Dissecting Arabidopsis lateral root development

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Dissecting Arabidopsis lateral root development is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID12711228

P50authorNeil GrahamQ30506329
Tom BeeckmanQ41880120
Malcolm BennettQ55464539
Rishikesh BhaleraoQ56483537
Ilda CasimiroQ114320561
P2093author name stringGoran Sandberg
Hanma Zhang
Pedro Casero
P2860cites workA gain-of-function mutation in IAA28 suppresses lateral root developmentQ28360367
Auxin transport promotes Arabidopsis lateral root initiationQ28361772
Localization of the auxin permease AUX1 suggests two functionally distinct hormone transport pathways operate in the Arabidopsis root apexQ28362209
The Arabidopsis thaliana ABC transporter AtMRP5 controls root development and stomata movementQ28362216
Role of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in regulating abundance of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Q29617346
Dual pathways for regulation of root branching by nitrateQ33333772
Pericycle cell proliferation and lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis.Q33335211
Early primordium morphogenesis during lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thalianaQ33336732
AUX1 promotes lateral root formation by facilitating indole-3-acetic acid distribution between sink and source tissues in the Arabidopsis seedlingQ33337026
Auxin-mediated cell cycle activation during early lateral root initiationQ33337778
An abscisic acid-sensitive checkpoint in lateral root development of ArabidopsisQ33338079
Control of root growth and development by cyclin expression.Q33367607
Mutation in theArabidopsis PASTICCINO1Gene, Which Encodes a New FK506-Binding Protein-Like Protein, Has a Dramatic Effect on Plant DevelopmentQ33368596
When plant cells decide to divide.Q34331500
Biosynthesis, conjugation, catabolism and homeostasis of indole-3-acetic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana.Q34660543
BIG: a calossin-like protein required for polar auxin transport in ArabidopsisQ35080357
The TIR1 protein of Arabidopsis functions in auxin response and is related to human SKP2 and yeast Grr1pQ35188352
TheArabidopsis HY5gene encodes a bZIP protein that regulates stimulus-induced development of root and hypocotylQ35196441
Identification of an SCF ubiquitin-ligase complex required for auxin response in Arabidopsis thalianaQ35200713
Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root developmentQ35208219
Regulation of cell division in plants: an Arabidopsis perspectiveQ41744140
The peri-cell-cycle in ArabidopsisQ43590675
Degradation of p27(Kip1) at the G(0)-G(1) transition mediated by a Skp2-independent ubiquitination pathwayQ43781438
Shoot-derived auxin is essential for early lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis seedlingsQ43885807
Harlequin (hlq) and short blue root (sbr), two Arabidopsis mutants that ectopically express an abscisic acid- and auxin-inducible transgenic carrot promoter and have pleiotropic effects on morphogenesisQ43991736
SINAT5 promotes ubiquitin-related degradation of NAC1 to attenuate auxin signalsQ44134058
Pasticcino2 is a protein tyrosine phosphatase-like involved in cell proliferation and differentiation in Arabidopsis.Q44242668
An Arabidopsis MADS box gene that controls nutrient-induced changes in root architectureQ48040733
DFL1, an auxin-responsive GH3 gene homologue, negatively regulates shoot cell elongation and lateral root formation, and positively regulates the light response of hypocotyl lengthQ48382243
Superroot, a recessive mutation in Arabidopsis, confers auxin overproduction.Q49167530
A new D-type cyclin of Arabidopsis thaliana expressed during lateral root primordia formationQ49170381
A pathway for lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thalianaQ52206327
The axr4 auxin-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana define a gene important for root gravitropism and lateral root initiationQ54181885
Environmental Regulation of Lateral Root Initiation in ArabidopsisQ56093276
Sur2 mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana define a new locus involved in the control of auxin homeostasisQ61861199
The Arabidopsis pxa1 Mutant Is Defective in an ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter-Like Protein Required for Peroxisomal Fatty Acid beta -OxidationQ62570501
Reduced naphthylphthalamic acid binding in the tir3 mutant of Arabidopsis is associated with a reduction in polar auxin transport and diverse morphological defectsQ73371566
Lateral root formation is blocked by a gain-of-function mutation in the SOLITARY-ROOT/IAA14 gene of ArabidopsisQ77683162
P577publication date2003-04-01
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inTrends in Plant ScienceQ15757515
P1476titleDissecting Arabidopsis lateral root development

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cites work (P2860)
Q99237670A Gain-of-Function Mutant of IAA15 Inhibits Lateral Root Development by Transcriptional Repression of LBD Genes in Arabidopsis
Q92767046A MAPK cascade downstream of IDA-HAE/HSL2 ligand-receptor pair in lateral root emergence
Q89902045A Novel Mechanism Underlying Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube-Triggered Tomato Lateral Root Formation: the Involvement of Nitric Oxide
Q38545734A fasciclin-like arabinogalactan-protein (FLA) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, fla1, shows defects in shoot regeneration
Q92718554A malectin domain kinesin functions in pollen and seed development in Arabidopsis
Q33356274A new role for glutathione in the regulation of root architecture linked to strigolactones.
