Franjo Tuđman

Croatian politician, soldier, president, war criminal, ultranationalist (1922–1999)

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Abstract is: Franjo Tuđman (Croatian pronunciation: [frǎːɲo tûdʑman]; 14 May 1922 – 10 December 1999), also written as Franjo Tudjman, was a Croatian politician and historian. Following the country's independence from Yugoslavia, he became the first president of Croatia and served as president from 1990 until his death in 1999. He was the ninth and last President of the Presidency of SR Croatia from May to July 1990. Tuđman was born in Veliko Trgovišće. In his youth, he fought during World War II as a member of the Yugoslav Partisans. After the war, he took a post in the Ministry of Defence, later attaining the rank of major general of the Yugoslav Army in 1960. After his military career, he dedicated himself to the study of geopolitics. In 1963, he became a professor at the Zagreb Faculty of Political Sciences. He received a doctorate in history in 1965 and worked as a historian until coming into conflict with the regime. Tuđman participated in the Croatian Spring movement that called for reforms in the country and was imprisoned for his activities in 1972. He lived relatively anonymously in the following years until the end of communism, whereupon he began his political career by founding the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) in 1989. HDZ won the first Croatian parliamentary elections in 1990 and Tuđman became the President of the Presidency of SR Croatia. As president, Tuđman introduced a new constitution and pressed for the creation of an independent Croatia. On 19 May 1991, an independence referendum was held, which was approved by 93 percent of voters. Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia on 25 June 1991. Areas with a Serb majority revolted, backed by the Yugoslav Army, and Tuđman led Croatia during its War of Independence. A ceasefire was signed in 1992, but the war had spread into Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Croats fought in an alliance with Bosniaks. Their cooperation fell apart in late 1992 and Tuđman's government sided with Herzeg-Bosnia during the Croat-Bosniak War, a move that brought criticism from the international community. In a final verdict of war crimes trial of former high-ranking officials of Herceg-Bosnia, the ICTY stated that Tuđman shared in their joint criminal enterprise goal of establishing an entity to reunite the Croatian people which was implemented through the ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims. However it affirmed that none of the crimes were attributed to him. In March 1994, he signed the Washington Agreement with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegović that re-allied Croats and Bosniaks. In August 1995, he authorized a major offensive known as Operation Storm which effectively ended the war in Croatia. In the same year, he was one of the signatories of the Dayton Agreement that put an end to the Bosnian War. He was re-elected president in 1992 and 1997 and remained in power until his death in 1999. While supporters point out his role in achieving Croatian independence, critics have described his presidency as authoritarian. Surveys after Tuđman's death have generally shown a high favorability rating among the Croatian public.

Wikimedia Commons category is Franjo Tuđman

Born 1922-05-14 in Veliko Trgovišće (Q225070)
Died 1999-12-10 in Zagreb (Q1435)

Franjo Tuđman is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P5821ArhivX LOD2271
P9037BHCL UUID1d8887cc-74da-4d0d-8228-4584d4073b1a
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID12183260d
P5019Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online IDtudjman-franjo
P1280CONOR.SI ID11817571
P8851CONOR.SR ID10340967
P7037COURAGE ID11021
P13049DDB person (GND) ID119274337
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID119274337
P701Dodis IDP59966
P1417Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDbiography/Franjo-Tudjman
P3219Encyclopædia Universalis IDfranjo-tudjman
P6262Fandom article ID90s:Franjo_Tuđman
P2163FAST ID75513
P535Find a Grave memorial ID7942
P646Freebase ID/m/016j4q profile ID5271476404650121693
P227GND ID119274337
P7502Golden IDFranjo_Tuđman-3DG45
P12385Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana IDfranjo-tudjman
P1296Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme)0243835
P2924Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)4218847
P1741GTAA ID162160
P7982Hrvatska enciklopedija ID62628
P8581Hrvatski biografski leksikon ID11922
P269IdRef ID03041444X
P8603Istrapedia ID1552
P10553IxTheo authority ID08007944X
P8189J9U ID987007302210105171
P11249KBR person ID14760634
P6385Krugosvet articleistoriya/TUDZHMAN_FRANO.html
P8313Lex IDFranjo_Tuđman
P244Library of Congress authority IDn81075654
P10242Lur Encyclopedic Dictionary ID05731/eu_t_2014/t2014
P1284Munzinger person ID00000019629
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810562445405606
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID06925267X IDfranjo-tudjman
P691NL CR AUT IDjn20010601064
P1695NLP ID (old)a0000002298988
P1263Notable Names Database469/000111136
P1207NUKAT IDn99014421
P856official website
P12582Oxford Reference overview ID20110803110045328
P12458Parsifal cluster ID189844
P4293PM20 folder IDpe/017640
P3417Quora topic IDFranjo-Tuđman-1
P4342Store norske leksikon (Great Norwegian Encyclopedia) IDFranjo_Tudjman
P6404Treccani's Dizionario di Storia IDfranjo-tudjman
P11182UOM ID99676
P214VIAF cluster ID105098905
P7666Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija IDfranjo-tudjman
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJmxWWQPDGKkM6yVKVRh73

