Giovanni Battista Cevasco


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Wikimedia Commons category is Giovanni Battista Cevasco

Born 1817-01-01 in Genoa (Q1449)
Died 1891-01-12 in Genoa (Q1449)

Giovanni Battista Cevasco is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P10925Galleria Recta artist IDcevasco-giovanni-battista
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11cn5qs7x_
P9049ICCD agent ID1792a8a871f82a5243285c25fdc81c1a
P2268Musée d'Orsay artist ID7505
P9507NBM authority ID33098
P11241Pittori Liguri IDcevasco-giovanni-battista
P1986Treccani's Biographical Dictionary of Italian People IDgiovanni-battista-cevasco
P245Union List of Artist Names ID500076063
P214VIAF cluster ID96219553

P7763copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expiredQ71887839
P27country of citizenshipKingdom of ItalyQ172579
P69educated atAccademia Ligustica di Belle ArtiQ2822659
P734family nameCevascoQ20726750
P735given nameGiovanni BattistaQ3766541
Giovanni BattistaQ3766541
P119place of burialBoschetto IrregolareQ46705872
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

creator (P170)
Q125775036Tomb of Giuseppe Ghiglione
Q126727171Tomb of the family Bonanati
Q56635054Tomba Gambaro
Q56634964Tomba Pietro Badaracco
Q56635074Tomba Bomba
Q56634931Tomba Monticelli
Q56634935Tomba Polleri
Q56634932Tomba Tollot
Q56641522гробница Микеле Новаро

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Giovanni Battista Cevascowikimedia
      Giovanni Battista Cevascowikipedia

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