Non-coding ribonucleic acids--a class of their own?

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Non-coding ribonucleic acids--a class of their own? is …
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P698PubMed publication ID12199517

P2093author name stringUwe Michel
P2860cites workInitial sequencing and analysis of the human genomeQ21045365
A novel imprinted gene, encoding a RING zinc-finger protein, and overlapping antisense transcript in the Prader-Willi syndrome critical regionQ22009166
A steroid receptor coactivator, SRA, functions as an RNA and is present in an SRC-1 complexQ22009369
An analysis of 5'-noncoding sequences from 699 vertebrate messenger RNAsQ22066003
Parental imprinting of the mouse H19 geneQ22122365
The SCA8 transcript is an antisense RNA to a brain-specific transcript encoding a novel actin-binding protein (KLHL1)Q22254580
Evolutionary conservation and tissue-specific processing of Hoxa 11 antisense transcriptsQ24315464
Classification of gas5 as a multi-small-nucleolar-RNA (snoRNA) host gene and a member of the 5'-terminal oligopyrimidine gene family reveals common features of snoRNA host genesQ24522827
The imprinted H19 gene is a marker of early recurrence in human bladder carcinoma.Q24535316
A novel DNA damage-inducible transcript, gadd7, inhibits cell growth, but lacks a protein productQ24546216
Comparative sequence analysis of tmRNAQ24548773
A novel endoribonuclease cleaves at a priming site of mouse mitochondrial DNA replicationQ24556370
The small RNA, DsrA, is essential for the low temperature expression of RpoS during exponential growth in Escherichia coliQ24562141
A small RNA acts as an antisilencer of the H-NS-silenced rcsA gene of Escherichia coliQ24563821
enod40, a gene expressed during nodule organogenesis, codes for a non-translatable RNA involved in plant growthQ24568247
N-myc mRNA forms an RNA-RNA duplex with endogenous antisense transcriptsQ24598505
The product of the H19 gene may function as an RNAQ24599284
Identification of novel small RNAs using comparative genomics and microarraysQ24601229
The non-coding RNAs as riboregulatorsQ24607004
The product of the imprinted H19 gene is an oncofetal RNAQ24609254
Retroviral insertions in the murine His-1 locus activate the expression of a novel RNA that lacks an extensive open reading frameQ24613990
A maternally methylated CpG island in KvLQT1 is associated with an antisense paternal transcript and loss of imprinting in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeQ24644175
DsrA RNA regulates translation of RpoS message by an anti-antisense mechanism, independent of its action as an antisilencer of transcriptionQ24645477
Riboregulation in Escherichia coli: DsrA RNA acts by RNA:RNA interactions at multiple lociQ24645507
bic, a novel gene activated by proviral insertions in avian leukosis virus-induced lymphomas, is likely to function through its noncoding RNAQ24647092
Human XIST yeast artificial chromosome transgenes show partial X inactivation center function in mouse embryonic stem cellsQ24651092
XIST RNA paints the inactive X chromosome at interphase: evidence for a novel RNA involved in nuclear/chromosome structureQ24672147
Activity-dependent regulation of dendritic BC1 RNA in hippocampal neurons in cultureQ24678655
Loss of imprinting of a paternally expressed transcript, with antisense orientation to KVLQT1, occurs frequently in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and is independent of insulin-like growth factor II imprintingQ24684284
Search for antisense copies of beta-globin mRNA in anemic mouse spleenQ24797035
Synthesis of globin RNA in enucleated differentiating murine erythroleukemia cellsQ27482354
Posttranscriptional regulation of the heterochronic gene lin-14 by lin-4 mediates temporal pattern formation in C. elegansQ27860584
An extensive class of small RNAs in Caenorhabditis elegansQ27860626
A cellular function for the RNA-interference enzyme Dicer in the maturation of the let-7 small temporal RNAQ27860813
The C. elegans heterochronic gene lin-4 encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarity to lin-14Q27860849
An abundant class of tiny RNAs with probable regulatory roles in Caenorhabditis elegansQ27860895