Q28545777A novel pyrimidin-like plant activator stimulates plant disease resistance and promotes growth
Q38941579A plant microRNA regulates the adaptation of roots to drought stress.
Q46616096A role for auxin redistribution in the responses of the root system architecture to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis.
Q39588488A viral RNA silencing suppressor interferes with abscisic acid-mediated signalling and induces drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q92239775ABCG36/PEN3/PDR8 Is an Exporter of the Auxin Precursor, Indole-3-Butyric Acid, and Involved in Auxin-Controlled Development
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Q92971283Abscisic Acid Regulates Auxin Distribution to Mediate Maize Lateral Root Development Under Salt Stress
Q45957899Adventitious root formation in rice requires OsGNOM1 and is mediated by the OsPINs family.
Q56675293Albinism in Plants: A Major Bottleneck in Wide Hybridization, Androgenesis and Doubled Haploid Culture
Q33383203An auxin transport-based model of root branching in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q33347104Arabidopsis ASA1 is important for jasmonate-mediated regulation of auxin biosynthesis and transport during lateral root formation
Q53357332Arabidopsis N-MYC DOWNREGULATED-LIKE1, a positive regulator of auxin transport in a G protein-mediated pathway
Q43050611Arabidopsis RING E3 ligase XBAT32 regulates lateral root production through its role in ethylene biosynthesis
Q46856505Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism
Q35796862Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol monophosphate 5-kinase 2 is involved in root gravitropism through regulation of polar auxin transport by affecting the cycling of PIN proteins
Q33341711Arabidopsis thaliana Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinase 1 protein is present in sporophytic and gametophytic cells and undergoes endocytosis.
Q41855547Arabidopsis thaliana mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 is involved in seed formation and modulation of primary and lateral root development.
Q45353355ArabidopsisROP‐interactive CRIB motif‐containing protein 1 (RIC1) positively regulates auxin signalling and negatively regulates abscisic acid (ABA) signalling during root development
Q34334851Armadillo-related proteins promote lateral root development in Arabidopsis
Q33358568AtMYB93 is a novel negative regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis
Q51683861AtrbohD and AtrbohF negatively regulate lateral root development by changing the localized accumulation of superoxide in primary roots of Arabidopsis
Q61810329Auxin Modulated Initiation of Lateral Roots Is Linked to Pericycle Cell Length in Maize
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Q33354013Auxin and epigenetic regulation of SKP2B, an F-box that represses lateral root formation
Q50693768Auxin biosynthetic gene TAR2 is involved in low nitrogen-mediated reprogramming of root architecture in Arabidopsis.
Q53616814Auxin flow in anther filaments is critical for pollen grain development through regulating pollen mitosis
Q42101847Auxin immunolocalization implicates vesicular neurotransmitter-like mode of polar auxin transport in root apices
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Q36714769Auxin-mediated lateral root formation in higher plants
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Q35207030BnHO1, a haem oxygenase-1 gene from Brassica napus, is required for salinity and osmotic stress-induced lateral root formation
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Q38828717Cell wall properties play an important role in the emergence of lateral root primordia from the parent root
Q90417318Characterisation of the ERF102 to ERF105 genes of Arabidopsis thaliana and their role in the response to cold stress
Q43182566Characterization of drr1, an alkamide-resistant mutant of Arabidopsis, reveals an important role for small lipid amides in lateral root development and plant senescence.
