Marcella Rietschel

German geneticist and psychiatrist

Born 1957-11-20 in Stuttgart (Q1022)

Marcella Rietschel is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P2080AcademiaNet ID1145107
P1280CONOR.SI ID197659491
P13049DDB person (GND) ID112785751
P8168FactGrid item IDQ885057
P4872GEPRIS person ID1531434
P227GND ID112785751
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/12nx6w316
P1960Google Scholar author IDCKcpeCoAAAAJ
P2273HAdW member ID392
P10299Leopoldina member ID (new)marcella-rietschel
P3413Leopoldina member ID (superseded)7470
P244Library of Congress authority IDn2008039007
P1153Scopus author ID16741658400
P10013SNSF person ID563505
P214VIAF cluster ID204329898
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJpV4KHY7Fd9j3TrHf4cyd

P27country of citizenshipGermanyQ183
P108employerZI MannheimQ190621
P101field of workgenome-wide association studyQ1098876
bipolar disorderQ131755
P735given nameMarcellaQ1068231
P1412languages spoken, written or signedGermanQ188
P463member ofGerman Academy of Sciences LeopoldinaQ543804
Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and HumanitiesQ833738
P1559name in native languageMarcella Rietschel
university teacherQ1622272
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q56988894274. MIR137 Influences White Matter Fractional Anisotropy and Cortical Surface Area in Individuals with High Genetic Risk for Psychosis
Q487658755-HT2A receptor and bipolar affective disorder: association studies in affected patients
Q478696285-HTTLPR/rs25531 polymorphism and neuroticism are linked by resting state functional connectivity of amygdala and fusiform gyrus
Q24538720A Gene for Universal Congenital Alopecia Maps to Chromosome 8p21-22
Q59791266A Longitudinal Approach to Biological Psychiatric Research: The PsyCourse Study
Q37635614A Multi-Cohort Study of ApoE ɛ4 and Amyloid-β Effects on the Hippocampus in Alzheimer's Disease
Q43113117A coding variant of the novel serotonin receptor subunit 5-HT3E influences sustained attention in schizophrenia patients
Q48309066A common microdeletion affecting a hippocampus- and amygdala-specific isoform of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 is not associated with affective disorders
Q41207528A common risk variant in CACNA1C supports a sex-dependent effect on longitudinal functioning and functional recovery from episodes of schizophrenia-spectrum but not bipolar disorder
Q57316463A contribution of novel CNVs to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects
Q57655421A family-based and case–control association study of trace amine receptor genes on chromosome 6q23 in bipolar affective disorder
Q43608191A family-based study of the Cys23Ser 5HT2C serotonin receptor polymorphism in schizophrenia
Q40189266A functional variant in the neuropeptide S receptor 1 gene moderates the influence of urban upbringing on stress processing in the amygdala
Q35069476A genetic deconstruction of neurocognitive traits in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Q35530520A genetic risk score combining 32 SNPs is associated with body mass index and improves obesity prediction in people with major depressive disorder
Q57321063A genome screen for genes predisposing to bipolar affective disorder detects a new susceptibility locus on 8q
Q41201382A genome-wide association study confirms PNPLA3 and identifies TM6SF2 and MBOAT7 as risk loci for alcohol-related cirrhosis
Q24655759A genome-wide association study implicates diacylglycerol kinase eta (DGKH) and several other genes in the etiology of bipolar disorder
Q33740277A genome-wide association study of alcohol dependence
Q43756830A genome-wide significant linkage for severe depression on chromosome 3: the depression network study
Q38423702A genome-wide supported psychiatric risk variant in NCAN influences brain function and cognitive performance in healthy subjects
Q45885056A genome-wide supported variant in CACNA1C influences hippocampal activation during episodic memory encoding and retrieval
Q49020541A genomewide linkage study on suicidality in major depressive disorder confirms evidence for linkage to 2p12.
Q33727503A large replication study and meta-analysis in European samples provides further support for association of AHI1 markers with schizophrenia
Q59791234A longitudinal approach to biological psychiatric research: The PsyCourse study.
Q29417093A mega-analysis of genome-wide association studies for major depressive disorder
Q57655278A new susceptibility locus for bipolar affective disorder in PAR1 on Xp22.3/Yp11.3
Q35045447A phenotypic structure and neural correlates of compulsive behaviors in adolescents
Q57655483A possible susceptibility locus for bipolar affective disorder in chromosomal region 10q25–q26
Q48789053A putative high risk diplotype of the G72 gene is in healthy individuals associated with better performance in working memory functions and altered brain activity in the medial temporal lobe
Q33798551A reappraisal of the association between Dysbindin (DTNBP1) and schizophrenia in a large combined case-control and family-based sample of German ancestry
Q57317115A reappraisal of the association between Dysbindin (DTNBP1) and schizophrenia in a large combined case-control and family-based sample of German ancestry
Q44818850A risk variant for alcoholism in the NMDA receptor affects amygdala activity during fear conditioning in humans
Q48516684A summary statistic approach to sequence variation in noncoding regions of six schizophrenia-associated gene loci
Q50577090A systematic association mapping on chromosome 6q in bipolar affective disorder--evidence for the melanin-concentrating-hormone-receptor-2 gene as a risk factor for bipolar affective disorder
Q39529050A target sample of adolescents and reward processing: same neural and behavioral correlates engaged in common paradigms?
Q50692425ADH1B Arg48His allele frequency map: filling in the gap for Central Europe
Q46040061Abnormal neuroendocrine response to clomipramine in hereditary affective psychosis.
Q57655619Adenosine A1 receptor and bipolar affective disorder: systematic screening of the gene and association studies
Q34031695Adolescent impulsivity phenotypes characterized by distinct brain networks
Q35000528Adverse reactions to antidepressants
Q57655488Affective symptomatology in schizophrenia: a risk factor for tardive dyskinesia?
Q47938273Age at onset in bipolar I affective disorder: further evidence for three subgroups
Q55034093Agranulocytosis during treatment with mianserin and venlafaxine.
Q48085024Alterations of Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Methylation in Externalizing Disorders During Childhood and Adolescence
Q39795321Altered Functional Subnetwork During Emotional Face Processing: A Potential Intermediate Phenotype for Schizophrenia
Q39399664Altered reward processing in adolescents with prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking
Q40397660An Analysis of Two Genome-wide Association Meta-analyses Identifies a New Locus for Broad Depression Phenotype
Q57403475An association study of a neurotrophic3 (NT-3) gene polymorphism with schizophrenia
Q57655778An association study of debrisoquine hydroxylase (CYP2D6) polymorphisms in schizophrenia
Q37805713An integrated genome research network for studying the genetics of alcohol addiction
Q38465159An interaction between a neuropeptide Y gene polymorphism and early adversity modulates endocrine stress responses
Q34469246Analysis of 10 independent samples provides evidence for association between schizophrenia and a SNP flanking fibroblast growth factor receptor 2.
Q37412924Analysis of Rare Variants in the Alcohol Dependence Candidate Gene GATA4
Q48293685Analysis of a polymorphism in the tuberous sclerosis (TSC2) gene does not predispose to schizophrenia
Q34449361Analysis of genome-wide significant bipolar disorder genes in borderline personality disorder
Q55128222Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain
Q64964428Apolipoprotein E Homozygous ε4 Allele Status: A Deteriorating Effect on Visuospatial Working Memory and Global Brain Structure.
Q51004657Apolipoprotein E genotype distribution in schizophrenia.
