Susanna-Assunta Sansone

Professor of Data Readiness at the University of Oxford

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Abstract is: Susanna-Assunta Sansone is a British-Italian data scientist who is professor of data readiness at the University of Oxford where she leads the data readiness group and serves as associate director of the Oxford e-Research Centre. Her research investigates techniques for improving the interoperability, reproducibility and integrity of data.

Born 2000-01-01

Susanna-Assunta Sansone is …
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P2456DBLP author ID71/5798
P6178Dimensions author ID0635417117.92
P8446Gateway to Research person ID649CD2DC-CB5D-4B4F-BAA0-CDE99742B6A7
P2037GitHub usernameSusannaSansone
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11c6yfsh87
P1960Google Scholar author IDgfJ8wsIAAAAJ
P345IMDb IDnm9877400
P6634LinkedIn personal profile IDsasansone
P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-5306-5690
P10897ORKG IDR135862
P1153Scopus author ID6603584690
P10861Springer Nature person ID0635417117.92
P2002X (Twitter) usernamesusannaasansone

P184doctoral advisorSimon KrollQ106587228
P69educated atImperial College LondonQ189022
P108employerUniversity of OxfordQ34433
European Bioinformatics InstituteQ1341845
Oxford e-Research CentreQ23808295
P734family nameSansoneQ18627572
P2650interested inFAIR dataQ29032648
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072
P8687social media followers2736

