ISA-TAB-Nano: a specification for sharing nanomaterial research data in spreadsheet-based format

scientific article

ISA-TAB-Nano: a specification for sharing nanomaterial research data in spreadsheet-based format is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1010869152
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID1995030
P932PMC publication ID3598649
P698PubMed publication ID23311978

P50authorNathan BakerQ28318462
P2093author name stringDennis G Thomas
Elaine T Freund
Grace A Stafford
Juli D Klemm
Sue Pan
Stacey L Harper
Martin Fritts
Sharon Gaheen
David Paik
Fred Klaessig
Elizabeth Hahn-Dantona
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Cyberinfrastructure and the Biomedical SciencesQ57410273
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectnanotechnologyQ11468
data sharingQ5227350
P577publication date2013-01-14
P1433published inBMC BiotechnologyQ15753225
P1476titleISA-TAB-Nano: a specification for sharing nanomaterial research data in spreadsheet-based format

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