Q57655653Apolipoprotein E ɛ4 and clinical phenotype in schizophrenia
Q33664040Application of pharmacogenetics to psychotic disorders: the first consensus conference. The Consensus Group for Outcome Measures in Psychoses for Pharmacological Studies
Q57403463Assessing the statistical power to detect linkage in a sample of 51 bipolar affective disorder pedigrees
Q34804607Assessment of Response to Lithium Maintenance Treatment in Bipolar Disorder: A Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen) Report
Q57742003Association Between Population Density and Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia
Q57083811Association Study of Nonsynonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Schizophrenia
Q57655294Association analysis of Neuregulin 1 candidate regions in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Q42950843Association analysis of the monoamine oxidase A gene in bipolar affective disorder by using family-based internal controls
Q57655781Association and haplotype analysis at the tyrosine hydroxylase locus in a combined German-British sample of manic depressive patients and controls
Q42108870Association and linkage studies in bipolar affective disorder
Q40309411Association between C-reactive protein (CRP) with depression symptom severity and specific depressive symptoms in major depression
Q45176969Association between COMT (Val158Met) functional polymorphism and early onset in patients with major depressive disorder in a European multicenter genetic association study
Q28140603Association between a functional polymorphism in the monoamine oxidase A gene promoter and major depressive disorder
Q59619218Association between a functional polymorphism in the monoamine oxidase A gene promoter and major depressive disorder
Q28200777Association between a polymorphism in the pseudoautosomal X-linked gene SYBL1 and bipolar affective disorder
Q33700749Association between a serotonin transporter length polymorphism and primary insomnia
Q43561820Association between copy number variants in 16p11.2 and major depressive disorder in a German case-control sample
Q50633310Association between dopa decarboxylase gene variants and borderline personality disorder
Q49061405Association between genetic variation in a region on chromosome 11 and schizophrenia in large samples from Europe
Q40598546Association between neuropeptide Y receptor Y2 promoter variant rs6857715 and major depressive disorder
Q45075170Association between schizophrenia and common variation in neurocan (NCAN), a genetic risk factor for bipolar disorder
Q34517004Association between the 5' UTR variant C178T of the serotonin receptor gene HTR3A and bipolar affective disorder
Q36785936Association of Protein Phosphatase PPM1G With Alcohol Use Disorder and Brain Activity During Behavioral Control in a Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis
Q57515292Association of Whole-Genome and NETRIN1 Signaling Pathway–Derived Polygenic Risk Scores for Major Depressive Disorder and White Matter Microstructure in the UK Biobank
Q44776875Association of a functional 1019C>G 5-HT1A receptor gene polymorphism with panic disorder with agoraphobia
Q46185206Association of major depression with rare functional variants in norepinephrine transporter and serotonin1A receptor genes
Q48165250Association of rs1006737 in CACNA1C with alterations in prefrontal activation and fronto-hippocampal connectivity
Q51742566Association of the DTNBP1 genotype with cognition and personality traits in healthy subjects
Q47978434Association of the functional V158M catechol-O-methyl-transferase polymorphism with panic disorder in women
Q47379437Association of tumor necrosis factor alpha gene -G308A polymorphism with schizophrenia
Q57655388Association study between genetic variants at the PIP5K2A gene locus and schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder
Q46482684Association study between genetic variants at the VAMP2 and VAMP3 loci and bipolar affective disorder
Q44063108Association study between two variants in the DOPA decarboxylase gene in bipolar and unipolar affective disorder
Q57655298Association study of 20 genetic variants at the D-amino acid oxidase gene in schizophrenia
Q57655405Association study of a functional promoter polymorphism in theXBP1 gene and schizophrenia
Q57655659Association study of schizophrenia and the histidase gene
Q57655233Association study of the GRIA1 and CLINT1 (Epsin 4) genes in a German schizophrenia sample
Q57655514Association study of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene and bipolar affective disorder using family-based internal controls
Q51808997At-risk variant in TCF7L2 for type II diabetes increases risk of schizophrenia
Q53379617Attitudes towards predictive genetic testing for Alzheimer's disease
Q48339716BDNF Val 66 Met and 5-HTTLPR genotype moderate the impact of early psychosocial adversity on plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor and depressive symptoms: a prospective study
Q35179012BDNF-Val66Met-polymorphism impact on cortical plasticity in schizophrenia patients: a proof-of-concept study
Q36791063BRAIN NETWORKS. Correlated gene expression supports synchronous activity in brain networks
Q35592821Bipolar polygenic loading and bipolar spectrum features in major depressive disorder
Q46096011Body weight as a predictor of antidepressant efficacy in the GENDEP project
Q50643822Boys do it the right way: Sex-dependent amygdala lateralization during face processing in adolescents
Q48102784Brain function in carriers of a genome-wide supported bipolar disorder variant
Q34583423Brain-specific tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2): a functional Pro206Ser substitution and variation in the 5'-region are associated with bipolar affective disorder
Q50309857Brief report: no association between premorbid adjustment in adult-onset schizophrenia and genetic variation in Dysbindin
Q57655690CNTF and psychiatric disorders
Q34128396COMT val158met polymorphism and neural pain processing
Q50786670CYP2C19 genotype predicts steady state escitalopram concentration in GENDEP.
Q73362925CYP2D6 Polymorphism and Tardive Dyskinesia in Schizophrenic Patients
Q55455346Cacna1c haploinsufficiency leads to pro-social 50-kHz ultrasonic communication deficits in rats.
Q30694085Can long-range microsatellite data be used to predict short-range linkage disequilibrium?
Q34143977Candidate gene analysis of the human natural killer-1 carbohydrate pathway and perineuronal nets in schizophrenia: B3GAT2 is associated with disease risk and cortical surface area
Q45405623Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158 Met genotype, parenting practices and adolescent alcohol use: testing the differential susceptibility hypothesis
Q52931795Caught in the trio trap? Potential selection bias inherent to association studies using parent-offspring trios
Q47418955Changes in body weight during pharmacological treatment of depression
Q40691027Circadian genes and lithium response in bipolar disorders: associations with PPARGC1A (PGC-1α) and RORA.
Q39988302City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans
Q68112660Clinical variability of autosomal dominant spinal muscular atrophy
Q28282304Cloning, genomic organization, alternative transcripts and mutational analysis of the gene responsible for autosomal recessive universal congenital alopecia
Q36817134Cognitive Effects of High-Frequency rTMS in Schizophrenia Patients With Predominant Negative Symptoms: Results From a Multicenter Randomized Sham-Controlled Trial
Q50663179Cognitive state and connectivity effects of the genome-wide significant psychosis variant in ZNF804A.
