meta-analysis | Q815382 |
scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Florian Holsboer | Q1429723 |
Marcella Rietschel | Q20742720 | ||
Sven Cichon | Q28050103 | ||
Jana Strohmaier | Q34568406 | ||
Manuel Mattheisen | Q37357032 | ||
Francis J. McMahon | Q37369592 | ||
Markus M Nöthen | Q37634364 | ||
Federica Tozzi | Q47502259 | ||
Thomas G. Schulze | Q61995101 | ||
Thomas W Mühleisen | Q87871468 | ||
Jens R Wendland | Q88037498 | ||
Pierandrea Muglia | Q89919709 | ||
Martin Preisig | Q90376398 | ||
René Breuer | Q114270577 | ||
Nirmala Akula | Q114370003 | ||
John B Vincent | Q115588965 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Anne Farmer | |
Wolfgang Maier | |||
Sevilla D Detera-Wadleigh | |||
C J M Steele | |||
Bipolar Disorder Genome Study (BiGS) Consortium | |||
P2860 | cites work | Estimation of significance thresholds for genomewide association scans | Q24289532 |
Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls | Q24550675 | ||
Genome-wide association study of bipolar disorder in European American and African American individuals | Q24628870 | ||
A genome-wide association study implicates diacylglycerol kinase eta (DGKH) and several other genes in the etiology of bipolar disorder | Q24655759 | ||
PLINK: a tool set for whole-genome association and population-based linkage analyses | Q24677407 | ||
A nucleolar mechanism controlling cell proliferation in stem cells and cancer cells | Q24682602 | ||
A new mathematical model for relative quantification in real-time RT-PCR | Q27860781 | ||
Common polygenic variation contributes to risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder | Q28250609 | ||
Whole-genome association study of bipolar disorder | Q28271419 | ||
A framework for interpreting genome-wide association studies of psychiatric disorders | Q28300576 | ||
Gene-wide analyses of genome-wide association data sets: evidence for multiple common risk alleles for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and for overlap in genetic risk | Q28303293 | ||
Genome-wide association and meta-analysis of bipolar disorder in individuals of European ancestry | Q28943449 | ||
Genomic control for association studies | Q29547213 | ||
A HapMap harvest of insights into the genetics of common disease | Q29614875 | ||
Genetic Power Calculator: design of linkage and association genetic mapping studies of complex traits | Q29614876 | ||
Genome-wide association of major depression: description of samples for the GAIN Major Depressive Disorder Study: NTR and NESDA biobank projects | Q30483668 | ||
Tissue-specific genetic control of splicing: implications for the study of complex traits | Q33409947 | ||
Cis-acting expression quantitative trait loci in mice | Q33771852 | ||
Polybromo-1: the chromatin targeting subunit of the PBAF complex | Q37107294 | ||
Genotype-imputation accuracy across worldwide human populations | Q37156125 | ||
Impairment in role functioning in mental and chronic medical disorders in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication | Q37238643 | ||
Seven lipoprotein lipase gene polymorphisms, lipid fractions, and coronary disease: a HuGE association review and meta-analysis | Q37299016 | ||
Interpretation of tests of heterogeneity and bias in meta-analysis | Q37329334 | ||
Global burden of depressive disorders in the year 2000 | Q56814477 | ||
A survey of genetic human cortical gene expression | Q57272923 | ||
Genome-wide association study of recurrent major depressive disorder in two European case–control cohorts | Q57323019 | ||
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis | Q57970162 | ||
P433 | issue | 2 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | mood disorder | Q188638 |
meta-analysis | Q815382 | ||
genome-wide association study | Q1098876 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 128-131 | |
P577 | publication date | 2010-01-17 | |
P1433 | published in | Nature Genetics | Q976454 |
P1476 | title | Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies a risk locus for major mood disorders on 3p21.1. | |
P478 | volume | 42 |
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Q37407150 | A large-scale candidate gene analysis of mood disorders: evidence of neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor and opioid receptor signaling dysfunction |
Q29417093 | A mega-analysis of genome-wide association studies for major depressive disorder |
Q33543143 | A new statistic to evaluate imputation reliability |
Q36478862 | Aberrant executive attention in unaffected youth at familial risk for mood disorders |
Q89863903 | An atlas of genetic correlations between psychiatric disorders and human blood plasma proteome |
Q37978823 | Animal models of stress vulnerability and resilience in translational research. |
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