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author (P50)
Q24550522'Omics data sharing
Q54752407A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness
Q55364532A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness
Q130515033A research data management (RDM) community for ELIXIR
Q28658729A sea of standards for omics data: sink or swim?
Q36562124A strategy capitalizing on synergies: the Reporting Structure for Biological Investigation (RSBI) working group
Q64077786Addendum: The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
Q57002733Agenda of the “BioSharing workshop – Bringing catalogues of bio-resource and standards together”
Q54302110Agenda of the “BioSharing workshop – Unifying Bio-Resources Descriptors”
Q57002736Agenda of the “BioSharing workshop – Unifying Bio-Resources Descriptors”
Q30487482An open data ecosystem for cell migration research
Q42639845An open letter on microarray data from the MGED Society
Q31053277Annotation of environmental OMICS data: application to the transcriptomics domain
Q33385054ArrayExpress update--from an archive of functional genomics experiments to the atlas of gene expression
Q24794803ArrayExpress--a public repository for microarray gene expression data at the EBI
Q29616172ArrayExpress--a public repository for microarray gene expression data at the EBI
Q30890629ArrayExpress: a public database of gene expression data at EBI.
Q90857805Author Correction: Evaluating FAIR maturity through a scalable, automated, community-governed framework
Q27975958BioHackathon series in 2011 and 2012: penetration of ontology and linked data in life science domains
Q57008143BioSharing Overview
Q57278387BioSharing: Harnessing Metadata Standards For The Data Commons
Q31096974BioSharing: curated and crowd-sourced metadata standards, databases and data policies in the life sciences
Q96473059COVID-19 pandemic reveals the peril of ignoring metadata standards
Q28611417COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access
Q94585053Community standards for open cell migration data
Q124537163Community-driven governance of FAIRness assessment: an open issue, an open discussion
Q132859901Community-driven governance of FAIRness assessment: an open issue, an open discussion
Q28729258Conceptualizing a Genomics Software Institute (GSI)
Q91711033Consent insufficient for data release-Response
Q33768634DATS, the data tag suite to enable discoverability of datasets
Q57271331DATS: the data tag suite to enable discoverability of datasets
Q46526558Data discovery with DATS: exemplar adoptions and lessons learned.
Q26776402Data standards can boost metabolomics research, and if there is a will, there is a way
Q27010370Data standards for Omics data: the basis of data sharing and reuse
Q49964227DataMed - an open source discovery index for finding biomedical datasets
Q57271334DataMed: Finding useful data across multiple biomedical data repositories
Q24530174Database development in toxicogenomics: issues and efforts
Q57803404Databases and Standardisation of Reporting Methods for Metabolic Studies
Q53620480Defining best practice for microarray analyses in nutrigenomic studies
Q38369152Developing a strategy for computational lab skills training through Software and Data Carpentry: Experiences from the ELIXIR Pilot action
Q36562135Development of FuGO: an ontology for functional genomics investigations
Q34383763Discovering and linking public omics data sets using the Omics Discovery Index.
Q30685254EBI metagenomics--a new resource for the analysis and archiving of metagenomic data
Q125859987ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development
Q109550277ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development
Q28842711Empowering industrial research with shared biomedical vocabularies
Q90323183Enabling reusability of plant phenomic datasets with MIAPPE 1.1.
Q57012052Erratum to: COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access
Q38517878Establishing reporting standards for metabolomic and metabonomic studies: a call for participation
Q90197164Evaluating FAIR maturity through a scalable, automated, community-governed framework
Q56831363Evaluating FAIR-Compliance Through an Objective, Automated, Community-Governed Framework
Q91933068Experiment design driven FAIRification of omics data matrices, an exemplar
Q83958546FAIR Convergence Matrix: Optimizing the Reuse of Existing FAIR-Related Resources
Q76394974FAIR Principles: Interpretations and Implementation Considerations
Q91068895FAIRshake: Toolkit to Evaluate the FAIRness of Research Digital Resources
Q64084285FAIRsharing as a community approach to standards, repositories and policies
Q56982339FAIRsharing, a cohesive community approach to the growth in standards, repositories and policies
Q33332018Facilitating the development of controlled vocabularies for metabolomics technologies with text mining
Q36382190Finding useful data across multiple biomedical data repositories using DataMed.
Q51688188Foreword to the special issue on the Fifth Genomic Standards consortium workshop
Q128275568Fostering global data sharing: highlighting the recommendations of the Research Data Alliance COVID-19 working group
Q101552155Fostering global data sharing: highlighting the recommendations of the Research Data Alliance COVID-19 working group
Q28647341From Peer-Reviewed to Peer-Reproduced in Scholarly Publishing: The Complementary Roles of Data Models and Workflows in Bioinformatics
Q57278388From peer-reviewed to peer-reproduced: a role for data standards, models and computational workflows in scholarly publishing
Q57179904Genomic Standards Consortium Projects
Q28656339Genomic standards consortium projects
Q83958541Helping the Consumers and Producers of Standards, Repositories and Policies to Enable FAIR Data
Q53840902High-quality science requires high-quality open data infrastructure.
Q111149857ISA API: An open platform for interoperable life science experimental metadata
Q28749402ISA software suite: supporting standards-compliant experimental annotation and enabling curation at the community level
Q29048137Identifiers for the 21st century: How to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data
Q33037209Identifiers for the 21st century: How to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data
Q56914013Interoperable and scalable data analysis with microservices: Applications in Metabolomics
Q62776588Interoperable and scalable data analysis with microservices: Applications in Metabolomics
Q64113894Interoperable and scalable data analysis with microservices: Applications in Metabolomics
Q121654535Machine actionable metadata models
Q106489073Mapping Subjects and Domains across the Humanities and Natural Sciences in FAIRsharing
Q31142305Measures for interoperability of phenotypic data: minimum information requirements and formatting
