (Mulsant)
Q114117600Predation risk effects on larval development and adult life of Aedes aegypti mosquito
Q36183962Predator performance is impaired by the presence of a second prey species.
Q58261610Predicting the abundance of the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Q35530247Predicting the potential invasion suitability of regions to cassava lacebug pests (Heteroptera: Tingidae: Vatiga spp.).
Q44138654Predicting the spatial distribution of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) abundance with NOAA imagery.
Q52655229Prediction of the distribution of Glossina tachinoides (Diptera: Glossinidae) in the Volta basin of northern Ghana.
Q52694892Preinfestations of tomato plants by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) or aphids (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) induce variable resistance or susceptibility responses.
Q115563488Preliminary Investigations on the Biology and Ecology of the Parasites and Predators of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.)
Q99966790Preliminary List of the Acari occurring on the Brown Rat (Mus norvegicus) in Great Britain, with the description of a New Species (Haemogamasus oudemansi)
Q52702660Preliminary notes on the loss of DDT and gammexane by absorption.
Q104027809Preliminary studies on the taxonomy and distribution of the melon weevil, Acythopeus Curvirostris (Boheman) (including Baris granulipennis (Tournier)) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)
Q79563347Preliminary tests of DDT emulsion concentrates
Q91779491Previous herbivory alerts conspecific gravid sawflies to avoid unsuitable host plants
Q113858073Previous herbivory modulates aphid population growth and plant defense responses in a non-model plant, Carthamus tinctorius (Asteraceae)
Q57229200Prey choice and substitution in Chilocorus spp. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Q46211016Prey sex pheromone as kairomone for a new group of predators (Coleoptera: Dasytidae, Aplocnemus spp.) of pine bast scales
Q38991566Principal determinants of species and functional diversity of carabid beetle assemblages during succession at post-industrial sites.
Q52655224Probability models to facilitate a declaration of pest-free status, with special reference to tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae).
Q92994619Production of alarm pheromone starts at embryo stage and is modulated by rearing conditions and farnesyl diphosphate synthase genes in the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi
Q52598534Production of sexual morphs by apterous virginoparae of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in relation to pre- and postnatal exposure to short day conditions.
Q42988347Production of wetland Chironomidae (Diptera) and the effects of using Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis for mosquito control
Q50960450Prokaryotic functional expression and activity comparison of three CYP9A genes from the polyphagous pest Helicoverpa armigera.
Q56092611Prospects for the biological control of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), with special reference to Coptotermes formosanus
Q33914441Prospects for the biological control of subterranean termites (Isoptera: rhinotermitidae), with special reference to Coptotermes formosanus
Q47741874Protein-feeding by the males of the Australian bushfly Musca vetustissima Wlk. in relation to mating performance
Q100385075Proteomic investigation of Peristenus spretus ovary and characterization of an ovary-enriched heat shock protein
Q40278976Proteomic research on diapause-related proteins in the female ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata L.
Q99974268Pseudococcus gahani, Green, in South Africa
Q104053651Pseudococcus mandio sp. n. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on cassava roots in Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil
Q45768696Pseudogenes and DNA-based diet analyses: a cautionary tale from a relatively well sampled predator-prey system.
Q103870571Pseudotheraptus wayi, a new Genus and Species of Coreid (Hemiptera) injurious to Coconuts in East Africa
Q46879240Psyttalia ponerophaga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) as a potential biological control agent of olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in California
Q103867437Pullus impexus(Muls.) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), a Predator ofAdelges piceae(Ratz.) (Hemiptera, Adelgidae), with notes on its Parasites
Q99962899Pulvinaria iceryi (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and its allies on sugar-cane and other grasses
Q123110608Pupae of some Palestinian Culicines
Q42033206Pupal diapause of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): sensitive stage for thermal induction in the Okayama (western Japan) population
Q90643902Purified winged bean protease inhibitor affects the growth of Bactrocera cucurbitae
Q52708753Pyrethroid and carbamate resistance in Australian Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from 2008 to 2015: what has changed since the introduction of Bt cotton?
Q51684516Quackgrass- and ryegrass-adapted populations of the cereal rust mite, Abacarus hystrix (Acari: Eriophyidae), differ in their potential for wheat, Triticum aestivum, colonization.
Q46513079Qualitative Sybr Green real-time detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms responsible for target-site resistance in insect pests: the example of Myzus persicae and Musca domestica.
Q38850860Quality control of Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) reared on the factitious host Corcyra cephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for successive generations
Q41448572Quantification of motility of carabid beetles in farmland.
Q115563464Quantifying the impact of insect predators and parasitoids on populations of the apple ermine moth, Yponomeuta malinellus (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), in Europe
Q40569282Quantitative description and discrimination of butterfly wing patterns using moment invariant analysis
Q33492616Quantitative variation and biosynthesis of hindgut volatiles associated with the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte, at different attack phases.
Q44001001Quick detection of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in chestnut dormant buds by nested PCR.
Q52694050RAPD and mitochondrial DNA analysis of the soybean stalk weevil, Sternechus subsignatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q41020457RNA interference-aided knockdown of a putative saccharopine dehydrogenase leads to abnormal ecdysis in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae).
Q53740972RNA interference-mediated knockdown of some genes involved in digestion and development of Helicoverpa armigera.
Q122740987Radar observations of individual desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.) (Orthoptera, Locustidae))
Q42048333Radar observations of the autumn migration of the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and other moths in northern China.
Q52779091Radar observations of the seasonal migration of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) in Southern China.
Q52658211Radar studies of the vertical distribution of insects migrating over southern Britain: the influence of temperature inversions on nocturnal layer concentrations.
Q52596401Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers for discriminating Cochliomyia hominivorax from C. macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae).
Q52695521Random mating among Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae) adults of geographically distant and ecologically distinct populations in Mexico.
Q39414049Random mating and reproductive compatibility among Argentinean and southern Brazilian populations of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q46034664Rapid diagnosis of the economically important fruit fly, Bactrocera correcta (Diptera: Tephritidae) based on a species-specific barcoding cytochrome oxidase I marker.
Q52735386Rapid genetic turnover in populations of the insect pest Bemisia tabaci Middle East: Asia Minor 1 in an agricultural landscape.
Q34750765Rapid method for the detection of storage mites in cereals: feasibility of an ELISA based approach
Q104053658Rastrococcus invadens sp. n. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) introduced from the Oriental Region to West Africa and causing damage to mango, citrus and other trees
Q52512780Reactions of larvae of Plodia interpunctella (HB) (LEP., pyralidae) to insecticidal droplets.
Q56876163Readjustment of the malaria vector control strategy in the Rusizi Valley, Burundi
Q40314349Real-time PCR assay for distinguishing Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips palmi Arnika Przybylska, Żaneta Fiedler, Aleksandra Obrępalska-Stęplowska
Q124969734Rearing Locusts in Captivity
Q54560376Rearing and aspects of biology of Cephalonomia stephanoderis and Prorops nasuta (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) parasitoids of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
Q92695639Recaptures of feral Bactrocera dorsalis and B. umbrosa (Diptera: Tephritidae) males after feeding on methyl eugenol
Q35778179Recent advances in transgenic arthropod technology
Q52880868Recent changes in reproductive phenology of a K-selected aquatic insect predator, Belostoma flumineum Say (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae).
Q80363229Recent work on mercury as an insecticide against insect pests of stored grain
Q46753637Reciprocal crosses between two populations of Trissolcus vassilievi (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) reveal maternal effects on thermal phenotypes
Q103836255Records of Sarcophagidae with new Species
Q56831314Redescriptions of some known species of Trichogramma (Hym., Trichogrammatidae), showing the importance of the male genitalia as a diagnostic character
Q41988730Reduced mobility but high survival: thermal tolerance and locomotor response of the specialist herbivore, Pareuchaetes insulata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), to low temperatures.
Q45260713Reduced response of insecticide-resistant aphids and attraction of parasitoids to aphid alarm pheromone; a potential fitness trade-off.
Q38589814Reducing variability of Ptinus tectus Boield. (Col., Ptinidae) for bioassay of contact insecticides
Q52680928Reductions of non-pest insects in dung of cattle treated with endectocides: a comparison of four products.
Q46462771Reference gene selection and evaluation for expression analysis using qRT-PCR in Galeruca daurica (Joannis).
Q50072099Regional population differences of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) in Cambodia using genotyping-by-sequencing
Q47944186Regulatory functions of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase in the chitin biosynthesis pathway in Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) revealed by RNA interference
Q43032753Relationship between mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) landing rates on a human subject and numbers captured using CO2-baited light traps
Q57229280Relationship between red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), and its natural enemies in the upper and lower parts of citrus trees in South Africa
Q56951566Relationship of the movements of aphids over the host-plant to their spatial distribution
Q44163390Relationships between some physical properties of insecticides and their intrinsic and contact toxicities to adult mosquitos (Anopheles stephensi List.).
Q42039637Relationships of intercropped maize, stem borer damage to maize yield and land-use efficiency in the humid forest of Cameroon
Q38439672Relative developmental and reproductive fitness associated with pyrethroid resistance in the major southern African malaria vector, Anopheles funestus.
Q50728772Relative persistence on vegetation in northern Nigeria of DDT deposits from two formulations
Q112264590Release and establishment of the baculovirus disease of Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Papua New Guinea
Q56096749Remarks on Coccidae from Northern Australia—II
Q56096777Remarks on a Small Collection of Coccidae from Northern Australia
Q44595247Remating behavior in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) females is affected by male juvenile hormone analog treatment but not by male sterilization.
Q123156002Remote sensing of rainfall by satellite as an aid to Oedaleus senegalensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) control in the Sahel
Q44154505Repellency of pyrethrum and lethane sprays to mosquitos.
Q98301261Repellent activity of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) and Tanacetum vulgare (L.) essential oils against Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)
Q52497487Repellents for Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), the stable fly: techniques and a comparative laboratory assessment of butyl methylcinchoninate
Q129125406Reply to the Letter to the Editor by Hsin Chi
Q99963516Report on Australian Coccidae
Q103867244Report on Encyrtidae associated with Mealybugs on Cacao in Trinidad, and on some other Species related thereto
Q34976335Representative taxa in field trials for environmental risk assessment of genetically modified maize.
Q38842939Reproductive biology of the great capricorn beetle, Cerambyx cerdo (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): a protected but occasionally harmful species
Q60401738Reproductive diapause in the Argentine stem weevil, Listronotus bonariensis, (Kuschel) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in New Zealand
Q39141865Reproductive ecology of phorid parasitoids in relation to the head size of leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens Forel
Q39333546Reproductive efficiency of the bethylid wasp Cephalonomia tarsalis: the influences of spatial structure and host density
Q52701713Reproductive incompatibility among genetic groups of Bemisia tabaci supports the proposition that the whitefly is a cryptic species complex.
Q44790657Reproductive incompatibility between the B and Q biotypes of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in China: genetic and behavioural evidence
Q51674831Reproductive interference between the common ground-hopper Tetrix undulata and the slender ground-hopper Tetrix subulata (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae).
Q41992230Reproductive isolation between two populations of Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from different host plant species and regions in Argentina.
Q51177650Reproductive performance of asexual clones of the peach-potato aphid, ( Myzus persicae, Homoptera: Aphididae), colonising Scotland in relation to host plant and field ecology.
Q123198900Reproductive performance of the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria migratorioides (Orthoptera: Acrididae), in a cereal crop environment in South Africa
Q33379006Reproductive strategy of the Nearctic leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae).