Q34114516Combined analysis from eleven linkage studies of bipolar disorder provides strong evidence of susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6q and 8q
Q40794290Combining clinical variables to optimize prediction of antidepressant treatment outcomes
Q44539729Commingling analysis of age-of-onset in bipolar I disorder and the morbid risk for major psychoses in first degree relatives of bipolar I probands
Q34028001Common and rare variant analysis in early-onset bipolar disorder vulnerability
Q45331135Common genetic variants and gene-expression changes associated with bipolar disorder are over-represented in brain signaling pathway genes
Q34458961Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures
Q45764658Common structural correlates of trait impulsiveness and perceptual reasoning in adolescence
Q35816788Common variants at VRK2 and TCF4 conferring risk of schizophrenia
Q24614376Common variants conferring risk of schizophrenia
Q37173580Common variants on 8p12 and 1q24.2 confer risk of schizophrenia
Q46141284Common variation in NCAN, a risk factor for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, influences local cortical folding in schizophrenia
Q39495606Comparison of gene expression profiles in the blood, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of rats
Q36090063Computer-assisted phenotype characterization for genetic research in psychiatry
Q41269744Concordance of Phantom and Residual Limb Pain Phenotypes in Double Amputees: Evidence for the Contribution of Distinct and Common Individual Factors
Q41073238Convergent Lines of Evidence Support LRP8 as a Susceptibility Gene for Psychosis
Q34145283Convergent animal and human evidence suggests a role of PPM1A gene in response to antidepressants
Q43599808Convergent lines of evidence support CAMKK2 as a schizophrenia susceptibility gene
Q36850500Converging Evidence for Epistasis between ANK3 and Potassium Channel Gene KCNQ2 in Bipolar Disorder
Q48367416Copy number variants and therapeutic response to antidepressant medication in major depressive disorder
Q34811896Copy number variants in German patients with schizophrenia
Q35900760Copy number variations of chromosome 16p13.1 region associated with schizophrenia
Q33372366Correlations between risk gene variants for schizophrenia and brain structure anomalies
Q48483813Cortical thickness of superior frontal cortex predicts impulsiveness and perceptual reasoning in adolescence
Q52806735Cortisol, cortisone, and BDNF in amniotic fluid in the second trimester of pregnancy: Effect of early life and current maternal stress and socioeconomic status
Q50637827Creating probabilistic maps of the face network in the adolescent brain: a multicentre functional MRI study
Q48430397D2 antidopaminergic modulation of frontal lobe function in healthy human subjects
Q30474546DAOA/G72 predicts the progression of prodromal syndromes to first episode psychosis
Q43202776DNA sequence variants of the FKBP5 gene are associated with unipolar depression
Q34068888DRD2/ANKK1 polymorphism modulates the effect of ventral striatal activation on working memory performance
Q45056693DRD4 exon 3 variants are not associated with symptomatology of major psychoses in a German population
Q37208565Depression symptom dimensions as predictors of antidepressant treatment outcome: replicable evidence for interest-activity symptoms
Q51939970Depression, migraine with aura and migraine without aura: their familiality and interrelatedness
Q32142716Description of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 10 bipolar disorder linkage data sets
Q57405116Description of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 10 bipolar disorder linkage data sets
Q58554692Detecting significant genotype-phenotype association rules in bipolar disorder: market research meets complex genetics
Q35760224Determinants of early alcohol use in healthy adolescents: the differential contribution of neuroimaging and psychological factors
Q46104577Differential efficacy of escitalopram and nortriptyline on dimensional measures of depression
Q34202425Dimensions of manic symptoms in youth: psychosocial impairment and cognitive performance in the IMAGEN sample
Q24647095Disruption of the neurexin 1 gene is associated with schizophrenia
Q43483239Dissecting the genetic heterogeneity of depression through age at onset
Q41882634Dissecting the phenotype in genome-wide association studies of psychiatric illness
Q34974229Dissection of phenotype reveals possible association between schizophrenia and Glutamate Receptor Delta 1 (GRID1) gene promoter
Q37626678Distinct loci in the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 gene cluster are associated with onset of regular smoking
Q48606866Disturbed cortico-amygdalar functional connectivity as pathophysiological correlate of working memory deficits in bipolar affective disorder
Q48385311Disturbed frontal gyrification within families affected with schizophrenia
Q47992809Do you see what I see? Sex differences in the discrimination of facial emotions during adolescence
Q46643230Does Childhood Trauma Moderate Polygenic Risk for Depression? A Meta-analysis of 5765 Subjects From the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
Q57321107Dopamine D2 receptor molecular variant and schizophrenia
Q57655695Dopamine D3 receptor Gly9/Ser9 polymorphism and schizophrenia: no increased frequency of homozygosity in German familial cases
Q57655528Dopamine D3 receptor variant and tardive dyskinesia
Q34287598Dopamine inactivation efficacy related to functional DAT1 and COMT variants influences motor response evaluation
Q38617731Drinking water to reduce alcohol craving? A randomized controlled study on the impact of ghrelin in mediating the effects of forced water intake in alcohol addiction
Q54613289Dual association of a TRKA polymorphism with schizophrenia.
Q37360523Early Cannabis Use, Polygenic Risk Score for Schizophrenia and Brain Maturation in Adolescence
Q34086260Early and delayed onset of response to antidepressants in individual trajectories of change during treatment of major depression: a secondary analysis of data from the Genome-Based Therapeutic Drugs for Depression (GENDEP) study
Q40790836Effect of copy number variant burden on Global Assessment of Functioning in schizophrenia
Q56353844Effect of cytochrome CYP2C19 metabolizing activity on antidepressant response and side effects: Meta-analysis of data from genome-wide association studies
Q33506534Effect of the G72 (DAOA) putative risk haplotype on cognitive functions in healthy subjects
Q60610010Effects of BDNF Val66Met genotype and schizophrenia familial risk on a neural functional network for cognitive control in humans
Q58117305Effects of BDNF ValMet genotype and schizophrenia familial risk on a neural functional network for cognitive control in humans
Q44490894Effects of a CACNA1C genotype on attention networks in healthy individuals
Q48271431Effects of a genome-wide supported psychosis risk variant on neural activation during a theory-of-mind task
Q57155883Effects of leptin and ghrelin on neural cue-reactivity in alcohol addiction: Two streams merge to one river?
Q51858168Effects of the circadian rhythm gene period 1 (per1) on psychosocial stress-induced alcohol drinking
Q50946700Efficacy and side-effects of clozapine not associated with variation in the 5-HT2C receptor
Q30425785Efficacy and side-effects of clozapine: testing for association with allelic variation in the dopamine D4 receptor gene
Q52809131Efficacy of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on PANSS factors in schizophrenia with predominant negative symptoms - Results from an exploratory re-analysis
Q45832362Efficient strategy for detecting gene × gene joint action and its application in schizophrenia
Q57296426Elevated expression of a minor isoform of ANK3 is a risk factor for bipolar disorder
Q47899207Epigenetic alteration of the dopamine transporter gene in alcohol-dependent patients is associated with age.
Q38814364Epigenome-wide DNA methylation analysis in siblings and monozygotic twins discordant for sporadic Parkinson's disease revealed different epigenetic patterns in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q57405062Erratum to “Genome-wide association analysis of age at onset and psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder”, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics”, April 1; 156(3):370-378
Q57268473Erratum: Allelic differences between Europeans and Chinese for CREB1 SNPs and their implications in gene expression regulation, hippocampal structure and function and bipolar disorder susceptibility
Q57405038Erratum: Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of European and Asian-ancestry samples identifies three novel loci associated with bipolar disorder
Q50770651Estimating the heritability of reporting stressful life events captured by common genetic variants
Q35951576Etiopathogenetic mechanisms in long-term course of schizophrenia
Q57655252European collaborative study of early-onset bipolar disorder: Evidence for genetic heterogeneity on 2q14 according to age at onset
Q57655572Evaluation of linkage of bipolar affective disorder to chromosome 18 in a sample of 57 German families
Q48479637Evidence for a Sex-Dependent MAOA× Childhood Stress Interaction in the Neural Circuitry of Aggression
Q48819378Evidence for a relationship between genetic variants at the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) locus and major depression
Q51034630Examination of G72 and D-amino-acid oxidase as genetic risk factors for schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder
Q77628575Excess of allele1 for alpha3 subunit GABA receptor gene (GABRA3) in bipolar patients: a multicentric association study
Q35622119Expanding the range of ZNF804A variants conferring risk of psychosis
Q38668022Expert and self-assessment of lifetime symptoms and diagnosis of major depressive disorder in large-scale genetic studies in the general population: comparison of a clinical interview and a self-administered checklist
Q35780023Exploring the role of drug-metabolising enzymes in antidepressant side effects
Q36709678FTO, obesity and the adolescent brain
Q57655626Familial occurrence of primary premature ejaculation
Q57655477Familial occurrence of tardive dyskinesia
Q35711708Familiality and SNP heritability of age at onset and episodicity in major depressive disorder
Q52089742Familiality of symptom dimensions in depression
Q33827638Family and genetic studies on the relationship of schizophrenia to affective disorders
Q51980857Family history influences age of onset in bipolar I disorder in females but not in males
Q47868051Family-based association studies of alpha-adrenergic receptor genes in chromosomal regions with linkage to bipolar affective disorder
Q44411867Family‐based and case–control study of catechol‐O‐methyltransferase in schizophrenia among Palestinian Arabs
Q47556833Fast sleep spindle density is associated with rs4680 (Val108/158Met) genotype of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT).
