Genomewide association studies and human disease

scientific article

Genomewide association studies and human disease is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID3422859
P698PubMed publication ID19369657

P50authorAndrew SingletonQ4758591
John Anthony HardyQ6237755
P2860cites workInitial sequencing and analysis of the human genomeQ21045365
Genetic variation in an individual human exomeQ21145035
The Sequence of the Human GenomeQ22065842
The complete genome of an individual by massively parallel DNA sequencingQ22122226
Multiple Rare Alleles Contribute to Low Plasma Levels of HDL CholesterolQ22337068
Genome sequencing in microfabricated high-density picolitre reactorsQ24544260
Complement factor H polymorphism in age-related macular degenerationQ24553334
Strong association of de novo copy number mutations with autismQ24633543
A haplotype map of the human genomeQ24679827
CFH haplotypes without the Y402H coding variant show strong association with susceptibility to age-related macular degenerationQ24681526
Mutation in the alpha-synuclein gene identified in families with Parkinson's diseaseQ27860459
alpha-Synuclein locus triplication causes Parkinson's diseaseQ27860533
Complement factor H variant increases the risk of age-related macular degenerationQ28239239
A genome-wide association study identifies novel risk loci for type 2 diabetesQ28287727
The future of genetic studies of complex human diseasesQ29547215
Large-scale analysis of the human and mouse transcriptomesQ29547360
Drosophila pink1 is required for mitochondrial function and interacts genetically with parkinQ29547423
Common genetic variation and human traitsQ29614445
Genetics of gene expression and its effect on diseaseQ29614591
A HapMap harvest of insights into the genetics of common diseaseQ29614875
Genetic variants regulating ORMDL3 expression contribute to the risk of childhood asthmaQ29614903
Complement factor H polymorphism and age-related macular degenerationQ29614931
Mitochondrial dysfunction in Drosophila PINK1 mutants is complemented by parkinQ29615684
Gene expression analysis by massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS) on microbead arraysQ29615937
A genome-wide investigation of SNPs and CNVs in schizophreniaQ33406258
The future of genetic analysis of neurological disordersQ33900133
Mapping determinants of human gene expression by regional and genome-wide associationQ34421244
Genome-wide association studies: theoretical and practical concernsQ34555195
Effect of 17q21 variants and smoking exposure in early-onset asthmaQ34857209
Identification of a novel risk locus for progressive supranuclear palsy by a pooled genomewide scan of 500,288 single-nucleotide polymorphismsQ35752480
MicroRNA target site polymorphisms and human diseaseQ37263538
The MAPT H1c risk haplotype is associated with increased expression of tau and especially of 4 repeat containing transcriptsQ40194429
Molecular medicine. The cholesterol quartetQ43613380
The minisatellite in the diabetes susceptibility locus IDDM2 regulates insulin transcription.Q46033146
Drinking from the fire hose--statistical issues in genomewide association studiesQ47838945
An utter refutation of the "fundamental theorem of the HapMap".Q51950798
A survey of genetic human cortical gene expressionQ57272923
alpha-synuclein gene haplotypes are associated with Parkinson's diseaseQ57905836
Structural variation in the human genomeQ79953699
Enrichment of super-sized resequencing targets from the human genomeQ81524359
Genetic risk prediction--are we there yet?Q83658297
Genomewide association studies--illuminating biologic pathwaysQ83658310
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages10
P577publication date2009-04-15
P1433published inThe New England Journal of MedicineQ582728
P1476titleGenomewide association studies and human disease

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q34163075Application of statistical and functional methodologies for the investigation of genetic determinants of coronary heart disease biomarkers: lipoprotein lipase genotype and plasma triglycerides as an exemplar.
Q38063617Applying In Silico Integrative Genomics to Genetic Studies of Human Disease
Q44810056Association and cumulative effects of GWAS‐identified genetic variants for nonsyndromic orofacial clefts in a Chinese population
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Q38121860Association of MeCP2 (rs2075596, rs2239464) genetic polymorphisms with systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis
Q50682448Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in HOXB9 with developmental dysplasia of the hip: a case-control study
Q39573029Association of angiotensin II type 1 receptor-associated protein gene polymorphism with increased mortality in septic shock*
Q36903321Association of the AIRE gene with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in a European population: a case control study
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Q35212736Cancer GAMAdb: database of cancer genetic associations from meta-analyses and genome-wide association studies
Q33653672Cardiovascular drug discovery: a perspective from a research-based pharmaceutical company
Q37877282Celiac disease: moving from genetic associations to causal variants
Q47587631Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias: An update of the Consensus of the Task Force on Biological Markers in Psychiatry of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry
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Q34017084Characterizing genetic interactions in human disease association studies using statistical epistasis networks
Q37688994Child and adolescent psychiatric genetics
Q28647429Choosing blindly but wisely: differentially private solicitation of DNA datasets for disease marker discovery
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Q64087689Clusterin in Alzheimer's Disease: Mechanisms, Genetics, and Lessons From Other Pathologies
Q47345621Coalitional game theory as a promising approach to identify candidate autism genes.