Q28743027Meeting Report from the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) Workshop 10
Q28743008Meeting Report from the Second "Minimum Information for Biological and Biomedical Investigations" (MIBBI) workshop
Q34558976Meeting Report: "Metagenomics, Metadata and Meta-analysis" (M3) Workshop at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2010.
Q28743015Meeting Report: BioSharing at ISMB 2010
Q28743033Meeting Report: Metagenomics, Metadata and MetaAnalysis (M3) at ISMB 2010
Q80267118Meeting report: EU-US Workshop on Molecular Signatures of DNA Damage-Induced Stress Responses. Cortona, Italy, 26-30 September 2003
Q24543955Meeting report: Validation of toxicogenomics-based test systems: ECVAM-ICCVAM/NICEATM considerations for regulatory use.
Q51685395Meeting report: the fifth Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) workshop
Q27818909MetaboLights--an open-access general-purpose repository for metabolomics studies and associated meta-data
Q28727284MetaboLights: towards a new COSMOS of metabolomics data management
Q57803438Metabolomics standards initiative: ontology working group work in progress
Q28652074Minimum information specification for in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry experiments (MISFISHIE)
Q28651313Modeling a microbial community and biodiversity assay with OBO Foundry ontologies: the interoperability gains of a modular approach
Q28287823Modeling biomedical experimental processes with OBI
Q57000481Omics Discovery Index - Discovering and Linking Public Omics Datasets
Q28709056On the evolving portfolio of community-standards and data sharing policies: turning challenges into new opportunities
Q36603854OntoMaton: a bioportal powered ontology widget for Google Spreadsheets
Q54302118Overcoming the Ontology Enrichment Bottleneck with Quick Term Templates
Q57385252Overcoming the Ontology Enrichment Bottleneck with Quick Term Templates
Q114612343Perspectives on Data Sharing and the New NIH policy from the European Union
Q57278386PhenoMeNal: Processing and analysis of Metabolomics data in the Cloud
Q61660063PhenoMeNal: Processing and analysis of Metabolomics data in the Cloud
Q29301289Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project
Q53589963Publishing descriptions of non-public clinical datasets: guidance for researchers, repositories, editors and funding organisations
Q49545604Publishing descriptions of non-public clinical datasets: proposed guidance for researchers, repositories, editors and funding organisations
Q28714388Recent advances in biocuration: meeting report from the Fifth International Biocuration Conference
Q28727663Report of the 13(th) Genomic Standards Consortium Meeting, Shenzhen, China, March 4-7, 2012
Q33992760Selected papers from the 12th annual Bio-Ontologies meeting
Q56891291Selected papers from the 13th Annual Bio-Ontologies Special Interest Group Meeting
Q28730337Selected papers from the 14th Annual Bio-Ontologies Special Interest Group Meeting
Q28708833Selected papers from the 15th Annual Bio-Ontologies Special Interest Group Meeting
Q89935702Semantic concept schema of the linear mixed model of experimental observations
Q56506588Standard reporting requirements for biological samples in metabolomics experiments: environmental context
Q36748766Standardization Initiatives in the (eco)toxicogenomics domain: a review
Q42677397Standardizing data
Q54302123Standards and infrastructure for managing experimental metadata
Q24813463Standards for microarray data: an open letter
Q24803791Submission of microarray data to public repositories
Q56982449Summary recommendations for standardization and reporting of metabolic analyses
Q27496412Survey-based naming conventions for use in OBO Foundry ontology development
Q89653408TeSS: a platform for discovering life science training opportunities
Q42641390The ArrayExpress gene expression database: a software engineering and implementation perspective
Q123139490The FAIR Cookbook - the essential resource for and by FAIR doers
Q27942822The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
Q56889083The Functional Genomics Experiment model (FuGE): an extensible framework for standards in functional genomics
Q28743400The Genomic Standards Consortium
Q38409679The MGED Ontology: a resource for semantics-based description of microarray experiments
Q28707581The MetaboLights repository: curation challenges in metabolomics
Q28709370The Metadata Coverage Index (MCI): A standardized metric for quantifying database metadata richness
Q19671692The OBO Foundry: coordinated evolution of ontologies to support biomedical data integration
Q28551680The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations
Q30763296The Risa R/Bioconductor package: integrative data analysis from experimental metadata and back again
Q30707678The Stem Cell Commons: an exemplar for data integration in the biomedical domain driven by the ISA framework
Q35630951The Stem Cell Discovery Engine: an integrated repository and analysis system for cancer stem cell comparisons
Q37178210The carcinoGENOMICS project: critical selection of model compounds for the development of omics-based in vitro carcinogenicity screening assays
Q30976796The center for expanded data annotation and retrieval
Q47340613The first RSBI (ISA-TAB) workshop: "can a simple format work for complex studies?".
Q114868265The future of metabolomics in ELIXIR
Q38882086The future of metabolomics in ELIXIR.
Q28744689The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
Q47269148The international MAQC Society launches to enhance reproducibility of high-throughput technologies
Q28279450The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification
Q28768258The use of concept maps during knowledge elicitation in ontology development processes--the nutrigenomics use case
Q30483844Toward a standards-compliant genomic and metagenomic publication record
Q28090939Toward interoperable bioscience data
Q61014268Toward unrestricted use of public genomic data:
Q28302329Towards BioDBcore: a community-defined information specification for biological databases
Q28743747Towards BioDBcore: a community-defined information specification for biological databases
Q28742603Towards interoperable reporting standards for omics data: hopes and hurdles
Q51162046Visual compression of workflow visualizations with automated detection of macro motifs
Q51528690Wrestling with SUMO and bio-ontologies
Q28650381linkedISA: semantic representation of ISA-Tab experimental metadata

Q108921028FAIRsharing.orgfounded byP112
Q106587228Simon Krolldoctoral studentP185
Q27725928Scientific DataeditorP98
Q70971538The What, How and Why of Open SciencespeakerP823

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