Q51890078Forum: The interplay of genes and environment in psychiatric disorders
Q45767530From gene to brain to behavior: schizophrenia-associated variation in AMBRA1 alters impulsivity-related traits
Q41013453From mother to child: orbitofrontal cortex gyrification and changes of drinking behaviour during adolescence
Q37660158From nature versus nurture, via nature and nurture, to gene x environment interaction in mental disorders
Q21090982Functional connectivity analyses in imaging genetics: considerations on methods and data interpretation
Q37065287Functional impact of a recently identified quantitative trait locus for hippocampal volume with genome-wide support
Q38772337Functional neuroimaging effects of recently discovered genetic risk loci for schizophrenia and polygenic risk profile in five RDoC subdomains
Q48096146Functional outcome in major psychiatric disorders and associated clinical and psychosocial variables: A potential cross-diagnostic phenotype for further genetic investigations?
Q28270257Functional polymorphism of the dopamine β-hydroxylase gene is associated with increased risk of disulfiram-induced adverse effects in alcohol-dependent patients
Q40037150Functional serotonin 1A receptor variant influences treatment response to atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia
Q46493040Further evidence for a functional role of the glutamate receptor gene GRM3 in schizophrenia
Q52239350Further evidence for a susceptibility locus on chromosome 10p14-p11 in 72 families with schizophrenia by nonparametric linkage analysis
Q57655475Further evidence for age of onset being an indicator for severity in bipolar disorder
Q37642441Further evidence for the impact of a genome-wide-supported psychosis risk variant in ZNF804A on the Theory of Mind Network
Q51892719G72 and its association with major depression and neuroticism in large population-based groups from Germany
Q37642029GABRB1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Associated with Altered Brain Responses (but not Performance) during Measures of Impulsivity and Reward Sensitivity in Human Adolescents
Q33691275GWA study data mining and independent replication identify cardiomyopathy-associated 5 (CMYA5) as a risk gene for schizophrenia
Q33696761Gene expression of NMDA receptor subunits in the cerebellum of elderly patients with schizophrenia
Q48612091Gene expression of glutamate transporters SLC1A1, SLC1A3 and SLC1A6 in the cerebellar subregions of elderly schizophrenia patients and effects of antipsychotic treatment
Q43135420Gene expression of neuregulin-1 isoforms in different brain regions of elderly schizophrenia patients
Q47290653Gene set enrichment analysis and expression pattern exploration implicate an involvement of neurodevelopmental processes in bipolar disorder
Q28943470Gene variants associated with schizophrenia in a Norwegian genome-wide study are replicated in a large European cohort
Q34181876Gene-based analysis of regionally enriched cortical genes in GWAS data sets of cognitive traits and psychiatric disorders
Q57605591Genetic Architecture of Subcortical Brain Structures in Over 40,000 Individuals Worldwide
Q38675906Genetic Contribution to Alcohol Dependence: Investigation of a Heterogeneous German Sample of Individuals with Alcohol Dependence, Chronic Alcoholic Pancreatitis, and Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis
Q53203060Genetic association in psychiatric diseases. Concepts and findings
Q45292101Genetic counseling in psychiatric diseases
Q45729383Genetic differences in cytochrome P450 enzymes and antidepressant treatment response
Q56347335Genetic disposition to inflammation and response to antidepressants in major depressive disorder
Q35150158Genetic markers associated with abstinence length in alcohol-dependent subjects treated with acamprosate
Q34431154Genetic models of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: overlapping inheritance or discrete genotypes?
Q48372657Genetic predictors of antidepressant side effects: a grouped candidate gene approach in the Genome-Based Therapeutic Drugs for Depression (GENDEP) study
Q45916412Genetic predictors of increase in suicidal ideation during antidepressant treatment in the GENDEP project.
Q46051862Genetic predictors of response to antidepressants in the GENDEP project
Q28484419Genetic predictors of response to serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants in major depressive disorder: a genome-wide analysis of individual-level data and a meta-analysis
Q28296286Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs
Q35023117Genetic relationships between suicide attempts, suicidal ideation and major psychiatric disorders: a genome-wide association and polygenic scoring study
Q37172778Genetic risk for nicotine dependence in the cholinergic system and activation of the brain reward system in healthy adolescents
Q36746449Genetic variants associated with response to lithium treatment in bipolar disorder: a genome-wide association study
Q43998568Genetic variants of lipase activity in chronic pancreatitis
Q48360954Genetic variation at the synaptic vesicle gene SV2A is associated with schizophrenia
Q38434718Genetic variation in CACNA1C affects neural processing in major depression
Q48952710Genetic variation in CYP2D6 impacts neural activation during cognitive tasks in humans
Q38374868Genetic variation in G72 correlates with brain activation in the right middle temporal gyrus in a verbal fluency task in healthy individuals
Q38381112Genetic variation in schizophrenia-risk-gene dysbindin 1 modulates brain activation in anterior cingulate cortex and right temporal gyrus during language production in healthy individuals
Q42672368Genetic variation in the G72 gene is associated with increased frontotemporal fiber tract integrity
Q38382619Genetic variation in the schizophrenia-risk gene neuregulin 1 correlates with brain activation and impaired speech production in a verbal fluency task in healthy individuals
Q49114492Genetic variation in the schizophrenia-risk gene neuregulin1 correlates with differences in frontal brain activation in a working memory task in healthy individuals
Q46161875Genetic variation in the schizophrenia-risk gene neuregulin1 correlates with personality traits in healthy individuals
Q57315185Genetic variation of the 5-HT2A receptor and response to clozapine
Q44125800Genetics of bipolar affective disorders. Current status of research for identification of susceptibility genes
Q38282574Genetics of chronic post-surgical pain: a crucial step toward personal pain medicine
Q30573253Genetics of emergent suicidality during antidepressive treatment--data from a naturalistic study on a large sample of inpatients with a major depressive episode
Q35608277Genetics of schizophrenia and affective disorders
Q57321088Geneties of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Affective Disorder
Q22242975Genome scan meta-analysis of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, part III: Bipolar disorder
Q49236384Genome-wide Association Study Identifies Genetic Variation in Neurocan as a Susceptibility Factor for Bipolar Disorder
Q52560096Genome-wide association analyses identify 44 risk variants and refine the genetic architecture of major depression
Q41392222Genome-wide association analyses identify new risk variants and the genetic architecture of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Q28943374Genome-wide association analysis accounting for environmental factors through propensity-score matching: application to stressful live events in major depressive disorder
Q29417107Genome-wide association analysis of age at onset and psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder
Q30559089Genome-wide association data provide further support for an association between 5-HTTLPR and major depressive disorder
Q37280609Genome-wide association for major depressive disorder: a possible role for the presynaptic protein piccolo
Q29417016Genome-wide association of mood-incongruent psychotic bipolar disorder
Q37831225Genome-wide association studies of alcohol dependence and substance use disorders
Q24634497Genome-wide association study identifies genetic variation in neurocan as a susceptibility factor for bipolar disorder
Q40103441Genome-wide association study identifies inversion in the CTRB1-CTRB2 locus to modify risk for alcoholic and non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
Q37528290Genome-wide association study implicates NDST3 in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Q29417149Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of European and Asian-ancestry samples identifies three novel loci associated with bipolar disorder
Q39732399Genome-wide association study of 40,000 individuals identifies two novel loci associated with bipolar disorder
Q57700323Genome-wide association study of 40,000 individuals identifies two novel loci associated with bipolar disorder
Q28943321Genome-wide association study of alcohol dependence
Q38669045Genome-wide association study of borderline personality disorder reveals genetic overlap with bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia
Q44670236Genome-wide association study of co-occurring anxiety in major depression
Q49024786Genome-wide association study of increasing suicidal ideation during antidepressant treatment in the GENDEP project
Q39674863Genome-wide association study of pathological gambling
Q37226546Genome-wide association study of suicide attempts in mood disorder patients
Q40215640Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness
Q28235753Genome-wide association study reveals two new risk loci for bipolar disorder
Q48105260Genome-wide association-, replication-, and neuroimaging study implicates HOMER1 in the etiology of major depression
Q46022556Genome-wide gene-environment interaction in depression: A systematic evaluation of candidate genes: The childhood trauma working-group of PGC-MDD.