Q28394555Commentary: The Year in Endocrine Genetics for Basic Scientists
Q36946406Common and specific liability to addiction: Approaches to association studies of opioid addiction
Q33937980Common variants in cardiac ion channel genes are associated with sudden cardiac death
Q35721674Comparative analysis of genome-wide association studies signals for lipids, diabetes, and coronary heart disease: Cardiovascular Biomarker Genetics Collaboration
Q33950989Comparative analysis of methods for detecting interacting loci
Q37823792Complex systems in pulmonary medicine: a systems biology approach to lung disease
Q34860129Construction of gene clusters resembling genetic causal mechanisms for common complex disease with an application to young-onset hypertension
Q37379477Control of fetal hemoglobin: new insights emerging from genomics and clinical implications
Q37615360Controversies surrounding the diagnosis of schizophrenia and other psychoses
Q55007510Correlation between prostate stem cell antigen gene expression and oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Q35640566Correlation of rare coding variants in the gene encoding human glucokinase regulatory protein with phenotypic, cellular, and kinetic outcomes
Q64118172Cumulative evidence for association between genetic polymorphisms and esophageal cancer susceptibility: A review with evidence from meta-analysis and genome-wide association studies
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Q53119815Defining the role of pharmacology in the emerging world of translational research
Q41930852Destabilizing the autoinhibitory conformation of Zap70 induces up-regulation of inhibitory receptors and T cell unresponsiveness
Q35630175Detecting genome-wide epistases based on the clustering of relatively frequent items.
Q42912914Detecting new neurodegenerative disease genes: does phenotype accuracy limit the horizon?
Q38685285Developmental mechanisms underlying variation in craniofacial disease and evolution.
Q24604314Different differences: The use of ‘genetic ancestry’ versus race in biomedical human genetic research
Q84745208Different roles of two novel susceptibility loci for nonsyndromic orofacial clefts in a Chinese Han population
Q41889353Digging up the human genome: current progress in deciphering adverse drug reactions.
Q61806769Dissecting closely linked association signals in combination with the mammalian phenotype database can identify candidate genes in dairy cattle
Q36130888Dissection of complex adult traits in a mouse synthetic population.
Q37644444Drosophila and genome-wide association studies: a review and resource for the functional dissection of human complex traits
Q34853856Ecological genetics and genomics of plant defences: evidence and approaches
Q40178869Effect of Human Genetic Variability on Gene Expression in Dorsal Root Ganglia and Association with Pain Phenotypes.
Q37216430Efficiently identifying significant associations in genome-wide association studies
Q85050714Electrochemical detection of insertion/deletion mutations based on enhanced flexibility of bulge-containing duplexes on electrodes
Q35151858Epigenetic regulation by heritable RNA.
Q35814809Equine clinical genomics: A clinician's primer.
Q28750293Ethical data release in genome-wide association studies in developing countries
Q37981666Evidence for a genetic role in varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.
Q34267484Evidence that Gsta4 modifies susceptibility to skin tumor development in mice and humans
Q37739741Exome Sequence Analysis of 14 Families With High Myopia.
Q37380039Expression sensitivity analysis of human disease related genes
Q34179460FGFR2 and other loci identified in genome-wide association studies are associated with breast cancer in African-American and younger women.
Q36860474Finding risk in all the right places
Q22122198Finding the missing heritability of complex diseases
Q39263959From genetic single candidate gene studies to complex genomics of GvHD.
Q88911128From genome-wide associations to candidate causal variants by statistical fine-mapping
Q37928504Frontotemporal dementia: from Mendelian genetics towards genome wide association studies
Q35110769Functional Genomics Applied to Cardiovascular Medicine
Q52665776Functional Validation of Candidate Genes Detected by Genomic Feature Models
Q36393304Functional dyadicity and heterophilicity of gene-gene interactions in statistical epistasis networks
Q34978355Functional evaluation of TNFAIP3 (A20) in rheumatoid arthritis
Q34301870Future health applications of genomics: priorities for communication, behavioral, and social sciences research
Q42906338GIP: No Longer the Neglected Incretin Twin?