Genes and mechanisms related to RNA interference regulate expression of the small temporal RNAs that control C. elegans developmental timingQ27860903
Identification of novel genes coding for small expressed RNAsQ27860917
Conservation of the sequence and temporal expression of let-7 heterochronic regulatory RNAQ27861092
The 21-nucleotide let-7 RNA regulates developmental timing in Caenorhabditis elegansQ27861103
Two erbA homologs encoding proteins with different T3 binding capacities are transcribed from opposite DNA strands of the same genetic locusQ27865275
H19 RNA binds four molecules of insulin-like growth factor II mRNA-binding proteinQ28139674
The lin-41 RBCC gene acts in the C. elegans heterochronic pathway between the let-7 regulatory RNA and the LIN-29 transcription factorQ28140045
6S RNA regulates E. coli RNA polymerase activityQ28140651
Intronic U50 small-nucleolar-RNA (snoRNA) host gene of no protein-coding potential is mapped at the chromosome breakpoint t(3;6)(q27;q15) of human B-cell lymphomaQ28143395
Disruption of two novel genes by a translocation co-segregating with schizophreniaQ28144559
Methylation of a CTCF-dependent boundary controls imprinted expression of the Igf2 geneQ28145754
CTCF mediates methylation-sensitive enhancer-blocking activity at the H19/Igf2 locusQ28145756
A species of small antisense RNA in posttranscriptional gene silencing in plantsQ28146107
Survey and summary: transcription by RNA polymerases I and III.Q33787605
The balance sheet for transcription: an analysis of nuclear RNA metabolism in mammalian cellsQ33829282
The rox1 and rox2 RNAs are essential components of the compensasome, which mediates dosage compensation in DrosophilaQ33845717
An untranslated CTG expansion causes a novel form of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA8)Q33857850
Tsix, a gene antisense to Xist at the X-inactivation centreQ33857857
LIT1, an imprinted antisense RNA in the human KvLQT1 locus identified by screening for differentially expressed transcripts using monochromosomal hybridsQ33864988
Angelman syndrome: how many genes to remain silent?Q33873006
Ordered assembly of roX RNAs into MSL complexes on the dosage-compensated X chromosome in DrosophilaQ33890539
Identification of an imprinted gene, Meg3/Gtl2 and its human homologue MEG3, first mapped on mouse distal chromosome 12 and human chromosome 14q.Q33897694
Chromosomal location and genomic structure of the human translin-associated factor X gene (TRAX; TSNAX) revealed by intergenic splicing to DISC1, a gene disrupted by a translocation segregating with schizophrenia.Q33914120
Neural BC1 RNA associates with pur alpha, a single-stranded DNA and RNA binding protein, which is involved in the transcription of the BC1 RNA geneQ33921542
Novel imprinted DLK1/GTL2 domain on human chromosome 14 contains motifs that mimic those implicated in IGF2/H19 regulationQ33925224
X-chromosome inactivation: counting, choice and initiationQ33938436
Non-coding RNA's: lightning strikes twiceQ33954446
Genomic imprinting, mammalian evolution, and the mystery of egg-laying mammals.Q33967141
The role of chromosomal RNAs in marking the X for dosage compensationQ34026952
Noncoding RNA genes in dosage compensation and imprintingQ34070517
Association and spreading of the Drosophila dosage compensation complex from a discrete roX1 chromatin entry site.Q34077575
Regulatory RNAsQ34086336
Molecular biology. Glimpses of a tiny RNA worldQ34099353
X inactivation: Tsix and Xist as yin and yangQ34117415
An unstable trinucleotide-repeat region on chromosome 13 implicated in spinocerebellar ataxia: a common expansion locusQ34145384
High germinal instability of the (CTG)n at the SCA8 locus of both expanded and normal allelesQ34145392
Non-coding snoRNA host genes in Drosophila: expression strategies for modification guide snoRNAsQ34219137
Primary structure, neural-specific expression, and dendritic location of human BC200 RNAQ34306210
Identification of a novel paternally expressed gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome regionQ34318139
Comparison of soybean and pea ENOD40 cDNA clones representing genes expressed during both early and late stages of nodule developmentQ34324807