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Q43223349Chitinase-like protein CTL1 plays a role in altering root system architecture in response to multiple environmental conditions.
Q54901594Cloning and characterization of auxin efflux carrier genes EcPIN1a and EcPIN1b from finger millet Eleusine coracana L.
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Q48190086Control of auxin-induced callus formation by bZIP59-LBD complex in Arabidopsis regeneration
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Q57496364Coumarin interacts with auxin polar transport to modify root system architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana
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Q48142667Crown rootless1, which is essential for crown root formation in rice, is a target of an AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR in auxin signaling
Q42476729Cytokinin regulation of auxin synthesis in Arabidopsis involves a homeostatic feedback loop regulated via auxin and cytokinin signal transduction
Q46861417Cytokinins act directly on lateral root founder cells to inhibit root initiation
Q46678543D-Root: a system for cultivating plants with the roots in darkness or under different light conditions
Q51473461DNA damage inhibits lateral root formation by up-regulating cytokinin biosynthesis genes in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Q50676137Developmental steps in acquiring competence for shoot development in Arabidopsis tissue culture
Q33344822Diarch symmetry of the vascular bundle in Arabidopsis root encompasses the pericycle and is reflected in distich lateral root initiation
Q33342553Differential roles of Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein subunits in modulating cell division in roots
Q34040823Distinct modes of adventitious rooting in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q61449804Draft Genome Analysis Offers Insights Into the Mechanism by Which WZS021 Increases Drought Tolerance in Sugarcane
Q89519094Early developmental plasticity of lateral roots in response to asymmetric water availability
Q82129616Ectopic expression of pumpkin gibberellin oxidases alters gibberellin biosynthesis and development of transgenic Arabidopsis plants
Q53162751Effects of three auxin-inducible LBD members on lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q46743892Elongation changes of exploratory and root hair systems induced by aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid and aminoethoxyvinylglycine affect nitrate uptake and BnNrt2.1 and BnNrt1.1 transporter gene expression in oilseed rape
Q50792784Endocytic Trafficking towards the Vacuole Plays a Key Role in the Auxin Receptor SCFTIR-Independent Mechanism of Lateral Root Formation in A. thaliana
Q38344611Environmental, developmental, and genetic factors controlling root system architecture
Q37082986Ethylene regulates lateral root formation and auxin transport in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q57295263Expression analysis of lncRNA AK370814 involved in the barley vitamin B6 salvage pathway under salinity
Q36729695Floral organ abscission peptide IDA and its HAE/HSL2 receptors control cell separation during lateral root emergence.
Q26830217Form matters: morphological aspects of lateral root development
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Q41953483Functional interpretation and structural insights of Arabidopsis lyrata cytochrome P450 CYP71A13 involved in auxin synthesis
Q53600467G-protein complex mutants are hypersensitive to abscisic acid regulation of germination and postgermination development
Q38946590Generation of active pools of abscisic acid revealed by in vivo imaging of water-stressed Arabidopsis
Q38630510Genetic control of root growth: from genes to networks.
Q33205472Genetic responses to phosphorus deficiency
Q84998254Genetic screening and analysis of <I>suppressors of asa1-1</I> (soa) defective in jasmonate-mediated lateral root formation in <I>Arabidopsis</I>
Q43114422Gibberellins regulate lateral root formation in Populus through interactions with auxin and other hormones.
Q33700379Glucose Attenuation of Auxin-Mediated Bimodality in Lateral Root Formation Is Partly Coupled by the Heterotrimeric G Protein Complex
Q31049534Growth and changes of endogenous hormones of mulberry roots in a simulated rocky desertification area.