Q35304041GWAS Integrator: a bioinformatics tool to explore human genetic associations reported in published genome-wide association studies
Q38526092Gene-Environment Interactions in Asthma: Genetic and Epigenetic Effects
Q33790213Gene-environment interactions in asthma and allergy: the end of the beginning?
Q37676313GenePANDA-a novel network-based gene prioritizing tool for complex diseases
Q36998001Genes and epigenetic processes as prospective pain targets
Q37483043Genetic Contributions of Inflammation to Depression
Q26782062Genetic Diversity and Societally Important Disparities
Q45358008Genetic Factors and Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Q38115496Genetic Profiles in Ischaemic Stroke
Q47717219Genetic Variations of COL4A1 gene and Intracerebral Hemorrhage risk: A case-control Study in Chinese Han Population
Q36450465Genetic and epigenetic variants influencing the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Q35915818Genetic determinants of risk and progression in multiple sclerosis
Q37863139Genetic determinants of susceptibility and severity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Q37658863Genetic polymorphism of inosine-triphosphate-pyrophosphatase influences mercaptopurine metabolism and toxicity during treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia individualized for thiopurine-S-methyl-transferase status.
Q90088035Genetic polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk: a comprehensive review synopsis from meta-analysis and genome-wide association studies
Q38783258Genetic polymorphisms associated with overweight and obesity in uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Q36402309Genetic predictors of the response to the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection
Q43897330Genetic predisposition to sarcoidosis: another brick in the wall
Q26863517Genetic psychophysiology: advances, problems, and future directions
Q34109845Genetic studies of IgA nephropathy: past, present, and future.
Q34129582Genetic variability at the PARK16 locus
Q33538000Genetic variability in CLU and its association with Alzheimer's disease
Q34398489Genetic variability in the regulation of gene expression in ten regions of the human brain
Q34648887Genetic variant rs7758229 in 6q26-q27 is not associated with colorectal cancer risk in a Chinese population
Q30559534Genetic variants in platelet factor 4 modulate inflammatory and platelet activation biomarkers
Q55360400Genetic variation affecting exon skipping contributes to brain structural atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.
Q29147442Genetic variation in GIPR influences the glucose and insulin responses to an oral glucose challenge
Q38324392Genetic variation in T-box binding element functionally affects SCN5A/SCN10A enhancer
Q36250066Genetic variations in STAT4,C2,HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQ associated with risk of hepatitis B virus-related liver cirrhosis
Q59399481Genetics of Alzheimer's disease
Q37834045Genetics of Liver Injury and Fibrosis
Q35157607Genetics of common polygenic ischaemic stroke: current understanding and future challenges
Q26775633Genetics of ischaemic stroke in young adults
Q34569552Genome reassembly with high-throughput sequencing data
Q34388219Genome wide assessment of young onset Parkinson's disease from Finland
Q35845762Genome wide association and genomic prediction for growth traits in juvenile farmed Atlantic salmon using a high density SNP array
Q34147463Genome wide association identifies PPFIA1 as a candidate gene for acute lung injury risk following major trauma
Q35076098Genome wide association studies in presence of misclassified binary responses
Q27022629Genome-Wide Association Studies of Allergic Diseases
Q34545632Genome-Wide Association Studies of Sleep Disorders
Q28714390Genome-Wide Association Study Heterogeneous Cohort Homogenization via Subject Weight Knock-Down
Q35769777Genome-wide Association Study on Platinum-induced Hepatotoxicity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Q34817128Genome-wide association studies in diverse populations
Q38195863Genome-wide association studies of atopic dermatitis
Q26825851Genome-wide association studies of chronic kidney disease: what have we learned?
Q24273247Genome-wide association studies: a primer
Q34271719Genome-wide association studies: hypothesis-"free" or "engaged"?
Q34165031Genome-wide association study identifies genetic variants influencing F-cell levels in sickle-cell patients
Q57030060Genome-wide association study identifies two risk loci for tuberculosis in Han Chinese
Q37118492Genome-wide association study of 8 carcass traits in Jinghai Yellow chickens using specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing technology
Q89273205Genome-wide association study of body weight in Wenshang Barred chicken based on the SLAF-seq technology
Q47425743Genome-wide association study of myelosuppression in non-small-cell lung cancer patients with platinum-based chemotherapy
Q38000445Genome-wide association study of skin complex diseases
Q36585419Genome-wide association study reveals the genetic architecture of flowering time in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.).