Characterization of GmENOD40, a gene showing novel patterns of cell-specific expression during soybean nodule developmentQ34343450
Hydrogen peroxide induces the expression of adapt15, a novel RNA associated with polysomes in hamster HA-1 cells.Q34371592
Phaseolus ENOD40 is involved in symbiotic and non-symbiotic organogenetic processes: expression during nodule and lateral root developmentQ34375761
Modification of phytohormone response by a peptide encoded by ENOD40 of legumes and a nonlegumeQ34384201
adapt33, a novel oxidant-inducible RNA from hamster HA-1 cells.Q34397137
Primate brain-specific cytoplasmic transcript of the Alu repeat familyQ34399279
Regulation of the expression of the cell-cycle gene ftsZ by DicF antisense RNA. Division does not require a fixed number of FtsZ moleculesQ28186244
RNomics: an experimental approach that identifies 201 candidates for novel, small, non-messenger RNAs in mouseQ28198621
Mutations in the RNA component of RNase MRP cause a pleiotropic human disease, cartilage-hair hypoplasiaQ28201408
Wilms tumor and the WT1 geneQ28203445
The endogenous fibroblast growth factor-2 antisense gene product regulates pituitary cell growth and hormone productionQ28206559
Deletions of a differentially methylated CpG island at the SNRPN gene define a putative imprinting control regionQ28242397
Tissue, developmental, and tumor-specific expression of divergent transcripts in Wilms tumorQ28242483
The RNA Molecule CsrB Binds to the Global Regulatory Protein CsrA and Antagonizes Its Activity in Escherichia coliQ28242964
Sequence of 6S RNA of E. coliQ28248044
Characterization of human MRP/Th RNA and its nuclear gene: full length MRP/Th RNA is an active endoribonuclease when assembled as an RNPQ28257261
FGF-2 antisense RNA encodes a nuclear protein with MutT-like antimutator activityQ28257263
The RNA moiety of ribonuclease P is the catalytic subunit of the enzymeQ28262778
A mammalian gene with introns instead of exons generating stable RNA productsQ28273163
Ectopic expression of the H19 gene in mice causes prenatal lethalityQ28281671
Disruption of imprinting caused by deletion of the H19 gene region in miceQ28287765
Isolation of a testis-specific cDNA on chromosome 17q from a region adjacent to the breakpoint of t(12;17) observed in a patient with acampomelic campomelic dysplasia and sex reversalQ28288785
Imprint switching on human chromosome 15 may involve alternative transcripts of the SNRPN geneQ28292239
The chromosome 15 imprinting centre (IC) region has undergone multiple duplication events and contains an upstream exon of SNRPN that is deleted in all Angelman syndrome patients with an IC microdeletionQ28296234
The cold shock domain protein LIN-28 controls developmental timing in C. elegans and is regulated by the lin-4 RNAQ28304935
Identification of novel exons 3' to the human SNRPN geneQ28306023
The Wilms' tumor gene product WT1 mediates the down-regulation of the rat epidermal growth factor receptor by nerve growth factor in PC12 cellsQ28576102
The mouse Gtl2 gene is differentially expressed during embryonic development, encodes multiple alternatively spliced transcripts, and may act as an RNAQ28594499
RNAi: double-stranded RNA directs the ATP-dependent cleavage of mRNA at 21 to 23 nucleotide intervalsQ29547713
The human XIST gene: analysis of a 17 kb inactive X-specific RNA that contains conserved repeats and is highly localized within the nucleusQ29614336
Requirement for Xist in X chromosome inactivationQ29614509
A perfect message: RNA surveillance and nonsense-mediated decayQ29616125
The product of the mouse Xist gene is a 15 kb inactive X-specific transcript containing no conserved ORF and located in the nucleusQ29617834
The drosophila MSL complex acetylates histone H4 at lysine 16, a chromatin modification linked to dosage compensationQ30453594
Comprehensive isolation of meiosis-specific genes identifies novel proteins and unusual non-coding transcripts in Schizosaccharomyces pombeQ30670926
A silencer element identified in Drosophila is required for imprinting of H19 reporter transgenes in mice.Q30748483
A revision of the human XIST gene organization and structural comparison with mouse XistQ30847812
