The use of visual analogue scales to assess motivation to eat in human subjects: a review of their reliability and validity with an evaluation of new hand-held computerized systems for temporal tracking of appetite ratings

scientific article

The use of visual analogue scales to assess motivation to eat in human subjects: a review of their reliability and validity with an evaluation of new hand-held computerized systems for temporal tracking of appetite ratings is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID11103211
P5875ResearchGate publication ID12225241

P50authorJohn Edward BlundellQ59903179
P2093author name stringReid C
Hughes DA
Elia M
Stubbs RJ
King N
Johnstone AM
Rowley E
Stratton R
Delargy H
P2860cites workDietary fat and the regulation of energy intake in human subjectsQ69461385
Naloxone reduces the food intake of normal human volunteersQ71818275
Independent effects of palatability and within-meal pauses on intake and appetite ratings in human volunteersQ73618105
Methodological issues relating to the measurement of food, energy and nutrient intake in human laboratory-based studiesQ77482478
The effect of covertly manipulating the energy density of mixed diets on ad libitum food intake in 'pseudo free-living' humansQ77525277
Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurementQ26778461
Methodological problems in the measurement of pain: a comparison between the verbal rating scale and the visual analogue scaleQ39215787
Nutrients and behaviour: research strategies for the investigation of taste characteristics, food preferences, hunger sensations and eating patterns in man.Q40255571
The validity of appetite ratingsQ40803026
Studies with pain rating scalesQ41110364
Opiate receptor blockade in man reduces 2-deoxy-d-glucose-induced food intake but not hunger, thirst, and hypothermiaQ41554999
Hunger ratings are not a valid proxy measure of reported food intake in humansQ46171753
Regulation of energy intake and the body weight: the glucostatic theory and the lipostatic hypothesisQ47440924
C-Terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin decreases food intake in obese men☆☆☆Q47650637
Description and evaluation of an experimental model to examine changes in selection between high-protein, high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods in humansQ48704316
Comparison of the traditional paper visual analogue scale questionnaire with an Apple Newton electronic appetite rating system (EARS) in free living subjects feeding ad libitumQ48710879
Covert manipulation of dietary fat and energy density: effect on substrate flux and food intake in men eating ad libitumQ48799874
Effects of slow release carbohydrates in the form of bean flakes on the evolution of hunger and satiety in manQ48946793
Subjective hunger relationships with meal patterns in the spontaneous feeding behavior of humans: evidence for a causal connectionQ48951195
Uncoupling sweet taste and calories: comparison of the effects of glucose and three intense sweeteners on hunger and food intakeQ48951350
Effect of naltrexone on food intake, hunger, and satiety in obese men.Q48968400
The reproducibility of subjective appetite scores.Q51589515
Short-term effects of different amounts of sweet and nonsweet carbohydrates on satiety and energy intakeQ52922882
Hunger in humans induced by 2-deoxy-D-glucose: glucoprivic control of taste preference and food intakeQ52966424
Hunger and satiety sensations in men, women, boys, and girlsQ53010420
Electronic quality of life questionnaires: a comparison of pen-based electronic questionnaires with conventional paper in a gastrointestinal studyQ53649074
P921main subjectappetiteQ28578
human subject research projectQ1331083
P577publication date2000-10-01
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inBritish Journal of NutritionQ4970206
P1476titleThe use of visual analogue scales to assess motivation to eat in human subjects: a review of their reliability and validity with an evaluation of new hand-held computerized systems for temporal tracking of appetite ratings

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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