Q42463673Growth rate distribution in the forming lateral root of arabidopsis
Q54404810Heme oxygenase is involved in cobalt chloride-induced lateral root development in tomato
Q41991707Heuristic aspect of the lateral root initiation index: A case study of the role of nitric oxide in root branching
Q33690483Histological characterization of the lateral root primordium development in rice
Q39033834Hormonal control of root development on epiphyllous plantlets of Bryophyllum (Kalanchoe) marnierianum: role of auxin and ethylene
Q37316690Hormone interactions during lateral root formation
Q47110933Hydrogen Gas Is Involved in Auxin-Induced Lateral Root Formation by Modulating Nitric Oxide Synthesis
Q41463267Hydrogen Peroxide Is Involved in β-Cyclodextrin-hemin Complex-Induced Lateral Root Formation in Tomato Seedlings
Q50084662Hydrogen peroxide acts downstream of melatonin to induce lateral root formation
Q42377408Hydrogen peroxide is involved in hydrogen sulfide-induced lateral root formation in tomato seedlings
Q26853517Hypocotyl adventitious root organogenesis differs from lateral root development
Q64935560Hypoxia and the group VII ethylene response transcription factor HRE2 promote adventitious root elongation in Arabidopsis.
Q44664135IBR5, a dual-specificity phosphatase-like protein modulating auxin and abscisic acid responsiveness in Arabidopsis
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Q33578911Identification of an ABCB/P-glycoprotein-specific inhibitor of auxin transport by chemical genomics
Q39608127Identification of drought tolerance determinants by genetic analysis of root response to drought stress and abscisic Acid.
Q34587385Identification of quantitative trait loci that regulate Arabidopsis root system size and plasticity
Q36523000Integration of abscisic acid signalling into plant responses
Q45372127Interaction between HY1 and H2O2 in auxin-induced lateral root formation in Arabidopsis
Q48211905Interaction between glucose and brassinosteroid during the regulation of lateral root development in Arabidopsis
Q64277242Interplay of Auxin and Cytokinin in Lateral Root Development
Q36195888Intrinsic and environmental response pathways that regulate root system architecture
Q52837720Involvement of G1-to-S transition and AhAUX-dependent auxin transport in abscisic acid-induced inhibition of lateral root primodia initiation in Arachis hypogaea L
Q38059224Involvement of auxin pathways in modulating root architecture during beneficial plant-microorganism interactions.
Q44712103Involvement of lignin and hormones in the response of woody poplar taproots to mechanical stress.
Q46617679Knockdown of CELL DIVISION CYCLE16 reveals an inverse relationship between lateral root and nodule numbers and a link to auxin in Medicago truncatula
Q61804847LBD16 and LBD18 acting downstream of ARF7 and ARF19 are involved in adventitious root formation in Arabidopsis
Q51927313LBD18/ASL20 regulates lateral root formation in combination with LBD16/ASL18 downstream of ARF7 and ARF19 in Arabidopsis
Q36050720LBD29 regulates the cell cycle progression in response to auxin during lateral root formation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q64058989Lateral Root Initiation in the Parental Root Meristem of Cucurbits: Old Players in a New Position
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Q52570035Lateral root initiation and formation within the parental root meristem of Cucurbita pepo: is auxin a key player?
Q41768957Lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis: developmental window, spatial patterning, density and predictability.
Q33342668Lateral root initiation or the birth of a new meristem
Q51826667Localized iron supply triggers lateral root elongation in Arabidopsis by altering the AUX1-mediated auxin distribution.
Q38320435MDR-like ABC transporter AtPGP4 is involved in auxin-mediated lateral root and root hair development
Q34019592Mechanical stimuli modulate lateral root organogenesis
Q35253055MiR393 regulation of auxin signaling and redox-related components during acclimation to salinity in Arabidopsis
Q31147640MicroRNA166 controls root and nodule development in Medicago truncatula.
Q37878991MicroRNAs as regulators of root development and architecture.
