scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Eric E Schadt | Q88032932 |
Sudheer Doss | Q117259885 | ||
Aldons Jake Lusis | Q60642067 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Thomas A Drake | |
P2860 | cites work | Identification of complement factor 5 as a susceptibility locus for experimental allergic asthma | Q61316952 |
Trans-acting regulatory variation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the role of transcription factors | Q73747425 | ||
Genetic loci determining bone density in mice with diet-induced atherosclerosis | Q95721154 | ||
Epigenetic regulation of gene expression: how the genome integrates intrinsic and environmental signals | Q22122053 | ||
Basic local alignment search tool | Q25938991 | ||
Genetics of gene expression surveyed in maize, mouse and man | Q29617297 | ||
Genetic analysis of genome-wide variation in human gene expression | Q29617852 | ||
Genetic dissection of transcriptional regulation in budding yeast | Q29618883 | ||
Microarray standard data set and figures of merit for comparing data processing methods and experiment designs | Q30795624 | ||
Finding the molecular basis of quantitative traits: successes and pitfalls. | Q34271555 | ||
Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis defines haplotype patterns in mouse | Q34869723 | ||
The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community's view | Q35591720 | ||
Genetic correlates of gene expression in recombinant inbred strains: a relational model system to explore neurobehavioral phenotypes | Q35713551 | ||
Genetic inheritance of gene expression in human cell lines | Q38521403 | ||
Age-related changes in murine CNS mRNA gene expression are modulated by dietary melatonin | Q44792176 | ||
Long-range activation of Sox9 in Odd Sex (Ods) mice. | Q44872341 | ||
The contributions of sex, genotype and age to transcriptional variance in Drosophila melanogaster | Q44876819 | ||
Genetic loci for diet-induced atherosclerotic lesions and plasma lipids in mice | Q45000599 | ||
Detection of regulatory variation in mouse genes | Q48456623 | ||
An integrative genomics approach to the reconstruction of gene networks in segregating populations | Q51995001 | ||
Quantitative technologies for allele frequency estimation of SNPs in DNA pools | Q52026106 | ||
cDNA expression arrays reveal incomplete reversal of age-related changes in gene expression by calorie restriction | Q52890618 | ||
The mosaic structure of variation in the laboratory mouse genome | Q59088082 | ||
P4510 | describes a project that uses | SQL | Q47607 |
P433 | issue | 5 | |
P921 | main subject | quantitative trait locus | Q853421 |
P304 | page(s) | 681-691 | |
P577 | publication date | 2005-04-18 | |
P1433 | published in | Genome Research | Q5533485 |
P1476 | title | Cis-acting expression quantitative trait loci in mice | |
P478 | volume | 15 |
Q33991900 | A Statistical Framework for eQTL Mapping Using RNA‐seq Data |
Q54587435 | A change of expression in the conserved signaling gene MKK7 is associated with a selective sweep in the western house mouse Mus musculus domesticus. |
Q38483636 | A comprehensive mouse IBD database for the efficient localization of quantitative trait loci. |
Q30435297 | A high-resolution association mapping panel for the dissection of complex traits in mice |
Q30762220 | A novel statistical approach for jointly analyzing RNA-Seq data from F1 reciprocal crosses and inbred lines. |
Q33516189 | A re-annotation pipeline for Illumina BeadArrays: improving the interpretation of gene expression data |
Q42704740 | A statistical multiprobe model for analyzing cis and trans genes in genetical genomics experiments with short-oligonucleotide arrays |
Q37115945 | A systems biology approach to drug discovery |
Q37194691 | A transcriptomic analysis of superhybrid rice LYP9 and its parents |
Q21283815 | Accuracy of genome-wide imputation of untyped markers and impacts on statistical power for association studies |
Q33635359 | Advances in genetical genomics of plants. |
Q37442659 | Advances in systems biology are enhancing our understanding of disease and moving us closer to novel disease treatments |
Q33870832 | Allele-specific expression and eQTL analysis in mouse adipose tissue |
Q34126284 | Allelic Variation on Murine Chromosome 11 Modifies Host Inflammatory Responses and Resistance to Bacillus anthracis |
Q33739437 | An independent component analysis confounding factor correction framework for identifying broad impact expression quantitative trait loci |
Q37550211 | An integrated systems genetics screen reveals the transcriptional structure of inherited predisposition to metastatic disease |
Q30437488 | An integrative genetics approach to identify candidate genes regulating BMD: combining linkage, gene expression, and association |
Q34483101 | Analysis of allelic differential expression in human white blood cells |
Q48446986 | Analysis of the QTL for sleep homeostasis in mice: Homer1a is a likely candidate |
Q45228878 | Assessing the prospects of genome-wide association studies performed in inbred mice |
Q30592862 | Association of MAPT haplotypes with Alzheimer's disease risk and MAPT brain gene expression levels |
Q24633673 | Balanced gene regulation by an embryonic brain ncRNA is critical for adult hippocampal GABA circuitry |
Q36512810 | Barley genomics: An overview. |