Q90395694Reproductive sublethal effects of macrocyclic lactones and synthetic pyrethroids on the dung beetle Onthophagus similis
Q113036881Reproductive success of Varroa jacobsoni in brood of its original host, Apis cerana, in comparison to that of its new host, A. mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Q34498947Reproductive traits and number of matings in males and females of Cerambyx welensii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) an emergent pest of oaks
Q38443938Reproductive traits of Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) under laboratory conditions.
Q122223218Resistance in Blattella germanica (L.) (Orthoptera, Blattidae): the effect of propoxur selection and non-selection on the resistance spectrum developed by diazinon selection
Q46510102Resistance mechanisms to mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors in a field-collected strain of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae).
Q114374194Resistance of the eggs of Stegomyia fasciata (Aedes calopus) to conditions adverse to development
Q45564052Resistance of αAI-1 transgenic chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) dry grains to bruchid beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Q94460637Resistance to deltamethrin in Triatoma infestans: microgeographical distribution, validation of a rapid detection bioassay and evaluation of a fumigant canister as control alternative strategy
Q35181416Resolution of three cryptic agricultural pests (Ceratitis fasciventris, C. anonae, C. rosa, Diptera: Tephritidae) using cuticular hydrocarbon profiling
Q30631688Resolving multiple host use of an emergent pest of cotton with microsatellite data and chloroplast markers (Creontiades dilutus Stål; Hemiptera, Miridae).
Q56927721Resolving the taxonomic status of biocontrol agents belonging to the Aphidius eadyi species group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae): an integrative approach
Q39041388Resource allocation and bionomics of indigenous and exotic Cotesia (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) species reared on Sesamia calamistis
Q125675921Resource partitioning between two species of Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Echium plantagineum in a Mediterranean habitat
Q41735410Resource partitioning in a ladybird, Menochilus sexmaculatus: function of body size and prey density
Q39291800Resource use of insect seed predators during general flowering and seeding events in a Bornean dipterocarp rain forest
Q52803707Response of Aphidius colemani to aphid sex pheromone varies depending on plant synergy and prior experience.
Q41989247Response of antioxidant enzymes in Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) exposed to thermal stress
Q42046928Response of female Cydia molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to plant derived volatiles
Q51821694Response of the polyphagous whitefly Bemisia tabaci B-biotype (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) to crop diversification - influence of multiple sensory stimuli on activity and fecundity.
Q41998856Response to conspecific and heterospecific semiochemicals by Sesamia nonagrioides (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) gravid females
Q35024690Response to host density by the parasitoid Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the influence of grapevine variety
Q39648079Responses of Poa annua and three bentgrass species (Agrostis spp.) to adult and larval feeding of annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q44161961Responses of adult mosquitoes of two sibling species, Anopheles arabiensis and A. gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae), to high temperatures
Q59305148Responses of female Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) to host odours and convection currents using an olfactometer bioassay
Q57340170Responses of ragwort flea beetle Longitarsus jacobaeae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to signals from host plants
Q57269759Responses of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) to natural and synthetic ox odours
Q57269761Responses of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) to warthog ( Phacochoerus aethiopicus Pallas)
Q41009483Responses to colour and host odour cues in three cereal pest species, in the context of ecology and control
Q52659468Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of different DNA regions as genetic markers in the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae).
Q113858124Results obtained from a monthly examination of the native domestic water-receptacles at Lagos, Southern Nigeria, in 1910–1911
Q45847280Resynthesized lines and cultivars of Brassica napus L. provide sources of resistance to the cabbage stem weevil ( Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Mrsh.)).
Q42040232Return migration of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) during autumn in northern China
Q114374132Reversion of CYP450 monooxygenase-mediated acetamiprid larval resistance in dengue fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti L.
Q99966494Revision of the Australian and South African species of Halotydeus (Acarina: Penthaleidae)
Q54680382Revision of the Genus Amblypelta Stål (Hemiptera, Coreidae)
Q99655275Revision of the genus Maliarpha (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), based on adult morphology with description of three new species
Q99963431Revision of the genus Nephotettix Matsumura (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea Euscelidae) based on the type material
Q99617781Revision of the subgenus Ceratitis (Ceratalaspis) Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Q100721425Revisionary notes on the New World genera of cercopid froghoppers (Homoptera: Cercopoidea). II
Q104048981Revisionary notes on the New World genera of cercopid froghoppers (Homoptera: Cercopoidea). III. The genus Isozulia
Q100722572Revisionary notes on the new world genera of Cercopid froghoppers (Homoptera: Cercopoidea)
Q54621369Rhyzobius ventralis (Erichson) and R. forestieri (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), their biology and value for scale insect control
Q39081919Rice planting systems, global warming and outbreaks of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)
Q114241170Riceland spiders of South and Southeast Asia. By A.T. Barrion and J.A. Litsinger. (Wallingford, CAB INTERNATIONAL, 1995). xix+700 pp. XIV pl. Hard cover £125.00. ISBN 0 85198 9675.
Q39583684Risk factors for domestic infestation by the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma dimidiata in Chiquimula, Guatemala
Q52697072Risk of damage to tomato crops by the generalist zoophytophagous predator Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae).
Q36276598Robustness of plant-insect herbivore interaction networks to climate change in a fragmented temperate forest landscape.
Q42039634Role of host feeding niches and host refuges in habitat-related behaviour of Hyssopus pallidus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a larval parasitoid of the codling moth
Q44159630Role of modified CDC miniature light-traps as an alternative method for sampling adult anophelines (Diptera: Culicidae) in the National Mosquito Surveillance Programme in India
Q42015469Role of natural day-length and temperature in determination of summer and winter diapause in Pieris melete (Lepidoptera: Pieridae).
Q98512940Role of nutritional composition in the development and survival of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on artificial diet and natural hosts
Q41987747Role of plant volatiles and hetero-specific pheromone components in the wind tunnel response of male Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to modified sex pheromone blends
Q34179129Roles of mating behavioural interactions and life history traits in the competition between alien and indigenous whiteflies
Q125933594Rubidium marking of the rice pests Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) and Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) for field dispersal studies
Q46547862Salicylic acid is required for Mi-1-mediated resistance of tomato to whitefly Bemisia tabaci, but not for basal defense to this insect pest.
Q35054491Salivary proteins of plant-feeding hemipteroids - implication in phytophagy
Q115164907Sampling Mononychellus tanajoa (Acari: Tetranychidae) on cassava in Africa
Q38566159Sampling strategies for phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Europe.
Q52694673Sandfly control with DDT residual spray; field experiments in Palestine.
Q52752217Saproxylic community, guild and species responses to varying pheromone components of a pine bark beetle.
Q56096758Sarcophaga froggatti, sp. n.—a new sheep-maggot fly
Q126149649Sawfly life history adaptations to woody plants. Edited by Michael Wagner and Kenneth F. Raffia. (London: Academic Press Inc., 1993). xx+581 pp. Hard cover £65.00. ISBN 0-12-730030-9.
Q74188891Science is under increasing public scrutiny
Q51188147Screening of entomopathogenic nematodes for virulence against the invasive western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Europe.
Q58101607Screening of reference genes using real-time quantitative PCR for gene expression studies in Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
Q38897840Seasonal abundance and diurnal variations in activity of some Stomoxys and Tabanidae in Uganda
Q51693295Seasonal abundance and reproductive output of the dung flies Neomyia cornicina and N. viridescens (Diptera: Muscidae).
Q42055716Seasonal abundance of the parasitoid complex associated with the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) in Hangzhou, China
Q51111106Seasonal and annual genotypic variation and the effect of climate on population genetic structure of the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae in northern France.
Q38897674Seasonal and diurnal variations in physiological age and trypanosome infection rate of females of Glossina pallidipes Aust., G. palpalis fuscipes Newst. and G. brevipalpis Newst
Q115563455Seasonal and weather factors influencing the annual flight cycle of Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and its predator Teretriosoma nigrescens (Coleoptera: Histeridae) in Benin
Q115165034Seasonal changes in secondary compounds in the phloem sap of cassava in relation to plant genotype and infestation by Phenacoccus manihoti (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae)
Q39013326Seasonal migration of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) over the Bohai Sea in northern China.
Q42032528Seasonal mortality factors of the coffee leafminer, Leucoptera coffeella
Q39843980Seasonal phenology and abundance of Leucopis argenticollis, Leucopis piniperda (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), Laricobius nigrinus (Coleoptera: Deridontidae) and Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) in the Pacific Northwest USA.
Q52674033Seasonal phenology of Bactrocera minax (Diptera: Tephritidae) in western Bhutan.
Q57320290Seasonal population dynamics of the immature stages of Aedes africanus (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Zika Forest, Uganda
Q43832992Seasonal progression of sex ratio and phytoplasma infection in Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae).
Q46823074Seasonal trends, sampling plans and parasitoid complex of the Chinese wax scale, Ceroplastes sinensis Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Coccidae), in Mediterranean citrus groves.
Q38971968Seasonal variation in the effectiveness of the leaf-feeding beetle Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and stem-galling moth Epiblema strenuana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) as biocontrol agents on the weed Parthenium hysterophorus (Aster
Q44195706Seasonal variation of natural mortality factors of the guava psyllid Triozoida limbata
Q103836045Second Note on the Coccidae of Palestine
Q40186100Seed treatments with thiamine reduce the performance of generalist and specialist aphids on crop plants
Q52645891Seedling and adult plant resistance to Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Triticum monococcum (Poaceae), an ancestor of wheat.
Q130155752Selecting native perennial plants for ecological intensification in Mediterranean greenhouse horticulture – CORRIGENDUM
Q46249330Selecting native perennial plants for ecological intensification in Mediterranean greenhouse horticulture.
Q33263058Selecting the right statistical model for analysis of insect count data by using information theoretic measures.
Q52849553Selection by mating competitiveness improves the performance of Anastrepha ludens males of the genetic sexing strain Tapachula-7.
Q38880916Selection of assessment methods for evaluating banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) damage on highland cooking banana (Musa spp., genome group AAA-EA).
Q114171454Selection of models to describe the temperature-dependent development of Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and its application to predict the species voltinism under future climate conditions
Q88617530Selective flowers to attract and enhance Telenomus laeviceps (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae): a released biocontrol agent of Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Q42035519Sequential sampling protocols for Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on Zea mays fields: influence of sampling unit size.
Q115563483Serological identification of the predators of the complex of Simulium damnosum Theobald (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the Ivory Coast
Q103835276Seven new Species of Braconidae
Q99974266Sex Ratios and the Status of the Male in Pseudococcinae (Hem. Coccidae)
Q43506221Sex pheromones of Callosobruchus subinnotatus and C. maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae): congeneric responses and role of air movement
Q33355686Sex ratio and female sexual status of the coconut pest, Oryctes monoceros (Coleoptera: Dynastidae), differ in feeding galleries and pheromone-baited traps
Q52606342Sex ratio in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in relation to host size.
Q52561177Sex ratios of Sitodiplosis mosellana (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): implications for pest management in wheat (Poaceae).
Q123331347Sex separation of tsetse fly pupae using near-infrared spectroscopy
Q52658208Sex separation of tsetse fly pupae using near-infrared spectroscopy.
Q40779008Sex-biased response in activity to light sources with different spectral composition in geometrid moths with flightless females (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).
Q96228336Sex-specific response to delayed and repeated mating in spider mite Tetranychus urticae
Q51065710Sexual activity diminishes male virility in two Coccinella species: consequences for female fertility and progeny development.
Q38798605Sexual communication in day-flying Lepidoptera with special reference to castniids or 'butterfly-moths'.
Q52730700Sexual maturation and aging of adult male mealybug (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
Q41510030Sexual selection drives the evolution of limb regeneration in Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).