Q42655084Genome-wide pharmacogenetics of antidepressant response in the GENDEP project
Q35962736Genome-wide scan for genes involved in bipolar affective disorder in 70 European families ascertained through a bipolar type I early-onset proband: supportive evidence for linkage at 3p14
Q36589726Genome-wide significant association between a 'negative mood delusions' dimension in bipolar disorder and genetic variation on chromosome 3q26.1.
Q35631745Genome-wide significant association between alcohol dependence and a variant in the ADH gene cluster
Q29417060Genome-wide study of association and interaction with maternal cytomegalovirus infection suggests new schizophrenia loci
Q50779938Genome-wide supported risk variant for bipolar disorder alters anatomical connectivity in the human brain
Q46504843Genome-wide survey implicates the influence of copy number variants (CNVs) in the development of early-onset bipolar disorder
Q28742939Genomewide association scan of suicidal thoughts and behaviour in major depression
Q34137467Genomewide scan and fine-mapping linkage studies in four European samples with bipolar affective disorder suggest a new susceptibility locus on chromosome 1p35-p36 and provides further evidence of loci on chromosome 4q31 and 6q24.
Q57697186Genomic Dissection of Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia, Including 28 Subphenotypes
Q42682091Genomic architecture of human neuroanatomical diversity
Q57317095Genotype-phenotype association mining in bipolar disorder: market research meets complex genetics
Q51924518Genotype-phenotype studies in bipolar disorder showing association between the DAOA/G30 locus and persecutory delusions: a first step toward a molecular genetic classification of psychiatric phenotypes
Q48360961Glutamate receptor δ 1 (GRID1) genetic variation and brain structure in schizophrenia
Q36958010HPA-axis activity in alcoholism: examples for a gene-environment interaction
Q40669159Hair Cortisol and Its Association With Psychological Risk Factors for Psychiatric Disorders: A Pilot Study in Adolescent Twins
Q45072666Hair Cortisol in Twins: Heritability and Genetic Overlap with Psychological Variables and Stress-System Genes
Q68095267Heterogeneity in proximal spinal muscular atrophy
Q37578876High frequencies of de novo CNVs in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
Q40589507High loading of polygenic risk in cases with chronic schizophrenia
Q46014279Hippocampal and frontolimbic function as intermediate phenotype for psychosis: evidence from healthy relatives and a common risk variant in CACNA1C.
Q48787188Hippocampal function in healthy carriers of the CLU Alzheimer's disease risk variant
Q43272941History of suicide attempts among patients with depression in the GENDEP project
Q57403895How Can Pharmacogenomics Biomarkers Be Translated into Patient Benefit
Q30511878How the serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR polymorphism influences amygdala function: the roles of in vivo serotonin transporter expression and amygdala structure
Q34015548Human NPY promoter variation rs16147:T>C as a moderator of prefrontal NPY gene expression and negative affect
Q57655718Human adenosine A2a receptor (A2aAR) gene: systematic mutation screening in patients with schizophrenia
Q36301065Identification and functional characterization of rare SHANK2 variants in schizophrenia
Q40607073Identification of a Bipolar Disorder Vulnerable Gene CHDH at 3p21.1.
Q36792668Identification of common variants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes
Q43183593Identification of increased genetic risk scores for schizophrenia in treatment-resistant patients
Q29417130Identification of loci associated with schizophrenia by genome-wide association and follow-up
Q37381091Identification of rare variants in KCTD13 at the schizophrenia risk locus 16p11.2.
Q37506744Identifying bipolar disorder susceptibility loci in a densely affected pedigree
Q36791694Impact of a cis-associated gene expression SNP on chromosome 20q11.22 on bipolar disorder susceptibility, hippocampal structure and cognitive performance
Q42616379Impact of age at first drink on vulnerability to alcohol-related problems: testing the marker hypothesis in a prospective study of young adults
Q44914335Impact of polymorphisms of cytochrome-P450 isoenzymes 2C9, 2C19 and 2D6 on plasma concentrations and clinical effects of antidepressants in a naturalistic clinical setting
Q49709780Impact of prenatal stress on mother-infant dyadic behavior during the still-face paradigm
Q45916877Impact of psychosocial adversity on alcohol intake in young adults: moderation by the LL genotype of the serotonin transporter polymorphism.
Q34018777Impact of schizophrenia-risk gene dysbindin 1 on brain activation in bilateral middle frontal gyrus during a working memory task in healthy individuals
Q52563148Impact on birth weight of maternal smoking throughout pregnancy mediated by DNA methylation
Q37114489Implication of a rare deletion at distal 16p11.2 in schizophrenia
Q36350246Increased genetic vulnerability to smoking at CHRNA5 in early-onset smokers
Q40461734Increased levels of glucocorticoid receptors and enhanced glucocorticoid receptor auto-regulation after hydrocortisone challenge in B-lymphoblastoids from patients with affective disorders.
Q48014635Increased medial orbitofrontal and amygdala activation: evidence for a systems-level endophenotype of bipolar I disorder
Q50744596Increasing association between a neuropeptide Y promoter polymorphism and body mass index during the course of development
Q44280112Independent evidence for the selective influence of GABA(A) receptors on one component of the bipolar disorder phenotype
Q48381860Induction and quantification of prefrontal cortical network plasticity using 5 Hz rTMS and fMRI.
Q43268912Influence of 5-HT3 receptor subunit genes HTR3A, HTR3B, HTR3C, HTR3D and HTR3E on treatment response to antipsychotics in schizophrenia
Q33716541Integrated pathway-based approach identifies association between genomic regions at CTCF and CACNB2 and schizophrenia
Q40701790Interacting effect of MAOA genotype and maternal prenatal smoking on aggressive behavior in young adulthood
Q45927860Interacting effects of CRHR1 gene and stressful life events on drinking initiation and progression among 19-year-olds.
Q44985331Interacting effects of the dopamine transporter gene and psychosocial adversity on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms among 15-year-olds from a high-risk community sample
Q40908751Interaction between COMT Val(158)Met polymorphism and childhood adversity affects reward processing in adulthood
Q46036202Interaction between serotonin transporter gene variants and life events predicts response to antidepressants in the GENDEP project.
Q46103432Interaction between the 5-HTTLPR serotonin transporter polymorphism and environmental adversity for mood and anxiety psychopathology: evidence from a high-risk community sample of young adults
Q39392604Interaction between the FTO gene, body mass index and depression: meta-analysis of 13701 individuals
Q47432706Interactive effects of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 gene and childhood adversity on depressive symptoms in young adults: findings from a longitudinal study
Q56967644Investigating polygenic burden in age at disease onset in bipolar disorder: Findings from an international multicentric study
Q45758985Investigating the genetic variation underlying episodicity in major depressive disorder: suggestive evidence for a bipolar contribution
Q57655670Investigation of Complement C4B Deficiency in Schizophrenia
Q30313279Investigation of SHANK3 in schizophrenia
Q35150183Investigation of blood mRNA biomarkers for suicidality in an independent sample
Q50104375Investigation of linkage and association/linkage disequilibrium of HLA A-, DQA1-, DQB1-, and DRB1-alleles in 69 sib-pair- and 89 trio-families with schizophrenia
Q34113404Investigation of manic and euthymic episodes identifies state- and trait-specific gene expression and STAB1 as a new candidate gene for bipolar disorder
Q55039294Investigation of the DAOA/G30 locus in panic disorder.