Q39598458Mitochondrial respiratory pathways modulate nitrate sensing and nitrogen-dependent regulation of plant architecture in Nicotiana sylvestris
Q42563585Modeling Root Zone Effects on Preferred Pathways for the Passive Transport of Ions and Water in Plant Roots
Q33353664Modeling a cortical auxin maximum for nodulation: different signatures of potential strategies
Q50869029Modulation of ethylene biosynthesis by ACC and AIB reveals a structural and functional relationship between the K15NO3 uptake rate and root absorbing surfaces
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Q57496345Morphological and physiological effects of trans-cinnamic acid and its hydroxylated derivatives on maize root types
Q51886554Multiple facets of Arabidopsis seedling development require indole-3-butyric acid-derived auxin
Q51513934Multiscale modelling of auxin transport in the plant-root elongation zone
Q39471934Nitrate Controls Root Development through Posttranscriptional Regulation of the NRT1.1/NPF6.3 Transporter/Sensor
Q82851067Nitric oxide mediates humic acids-induced root development and plasma membrane H+-ATPase activation
Q44723687Nitric oxide plays a central role in determining lateral root development in tomato
Q33649442Omics and modelling approaches for understanding regulation of asymmetric cell divisions in arabidopsis and other angiosperm plants
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Q36492129Organic substances in xylem sap delivered to above-ground organs by the roots
Q50237669OsORC3 is required for lateral root development in rice
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Q46911577P-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid impairs auxin response for gravity-regulated peg formation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings
Q50457007PHYTOCHROME AND FLOWERING TIME1/MEDIATOR25 Regulates Lateral Root Formation via Auxin Signaling in Arabidopsis
Q38241805Phenotypic plasticity of the maize root system in response to heterogeneous nitrogen availability
Q51943993Phosphate availability alters lateral root development in Arabidopsis by modulating auxin sensitivity via a mechanism involving the TIR1 auxin receptor
Q33350187Physiological effects of the synthetic strigolactone analog GR24 on root system architecture in Arabidopsis: another belowground role for strigolactones?
Q35991080Plant G proteins, phytohormones, and plasticity: three questions and a speculation
Q50977186Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases regulate cell division and development in Arabidopsis roots
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Q33353759Principal growth directions in development of the lateral root in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q56027549Quantitative trait loci controlling root growth and architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana confirmed by heterogeneous inbred family
Q33801141Rational association of genes with traits using a genome-scale gene network for Arabidopsis thaliana
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Q33356556Regulation of Arabidopsis root development by small signaling peptides
Q42426811Regulation of tomato lateral root development by carbon monoxide and involvement in auxin and nitric oxide
Q38886701Repression of early lateral root initiation events by transient water deficit in barley and maize
Q91741513Reprogramming of Cell Fate During Root Regeneration by Transcriptional and Epigenetic Networks
Q33340005Rescue of defective auxin-mediated gene expression and root meristem function by inhibition of ethylene signalling in sterol biosynthesis mutants of Arabidopsis.
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Q33342096Role of cytokinin and auxin in shaping root architecture: regulating vascular differentiation, lateral root initiation, root apical dominance and root gravitropism
Q33340262Roles for Class III HD-Zip and KANADI genes in Arabidopsis root development
Q35157060Root apoplastic barriers block Na+ transport to shoots in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q38117098Root branching: mechanisms, robustness, and plasticity
Q46294793Root system architecture in Arabidopsis grown in culture is regulated by sucrose uptake in the aerial tissues
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Q39587511Root-Specific Reduction of Cytokinin Causes Enhanced Root Growth, Drought Tolerance, and Leaf Mineral Enrichment in Arabidopsis and Tobacco
Q33344878SKP2A, an F-box protein that regulates cell division, is degraded via the ubiquitin pathway
Q37798346Sending mixed messages: auxin-cytokinin crosstalk in roots
Q51890871Serotonin, a tryptophan-derived signal conserved in plants and animals, regulates root system architecture probably acting as a natural auxin inhibitor in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q33350021Short-Root regulates primary, lateral, and adventitious root development in Arabidopsis
Q33340986Sites and regulation of auxin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis roots
Q33347504Spatiotemporal aspect of cytokinin-auxin interaction in hormonal regulation of the root meristem
Q57806484Strigolactones affect lateral root formation and root-hair elongation in Arabidopsis
Q28484055Structural and functional characterization of the protein kinase Mps1 in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q26851168Systems approaches to study root architecture dynamics
Q34477241The ABC of auxin transport: the role of p-glycoproteins in plant development
Q51887688The Arabidopsis D-type cyclin CYCD2;1 and the inhibitor ICK2/KRP2 modulate auxin-induced lateral root formation.