Q92695633Shifted phenology in the pine processionary moth affects the outcome of tree-insect interaction
Q42028402Shifting body weight-fecundity relationship in a capital breeder: maternal effects on egg numbers of the autumnal moth under field conditions
Q46255864Short-distance dispersal of Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) females (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytidae) during the coffee tree fruiting period
Q110683095Short-range attraction and oviposition stimulant of a biocontrol agent, Galerucella placida Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) toward weed leaf surface waxes
Q39582202Significance of the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata (hymenoptera: formicidae) as part of the natural enemy complex responsible for successful biological control of many tropical irrigated rice pests
Q42008831Silencing of cytochrome P450 CYP6B6 gene of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) by RNAi
Q42024045Silicon enhances natural enemy attraction and biological control through induced plant defences.
Q91779496Silicon is an inducible and effective herbivore defence against Helicoverpa punctigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean
Q56927714Silicon-mediated and constitutive resistance to Rhopalosiphum maidis (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in corn hybrids
Q42001566Similar worldwide patterns in the sex pheromone signal and response in the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q39981231Slow and fast development in two aphidophagous ladybirds on scarce and abundant prey supply
Q104119234Smicronyx species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), economically important seed predators of witchweeds (Striga spp.) (Scrophulariaceae) in sub-Saharan Africa
Q90324736Soil drenching with entomopathogenic fungi for control of the soil-dwelling life stages and adults of the same generation of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Q123308472Solitarization in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q99962361Some Australian Species of Calliphora (Subgenera Neopollenia and Proekon)
Q56287189Some Calliphoridae (Dipt.) from the South Pacific Islands and Australia
Q56096781Some Ceylon Coccidae
Q99654701Some Coccidae collected by Dr. J. G. Myers in New Zealand
Q103834948Some Coccidae from Eastern Asia
Q113858095Some Ecological Factors involved in the Dispersal of Mosquitos in Queensland
Q56096773Some Injurious Indian Weevils (Curculionidae)
Q99973957Some Insects associated with Cotton in Papua and the Mandated Territory of New Guinea
Q56096801Some Insects injurious to Cacao plants in the Belgian Congo
Q56096902Some New Injurious Phytophaga from Africa
Q54643302Some New Injurious Weevils
Q56096805Some New Species of Tachinidae from India
Q103835785Some Siamese Tabanidae
Q103836164Some Tachinidae (Dipt.) of Economic Importance from the Federated Malay States
Q103836307Some Termites from Ceylon
Q46898260Some aspects of insecticidal and biological control of the woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hsm.) in Rhodesia
Q51234993Some aspects of the ecology of the tick, Ixodes ricinus, L., in Wales.
Q80266404Some difficulties in determining by means of field samples the true value of parasitic control
Q54635616Some effects of three species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in south-western Australia on the survival of the bush fly, Musca vetustissima Walker (Diptera: Muscidae), in dung pads
Q123300333Some factors affecting eclosion ofGlossina morsitansWestw. from pupae
Q52686642Some further isolated generations of tsetse flies.
Q56096824Some further observations on the Scale Insects (Coccidæ) of the Uganda Protectorate
Q54553631Some important Species of the Genus Cryptophlebia Walsingham, 1899, with Descriptions of three new Species (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae)
Q56096846Some injurious Indian weevils (Curculionidae)—II
Q56096868Some injurious South African Weevils
Q103842012Some new Coccid-eating Gall Midges (Cecidomyidae)
Q56096731Some new West African species of Anopheles (sensu lato), with notes on nomenclature
Q52694670Some new and imperfectly known gall midges (Itonididae: Diptera) from India.
Q103836295Some new injurious Phytophaga from Somaliland and Uganda
Q103841257Some new injurious Phytophaga from South Africa
Q99973014Some new oriental shoot-flies (Diptera: Muscidae, genus Atherigona) of actual or suspected economic importance
Q114374226Some observations on Aedes (Aedimorphus) dentatus (Theo.) (Dipt., Culicidae) in Kenya
Q52694669Some observations on the hunger-cycle of the tsetse-flies Clossina swynnertoni and G. pallidipes (Diptera) in the field.
Q122183359Some parasites of Segestes decoratus Redtenbacher (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and their possible use in the biological control of tettigoniid pests of coconuts in papua new guinea
Q103835806Some reared Parasitic Hymenoptera from the Sudan
Q63405756Some species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera, Muscidae) from northern Nigeria, with special reference to those injurious to cereal crops
Q40048141Source of Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret planthopper (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) in southern France and potential effects of landscape
Q38886633Sources of semiochemicals mediating host finding in Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).
Q48539814Sources of variation in the interaction between three cereal aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and wheat (Poaceae).
Q43747729Spatial and non-spatial analyses of insect counts in bulk-stored barley
Q43945629Spatial and temporal distribution of Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in two Tanzanian villages: implication for designing mosquito sampling routines
Q52755425Spatial and temporal distribution of Tabanidae in the Pyrenees Mountains: the influence of altitude and landscape structure.
Q52589076Spatial and temporal distribution of tsetse fly trap catches at Nguruman, southwest Kenya.
Q38635257Spatial and temporal distribution, environmental drivers and community structure of mosquitoes in the Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand
Q51697512Spatial and temporal patterns of carabid activity-density in cereals do not explain levels of predation on weed seeds.
Q57229270Spatial and temporal population patterns of Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae and Encyrtidae) caught on yellow sticky traps in citrus
Q51612509Spatial clustering and associations of two savannah tsetse species, Glossina morsitans submorsitans and Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae), for guiding interventions in an adaptive cattle health management framework.
Q44158910Spatial clustering and longitudinal variation of Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae in a river of the Amazon: the importance of the forest fringe and of obstructions to flow in frontier malaria.
Q40044835Spatial distribution of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in relation to geo-ecological features in South Andaman, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Q57229277Spatial distribution of Scirtothrips aurantii Faure (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and threshold level for one per cent. damage on citrus fruit based on trapping with fluorescent yellow sticky traps
Q44458456Spatio-temporal distribution and emergence of beetles in arable fields in relation to soil moisture
Q57053035Spatiotemporal expression profiling of the farnesyl diphosphate synthase genes in aphids and analysis of their associations with the biosynthesis of alarm pheromone
Q83216467Spatiotemporal within-plant distribution of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae and associated specialist and generalist predators
Q50496021Species and sexual differences in behavioural responses of a specialist and generalist parasitoid species to host-related volatiles.
Q44168583Species composition and abundance of mosquito larvae in relation with their habitat characteristics in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran.
Q113184467Species composition and cyclical changes in numbers of savanna blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) caught by suction traps in the Onchocerciasis Control Programme area of West Africa
Q92994560Species composition, diversity, and the abundance of arthropods inhabiting burrows of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus L.).
Q115436361Species diversity and abundance of Dacus (Diptera: Tephritidae) in five ecosystems of Penang, West Malaysia
Q104115236Species of Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitizing lepidopterous cereal stem borers in Africa
Q104050788Species recognition in Cicadulina leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), vectors of pathogens of Gramineae
Q64137681Species-specific aggregation pheromones contribute to coexistence in two closely related thrips species
Q44847478Specificity of accumulation and transmission of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in two genera, Frankliniella and Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Q99617449Spodophagus, a new genus of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera), for an important parasite of Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Madagascar
Q39442344Spread and global population structure of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and its larval parasitoids Diadegma semiclausum and Diadegma fenestrale (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) based on mtDNA.
Q44164106Stability of nano-sized permethrin in its colloidal state and its effect on the physiological and biochemical profile of Culex tritaeniorhynchus larvae
Q80716672Stability of spinosad resistance in Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) under laboratory conditions
Q33927356Stabling and the protection of horses from Culicoides bolitinos (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), a recently identified vector of African horse sickness
Q114344352Stably inherited transfer of the bacterial symbiont Candidatus Erwinia dacicola from wild olive fruit flies Bactrocera oleae to a laboratory strain
Q52648787Staphylinidae and Carabidae overwintering in wheat and sown wildflower areas of different age.
Q40209982Statistical models to evaluate invertebrate-plant trophic interactions in arable systems.
Q104051421Status and taxonomy of the Trioza (Bactericera) nigricornis Förster complex (Hemiptera: Triozidae)
Q38882397Status of Eldana saccharina (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), its host plants and natural enemies in Ethiopia.
Q84804842Sterility and the mated status test in tepa-treated male sheep blow-flies, Lucilia sericata (Mg.) (Dipt., Calliphoridae)
Q114171447Sterility of Cydia pomonella by X ray irradiation as an alternative to gamma radiation for the sterile insect technique
Q104051677Sticholotis chittagongi sp.n. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a predator on aphids on Ziziphus in Bangladesh
Q104207231Stimulation of oogenesis by proteinaceous adult diets for screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Q43048031Stimuli involved in the attraction of Aedes aegypti, L., to man.
Q42027025Strong cytoplasmic incompatibility and high vertical transmission rate can explain the high frequencies of Wolbachia infection in Japanese populations of Colias erate poliographus (Lepidoptera: Pieridae).
Q52666063Structure of worldwide populations of Lasioderma serricorne (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) as revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism profiles.
Q104027358Studies On The biology and systematic position of a new species of ichneumonid parasitising the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in Australia
Q99975421Studies in African Tachinidae (Diptera)
Q103835971Studies in African Tachinidae (Diptera). III
Q103843660Studies in Siricidae, especially of Europe and southern Asia (Hymenoptera, Symphyta)
Q113284626Studies of Toxicity Of 3:5 Dinitro-ortho-cresol and its Sodium Salt to the Honey Bee
Q56853393Studies of the Biting-habits of African Mosquitos. An Appraisal of Methods employed, with special Reference to the twenty-four-hour Catch
Q123012201Studies of the mortality of Locusta migratoria (L.) treated with a polyhedrosis virus from the grasshopper Caledia captiva(F.) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q44143612Studies on Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles melas in and around Lagos.
Q56671852Studies on Beetles of the Family Ptinidae. VI.—The Biology of Ptinus fur (L.) and P. sexpunctatus Panzer
Q44139336Studies on West African forest mosquitoes; the seasonal distribution, biting cycle and vertical distribution of four of the principal species
Q44162049Studies on West African forest mosquitos; the less commonly occurring species.
Q38897616Studies on age and trypanosome infection rate in females of Glossina pallidipes Aust., G. palpalis fuscipes Newst. and G. brevipalpis Newst. in Uganda
Q39570289Studies on effects of sublethal doses of p,p'DDT on oogenesis in the house-fly (Musca domestica L.) and on possible causes of abnormal oogenesis
Q115563450Studies on egg predation by ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) especially on the eucalyptus borer Phoracantha semipunctata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Portugal
Q113184474Studies on insecticide-impregnated targets for the control of riverine Glossina spp. (Diptera: Glossinidae) in the sub-humid savanna zone of Nigeria
Q123159976Studies on some of the physical and biological factors affecting the abundance of the Aedes simpsoni (Diptera: Culicidae) complex-larvae and pupae in plant axils
Q113858087Studies on the Bionomics of Aëdes aegypti (L.) in its Natural Habitats in a Coastal Region of Kenya
Q122216609Studies on the Sex pheromone of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in India
Q44162053Studies on the action of DDT on anopheline mosquitos and house-flies
Q44139393Studies on the attractiveness of human populations to anophelines
Q44143355Studies on the behaviour of adult Australasian anophelines.