Q57655519Investigation of the human serotonin 6 (5HT6) receptor gene in bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia
Q73994286Investigation of the human serotonin 6 [5-HT6] receptor gene in bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia
Q45076450Investigation of the human serotonin receptor gene HTR3B in bipolar affective and schizophrenic patients
Q34429146Investigation of the involvement of MIR185 and its target genes in the development of schizophrenia
Q40283155Investigation of the role of TCF4 rare sequence variants in schizophrenia
Q50793156Investigation of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) in schizophrenia and in the response to antipsychotics
Q57655469Is there a phenotypic difference between probands in case-control versus family-based association studies?
Q34820222KCNJ6 is associated with adult alcohol dependence and involved in gene × early life stress interactions in adolescent alcohol drinking
Q58838762Khat abuse as risk factor for development of psychotic symptoms in trauma patients. A feasibility study for further genetico-epidemiological studies in the GGFRC, ethiopia
Q42362286Khat use and occurrence of psychotic symptoms in the general male population in Southwestern Ethiopia: evidence for sensitization by traumatic experiences
Q57655480Lack of association between a functional polymorphism of the cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) gene and tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia
Q51915062Lack of genetic association between the phospholipase A2 gene and bipolar mood disorder in a European multicentre case-control study
Q50797144Lack of support for a genetic association of the XBP1 promoter polymorphism with bipolar disorder in probands of European origin
Q24654741Large recurrent microdeletions associated with schizophrenia
Q48135978Left prefrontal high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of schizophrenia with predominant negative symptoms: a sham-controlled, randomized multicenter trial
Q47704367Letter to the Editor: Influence of rTMS on smoking in patients with schizophrenia
Q35903759Leveraging Genomic Annotations and Pleiotropic Enrichment for Improved Replication Rates in Schizophrenia GWAS.
Q35877868Linkage-disequilibrium-based binning affects the interpretation of GWASs
Q44709355Longer telomere length in patients with schizophrenia
Q34465904Low Birth Weight in MZ Twins Discordant for Birth Weight is Associated with Shorter Telomere Length and lower IQ, but not Anxiety/Depression in Later Life
Q48150808Lower ventral striatal activation during reward anticipation in adolescent smokers
Q52048108MASA syndrome: clinical variability and linkage analysis
Q35159992Machine learning patterns for neuroimaging-genetic studies in the cloud
Q47597788Major psychoses symptomatology: factor analysis of 2241 psychotic subjects
Q48893196Manual dexterity correlating with right lobule VI volume in right-handed 14-year-olds
Q36591215Maternal interpersonal affiliation is associated with adolescents' brain structure and reward processing
Q36193455Maternally derived microduplications at 15q11-q13: implication of imprinted genes in psychotic illness
Q34699544Measuring depression: comparison and integration of three scales in the GENDEP study
Q28607353Mechanisms of disturbed emotion processing and social interaction in borderline personality disorder: state of knowledge and research agenda of the German Clinical Research Unit
Q48891135Melancholic, atypical and anxious depression subtypes and outcome of treatment with escitalopram and nortriptyline
Q41887769Mental disorders are somatic disorders, a comment on M. Stier and T. Schramme
Q30574842Meta-analysis and brain imaging data support the involvement of VRK2 (rs2312147) in schizophrenia susceptibility
Q29417150Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies a risk locus for major mood disorders on 3p21.1.
Q36731415Meta-analysis of two genome-wide association studies of bipolar disorder reveals important points of agreement
Q24634151Microduplications of 16p11.2 are associated with schizophrenia
Q44091008Moclobemide response in depressed patients: association study with a functional polymorphism in the monoamine oxidase A promoter
Q39261297Moderating role of FKBP5 genotype in the impact of childhood adversity on cortisol stress response during adulthood
Q45945437Moderation of antidepressant response by the serotonin transporter gene.
Q36120530Molecular genetic overlap in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder
Q57419522Mood-incongruent psychosis in bipolar disorder: conditional linkage analysis shows genome-wide suggestive linkage at 1q32.3, 7p13 and 20q13.31
Q36772668Mouse and Human Genetic Analyses Associate Kalirin with Ventral Striatal Activation during Impulsivity and with Alcohol Misuse
Q28290169Multiple independent loci at chromosome 15q25.1 affect smoking quantity: a meta-analysis and comparison with lung cancer and COPD.
Q44246923Multiple polymorphisms in genes of the adrenergic stress system confer vulnerability to alcohol abuse
Q53208023Mutation in the beta amyloid precursor protein gene and schizophrenia
Q36059932NCAN Cross-Disorder Risk Variant Is Associated With Limbic Gray Matter Deficits in Healthy Subjects and Major Depression
Q47745417Neural Mechanism of a Sex-Specific Risk Variant for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Type I Receptor of the Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide
Q48630669Neural and cognitive correlates of the common and specific variance across externalizing problems in young adolescence
Q36802404Neural basis of reward anticipation and its genetic determinants
Q37480474Neural correlates of three types of negative life events during angry face processing in adolescents
Q34978645Neural mechanisms of a genome-wide supported psychosis variant
Q50740202Neural mechanisms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms are stratified by MAOA genotype
Q45176739Neuregulin 3 is associated with attention deficits in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Q44341707Neuroimaging evidence for a role of neural social stress processing in ethnic minority-associated environmental risk
Q24289323Neuropsychosocial profiles of current and future adolescent alcohol misusers
Q33856171New Genetic Findings in Schizophrenia: Is there Still Room for the Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia?