Q35625484The Arabidopsis cell division cycle.
Q80735875The Arabidopsis transcription factor MYB77 modulates auxin signal transduction
Q33348368The D-type cyclin CYCD4;1 modulates lateral root density in Arabidopsis by affecting the basal meristem region
Q58765994The Dead Can Nurture: Novel Insights into the Function of Dead Organs Enclosing Embryos
Q43189800The E2FC-DPB Transcription Factor Controls Cell Division, Endoreplication and Lateral Root Formation in a SCF-Dependent Manner
Q46886502The Emerging Role of Reactive Oxygen Species Signaling during Lateral Root Development
Q33347449The MYB96 transcription factor mediates abscisic acid signaling during drought stress response in Arabidopsis
Q57837872The Medicago truncatula CRE1 cytokinin receptor regulates lateral root development and early symbiotic interaction with Sinorhizobium meliloti
Q48083163The POLARIS peptide of Arabidopsis regulates auxin transport and root growth via effects on ethylene signaling
Q57209449The auxin influx carrier LAX3 promotes lateral root emergence
Q61861132The auxin-signaling pathway is required for the lateral root response of Arabidopsis to the rhizobacterium Phyllobacterium brassicacearum
Q33343079The balance between cell division and endoreplication depends on E2FC-DPB, transcription factors regulated by the ubiquitin-SCFSKP2A pathway in Arabidopsis
Q33293377The circadian clock regulates auxin signaling and responses in Arabidopsis
Q33664127The dead, hardened floral bracts of dispersal units of wild wheat function as storage for active hydrolases and in enhancing seedling vigor.
Q95826581The ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor stimulates lateral root formation in poplar and Arabidopsis through auxin transport and signaling
Q38555506The effects of redox controls mediated by glutathione peroxidases on root architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q34015888The putative high-affinity nitrate transporter NRT2.1 represses lateral root initiation in response to nutritional cues.
Q37612725The role of microbial signals in plant growth and development
Q42927380The soybean root-specific protein kinase GmWNK1 regulates stress-responsive ABA signaling on the root system architecture
Q33349602The tensor-based model for growth and cell divisions of the root apex. II. Lateral root formation
Q33364272The transcription factor OBP4 controls root growth and promotes callus formation
Q44853492The transparent testa4 mutation prevents flavonoid synthesis and alters auxin transport and the response of Arabidopsis roots to gravity and light
Q33359878The yin-yang of hormones: cytokinin and auxin interactions in plant development
Q37733183To what extent may changes in the root system architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under contrasted homogenous nitrogen regimes be explained by changes in carbon supply? A modelling approach
Q37416473Transcript profiling of early lateral root initiation
Q33296432Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of pericycle cells of the maize primary root
Q81639101Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. To be in the right place at the right moment during nodule development
Q50751005Unraveling root developmental programs initiated by beneficial Pseudomonas spp. bacteria
Q35632189Variation in Adult Plant Phenotypes and Partitioning among Seed and Stem-Borne Roots across Brachypodium distachyon Accessions to Exploit in Breeding Cereals for Well-Watered and Drought Environments.
Q35268673Variation in virus symptom development and root architecture attributes at the onset of storage root initiation in 'beauregard' sweetpotato plants grown with or without nitrogen
Q38980128Water Deficit Enhances C Export to the Roots in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants with Contribution of Sucrose Transporters in Both Shoot and Roots
Q42490599Water supply and not nitrate concentration determines primary root growth in Arabidopsis.
Q44397808dhm1, an Arabidopsis mutant with increased sensitivity to alkamides shows tumorous shoot development and enhanced lateral root formation
Q43709167nip, a symbiotic Medicago truncatula mutant that forms root nodules with aberrant infection threads and plant defense-like response
Q86079399β-Cyclodextrin-hemin complex-induced lateral root formation in tomato: involvement of nitric oxide and heme oxygenase 1

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