Genome-wide association study of bipolar disorder in Canadian and UK populations corroborates disease loci including SYNE1 and CSMD1

scientific article

Genome-wide association study of bipolar disorder in Canadian and UK populations corroborates disease loci including SYNE1 and CSMD1 is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1010439723
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID33724
P932PMC publication ID3901032
P698PubMed publication ID24387768
P5875ResearchGate publication ID259586127

P50authorPeter McGuffinQ7175787
Anne FarmerQ16151236
Andrew McQuillinQ37652167
Jo KnightQ39065126
Pingzhao HuQ39652071
Georgina M. HosangQ44547539
Sarah Cohen-WoodsQ44547557
Federica TozziQ47502259
P2093author name stringWei Xu
Abdul Noor
John B Vincent
James L Kennedy
Qian Chen
Hugh M D Gurling
Pierandrea Muglia
Vincenzo De Luca
John Strauss
Sagar V Parikh
Julia Forte
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P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectbipolar disorderQ131755
genome-wide association studyQ1098876
P577publication date2014-01-01
P1433published inBMC Medical GeneticsQ15759918
P1476titleGenome-wide association study of bipolar disorder in Canadian and UK populations corroborates disease loci including SYNE1 and CSMD1

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