Prosper Marchand

French publisher (1678-1756)

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Abstract is: Prosper Marchand (11 March 1678 – 14 June 1756) was an 18th-century French bibliographer, who moved to the Dutch Republic in December 1709. He became a famous annotator and publisher of philosophical, religious and historical works, skilled in systematic table of contents and bibliographic indexes.

Born 1678-03-11 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Q185075)
Died 1756-06-14 in The Hague (Q36600)

Prosper Marchand is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P10864Bibale ID60072
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID12017619d
P651Biografisch Portaal van Nederland ID08209911
P9984CANTIC ID981058523012506706
P1871CERL Thesaurus IDcnp00947901
P13049DDB person (GND) ID119143240
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID119143240
P9105Dictionnaire des journalistes ID546-prosper-marchand
P2915ECARTICO person ID39320
P3429Electronic Enlightenment IDmarchprosp002476
P8168FactGrid item IDQ266592
P2163FAST ID1832834
P8861FINA Wiki ID1547
P227GND ID119143240
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/1226skm0
P269IdRef ID028314840
P10553IxTheo authority ID079938825
P8189J9U ID987007271283705171
P9964Kalliope-Verbund (GND) ID119143240
P244Library of Congress authority IDn82108893
P9495National Historical Museums of Sweden IDperson/5056B5CC-4EB1-48B0-B496-D5CCAE35A02A
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810557313305606
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID068641028
P691NL CR AUT IDmzk2008463711
P1207NUKAT IDn2014005790
P3762openMLOL author ID121805
P12582Oxford Reference overview ID20110803100133114
P7444Rijksmuseum Research Library authority ID73389
P906SELIBR ID316841
P1260Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URILSH/agents/42736
P11686University of Barcelona authority ID981058523012506706
P214VIAF cluster ID88039341
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJdcDqGD3dTk7T7jQ7GGpP

P27country of citizenshipFranceQ142
P734family nameMarchandQ12795667
P735given nameProsperQ17711245
P1412languages spoken, written or signedFrenchQ150
P103native languageFrenchQ150
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Wikimedia Commons Images

P6802: related image

FileName: Barmhartige Samaritaan, RP-P-OB-51.996.jpg


Titel(s): Barmhartige Samaritaan
Objecttype: prent ex libris
Objectnummer: RP-P-OB-51.996
Opschriften / Merken: verzamelaarsmerk, verso, gestempeld: Lugt 2228
Omschrijving: De barmhartige Samaritaan verzorgt de wonden van de gewonde man. Op de achtergrond lopen de Leviet en de priester, die de man voorbij waren gelopen. Ex-libris van boekverkoper Prosper Marchand.

Vervaardiger: prentmaker: Bernard Picart (vermeld op object)
Plaats vervaardiging: Parijs
Datering: 1709
Fysieke kenmerken: ets en gravure
Materiaal: papier
Techniek: etsen / graveren (drukprocedé)
Afmetingen: plaatrand: h 59 mm × b 74 mm

Wat: a Samaritan tending the wounds of the traveller
Wie: Prosper Marchand

Verwerving en rechten
Verwerving: onbekend
Copyright: Publiek domein

Artist: Rijksmuseum

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC0

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