P512academic degreeDoctor of PhilosophyQ752297
P990audio recording of the subject's spoken voiceVoice of Franjo Tuđman, President of Croatia (1990–1999).
License: CC BY 4.0
Artists: EC, Audiovisual Service
This work is copyrighted.
Attribution is required.
P166award receivedOrder of Merit of the Federal Republic of GermanyQ21164
Order of MeritQ93988
Order of Duke TrpimirQ126091
Grand Order of King TomislavQ94121
Grand Order of King Petar Krešimir IVQ94410
Grand Order of King Dmitar ZvonimirQ94450
Grand Order of Queen JelenaQ94499
Order of Isabella the CatholicQ931502
Order of Merit of the Italian RepublicQ1059569
Order of the Liberator General San MartínQ1783970
Zhukov MedalQ1986005
Commemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941Q2624478
Order of BraveryQ2671719
Order of the Partisan StarQ2671955
Order of State of Republic of TurkeyQ6077245
Order of Ante StarčevićQ7100440
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian RepublicQ14539974
Military Order of ItalyQ14761898
Knight Grand Cross of the Military Order of ItalyQ14762334
Grand Cross of the Order of the RedeemerQ21450802
Order of Military Merit with large starQ28914866
honorary citizen of ZagrebQ61962986
P3602candidacy in election1992 Croatian presidential electionQ1264416
1997 Croatian presidential electionQ1285005
P509cause of deathcancerQ12078
P40childMiroslav TuđmanQ928356
P607conflictWorld War IIQ362
P7763copyright status as a creatorworks protected by copyrightsQ73555012
P27country of citizenshipCroatiaQ224
Socialist Federal Republic of YugoslaviaQ83286
Kingdom of YugoslaviaQ191077
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and SlovenesQ15102440
P1343described by sourceObálky knihQ67311526
P69educated atMilitary Academy BelgradeQ2075436
University of ZadarQ2496233
P108employerFaculty of Political Sciences in ZagrebQ7713903
Croatian Institute of HistoryQ30297162
P734family nameTuđmanQ21450178
P735given nameFranjoQ1091889
P6379has works in the collectionC.A.D.D.Y. Bulletin CollectionQ93272729
Franjo Tuđman WebsiteQ94645374
P1412languages spoken, written or signedCroatianQ6654
P1196manner of deathnatural causesQ3739104
P463member ofCroatian Academy of Sciences and ArtsQ1264085
P102member of political partyLeague of Communists of YugoslaviaQ641691
Croatian Democratic UnionQ738439
League of Communists of CroatiaQ1268048
P241military branchArmed Forces of the Republic of CroatiaQ327033
P410military or police rankmajor generalQ157148
P1559name in native languageFranjo Tuđman
P138named aftergrandfatherQ9238344
P1971number of children3
political commissarQ168559
university teacherQ1622272
P119place of burialMirogoj CemeteryQ1262136
P39position heldrepresentative in the Croatian ParliamentQ18643511
P443pronunciation audioFranjo Tuđman name pronounciation in Croatian
License: Public domain
Artists: Quahadi
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P26spouseAnkica TuđmanQ37693161

Wikimedia Commons Images

P109: signature

FileName: Signature of Franjo Tuđman.png

Description: Signature of Franjo Tuđman.

Artist: Franjo Tuđman. Converted by Kobac.

License: Public domain

Reverse relations

named after (P138)
Q1442774Franjo Tuđman Bridge
Q1565280Franjo Tuđman Bridge
Q97235334Grand Order of Franjo Tuđman
Q128016Zagreb Airport

creator (P170)
Q93763145Reports Regarding the Cases of Šešelj and the Belgrade Six, 1985
Q93764672Two Years for Poetry - “Đogo Case”, 1981

signatory (P1891)
Q917606Brioni Agreement
Q190315Dayton Agreement

participant (P710)
Q43448261995 Moscow Victory Day Parades
Q1271272Karađorđevo agreement
Q1261410Zagreb crisis

candidate (P726)
Q12644161992 Croatian presidential election
Q12850051997 Croatian presidential election

successful candidate (P991)
Q12644161992 Croatian presidential election
Q12850051997 Croatian presidential election

Q738439Croatian Democratic Unionfounded byP112
Q928356Miroslav TuđmanfatherP22
Q37693161Ankica TuđmanspouseP26
Q121916831Dějinný úděl národů: vybrané textyauthorP50
Q127702065Category:Press releases by Franjo Tuđmancategory combines topicsP971

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

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Arabic (ar / Q13955)فرانيو تودجمانwikipedia
Egyptian Arabic (arz / Q29919)فرانيو تودجمانwikipedia
astFranjo Tuđmanwikipedia
azFranyo Tucmanwikipedia
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be-taraskФраньё Туджманwikipedia
      Франьо Туджманwikipedia
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      Franjo Tuđmanwikipedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)Franjo Tuđmanwikipedia
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Basque language (eu / Q8752)Franjo Tuđmanwikipedia
Persian (fa / Q9168)فرانیو توجمانwikipedia
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glFranjo Tuđmanwikipedia
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ioFranjo Tuđmanwikipedia
      Franjo Tuđmanwikipedia
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loຟຣານໂຈ້ ທຸດແມນwikipedia
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mkФрањо Туѓманwikipedia
mnФраньо Тужманwikipedia
mrफ्रान्यो तुडमनwikipedia
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quFranjo Tuđmanwikipedia
      Franjo Tuđmanwikipedia
      Туджман, Франьоwikipedia
scFranjo Tudjmanwikipedia
scoFranjo Tuđmanwikipedia
Serbo-Croatian (sh / Q9301)Franjo Tuđmanwikipedia
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      Franjo Tuđmanwikiquote
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