Q44101712Studies on the behaviour of peridomestic and endophagic M form Anopheles gambiae from a rice growing area of Ghana
Q104027394Studies on the biology and taxonomy of some Chilocorus spp. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) preying on Aulacaspis spp. (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in East Africa, with the description of a new species
Q129168012Studies on the biology, ecology and economic importance of the sugar-cane scale insect, Aulacaspis tegalensis (Zhnt.) (Diaspididae), in Mauritius
Q56830663Studies on the ecology and biology of a cocoa pollinator, Forcipomyia squamipennis I. & M. (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae), in Ghana
Q112264587Studies on the effect of ground vegetation on infestations of Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Col., Dynastidae) in young oil palm replantings in Malaysia
Q84804810Studies on the effect of the nutrient status of sugar-cane on the fecundity of Saccharosydne saccharivora (Westw.) (Hom., Delphacidae)
Q115563481Studies on the natural predators of Culex pipiens L. and C. torrentium Martini (Diptera: Culicidae) in England
Q114374163Studies on the responses of the femaleAedes Mosquito. X.—Comparison of oestrogens and amino acids as attractants
Q114374168Studies on the responses of the femaleAedesmosquito. IX.—The mode of attractiveness of lysine and other amino-acids
Q52651472Studies on the toxicity of insecticide films; effect of relative humidity on the toxicity of films.
Q52687312Studies on the toxicity of insecticide films; effect of temperature on the toxicity of DDT films.
Q52687077Studies on the toxicity of insecticide films; preliminary investigations on concentration-time-mortality relation.
Q122200977Studies on the water relations of adult locusts (orthoptera, acrididae). I. Respiration and the production of metabolic water
Q44165279Studies on water movement and dispersion of mosquito larvae, with special reference to control in rice fields
Q52687212Studies on wheat bulb fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata Fall; survey of infestation in Yorkshire.
Q39634956Study of the flying ability of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) adults using a computer-monitored flight mill
Q39625413Study on mating ecology and sex ratio of three internally ovipositing fig wasps of Ficus curtipes
Q39290760Sublethal effects of imidacloprid on the fecundity, longevity, and enzyme activity of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus).
Q33866552Successful development of microsatellite markers in a challenging species: the horizontal borer Austroplatypus incompertus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q42053898Successful in vitro rearing of Trichogramma australicum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on artificial diet containing cultured insect cells
Q79486069Successful methods of trapping Trombicula (Acarina) with notes on rearing T. deliensis, Walch
Q44289934Suction sampling as a significant source of error in molecular analysis of predator diets
Q42043602Sugarcane moth borers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae and Pyraloidea): phylogenetics constructed using COII and 16S mitochondrial partial gene sequences.
Q114117596Suitability of monotypic and mixed diets for development, population growth and predation capacity of Typhlodromus bagdasarjani (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
Q46268736Suitability of multiple Mediterranean oak species as a food resource for Reticulitermes grassei Clément (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Q44138648Suitability of two carbon dioxide-baited traps for mosquito surveillance in the United Kingdom
Q45222658Suitability of two root-mining weevils for the biological control of scentless chamomile, Tripleurospermum perforatum, with special regard to potential non-target effects
Q104053473Sukunahikona Popei sp.n. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on scale insects (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) infesting coconut palm in Gujarat, India
Q47419140Sulfur fertilization increases defense metabolites and nitrogen but decreases plant resistance against a host-specific insect
Q52707018Sulfur volatiles from Allium spp. affect Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), response to citrus volatiles.
Q54588234Summer diapause in Chrysolina hyperici and C. quadrigemina (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in relation to biological control of St John's wort, Hypericum perforatum (Clusiaceae)
Q48539784Supercooling points and diapause termination in overwintering adults of orchard bees Osmia cornuta and O. rufa (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae).
Q45884969Superinfection of five Wolbachia in the alnus ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) (Coleoptera: Curuculionidae).
Q51426541Superparasitism in laboratory rearing of Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitoid of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q52680107Supplemental food affects thrips predation and movement of Orius laevigatus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae).
Q90144303Supplementation of natural prey with pollen grains exerts an influence on the life table parameters of Neoseiulus californicus
Q52606346Survey of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotypes in Italy with the description of a new biotype (T) from Euphorbia characias.
Q44977530Survey of Neodohrniphora spp. (Diptera: Phoridae) at colonies of Atta sexdens rubropilosa (FOREL) and specificity of attack behaviour in relation to their hosts
Q52693189Survey of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in a managed silvicultural plantation in Portugal, using a line-intersection method (LIS).
Q42030173Survey of the native insect natural enemies of Hyphantria cunea (Drury) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in China
Q52880870Survival ability of Mexican fruit fly males from different strains in presence of the predatory orb-weaving spider Argiope argentata (Araneae: Araneidae).
Q52700121Survival analysis approach to insect life table analysis and hypothesis testing: with particular reference to Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko)) populations.
Q51822881Survival and behavioural responses of the predatory ladybird beetle, Eriopis connexa populations susceptible and resistant to a pyrethroid insecticide.
Q38980603Survival and development of different life stages of Bactrocera zonata (Diptera: Tephritidae) reared at five constant temperatures compared to other fruit fly species
Q41448302Survival and development of different life stages of three Ceratitis spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) reared at five constant temperatures
Q56336626Survival and infection probabilities of anthropophagic anophelines from an area of high prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum in humans
Q114117617Survival and predation rate of wild-caught and commercially produced Orius majusculus (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)
Q52507019Survival and reproduction of Glossina morsitans Westw. in different types of cages exposed to variable and constant climatic conditions
Q39409678Survival and reproduction of Onthophagus landolti (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) exposed to ivermectin residues in cattle dung
Q115563479Survival of some aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) predators with special reference to their parasites in England
Q92353420Survival physiology and sex ratio of the Chinese white pine beetle Dendroctonus armandi (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) during host colonization and overwintering
Q35849135Surviving a flood: effects of inundation period, temperature and embryonic development stage in locust eggs
Q39921120Susceptibility and possible resistance mechanisms in the palm species Phoenix dactylifera, Chamaerops humilis and Washingtonia filifera against Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q42034890Susceptibility of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) developmental stages to high temperatures used during structural heat treatments
Q101162239Susceptibility of different developmental stages of Trichogramma parasitoids to insecticides commonly used in the Mediterranean olive agroecosystem
Q44671699Synergy between chemical and biological control in the IPM of currant-lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri) in Canterbury, New Zealand.
Q30984051Synonymy between two spider mite species, Tetranychus kanzawai and T. hydrangeae (Acari: Tetranychidae), shown by ribosomal ITS2 sequences and cross-breeding experiments.
Q103938710Systematic studies on Eulophid parasites (Hym., Chalcidoidea), mostly of coffee leaf-miners in Africa
Q104025671Systematic studies on Eulophidae of economic significance (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)
Q33615456Systematics and molecular phylogeny of two African stem borer genera, Sciomesa Tams & Bowden and Carelis Bowden (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q112036706TAXAKEY of aphids on the world's crops. By R.L. Blackman, V.F. Eastop and G.G. Kibby (Wallingford, CAB International and London, The Natural History Museum, 1997). CD-ROM £90.00. ISBN 0 85199 172 6.
Q103836276Tabanidae of the Samoan Islands
Q104050933Tamarixia leucaenae sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) parasitic on the leucaena psyllid Heteropsylla cubana Crawford (Hemiptera) in Trinidad
Q104053544Tanaostigmodes cajaninae LaSalle sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Tanaostigmatidae), a potential pest of pigeon pea in India
Q94918456Targeted outdoor residual spraying, autodissemination devices and their combination against Aedes mosquitoes: field implementation in a Malaysian urban setting
Q99348806Targeted outdoor residual spraying, autodissemination devices and their combination against Aedes mosquitoes: field implementation in a Malaysian urban setting - ERRATUM
Q103841236Taxonomic Notes on the Coffee Mealybugs of Kenya Colony
Q52744076Taxonomic identification of Macrolophus pygmaeus and Macrolophus melanotoma based on morphometry and molecular markers.
Q104027211Taxonomic notes on a collection of Fulgoroidea from tea in southern India
Q104115656Taxonomic problems in the Aphanogmus hakonensis species complex; (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae) common hyperparasitoids in biocontrol programmes against lepidopterous pests in the tropics
Q100722076Taxonomic study of chalcidoid wasps (Hymenoptera) associated with gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on mango trees
Q104117724Taxonomy of AfricanEurystylus(Heteroptera: Miridae), with a review of their status as pests of sorghum
Q104114457Taxonomy of the Telenomus busseolae species-complex (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) egg parasitoids of cereal stem borers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Pyralidae)
Q54659996Taxonomy of the long brown scale Coccus longulus (Douglas), stat. n. (Homoptera: Coccidae)
Q38839107Tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis, chooses suitable host plants by detecting the emission level of (3Z)-hexenyl acetate
Q30887401Techniques for dissecting adult aleocharine beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).
Q104051476Telenomus species (Hymenopetra: Scelionidae) attacking eggs of pyralid pests (Lepidoptera) in Africa: a review and guide to identification
Q113184473Temephos resistance in Simulium damnosum Theobald (Diptera: Simuliidae): a comparative study between larvae and adults of the forest and savanna strains of this species complex
Q42051482Temperature and food quality effects on growth, consumption and post-ingestive utilization efficiencies of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae).
Q58849987Temperature preference in Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
Q38458711Temperature tolerance of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in tropical and temperate regions of Asia
Q120373439Temperature-based phenology model for predicting the present and future establishment and distribution of recently invasiveSpodoptera frugiperda(J. E. Smith) in India
Q92788521Temperature-dependent development and survival of immature stages of the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Q39308700Temperature-dependent development of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its larval parasitoid, Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): implications for species interactions
Q89746529Temperature-dependent development, survival and reproduction of Apanteles hemara (Nixon) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on Spoladea recurvalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
Q113858070Temperature-dependent population dynamics for Aedes aegypti in outdoor, indoor, and enclosed habitats: a mathematical model for five North American cities
Q42031347Temperature-related fitness costs of resistance to spinosad in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutelidae).
Q51708150Temporal and spatial incidence of alleles conferring knockdown resistance to pyrethroids in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and their association with other insecticide resistance mechanisms.
Q50018959Temporal changes in arthropod activity in tropical anthropogenic forests.
Q33318720Temporal coexistence of dung-dweller and soil-digger dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) in contrasting Mediterranean habitats
Q52685399Temporal detection of Cry1Ab-endotoxins in coccinellid predators from fields of Bacillus thuringiensis corn.
Q52596394Temporal variation of RAPD-PCR phenotype composition of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on wheat: the role of hydroxamic acids.
Q56096753Ten new African Haematopota
Q52605141Tendency for upwind movement in the sibling fruit fly species, Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis and their hybrids (Diptera: Tephritidae): influence of time of day, sex and airborne pheromone
Q34609995Tent caterpillars are robust to variation in leaf phenology and quality in two thermal environments
Q92927209Tephritidae bacterial symbionts: potentials for pest management
Q89635715Tephritidae fruit fly gut microbiome diversity, function and potential for applications
Q112264595Teratological effects of the virus Rhabdionvirus oryctes on Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Coleoptera, Dynastidae)
Q47355737Termite colony ontogeny: a long-term assessment of reproductive lifespan, caste ratios and colony size in Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Q31113664Termite colony ontogeny: supplemental data in the long-term assessment of reproductive lifespan, female neotenic production and colony size in Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Q90880844Testing mate recognition through reciprocal crosses of two native populations of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in Australia
Q90984746Testing the Enemy Release Hypothesis on tall-statured grasses in South Africa, using Arundo donax, Phragmites australis, and Phragmites mauritianus as models
Q114374222Tests of pyrethroid vaporising mats against Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q52710745Tests on Clothing impregnated with DDT as an anti-louse Measure
Q52581838Tethered flight activity of Nephotettix virescens (Hemiptera: cicadellidae) in the Philippines.