Q30988023New data and an old puzzle: the negative association between schizophrenia and rheumatoid arthritis
Q35237172New findings in the genetics of major psychoses
Q36177108No Reliable Association between Runs of Homozygosity and Schizophrenia in a Well-Powered Replication Study
Q51905124No association between a common haplotype of the 6 and 10-repeat alleles in intron 8 and the 3'UTR of the DAT1 gene and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Q57655377No association between genetic variants at the ASCT1 gene and schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in a German sample
Q57655349No association between genetic variants at the DGCR2 gene and schizophrenia in a German sample
Q34524820No association between genetic variants at the GLYT2 gene and bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia
Q51912625No association between genetic variants at the GRIN1 gene and bipolar disorder in a German sample
Q46174283No association between the D-aspartate oxidase locus and schizophrenia
Q73307600No association between the dopamine D3 receptor Bal I polymorphism and schizophrenia in a family-based study of a Palestinian Arab population
Q34430435No association between the putative functional ZDHHC8 single nucleotide polymorphism rs175174 and schizophrenia in large European samples
Q44634716No association between the serine racemase gene (SRR) and bipolar disorder in a German case-control sample
Q51905122No association between the serine racemase gene (SRR) and schizophrenia in a German case-control sample
Q48807243No differences in hippocampal volume between carriers and non-carriers of the ApoE ε4 and ε2 alleles in young healthy adolescents
Q48733397No differences in ventral striatum responsivity between adolescents with a positive family history of alcoholism and controls
Q48338618No evidence for an association between variants at the gamma-amino-n-butyric acid type A receptor beta2 locus and schizophrenia
Q46644940No evidence for an association between variants at the proline dehydrogenase locus and schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder
Q48249386No evidence for an involvement of copy number variation in ABCA13 in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder
Q57655385No evidence for association between NOTCH4 and schizophrenia in a large family-based and case???control association analysis
Q51966473No evidence for linkage by transmission disequilibrium test analysis of microsatellite marker D22S278 and schizophrenia in a Palestinian Arab and in a German population
Q68202235No evidence for linkage of autosomal dominant proximal spinal muscular atrophies to chromosome 5q markers
Q57655760No evidence of association between dopamine D4 receptor variants and bipolar affective disorder
Q46116416No influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphisms on treatment response in a naturalistic sample of patients with major depression
Q48718603Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and efficacy of antidepressants in major depressive disorder
Q37598396Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume
Q27653381Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified through genome-wide association
Q36340727Oppositional COMT Val158Met effects on resting state functional connectivity in adolescents and adults
Q39304932Oxytocin receptor genotype modulates ventral striatal activity to social cues and response to stressful life events
Q47437520Oxytocin receptor polymorphism and childhood social experiences shape adult personality, brain structure and neural correlates of mentalizing
Q35844094PCLO rs2522833 impacts HPA system activity in healthy young adults
Q33755391Parents' Attitudes toward Clinical Genetic Testing for Autism Spectrum Disorder-Data from a Norwegian Sample
Q38909428Parents' attitudes toward genetic research in autism spectrum disorder
Q43962534Partial support for ZNF804A genotype-dependent alterations in prefrontal connectivity
Q48522448Pathological amygdala activation during working memory performance: Evidence for a pathophysiological trait marker in bipolar affective disorder
Q57655767Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris (Morbus Hailey-Hailey) und bipolare affektive Erkrankung bei drei Mitgliedern einer Familie
Q40832000Perceived stress and hair cortisol: Differences in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
Q48381594Perceived stress has genetic influences distinct from neuroticism and depression
Q38953918Personality and substance use: psychometric evaluation and validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in English, Irish, French, and German adolescents
Q35653692Personality, Attentional Biases towards Emotional Faces and Symptoms of Mental Disorders in an Adolescent Sample
Q77500757Pharmacogenetics in psychiatry satellite meeting at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2000
Q49567721Pharmacogenetics in psychiatry: state of the art
Q40350674Pharmacogenetics of antidepressant response: A polygenic approach
Q57655504Pharmacogenetics of clozapine response
Q33920521Pharmacogenetics of schizophrenia
Q44026650Pharmacogenetics of tardive dyskinesia: combined analysis of 780 patients supports association with dopamine D3 receptor gene Ser9Gly polymorphism
Q36498543Phenotypic Association Analyses With Copy Number Variation in Recurrent Depressive Disorder
Q38721029Polygenic risk for depression and the neural correlates of working memory in healthy subjects
Q50154396Polygenic risk for schizophrenia affects working memory and its neural correlates in healthy subjects
Q46308032Polymorphisms in SREBF1 and SREBF2, two antipsychotic-activated transcription factors controlling cellular lipogenesis, are associated with schizophrenia in German and Scandinavian samples
Q34637787Polymorphisms in the glutamate transporter gene SLC1A1 and obsessive-compulsive symptoms induced by second-generation antipsychotic agents
Q45004422Population pharmacokinetic analysis of mirtazapine
Q35122070Positive association of video game playing with left frontal cortical thickness in adolescents
Q51899983Possible association between genetic variants at the GRIN1 gene and schizophrenia with lifetime history of depressive symptoms in a German sample
Q50702569Possible association of different G72/G30 SNPs with mood episodes and persecutory delusions in bipolar I Romanian patients
Q38668070Predicting Response to Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients With Schizophrenia Using Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Multisite Machine Learning Analysis
Q40753501Prediction of alcohol drinking in adolescents: Personality-traits, behavior, brain responses, and genetic variations in the context of reward sensitivity
Q48629811Prefrontal-temporal gray matter deficits in bipolar disorder patients with persecutory delusions
Q35899373Pregnancy and spinal muscular atrophy
Q47568233Preliminary Evidence for an Association Between Variants of the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Gene and Premature Ejaculation
Q51905743Premorbid adjustment in schizophrenia--an important aspect of phenotype definition
Q51735547Premorbid adjustment: a phenotype highlighting a distinction rather than an overlap between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Q34542443Prevalence of depression, suicidal ideation, alcohol intake and nicotine consumption in rural Central India. The Central India Eye and Medical Study
Q35043972Prevalence of incompletely penetrant Huntington's disease alleles among individuals with major depressive disorder
Q51898903Psychiatric comorbidity and functional impairment in a clinically referred sample of adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Q36485264RASGRF2 regulates alcohol-induced reinforcement by influencing mesolimbic dopamine neuron activity and dopamine release
Q33853853RETRACTED: Identification of gene ontologies linked to prefrontal-hippocampal functional coupling in the human brain
Q46346887Randomized parcellation based inference
Q43163365Rare SHANK2 variants in schizophrenia
Q34311849Reduced anxiety and depression-like behaviours in the circadian period mutant mouse afterhours
Q35112156Reduced cortical thickness is associated with the glutamatergic regulatory gene risk variant DAOA Arg30Lys in schizophrenia
Q48133791Reduction of the internal capsule in families affected with schizophrenia
Q51969140Relation between cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter and white matter changes in families with schizophrenia
Q33827099Relationship between obesity and the risk of clinically significant depression: Mendelian randomisation study
Q52169386Reliability and validity of the German version of the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS)
Q50536197Reliability and validity of the premorbid adjustment scale (PAS) in a German sample of schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients
Q51800023Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of negative symptoms in residual schizophrenia: rationale and design of a sham-controlled, randomized multicenter study
Q42649058Replication of brain function effects of a genome-wide supported psychiatric risk variant in the CACNA1C gene and new multi-locus effects
Q35913898Replication of functional serotonin receptor type 3A and B variants in bipolar affective disorder: a European multicenter study
Q44227113Replication study and meta-analysis in European samples supports association of the 3p21.1 locus with bipolar disorder
Q57405074Reply to “Replication of association of 3p21.1 with susceptibility to bipolar disorder but not major depression”
Q57317108Resequencing and follow-up of neurexin 1 (NRXN1) in schizophrenia patients
Q42907735Retraction for Dixson et al., Identification of gene ontologies linked to prefrontal-hippocampal functional coupling in the human brain
Q48873883Risk taking and the adolescent reward system: a potential common link to substance abuse
Q42946738Risk variant for schizophrenia in the neurogranin gene impacts on hippocampus activation during contextual fear conditioning
Q52995774Risk-seeking for losses is associated with 5-HTTLPR, but not with transient changes in 5-HT levels
Q47885230Role of FKBP5 in emotion processing: results on amygdala activity, connectivity and volume
Q48548848SCN1A affects brain structure and the neural activity of the aging brain
Q34313985Segment-wise genome-wide association analysis identifies a candidate region associated with schizophrenia in three independent samples
Q58791217Self-rated depression and eye diseases: The Beijing Eye Study
Q32022721Serotonin receptor gene HTR3A variants in schizophrenic and bipolar affective patients
Q34291371Serotonin transporter 5HTTLPR polymorphism and affective disorders: no evidence of association in a large European multicenter study
Q73446247Serotonin transporter gene and schizophrenia: evidence for association/linkage disequilibrium in families with affected siblings
Q34393039Sex differences in COMT polymorphism effects on prefrontal inhibitory control in adolescence
Q51732834Sex differences in symptom patterns of recurrent major depression in siblings
Q59109394Sex modulates the interaction between neuropeptide S gene variants and endocrine and central stress responses
Q46013624Sex-specific association between functional neuropeptide S receptor gene (NPSR1) variants and cortisol and central stress responses.
Q46106156Sex-specific association between the 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region and basal cortisol secretion
Q34982204Sex-specific role for adenylyl cyclase type 7 in alcohol dependence
Q39448090Sexual Function Is Correlated With Body Image and Partnership Quality in Female University Students
Q35755912Sexual dysfunction during treatment with serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants: clinical description and the role of the 5-HTTLPR.