Q37830958Genome-wide association: from confounded to confident.
Q34268288Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture
Q34994543Genome-wide meta-analysis of systolic blood pressure in children with sickle cell disease
Q34271734Genomic convergence of genome-wide investigations for complex traits
Q28296883Genomics: In search of rare human variants
Q41630600Genotype imputation in a coalescent model with infinitely-many-sites mutation
Q24273285Genotyping sleep disorders patients
Q42416318Given the complexity of the human genome, can 'personalised medicine' or 'individualised drug therapy' ever be achieved?
Q50986179Giving and withholding of information following genomic screening: challenges identified in a study of primary care physicians in Estonia
Q60960404Global Expression Profiling Identifies a Novel Hyaluronan Synthases 2 Gene in the Pathogenesis of Lower Extremity Varicose Veins
Q37708392Guilt by rewiring: gene prioritization through network rewiring in genome wide association studies.
Q33976828Haplotype kernel association test as a powerful method to identify chromosomal regions harboring uncommon causal variants.
Q28280647Hereditary and familial colon cancer
Q39537322Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models for Multiple Groups of Rare and Common Variants: Jointly Estimating Group and Individual-Variant Effects
Q34713944High-resolution genetic mapping in the diversity outbred mouse population identifies Apobec1 as a candidate gene for atherosclerosis
Q34031894Homozygosity mapping on homozygosity haplotype analysis to detect recessive disease-causing genes from a small number of unrelated, outbred patients
Q93047901Host Genetic Determinants of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Q36166473How Genes Influence Life Span: The Biodemography of Human Survival
Q35077860How genome-wide SNP-SNP interactions relate to nasopharyngeal carcinoma susceptibility
Q39015956Human aging in the post-GWAS era: further insights reveal potential regulatory variants
Q36878088Human genome epidemiology, progress and future
Q35131979Human leukocyte antigen in primary biliary cirrhosis: An old story now reviving
Q37376994Human leukocyte antigens and epstein-barr virus-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma: old associations offer new clues into the role of immunity in infection-associated cancers.
Q42739783HyperModules: identifying clinically and phenotypically significant network modules with disease mutations for biomarker discovery
Q36783894Identification of SPOCK2 as a susceptibility gene for bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Q83591768Identification of genes affecting apolipoprotein B secretion following siRNA-mediated gene knockdown in primary human hepatocytes
Q36347919Identification of shared genetic susceptibility locus for coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity: a meta-analysis of genome-wide studies
Q33563269Identification of type 2 diabetes-associated combination of SNPs using support vector machine
Q37010357Identifying Darwinian selection acting on different human APOL1 variants among diverse African populations.
Q33719613Identifying disease polymorphisms from case–control genetic association data
Q35233885Identifying functional single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human CArGome
Q34989308Identifying genetic interactions associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease
Q37683472Identifying genetic relatives without compromising privacy
Q30652067Improving data and knowledge management to better integrate health care and research.
Q36487017Inflammatory gene variants in the Tsimane, an indigenous Bolivian population with a high infectious load
Q36625970Initial assessment of the pathogenic mechanisms of the recently identified Alzheimer risk Loci
Q37922222Insights into the genetics of osteoporosis from recent genome-wide association studies
Q35413415Integrating omics technologies to study pulmonary physiology and pathology at the systems level
Q33773021Integrating pathway analysis and genetics of gene expression for genome-wide association studies
Q34506746Interactive association of five candidate polymorphisms in Apelin/APJ pathway with coronary artery disease among Chinese hypertensive patients
Q36011868Interleukin-10 Genotype Correlated to Deficiency Syndrome in Hepatitis B Cirrhosis
Q34187048Interpreting meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies
Q52324550Intragenic transcriptional interference regulates the human immune ligand MICA.
Q36944836Introduction to the Special Section on Genomics
Q24602526Joint influence of small-effect genetic variants on human longevity
Q34427355Lactase Persistence and Lipid Pathway Selection in the Maasai
Q43598248Leucyl/Cystinyl Aminopeptidase Gene Variants in Septic Shock
Q28704307Leveraging models of cell regulation and GWAS data in integrative network-based association studies
Q45891500Likelihood Approach for Detecting Imprinting and In Utero Maternal Effects Using General Pedigrees from Prospective Family‐Based Association Studies
Q33576732Liver and adipose expression associated SNPs are enriched for association to type 2 diabetes
Q92452836Locus-specific DNA methylation prediction in cord blood and placenta
Q37471784MDA5 and PTPN2, two candidate genes for type 1 diabetes, modify pancreatic beta-cell responses to the viral by-product double-stranded RNA.