Q99966150The African Species of Metaphycus, Mercet.
Q104026029The African and Asiatic species of Trichospilus and Cotterellia (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae)
Q103937678The African and Malagasian species of Nephotettix Matsumura (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea)
Q99968191The Agricultural Pests of the Southern Provinces, Nigeria
Q44139331The Anopheles Tambunan, North Borneo.
Q103867726The Anopheles hyrcanus Group in South-East Asia (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q30887012The Anopheles maculipennis complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iran: molecular characterization and recognition of a new species
Q56829771The Anopheles maculipennis complex (Diptera: Culicidae): comparison of the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles determined in adults of five Palaearctic species
Q99974469The Australian Species of the Genus Phlebotomus
Q114374177The Behaviour of Larvae and Pupae of Aedes Aegypti (L.) in Light and Temperature Gradients
Q29030092The Biology and Control of Asterolecanium coffeae, Newst., the Fringed Scale of Coffee, in Kenya Colony
Q57095024The Biology and external Morphology of the Larvae of Epilachninae (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)
Q54650795The Biology of Nausibius clavicornis (KUG.) (Col., Cucujidae)
Q99968200The Biology of the Coconut Pest Melittomma insulare (Col., Lymexylonidae), and its Control in the Seychelles
Q56096762The Bionomics of some Malayan Anophelines
Q96133495The Black Parlatoria Scale, Parlatoria ziziphi (Lucas, 1853) (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae): a guide to field identification
Q127774564The Breeding Media of some common Flies
Q103836099The British Gall Midges of Peas
Q99656539The Chalcidoid Parasites of Lac-Insects
Q99962499The Chondrilla gall midge, Cystiphora schmidti (Rübsaamen) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae). II. biology and host specificity
Q99962505The Chondrilla gall midge, Cystiphora schmidti (Rübsaamen) comb. n. (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae). I. Taxonomy and description
Q56096812The Coccidae of South Africa-II
Q56096865The Coccidae of South Africa–iv.
Q56096822The Coccidae of South Africa—III
Q56096870The Coccidae of South Africa—V.
Q126176242The Collection Of the Cactus Weevil, Cactophagus spinolae (Gylh.), in Mexico and its Dispatch to South Africa
Q99753272The Congo Floor Maggot, Auchmeromyia luteola (F.), in a Laboratory Culture
Q124817689The Control of Glossina palpalis fuscipes Newstead in Kenya Colony
Q99974265The Control of Crematogaster Ants as a Means of controlling the Mealybugs transmitting the Swollen-shoot Virus Disease of Cacao in the Gold Coast
Q58852291The Control of Trypanosomiasis by entomological Means
Q99966622The Delphacid species-complex known as Sogata Furcifera (Horváth) (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea)
Q99967917The Distribution of the Storage Species of Cryptolestes (Col., Cucujidae)
Q113858091The Ecological Distribution of some South American Grass and Sugar-cane Borers (Diatraea spp., Lep., Pyralidae)
Q113858114The Effect upon Glossina of changing the Climate in the true Habitat by partial Clearing of Vegetation
Q56814459The Entomology of Swollen Shoot of Cacao. II.—The Bionomics and Ecology of the Species involved
Q99962858The Fig Wax Scale (Ceroplastes rusci, L.) in Palestine
Q103841729The Gall Midges attacking the Seed-heads of Cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata, L
Q103867719The Gall Midges of St. John's Wort (Hypericum spp.), with Descriptions of two new Species
Q114374178The Genus Musa Linn. and its Role in the Breeding of Aedes (Stegomyia) simpsoni (Theo.) on the Kenya Coast
Q103842018The Genus Tachardina (Lacciferidae, Coccidae) in Southern Africa
Q113858076The Growth-Changes and Structure of the Egg of the African Migratory Locust,Locusta migratoria migratorioides, R. & F. (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q99954227The Hibernation of Myzus persicae, Sulzer, and some related Species, including a new One (Hemipt. Aphidae)
Q103841177The Holly Leaf-miner (Phytomyza ilicis, Curt.) and its Parasites
Q99640035The Identity of Some East African Species of Saissetia (Homoptera, Coccidae)
Q103841778The Indian Species of Calandra, F. (Col. Curcul.)
Q113858103The Influence of Drought on the Survival of Eggs of Austroicetes cruciata, Sauss. (Orthoptera) in South Australia
Q52711343The Influence of certain biological Factors on the Resistance of Bed-bugs (Cimex lectularius, L.) to DDT
Q122270964The Inherited Basis of Variation in the Hatching-response of Aëdes Eggs (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q111493928The Initial Stage of Migration in Salt-marsh Mosquitos
Q56269492The Insect Parasites of the Spruce Sawfly ( Diprion polytomum, Htg.) in Europe
Q99963304The Introduction of Megarhinus Mosquitos into Fiji
Q123290120The Larvae and Pupae of some important Lepidoptera
Q99967546The Larvae of the Lepidoptera associated with stored Products
Q54555817The Lathridiidae of economic Importance
Q42083857The Leucoptera leaf miners of coffee on Kilimanjaro; Leucoptera coffeella, Guér.
Q99974537The Life-history of Tectacoris lineola, F., and its Connection with Internal Boll Rots in Queensland
Q56454877The Life-history of the Australian Moth-lacewing, Ithone fusca, Newman (Order Neuroptera Planipennia)
Q56853392The Mosquito Fauna and Climate of native Huts at Kisumu, Kenya
Q103870653The Mosquitoes of Bwamba County, Uganda VIII.—Records of Occurrence, Behaviour and Habitat
Q38899798The Mosquitoes of Bwamba County, Uganda. III.—The vertical Distribution of Mosquitoes in a Banana Plantation and the biting Cycle of Aëdes (Stegohyia) simpsoni, Theo
Q38899734The Mosquitoes of Bwamba County, Uganda; mosquito breeding in plant axils.
Q103870735The Mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) of the Seychelles
Q41090853The Mosquitos of the Kaimosi Forest, Kenya Colony, with special Reference to Yellow Fever
Q113858088The Mosquitos of the Kenya Coast; Records of Occurrence, Behaviour and Habitat
Q56096830The Myzorhynchus group of Anopheline mosquitos in Malaya
Q56830667The Oriental Migratory Locust ( Locusta migratoria manilensis, Meyen 1835)
Q99972891The Oriental species of Helopeltis (Heteroptera: Miridae): a review of economic literature and guide to identification
Q104117897The Palaearctic species of Eurytoma (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) developing in stone fruits (Rosaceae: Prunoideae)
Q56096729The Papataci Flies (Phlebotomus) of the Maltese Islands
Q115563465The Parasites and Predators Of Potato Aphids
Q103841165The Parasites of the Coffee Leaf-Miners (Leucoptera spp.) in Africa
Q56096871The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, and 1907-1909, Under Mr.J.Stanley Gardiner, 52M.A.
Q99966940The Pink Bollworm of Queensland
Q121617637The Productivity of various Mosquito Breeding Places in the Swamps of Uganda
Q54555204The Ptinidae of Economic Importance
Q99962360The Queensland Species of Calliphora subgenus Neopollenia
Q113858122The Reactions of the Desert Locust,Schistocerca gregaria(Forsk.), (Orthoptera, Acrididae) to Physical Factors, with special Reference to Relative Humidity
Q113858079The Reproduction of the Red Locust, Nomadacris septemfasciata (Serv.) (Orthoptera, Acrididae), in an Outbreak Area
Q99954143The Rice Root Aphid
Q103869068The Sandflies (Phlebotominae) of Iraq
Q52711347The Sandflies of Cyprus (Diptera)
Q104026166The Solana-group of Empoasca Walsh (Homoptera, Cicadelloidea): its generic status and a new species from pawpaw
Q54555795The Species of Carpophilus Stephens (Col. Nitidulidae) associated with Stored Products
Q99966281The Status of Introduced Coccids in South Africa in 1917
Q129167998The Sugar-cane Scale,Aulacaspis tegalensis, Zehnt
Q112044241The Torre-Bueno glossary of entomology. Complied by Stephen W. Nichols and Randall T. Schuh, (Managing Editor). New York: New York Entomological Society in cooperation with the American Museum of Natural History, 1989). xvii + 840pp. Hard cover $45.
Q114117637The Transmission of Bancroftial Filariasis on Ukara Island, Tanganyika. I.—A Geographical and Ecological Description of the Island with an annotated List of Mosquitos and other Arthropods of medical Importance
Q52793035The Use of adhesive Agents in DDT Sprays
Q114012406The Viburnum Aphis, Aphis (Doralis) viburni, Scop.
Q99974253The assessment of mealybugs (Pseudococcidae) and other Homoptera on mature cocoa trees in Ghana
Q48944664The attack of the clones: tracking the movement of insecticide-resistant peach-potato aphids Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q97542381The attractant, but not the trap design, affects the capture of Drosophila suzukii in berry crops
Q123181295The attraction of Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) to the weed Chromolaena odorata and associated feeding behaviour
Q113284623The behaviour and physiology of bees. Edited by L.J. Goodman and R.C. Fisher. (Wallingford: CAB International, 1991). xii + 362 pp. Hard cover £49.50. US$94 Americas only. ISBN 0-85198-721-4.
Q99962109The behaviour of the adult of Aphodius tasmaniae Hope (Col., Scarabaeidae) in South Australia.
Q113858085The biodiversity of micro organisms and invertebrates: its role in sustainable agriculture. Edited by D.L. Hawksworth. (Wallingford: CAB International, 1991). xxi, 302 pp.Hard cover £ 40.ISBN 0-85198-722-2
Q125057441The biology and control of the pine sawfly, Nesodiprion biremis (Konow) (Hymenoptera, Diprionidae), in northern Thailand
Q129168017The biology of Physcus seminotus Silv. and P. subflavus Annecke & Insley (Aphelinidae), parasites of the sugar-cane scale insect Aulacaspis tegalensis (Zhnt.) (Diaspididae)
Q61050985The biology of Anopheles claviger (Mg.) (Dipt., Culicidae) in southern England
Q99973684The biology of Bubas bison (L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in southern France and its potential for recycling dung in Australia
Q51658000The biology of Dactylopius tomentosus (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae).
Q42052352The biology of Diadromus collaris (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a pupal parasitoid of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), and its interactions with Oomyzus sokolowskii (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).
Q42055636The biology of Meteorus gyrator (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a solitary endoparasitoid of the tomato moth, Lacanobia oleracea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q52687207The biology of Quettania coeruleipennis Schwarzer (Coleoptera) in Baluchistan.
Q99974475The biology of the Psylloidea (Homoptera): a review
Q125983903The biology of the oak bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus (Ratzeburg) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), in southern England
Q52702320The biology of the parasites of Loxostege sticticalis, L., in North America; Bracon vulgaris (Cress.) (Braconidae, Agathinae).
Q43836562The bionomics of an invasive species Sitona lepidus during its establishment in New Zealand
Q55921610The bionomics of swift moths. I.—The ghost swift moth, Hepialus humuli (L.)
Q113036879The biosystematics of Syntretomorpha szaboi Papp (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Euphorinae) attacking the Oriental honey bee, Apis cerana Fabricius. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with a review of braconid parasitoids attacking bees
Q113858077The biting flies of the Kano Plains, Kenya: Part II. Larval habitats of common mosquito species (Dipt., Culicidae)
Q114374167The biting habits of Aedes (Skusea) pembaensis Theo. and some other mosquitos of Faza, Pate Island, East Africa
Q52507015The biting habits of some Jamaican Culicoides I. C. barbosai Wirth & Blanton
Q47355750The causes and processes of the mid-summer population crash of the potato aphids Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q34610719The cereal rust mite Abacarus hystrix (Acari: Eriophyoidea) is a complex of species: evidence from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences.