Sequence-based structural features between Kvlqt1 and Tapa1 on mouse chromosome 7F4/F5 corresponding to the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome region on human 11p15.5: long-stretches of unusually well conserved intronic sequences of kvlqt1 between mouse anQ30887237
Patterns of ENOD40 gene expression in stem-borne nodules of Sesbania rostrata.Q32061588
Molecular analysis of two mammary carcinoma cell lines at the transcriptional level as a model system for progression of breast cancerQ32085207
Molecular cloning of antisense transcripts of the mouse Xist geneQ33178394
Differential antisense transcription from the Dictyostelium EB4 gene locus: implications on antisense-mediated regulation of mRNA stabilityQ43545436
DC6, a novel type of Dictyostelium discoideum gene regulated by secreted factors but not by cAMPQ43902362
RNA-mediated trans-activation of transcription from a viral RNA.Q44869950
Protein precipitation: a common etiology in neurodegenerative disorders?Q45296843
Mouse RNAase MRP RNA is encoded by a nuclear gene and contains a decamer sequence complementary to a conserved region of mitochondrial RNA substrate.Q45951314
Novel transcripts from the Ultrabithorax domain of the bithorax complex.Q46005435
An antisense mRNA directs the covalent modification of the transcript encoding fibroblast growth factor in Xenopus oocytesQ46745463
Hsr-omega, A Novel Gene Encoded by a Drosophila Heat Shock PuffQ47217186
The role of Xist in X-inactivationQ47739268
X-chromosome inactivation: a repeat hypothesisQ47790328
Differential expression of sense and antisense transcripts of the mitochondrial DNA region coding for ATPase 6 in fetal and adult porcine brain: identification of novel unusually assembled mitochondrial RNAsQ47866774
A novel type of non-coding RNA expressed in the rat brainQ47976713
The BC200 RNA gene and its neural expression are conserved in Anthropoidea (Primates).Q48002163
A novel RNA species from the turtle mitochondrial genome: induction and regulation of transcription and processing under anoxic and freezing stressesQ48046517
A small, stable RNA induced by oxidative stress: role as a pleiotropic regulator and antimutatorQ48047346
The frequency and position of Alu repeats in cDNAs, as determined by database searchingQ48072884
S. pombe mei2+ encodes an RNA-binding protein essential for premeiotic DNA synthesis and meiosis I, which cooperates with a novel RNA species meiRNA.Q48080034
Imprinting of a RING zinc-finger encoding gene in the mouse chromosome region homologous to the Prader-Willi syndrome genetic regionQ48242077
Two mammalian genes transcribed from opposite strands of the same DNA locusQ48347904
Antisense expression of the human pro-melanin-concentrating hormone genesQ48400063
Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the RNA subunit (M1 RNA) of ribonuclease P from Escherichia coliQ48403307
The Prader-Willi syndrome imprinting center activates the paternally expressed murine Ube3a antisense transcript but represses paternal Ube3aQ48882395
Translocation of repetitive RNA sequences with the germ plasm in Xenopus oocytesQ49124861
The sins of the fathers and mothers: genomic imprinting in mammalian developmentQ50532990
Gtl2lacZ, an insertional mutation on mouse chromosome 12 with parental origin-dependent phenotype.Q50994637
Long repeat tracts at SCA8 in major psychosis.Q51971352
Development. Dicing up RNAs.Q52131608
Disruption of imprinted X inactivation by parent-of-origin effects at Tsix.Q52163717
Deletion of a silencer element in Igf2 results in loss of imprinting independent of H19.Q52164786
Delta-like and gtl2 are reciprocally expressed, differentially methylated linked imprinted genes on mouse chromosome 12.Q52165136
Targeted mutagenesis of Tsix leads to nonrandom X inactivation.Q52173970
Antisense WT1 transcription parallels sense mRNA and protein expression in fetal kidney and can elevate protein levels in vitro.Q52182053
Imprinting of the mouse Igf2r gene depends on an intronic CpG island.Q52184971
Stabilization of Xist RNA mediates initiation of X chromosome inactivation.Q52192487
DNA hypomethylation can activate Xist expression and silence X-linked genes.Q52200238
Expression of the rat BFGF antisense RNA transcript is tissue-specific and developmentally regulated.Q52201969