Q30364215 | Candidate genes controlling pulmonary function in mice: transcript profiling and predicted protein structure. |
Q35088886 | Characterizing the role of miRNAs within gene regulatory networks using integrative genomics techniques |
Q33257734 | Cis-regulatory variations: a study of SNPs around genes showing cis-linkage in segregating mouse populations |
Q35038386 | Cis-transcriptional variation in maize inbred lines B73 and Mo17 leads to additive expression patterns in the F1 hybrid |
Q31142556 | Combining classical trait and microarray data to dissect transcriptional regulation: a case study. |
Q38518221 | Combining gene expression QTL mapping and phenotypic spectrum analysis to uncover gene regulatory relationships. |
Q37332223 | Combining genetic mapping with genome-wide expression in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis highlights a gene network enriched for T cell functions and candidate genes regulating autoimmunity |
Q37133082 | Comprehensive analysis of Arabidopsis expression level polymorphisms with simple inheritance |
Q35809331 | Computational tools for discovery and interpretation of expression quantitative trait loci |
Q37378108 | Copy number variation influences gene expression and metabolic traits in mice |
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Q35424369 | Dietary fat-dependent transcriptional architecture and copy number alterations associated with modifiers of mammary cancer metastasis |
Q33331563 | Differential allelic expression in the human genome: a robust approach to identify genetic and epigenetic cis-acting mechanisms regulating gene expression |
Q48104662 | Dissimilar Manifestation of Heterosis in Superhybrid Rice at Early-Tillering Stage under Nutrient-Deficient and Nutrient-Sufficient Condition |
Q41173456 | Effect of polymorphisms within probe-target sequences on olignonucleotide microarray experiments |
Q33399362 | Effects of genetic and environmental factors on trait network predictions from quantitative trait locus data |
Q35724294 | Equalizer reduces SNP bias in Affymetrix microarrays |
Q36829467 | Evaluating the role of natural selection in the evolution of gene regulation. |
Q38478540 | Evidence for selection on gene expression in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa). |
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Q33530457 | Expression quantitative trait loci analysis of genes in porcine muscle by quantitative real-time RT-PCR compared to microarray data |
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Q36539664 | From DNA to RNA to disease and back: the 'central dogma' of regulatory disease variation |
Q36029006 | Functional Genomic Architecture of Predisposition to Voluntary Exercise in Mice: Expression QTL in the Brain |
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Q33769760 | Gene Expression Network Reconstruction by Convex Feature Selection when Incorporating Genetic Perturbations |
Q33246682 | Gene expression profiling in the striatum of inbred mouse strains with distinct opioid-related phenotypes |
Q36515885 | Gene network inference via structural equation modeling in genetical genomics experiments |
Q33328631 | Gene-environment interaction in yeast gene expression |
Q35677775 | Gene-expression variation within and among human populations |
Q28383404 | Genetic Dissection of Acute Ethanol Responsive Gene Networks in Prefrontal Cortex: Functional and Mechanistic Implications |
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Q37629310 | Genetic and Targeted eQTL Mapping Reveals Strong Candidate Genes Modulating the Stress Response During Chicken Domestication. |
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Q34867880 | Genetic architecture of regulatory variation in Arabidopsis thaliana |
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Q33657409 | Genetic validation of whole-transcriptome sequencing for mapping expression affected by cis-regulatory variation |
Q34067233 | Genetic variability of transcript abundance in pig peri-mortem skeletal muscle: eQTL localized genes involved in stress response, cell death, muscle disorders and metabolism. |
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Q34493603 | Genomic variation and its impact on gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster |
Q84264841 | GmFtsH9 expression correlates with in vivo photosystem II function: chlorophyll a fluorescence transient analysis and eQTL mapping in soybean |
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Q36049184 | Hierarchical additive effects on heterosis in rice (Oryza sativa L.). |
Q41563852 | High resolution mapping of expression QTLs in heterogeneous stock mice in multiple tissues |
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Q42645962 | Interplay of cis and trans mechanisms driving transcription factor binding and gene expression evolution. |
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Q31044908 | Prediction of cis-QTLs in a pair of inbred mouse strains with the use of expression and haplotype data from public databases |
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Q34062914 | Quantitative genomics of voluntary exercise in mice: transcriptional analysis and mapping of expression QTL in muscle |
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Q30625155 | eQTL Mapping Using RNA-seq Data |
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