Q43934670The changing distribution of two riverine tsetse flies over 15 years in an increasingly cultivated area of Burkina Faso
Q34007758The character or the variation: the genetic analysis of the insecticide-resistance phenotype
Q43039594The chemical characterization of the epicuticular hydrocarbons of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q31127130The classification of genus Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae): a working hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships
Q52687203The climatology of blowfly myiasis; oviposition and daily weather indices.
Q52702656The climatology of blowfly myiasis; weather and oviposition.
Q103956044The coffee berry blister midge, Contarinia coffeae sp.n., a new pest from Uganda
Q52686632The common house-fly, Musca domestica, L., and its behaviour to temperature and humidity.
Q89421525The consumption pattern of 28 species of carabid beetles (Carabidae) to a weed seed, Viola arvensis
Q52749056The courtship song of fanning males in the fruit fly parasitoid Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q113394043The crepuscular biting Activity of Insects in the Forest Canopy in Bwamba, Uganda. A Study in Relation to the Sylvan Epidemiology of Yellow Fever
Q31119479The current and future potential geographical distribution of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q99962890The current distribution and geographical origin of the scale insect pest Ceroplastes sinensis (Hemiptera: Coccidae)
Q56829766The cuticular hydrocarbons of Phlebotomus argentipes (Diptera: Phlebotominae) from field populations in northern India and Sri Lanka, and their change with laboratory colonization
Q115563453The detection of predation by Abax parallelepipedus and Pterostichus madidus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on Mollusca using a quantitative Elisa
Q122243432The development and termination of the 1968 plague of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q82351428The development of a helicopter spraying machine
Q46990917The development of a multipurpose trap (the Nzi) for tsetse and other biting flies.
Q99973977The development of suppression tactics for Biprorulus bibax (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) as Part of an integrated pest management programme in citrus in inland South-eastern Australia
Q92994468The diagnostic utility of sequence-based assays for the molecular delimitation of the epidemiologically relevant Culex pipiens pipiens taxa (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q42994947The diel oviposition periodicity of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Trinidad, West Indies: effects of forced egg retention
Q113284620The dietary arachidonic acid improved growth and immunity of honey bee (Apis mellifera ligustica)
Q113036882The diminished incidence of Acarapis woodi (Rennie) (Acari: Tarsonemidae) in honey bees, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), in Britain
Q113184479The direction of flight of mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) near the ground in West African savanna in relation to wind direction, in the presence and absence of bait
Q114655064The dispersal and survival of laboratory-bred and native Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. (Diptera, Glossinidae) in the field
Q99962900The distribution of the mealybug genus Planococcus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Melanesia, Polynesia and Kiribati
Q30975741The diversity of beetle assemblages in different habitat types in Sabah, Malaysia
Q89619075The double-mutation(M918I + L1014F)kdr allele is fixed in Cimex hemipterus populations in Guangxi, China
Q44162038The duration of the aquatic stages of Anopheles minimus, theo., determined by a new method.
Q56096929The early Stages of West African Mosquitos.—VI
Q114374196The ecology of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) in a rubber estate in Malaysia
Q42034885The ecology of Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Riverina region of south-eastern Australia and the implications for tactical and strategic management
Q41744634The effect of Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and Adalia bipunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the spread of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) by Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q60401709The effect of Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on lucerne yields in New Zealand
Q47561063The effect of Tetraneura ulmi L. galling process on the activity of amino acid decarboxylases and the content of biogenic amines in Siberian elm tissues.
Q44143661The effect of area dosage, solution concentration and drop size of sprayed solutions and emulsions of DDT against mosquito larvae.
Q52664490The effect of bait design on bait consumption in termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Q44543224The effect of chrysanthemum leaf trichome density and prey spatial distribution on predation of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) by Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae).
Q113858092The effect of constitutive resistance in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and Scots pine (P. sylvestris) on oviposition by three pine feeding herbivores
Q72821079The effect of environment and host type on the rate of digestion in the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans Westw
Q44358836The effect of environmentally induced changes in the bark of young conifers on feeding behaviour and reproductive development of adult Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Q50510113The effect of host nutritional quality on multiple components of Trichogramma brassicae fitness.
Q60549337The effect of irradiation and mass rearing on the anti-predator behaviour of the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Q52797816The effect of mealybug Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni Tozzetti) infestation of different density on physiological responses of Phalaenopsis × hybridum 'Innocence'.
Q52703174The effect of medium on the toxicity of DDT to aphids.
Q45735417The effect of natural enemies on the spread of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) by Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q42039009The effect of nitrogen fertilizer application to maize and sorghum on the bionomics of Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and the performance of its larval parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
Q41027348The effect of rearing temperature on development, body size, energetics and fecundity of the diamondback moth.
Q50791366The effect of relatedness on the response of Adalia bipunctata L. to oviposition deterring cues.
Q54670630The effect of seasonal changes in cattle dung on egg production by two species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in south-western Australia
Q41997507The effect of silencing arginine kinase by RNAi on the larval development of Helicoverpa armigera
Q42037057The effect of temperature and humidity on the bionomics of six African egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).
Q99974690The effect of temperature and relative humidity on population growth of three Liposcelis species (Psocoptera: Liposcelidae) infesting stored products in tropical countries
Q43951188The effect of temperature and saturation deficit on mortality in populations of male Glossina m. morsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Zimbabwe and Tanzania
Q121225324The effect of temperature on development and hatching of the egg of Blepharidopterus angulatus (Fall.) (Heteroptera, Miridae)
Q31140727The effect of temperature on the development and reproduction of Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Q72625439The effect of temperature on the oxygen consumption of tsetse pupae
Q56873721The effect of the green ant, Oecophylla smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on insect pests of cashew trees in Australia
Q113184471The effect of ultra-low-volume aerial applications of endosulfan applied against Glossina (Diptera: Glossinidae) on populations of non-target organisms in savanna woodland in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
Q52735866The effect of using prebiotic and probiotic products on intestinal micro-flora of the honeybee (Apis mellifera carpatica).
Q46304652The effect of winter length on duration of dormancy and survival of specialized herbivorous Rhagoletis fruit flies from high elevation environments with acyclic climatic variability
Q46487381The effect of winter length on survival and duration of dormancy of four sympatric species of Rhagoletis exploiting plants with different fruiting phenology.
Q46606024The effect of within-crop habitat manipulations on the conservation biological control of aphids in field-grown lettuce
Q44506433The effective control by parasites of Schematiza cordiae, Barber, in Trinidad.
Q125338022The effectiveness of exclusion barriers for polyphagous predatory arthropods in wheat
Q42026403The effects of different prey regimes on the proteolytic digestion of nymphs of the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).
Q114171456The effects of food shortage upon larvae of Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Coleoptera, Anobiidae)
Q46915384The effects of host physiology on the attraction of tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) and Stomoxys (Diptera: Muscidae) to cattle
Q44143666The effects of house spraying with pyrethrum and with DDT on Anopheles gambiae and A. melas in West Africa.
Q115165132The effects of intercropping and mixed varieties of predators and parasitoids of cassava whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Colombia
Q42030696The effects of local selection versus dispersal on insecticide resistance patterns: longitudinal evidence from diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)) in Australia evolving resistance to pyrethroids
Q111819178The effects of natural enemies on the growth of Lantana in Brazil
Q122750933The effects of temperature and photoperiod on the induction of diapause in eggs of the Australian plague locust,Chortoicetes terminifera(Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q51689398The effects of temperature on detection of prey DNA in two species of carabid beetle.
Q50146265The effects of within stand disturbance in plantation forests indicate complex and contrasting responses among and within beetle families
Q57071013The efficiency of Amblyseius swirskii in control of Tetranychus urticae and Trialeurodes vaporariorum is affected by various factors
Q51543803The enemy hypothesis: correlates of gall morphology with parasitoid attack rates in two closely related rose cynipid galls.
Q52703296The eradication of Simulium neavei, Roubaud, from an onchocerciasis area in Kenya Colony.
Q44150830The excitant and repellent effects on mosquitos of sub-lethal contacts with DDT.
Q52694672The extermination of Glossina palpalis fuscipes, Newstead, by hand catching.
Q42024677The failure to discriminate: superparasitism of Trichoplusia ni Hübner by a generalist tachinid parasitoid
Q40093674The feasibility and efficacy of early-season releases of a generalist predator (Forficula auricularia L.) to control populations of the RAA (Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini) in Southeastern France
Q34380839The feeding apparatus of thrips
Q52686640The feeding of gammexane and DDT to bovines.
Q44226623The first account of the mating disruption technique for the control of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii Maskell (Homoptera: Diaspididae) using new biodegradable dispensers
Q46725414The flight activity and settling behaviour ofGlossina morsitansWestw. (Dipt., Muscidae) in laboratory experiments
Q22330878The flight activity of some East African mosquitos (Diptera, Culicidae). I. Studies on a high steel tower in Zika Forest, Uganda
Q104027831The flight of tsetse flies (Diptera : Glossinidae) to and from a stationary ox
Q115757289The form of Lutzomyia beltrani (vargas & Díaz Nájera) (Diptera, Psychodidae) in Belize, Central America
Q42999292The formulation of the essential oil of Piper aduncum Linnaeus (Piperales: Piperaceae) increases its efficacy as an insect repellent
Q43634352The functional and numerical responses of Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) parasitizing Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) eggs in the field
Q104027539The genera of Signiphoridae (Hymenoptera) with description of a new genus
Q42026276The genetic consequences of different dispersal behaviours in lycaenid butterfly species
Q104050137The genus Myndus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) in the solomon islands and Vanuatu and its relation to foliar decay of coconut palms in Vanuatu
Q31143772The great spruce bark beetle (Dendroctonus micans Kug.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Lithuania: occurrence, phenology, morphology and communities of associated fungi
Q99962861The green scales of coffee in Africa south of the Sahara (Homoptera, Coccidae).
Q111993022The guides to insects of importance to man. 3. Coleoptera. By R. G. Booth, M. L. Cox and R. B. Madge. (Wallingford, CAB International Institute of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, 1990). 384 pp. Soft cover £25.00. ISBN 0-85198-678-1. ISSN 095
Q44486968The habits and control of the red locust in outbreak areas and elsewhere
Q104026810The height and direction of flight of mosquitoes in West African savanna, in relation to wind speed and direction
Q54674058The hymenopterous parasitoids of eucalypt longicorn beetles, Phoracantha spp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Australia
Q59085021The identification and characterization of resistance in wild species of Arachis to Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Q47337902The identification and expression analysis of candidate chemosensory genes in the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.).
Q99974301The identity and distribution of the genus Maconellicoccus Ezzat (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in africa
Q84804803The identity and pest potential of Oxycarenus spp. (Hem., Lygaeidae) in Ghana
Q104025474The identity of Empoasca dolichi Paoli (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and descriptions of new species of Empoasca from light-traps near crops in Malawi and Nigeria
Q100722442The identity of Lecanium krugeri Zehntner (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and its distribution on sugar-cane in southern Asia
Q104025390The identity of a suspected vector of coconut lethal yellowing disease in Jamaica and notes on Caribovia intensa (Walker) (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea)
Q103953787The identity of the palm kernel borer in Nigeria, with systematic notes on the genus Pachymerus Thunberg (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
Q103954209The identity of the pepper flower-bud moth
Q52695520The impact of floral resources and omnivory on a four trophic level food web.