RNA polymerase II transcribes Dictyostelium untranslatable gene, dutA, specifically in the developmental phase.Q52204776
Identification of an antisense transcript from the IGF-II locus in mouse.Q52223595
The gas5 gene is disrupted by a frameshift mutation within its longest open reading frame in several inbred mouse strains and maps to murine chromosome 1.Q52531629
Primary non-random X inactivation associated with disruption of Xist promoter regulation.Q52542452
Remodelling chromatin with RNA.Q52552599
An imprinting element from the mouse H19 locus functions as a silencer in Drosophila.Q52553227
Epigenetic spreading of the Drosophila dosage compensation complex from roX RNA genes into flanking chromatin.Q52572942
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8: clinical features in a large family.Q52925499
H19 gene expression is up-regulated exclusively by stabilization of the RNA during muscle cell differentiation.Q53900112
The H19 transcript is associated with polysomes and may regulate IGF2 expression in trans.Q53944621
A mammalian mitochondrial RNA processing activity contains nucleus-encoded RNA.Q54410062
External Guide Sequences for an RNA EnzymeQ54709972
Parental imprinting of the mouse insulin-like growth factor II gene.Q55052428
Evolutionary conservation of putative functional domains in the human homolog of the murine His-1 geneQ34416326
roX1 RNA paints the X chromosome of male Drosophila and is regulated by the dosage compensation systemQ34416869
Genes expressed in neurons of adult male DrosophilaQ34416877
Long-range cis effects of ectopic X-inactivation centres on a mouse autosomeQ34419531
Unusual resistance of peptidyl transferase to protein extraction proceduresQ34436822
X chromosome inactivation is mediated by Xist RNA stabilizationQ34439255
Neural BC1 RNA: cDNA clones reveal nonrepetitive sequence contentQ34616620
Induction of XIST expression from the human active X chromosome in mouse/human somatic cell hybrids by DNA demethylationQ34668927
Transcription and processing of the rodent ID repeat family in germline and somatic cellsQ34757540
The RNA of RNase MRP is required for normal processing of ribosomal RNA.Q34991585
Rodent BC1 RNA gene as a master gene for ID element amplificationQ35185755
A novel member of the thyroid/steroid hormone receptor family is encoded by the opposite strand of the rat c-erbA alpha transcriptional unitQ35452717
Cytoplasmic synthesis of globin RNA in differentiated murine erythroleukemia cells: possible involvement of RNA-dependent RNA polymeraseQ35591900
Heat shock locus 93D of Drosophila melanogaster: a spliced RNA most strongly conserved in the intron sequenceQ35595350
The neuronal identifier element is a cis-acting positive regulator of gene expressionQ35607823
RNA transport in dendrites: a cis-acting targeting element is contained within neuronal BC1 RNAQ35747237
Both allelic variation and expression of nuclear and cytoplasmic transcripts of Hsr-omega are closely associated with thermal phenotype in Drosophila.Q35919044
Unusual behavior of the cytoplasmic transcript of hsr omega: an abundant, stress-inducible RNA that is translated but yields no detectable protein productQ36220693
The nucleus-limited Hsr-omega-n transcript is a polyadenylated RNA with a regulated intranuclear turnoverQ36234098
Stabilization and localization of Xist RNA are controlled by separate mechanisms and are not sufficient for X inactivationQ36256179
A new structure for the murine Xist gene and its relationship to chromosome choice/counting during X-chromosome inactivationQ36383122
Enhancer competition between H19 and Igf2 does not mediate their imprintingQ36430736
Locus unlinked to alpha-fetoprotein under the control of the murine raf and Rif genesQ36592693
Neural BC1 RNA as an evolutionary marker: guinea pig remains a rodentQ36607284
A Novel Synapse-Associated Noncoding RNAQ36668815
BC200 RNA: a neural RNA polymerase III product encoded by a monomeric Alu elementQ36713829
Further examination of the Xist promoter-switch hypothesis in X inactivation: evidence against the existence and function of a P(0) promoterQ36745734
Genetic complementation reveals a novel regulatory role for 3' untranslated regions in growth and differentiationQ36770883
Sporadic amplification of ID elements in rodents.Q36792809
