Abstract is: Susanna-Assunta Sansone is a British-Italian data scientist who is professor of data readiness at the University of Oxford where she leads the data readiness group and serves as associate director of the Oxford e-Research Centre. Her research investigates techniques for improving the interoperability, reproducibility and integrity of data.
human | Q5 |
P2456 | DBLP author ID | 71/5798 |
P6178 | Dimensions author ID | 0635417117.92 |
P8446 | Gateway to Research person ID | 649CD2DC-CB5D-4B4F-BAA0-CDE99742B6A7 |
P2037 | GitHub username | SusannaSansone |
P2671 | Google Knowledge Graph ID | /g/11c6yfsh87 |
P1960 | Google Scholar author ID | gfJ8wsIAAAAJ |
P345 | IMDb ID | nm9877400 |
P213 | ISNI | 0000000135516013 |
P6634 | LinkedIn personal profile ID | sasansone |
P856 | official website | https://eng.ox.ac.uk/people/susanna-assunta-sansone/ |
P496 | ORCID iD | 0000-0001-5306-5690 |
P10897 | ORKG ID | R135862 |
P1153 | Scopus author ID | 6603584690 |
P10861 | Springer Nature person ID | 0635417117.92 |
P2002 | X (Twitter) username | susannaasansone |
P184 | doctoral advisor | Simon Kroll | Q106587228 |
P69 | educated at | Imperial College London | Q189022 |
P108 | employer | University of Oxford | Q34433 |
European Bioinformatics Institute | Q1341845 | ||
Oxford e-Research Centre | Q23808295 | ||
P734 | family name | Sansone | Q18627572 |
P2650 | interested in | FAIR data | Q29032648 |
P106 | occupation | biologist | Q864503 |
P21 | sex or gender | female | Q6581072 |
P8687 | social media followers | 2736 |
Q24550522 | 'Omics data sharing |
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Q57012052 | Erratum to: COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access |
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Q27496412 | Survey-based naming conventions for use in OBO Foundry ontology development |
Q89653408 | TeSS: a platform for discovering life science training opportunities |
Q42641390 | The ArrayExpress gene expression database: a software engineering and implementation perspective |
Q123139490 | The FAIR Cookbook - the essential resource for and by FAIR doers |
Q27942822 | The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship |
Q56889083 | The Functional Genomics Experiment model (FuGE): an extensible framework for standards in functional genomics |
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Q108921028 | FAIRsharing.org | founded by | P112 |
Q106587228 | Simon Kroll | doctoral student | P185 |
Q27725928 | Scientific Data | editor | P98 |
Q70971538 | The What, How and Why of Open Science | speaker | P823 |
Susanna-Assunta Sansone | wikipedia |
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