Q26824221Mechanisms of granulin deficiency: lessons from cellular and animal models
Q34329119Meta-analysis of 20 genome-wide linkage studies evidenced new regions linked to asthma and atopy
Q33761835Methods for investigating gene-environment interactions in candidate pathway and genome-wide association studies
Q37707119Methods for optimizing statistical analyses in pharmacogenomics research
Q33632915Methylation potential associated with diet, genotype, protein, and metabolite levels in the Delta Obesity Vitamin Study
Q37882589Milestones in PD genetics
Q41670529Mimvec: a deep learning approach for analyzing the human phenome
Q33772072Model-based multifactor dimensionality reduction for detecting epistasis in case-control data in the presence of noise
Q37722954Molecular epidemiology and its current clinical use in cancer management
Q28383483Molecular epidemiology of DNA repair gene polymorphisms and head and neck cancer
Q37594580Molecular networks as sensors and drivers of common human diseases
Q36285002Multiple quantitative trait loci for cortical and trabecular bone regulation map to mid-distal mouse chromosome 4 that shares linkage homology to human chromosome 1p36
Q26824094Natural history and clinical response: “It’s the virus, stupid, or is it the host?”
Q35695044Networks of intergenic long-range enhancers and snpRNAs drive castration-resistant phenotype of prostate cancer and contribute to pathogenesis of multiple common human disorders
Q64104680New Insights Into Monogenic Causes of Osteoporosis
Q37560444New genes and new insights from old genes: update on Alzheimer disease
Q37499291New tools for functional genomic analysis.
Q35157201New variants including ARG1 polymorphisms associated with C-reactive protein levels identified by genome-wide association and pathway analysis.
Q27026914New virologic tools for management of chronic hepatitis B and C
Q34222296Next generation sequencing techniques in neurological diseases: redefining clinical and molecular associations
Q37789759Occupational toxicology of asbestos-related malignancies
Q30244335Omic studies reveal the pathogenic lipid droplet proteins in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Q38523018On optimal pooling designs to identify rare variants through massive resequencing
Q37482173On the simultaneous association analysis of large genomic regions: a massive multi-locus association test
Q38037294Opportunities and challenges associated with clinical diagnostic genome sequencing: a report of the Association for Molecular Pathology.
Q37190694Overview of Behavioral Genetics Research for Family Researchers
Q38686298PCOS in 2015: New insights into the genetics of polycystic ovary syndrome
Q34044630PTPN2, a candidate gene for type 1 diabetes, modulates pancreatic β-cell apoptosis via regulation of the BH3-only protein Bim.
Q34117595Pathway-based analysis of a melanoma genome-wide association study: analysis of genes related to tumour-immunosuppression
Q38029641Personalized Medicine: the Impact on Chemistry
Q24621065Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score
Q91633083Pharmacogenetics of Pediatric Asthma: Current Perspectives
Q37770487Pharmacogenetics of drug-induced liver injury
Q36166448Polygenic Effects of Common Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Life Span: When Association Meets Causality
Q28681745Population genomics of cardiometabolic traits: design of the University College London-London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine-Edinburgh-Bristol (UCLEB) Consortium
Q31129426Predicting disease risk using bootstrap ranking and classification algorithms
Q83445215Prediction of fibrosis progression in hepatitis C infection: Are genetics ready for clinical use?
Q37643740Predictive genetic testing for coronary artery disease
Q33571786Prioritizing GWAS results: A review of statistical methods and recommendations for their application
Q34537519Progress and promise of genome-wide association studies for human complex trait genetics
Q36051664Progress of cancer genomics
Q34163437Quantitative analyses link modulation of sonic hedgehog signaling to continuous variation in facial growth and shape
Q63359102Quantitative trait loci for electrocardiographic parameters and arrhythmia in the mouse
Q55339749RETRACTED: Dissecting closely linked association signals in combination with the mammalian phenotype database can identify candidate genes in dairy cattle.
Q35646732Race and ancestry in the age of inclusion: technique and meaning in post-genomic science
Q35136958Random-Effects Model Aimed at Discovering Associations in Meta-Analysis of Genome-wide Association Studies
Q34630019Rare de novo variants associated with autism implicate a large functional network of genes involved in formation and function of synapses
Q38116806Recent advances in Parkinson’s disease genetics.
