William Bell Scott

British artist (1811-1890)

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/William_Bell_Scott

Abstract is: William Bell Scott (1811–1890) was a Scottish artist in oils and watercolour and occasionally printmaking. He was also a poet and art teacher, and his posthumously published reminiscences give a chatty and often vivid picture of life in the circle of the Pre-Raphaelites; he was especially close to Dante Gabriel Rossetti. After growing up in Edinburgh, he moved to London, and from 1843 to 1864 was principal of the government School of Art in Newcastle upon Tyne, where he added industrial subjects to his repertoire of landscapes and history painting. He was one of the first British artists to extensively depict the processes of the Industrial Revolution. He returned to London, working for the Science and Art Department until 1885. He painted a cycle of historical subjects mixed with scenes from modern industry for Wallington Hall in Northumberland (now National Trust), his best known works, and a purely historical cycle for Penkill Castle in Ayrshire in Scotland. He did not paint many portraits, but his striking portrait of his friend Algernon Charles Swinburne is the iconic image of the poet. His etchings were mostly designed to illustrate his books.

Wikimedia Commons category is William Bell Scott

Born 1811-09-12 in Edinburgh (Q23436)
Died 1890-11-22 in South Ayrshire (Q209131)

William Bell Scott is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P8783AAGM person or institution ID2975
P6844abART person ID141111
P9097American Academy in Rome ID12409330
P5731Angelicum ID191846
P5508archINFORM person/group ID58625
P8902Archives at Yale agent IDpeople/91303
P3791Art Renewal Center artist ID2082
P1367Art UK artist IDscott-william-bell-18111890
P5597Artcyclopedia artist IDscott_william_bell
P5489artist-info artist ID318861
P4432Artists of the World ID20016945
P3782Artnet artist IDwilliam-bell-scott
P7545askArt person ID11069538
P4145Athenaeum person ID6729
P2843Benezit IDB00166587
P3965Bridgeman artist ID343
P1711British Museum person or institution ID45736
P9984CANTIC ID981058529074606706
P1273CANTIC ID (former scheme)a10670178
P1871CERL Thesaurus IDcnp00573619
P4200Christie's creator ID43785
P11496CiNii Research ID1140282266798362112
P1472Commons Creator pageWilliam Bell Scott
P8085Curran Index contributor ID1263
P13049DDB person (GND) ID123150043
P2332Dictionary of Art Historians IDscottw
P1953Discogs artist ID2473236
P7704Europeana entityagent/base/148778
P2163FAST ID1394
P535Find a Grave memorial ID227288660
P646Freebase ID/m/021tk9
P7848Frick Art Research Library Artist File ID991004188949707141
P227GND ID123150043
P10297Google Arts & Culture entity IDm021tk9
P269IdRef ID127905677
P1233Internet Speculative Fiction Database author ID108665
P4927Invaluable.com person ID9gu52g3muf
P8189J9U ID987007312576305171
P244Library of Congress authority IDn50005611
P1899LibriVox author ID10957
P10882Met Constituent ID73538
P2268Musée d'Orsay artist ID132394
P271NACSIS-CAT author IDDA0816565X
P5368National Gallery of Canada artist IDwilliam-bell-scott
P2041National Gallery of Victoria artist ID3655
P10227National Library of Ireland IDvtls000886116
P949National Library of Israel ID (old)000383953
P7699National Library of Lithuania IDLNB:K+q;=Bc
P1816National Portrait Gallery (London) person IDmp06017
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID070361746
P1207NUKAT IDn99705289
P648Open Library IDOL241581A
P3762openMLOL author ID153685
P1415Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ID24938
P12582Oxford Reference overview ID20110803100448845
P12458Parsifal cluster ID85384
P8317Philadelphia Museum of Art entity ID11237
P2750Photographers’ Identities Catalog ID6899
P1005Portuguese National Library author ID395316
P1938Project Gutenberg author ID35837
P4553RA Collections ID16265
P3065RERO ID (legacy)02-A003816433
P650RKDartists ID71651
P4808Royal Academy new identifierwilliam-bell-scott
P3430SNAC ARK IDw6sn13p3
P2349Stuttgart Database of Scientific Illustrators ID10597
P2741Tate artist IDwilliam-bell-scott-481
P3029UK National Archives IDF70159
P245Union List of Artist Names ID500005114
P11686University of Barcelona authority ID981058529074606706
P214VIAF cluster ID3372337
P6735Watercolour World artist IDwilliam-bell-scott
P1882Web Gallery of Art artist IDs/scott_wb
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJvMtMDKQFGcwPYDCmd4v3
P4169YCBA agent ID13

P9493artist files atFrick Art Research LibraryQ5503390
P7763copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expiredQ71887839
P27country of citizenshipUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandQ174193
P1299depicted byWilliam Bell Scott, 1811 - 1890. Poet and artist (Self-portrait)Q27959268
P1343described by sourceEncyclopædia Britannica 11th editionQ867541
New International EncyclopediaQ1029706
The Nuttall EncyclopædiaQ3181656
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885–1900Q15987216
Library of the World's Best LiteratureQ19098835
P69educated atEdinburgh College of ArtQ5338172
P734family nameScottQ12800811
P22fatherRobert ScottQ7349658
P735given nameWilliamQ12344159
P6379has works in the collectionNational GalleryQ180788
Scottish National GalleryQ942713
Philadelphia Museum of ArtQ510324
Victoria and Albert MuseumQ213322
Ashmolean MuseumQ636400
William Morris GalleryQ8015837
Guildhall Art GalleryQ4968030
Hatton GalleryQ5682144
Yale Center for British ArtQ6352575
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and MuseumQ1061094
National Gallery of CanadaQ1068063
National Gallery of VictoriaQ1464509
Laing Art GalleryQ1800739
National Galleries ScotlandQ2051997
Rhode Island School of Design MuseumQ2148186
Manchester Art GalleryQ2638817
Rozelle House GalleriesQ119982177
P1412languages spoken, written or signedEnglishQ1860
art historianQ1792450
graphic artistQ1925963
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference LibraryQ104694359
P119place of burialOld Dailly Parish ChurchQ17840823
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P937work locationLondonQ84
P2032work period (end)1890-01-01
P2031work period (start)1826-01-01
P6886writing languageEnglishQ1860