Q56949480The importance of antennae for pea aphid wing induction in the presence of natural enemies
Q114374165The influence of a deep river valley system on the dispersal of Aedes mosquitos
Q58609543The influence of antibiotics on gut bacteria diversity associated with laboratory-reared Bactrocera dorsalis
Q38884024The influence of crop management on banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) populations and yield of highland cooking banana (cv. Atwalira) in Uganda
Q52663199The influence of host suitability on the range of grasshopper species utilized by Blaesoxipha atlanis (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in the field.
Q44144499The influence of late-stage pupal irradiation and increased irradiated: un-irradiated male ratio on mating competitiveness of the malaria mosquito Anopheles arabiensis Patton
Q51697520The influence of natural enemies on wing induction in Aphis fabae and Megoura viciae (Hemiptera: Aphididae).
Q46871131The influence of nutritional history on the functional response of Geocoris pallidipennis to its prey, Myzus persicae
Q74135274The influence of plant age on tolerance of rice to injury by the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Q39670206The influence of soil heterogeneity on exploratory tunnelling by the subterranean termite Coptotermes frenchi (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Q52850784The influence of volatile semiochemicals from stink bug eggs and oviposition-damaged plants on the foraging behaviour of the egg parasitoid Telenomus podisi.
Q57242015The information age and agricultural entomology
Q123240061The inhibitory effect of seedling grasses on feeding and survival of Acridids (Orthoptera)
Q113391332The injurious Effects of the Hooked Epidermal Hairs of French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on Aphis craccivora Koch
Q52703287The insect parasites of the carrot fly, Psilarosae, Fab.
Q42675146The invasive coconut mite Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae): origin and invasion sources inferred from mitochondrial (16S) and nuclear (ITS) sequences
Q56096877The larvae of Malayan Anopheles
Q46627825The leafminer Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) encapsulates its koinobiont parasitoid Halticoptera circulus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae): implications for biological control
Q40093310The life cycle of Gregarina cuneata in the midgut of Tribolium castaneum and the effects of parasitism on the development of insects
Q35196215The life cycle of Reticulitermes spp (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): what do we know?
Q111819760The life history, host specificity and potential of alagoasa parana Samuelson (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) for biological control of Lantana camara in Australia
Q114374129The main component of the scent of Senecio madagascariensis flowers is an attractant for Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes
Q44150338The malaria problem in Mauritius; the bionomics of Mauritian anophelines
Q99974297The mealybugs (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae) of sugar-cane, rice and sorghum
Q99975017The millipede parasitoid Pelidnoptera nigripennis (F.) (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) for the biological control of the millipede Ommatoiulus moreleti (Lucas) (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae) in Australia
Q36503883The mode of action of insecticidal controlled atmospheres
Q38899710The mosquitoes of Bwamba County, Uganda; intensive catching on tree-platforms, with further observations on Aëdes (Stegomyia) africanus, Theobald.
Q24575462The mosquitoes of Bwamba County, Uganda; the vertical distribution and biting-cycle of mosquitoes in rain-forest, with further observations on microclimate
Q42020905The movement and distribution of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) larvae on pea plants is affected by egg placement and flowering
Q122442299The nocturnal migration of the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera (Walker) (Orthoptera: Acrididae): quantitative radar observations of a series of northward flights
Q52509867The nutritional state of tsetse flies from different vegetation types in Rhodesia.
Q30975745The occurrence of Dialeurodes citrifolii and Aleurochiton pseudoplatani (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Lebanon--important new records in the Europe-Mediterranean region
Q122618531The occurrence of two strains ofBrontispa longissima(Gestro) (Col., Hispidae) based on resistance or non-resistance to the parasiteTetrastichus brontispae(Ferrière) (Hym., Eulophidae) in Java
Q43368589The origin and population dynamics of annually re-occurring Paratanytarsus grimmii (Diptera: Chironomidae) colonising granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorbers used in potable water treatment
Q122927974The origin of plagues and recent outbreaks of the South American locust, Schistocerca cancellata (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Argentina
Q113858118The original Habitat and Hosts of three major Sugar-cane Pests of Tropical America (Diatraea, Castnia and Tomaspis)
Q52507679The ovarian cycle and egg stage in Leptoconops (Holoconops) becquaerti (Kieff.) (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae).
Q72821075The ovarian cycle in Culicoides barbosai Wirth & Blanton and C. furens (Poey) (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae)
Q52686162The parasitoid complex of Parthenolecanium corni Bouché in the city of Tbilisi and its surroundings and comparison with some other European countries.
Q54646448The parasitoids of the African white rice borer, Maliarpha separatella Ragonot (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Q99348835The parental effects of body size on developmental phenotype in Harmonia axyridis
Q99962707The parthenogenetic midge of water supply systems, Paratanytarsus grimmii (Schneider) (Diptera: Chironomidae)
Q52686807The penetration of insect eggshells; the properties and permeability of subchorial membranes during development of Rhodnius prolixus, Stål.
Q52686635The penetration of the insect egg-shells; penetration of the chorion of Rhodnius prolixus, Stal.
Q84804814The performance of crosses between wild and laboratory-bred Glossina morsitans orientalis Vanderplank
Q80375715The persistent toxicity under standardized field conditions of pyrethrum, DDT and gammexane against pests of stored food
Q115165001The phenology of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) populations on cassava in southern Côte d'Ivoire
Q114655063The phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera, Psychodidae) of caves in belize, Central America
Q104118273The plant-louse Leuronota calycophylli sp. n. (Homoptera, Psylloidea), a pest on the timber species Calycophyllum spruceanum (Rubiaceae) in Peru
Q35815500The potential distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis: considering phenology and irrigation patterns
Q52582423The potential distribution of the Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia): an updated distribution model including irrigation improves model fit for predicting potential spread.
Q90242558The potential geographical distribution and phenology of Bemisia tabaci Middle East/Asia Minor 1, considering irrigation and glasshouse production
Q50130930The potential of Dicyphus hesperus as a biological control agent of potato psyllid and sweetpotato whitefly in tomato
Q54040190The potential of Lagenaria rootstock to confer resistance to the carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Cucurbitaceae.
Q41988119The potential of host plants for biological control of Tuta absoluta by the predator Dicyphus errans
Q122178104The production of distribution maps of the incubation and hopper development periods of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.) (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q44165277The range of attraction of single baits for some West African mosquitoes
Q47300216The relationship between asymmetry, size and unusual venation in honey bees (Apis mellifera).
Q115165177The relationship of Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Acridoidea: Pyrgomorphidae) with cassava (Manihot esculenta)
Q52512789The relative potency of insecticides to tsetse flies assessed by two methods
Q44163387The replacement of Culex nebulosus Theo. by Culex pipiens fatigans Wied. (Diptera, Culicidae) in towns in Nigeria
Q52711058The residual toxicity of DDT to bed-bugs.
Q43951552The response of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: culicidae) to traps baited with carbon dioxide, 1-octen-3-ol, acetone, butyric acid and human foot odour in Tanzania
Q57269766The responses of Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae) to odourbaited traps and targets in Somalia
Q33613097The risk of exotic and native plants as hosts for four pest thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripinae).
Q90324748The role of Lathyrus sativus flower surface wax in short-range attraction and stimulant for nymph laying by an adult viviparous aphid
Q92085952The role of Trichoderma spp. and silica gel in plant defence mechanisms and insect response in vineyard
Q38453972The role of ants, especially the fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in the biological control of tropical upland rice pests
Q113858094The role of biodiversity in the dynamics and management of insect pests of tropical irrigated rice—a review
Q112816730The role of carbon dioxide in host-finding by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae): a review
Q44535979The role of large-scale spatially explicit and small-scale localized processes on the population dynamics of cereal aphids
Q42035522The role of nectar plants in severe outbreaks of armyworm Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in China
Q38700583The role of wild grasses in the management of lepidopterous stem-borers on maize in the humid tropics of western Africa
Q54666357The seasonal biology of Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), an introduced pest of New Zealand lucerne
Q30996922The separation of two hymenopteran parasitoids, Tersilochus obscurator and Tersilochus microgaster (Ichneumonidae), of stem-mining pests of winter oilseed rape using DNA, morphometric and ecological data
Q41104826The silkworm GSTe4 is sensitive to phoxim and protects HEK293 cells against UV-induced cell apoptosis
Q90256261The singular insemination status of Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) females during the inter-harvest season of a coffee crop
Q103951752The sorghum midge complex (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae)
Q60019822The spatial Distribution of Culicoides impunctatus Goet. under woodland and moorland Conditions and its Flight Range through Woodland
Q52651281The spatial dynamics of crop and ground active predatory arthropods and their aphid prey in winter wheat.
Q38862815The spatial genetic differentiation of the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) populations in West Africa
Q103937877The species of Pyrilla (Fulgoroidea: Lophopidae) in Ceylon and India
Q103872365The specific Status of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and Callosobruchus analis (F.)
Q39119412The spectral sensitivity of Aedes aegypti (L.) at oviposition
Q52651470The speed of action of insecticidal sprays and deposits and its use in assessing the biological efficiency of BHC, DDT and pyrethrum.
Q52694585The status of Dacus armatus Fabricius and of Dacus bivittatus (Bigot) (Trypetidae, Diptera).
Q104026404The subgenus Larroussius of Phlebotomus (Diptera, Psychodidae) in the Ethiopian region
Q111819251The suitability of Octotoma scabripennis Guér. and Uroplata girardi Pic (Col., Chrysomelidae) for the control of Lantana (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Q99975133The survival of the eggs of Austrosimulium pestilens Mack. & Mack. (Diptera, Simuliidae)
Q57269773The susceptibility of Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae) to insecticide deposits on targets
Q113858078The swamp-breeding mosquitos of Uganda: records of larvae and their habitats
Q91922401The symbiotic complex of Dendroctonus simplex: implications in the beetle attack and its life cycle
Q80659638The taxonomic status of Drosicha stabbing, Green, and Drosicha mangiferae, Green (Hem., Coccid.).
Q104053585The taxonomy of New World microgastrine braconids (Hymenoptera) parasitic on Diatraea spp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Q103946442The taxonomy, distribution, biology and economic importance of the millet grain midge, Geromyia penniseti (Felt), gen. n., comb. n. (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae)
Q99966604The three taro planthoppers: species recognition in Tarophagus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)
Q115433404The timing of adult eclosion in blackflies (Dipt., Simuliidae) in West Cameroon
Q52790363The toxicity of DDT to man and animals.
Q52508164The toxicity of insecticides to larvae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.). I.—Intrinsic toxicity and persistence
Q52508167The toxicity of insecticides to larvae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.). II.—Maintenance of a toxic deposit in the field
Q50490383The unstable 'clone': evidence from monitoring AFLP-based mutations for short-term clonal genetic variation in two asexual lineages of the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.).
Q113184466The unusual occurrence of savanna members of the Simulium damnosum species complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Sierra Leone in 1988
Q44154394The use of DDT as a Mosquito Larvicide on flowing Water
Q44154579The use of DDT as a mosquito larvicide on still waters.
Q31089709The use of alarm pheromones to enhance bait harvest by grass-cutting ants
Q42995487The use of bamboo pots to indicate Aëdes prevalence.
Q122713642The use of path analysis to determine effects of environmental factors on the adult seasonality of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) vector species in Spain
Q56552707The use of pyrethrum formulations to control Antestiopsis on coffee in East Africa
Q57946600The use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis for studies of genetic variation in populations of the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in southern England
Q44150826The use of residual films of DDT and gammexane in malaria control.
Q115563486The use of serology in evaluating invertebrate prey-predator relationships : a review
Q52686937The use of traps against tsetse in West Africa.
Q52582781The use of vertical-looking radar to continuously monitor the insect fauna flying at altitude over southern England.