Q36353087Relationship of Genetic Polymorphisms of the Chemokine, CCL5, and Its Receptor, CCR5, with Coronary Artery Disease in Taiwan
Q51899355Replication of two novel susceptibility loci for non-syndromic orofacial clefts in a Chinese population
Q46946218Replication study of three functional polymorphisms associated with bone mineral density in a cohort of Spanish women.
Q41902413Reporting and evaluating genetic association studies
Q34026195Reverse-engineering human regulatory networks
Q30829290Review of statistical methodologies for the detection of parent-of-origin effects in family trio genome-wide association data with binary disease traits
Q60310012Role of SH2B3 R262W gene polymorphism and risk of coronary heart disease: A PRISMA-compliant meta-analysis
Q33957829SPOT: a web-based tool for using biological databases to prioritize SNPs after a genome-wide association study
Q34293847Scientific imperatives, clinical implications, and theoretical underpinnings for the investigation of the relationship between genetic variables and patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes
Q21092453Sequential use of transcriptional profiling, expression quantitative trait mapping, and gene association implicates MMP20 in human kidney aging
Q22337196Sex-dependent association of common variants of microcephaly genes with brain structure
Q38591731Single nucleotide polymorphisms in clinics: Fantasy or reality for cancer?
Q41601725Single nucleotide polymorphisms near IL28B gene and response to treatment of chronic hepatitis C in hemodialysis patients
Q42100081Spatially uniform relieff (SURF) for computationally-efficient filtering of gene-gene interactions
Q34465792Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants: a joint consensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association for Molecular Pathology
Q37856462Statistical analysis of genetic interactions
Q36655251Statistical epistasis networks reduce the computational complexity of searching three-locus genetic models
Q27006885Stroke genetics: prospects for personalized medicine
Q38087425Substance use disorders: a theory‐driven approach to the integration of genetics and neuroimaging
Q84930428Successfully mapping novel asthma loci by GWAS
Q37784094Synthetic associations in the context of genome-wide association scan signals
Q34772247Systematic enrichment analysis of gene expression profiling studies identifies consensus pathways implicated in colorectal cancer development
Q33708619Systems genetics analysis of gene-by-environment interactions in human cells
Q35805225Testing gene-gene interactions in genome wide association studies
Q43606924The DNA repair gene APE1 T1349G polymorphism and cancer risk: a meta-analysis of 27 case-control studies
Q34350128The Psychiatric GWAS Consortium: Big Science Comes to Psychiatry
Q37941708The Search for Genetic Variants and Epigenetics Related to Asthma
Q34127207The Yin and Yang of bone morphogenetic proteins in cancer
Q28116242The cardiac conduction system
Q34055191The effect of chromosome 9p21 variants on cardiovascular disease may be modified by dietary intake: evidence from a case/control and a prospective study
Q34123651The genetic architecture of Alzheimer's disease: beyond APP, PSENs and APOE.
Q43075979The genetic epidemiology of substance use disorder: A review
Q38141714The genetics of NAFLD.
Q36626825The genetics of Parkinson's disease: Progress and therapeutic implications
Q34279459The hunt for gene effects pertinent to behavioral traits and psychiatric disorders: From mouse to human
Q37290942The immunopathogenesis of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis one century after hashimoto
Q36916990The influence of race and ethnicity on the biology of cancer
Q57667575The multiple sclerosis whole blood mRNA transcriptome and genetic associations indicate dysregulation of specific T cell pathways in pathogenesis
Q37056296The need for mouse models in osteoporosis genetics research
Q21559415The past and future of tuberculosis research
Q38003702The pharmacogenomics of sex hormone metabolism: breast cancer risk in menopausal hormone therapy
Q37362585The role of vascular endothelial growth factor SNPs as predictive and prognostic markers for major solid tumors
Q85488061Three polymorphisms in IRF6 and 8q24 are associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate: Evidence from 20 studies
Q33860650Tobacco-smoking-related differential DNA methylation: 27K discovery and replication
Q33512516Toward the use of genomics to study microevolutionary change in bacteria
Q34143189Towards a complete resolution of the genetic architecture of disease
Q34561910Toxicogenetics: population-based testing of drug and chemical safety in mouse models
Q41901525Transcriptional enhancers in development and disease
Q33762596Translating associations between common kidney diseases and genetic variation into the clinic
Q33538069Unravelling the genetics of ischaemic stroke
Q38020089Use of next-generation sequencing and other whole-genome strategies to dissect neurological disease
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