United States Minor Outlying Islands

statistical designation of small islands of the United States

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DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands

Abstract is: The United States Minor Outlying Islands is a statistical designation defined by the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 3166-1 code. The entry code is ISO 3166-2:UM. The minor outlying islands and groups of islands consist of eight United States insular areas in the Pacific Ocean (Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island) and one in the Caribbean Sea (Navassa Island).

Wikimedia Commons category is United States Minor Outlying Islands

(P625, lat/long)19.3 / 166.633333
Easternmost point (P1334, lat/long)19.270333333 / 166.657305555
Northernmost point (P1332, lat/long)28.0 / -177.0
Southernmost point (P1333, lat/long)5.883888888 / -162.078333333
Westernmost point (P1335, lat/long)13.4475 / 144.618194444
Highest point (P610)Dunning Hill (Q11695306)
Lowest point (P1589)Caribbean Sea (Q1247)

United States Minor Outlying Islands is …
instance of (P31):
insular area of the United StatesQ462778
island groupQ1402592
statistical territorial entityQ15042037

ISO 3166 codes: UM UMI 581

External links are
P5573archINFORM location ID18214
P11012EU Knowledge Graph item IDQ2642712
P5086FIPS 5-2 alpha code (US states)UM
P5087FIPS 5-2 numeric code (US states)74
P646Freebase ID/m/07x4w
P1566GeoNames ID5854968
P1667Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID7023938
P227GND ID4451497-9
P590GNIS Feature ID1878752
P5250IAB code1454
P7471iNaturalist place ID10316
P300ISO 3166-2 codeUS-UM
P2082M49 code581
P982MusicBrainz area ID4e8596fe-cbee-34ce-8b35-1f3c9bc094d6
P9495National Historical Museums of Sweden IDgeo/17798F3E-4421-4CC8-BBEC-A9FCE771EAEB
P11693OpenStreetMap node ID9757963802
P402OpenStreetMap relation ID2185386
P3417Quora topic IDUnited-States-Minor-Outlying-Islands
P12749SNARC IDQ50105
P10077Spanish Cultural Heritage thesauri IDgeografico/1208502
P3175Statoids IDuum
P4342Store norske leksikon (Great Norwegian Encyclopedia) IDUSAs_ytre_småøyer
P487Unicode character🇺🇲
P214VIAF cluster ID234764550
P6766Who's on First ID85632333

P85anthemThe Star-Spangled BannerQ44696
P7867category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of the United States Minor Outlying IslandsQ84135786
P150contains the administrative territorial entityNavassa IslandQ25359
Wake IslandQ43296
Midway AtollQ47863
Baker IslandQ46879
Jarvis IslandQ62218
Johnston AtollQ131008
Howland IslandQ131305
Palmyra AtollQ123076
Kingman ReefQ130895
Serranilla BankQ1169008
Bajo Nuevo BankQ1257783
P30continentNorth AmericaQ49
Insular OceaniaQ538
P17countryUnited StatesQ30
P38currencyUnited States dollarQ4917
P1622driving siderightQ14565199
P457foundational textISO 3166-1Q25275
P2633geography of topicgeography of the United States Minor Outlying IslandsQ9267035
P2184history of topic???Q21116566
P206located in or next to body of waterPacific OceanQ98
Caribbean SeaQ1247
P421located in time zone???http://www.wikidata.org/.well-known/genid/dc339a006f9b37f3031d11ca6103e3f9
P138named afterUnited StatesQ30
P37official languageEnglishQ1860
P1448official nameUnited States Minor Outlying Islands
P6592OpenStreetMap zoom level0
P1813short name🇺🇲
P78top-level Internet domain.umQ434184
P910topic's main categoryCategory:United States Minor Outlying IslandsQ8788296
P1424topic's main templateTemplate:Protected areas of the United States Minor Outlying IslandsQ20345782

Wikimedia Commons Images

P41: flag image

FileName: Flag of the United States.svg

References of Q16645 in OpenStreetMap

node: 9757963802 lat/long: 16.7288207/-169.5333824
nameUnited States Minor Outlying Islands
noteThis is a statistical grouping only and should be tagged with neither boundary=administrative nor admin_level=4 (nor admin_level of any value).
note_2These minor outlying islands and groups of islands consist of eight United States "insular areas" surrounded by territorial waters in the Pacific Ocean (one is disputed with Marshall Islands) and one in the Carribean Sea (disputed with Haiti).
wikipediaen:United States Minor Outlying Islands
relation: 2185386
nameUnited States Minor Outlying Islands
noteThis is a statistical grouping only and should be tagged with neither boundary=administrative nor admin_level=4 (nor admin_level of any value).
note_2These minor outlying islands and groups of islands consist of eight United States "insular areas" surrounded by territorial waters in the Pacific Ocean (one is disputed with Marshall Islands) and one in the Carribean Sea (disputed with Haiti, though 2012…
wikipediaen:United States Minor Outlying Islands

Reverse relations

located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
Q46879Baker Island
Q131305Howland Island
Q14942518Howland and Baker Islands
Q62218Jarvis Island
Q131008Johnston Atoll
Q130895Kingman Reef
Q1750668Lulu Town
Q47863Midway Atoll
Q25359Navassa Island
Q183110Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Q123076Palmyra Atoll
Q787425Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
Q43296Wake Island

country (P17)
Q113895033Beneficial Side Effects of Topiramate in Obese Patients Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty
Q92273596Collection of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immune Plasma
Q20761ISO 3166-2:UM

Wikidata property example (P1855)
P5086FIPS 5-2 alpha code (US states)
P5087FIPS 5-2 numeric code (US states)

has part(s) (P527)
Q462778insular area of the United States

category combines topics (P971)
Q8229468Category:Airports in the United States Minor Outlying Islands
Q107012427Category:Films set in the United States Minor Outlying Islands
Q105497930Category:Important Bird Areas of United States Minor Outlying Islands
Q84135786Category:Maps of the United States Minor Outlying Islands
Q30643050Category:Transportation buildings and structures in the United States Minor Outlying Islands
Q107012428Category:United States Minor Outlying Islands in fiction
Q126098896Category:en:United States Minor Outlying Islands

Q30United Statescontains the statistical territorial entityP10888
Q21116566Histoire des Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unisfacet ofP1269
Q20345782Template:Protected areas of the United States Minor Outlying Islandstemplate has topicP1423
Q9267035geography of the United States Minor Outlying IslandslocationP276
Q8788296Category:United States Minor Outlying Islandscategory's main topicP301
Q131008Johnston Atollpart ofP361
Q7671119Template:Country data United States Minor Outlying Islandsmain subjectP921

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