Reverse relations

creator (P170)
Q119085380A Leopard
Q119062398A Picnic at Hanwell
Q119811693A Rocky Shore with a Shipwreck
Q23758137Ailsa Craig
Q17173425Albrecht Dürer on the Balcony of his House
Q119083850Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837–1909), Commoner (1856), Poet
Q52303597An Incident after the Plague
Q110975483Ariel and Caliban
Q119084302Autumn Crocus
Q52302804Bede finishes his Works and Life (One of a series of eight oil paintings illustrating the history of the English Border)
Q119051786Bell-Ringers and Cavaliers Celebrating the Entrance of Charles II into London on Restoration
Q52302823Bernard Gilpin making Peace among the Borders, takes down the Glove in Rothbury Church, circa 1570 (One of a series of eight oil paintings illustrating the history of the English Border)
Q119811684Fair Rosamond Alone in Her Bower
Q117021516Fair Rosamund in her Bower
Q119866795Girl in a Blue Dress
Q52302830Grace Darling (1815-1842) and her father William Darling (d.1865) save the Survivors from the Wreck of the Steamer 'Forfarshire' on the Farne Rocks, 7th September 1838 (One of a series of eight oil pa
Q119811701Illustration to a Scene from 'The Decameron' by Giovanni Boccaccio
Q52302836In the Nineteenth Century the Northumbrians show the World what can be done with Iron and Coal
Q119118170Keats's Grave
Q52302792King Egfrid and Bishop Trumwine persuade Cuthbert to be made Bishop (One of a series of eight oil paintings illustrating the history of the English Border)
Q52293868Mrs Halliwell as an Old Woman
Q52302769Pauline Jermyn, Lady Trevelyan (1816-1866)
Q119811706Peter Vischer (1487–1528)
Q119085131Peter Vischer (1487–1528) (design for a mosaic in the Victoria and Albert Museum)
Q119087102Peter Vischer (c.1455–1529)
Q52200981Pixies dancing in a Ring by the Firelight
Q27960316Port na Curachan, Iona
Q119085137Seascape on the Northumbrian Coast
Q119117819Shelley's Grave
Q119811685Spencer Boyd of Penkill, Ayrshire
Q119083821Study of Flowers and Fruit
Q119082594Study of Two Medieval Figures
Q119083565Study of Undergrowth
Q119952645The Argonauts
Q109716166The Border Widow
Q119085212The Building of the New Castle, 1080
Q52302798The Danes descend upon the Coast and at last possess Northumberland (One of a series of eight oil paintings illustrating the history of the English Border)
Q18689494The Eve of the Deluge
Q20810062The Gloaming (Manse Garden, Berwickshire)
Q27968833The Kingis Quair
Q59493753The Little Water-carrier
Q27960328The Nativity
Q109991436The New Moon
Q119811703The Penkill Burn
Q52302781The Romans cause a Wall to be built for the Protection of the South (One of a series of eight oil paintings illustrating the history of the English Border)
Q52302814The Spur in the Dish warns the Border Chief that the Larder needs replenishing (One of a series of eight paintings illustrating the history of the English Border)
Q119811688The Trial of Sir William Wallace at Westminster
Q52293920Thomas Evans
Q27960314Una and the Lion (from Spenser's 'The Faerie Queene')
Q119811698White Lilies
Q27959268William Bell Scott, 1811 - 1890. Poet and artist (Self-portrait)

depicts (P180)
Q28050327William Bell Scott
Q27959268William Bell Scott, 1811 - 1890. Poet and artist (Self-portrait)

main subject (P921)
Q846415801911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Scott, William Bell
Q19027068Scott, William Bell (DNB00)
Q124017439The New International Encyclopædia/Scott, William Bell
Q28050327William Bell Scott
Q27959268William Bell Scott, 1811 - 1890. Poet and artist (Self-portrait)

Q51408011Tales about birds, illustrative of their nature, habits, and instinctsillustratorP110
Q121875188Mrs. W. B. ScottspouseP26
Q7349658Robert ScottchildP40
Q98170657John Duncanstudent ofP1066

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:William Bell Scottwikimedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)William Bell Scottwikipedia
      William Bell Scottwikipedia
      William Bell Scottwikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)William Bell Scottwikipedia
      William Bell Scottwikipedia
      William Bell Scottwikipedia
West Frisian language (fy / Q27175)William Bell Scottwikipedia
      ויליאם בל סקוטwikipedia
      William Bell Scottwikipedia
nbWilliam Bell Scottwikipedia
      William Bell Scottwikipedia
Norwegian, Nynorsk (nn / Q25164)William Bell Scottwikipedia
      Скотт, Уильям Беллwikipedia
scoWilliam Bell Scottwikipedia
      Вільям Белл Скоттwikipedia
      Author:William Bell Scottwikisource

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