Multiple imprinted sense and antisense transcripts, differential methylation and tandem repeats in a putative imprinting control region upstream of mouse Igf2.Q36820044
PCNA mRNA has a 3'UTR antisense to yellow crescent RNA and is localized in ascidian eggs and embryosQ36820259
Expression of small cytoplasmic transcripts of the rat identifier element in vivo and in cultured cellsQ36842088
Targeted cleavage of mRNA in vitro by RNase P from Escherichia coliQ36942383
Targeted cleavage of mRNA by human RNase PQ37173898
Expression of neural BC200 RNA in human tumours.Q55067326
The 5' repeat elements of the mouse Xist gene inhibit the transcription of X-linked genes.Q55317922
L1 family of repetitive DNA sequences in primates may be derived from a sequence encoding a reverse transcriptase-related proteinQ56905068
Tumour-suppressor activity of H19 RNAQ59071440
A mouse locus at which transcription from both DNA strands produces mRNAs complementary at their 3′ endsQ59092085
An imprinted antisense RNA overlaps UBE3A and a second maternally expressed transcriptQ60035843
Transactivation of the WT1 antisense promoter is unique to the WT1[+/−] isoformQ63722725
Roles for a promoter and RNA processing in the synthesis of mitochondrial displacement-loop strandsQ69052240
The rat gonadotropin-releasing hormone: SH locus: structure and hypothalamic expressionQ69100731
mRNA at the synapse: analysis of a synaptosomal preparation enriched in hippocampal dendritic spinesQ70473686
A non-AUG translational initiation event generates novel WT1 isoformsQ71058658
Oxidant-inducible adapt 15 RNA is associated with growth arrest- and DNA damage-inducible gadd153 and gadd45Q71097886
Transport of BC1 RNA in hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal axonsQ72098403
Transcription of rat mitochondrial NADH-dehydrogenase subunits. Presence of antisense and precursor RNA speciesQ72798659
XIST RNA associates with specific regions of the inactive X chromatinQ73006581
The single-stranded DNA- and RNA-binding proteins pur alpha and pur beta link BC1 RNA to microtubules through binding to the dendrite-targeting RNA motifsQ73080969
The Drosophila heat shock hsr-omega gene: an allele frequency cline detected by quantitative PCRQ73166545
Asymptomatic CTG expansion at the SCA8 locus is associated with cerebellar atrophy on MRIQ73258918
Molecular and clinical analyses of spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 in JapanQ73484197
The imprinted antisense RNA at the Igf2r locus overlaps but does not imprint Mas1Q73765902
Loss of imprinting of long QT intronic transcript 1 in colorectal cancerQ73843952
The 5'-proximal hairpin loop of lbi RNA is a key structural element in repression of D-galactan II biosynthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae serotype O1Q73873769
fhlA repression by OxyS RNA: kissing complex formation at two sites results in a stable antisense-target RNA complexQ74027600
SCA8 CTG repeat: en masse contractions in sperm and intergenerational sequence changes may play a role in reduced penetranceQ74222775
Identification of a negative regulatory DNA element for neuronal BC1 RNA expression by RNA polymerase IIIQ74291576
Xist and X chromosome inactivationQ77169854
RNA-assisted nuclear transport of the meiotic regulator Mei2p in fission yeastQ77431010
Global regulation by the small RNA-binding protein CsrA and the non-coding RNA molecule CsrBQ77442679
Regulation of the Wilms' tumour suppressor (WT1) gene by an antisense RNA: a link with genomic imprinting?Q77600644
Inhibition of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis by the expression of antisense gene of mitochondrial ATPase subunit 6(1).Q33180806
Identification of antisense transcripts of the chicken insulin-like growth factor-II geneQ33420550
Meiosis: MeiRNA hits the spotQ33533784
Small RNAs in Escherichia coli.Q33539353
The mitochondrial genome: structure, transcription, translation and replicationQ33540909
Characterization of two RNAs transcribed from the cis-regulatory region of the abd-A domain within the Drosophila bithorax complexQ33552365
The mouse surfeit locus contains a very tight cluster of four "housekeeping" genes that is conserved through evolutionQ33574777
Molecular evolutionary evidence that H19 mRNA is functionalQ33594319