Q49123194Shape changes in prefrontal, but not parieto-occipital regions: brains of schizophrenic patients come closer to a circle in coronal and sagittal view
Q55724398Shared genetic etiology between alcohol dependence and major depressive disorder.
Q28658523Single nucleotide polymorphism in the neuroplastin locus associates with cortical thickness and intellectual ability in adolescents
Q57655754Single-strand conformation analysis (SSCA) of the dopamine D1 receptor gene (DRD1) reveals no significant mutation in patients with schizophrenia and manic depression
Q48592646Smoking behaviour: investigation of the coaction of environmental and genetic risk factors
Q59295223Spina Bifida
Q42977848Stressful life events, cognitive symptoms of depression and response to antidepressants in GENDEP.
Q47790538Striatal response to reward anticipation: evidence for a systems-level intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia
Q40547311Structural brain changes are associated with response of negative symptoms to prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with schizophrenia
Q39289822Structural brain correlates of adolescent resilience
Q34297764Studies in humans and mice implicate neurocan in the etiology of mania
Q36391763Study protocol of the ASD-Net, the German research consortium for the study of Autism Spectrum Disorder across the lifespan: from a better etiological understanding, through valid diagnosis, to more effective health care
Q48073994Subthreshold depression and regional brain volumes in young community adolescents
Q51897139Subtype differences in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with regard to ADHD-symptoms, psychiatric comorbidity and psychosocial adjustment
Q21245266Suicidal ideation during treatment of depression with escitalopram and nortriptyline in genome-based therapeutic drugs for depression (GENDEP): a clinical trial
Q33210741Suicide attempts in schizophrenia and affective disorders with relation to some specific demographical and clinical characteristics
Q40722387Support for association of schizophrenia with genetic variation in the 6p22.3 gene, dysbindin, in sib-pair families with linkage and in an additional sample of triad families
Q55052082Supporting evidence for LRRTM1 imprinting effects in schizophrenia.
Q36148471Systematic Integration of Brain eQTL and GWAS Identifies ZNF323 as a Novel Schizophrenia Risk Gene and Suggests Recent Positive Selection Based on Compensatory Advantage on Pulmonary Function
Q44022700Systematic analysis of glutamatergic neurotransmission genes in alcohol dependence and adolescent risky drinking behavior
Q57655518Systematic screening for DNA sequence variation in the coding region of the human dopamine transporter gene (DAT1)
Q57655680Systematic screening for mutations in the 5′-regulatory region of the human dopamine D1 receptor (DRD1) gene in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder
Q45163438Systematic screening for mutations in the human N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 1 gene in schizophrenic patients from the German population
Q57655706Systematic screening for mutations in the human serotonin 1F receptor gene in patients with bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia
Q57655700Systematic screening for mutations in the human serotonin-2A (5-HT 2A ) receptor gene: identification of two naturally occurring receptor variants and association analysis in schizophrenia
Q71131045Systematic screening for mutations in the human serotonin-2A (5-HT2A) receptor gene: identification of two naturally occurring receptor variants and association analysis in schizophrenia
Q57315186Systematic screening for mutations in the promoter and the coding region of the 5-HT1A gene
Q48248036TMEM132D, a new candidate for anxiety phenotypes: evidence from human and mouse studies
Q42694576The "DGPPN-Cohort": A national collaboration initiative by the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (DGPPN) for establishing a large-scale cohort of psychiatric patients
Q38738856The 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism Affects Network-Based Functional Connectivity in the Visual-Limbic System in Healthy Adults
Q38670489The Andalusian Bipolar Family (ABiF) Study: Protocol and sample description
Q48254927The CACNA1C risk variant for bipolar disorder influences limbic activity
Q37239901The DISC locus and schizophrenia: evidence from an association study in a central European sample and from a meta-analysis across different European populations
Q33905352The DTNBP1 (dysbindin) gene contributes to schizophrenia, depending on family history of the disease
Q24802094The Depression Network (DeNT) Study: methodology and sociodemographic characteristics of the first 470 affected sibling pairs from a large multi-site linkage genetic study
Q24289484The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data
Q37811879The IMAGEN study: reinforcement-related behaviour in normal brain function and psychopathology
Q28610572The association between lower educational attainment and depression owing to shared genetic effects? Results in ~25,000 subjects
Q49121260The catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) gene and its potential association with schizophrenia: findings from a large German case-control and family-based sample
Q51015372The complement control-related genes CSMD1 and CSMD2 associate to schizophrenia
Q47553079The effect of 5-HTTLPR and a serotonergic multi-marker score on amygdala, prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex reactivity and habituation in a large, healthy fMRI cohort
Q46317119The effect of G72 genotype on neural correlates of memory encoding and retrieval
Q48367252The effect of Neuregulin 1 on neural correlates of episodic memory encoding and retrieval
Q36471529The effect of neurogranin on neural correlates of episodic memory encoding and retrieval
Q34173810The effects of a DTNBP1 gene variant on attention networks: an fMRI study
Q36492159The first genomewide interaction and locus-heterogeneity linkage scan in bipolar affective disorder: strong evidence of epistatic effects between loci on chromosomes 2q and 6q.
Q38061466The genetics of alcohol dependence.
Q49037932The hippocampus in families with schizophrenia in relation to obstetric complications
Q48058034The human serotonin 7 (5-HT7) receptor gene: genomic organization and systematic mutation screening in schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder.
Q43411797The impact of a CACNA1C gene polymorphism on learning and hippocampal formation in healthy individuals: a diffusion tensor imaging study
Q48825356The impact of a Dysbindin schizophrenia susceptibility variant on fiber tract integrity in healthy individuals: a TBSS-based diffusion tensor imaging study
Q48513096The impact of dystrobrevin-binding protein 1 (DTNBP1) on neural correlates of episodic memory encoding and retrieval
Q51909243The impact of genetics on psychiatric nosology
Q47610838The influence of MIR137 on white matter fractional anisotropy and cortical surface area in individuals with familial risk for psychosis
Q43279078The interaction between the dopamine transporter gene and age at onset in relation to tobacco and alcohol use among 19-year-olds
Q39619276The inverse link between genetic risk for schizophrenia and migraine through NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor activation via D-serine
Q30511830The neural basis of video gaming
Q24617186The neuronal transporter gene SLC6A15 confers risk to major depression
Q34482739The novel brain-specific tryptophan hydroxylase-2 gene in panic disorder
Q45251042The power of sample size and homogenous sampling: association between the 5-HTTLPR serotonin transporter polymorphism and major depressive disorder
Q39030396The protocadherin 17 gene affects cognition, personality, amygdala structure and function, synapse development and risk of major mood disorders
Q39294240The psychiatric vulnerability gene CACNA1C and its sex-specific relationship with personality traits, resilience factors and depressive symptoms in the general population
Q51860518The rate of consanguineous marriages among parents of schizophrenic patients in the Arab Bedouin population in Southern Israel
Q48027075The risk variant in ODZ4 for bipolar disorder impacts on amygdala activation during reward processing
Q34213593The schizophrenia risk gene ZNF804A influences the antipsychotic response of positive schizophrenia symptoms
Q37397637The structure of psychopathology in adolescence and its common personality and cognitive correlates
Q34622650Three circadian clock genes Per2, Arntl, and Npas2 contribute to winter depression
Q31077646Time-resolved influences of functional DAT1 and COMT variants on visual perception and post-processing
Q43253362Trajectories of change in depression severity during treatment with antidepressants
Q64447869Trans-ancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders
Q40259221Transcriptomics and the mechanisms of antidepressant efficacy
Q24658007Two variants in Ankyrin 3 (ANK3) are independent genetic risk factors for bipolar disorder
Q57655732Tyrosine hydroxylase gene and manic-depressive illness
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