Q113184480The vertical distribution of flying mosquitoes (diptera, culicidae) in west african savanna
Q30964401The whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin
Q30830701Thermal developmental plasticity affects body size and water conservation of Drosophila nepalensis from the Western Himalayas
Q52697310Thermal tolerance and potential distribution of Carvalhotingis visenda (Hemiptera: Tingidae), a biological control agent for cat's claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae).
Q46425821Thermotolerance, oxidative stress, apoptosis, heat-shock proteins and damages to reproductive cells of insecticide-susceptible and -resistant strains of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella
Q54670869Three New Australian species of Goniozus Foerster (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), and G. antipodum Westwood redescribed
Q103841486Three Sawflies attacking Guava in Brazil (Hymenoptera Symphyta)
Q99640089Three new Coccids (Hemipt.: Coccoidea) attacking Coffee in East Africa
Q99639393Three new Moths (Agrotidae, Pyralidae) of Economic Importance
Q99640774Three new Tachinidae attacking Injurious Insects in Queensland
Q103841864Three new injurious Curculionidae (Col.)
Q39258871Three strains of Wolbachia pipientis and high rates of infection in Iranian sandfly species.
Q46018321Thrips (Thysanoptera) identification using artificial neural networks.
Q56096844Thrips Oryzae, Sp. nov., injurious to rice in India.
Q84804801Tick infestation patterns in the southern province of Zambia
Q34252207Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) spread by the international trade in reptiles and their potential roles in dissemination of diseases
Q81860275Ticks associated with wild mammals in Ghana
Q99966467Tomato Gall Mites from Morocco
Q42037966Tomato fruit size, maturity and alpha-tomatine content influence the performance of larvae of potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).
Q43549115Topical treatment of calves with synthetic pyrethroids: effects on the non-target dung fly Neomyia cornicina (Diptera: Muscidae).
Q104050887Torymus apiomyiae sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), a parasite of Apiomyia bergenstammi (wachtl) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on pears in Yugoslavia
Q50147550Toxic effects of two essential oils and their constituents on the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor.
Q79599223Toxicity of DDT applied to lime wash
Q42982228Toxicity of limewash containing DDT or gammexane to mosquitos, Aëdes aegypti, L.
Q43899656Toxicological and genetical studies of organophosphorus-resistance in Cimex lectularius L
Q92695658Toxicological effect of ivermectin on the survival, reproduction, and feeding activity of four species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) in Japan
Q123133407Tracing the geographic origin of the cosmopolitan parthenogenetic insect pest Liposcelis bostrychophila (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae)
Q52674032Tracing the geographic origin of the cosmopolitan parthenogenetic insect pest Liposcelis bostrychophila (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae).
Q48849185Tracking medfly predation by the wolf spider, Pardosa cribata Simon, in citrus orchards using PCR-based gut-content analysis
Q42028785Tracking pyrethroid resistance in the polyphagous bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in the shifting landscape of a cotton-growing area
Q46906725Tracking the dispersion of Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from wild to cultivated grapevine: use of a novel mark-capture technique
Q57053028Tracking the origin and dispersal of the Asian chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) in Europe with molecular markers
Q42004698Tradeoff between reproduction and resistance evolution to Bt-toxin in Helicoverpa armigera: regulated by vitellogenin gene expression
Q125560146Transcriptome analysis uncovers different avenues for manipulating cold performance in Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera, Calliphoridae)
Q112264589Trap catches of the coconut rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) in New Britain
Q112816718Trap design for monitoring moth biodiversity in tropical rainforests
Q46740886Trap efficiency for Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) at Nguruman, south-west Kenya
Q56949173Treating hop plants with (Z)-jasmone increases colonization by Phorodon humuli (Hemiptera: Aphididae) spring migrants
Q40044840Tree hole mosquito species composition and relative abundances differ between urban and adjacent forest habitats in northwestern Argentina.
Q40146535Tree holes as larval habitats for Aedes aegypti in urban, suburban and forest habitats in a dengue affected area.
Q113858097Trees as Habitats of the Fowl Tick, Argas persicus (Oken)
Q42016836Trichogramma pretiosum parasitism and dispersal capacity: a basis for developing biological control programs for soybean caterpillars
Q33289188Trichogramma zahiri (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) an egg parasitoid of the rice hispa Dicladispa armigera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Bangladesh.
Q54519382Trioza vitreoradiata, a New Zealand jumping plant louse (Homoptera: Psylloidea), causing damage to Pittosporum spp. in Britain
Q48543532Tritrophic interactions between cabbage cultivars with different resistance and fertilizer levels, cruciferous aphids and parasitoids under field conditions
Q50599205Trophic controls delaying foraging by termites: reasons for the ground being brown?
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Q34153090Trophic relationships between predators, whiteflies and their parasitoids in tomato greenhouses: a molecular approach.
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Q52597327Tunnel specificity and forager movement in subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae).
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Q103835963Two New Species of Curculionidae (Col.) from Haiti
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Q103843974Two new African injurious Grasshoppers
Q103842422Two new Egg-parasites of Batocera (Col., Lamiid.) in Malaya
Q104118320Two new Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of economic importance from China
Q103843564Two new Gall Midges from Mauritius
Q99656605Two new Moths with Larvae injurious to Coffee in Uganda
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Q103952086Two new species of Cyrtorhinus Fieber (Hem.-Het., Miridae) from East Africa and Madagascar
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Q99954022Two new species of Encarsia Foerster (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) from pakistan, associated with the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Q99974300Two new species of Eurycoccus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on Tamarix from Pakistan
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Q103938740Two new species of Lepidoptera reared from galls on Guiera senegalensis in Northern Nigeria
Q56096735Two new species of Tabanus from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
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Q42010839Two sugar isomers influence host plant acceptance by a cereal caterpillar pest.
Q92919742Two-sex life table and feeding dynamics of Spilosoma obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) on three green gram cultivars
Q83317459Undamaged cotton plants yield more if their neighbour is damaged: implications for pest management
Q112327586Understanding costs and benefits of thermal plasticity for pest management: insights from the integration of laboratory, semi-field and field assessments of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Q52651280Unexpected Listronotus bonariensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) mortality in the presence of parasitoids.
Q39851669Unicoloniality in Reticulitermes urbis: a novel feature in a potentially invasive termite species.
Q41729624Upregulation of Atg5 and AIF gene expression in synchronization with programmed cellular death events in integumental epithelium of Bombyx mori induced by a dipteran parasitoid infection
Q39375642Use of lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) for bio-control by native arthropods and its effect on yield of pumpkins.
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Q46301351Using two-sex life tables to determine fitness parameters of four Bactrocera species (Diptera: Tephritidae) reared on a semi-artificial diet
Q122748819Utilisation of food by Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomor phidae)
Q42033200Utilizing the assassin bug, Pristhesancus plagipennis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), as a biological control agent within an integrated pest management programme for Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Creontiades spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) in co
Q51680962Variability and genetic basis for migratory behaviour in a spring population of the aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover in the Yangtze River Valley of China.
Q43790087Variable effects of dipteran parasitoids and management treatment on grasshopper fecundity in a tallgrass prairie
Q40094230Variation in bacterial endosymbionts associated with the date palm hopper, Ommatissus lybicus populations
Q42037060Variation in mitochondrial COII gene sequences among two species of Japanese knotweed-boring moths, Ostrinia latipennis and O. ovalipennis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae).
Q54666250Variation in populations of the introduced pollinating weevil ( Elaeidobius kamerunicus) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its impact on fruitset of oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis) in India
Q46252633Variation in the Bemisia tabaci s. l. species complex (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and its natural enemies leading to successful biological control of Bemisia biotype B in the USA.
Q121221790Variation in the Hatching-response of Aëdes Eggs (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q52598527Variation in the life cycle and morphology of the tobacco host-race of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in relation to its geographical distribution.
Q84804830Variation in the photoperiodic response within natural populations of Myzus persicae (Sulz.).
Q52581848Variation in tomato host response to Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in relation to acyl sugar content and presence of the nematode and potato aphid resistance gene Mi.
Q43711264Variation in toxicity of malathion when applied to certain body regions of Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.)
Q46329124Variations in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene indicate northward expanding populations of Culicoides imicola in Spain.
Q91779431Vector dynamics predicts transmission dynamics: a simple, realistic and sensible approach for measuring malaria endemicity
Q99567073Vertical and temporal distribution of Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae in determinate and indeterminate soybean
Q113858072Virulence of the insect-pathogenic fungi Metarhizium spp. to Mormon crickets, Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q91406307Volatiles mediate host-selection in the corn hoppers Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and Peregrinus maidis (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)
Q100385042Walking behaviour in the ground beetle, Poecilus cupreus: dispersal potential, intermittency and individual variation
Q34085100Walking speed adaptation ability of Myzus persicae to different temperature conditions
Q42033857Water stress augments silicon-mediated resistance of susceptible sugarcane cultivars to the stalk borer Eldana saccharina (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).
Q44156194Weather variability impacts on oviposition dynamics of the southern house mosquito at intermediate time scales
Q38968273What does the Southern Brazilian Coastal Plain tell about its diversity? Syrphidae (Diptera) as a model
Q52749830Wheat bulb fly (Delia coarctata, Fallén, Diptera: Anthomyiidae) larval response to hydroxamic acid constituents of host-plant root exudates.
Q41992630Wheat cultivars affecting life history and digestive amylolytic activity of Sitotroga cerealella Olivier (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).
Q93234954Where and when? How phenological patterns of armyworm moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) change along a latitudinal gradient in Brazil
Q38944872Where does Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) overwinter in adjacent peach, pear and apple orchards?
Q51629761Why are there so few aphid clones?
Q50602553Widespread infestation of the exotic mealybug species, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), on cotton in India.
Q42018136Widespread pyrethroid resistance in Australian diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), is related to multiple mutations in the para sodium channel gene
Q122931924Wing dimorphism and flight in Zonocerus variegatus (L.) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae)
Q52696804Wing morphometry as a tool for correct identification of primary and secondary New World screwworm fly.
Q29353815Wing shape as a potential discriminator of morphologically similar pest taxa within the Bactrocera dorsalis species complex (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Q33526696Wing shape variations in an invasive moth are related to sexual dimorphism and altitude
Q52658203Winter survival of larvae and pupae of the blowfly, Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae).
Q48541718Winter survival of nuisance fly parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in Canada and Denmark.
Q42023503Within-field damage and distribution patterns of the stalk borer, Eldana saccharina (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in sugarcane and a comparison with nematode damage
Q115165142Within-plant distribution of Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar) (Acari: Tetranychidae) on cassava: effect of clone and predation on aggregation
Q52725107Within-plant distribution of cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), in Bt and non-Bt cotton fields.
Q115563454Within-plant distribution of thrips and their predators: effects of cotton variety and developmental stage
Q35518127Woolly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann ecology and its relationship with climatic variables and natural enemies in Mediterranean areas
Q42027030Worldwide variability of insecticide resistance mechanisms in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
Q122417860X-ray detection of Contarinia sorghicola (Coq.) larvae and pupae in sorghum spikelets
Q88761336Yeast derivatives and wheat germ in the adult diet modulates fecundity in a tephritid pest
Q52765332Yeast hydrolysate supplementation increases field abundance and persistence of sexually mature sterile Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt).
Q35876235Yeast one-hybrid screening the potential regulator of CYP6B6 overexpression of Helicoverpa armigera under 2-tridecanone stress
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cites work (P2860)
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Q39492629Discovery and Characterization of Field Resistance to Bt Maize: <I>Spodoptera frugiperda</I> (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Puerto Rico
Q33724852The exchangeability of shape

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