Artificial neural network inference (ANNI): a study on gene-gene interaction for biomarkers in childhood sarcomas

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Artificial neural network inference (ANNI): a study on gene-gene interaction for biomarkers in childhood sarcomas is …
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P819ADS bibcode2014PLoSO...9j2483T
P932PMC publication ID4099183
P698PubMed publication ID25025207
P5875ResearchGate publication ID263933619

P50authorGopal Krishna R DhondalayQ59705337
David BoocockQ40891297
P2093author name stringDong Ling Tong
Christophe Lemetre
Graham R Ball
P2860cites workEWS/FLI mediates transcriptional repression via NKX2.2 during oncogenic transformation in Ewing's sarcomaQ21144325
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NKX2.2 is a Useful Immunohistochemical Marker for Ewing SarcomaQ83740521
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Wnt activation downregulates olfactomedin-1 in Fallopian tubal epithelial cells: a microenvironment predisposed to tubal ectopic pregnancy.Q35738031
Auto-stimulatory action of secreted caveolin-1 on the proliferation of Ewing's sarcoma cellsQ35910703
Role of troponin T in disease.Q35938326
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DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Profiling of Ewing Sarcoma Primary Tumors Reveal Genes That Are Potential Targets of Epigenetic InactivationQ36248516
Expression of the follicular lymphoma variant translocation 1 gene in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma correlates with subtype and clinical outcomeQ36734697
TSG-6 regulates bone remodeling through inhibition of osteoblastogenesis and osteoclast activationQ36871656
Caveolin-1 modulates the ability of Ewing's sarcoma to metastasize.Q36921347
Modelling and analysis of gene regulatory networksQ37271452
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The Wnt pathway: emerging anticancer strategies.Q38083747
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SEPT4 is regulated by the Notch signaling pathwayQ39469997
Knockdown of CITED2 using short-hairpin RNA sensitizes cancer cells to cisplatin through stabilization of p53 and enhancement of p53-dependent apoptosisQ39527015
The Ewing's sarcoma fusion protein, EWS-FLI, binds Runx2 and blocks osteoblast differentiation.Q39674655
RhoE controls myoblast alignment prior fusion through RhoA and ROCK.Q39998131
Amyloid precursor-like protein 1 influences endocytosis and proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor proteinQ40340767
Wnt/Frizzled signaling in Ewing sarcomaQ40533011
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Critical signaling pathways in bone sarcoma: candidates for therapeutic interventionsQ43258817
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Protein complexes and functional modules in molecular networksQ24683305
A missense mutation in the 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase FVT1 as candidate causal mutation for bovine spinal muscular atrophyQ24684513
Neural network analysis of lymphoma microarray data: prognosis and diagnosis near-perfectQ24796756
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Human atrial myosin light chain 1 expression attenuates heart failureQ28267707
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Heat shock protein 27 rescues motor neurons following nerve injury and preserves muscle functionQ28585320
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Current approaches to gene regulatory network modellingQ28756983
Cytoscape 2.8: new features for data integration and network visualizationQ29547471
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A network of protein-protein interactions in yeastQ30004209
Congenital myopathies: diseases of the actin cytoskeleton.Q30343979
Identification of FGFR4-activating mutations in human rhabdomyosarcomas that promote metastasis in xenotransplanted modelsQ30491274
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Predicting genetic interactions with random walks on biological networksQ33399290
Computational methods for discovering gene networks from expression dataQ33464018
Incorporating existing network information into gene network inferenceQ33497343
Neural networks for modeling gene-gene interactions in association studiesQ33520544
Gene regulatory networks modelling using a dynamic evolutionary hybridQ33542807
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Hypoxia Reduces Arylsulfatase B Activity and Silencing Arylsulfatase B Replicates and Mediates the Effects of HypoxiaQ34200658
FNDC5 and irisin in humans: I. Predictors of circulating concentrations in serum and plasma and II. mRNA expression and circulating concentrations in response to weight loss and exerciseQ34302332
TSG-6: a pluripotent inflammatory mediator?Q34527768
Modeling and simulation of genetic regulatory systems: a literature reviewQ34575847
FHL3 binds MyoD and negatively regulates myotube formationQ34612829
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalQ20007257
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P4510describes a project that usesCytoscapeQ3699942
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectbiomarkerQ864574
artificial neural networkQ192776
P577publication date2014-07-15
P1433published inPLOS OneQ564954
P1476titleArtificial neural network inference (ANNI): a study on gene-gene interaction for biomarkers in childhood sarcomas

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