X-chromosome inactivationQ33597274
Guided tours: from precursor snoRNA to functional snoRNP.Q33680763
Genomic imprinting in mammals: an interplay between chromatin and DNA methylation?Q33756068
Guilt by association: non-coding RNAs, chromosome-specific proteins and dosage compensation in DrosophilaQ33756087
The host gene for intronic U17 small nucleolar RNAs in mammals has no protein-coding potential and is a member of the 5'-terminal oligopyrimidine gene familyQ33775140
Opposite-strand RNAs from the 5' flanking region of the mouse dihydrofolate reductase geneQ37691264
Antisense globin RNA in mouse erythroid tissues: structure, origin, and possible functionQ37695547
Delocalization of Vg1 mRNA from the vegetal cortex in Xenopus oocytes after destruction of Xlsirt RNA.Q38305302
Identification of a novel bone morphogenetic protein-responsive gene that may function as a noncoding RNA.Q38336096
Identification and characterization of BC1 RNP particlesQ38355894
Control of neuronal gene expressionQ38494983
Identifier sequences are transcribed specifically in brain.Q38495843
Evidence for evolutionarily conserved secondary structure in the H19 tumor suppressor RNA.Q38703501
Allele-specific gene expression in mammals: the curious case of the imprinted RNAsQ40394401
dutA RNA functions as an untranslatable RNA in the development of Dictyostelium discoideum.Q40398114
A guanosine quadruplex and two stable hairpins flank a major cleavage site in insulin-like growth factor II mRNA.Q40410361
Antisense RNA control in bacteria, phages, and plasmidsQ40573014
Regulation and expression of a growth arrest-specific gene (gas5) during growth, differentiation, and developmentQ40655817
X chromosome inactivation and the Xist geneQ40672454
Genomic structure and localisation within a linkage hotspot of Disrupted In Schizophrenia 1, a gene disrupted by a translocation segregating with schizophrenia.Q40810638
Isolation and characterization of the promoter of the human prostate cancer-specific DD3 geneQ40855647
Upstream flanking sequences and transcription of SINEsQ40858224
Targeted disruption of the human LIT1 locus defines a putative imprinting control element playing an essential role in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeQ40859099
De novo deletions of SNRPN exon 1 in early human and mouse embryos result in a paternal to maternal imprint switchQ40881136
Developmentally regulated Xist promoter switch mediates initiation of X inactivation.Q41006195
Role of the region 3' to Xist exon 6 in the counting process of X-chromosome inactivationQ41025761
From acids to osmZ: multiple factors influence synthesis of the OmpF and OmpC porins in Escherichia coli.Q41113929
The human NTT gene: identification of a novel 17-kb noncoding nuclear RNA expressed in activated CD4+ T cellsQ41134232
Why is there no diploid overdose effect in Prader-Willi syndrome due to uniparental disomy?Q41167741
Tumor suppression by RNA from the 3' untranslated region of alpha-tropomyosinQ41508362
Repression of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Escherichia coli by an antisense RNA of Acetobacter methanolicus phage Acm1.Q41666371
Identification and characterization of G90, a novel mouse RNA that lacks an extensive open reading frameQ42601971
Evolutionary conservation of possible functional domains of the human and murine XIST genesQ42614368
Expression and imprinting status of human PEG8/IGF2AS, a paternally expressed antisense transcript from the IGF2 locus, in Wilms' tumorsQ42622362
The basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) antisense RNA (GFG) is translated into a MutT-related protein in vivoQ42631795
Noncoding RNA for CR20, a cytokinin-repressed gene of cucumberQ42647265
An imprinted mouse transcript homologous to the human imprinted in Prader-Willi syndrome (IPW) gene.Q42651675
A maternal RNA localized in the yellow crescent is segregated to the larval muscle cells during ascidian developmentQ42675663
P577publication date2002-01-01
P1433published inInternational Review of CytologyQ2687019
P1476titleNon-coding ribonucleic acids--a class of their own?

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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