Modeling cardiac β-adrenergic signaling with normalized-Hill differential equations: comparison with a biochemical model

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Modeling cardiac β-adrenergic signaling with normalized-Hill differential equations: comparison with a biochemical model is …
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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/bmcsb/KraeutlerSS10
P6179Dimensions Publication ID1038607979
P932PMC publication ID2993667
P698PubMed publication ID21087478
P5875ResearchGate publication ID47814640

P50authorAnthony R SoltisQ41044753
Jeffrey J SaucermanQ56754218
P2093author name stringMatthew J Kraeutler
P2860cites workDiscrete dynamic modeling of cellular signaling networks.Q43246373
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Frequency-encoding Thr17 phospholamban phosphorylation is independent of Ser16 phosphorylation in cardiac myocytesQ73821726
Effect of ventricular stretch on contractile strength, calcium transient, and cAMP in intact canine heartsQ74408715
Do β2-adrenergic receptors modulate Ca2+in adult rat ventricular myocytes?Q74518561
Extreme pathway lengths and reaction participation in genome-scale metabolic networksQ24682088
Optimal experimental design for parameter estimation of a cell signaling modelQ27335259
Cardiac excitation-contraction couplingQ28216347
The effect of network topology on the stability of discrete state models of genetic controlQ28243793
The signaling petri net-based simulator: a non-parametric strategy for characterizing the dynamics of cell-specific signaling networksQ28472336
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Boolean network simulations for life scientistsQ33384933
Bifurcation analysis informs Bayesian inference in the Hes1 feedback loopQ33403062
Fuzzy logic analysis of kinase pathway crosstalk in TNF/EGF/insulin-induced signalingQ33426337
Proteome-wide cellular protein concentrations of the human pathogen Leptospira interrogansQ33482787
Transforming Boolean models to continuous models: methodology and application to T-cell receptor signalingQ33507173
Adrenergic and muscarinic receptors in the human heartQ33784373
The Cardiac Physiome: perspectives for the futureQ33787454
Type 1 phosphatase, a negative regulator of cardiac functionQ34281889
Effect of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on survival of patients with chronic congestive heart failureQ34496464
Physicochemical modelling of cell signalling pathways.Q34576205
Systems analysis of PKA-mediated phosphorylation gradients in live cardiac myocytesQ35036534
Two approaches for metabolic pathway analysis?Q35062587
Roles of GRK and PDE4 activities in the regulation of beta2 adrenergic signalingQ36517746
Acute heart failure: inotropic agents and their clinical usesQ36632217
Cardiac beta-adrenergic signaling: from subcellular microdomains to heart failureQ36667350
Combination therapy with beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists and phosphodiesterase inhibitors for chronic heart failureQ37331786
Mechanical control of cAMP signaling through integrins is mediated by the heterotrimeric Galphas proteinQ37337029
Logic-based models for the analysis of cell signaling networksQ37708260
Turning off the signal: desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptor functionQ37887325
beta2-adrenergic receptor signaling and desensitization elucidated by quantitative modeling of real time cAMP dynamicsQ40043280
Intervention in context-sensitive probabilistic Boolean networksQ40494654
Beta-adrenoceptors in cardiac diseaseQ40625374
P577publication date2010-11-18
P1433published inBMC Systems BiologyQ4835949
P1476titleModeling cardiac β-adrenergic signaling with normalized-Hill differential equations: comparison with a biochemical model

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